Travel & Tourism Brief Definitions

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AS Travel and Tourism Glossary


GCE AS Travel and Tourism Glossary of terms

Access Being able to use facilities and enjoy attractions

Accessibility The easiness of reaching a place

Accommodation Assortment of places for tourists to stay in

Activity holidays Participating in energetic leisure pursuits as the basis of a holiday

Adventure tourism Physically challenging form of activity holiday

Airline Flight company which may be of the traditional or the 'no-frills' type

Air Miles Air travel loyalty scheme

All-inclusive Meals, drinks, entertainment and all other services included in price with accommodation and flight

Amenities Services used by the tourist within a facility

Ancillary services Optional extras to a package holiday

Après-ski Entertainment after a day's skiing


Appeal Attractiveness which pulls visitors in to a destination

A O N B British area of scenic countryside

Attraction Natural or built feature which interests and draws in visitors

Availability Hours of opening or times when a service is provided

Balance of Payments Difference between a country's earnings and expenditure on trade

Bali bombings Terrorist attack on Indonesian holiday island in October 2002

Blue Badge Qualification for tour guiding

Blue Flag beaches Award given to area of biologically clean shoreline

Budget Airlines Cost-cutting airline selling seats at affordable prices

Business environment Background in which travel and tourism organisations operate

Business facilities Services and amenities used for commerce while away from normal workplace

Business travel Travelling to and being away from normal place of work while engaged on business


Caribbean Central American region of tropical islands economically dependent on tourism

Catering facilities Places where tourists obtain food and drink

Chain of Distribution How travel and tourism product reaches the customer.

Channel Tunnel/ Eurotunnel Rail tunnel beneath the English Channel

Charter Flight booked by tour operator for package holidaymakers

Christmas markets Christmas-themed retail event held in weeks leading up to 25 December

City Break 2- or 3-day holiday in historic or other city with tourist appeal

Climate Average pattern of rainfall and temperature during the year

Climatic change Global weather changes brought about by the greenhouse effect

Commercial Where profit is the objective

Commercialised Spoiled by the activities and effects of making money.

Component Category of travel and tourism


Conferences Large assembly of business people to attend presentations by speakers

Conflict Clash of interests

Consumer needs Requirements of the customer

Consumer organisations Independent bodies working to obtain services of a high standard for customers

Corporate event Occasion to entertain guests of a business company

Costas Coastal regions of Spain

Cruise Holiday at sea making journey between ports

Cultural change Loss of traditional lifestyle because of tourism's influence

Cultural Tourism Interest in the way of life and art of a country

Customer expectations What customers anticipate and will be satisfied with

Demographics Age, gender, and population structure

Demonstration effect Tourism's influence upon a host destination's attitudes and way of life


Destinations Places that have appeal for tourists

Disability Temporary or long-term restriction in carrying out part of normal physical functions

Disposable income Amount of money available for personal expenditure

Diversification Producing more varied travel and tourism products

Domestic tourism UK residents taking holidays and making day trips within the UK

Drought Serious shortage of water after extended period of low rainfall

Early retirement Stopping work before normal retirement age of 60 or 65

Economic impacts Effects of travel and tourism upon jobs, income and wealth

Economies of Scale Savings gained because an organisation grows in size

Eco-tourism Holidays that allow visitors to experience areas in their true natural and cultural state

Educational tourism Participating in learning activities as basis of a holiday

En-route While in transit


Emerging destinations Places where recent increases in tourism have been rapid

Employment see Indirect Employment

Enterprises Commercial organisations aiming to make a profit

Entertainment Evening activities for tourists

Environmental impacts Effects of travel and tourism upon physical condition of places

E.U. The European Union

European Directive on Package Travel Regulation in EU countries to guarantee holiday travel

Eurozone Parts of the EU with Euro as the unit of currency

Event Temporary activity, spectacle or entertainment arranged for a given place and time

Exclusive Not available to most tourists

Excursion Day visit to place of interest

Exchange rates Value of a country's currency expressed in terms of other currencies

External pressures Unforeseen, often uncontrollable, circumstances


Facilities Places that provide for the needs of tourists

Factor Influence or controlling effect upon travel and tourism

Far East Increasingly popular long-haul destinations of south-east Asia

Fashions Changing styles and tastes in travel and tourism

Ferry Service transporting vehicles and passengers across water

Fly-cruise Holiday flying to the destination before joining a cruise ship

Fly-drive Holiday flying to the destination before hiring a car

Foot and Mouth disease Livestock disease

Franchise Right to use brand name of a well-known company and to sell its products

Gateway Point at which passengers enter a country

G.D.P. Measure of a country's wealth

Globalisation Transactions in goods and services carried out on a world scale


Government Local, national or international (such as the UN or EU) authority

Health and Safety Laws to protect employees and customers at places of work

Health risks Threats to a tourist's fitness and wellbeing

Health resort Destination specialising in physical restoration of the body

Heritage Legacy from the past

Historic destination Town, building, stately home, monument or other site of historic interest

Holiday Centres Purpose-built, predominantly self-catering accommodation sites

Host community Local inhabitants of a tourist destination

Hurricane Severe weather event with very strong winds

I A T A Society representing companies in the airline business

Impacts of Tourism Consequences, both harmful and beneficial

Inbound Tourism Number of overseas residents coming in to a country for tourism


Inclusive Tour see 'Package Tour'

Independent travel Self-researched and self-booked travel arrangements

Indirect and induced employment Extra jobs that are the knock-on effects of tourism

Industrial heritage Remains of the country's manufacturing and mining past

Information services Key marketing activity making customers aware of products

Infrastructure Network of essential services needed for travel and tourism

Intangible Cannot be touched or seen

Internal pressure Factors within a country that affect the success of tourism

Internet Electronic media with huge impact on travel and tourism industry

Invisible trade International selling of intangible services like tourism

Island hopping Visiting different islands in quick succession, as on a cruise

Last Minute Delaying booking a holiday in the hope that prices will fall

Leisure Time Time available for leisure pursuits including holidays


Location Geographical position

London bombings Terrorist attacks on London transport system on 7 July 2005

Long-haul More than five hours' flying time from the UK

Low season Months when tourism is at a minimum

Market Share Percentage of total sales taken by one organisation

Mass Tourism Leisure travel by large numbers of people making standardised trips

Media Method by which Information is communicated to the public

Medical Tourism Travelling to places abroad to obtain medical care

Mediterranean Southern European coastline and inland waters

Multinationals Major commercial firms that operate in more than one country

Multiples Travel agency companies with branches on high streets of almost every town in UK

Multiplier How money spent on tourism brings about increased spending in other sectors of the economy


National Parks Twelve protected landscape regions of England and Wales

National Tourist Boards Government-funded marketing organisations to increase inbound tourism

National Trails Long distance, off-road routeways for walking, cycling and horse riding through the countryside of Britain

National Trust Registered charity safeguarding the nation's countryside, coastline and heritage

Natural attractions Landscape features - not created by people - which appeal to tourists

Natural disasters Major destructive events caused by weather, earth movements, etc

Negative impacts Adverse consequences of travel and tourism

Non-standardised Specially-made travel and tourism services meeting one-off requests

Occupancy Rate Percentage of rooms or seats that are occupied over a measured time period

Oil Fuel source for air, rail, road and ferry travel

On-line booking Using the Internet to reserve a plane seat or hotel room in advance


Outbound Tourism UK residents taking holidays, making business trips or visiting friends and relations outside the UK

Overheads Fixed expenses of a business

Package Tour Elements of a holiday, at least the journey and accommodation, pre-arranged by a tour operator

Paid holiday entitlement Right to take a number of days as holiday with pay

Park and Ride Traffic reduction scheme particularly used by historic towns

Partnership Joint project between the private and non-commercial sectors to develop tourism

Passenger miles Way of measuring amounts of travel

Perishable Cannot be kept back for later use

Planning How national and local authorities manage the growth of travel & tourism

Political Factors Government policy having an influential effect upon travel & tourism

Port Harbour where ferries and pleasure boats can berth

Positive impacts Favourable consequences of travel and tourism.


Pressure Group Faction seeking to influence public opinion and persuade the government of its own ideas

Pressures see "External Pressures"

Primary research Obtaining information which is being gathered for the first time

Principals Transport organisations

Private sector Commercial organisations that operate in order to make a profit

Product What a travel and tourism organisation offers and sells to its customers

Product launch Marketing exercise to make customers aware and keen to buy a tourism product

Promotional campaign Coordinated plan built around a theme to alert customers and make them interested in a purchase

Public sector Organisation administered by public bodies and governments, and funded through taxation

Purpose-built resort Destination created from scratch purely for the intention of tourism

Recession Period of time when a country's economic output and consumer spending falls


Regeneration Putting life back into the local economy

Regional Airport Small-scale airport that serves only one part of a country

Religious Tourism Seeking spiritual experience from visiting a sacred place; but also tourist interest in the culture of places

Rep Overseas representative of a tour operator company

Repeat customer Client returning to an organisation to buy its products again

Resort Town, city or other type of destination, which tourists primarily visit for its attractions

Responsible tourism Bringing under self-control the actions of tourists and businesses

Revenue The income that is earned by a travel and tourism organisation

Rural Countryside environment where outdoors recreational tourism occurs

Safari A guided tour with the objective of finding animals

S A R S Illness (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)


Scale Visitor numbers, amount of employment and wealth created by tourism

Seaside resort Coastal holiday town

Seasonality Effect of fluctuating demand on patterns of tourism during the year

Secondary source Finding and analysing data that has already been gathered before

Sectors Alternative term for components of the travel and tourism industry

Security Measures to protect tourists from harm inflicted by other people

Self-packaging Making own travel arrangements for a holiday

September 11 Terrorist outrage

Short break Small holiday lasting more than one day but less than a week

Short-haul Less than five hours' flying time from the UK

Shoulder season Period of medium demand on either side of the peak holiday season

Skiing Most popular of all winter sports


Social impacts Effects of travel and tourism upon people's lives

Socio-economic factor Influence or controlling effect upon travel and tourism

Special interest holiday Holiday where time is spent on a particular leisure interest

Spend The amount of money the average visitor pays out on holiday

Sports tourism Spectating or playing sports as the main holiday activity

Stakeholder Group or individual affected by the actions of a travel or tourism organisation

Standardised product Tourism product which is the same for every customer

StarUK Website offering research information on UK tourism

Sustainability Maintaining a used tourist place in good condition to prolong its present characteristics

Tailor-made holiday Personalised tour programming to meet customer's specific requirements

Technological factor Scientific development having influence upon travel & tourism

Terminal Start / end point of a public transport system


Theme Park Large, permanent outdoor attraction with entertaining diversions

Ticketless without issuing a voucher giving right to travel

Timeshare Right to occupy holiday property bought for only a stated period in the year

Time zones Large regions over which the clock time is everywhere the same

Topography Shape of the land surface

Tour Holiday or visit following a scheduled itinerary

Tour Operator Private sector company that organises inclusive tours

Tourism Activities of people travelling to and staying in places outside their usual home

Tourism Development Process of change in a tourist destination

Tourism for All Voluntary organisation lobbying on behalf of people with disabilities

Tourism Society Professional body for people studying or working in tourism


Tourist Person who travels to a destination spending at least one night away from home

Tourist-generating area Region that tourists come from

Tourist-receiving area Region that tourists visit

Tourist Board Public sector organisation promoting tourism and supporting local providers

Tourist Information Centre Point of contact to guide tourists about local provision

Trade Show Exhibition of products open to other business in the tourism industry

Traditional airline National airlines or 'majors'

Transfer Journey to link parts of the package tour

Transport Links Connections between routeways and different modes

Travel agency High street retailer selling travel and tourism products & services

Travel Foundation Independent U.K. charity lobbying the outbound travel industry to manage tourism more sustainably

Travel Guide Published book describing travel destinations


Travel time The duration of a journey

Tsunami Huge wave which killed a quarter of a million people on Boxing Day 2004

Two centre holiday Staying at two contrasting destinations during the time away

Upmarket Class of customers especially welcome because they spend more

VisitBritain Tourist board promoting Britain as a tourist destination to overseas and domestic markets

Visiting Friends and Relations Tourist trip staying with friends or relatives rather than in tourist accommodation

Visitor Centre Information source located at an attraction to enhance the visitor's stay

Visitor numbers The number of visitors to a destination over a period of time

Voluntary sector Non-government organisations not primarily aiming to make a profit

Winter Sports Physical activities depending on snow or ice conditions

Winter Sun Mediterranean or long-haul holiday taken between November and April


World Heritage Site Historic, cultural or natural feature of global importance

World Tourism Organisation Agency of the United Nations promoting responsible tourism

World Travel & Tourism Council World forum promoting the interests of travel and tourism businesses


Glossary of instructions used in AS examination questions

Analyse Break down into its separate parts, going on to make connections between those parts.

Annotate Add notes to a diagram or picture.

Assess Make your own judgement about a feature, by measuring its worth.

Comment on Write about a feature, deciding for yourself what are the important aspects to write about.

Compare Give both similarities and differences between two items

Define / explain the term Write a sentence to show the meaning of a term.

Describe Write what an item is like.

Discuss Look at both sides of an issue or problem, considering different viewpoints.

Evaluate Weigh up the strengths and weaknesses or the advantages and disadvantages.

Explain Make clear, usually giving the reasons why something happens.

Explain how Break down a process into simpler steps.

Identify Look through and pick out particular items.

Illustrate Give an example or examples of an item to make your meaning clearer.

Justify Give reasons that show why something is correct or support a choice you made.

List Write one-by-one a number of the features asked for.

Outline Write about a feature so that you give a simple picture of only its main points.


Name Write a single word by which a feature is called.

Produce Create or make.

Recommend Decide which in your opinion is the best or most suitable from a list of alternatives.

Refer to Include in your answer.

State Write carefully so that the exact feature stands out.

Suggest Give your own ideas, when there are a number of possible correct answers.

Summarise Write a brief overview that runs through the main points,