Tribute to my dad

Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Tim Grubbs

July 1, 1956 – June 5, 2010

This past year has been a year of

transition for our family. We’ve had

to figure out life without the

leadership of our dad. He prepared

us in many ways. He showed us

how to be strong.

My dad was my biggest fan. He

taught me the game and was

there the entire way. He taught

me to be humble and even

benched me in a little league


He was also there to

congratulate me when I

experienced success. These

are lessons that I’ll never forget.

Moments that take your breath

away…. Every Christmas

morning, spending time with our


Dad helped me reel in the

biggest bass I’ve ever caught. I

visited Wooster Lake just this

week, the place we caught it

together when I was 12.

I think of our trips together…. Getting

to Cincinnati to the Cubs game in the

3rd inning and being one of the last to

leave….on a work night.

And getting lost in Bloomington

on our way home from the IU

game…. These are moments

that take your breath away.

He was there to see me marry my

beautiful bride… and he was


Dad showed me how to be faithful

to your wife and to provide for my


Dad became a Grandpa… an

awesome Grandpa. He cherished


This “moment” was at mom’s

surprise birthday party he

organized during his last few

weeks here.

Dad hasn’t been able to hold

Maycee in his arms, but I know he’s

with her in spirit.

He’ll greet Maycee and reunite

with Eliana at the gates when their

time comes.

When dad took his last breath

that night, it changed our lives.

Jesus said “Follow me, and I will

make you fishers of men”.

(Matthew 4:19)

Life is not a number. A good life does not

necessarily equal a long life. We need to live

each day to the fullest and enjoy it. We need

to prepare ourselves for the better life to come

through Christ. I look forward to meeting up

with dad soon! Miss you man!