Trimester 2 basketball review 2014 qa

Post on 11-May-2015

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Trimester 3 Basketball Review

Send up a person from your teamIf you know the answer grab the ball

1 point for a correct answer and a chance for a bonus point for getting the ball through the

hoop from the line!

Where do most volcanoes on earth occur?

• Along tectonic plate boundaries

How does silica affect the viscosity of magma?

• More silica means high viscosity…which means it is thick and doesn’t flow as easily

Which is younger, layer D or intrusion A?

• Intrusion A

Based on the seismic readings, which location is nearest to the epicenter of the earthquake?

• The seismic station in Oregon is closest

What are the three types of sedimentary rock?

• Chemical• Clastic• Organic

What is the relationship between the size of mineral crystals and the cooling rate of an igneous rock?

• The slower the magma cools, the larger the crystals

Using the graph, how many years will it take 50% of the C-14 to decay?

• 5730x2=11,460 years

Why is C-14 not used to date objects over 50000 years old?

• After 50000 years, there is not enough parent material left to measure

The preserved remains of living organisms are called?

• Fossils

What is the S-P interval of the seismogram?

• About 40 seconds (39ish)

If the S-P interval of an earthquake is 47 seconds, how far away was the earthquake?

• 460 km

The order of seismic waves

• Primary (P)• Secondary (S)• Surface (L)

The oldest rock layer in the picture

• Layer I

The youngest rock layer in the picture

• Layer H (intrusion)

What is the difference between magma and lava?

• Magma is molten rock underground, while lava is the same thing on the surface.

Predict the silica content of magma with low viscosity.

• Low viscosity means that the lava would flow easily. This would mean a low silica content.

How are the rocks forming at A different from rocks forming at B?

• Rocks at A are intrusive, they cool slowly from magma and would have larger mineral crystals

• Rocks at B are extrusive, they cool quickly from lava and have smaller mineral crystals

Most earthquake hazards are on the West coast. Why do you thing there is an elevated earthquake risk here?

• There must be an active fault in the middle of the continent

Fossils that are used to pinpoint ranges of time within rock layers and help scientists to correlate layers of rock are known as _______

• Index Fossils

Which organism would make the best index fossil?

• Organism A would be best…it is only found in 1 layer and is abundant and occurs over a large geographic area

The process of sequencing rock layers from oldest to youngest based on their position.

• Relative dating

The type of volcano with steep sides and alternating layers of lava and ash. It has the most violent eruptions

• Composite or Stratovolcano

This law/principle states that in undisturbed rock layers, each layer is older than the one above it

• Principle of Superposition

Portions of rock layers that are missing or altered due to erosion and other disturbances are called _______________

• Unconformities

The type of volcano made of lava flows with gentle sloping sides

• Shield volcano

Which environment would be least likely to provide conditions for fossil formation?

A dried up lava flow

A dried up river bed

A dried up tar pit

A block of glacial ice

• A dried up lava flow

The intersection of the 3 circles indicate the _____ of an earthquake

• epicenter

If you are at a seismic station and there are no S-waves detected from an earthquake, what can you assume about the earthquake’s location in relation to where you are?

• The earthquake was on the other side of the Earth. The S-waves were stopped by the liquid outer core.

Based on the graphic, a Plinian eruption reads what on the VEI scale?

• VEI = 8

If Mt. Holly erupts with a VEI of 5, how long would you expect there to be between the next eruption?

• 100’s of years

Name one way a large volcanic eruption could affect one of the spheres

• Geosphere – creates new land, ash adds nutrients to soil

• Hydrosphere – ash gets into waterways and sediment builds up, gases get incorporated into water cycle causing acid rain

• Atmosphere – gases and ash are transported long distances by wind, temperatures may cool as some gases cause the deflection of sunlight

• Biosphere – living things are destroyed by many of the hazards, food chains are disrupted

Which type of boundary is responsible for the volcanoes in Hawaii?

• Hawaii is not on a boundary but is the result of a hot spot.

What was most likely the cause of the events in this picture?

• This tsunami was most likely caused by a large earthquake under water

What type of metamorphic rock has mineral bands aligned in layers as pictured below?

• foliated

Which type of metamorphic rock requires the most heat and pressure to form?

• Gneiss

Using the half life of radioactive elements enables you to determine the ______ age of a rock or fossil.

• absolute