Treadmill: Attributing the Source of Server Tail Latency ... · indirectly through competing for...

Post on 03-Jun-2019

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Treadmill: Attributing the Source of Server Tail Latencythrough Precise Load Testing and Statistical Inference

Yunqi ZhangUniversity of

David MeisnerFacebook Inc.

Jason MarsUniversity of Michigan

Lingjia TangUniversity of

Abstract—Managing tail latency of requests has become oneof the primary challenges for large-scale Internet services. Datacenters are quickly evolving and service operators frequentlydesire to make changes to deployed software and hardwarefeatures. Such changes demand a confident understandingof the impact on one’s service, in particular its effect ontail latency (e.g., 95th- or 99th-percentile response latencyof the service). Evaluating the impact on the tail is chal-lenging because of its inherent variability. Existing tools andmethodologies for measuring these effects suffer from a numberof deficiencies including poor load tester design, statisticallyinaccurate aggregation, and improper attribution of effects. Asshown in the paper, these pitfalls can often result in misleadingconclusions.

In this paper, we develop a methodology for statisticallyrigorous performance evaluation for server workloads. First,we find that the design of the server load tester is critical toensuring quality results and empirically demonstrate the inac-curacy of load testers in previous work. Learning from theseflaws, we design and develop a modular load tester platform,Treadmill, that overcomes many pitfalls of existing tools.Next, utilizing Treadmill, we then construct measurementand analysis procedures that can properly attribute perfor-mance factors. We build on prior research in statistically-soundperformance evaluation and quantile regression, extending itto accommodate the idiosyncrasies of server systems. Finally,we use our augmented methodology to evaluate the utility ofcommon server hardware features with Facebook productionworkloads on production hardware. We decompose the effectsof these features on request tail latency and demonstratethat our evaluation methodology provides superior results,particularly in capturing complicated and counter-intuitiveperformance behaviors. By tuning the hardware features assuggested by the attribution, we reduce the 99th-percentilelatency by 43% and its variance by 93%.

Keywords-tail latency; load testing; data center;


Mitigating tail latency (i.e., high quantiles of the latencydistribution) is critical for quality of service in large-scaleInternet services [1]. High tail latency has been identifiedas one of the key challenges facing modern data centerdesign as it results in poor user experiences, particularly forinteractive services such as web search and social networks.These services are powered by clusters of machines whereina single request is distributed among a large number ofservers in a “fan-out” pattern. In such design, the overallperformance of such systems depends on the slowest re-sponding machine [2]. Recent work has sought to control

and understand these tail requests both at the individualserver and overall cluster level [3].

For data center operators, the capability of accuratelymeasuring tail latency without disrupting production systemis extremely important for a number of reasons. First, evalu-ating hardware configurations requires extensive testing andevaluation against existing workloads. Servers are typicallyacquired in large quantities (e.g., 1000s at a time), so it isimportant to choose the best design possible and accuratelyprovision resources. Second, it is necessary to be able tofaithfully measure performance effects without disruptingproduction systems. The high frequency of software andhardware changes makes it extremely hard, or impossible, toevaluate these changes in production, which can easily resultin user-visible incidents. Instead, it is desirable to understandthe impact of performance-critical decisions in a safe, butaccurate load testing environment.

Building such load testing environment for accurate taillatency measurement is particularly challenging. This isprimarily because there are significantly more systems andresources involved for large-scale Internet service workloads(e.g., the server-side software, the network connectitionsetc.) than traditional single-server workloads (e.g., SPECCPU2006, PARSEC). Although there have been several priorworks [4,5,6,7,8,9,10] trying to bridge this gap recently, theyhave fundamental pitfalls as we will show later in the paper.This is concerning because these tools are commonly used inresearch publications and their pitfalls may result in mislead-ing conclusions. In addition to academia, there is a lack ofsuch accurate tail latency measurement test bed in industry,which results in unnecessary resource over-provisioning [11]and unrecognized performance regressions [12].

Furthermore, to be able to control the tail latency ofthese Internet services, a faithful understanding of thesource of tail latency is required. These Internet ser-vices interact with a wide range of resources includ-ing operating system, network stack and server hard-ware that the ability of quantitatively attributing thesource of tail latency to individual resources is crit-ical yet challenging. Moreover, although a number ofprior works [13,14,15,16,3,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25] havestudied the impact of individual resource on the tail latency,many resources have complex interacting behaviors (for ex-ample, TurboBoost and DVFS scaling governor may interact

indirectly through competing for the thermal headroom)that cannot be captured in isolated studies. Note that thiscapability of identifying the source of tail latency relies onthe first aforementioned challenge. In other words, withoutan accurate measurement of the tail latency we will not beable to correctly attribute it to various sources.

In this paper, we first survey existing performance eval-uation methodologies used in the research community. Wehave identified a set of common pitfalls across these tools:

• Query inter-arrival generation - Load testing soft-ware is often written for software simplicity. We findcommonly used programming paradigms create an im-plicit queueing model that approximates a closed-loopsystem and systematically underestimates the tail la-tency. Instead, we demonstrate a precisely-timed open-loop load tester is necessary to properly exercise thequeueing behavior of the system.

• Statistical aggregation - Due to high request rates,sampling must be used to control the measurementoverhead. Online aggregation of these latency samplesmust be performed carefully. We find that singularstatistics (e.g., a point estimate of the 95th- or 99th-percentile latency) buries far too much detail; statichistograms used in other load testers also exhibit bias.

• Client-side queueing bias - Due to high throughputrates (100k - 1M requests per second) in many com-mercial systems, we demonstrate that multiple clientmachines must be used to test even a single server.Without lightly utilized clients, latency measurementsquickly begin to incorporate client-side queueing, there-fore biasing measurements.

• Performance “hysteresis” - We observe a phenomenonin which the estimated latency converges after collect-ing a sufficient amount of samples, but upon runningthe load test again, the test converges to a differentvalue. This is caused by changes in underlying systemstates such as the mapping of logical memory, threads,and connections to physical resources. We refer tothis as hysteresis because no reasonable amount ofadditional samples can make the two runs convergeto the same point. Instead we find experiments mustbe restarted multiple times and the converged valuesshould be aggregated.

Based on these insights, this paper proposes a systematicprocedure for accurate tail latency measurement, and detailsthe design choices that allow us to overcome the pitfallsof existing methodologies. The proposed procedure lever-ages multiple lightly-utilized instances of Treadmill, amodular software load tester, to avoid client-side queueingbias. The software architecture of Treadmill preservesproper request inter-arrival timings, and allows easy additionof new workloads without complicated software changes.Importantly, it properly aggregates the distributions acrossclients, and performs multiple independent experiments tomitigate the effects of performance hysteresis.

The precise measurement achieved by Treadmill en-ables the capability of identifying “where” the latency iscoming from. We build upon recent research in quantileregression [26], and attribute portions of the tail latency tovarious advanced hardware features. This allows us to unveilthe system “black box” and better understand the impact oftuning hardware configurations on tail latency. We performthis evaluation using Facebook production hardware runningtwo critical Facebook workloads: the pervasive key-valueserver Memcached and a recently-disclosed software routingsystem mcrouter [27]. Using our tail latency attribution pro-cedure, we are able to identify many counter-intuitive per-formance behaviors, including complex interactions amongdifferent hardware resources that cannot be captured by priorstudies of individual hardware features.

Finally, we demonstrate that we successfully capture 90%of performance variation in the system for mcrouter andover 95% for Memcached. By carefully tuning the hardwarefeatures as suggested by the attribution, we reduce the99th-percentile latency by 43% and the variance of 99th-percentile by 93%.

To summarize, this paper has three main contributions:• Survey of common pitfalls in existing load test-

ing methodology – We conduct a survey of existingmethodologies in related work, and present an empiricaldemonstration of their shortcomings. We classify theseflaws into four major principles for future practitioners.

• Accurate cluster-based performance evaluationmethodology – We present the design of a robustexperimental methodology, and a software load testingtool Treadmill, which we release as open-sourcesoftware1. Both properly fulfill the requirements of ourprinciples and are easily extensible for adoption.

• Attributing the source of tail latency – The highprecision measurements achieved by our methodologyenables the possibility of understanding the sourceof tail latency variance using quantile regression. Wesuccessfully attribute the majority of the variance toseveral advanced hardware features and the interactionsamong them. By carefully tuning the hardware con-figurations recommended by the attribution results, wesignificantly reduce the tail latency and its variance.


To understand the requirements of an evaluation test bed,we first survey existing methodologies and tools in priorwork. Many tools are available to study the performance ofserver-side software, including YCSB [4], Faban [28], Mu-tilate [29] and CloudSuite [6]. These tools have been widelyused in standard benchmark suites, including SPEC2010jEnterprise [30], SPEC2011 SIP-Infrastructure [31], Cloud-Suite [6] and BigDataBench [8], thereby many recentlypublished research projects.


Through studying these existing tools, we found severalcommon pitfalls. We categorize them into four major themesprovided below.

Table ISummary of load tester features.

YCSB Faban CloudSuite Mutilate TreadmillQuery Interarrival Generation 3 3Statistical Aggregation 3 3Client-side Queueing Bias 3 3 3Performance Hysteresis 3Generality 3 3 3

A. Query Inter-arrival Generation

0 5 10 15 20 25 30Number of Outstanding Requests










Closed-Loop w/12 Connections

Closed-Loop w/8 Connections

Closed-Loop w/4 Connections

Figure 1. Comparison of the number of outstanding requests betweenclosed-loop and open-loop controllers. The “Open-Loop” line shows thecumulative-distribution of the number of outstanding requests in an open-loop controlled system when running at 80% utilization. The “Closed-Loop”lines show the distribution of the number of outstanding requests in aclosed-loop controlled system with 4, 8 and 12 concurrent connectionsrespectively. The closed-loop controller significantly underestimates thenumber of outstanding requests in the system and therefore queueinglatency, which creates bias in tail latency measurement.

A performance evaluation test bed requires a load tester,a piece of software that issues requests to the server in acontrolled manner. A client machine will run the load testerwhich periodically constructs, sends and receives requests toachieve a desired throughput. There are 2 types of controlloops that are often employed to create these timings: open-loop control and closed-loop control [32]. The closed-loopcontroller has a feedback loop, where it only tries to sendanother request after the response to the previous request hasalready been received. In contrast, the open-loop controllersends requests at defined times regardless of the status ofthe responses. Almost all the modern data center server-sidesoftwares are built to handle open-loop setup, so that eachserver thread does not reject requests from clients while busyprocessing previous ones.

However, many load testers are implemented as closed-loop controller because of software simplicity, includingFaban, YCSB and Mutilate as we shown in Table I. Often,load is generated by using worker threads that block whenissuing network requests. The amount of load can then becontrolled by increasing or decreasing the amount of threadsin the load generator. Unfortunately, this pattern exactlyresembles a closed-loop controller; each thread representsexactly one potentially outstanding request.

500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000Latency (us)









Client 4

Client 3

Client 2

Client 1




Figure 2. Different latency distributions measured from multiple servers inthe a multi-client performance evaluation procedure, where the y-axis showsthe decomposition among servers as what percent of samples is contributedby each server. We can see from the figure that Client 1 dominates the highquantiles of the combined distribution thus bias the measurement, becauseit resides on a different rack than the other clients and the server.

Figure 1 demonstrates the impact of closed-loop andopen-loop design. For an open-loop design, the number ofoutstanding requests varies over time and follows the showndistribution. The high-quantiles of the distribution exhibit farmore outstanding requests (and therefore queueing latency)than a closed-loop design. Using a closed-loop design cansignificantly underestimate the request latency especially athigh quantiles. Therefore, we conclude that a open-loopdesign is required to properly exercise the queueing behaviorof the system.

B. Statistical AggregationDue to high request rates, load tester software needs

to perform at least some statistical aggregation of latencysamples to avoid the overhead of keeping large number ofsamples. We find that care must be taken in this process andtwo types of errors can occur.

First, it is important for load testers to keep an internalhistogram of latency that adapts over time. Those loadtesters that do maintain a histogram often make the mistakeof statically setting the histogram buckets. Non-adaptivehistogram binning will break when the server is highlyutilized, because the latency will keep increasing beforereaching the steady state thus exceeds the upper bound ofthe histogram.

Moreover, if the requests have distinct characteristics (e.g.,different request types, sent by different machines, etc.), weobserve that bias can occur due to improper statistical aggre-gation. For example, in Figure 2 we demonstrate a scenariowhere four clients are used to send requests to the sameMemcached server, and “Client 1” is on a different rackthan the other clients and the server. At each latency pointon the x-axis, the shaded regions represent the proportionof samples that come from one of the four clients. As thequantile gets higher, one can clearly see that most of thesamples are coming from “Client 1”. This bias is problematicbecause the performance estimate of the system becomes afunction of one single client. Instead, one should extractthe interested metrics (e.g., 99th-percentile latency) at eachclient individually, and aggregate them properly.

70.0% 75.0% 80.0% 85.0% 90.0% 95.0%Utilization





ncy Single-Client SetupServer-Side Latency

Client-Side Latency

Network Latency

70.0% 75.0% 80.0% 85.0% 90.0% 95.0%Utilization





ncy Multi-Client SetupServer-Side Latency

Client-Side Latency

Network Latency

Figure 3. Comparison between single-client and multi-client setups formeasuring request latency. In the single-client setup, the network and theclient have the same utilization as the server, which results in increasingqueueing delay when the server utilization increases. This will bias thelatency measurement, whereas in the multi-client setup the utilizations ofthe network and the client are kept low enough that they only add anapproximately constant latency.

C. Client-side Queueing BiasWhile operating a load tester, it is important to purely

measure the effects of server-side latency. For workloadswith long service times (e.g., complex MySQL queries),clients do not have to issue many requests to saturate theserver. However, for workloads like Memcached the requestrates on the clients and network themselves are quite high.This can lead to queueing effects in the clients and networkthemselves, thereby bias the latency measurements. YCSBand CloudSuite suffer from such bias due to their singleclient configuration as shown in Table I.

Figure 3 shows an example of how client and networkutilizations can bias latency measurements. In “Single-ClientSetup”, the client and the network have the same utilizationas the server. As one can see, the client-side latency and thenetwork latency grow as the server utilization increases, andrepresent a significant fraction of the end-to-end latency.

Working with many highly skilled software engineers atFacebook, we find that it is extremely challenging, if notimpossible, to design a single-client load tester that can fullysaturate the server without incurring significant client-sidequeueing for modern data center workloads that operate atmicrosecond-level latency. Instead, it is necessary to have amulti-client setup and have a sufficient number of machinessuch that the client-side and network latency is kept low.In “Multi-Client Setup”, we increase the number of clientmachines to minimize these biases. After this adjustment themajority of measured latency comes from the server.

D. Performance “Hysteresis”Through experimentation we find an usual behavior in

how estimates converge that we refer to as performance

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000Number of Samples (k)

















Run #0

Run #1

Run #2

Run #3


Figure 4. Variance exists regardless of a single run’s sample size. A singlerun exhibits a large variance for a small sample size (i.e., early in the run).With a sufficiently large sample size the estimate of 99th-percentile latencyconverges. However, empirically we find that each run can converge to adifferent value. Although the testing procedure of each run would yield atight confidence interval, the result of each run clearly varies significantly(15-67% variation from the average).

“hysteresis”. Figure 4 demonstrates that as more samplesare collected, the estimate of 99th-percentile latency beginsto converge to a singular value. However, if the server wasrestarted and another run was performed, the estimate canconverge to a different value.

In this case, the estimates have a large sample size andwe would have expected the “confidence” in each estimateto be high, but clearly there still exists variance acrossruns. In fact, the difference between these estimates andthe average is as high as 67%. This phenomenon meansthat one cannot achieve higher statistical accuracy simplyby “running for longer” and is similar to effects observedin STABILIZER [33]. Instead, it is necessary to restartthe entire procedure many times and aggregate the results.However, none of the existing load testers is robust enoughto handle this scenario as shown in Table I.


To overcome the four common pitfalls we find in existingmethodologies, we design and develop Treadmill, amodular software load tester (Section III-A), and a robustprocedure for tail latency measurement (Section III-B). Todemonstrate the effectiveness of our methodology, we thenevaluate it on real hardware (Section III-C).

A. Treadmill

Given the existing pitfalls in state-of-the-art load testertools, we decide to build our own load tester Treadmill.Specifically, the problems in existing tools are addressed bythe following design decisions.

• Query inter-arrival generation: To guarantee thequery inter-arrival generation can properly exercisequeueing behavior of the system, we implement anopen-loop controller. The control loop is preciselytimed to generate requests at an exponentially dis-tributed inter-arrival rate, which is consistent with themeasurements obtained from Google production clus-ters [1].

• Statistical aggregation: To provide high precisionstatistical aggregation, Treadmill goes through threephases during one execution: warm-up, calibration andmeasurement. During the warm-up phase, all measuredsamples are discarded. Next, we determine the lowerand upper bounds of the sample histogram bins in thecalibration phase. The calibration phase is useful toreduce the amount of information lost from transform-ing detailed latency samples into a histogram. Finally,Treadmill begins to collect samples until the end ofexecution. Histograms are used to reduce the storageand performance overhead, and are re-binned whensufficient amount of values exceed the histogram limits.

• Client-side queueing bias: To avoid client-side queue-ing bias, we use wangle [34], which provides inlineexecution of the callback function, to ensure that theresponse callback logic is executed immediately whenthe response is available. In addition, we highly opti-mize for performance (e.g., lock-free implementation),which indirectly reduces the client-side queueing biasby keeping the clients at low utilization.

Furthermore, we also optimize for generality, making iteasy to extend Treadmill to new workloads. Moreover,Treadmill is also able to reproduce configurable work-load characteristics.

• Generality: We also optimize for generality, tominimizes the amount of effort required to ex-tend Treadmill to a new workloads. So far, wehave successfully integrated Treadmill with Mem-cached [35], TAO [36], mcrouter [27], Thrift [37]and many other internal services at Facebook. Eachintegration takes less than 200 lines of code.

• Configurable workload: It has been demonstrated inprior work [38] that workload characteristics (e.g., theratio between GET and SET requests in Memcached)can have a big impact on the system performance.Therefore, being able to evaluate the system againstvarious workload characteristics can improve the ac-curacy of measurement. To do so, a JSON formattedconfiguration file can be used to describe the workloadcharacteristics and fed into Treadmill.

B. Tail Latency Measurement Procedure

Treadmill provides highly accurate measurement evenat high quantiles. However, as we illustrated in Figure 3,multiple clients are needed to avoid client-side queueingbias for testing high throughput workloads like Memcached.Therefore, we developed a methodology leverages multipleTreadmill instances to perform load testing for suchworkloads.

To measure the tail latency, multiple instances ofTreadmill are used to send requests to the same server,where each instance sends a fraction of the desired through-put. Then the same experiment is repeated multiple times,and the measurements from each experiment is aggregated

together to get a converged estimate. Particularly, We makethe following design decisions when designing this proce-dure.

• Statistical aggregation: First, we need to aggre-gate the statistics reported by multiple instances ofTreadmill in each experiment. In this process, thecommon practice that combines distributions obtainedfrom all Treadmill instances to a holistic distribu-tion and then extracts interested metrics (e.g., 99th-percentile latency) could be heavily biased by out-liers as we illustrated in Figure 2. Instead, we firstcompute the interested metrics from each individualTreadmill instance, and then combine them byapplying aggregation functions (e.g., mean, median) onthese metrics.

• Client-side queueing bias: By leveraging multipleinstances of Treadmill, that each of them is highlyperforming, we can keep all the clients under lowutilization thus prevent the measurement from client-side queueing bias.

• Performance hysteresis: To avoid performance hys-teresis, Gym takes multiple measurements by repeat-ing the same experiment multiple times. After eachexperiment, we record the collected measurement andrepeat this procedure until the mean of the collectedthe measurements has already converged.

C. Evaluation

In this section, we evaluate the accuracy of the taillatency measurement obtained from Treadmill. We fo-cus on Memcached [39] due to its popularity in bothindustry [40,35] and academia [41,42,43,44,45,46], as wellas its stringent performance needs. Besides Treadmill,we also deploy two other recently published load testersCloudSuite [6] and Mutilate [29] for comparison.

To set them up, we explicitly follow the instructions theypublish online. Specifically, 1 machine is used for runningMemcached server, and 1 machine is used for the load testerfrom CloudSuite. Mutilate runs on 8 “agent” clients and 1“master” client as suggested in the instructions, and alsosends requests to 1 Memcached server. For Treadmill,we also use 8 clients in order to compare against Mutilatewith the same amount of resource usage. Table II shows thehardware specifications of the system under test, which isused for all experiments in this paper.

Table IIHardware specification of the system under test.

SpecificationProcessor Intel Xeon E5-2660 v2

DRAM 144GB @ 1333MHzEthernet 10GbE Mellanox MT27500 ConnectX-3

Kernel Version 3.10

When setting up these load testers, we also start a tcp-dump process on the load test machines to measure the

0 50 100 150 200 250Latency (us)












P99 CloudSuite

P99 tcpdump

0 50 100 150 200 250Latency (us)












P99 Mutilate

P99 tcpdump

0 50 100 150 200 250Latency (us)












P99 Treadmill

P99 tcpdump

Figure 5. Latency distributions measured by CloudSuite, Mutilate andTreadmill at 10% server utilization, in which only Treadmill ac-curately captures the ground truth distribution measured by tcpdump.CloudSuite heavily overestimates the tail latency due to client-side queueingdelay, and Mutilate also overestimates the tail latency and fail to capture theshape of the ground truth distribution. In contrast, Treadmill preciselycaptures the shape of ground truth distribution and maintains a constant gapto the tcpdump curve even at high quantiles. Note the gap between tcpdumpmeasurement and load tester measurement is expected due to kernel spaceinterrupt handling as we explain in the experimental setup.

ground truth latency distribution. Tcpdump provides a goodground truth measurement because it measures the latency atnetwork-level, thus eliminates potential client-side queueingdelay. The tcpdump process is pinned on an idle physicalcore to avoid possible probe effect.

Tcpdump records the timestamps that request and re-sponse packets flow through the network interface card(NIC). By matching the sequence IDs of the packets, wecan map each request to its corresponding response andcalculate the time difference between the two timestampsas the ground truth latency in our evaluation. However, thisground truth latency is expected to be lower than the one thatthe load testers measure, because the timestamps tcpdumpreports are taken when the network packets arrive the NIC.Certain amount of time is spent in kernel space to handle thenetwork interrupts before the packets reach the user code,where these load testers reside.

1) Measurement under 10% Utilization: In the first ex-periment, we use the three load testers to send 100k requestsper second (RPS) to the Memcached server. This translatesto 10% CPU utilization on the server. We modified all threeload testers to report the entire latency distribution at the endof execution as shown in Figure 5, in which the tcpdumpcurve shows the latency distribution measured by tcpdumpas ground truth. The 99th-percentile latency measured byeach tool is plotted in the figure with the dashed line.

As shown in Figure 5, CloudSuite measures a drastically

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600Latency (us)











P99 Mutilate

P99 tcpdump

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600Latency (us)











P99 Treadmill

P99 tcpdump

Figure 6. Latency distributions measured by Mutilate and Treadmillat 80% CPU utilization, where the ground truth tail latency measuredby tcpdump is underestimated in the Mutilate experiment due to closed-loop controller. CloudSuite is not efficient enough to saturate the serverat such high utilization because it runs a single client, thus not shown inthe figure. As we illustrated in Figure 1, Mutilate, which runs a closed-loop controller, limits the maximum number of outstanding requests thusunderestimates the ground truth tail latency. However, Treadmill is stillable to precisely measure even the high percentile latency, and the expectedgap between Treadmill and tcpdump remains the same (30µs) as duringlow utilization shown in Figure 5.

higher tail latency (99th-percentile latency is higher than250µs thus not shown in the figure), because of heavyclient-side queueing bias. This is due to the fact that itruns a single client to generate the load. Although Mutilateleverages 8 clients, it still fails to capture the shape of theground truth latency distribution, and overestimates the taillatency. Due to the improper query inter-arrival generation,we notice that the ground truth latency distribution measuredin Mutilate experiment is different from the ones measuredin CloudSuite and Treadmill experiments. In contrast,Treadmill precisely captures the shape of the groundtruth latency measurement, thus achieves highly accuratemeasurements. There is a fixed offset between the thetcpdump and Treadmill curves, due to the expectedcomputation spent in kernel space for interrupt handling.

2) Measurement under 80% Utilization: Similarly, weconstruct another experiment with these three load testersto send 800k requests per second (RPS) to one Memcachedserver, which runs at 80% CPU utilization. In this experi-ment, we find that CloudSuite is not efficient enough to sendthis many requests because of the performance limitationof a single client; we only report the measurements fromMutilate and Treadmill in Figure 6.

Similar to the previous experiment, the measured groundtruth latency distributions from Mutilate experiment andTreadmill experiment are drastically different, especiallyat high quantile. This is due to the fact that tcpdumpmeasures the ground truth driven by the control loopof the load tester. Mutilate runs a closed-loop controller,which artificially limits the maximum number of outstandingrequests as we illustrated in Figure 1, therefore heavilyunderestimates the 99th-percentile latency by more than

2×. Open-loop controller does a much better job properlyexercising the queueing behavior of the system, becausethe number of outstanding requests is not limited, whichreassembles a realistic setting in production environment.Although the implementation of Mutilate overestimates thetail latency from the “ground truth”, the 99th-percentilelatency measured by Mutilate is still underestimated. Notethat Treadmill still maintains a fixed offset to the groundtruth latency distribution measured by tcpdump, and theoffset is exactly the same (30µs) as during low utilizationshown in Figure 5.

In conclusion, CloudSuite suffers from heavy client-sidequeueing bias, and Mutilate cannot properly exercise thequeueing behavior of the system due to the closed-loopcontroller, whereas Treadmill precisely measures the taillatency even at high utilization.


With sufficient amount of samples, Treadmill is able toobtain accurate latency measurements even at high quantiles.However, we sometimes find the measured latency from eachrun converges to a different value as shown in Figure 4.This suggests that the systems or the states of the systemwe measure is changing across runs, which may also happenin production environment if we do not have a technique tocarefully control it. In this section, we analyze this varianceof tail latency using a recently developed statistical inferencetechnique, quantile regression [26], and attribute the sourceof variance to various factors.

A. Quantile Regression

To analyze the observed variance in a response variable,analysis of variance (ANOVA) is often used to partition thevariance and attribute it to different explanatory variables.However, the classic ANOVA technique assumes normallydistributed residuals and equality of variances, which hasbeen demonstrated unsuitable by prior work [47] for manycomputer system problems due to the common presenceof non-normally distributed data. In addition, ANOVA canonly attribute the variance of the sample means. In contrast,quantile regression [26] is a technique proposed to attributethe impact of various factors on any given quantiles, whichdoes not make any assumption on the distribution of theunderlying data. Therefore, quantile regression is particu-larly suitable for our purpose of analyzing the sources thatcontribute to the tail latency.

Similarly to ANOVA, quantile regression takes a numberof samples as its input, where each sample includes aset of explanatory variables xi and a response variabley. The response variable is expected to vary dependingon the explanatory variables. Quantile regression producesestimates of coefficients ci that minimizes the predictionerror on a particular quantile τ for given X as shownin Equation 1. In addition to individual explanatory vari-ables, it can also model the interactions among them by

including their products (e.g., c12(τ)x1x2 in Equation 1). Ituses numerical optimization algorithm to minimize a lossfunction, which assigns a weight τ to underestimated errorsand (1− τ) to overestimated ones for τ -th quantile, insteadof minimizing the squared error in ANOVA.

Qy(τ |X) =c0(τ) + c1(τ)x1 + c2(τ)x2 + · · ·+c12(τ)x1x2 + c13(τ)x1x3 + · · ·+. . .


In this case, we design the response variable to be a partic-ular quantile (e.g., 99th-percentile) of the latency distributionand the explanatory variables to be a set of factors that wesuspect to have impact on the latency distribution.

B. Factor Selection

First of all, we need to identify the potential factors thatmay affect the tail latency. We list all the factors we suspectto have an impact on the tail latency. Then we use nullhypothesis testing on a large number of samples collectedfrom repeated experiments under random permutations of allthe factors, to identify the factors that actually have impacton the tail latency. Although the factors may vary dependingon the workload and the experimental environment, we finda list of factors consistently affecting the tail latency acrossvarious workloads we have experimented with.

• NUMA Control: The control policy for non-uniformmemory access (NUMA), which determines the mem-ory node(s) to allocate for data. The same-node policyprefers to allocate memory on the same node until itcannot be allocated anymore, whereas the interleavepolicy uses round robin among all nodes.

• Turbo Boost: Frequency up-scaling feature is imple-mented on many modern processors, where the fre-quency headroom heavily depends on the dynamicpower and thermal status. The scaling management al-gorithm is implemented in processor’s hardware powercontrol unit, and it is not clear how it will impact thetail latency quantitatively.

• DVFS Governor: Dynamic voltage frequency scalingallows the operating system to up-scale the CPU fre-quency to boost performance and down-scale to savepower dynamically. In this section, we study two com-monly used governors including performance (alwaysoperating at the highest frequency) and ondemand(scaling up the frequency only when utilization is high).

• NIC Affinity: The hardware network interface card(NIC) uses receive side scaling (RSS) to route the net-work packets to different cores for interrupt handling.The routing algorithm is usually implemented through ahashing function computed from the packet header. Forexample, the NIC on our machine (shown in Table II)provides a 4-bit hashing value, which limits the numberof interrupt queues to 24 = 16. We study the impact of

Table IIIQuantile regression factors.

Factor Low-Level High-LevelNUMA Control (numa) same-node interleaveTurbo Boost (turbo) off onDVFS Governor (dvfs) ondemand performanceNIC Affinity (nic) same-node all-nodes

mapping all the interrupt queues to cores on the sameCPU socket, and evenly spread across the two sockets.

Therefore, we use a 2-level full factorial experimentdesign with the 4 factors listed above as shown in Table III.

In addition to the 4 factors listed above in isolation, wealso model the interactions among combinations of them,because they might not necessarily be independent fromeach other. For example, the impact of DVFS governor maydepend on Turbo Boost because they can indirectly interactwith each other due to the contention in thermal headroom.

C. Quantifying Goodness-of-fit

In ANOVA, coefficient of determination R2 is often usedto quantify the fraction of variance that the model is ableto explain. However, an equivalent of R2 does not exist forquantile regression. Therefore, we define a pseudo R2 metricin Equation 2 using the same idea. The metric falls in therange of [0, 1], where 1 means the model perfectly predictsthe given quantile and 0 means its accuracy is the same asthe best constant model that always predicts the same valueregardless of the explanatory variables. In the equation, thenumerator represents the sum of the prediction errors of thequantile regression model, and the denominator is the errorof the best constant model.

pseudo–R2τ = 1−

∑Ni=0 w(τ, err


i=0 w(τ, errτconst(i))|errτconst(i)|


For each sample, the prediction error is computed as theproduct of the absolute prediction error and a weight. Theprediction error for sample i at τ -th quantile is defined inEquation 3 as the difference between empirically measuredquantile yτi and the predicted quantile modelτ (Xi) condi-tional on explanatory variables Xi.

errτmodel(i) = yτi −modelτ (Xi) (3)

The weight assigned to each error is defined in Equation 4as (1 − τ) for overestimation and τ for underestimation,which is the same as the loss function in quantile regression.

w(τ, err) =

{(1− τ) : err < 0τ : err ≥ 0



The precision of tail latency measurements achieved byTreadmill enables the possibility of understanding and

attributing the sources of tail latency variance. In this sec-tion, we present the complex and counter-intuitive perfor-mance behaviors identified through attributing the sourceof tail latency, and demonstrate the effectiveness of ourmethodology in improving tail latency.

A. Experimental Setup

We leverage quantile regression to analyze the measure-ments obtained under various configurations presented inTable III to understand the sources of tail latency variance.

To perform quantile regression, we first obtain latencysamples under various configurations. We randomly chooseone permutation of the configurations for each experiment topreserve independence among experiments, until we have atleast 30 experiments for each permutation of configurations.Given we are studying 4 factors, we will need at least 24×30 = 480 experiments. For each experiment, we randomlysub-sample 20k latency samples during the time when thelatency distribution has already converged. We make surethis sub-sampling does not hurt the precision of the analysisby comparing against a model obtained using more samples,and we observe no significant difference.

Each factor is coded as 0 at low-level, and 1 at high-levelin the samples. Before feeding the data into the quantileregression model, we perturb the data using a symmetricvariance at 0.01 standard deviation. This is useful to pre-vent the numerical optimizer from getting trapped in localoptimal, because all explanatory variables are discrete values(i.e., dummy variables). The perturbation is small enoughthat it does not affect the quality of the regression itself.

B. Memcached Result

Table IV shows the result from quantile regression fordifferent percentiles, including 50th-, 95th- and 99th-, forMemcached workload at 70% server utilization. For eachpercentile, Est. shows the estimated coefficient (i.e., ci(τ)in Equation 1) of each factor, where negative value meansturning the factor to high-level reduces the correspondingquantile latency. To estimate the quantile latency for agiven hardware configuration, one needs to add up allthe qualified estimated coefficients (Est. in the table) andthe intercept. For example, to estimate the 95th-percentilelatency for a configuration that only “numa” and “turbo”are turned to high-level, one needs to add their coefficientsof them in isolation (24 + -12 = 12µs), and their interaction“numa:turbo” (5µs), and the intercept (155µs), thereforethe estimated 95th-percentile latency is 12 + 5 + 155 =172µs. Std. Err is the estimated standard error for thecoefficient estimation at 95% confidence interval. P-valueis the standard p-value for null hypothesis test, which is theprobability of obtaining a result equal or more extreme thanthe observed one. A p-value smaller than 0.05 is usuallyconsidered as strong presumption against null hypothesis,which suggests the corresponding factor has a significantimpact on the percentile latency.

Table IVResults of quantile regression for Memcached at high utilization, which detail the contribution of each feature on the latency. The first several rows showthe base latency (Intercept) and the latency of each feature enabled in isolation. The other rows provide the interaction latency effect of multiple features.For example, “turbo” is the best single feature (-29µs) in isolation to turn on to reduce 99th-percentile latency. Turning “nic” high-level is only beneficial

if “dvfs” is set to high-level (29 + -8 + -58 = -37µs), otherwise the net effect would be an latency increase (29µs). Surprisingly, setting “turbo” on,which is beneficial in isolation, in addition to “nic” and “dvfs” would actually increase the 99th-percentile latency (-29 + -8 + 29 + 40 + 23 + -58 + 4 =1µs) due to the negative interaction among them. Note that for some rows, the uncertainty in the data is significant, and we choose a p-value of 0.05 and

highlight these values in bold.

50th-Percentile 95th-Percentile 99th-PercentileFactor Est. Std. Err p-value Est. Std. Err. p-value Est. Std. Err p-value(Intercept) 65 µs <1 µs <1e-06 155 µs <1 µs <1e-06 355 µs 5 µs <1e-06numa 2 µs <1 µs <1e-06 24 µs <1 µs <1e-06 56 µs 8 µs <1e-06turbo -2 µs <1 µs <1e-06 -12 µs <1 µs <1e-06 -29 µs 7 µs 1.00e-04dvfs 1 µs <1 µs <1e-06 <1 µs <1 µs 2.60e-01 -8 µs 8 µs 3.54e-01nic <1 µs <1 µs <1e-06 2 µs <1 µs 2.07e-03 29 µs 8 µs 1.10e-04numa:turbo 3 µs <1 µs <1e-06 5 µs 1 µs 2.40e-04 21 µs 11 µs 6.37e-02numa:dvfs -3 µs <1 µs <1e-06 -29 µs 1 µs <1e-06 -57 µs 11 µs <1e-06numa:nic <1 µs <1 µs <1e-06 -6 µs 1 µs 4.00e-05 -20 µs 11 µs 6.91e-02turbo:dvfs <1 µs <1 µs <1e-06 14 µs 1 µs <1e-06 40 µs 11 µs 3.30e-04turbo:nic 3 µs <1 µs <1e-06 23 µs 1 µs <1e-06 23 µs 10 µs 2.90e-02dvfs:nic -1 µs <1 µs <1e-06 -15 µs 1 µs <1e-06 -58 µs 11 µs <1e-06numa:turbo:dvfs 2 µs <1 µs <1e-06 12 µs 2 µs <1e-06 3 µs 16 µs 8.70e-01numa:turbo:nic <1 µs <1 µs 6.25e-01 -7 µs 2 µs 8.00e-05 -14 µs 15 µs 3.59e-01numa:dvfs:nic 3 µs <1 µs <1e-06 34 µs 2 µs <1e-06 79 µs 15 µs <1e-06turbo:dvfs:nic <1 µs <1 µs 7.66e-01 -9 µs 2 µs <1e-06 4 µs 14 µs 7.96e-01numa:turbo:dvfs:nic -8 µs <1 µs <1e-06 -43 µs 3 µs <1e-06 -83 µs 23 µs 2.50e-04

Low Load High Load Low Load High Load Low Load High Load Low Load High Load0










50th-Percentile 90th-Percentile 95th-Percentile 99th-Percentile





Figure 7. Estimated latency of Memcached at various percentiles under low utilization and high utilization using the result from quantile regression.


















50th-Percentile 90th-Percentile 95th-Percentile 99th-Percentile

numa turbo dvfs nic

Figure 8. The average impact in latency of turning each individual factorto high-level for Memcached, assuming each of the other factors haveequal probability of being low-level and high-level. Negative latency meanslatency reduction, and positive number means latency increase.

To summarize the result, Figure 7 shows the estimatedlatency of all factor permutations at various percentiles underlow and high server utilization correspondingly. From theresult, we have several findings as follows:

• Finding 1. The variance of latency increases fromlower to higher server utilization, because of the in-creasing variance in number of outstanding requests.This is similar to what we observe in a M/M/1 queueing

model [48], that the variance of number of outstandingrequests ρ

(1−ρ)2 , where ρ is the server utilization, growsas the utilization increases.

• Finding 2. The variance of latency increases fromlower to higher quantile as suggested by the grow-ing standard error shown in Table IV, because thevariance of a quantile is inversely proportional to thedensity [49]. This also explains the reason why weobserve many statistically insignificant impact (p-value> 0.05) and the uncertainty is high at high quantiles.

• Finding 3. The latency could be higher at lower utiliza-tion when the DVFS governor is turned to ondemandpolicy, because of frequent transitions among frequencysteps. The 50th- and 90th-percentile latencies are higherduring low load than high load under ondemand DVFSgovernor. This is because requests have a higher prob-ability of experiencing the overhead of transitioningfrom lower to higher frequency steps, whereas the CPUis kept at high frequency during high load and does notneed many transitions.

Low Load High Load Low Load High Load Low Load High Load Low Load High Load0








50th-Percentile 90th-Percentile 95th-Percentile 99th-Percentile





Figure 9. Estimated latency of mcrouter at various percentile under low utilization and high utilization using the result from quantile regression.

• Finding 4. Turning NIC affinity policy from same-nodeto all-nodes during low load can significantly reducethe latency when DVFS governor is set to ondemand.The cores have larger utilization range under same-nodepolicy than all-nodes, which leads to higher probabilityof experiencing frequency step transitions. This doesnot occur at high load because the utilization is alreadyhigh enough that the number of frequency transitions isnegligible. Prior study performed on the same hardwarefactors in isolation fails to capture such interactingbehaviors among multiple factors due to the limitationof isolated study.

• Finding 5. As shown in Table IV, the interactionsamong factors are demonstrated to have statisticallysignificant impact on the latency as many of them havea p-value smaller than 0.05. In addition, the estimatedcoefficients of interactions are sometimes larger thanindividual factors, which means the interactions amongfactors can have higher impact on the latency. Forexample, turning NUMA control policy to interleave in-creases the 99th-percentile latency by 56µs as shown inthe table, but its positive interaction with performanceDVFS governor results in a 9µs improvement. Theseinteracting behaviors are complicated and sometimescounter-intuitive, and cannot be captured by isolatedstudies of individual factors. Therefore, it is necessaryto use statistical techniques like quantile regression tomodel the interactions.

Due to the interactions among factors, we cannot simplydecompose the variance of tail to each individual factor.However, by assuming all the other factors are randomlyselected (i.e., each factor has equal probability of being low-level and high-level), we can quantify the impact of eachfactor on average case as shown in Figure 8.

• Finding 6. Interleaved NUMA control policy increasesthe latency by up to 44µs especially during high load.This is caused by bad connection buffers allocation thatmajority of the server threads have their connectionbuffers allocated on the remote memory node, whilesame-node policy guarantees half of the threads gettheir buffers allocated on the local node. We only



















s)50th-Percentile 90th-Percentile 95th-Percentile 99th-Percentile

numa turbo dvfs nic

Figure 10. The average impact in latency of turning each individualfactor to high-level for mcrouter, assuming each of the other factors haveequal probability of being low-level and high-level. Negative latency meanslatency reduction, and positive number means latency increase.

observe behavior during high load because the highqueueing delay magnifies the overhead of accessingremote memory node.

• Finding 7. The amount of impact each factor con-tributes varies depending on the load levels. For ex-ample, DVFS governor has the highest impact at lowload, whereas NUMA policy is the biggest contributorto the variance at high load. This is caused by thecomplex interacting behavior among different features,which again, is not captured by isolated studies in priorworks [17].

C. Mcrouter Results

Similarly, we also construct experiments with mcrouterworkload as shown in Figure 7, which is a configurable pro-tocol router that turns individual cache servers into massive-scale distributed systems. Figure 10 shows the averageimpact of the 4 factors assuming other factors are selectedrandomly with equal probability.

• Finding 8. Turbo Boost significantly improves thelatency especially during low load for mcrouter. Thisis because a large fraction of the computation mcrouterneeds to do is to deserialize the request structurefrom network packet, which is CPU-intensive and caneasily be accelerated by frequency up-scaling. However,this difference is much smaller, sometimes statisticallyinsignificant, during high load, because the availablethermal headroom is smaller comparing to low load.

50th 90th 95th 99thPercentile Latency












Low Load

High Load

50th 90th 95th 99thPercentile Latency












Low Load

High Load

Figure 11. Pseudo-R2 (shown in Equation 2) of the quantile regressionresults at various load and percentiles, which demonstrates good coverageof sources of variance. Pseudo-R2 quantifies the goodness-of-fit of themodel, which ranges in [0, 1] that higher value indicates better modelfit. Our regression models show high pseudo-R2 values (>0.90), whichsuggests that they are able to explain majority of the variance.

40 50 60 70 80 90 10050th-Percentile Latency (us)







50 100 150 200 250 300 35099th-Percentile Latency (us)














Figure 12. Using the knowledge we gain from quantile regression, bothlatency and variance of latency are significantly reduced after carefullycontrolling the factors contributed to the variance. The average 99th-percentile latency in 100 experiments is reduced from 181µs to 103µs,and the standard deviation is reduced from 78µs to 5µs.

D. Quantifying Goodness-of-fit

Although the low p-values obtained from quantile regres-sion suggests high confidence that the studied factors havesignificant impact on the tail latency, it is also possible thatthey only contribute to a small fraction of the total variance.Therefore, we quantify the goodness-of-fit in this section,which demonstrates that our model covers the majority ofobserved the variance.

Figure 11 shows the pseudo-R2 values, we previouslydefined in Equation 2, of the quantile regression models atvarious percentiles, which quantifies the variance that canbe explained. Our models have consistently high pseudo-R2

values (the lowest one is 0.9), which suggests that they areable to explain the majority of the observed variance.

E. Improving Tail Latency

We further evaluate the quantile regression results inFigure 12, in which we perform same experiment 100times using randomly selected configurations as “before”,and compare against best configuration for 99th-percentilelatency recommended by our quantile regression model as“after”. As we can see from the figure, both latency and thevariance of latency have been significantly reduced. Specifi-cally, the expected 50th-percentile latency has been reducedfrom 69µs to 62µs, and the standard deviation has beenreduced from 13µs to 5µs. The expected 99th-percentilelatency has been reduced from 181µs to 103µs, and thestandard deviation has been reduced from 78µs to 5µs. The

reductions we achieve on 99th-percentile latency are muchlarger than on 50th-percentile, because we optimize for 99th-percentile when choosing the best configurations.


There has been large amount of work on developing statis-tically sound performance evaluation methodology. Mytkow-icz et al. [50] show the significance of measurement biascommonly existing in computer system research, and presenta list of experimental techniques to avoid the bias. Oliveiraet al. [47] present a study on two Linux Schedulers usingstatistical methods, which demonstrates that ANOVA cansometimes be insufficient especially for non-normally dis-tributed data whereas quantile regression can provide moreconclusive insights. Curtsinger and Berger propose STABI-LIZER [33], which randomizes the layouts of code, stackand heap objects at runtime to eliminate the measurementbias caused by layout effects in performance evaluation.Alameldeen and Wood [51] leverage confidence interval andhypothesis testing to compensate the variability they dis-cover in architectural simulations for multi-threaded work-loads. Tsafrir et al. [52,53] develop input shaking techniqueto address the environmental sensitivities they observe inparallel job scheduling simulations. Georges et al. [54] pointout a list of pitfalls in existing Java performance evaluationmethodologies, and propose JavaStats to perform rigorousJava performance analysis. Breughe and Eeckhout [55] pointout benchmark inputs are critical for rigorous evaluation onmicroprocessor designs.

Others have developed benchmark suites that capture therepresentative workloads in modern warehouse scale com-puters. Cooper et al. [4] present the Yahoo! Cloud ServingBenchmark (YCSB) framework for benchmarking large-scale distributed data serving applications. Fan et al. [5]present and characterize 3 types of representative workloadin Google data centers, including web search, web mail andMapReduce. In addition, Lim et al. [7] further characterizethe video streaming workload at Google and benchmarkthem to evaluate new server architectures. Ferdman et al. [6]introduce the CloudSuite benchmark suite, which representsthe emerging scale-out workloads running in modern datacenters. Wang et al. [8] enrich the data center workloadbenchmark by presenting BigDataBench, which covers di-verse cloud applications together with representative inputdata sets. Hauswald et al. [9,10] introduce benchmarks ofemerging machine learning data center applications. Meisneret al. [56] present a data center simulation infrastructure,BigHouse, that can be used to study data center workloads.


In this paper, we identify four common pitfalls throughan in-depth survey of existing tail latency measurementmethodologies. To overcome these pitfalls, we design a ro-bust procedure for accurate tail latency measurement, whichleverages Treadmill, a modular software load tester we

develop. Using the superior measurements achieved by thisprocedure, we leverage quantile regression to analyze, andattribute the sources of variance in tail latency to varioushardware features of interest. Using the knowledge we gainfrom the attribution, we reduce the 99th-percentile latencyby 43% and its variance by 93%.


We would like to thank Andrii Grynenko, AntonLikhtarov, Pavlo Kushnir, Stepan Palamarchuk, Dave Har-rington, Sara Golemon, Dave Watson, Adam Simpkins,Hans Fugal, Tony Savor, and Edward D. Rothman for theircontributions. We would also like to thank the anonymousreviewers, Thomas Wenisch for their valuable feedback onearlier drafts of this paper. This work was supported byFacebook and XXX.


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