Post on 27-Nov-2020

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Harry B. Santoso

Head of Digital Library & Distance Learning Lab

Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia

“Let’s put a ding in online learning movement!”

Perkenalan ..

◼ Sarjana bidang Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Indonesia, INDONESIA

◼ Magister bidang Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Indonesia, INDONESIA

◼ Doktor bidang Engineering Education, Utah State University, AMERIKA SERIKAT

Perkenalan ..

◼ Head of Digital Library & Distance Learning Lab

◼ Editor in Chief Jurnal Sistem Informasi

◼ Training Manager of Computer Science Center

◼ Director of E-Learning Development ~ Asosiasi Pendidikan Tinggi Informatika dan Ilmu Komputer (APTIKOM)

Penelitian Seputar Online Learning:

Welcome to Our Lab!

Professional Contribution

◼ Editor-in-Chief of Jurnal Sistem Informasi (JSI)

◼ General Chair of Internasional Workshop on Big Data and Information Security (IWBIS) 2017

◼ Publicity Co-Chair of International Conference of Informatics and Computing (ICIC)2017

◼ Program Chair of ICACSIS 2014, 2015, & 2016

◼ Program Chair of Developing Online Education (DOED) 2014 & 2016

◼ Organizing Committee of the 1st and 2nd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction and User Experience

◼ Program Committee of the International Conference on Learning Technologies and Learning Environments (LTLE 2017)

◼ Program Committee of The International Conference on Data and Information Science (ICODIS 2017)

◼ Scientific Committee of Internasional Conference on Innovative Research Across Disciplines (ICIRAD) 2017


◼ REVIEWER of Asia Pacific CHI UX 2015 (@ Symposium)

◼ REVIEWER of American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference

◼ REVIEWER of ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Annual Conference

◼ REVIEWER @ Journal of Educators Online and @ International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning (invited)

◼ REVIEWER (Mitra Bebestari) of The Indonesian Journal on Computing (Indo-JC), Fakultas Informatika, Universitas Telkom, Bandung, Indonesia

◼ REVIEWER (Mitra Bebestari) of Jurnal Buana Informatika (JBI), Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, Indonesia

◼ REVIEWER (Editorial Team) of Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, Bali, Indonesia

◼ REVIEWER (Mitra Bebestari) of Jurnal Ilmiah KURSOR, Jurusan Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Trunojoyo, Jawa Timur, Indonesia

Research Interests

◼ Online Learning/Computer Assisted-Instruction

◼ Human-Computer Interaction/User Experience

◼ Metacognition/Self-Regulated Learning

◼ Engineering/Computer Science Education

SCOPUS ID: 55396730800

Masuk dalam 35 penulis terproduktif untuk artikel terindex SCOPUS di Universitas Indonesia per 24 September 2018

H-indeks: 6 dengan Jumlah Dokumen: 58

ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0459-0493

Google Scholar ID

H-indeks: 11 dengan Jumlah Citations: 290+

Researchgate ID

SINTA Ristekdikti

Tercatat ada di ranking 890 di level nasional menurut SINTA Kemenristekdikti per 24 September 2018

SINTA Score: 18,74

Buku yang diterbitkan UI-Press (2017)


Survey untuk mengetahui persepsi para pengajar tentang online education research

di Indonesia telah dilakukan terhadap 69 responden yang merupakan para pengajar

di berbagai institusi.

64% Sudah menyelenggarakan e-Learning

66% Diantaranya sudah menyelenggarakan

e-Learning lebih dari 3 semester

28% Pernah menulis artikel tentang

Online Learning


Sembilan kendala utama

dalam melakukan Online

Education Research

Tidak mengetahui teknis penelitian1

Keterbatasan waktu5

Kurangnya SDM untuk melakukan penelitian9

Masalah ketersediaan data3

Kurangnya fasilitas pendukung2

Kurangnya penguasaan teknologi4

Masalah kebijakan institusi7

Tidak ada dukungan keuangan6

Kurang partisipasi dari pengguna online learning8

Experiences related to Online Courses

◼ Delivering Online [Blended] Courses for Graduate Students

◼ At Utah State University

◼ Using Blackboard & Canvas

◼ Delivering Online [Blended] Courses for Undergradute Students

◼ At Universitas Indonesia

◼ Using Moodle

◼ Enrolled in MOOC Providers

◼ Coursera

◼ Udacity

Experience as a Digital Learner

Experience as a Digital Learner


◼ How People Learn

◼ New Paradigm of Learning: Student Centered

◼ Online (Blended) Learning

◼ Big Data and Online Learning

◼ Case Studies

◼ Lessons Learned

How People Learn (?)

Bransford, Brown, & Cocking, (eds.). How People Learn. National Academy

Press. Washington, D.C.

Berapa tahun kita

belajar secara


How People Learn (?)

Bransford, Brown, & Cocking, (eds.). How People Learn. National Academy

Press. Washington, D.C.

Era Disrupsi telah tiba ...

Era Disrupsi telah tiba ...

Era Disrupsi telah tiba ...

“In an interview with The New York Times, Google's Senior Vice President for People Operations Laszlo Bock revealed that the number of degree-less hires has trended upwards as they've stopped asking for transcripts for everybody but the most recent graduates.”

Era Disrupsi telah tiba ...

“A range of technology occupations—from front-end developers to network administrators—don’t require college degrees. Instead, employers are looking for specific skills that evolve rapidly and can be acquired through certificate programs or at coding bootcamps.”

Era Disrupsi telah tiba ...

“Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Dinas Perhubungan Jawa Barat resmi melarang transportasi berbasis aplikasi, baik roda dua maupun empat. Larangan itu sudah disepakati oleh Dinas Perhubungan Jawa Barat dengan Wadah Aliansi Aspirasi Transportasi (WAAT) Jawa Barat.”

Revolusi Industri 4.0

Revolusi Industri 4.0

The 10 Skills

The 10 Skills, apa saja?

1. ...

2. ...

3. ...

4. ...

5. ...

6. ...

7. ...

8. ...

9. ...

10. ...

The 10 Skills in 2015 and 2020

The 10 Skills in 2015 and 2020

The 10 Skills in 2015 and 2020

The 10 Skills in 2015 and 2020

Questions to Ponder

Bagaimana implementasi online learning dalam merespon era revolusi industri 4.0?

1. Pemanfaatan teknologi terkini (misal: big data, artificial intelligence, dsb)

2. Optimalisasi online learning dalam membentuk skills set yang diperlukan

Student-Centered Learning (ISTE)What is it?

◼ Student-centered learning moves students from passive receivers of information to active participants in their own discovery process. What students learn, how they learn it and how their learning is assessed are all driven by each individual student’s needs and abilities.

ISTE - International Society for Technology in Education

Traditional vs. Online Learning

◼ Is it still relevant asking about traditional vs. online learning nowadays?

◼ Why do some people confront traditional vs. online learning?

◼ Many research findings revealed NO SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCE

“No Significant Difference”

◼ “Differences Between Traditional and Distance Education Academic Performances: A meta-analytic approach” by Mickey Shachar and Yoram Neumann (2003)

◼ “An Investigation of Traditional Education vs. Fully Online Education in IT” by Johnathan Yerby and Kevin Floyd

◼ “Is Identical Really Identical? An Investigation of Equivalency Theory and Online Learning” by Ruth Lapsley, Brian Kulik, Rex Moody, and J. B. (Ben) Arbaugh

Why do we need Online (Blended) Learning?

◼ Making Thinking Visible (to Instructor)

◼ Making Teaching Visible (to Management)


“Active learning is generally defined as any instructional method that engages students in the learning process.” (Prince, 2004)

“The evidence for the effectiveness of active learning…”

Active Learning Methods

◼ Collaborative Learning

◼ Problem-Based Learning

◼ Project-Based Learning

◼ Group Discussion

◼ Note-Taking Strategies

◼ Etc.

Can you mention another one?

Questions to Ponder

Apakah Online (Blended) Learning yang terbaik untuk konteks pembelajaran kita?

What is Online Learning?

◼ Allen dan Seaman (2013) menyatakan bahwa online coursesadalah yang minimal 80% matakuliahnya disampaikan secara online.

◼ Mayadas dan Miller (2014) mengemukakan dua categoripengertian e-Learning: di level matakuliah dan di level program studi.

◼ Di level MATAKULIAH: (1) Traditional Classroom Course; (2) Synchronous Distributed Course; (3) Web-Enhanced Course; (4) “Emporium” Course; (5) Hybrid Course; dan (6) Online Course.

◼ Di level PROGRAM STUDI: (1) Traditional ClassroomProgram; (2) Multi-Format Program; (3) Blended Program; dan (4) Online Program.

What is Blended Learning?

“Blended learning or ‘hybrid learning,’ is learning that combines the best of online learning and face-to-face instruction for the purpose of enhancing learning.

‘Flipping the classroom’ or ‘inverted teaching’ are also forms of blended learning, as course content is moved out of the classroom to an online format allowing for class time to be more interactive.”Source:

The Percentage

◼ The Sloan Consortium [a professional organization dedicated to post secondary online learning] defines Blended Learning:

30% - 70% of the instruction is delivered online

Kendatipun demikian, persentase tersebut tidak dapat mencakupseluruh konfigurasi atau desain Blended Learning

Tipe 1

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 16

In Class Online Online In Class

Tipe 2

Week 1 Week 2 Week 16

Online Online Online

In Class In Class In Class

Mengapa (perlu) Blended Learning?

◼ Adanya fleksibilitas untuk siswa dan instruktur

◼ Kesempatan bertanya

◼ Kesempatan membagi waktu: tuntutan tridarma PT

◼ Siswa lebih menyukai mata kuliah yang memiliki komponenonline (ECAR, 2012).

◼ Adanya faktor budaya, khususnya di Indonesia

◼ Lebih ‘nyaman’ ketemu dosen langsung dalam konteksonline course

Mengapa (perlu) Blended Learning?


◼ Strategi untuk membuat alokasi sumber daya


◼ Memonitor kondisi kelas secara online

◼ Bagi DOSEN

◼ Memfasilitasi dosen untuk menawarkan inovasi pembelajaran


◼ Mendapatkan alternatif desain instruksional dalam belajar

Flipped Classroom

Wahyuningrum, E. P. (2015). Analisis dan Perancangan Desain Instruksional pada Learning Management

System Moodle dalam Konteks Flipped Classroom. Skripsi, Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia.

Project-Based LearningCase Study: Sistem Interaksi

Project-Based LearningCase Study: Sistem Interaksi

Ada Tahapan Pengerjaan→ Templates

Group DiscussionCase Study: Komputer & Masyarakat

Enhanced-Guided NotesCase Study: Fundamental Electronics for Engineers

Kolaborasi Menggunakan Wiki @ SCELE

Kolaborasi Menggunakan Wiki @ SCELE

Kolaborasi Menggunakan Wiki @ SCELE

Our Research

◼ Measuring User Experience of the Student Centered e-Learning Environment

◼ Pedagogical Agent in Online Learning

◼ Mobile Learning Application

◼ Personalized Learning

◼ Augmented Reality for Learning

User Experience of SCELE

UI, Usability and UX

Usability answers the question, “Can

the user accomplish their goal?” In the

case of our camera shopper, from the

perspective of the site’s design, she did

accomplish the goal, being very

satisfied with the result.

User Experience answers the question,

“Did the user have as delightful an

experience as possible?” The store

portion of the experience canceled out the

online portion.


User Interface

Engineering (UIE)

A Study about UX Measurement

Introduction to the Study

◼ Although user experience measurements have been used to evaluate any products, there is still limited effort to evaluate learning management systems.

◼ Any evaluation effort to measure their usability are usually taken from students’ perspectives.

◼ This issue is critical because the quality of learning management systems usage will affect students’ learning performance while learning online.

◼ The purposes for this current study were:

◼ to understand students’ user experience while using a learning management system in Computer Science education;

◼ to apply multi-methods approach in evaluating students’ user experience; and

◼ to provide recommendations for improving a learning management system.

Participants & Context of the Study

◼ Two hundred thirteen Computer Science students at a university in Indonesia participated and completed the Indonesian UEQ. They were informed about the purposes and methods of the study.

◼ Participants have been using SCELE for years.

◼ Instructors use SCELE to facilitate teaching and learning activities outside the classroom.

◼ They can upload learning materials, post questions on discussion forums, and set up quizzes and assignments.

◼ The current study uses the UEQ and open-ended questions to evaluate user experience of the students while using SCELE.


◼ The findings from open-ended questions:

◼ First, regarding the benefits of using SCELE for learning, among 290 responses gathered, most respondents stated that SCELE helps them to assess learning materials (26%).

◼ Second, regarding the challenges while using SCELE, it was revealed that among 189 responses, user willingness to access was the most challenging one (15%).

◼ Third, regarding the most important features of SCELE, 25% of 308 responses stated that discussion forum is the most important feature.

◼ Fourth, regarding the least important features of SCELE, 23% of 209 responses revealed that message (inbox) is the least important feature on SCELE.

Please read:

Pedagogical Agent on SCELEProviding a new learning experience

Pedagogical Agent on SCELEProviding a new learning experience

Pedagogical Agent on SCELEProviding a new learning experience

Pedagogical Agent on SCELEProviding a new learning experience

Pedagogical Agent on SCELEProviding a new learning experience

Mobile Learning Application

Personalized Learning

Augmented Reality for Learning

Augmented Reality for Learning

Self-Monitoring Tool

Ide “Integrasi” Digital Learning & Digital Library

◼ Learning Object Repository dalam Learning Management System

◼ kemungkinan adanya sumber ajar yang digunakan difakultas-fakultas yang berbeda (mengurangi duplikasi)

◼ sumber daya digital tidak hanya untuk bahan penelitian dosen, tetapi juga sebagai pendukung proses belajar mengajar

◼ menumbuhkan semangat berbagi

◼ Kegiatan Belajar-Mengajar perlu diarahkan untuk:

◼ menumbuhkan curiosity

◼ menumbuhkan personal objectives

Contoh Diskusi: Pertanyaan Pemicu

Contoh Tanggapan Mahasiswa

Contoh Tanggapan Dosen

Ketika Online Learning Dilaksanakan ...

◼ Mengubah pola pembelajaran → new learning paradigm!

◼ Menghemat kertas → paperless!

◼ Arahan atau pemicu dari pengajar begitu penting →motivation!

◼ Interaksi belajar bisa kapan saja dan di mana saja → flexibility!

◼ Data log aktivitas menjadi besar, bahkan sangat besar!

◼ Besarnya data tergantung sejauh mana penggunaan learning management systems di institusi masing-masing

◼ Peluang melakukan analisis proses pembelajaran dimungkinkan dan bisa lebih detail dibandingkan pembelajaran konvensional

Lessons Learned

◼ Make sure the students are well-prepared

◼ Make sure the students check the LMS regularly

◼ There is no guarantee that students with high ICT literacy will be active online more than their peers

◼ Make sure the instructions are clear

◼ Make sure the students complete all tasks

◼ Provide different forms of learning contents

◼ Use ‘chunking’ method for creating learning contents

◼ Use the data to better analyze the learning activities and learning performance

REFLECTIONSeven Principles For Good Practice in Undergraduate Education by Arthur W. Chickering and Zelda F. Gamson

1. Encourages contact between students and faculty

2. Develops reciprocity and cooperation among students.

3. Encourages active learning.

4. Gives prompt feedback.

5. Emphasizes time on task.

6. Communicates high expectations.

7. Respects diverse talents and ways of learning.

Journal Writing Experience (Selected Publications)

◼ International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering & IT (published, 2017)

◼ The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning (published, 2015)

◼ Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research (published, 2014)

◼ Journal of Educators Online (published, 2014, 2016, 2018)

◼ MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching (published, 2014)

◼ International Education Studies (published, 2013, 2017)

◼ International Journal of Engineering Education (published, 2013)

◼ Design and Technology Education: An International Journal (published, 2013)

◼ Journal of STEM Education: Innovations and Research (published, 2013)

◼ Journal of Educational Technology & Society (published, 2012)

Daftar Pustaka

◼ Cornell University (2018). Blended Learning. Retrived from

◼ Griffith University (2018). Getting Started with Blended Learning. Retrieved from

◼ Futch, L., & Chen, B. (2018). Blended assessments of learning. Retrieved from

◼ Westhuizen, D. (2016). Guidelines for online assessment for educators. Retrieved from

◼ Allen & Seaman (2013). Changing course: Ten years of tracking online education in the United States. Retrieved from

◼ Mayadas, F., & Miller, G. (2014). Definitions of e-Learning courses and programs, version 1.1, developed for discussion within the online learning community

Question and Answer
