
Post on 12-Oct-2015

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  • Everywhere in the world,adventurers go off in search ofincredible treasures. Treasure hunter,a profession? A hobby? A criminalactivity? Actually, all depends on themethods employed and where oneoperates...

    And in some cases, The adventure canprove extremely lucrative.

    Millions of dollars are at stake...

    The new treasure hunters.Photos Arne Hodalic Text Jean-Christophe BrisardContact - Thierry Tinacci Lightmediation Photo Agency +33 (0)6 61 80 57 21

  • 1338-03: Philippe Esnos, a French treasure hunter, in the Amazonian jungle in Ecuador. He is hoping to find the mythical treasure of Atahualpa, the last inca emperor.

  • 1338-01: Philippe Esnos, a French treasure hunter, in the Amazonian jungle in Ecuador. He is hoping tofind the mythical treasure of Atahualpa, the last inca emperor.

    1338-02: Philippe Esnos, a French treasure hunter, in the Amazonian jungle in Ecuador. He is hoping tofind the mythical treasure of Atahualpa, the last inca emperor.

    1338-03: Philippe Esnos, a French treasure hunter, in the Amazonian jungle in Ecuador. He is hoping tofind the mythical treasure of Atahualpa, the last inca emperor.

    1338-04: Philippe Esnos, a French treasure hunter, in the Amazonian jungle in Ecuador. He is hoping tofind the mythical treasure of Atahualpa, the last inca emperor.

  • 1338-07: This diver works for a Cuban state company : Carisub. This one is supposed to find out the gold in the shipwreck around the cuban banks.

  • 1338-05: Philippe Esnos, a French treasure hunter, in the Amazonian jungle in Ecuador. He is hoping tofind the mythical treasure of Atahualpa, the last inca emperor.

    1338-06: To be a Huaqueros (tomb raider) involves certain risks. In particular that you risk a minimumprison sentence of between one and three years, like here in Cuenca.

    1338-07: This diver works for a Cuban state company : Carisub. This one is supposed to find out the goldin the shipwreck around the cuban banks.

    1338-08: This diver works for a Cuban state company : Carisub. This one is supposed to find out the goldin the shipwreck around the cuban banks.

  • 1338-11: Michel Bagnaud, a French treasure hunter presents a 17th century pirate map that supposedly indicates the location of treasure.

  • 1338-09: This divers work for a Cuban state company : Carisub. This one is supposed to find out the goldin the shipwreck around the cuban banks.

    1338-10: Small idol / statuette pre-colombian of the Canari culture (in the south of Ecuador). Made ofcopper, this figurine was plundered from a tomb by Huaqueros (tomb robbers). On the spot the smugglers

    1338-11: Michel Bagnaud, a French treasure hunter presents a 17th century pirate map that supposedlyindicates the location of treasure.

    1338-12: Michel Bagnaud, French treasure hunter shows some of Spanish coins that he recovered fromwrecks of galleons in the Caribbean.

  • 1338-10: Small idol / statuette pre-colombian of the Canari culture (in the south of Ecuador). Made of copper, this figurine was plundered from a tomb by Huaqueros (tomb robbers). On the spot the smugglers would sell itfor around $150 dollars.

  • 1338-13: Alain Cloarec and his associate Omar Essaoui dig in the medieval vault of a property nearRennes, France. Armed with their metal detectors, they believe they have discovered a treasure. Alain

    1338-14: Omar Essaoui, of l'Association Franaise des Prospecteurs, uses a ground radar system in asmall vault at the request of the property owner. This hardware connected to a computer enables him to

    1338-15: Alain Cloarec and his associate Omar Essaoui dig in the medieval vault of a property nearRennes, France. Armed with their metal detectors, they believe they have discovered a treasure. Alain

    1338-16: Many treasures plundered by looters and unscrupulous treasure hunters are to be found in theauction rooms of Europe and especially in the United States.

  • 1338-22: Philippe Esnos, a French treasure hunter, has for the last fifteen years been seeking the treasure of Atahualpa, the last INCA emperor. With this goal in mind he spends hours researching the religious librariesof Quito.

  • 1338-17: The Tungurahua volcano, close to Banos, in the center of Ecuador, remains active and regularlyspits out smoke and ashes. The treasure of Atahualpa would have been hidden not far from here. And this

    1338-18: "Plaza Grande" of Quito, Ecuador was built on the ruins of the Inca temples. Today, there is thePalacio del Gobierno, the presidential palace, and the cathedral (with the white tower).

    1338-19: It is in the monasteries of Latin America, like here in this Dominican monastery in Quito,Ecuador, that lie the keys to the mysteries of the treasures hidden by the Indians.

    1338-20: This statue of General Ramanahui (in the village of Pillaro, Ecuador), the lord of war ofAtahualpa (last Inca emperor), show the way for the search of the treasure of Atahualpa.

  • 1338-41: These pre-colombian gold treasures belong to Jorge Eljuri, a very rich businessman in Ecuador, who receives every week treasures plundered by Huaqueros (tomb robbers).

  • 1338-21: : It is in the monasteries of Latin America, like here in this Dominican monastery in Quito,Ecuador, that lie the keys to the mysteries of the treasures hidden by the Indians.

    1338-22: Philippe Esnos, a French treasure hunter, has for the last fifteen years been seeking thetreasure of Atahualpa, the last INCA emperor. With this goal in mind he spends hours researching the

    1338-23: Before leaving for an expedition that will last some 40 days, Philippe Esnos buys what he needsto survive in the jungle. Here he buts what he needs from Ernesto the grocer of Pillaro, the last village on

    1338-24: Philippe Esnos, a French treasure hunter, planning his trip to find the gold of Atahualpa in theAndean mountains, with his guides and expedition team.

  • 1338-25: Within about two hours this Ecuadorian peasant will have located and excavated an Inca tomb. There are hundreds of them in the peasant fields. The mask he wears is intended to protect him from possibledangerous gases which may have accumulated in the burial cavities, but also from evil spirits.

  • 1338-25: Within about two hours this Ecuadorian peasant will have located and excavated an Inca tomb.There are hundreds of them in the peasant fields. The mask he wears is intended to protect him from

    1338-26: Within about two hours this Ecuadorian peasant will have located and excavated an Inca tomb.There are hundreds of them in the peasant fields. The mask he wears is intended to protect him from

    1338-27: These two brothers from central Ecuador examine the objects which they discovered in tombswhich are on their land and in their fields. According to them, there are several hundred tombs to

    1338-28: Small head of monkey. This pre-colombian piece was plundered from a tomb in Ecuador.

  • 1338-46: To be a Huaqueros (tomb raider) involves certain risks. In particular that you risk a minimum prison sentence of between one and three years, like here in Cuenca.

  • 1338-29: Ceramics and pottery plundered from a tomb in Ecuador 1338-30: Illegal retailer in gold and pre-colombian art retailer meets with tourists in a top hotel in Cuencain the south of Ecuador.

    1338-31: Illegals retailers in gold and pre-colombian art retailer meet with tourists in a top hotel in Cuencain the south of Ecuador.

    1338-32: David Goldbaum, a rich Ecuadorian businessman, collects the statuettes pre-colombian. He isregularly contacted by Huaqueros (tomb robbers) who offer him plundered pre-Colombian treasure, such

  • 1338-39: Jorge Eljuri, a very rich businessman in Ecuador, receives every week treasures plundered by Huaqueros (tomb robbers). Eljuri is pictured here with some of his pre-colombian gold collection. In all, he hasmore than 300 kilos.

  • 1338-33: Pectoral representing a mask of Tolita culture (between 500BC and 300AD). Tolita is an island ofthe north of the province of Esmeraldas, in the north of Ecuador. Cost price in Ecuador: $15000 USD,

    1338-34: Pectoral representing a mask of Gambeli culture (around 500BC to 500AD approximately) fromthe area of Guayas in the south of Ecuador. Cost price in Ecuador: $8000USD, outside the country:

    1338-35: View of the "farm" of one of the principal collectors of pre-colombian objects of Ecuador:millionaire Jorge Eljuri. About an hours drive to the west of Cuenca, in the south of Ecuador, the Asian

    1338-36: A multi millionaire, Jorge Eljuri and his wife, Rebecca protect themselves from kidnappers andpotential burglars with armed guards. One of their nephews was kidnapped by Farc guerillas when 10

  • 1338-16: Many treasures plundered by looters and unscrupulous treasure hunters are to be found in the auction rooms of Europe and especially in the United States.

  • 1338-37: Jorge Eljuri, a rich businessman in Ecuador, has two hundred companies. Here he shows off oneof his rings; a black diamond which belonged to Frank Sinatra.

    1338-38: Jorge Eljuri, a very rich businessman in Ecuador, receives every week treasures plundered byHuaqueros (tomb robbers). Here he weighs the gold which a tomb raider is offering him.

    1338-39: Jorge Eljuri, a very rich businessman in Ecuador, receives every week treasures plundered byHuaqueros (tomb robbers). Eljuri is pictured here with some of his pre-colombian gold collection. In all, he

    1338-40: Jorge Eljuri, a very rich businessman in Ecuador, receives every week treasures plundered byHuaqueros (tomb robbers). Eljuri is pictured here with some of his pre-colombian gold collection. In all, he

  • 1338-13: Alain Cloarec and his associate Omar Essaoui dig in the medieval vault of a property near Rennes, France. Armed with their metal detectors, they believe they have discovered a treasure. Alain Cloarec, aFrench treasure hunter is a specialist in finding family treasures for private individuals. He is regularly asked by landowners to search for treasure that they suspect is hidden on their premises. Here, he carries out a

    search on a farm in the area of Rennes, in the west of France.

  • 1338-41: These pre-colombian gold treasures belong to Jorge Eljuri, a very rich businessman in Ecuador,who receives every week treasures plundered by Huaqueros (tomb robbers).

    1338-42: These pre-colombian gold treasures belong to Jorge Eljuri, a very rich businessman in Ecuador,who receives every week treasures plundered by Huaqueros (tomb robbers).

    1338-43: Estelina Quinatoa Cotacachi is responsible for the archaeological archives of Ecuador. Here inthe vaults of the Ecuadorian Central Bank she handles a pre-colombian statuette, She realizes that the

    1338-44: Unfortunately for the South American authorities, like Estelina Quinatoa Cotacachi (here withassistant), who is responsible for the archaeological reserves of Ecuador, the antique dealers resell

  • 1338-48: Columbian tomb robbers searching for pre-colombian artifacts from Tairona culture period. 1349-1: These pre-colombian gold treasures belong to Jorge Eljuri, a very rich businessman in Ecuador,who receives every week treasures plundered by Huaqueros (tomb robbers).

    1338-50: A retailer in gold and pre-colombian art selling artifacts from Tairona culture period in Colombia. 1338-47: To be a Huaqueros (tomb raider) involves certain risks. In particular that you risk a minimumprison sentence of between one and three years, like here in Cuenca.

  • 1338-45: These pre-colombian gold treasures belong to Jorge Eljuri, a very rich businessman in Ecuador, who receives every week treasures plundered by Huaqueros (tomb robbers).

  • Partout dans le monde, desaventuriers se lancent la recherched'incroyables trsors. Chasseur detrsor, un mtier ? Un hobby ? Uneactivit criminelle ? En fait, tout dpenddes mthodes que l'on emploie et ol'on opre...

    Et dans certains cas, l'aventure peuts'avrer extrmement lucrative.

    Des millions d'euros sont en jeu...

    Les nouveaux chasseurs de trsors.Photos Arne Hodalic Texte Jean-Christophe BrisardContact - Thierry Tinacci Agence Lightmediation +33 (0)6 61 80 57 21

  • 1338-03: Philippe Esnos, un chasseur de trsor franais, dans la jungle amazonienne de l'Equateur. Il espre trouver le mythique trsor d'Atahualpa, le dernier empereur inca. /// Philippe Esnos, a French treasurehunter, in the Amazonian jungle in Ecuador. He is hoping to find the mythical treasure of Atahualpa, the last inca emperor.

  • 1338-01: Philippe Esnos, un chasseur de trsor franais, dans la jungle amazonienne de l'Equateur. Ilespre trouver le mythique trsor d'Atahualpa, le dernier empereur inca. /// Philippe Esnos, a French

    1338-02: Philippe Esnos, un chasseur de trsor franais, dans la jungle amazonienne de l'Equateur. Ilespre trouver le mythique trsor d'Atahualpa, le dernier empereur inca. /// Philippe Esnos, a French

    1338-03: Philippe Esnos, un chasseur de trsor franais, dans la jungle amazonienne de l'Equateur. Ilespre trouver le mythique trsor d'Atahualpa, le dernier empereur inca. /// Philippe Esnos, a French

    1338-04: Philippe Esnos, un chasseur de trsor franais, dans la jungle amazonienne de l'Equateur. Ilespre trouver le mythique trsor d'Atahualpa, le dernier empereur inca. /// Philippe Esnos, a French

  • 1338-07: Ce plongeur travaille pour la socit Carisub, une socit d'Etat cubaine, qui est charge d'extraire l'or des paves qui entourent Cuba. /// This diver works for a Cuban state company : Carisub. This one issupposed to find out the gold in the shipwreck around the cuban banks.

  • 1338-05: Philippe Esnos, un chasseur de trsor franais, dans la jungle amazonienne de l'Equateur. Ilespre trouver le mythique trsor d'Atahualpa, le dernier empereur inca. /// Philippe Esnos, a French

    1338-06: Jouer les Huaqueros (pilleurs de tombes) comporte certains risques. En particulier, celui de seretrouver derrire les barreaux d'une prison quatorienne, comme ici dans celle de Cuenca. /// To be a

    1338-07: Ce plongeur travaille pour la socit Carisub, une socit d'Etat cubaine, qui est charged'extraire l'or des paves qui entourent Cuba. /// This diver works for a Cuban state company : Carisub.

    1338-08: Ce plongeur travaille pour la socit Carisub, une socit d'Etat cubaine, qui est charged'extraire l'or des paves qui entourent Cuba. /// This diver works for a Cuban state company : Carisub.

  • 1338-11: Michel Bagnaud, un chasseur de trsor franais, prsente une carte de pirates du 17e sicle. Celle-ci est suppose indiquer la localisation d'un trsor. /// Michel Bagnaud, a French treasure hunter presents a17th century pirate map that supposedly indicates the location of treasure.

  • 1338-09: Ces plongeurs travaillent pour la socit Carisub, une socit d'Etat cubaine, qui est charged'extraire l'or des paves qui entourent Cuba. /// This divers work for a Cuban state company : Carisub.

    1338-10: Cette petite idole prcolombienne provient de la culture Canari (sud de l'Equateur). Faite encuivre, elle a t pille dans une tombe par des Huaqueros (pilleurs de tombes). Ce type de statuette se

    1338-11: Michel Bagnaud, un chasseur de trsor franais, prsente une carte de pirates du 17e sicle.Celle-ci est suppose indiquer la localisation d'un trsor. /// Michel Bagnaud, a French treasure hunter

    1338-12: Michel Bagnaud, un chasseur de trsor franais, montre une poigne de pices espagnoles qu'ilrcupres sur des paves de gallions dans les Carabes. /// Michel Bagnaud, French treasure hunter

  • 1338-10: Cette petite idole prcolombienne provient de la culture Canari (sud de l'Equateur). Faite en cuivre, elle a t pille dans une tombe par des Huaqueros (pilleurs de tombes). Ce type de statuette se retrouve surle march noir pour environ 150$, soit entre cinq et dix fois moins que dans le circuit lgal. /// Small idol / statuette pre-colombian of the Canari culture (in the south of Ecuador). Made of copper, this figurine was

    plundered from a tomb by Huaqueros (tomb robbers). On the spot the smugglers would sell it for around $150 dollars.

  • 1338-13: Alain Cloarec et son associ Omar Essaoui, deux chasseurs de trsor franais, font desrecherches dans une proprit prive prs de Rennes, en France. Avec leurs dtecteurs de mtaux, ils

    1338-14: Omar Essaoui, de l'Association Franaise des Prospecteurs, utilise un radar de sol dans uneancienne chapelle mdivale sur la demande de son propritaire. Ce radar est reli un ordinateur qui

    1338-15: Alain Cloarec et son associ Omar Essaoui, deux chasseurs de trsor franais, font desrecherches dans une proprit prive prs de Rennes, en France. Avec leurs dtecteurs de mtaux, ils

    1338-16: Beaucoup de trsors pills par des chasseurs de trsor sans scrupules se retrouvent dans dessalles de vente en Europe et aux Etats-Unis. /// Many treasures plundered by looters and unscrupulous

  • 1338-22: Philippe Esnos, un chasseur de trsor franais, a pass ses quinzes dernires annes rechercher le trsor d'Atahualpa, le dernier empereur inca. Il a pass une grande partie de son temps fouiller lesarchives des bibliothques religieuses d'Equateur. /// Philippe Esnos, a French treasure hunter, has for the last fifteen years been seeking the treasure of Atahualpa, the last INCA emperor. With this goal in mind he

    spends hours researching the religious libraries of Quito.

  • 1338-17: Le volcan Tungurahua, prs de la ville de Banos, au centre de l'Equateur, reste en activit. Ildgage rgulirement de la fume et des cendres. Le trsor d'Atahualpa aurait t cach non loin d'ici. Et,

    1338-18: La "Grande Place" de Quito, en Equateur, a t construite sur les ruines de temples incas. A laplace, on trouve le Palacio del Gobierno, le palais prsidentiel et la Cathdrale. /// "Plaza Grande" of

    1338-19: C'est dans les monastres d'Amrique latine, comme ici dans ce monastre dominicain deQuito (Equateur), que se cachent les cls pour dcouvrir les trsors cachs par les Incas. /// It is in the

    1338-20: Cette statue du gnral Ramanahui ( l'entre du villa de Pillaro, Equateur), le chef de guerred'Atahualpa (dernier empereur inca), montre la direction prendre pour retrouver le trsor inca qu'il a

  • 1338-41: Ces pices archologiques quatoriennes ont t dcouvertes par les huaqueros, les pilleurs de tombes. La plupart sont en or pur et les plus anciennes remonteraient avant notre re. Elles appartiennentaujourd'hui un riche collectionneur local, Jorge Eljuri. /// These pre-colombian gold treasures belong to Jorge Eljuri, a very rich businessman in Ecuador, who receives every week treasures plundered by Huaqueros

    (tomb robbers).

  • 1338-21: : C'est dans les monastres d'Amrique latine, comme ici dans ce monastre dominicain deQuito (Equateur), que se cachent les cls pour dcouvrir les trsors cachs par les Incas. /// It is in the

    1338-22: Philippe Esnos, un chasseur de trsor franais, a pass ses quinzes dernires annes rechercher le trsor d'Atahualpa, le dernier empereur inca. Il a pass une grande partie de son temps

    1338-23: Avant de partir pour une expdition qui devrait durer une quarantaine de jours, Philippe Esnosachte de quoi survivre dans la jungle. Il passe toujours chez Ernesto, le quincaillier de Pillaro, le dernier

    1338-24: Philippe Esnos, un chasseur de trsor franais, organise son itinraire avec ses guides etporteurs. Il prvoit d'aller chercher le trsor d'Atahualpa dans les montagnes andines. /// Philippe Esnos, a

  • 1338-25: En seulement deux heures, ce paysan quatorien aura trouv et pill cette tombe inca. Rien que dans ses champs, il y en aurait plusieurs centaines. Le masque qu'il porte sert le protger des gaz dangereuxaccumuls dans la tombe. Mais aussi des mauvais esprits. /// Within about two hours this Ecuadorian peasant will have located and excavated an Inca tomb. There are hundreds of them in the peasant fields. The mask

    he wears is intended to protect him from possible dangerous gases which may have accumulated in the burial cavities, but also from evil spirits.

  • 1338-25: En seulement deux heures, ce paysan quatorien aura trouv et pill cette tombe inca. Rien quedans ses champs, il y en aurait plusieurs centaines. Le masque qu'il porte sert le protger des gaz

    1338-26: Il n'aura pas fallu plus de deux heures ce paysan quatorien pour localiser et fouiller unetombe inca. Rien que dans ses champs, il y en aurait plusieurs centaines. Le masque qu'il porte est

    1338-27: Ces deux frres paysans du centre de l'Equateur sortent les objets qu'ils ont dcouverts dansles tombes qui se trouvent dans leurs champs. Selon eux, il y aurait encore plusieurs centaines de

    1338-28: Petite tte de singe. Cette pice prcombienne a t pille dans une tombe quatorienne.///Small head of monkey. This pre-colombian piece was plundered from a tomb in Ecuador.

  • 1338-46: Jouer les Huaqueros (pilleurs de tombes) comporte certains risques. En particulier, celui de se retrouver derrire les barreaux d'une prison quatorienne, comme ici dans celle de Cuenca. /// To be a Huaqueros(tomb raider) involves certain risks. In particular that you risk a minimum prison sentence of between one and three years, like here in Cuenca.

  • 1338-29: Cramiques et poteries prcolombiennes pilles dans les tombes quatoriennes./// Ceramicsand pottery plundered from a tomb in Ecuador

    1338-30: Un revendeur d'or prcolombien vient proposer son dernier arrivage des touristes dans unriche htel de Cuenca au sud de l'Equateur./// Illegal retailer in gold and pre-colombian art retailer meets

    1338-31: Des revendeurs d'or prcolombien viennent proposer leur dernier arrivage des touristes dansun riche htel de Cuenca au sud de l'Equateur. /// Illegals retailers in gold and pre-colombian art retailer

    1338-32: David Goldbaum, un riche homme d'affaire quatorien, collectionne les statuettesprcolombiennes. Il est rgulirement contact par des Huaqueros (pilleurs de tombes) qui lui proposent

  • 1338-39: Eljuri, trs riche homme d'affaire quatorien, devant une partie de sa collection d'or prcolombien. En tout, il en possde plus de 300 kilos. /// Jorge Eljuri, a very rich businessman in Ecuador, receives everyweek treasures plundered by Huaqueros (tomb robbers). Eljuri is pictured here with some of his pre-colombian gold collection. In all, he has more than 300 kilos.

  • 1338-33: Pectoral reprsentant un masque de culture Tolita (entre 500 avant J.C. et 300 aprs J.C.environ - Esmeraldas). La Tolita est une le du nord de la province d'Esmeraldas, au nord de l'Equateur.

    1338-34: Pectoral reprsentant un masque de culture Gambeli (entre 500 avant J.C. et 500 aprs J.C.environ ) dans la rgion de Guayas au sud de l'Equateur. Valeur d'achat en Equateur : 8000$, l'extrieur

    1338-35:Vue d'ensemble des principaux btiments de la ferme de l'un des principaux collectionneursd'objets prcolombiens d'Equateur : le millionnaire Jorge Eljuri. A une heure de voiture l'ouest de

    1338-36: Riches millions, Jorge Eljuri et son pouse Rebeca doivent se protger des cambriolages etdes kidnappeurs. L'un de leurs neveux a t enlev par les Farcs il y a une dizaine d'annes. Ici devant

  • 1338-16: Beaucoup de trsors pills par des chasseurs de trsor sans scrupules se retrouvent dans des salles de vente en Europe et aux Etats-Unis. /// Many treasures plundered by looters and unscrupulous treasurehunters are to be found in the auction rooms of Europe and especially in the United States.

  • 1338-37: Jorge Eljuri, trs riche homme d'affaire quatorien, possde deux cents socits. Ici il montrel'une de ces bagues, un diamant noir qui appartenait Frank Sinatra. /// Jorge Eljuri, a rich businessman

    1338-38: Jorge Eljuri, trs riche homme d'affaire quatorien, reoit chaque semaine des trsors pills parles Huaqueros (pilleurs de tombe). Il pse l'or que l'on vient lui proposer. /// Jorge Eljuri, a very rich

    1338-39: Eljuri, trs riche homme d'affaire quatorien, devant une partie de sa collection d'orprcolombien. En tout, il en possde plus de 300 kilos. /// Jorge Eljuri, a very rich businessman in

    1338-40: Eljuri, trs riche homme d'affaire quatorien, devant une partie de sa collection d'orprcolombien. En tout, il en possde plus de 300 kilos. /// Jorge Eljuri, a very rich businessman in

  • 1338-13: Alain Cloarec et son associ Omar Essaoui, deux chasseurs de trsor franais, font des recherches dans une proprit prive prs de Rennes, en France. Avec leurs dtecteurs de mtaux, ils esprent russir mettre la main sur le trsor. Alain Cloarec est le spcialiste franais des trsors familiaux. Il est rgulirement appel par des particuliers qui sont persuads qu'un trsor se trouve sur leur proprit. /// Alain Cloarec

    and his associate Omar Essaoui dig in the medieval vault of a property near Rennes, France. Armed with their metal detectors, they believe they have discovered a treasure. Alain Cloarec, a French treasure hunter is aspecialist in finding family treasures for private individuals. He is regularly asked by landowners to search for treasure that they suspect is hidden on their premises. Here, he carries out a search on a farm in the area of

    Rennes, in the west of France.

  • 1338-41: Ces pices archologiques quatoriennes ont t dcouvertes par les huaqueros, les pilleurs detombes. La plupart sont en or pur et les plus anciennes remonteraient avant notre re. Elles appartiennent

    1338-42: Ces pices archologiques quatoriennes ont t dcouvertes par les huaqueros, les pilleursde tombes. La plupart sont en or pur et les plus anciennes remonteraient avant notre re. Elles

    1338-43: Estelina Quinatoa Cotacachi, la responsable des rserves archologiques d'Equateur, ici dansla rserve de la Banque centrale quatorienne en train de manipuler une statuette prcolombienne,

    1338-44: Pour le plus grand malheur des autorits sud-amricaines, comme ici droite Estelina QuinatoaCotacachi (avec un assistant), la responsable des rserves archologiques d'Equateur, les antiquaires

  • 1338-48: Pilleurs de tombes colombiens la recherche d'objets prcolombiens de la culture Tairona. ///Columbian tomb robbers searching for pre-colombian artifacts from Tairona culture period.

    1349-1: Ces pices archologiques quatoriennes ont t dcouvertes par les huaqueros, les pilleurs detombes. La plupart sont en or pur et les plus anciennes remonteraient avant notre re. Elles appartiennent

    1338-50: Un revendeur d'or et d'objets prcolombiens de la culture Tairona en Colombie. /// A retailer ingold and pre-colombian art selling artifacts from Tairona culture period in Colombia.

    1338-47: Jouer les Huaqueros (pilleurs de tombes) comporte certains risques. En particulier, celui de seretrouver derrire les barreaux d'une prison quatorienne, comme ici dans celle de Cuenca. /// To be a

  • 1338-45: Ces pices archologiques quatoriennes ont t dcouvertes par les huaqueros, les pilleurs de tombes. La plupart sont en or pur et les plus anciennes remonteraient avant notre re. Elles appartiennentaujourd'hui un riche collectionneur local, Jorge Eljuri. /// These pre-colombian gold treasures belong to Jorge Eljuri, a very rich businessman in Ecuador, who receives every week treasures plundered by Huaqueros

    (tomb robbers).
