Treaty of versailles

Post on 15-Jan-2015

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Treaty of Versailles-1919-

The Treaty of Versailles was the peace treaty signed after the end of World War I.

The main objective was to control Germany.

Other objectives were:

a) To establish the culprit of the war.

b) To reorganise the map of Europe

c) To find a system to maintain peace.

d) To control the expansion of Communism.

a) To establish the culprit of the war

• Germany was going to be declared the main culprit of the war.

• Germany was forced to pay all the war damages (reparations) to France and Germany.

• Germany was forced to reduce its army.

• Germany lost all its colonies in África and Asia.

• Germany lost territories in Europe: the corridor of Danzig (given to Poland), Alsace and Lorraine (given to France), the Sudetes (given to Czechoslovakia).

• Some German territories were occupied by French soldiers (Rhineland).

b) To reorganize the map of Europe

Four European empires disappeared.

•Ottoman Empire

•German Empire

•Austro-Hungarian Empire

•Russian Empire

- New nations are going to appear:

•Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania





C) To find a system to maintain the peace.

The League of Nations was created based on the initiative of the president of the United States of America, Thomas Woodrow Wilson.

d) To control the expansion of Communism.

This was possible thanks to the creation of a belt of new countries that were anti-Bolshevik.