Trinity Baptist Church exists to proclaim Christ and make...

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Trinity Baptist Church exists to proclaim Christ and make disciples of those who claim Christ,

all for the glory of Christ.

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the year. The food, family, and football all contribute to make Thanksgiving a great day. I also like Thanksgiving because it doesn't come with a lot of hype, at least not from the world's perspective. It is sandwiched between two holidays our country loves to celebrate, and retail stores love to promote: Halloween and Christmas. Because of this, Thanksgiving often gets overlooked. However, in the economy of God, being thankful is one of the greatest attributes we can possess. Psalm 106:1 says, ―Praise the Lord! Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever!‖ In 1 Chronicles 16:8 David declares, ―Oh give thanks to the Lord; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples!‖ From Psalm 75:1 ―We give thanks to you, O God; we give thanks, for your name is near. We recount your wondrous deeds.‖ We could list several more: Psalm 9:1, Psalm 28:7, Psalm 57:9, Isaiah 12:1, Jeremiah 33:11, Luke 2:38, 1 Corinthians 1:4, Ephesians 1:16, and that doesn't even include half of the Bible's references to giving thanks. Of all the verses on giving thanks, my favorite is 1 Chronicles 16:35, ―Save us, O God of our salvation, and gather and deliver us from among the nations, that we may give thanks to your holy name and glory in your praise.‖ I love this verse because it reminds me why thankfulness is so important in my life. My thankfulness makes the name of God great! When we have thankful hearts and express that thankfulness, the name of God gets magnified. He gets glory from our thankfulness. We often think being thankful is only beneficial for us. While expressing thanks does remind us of the goodness of God, it also displays the glory of God to the world around us. As we turn toward the Thanksgiving holiday, let's be reminded of everything God has done for us. Let's express thankfulness not just in our hearts, but with our words. Let's remember the ultimate treasure God has given us, the gift of eternal life through the death and resurrection of Christ. Most of all, let our thankfulness resound to the glory of God and the spread of the gospel. For the Fame of God's Name, Pastor Derek

TBC Discovery November 2014

Thanksgiving Food Ingathering

Sunday, November 23

Dear Church Family,

Every year during this season, TBC members give generously to those who need help by providing a meal to share with their families on Thanksgiving day.

You can help meet this need by bringing canned and boxed food items to the church on Sunday morning, November 23. During the morning worship services, our church family will offer their gifts of food together as we bring them to the front of the Worship Center. The canned and boxed food items will fill the Thanksgiving baskets for these families in our community. The deacons will fill the food baskets and hand deliver them to each family.

If you know of a family who would appreciate a Thanksgiving food basket, let one of our deacons know by Monday, November 17. Fill out the form below and place it in the offering plate, or call the church office at 372.2421, and give the information to Rita.

Thank you for your help! The Deacons of TBC

“Do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.”

Hebrews 13:16

Family Name: __________________________________________________________________

Address: ______________________________________________________________________

Phone: ___________________________________

Number of people in family: ___________________

Preference (circle one): Ham or Turkey

Your name: ______________________________________________________________________

Your contact phone number:______________________

TBC Information

Trinity Quilters Meet every Tuesday morning at 9:30am in the Sewing Room upstairs in the Adult Wing.

Senior Adult Game Night Monday, November 24, at 6:00pm in the Parlor.

Sunday School Attendance 10/05/14 - 580 10/12/14 - 478 10/19/14 - 544 10/26/14 - 514

Monthly Budget Report – September 2014 Revenue: $146,299.20 Expense: $141,302.64 Revenue Compared to Expense: $4996.56

Year to Date – September 2014 Revenue: $1,181,130.57 Expense: $1,233,877.83 Revenue Compared to Expense: ($ 52,747.26) General Fund Balance as of September 30, 2014 $215,598.47

Daylight Saving Time Ends Set your clocks back one hour on Saturday night, November 1.

For Prayer Call the Church Office at 372.2421, Terri Burke at 236.3542,

Art Garner at 622.3480, Shirley Holland at 352.1623, Betty Wilson at 358.9341, or Margaret Raleigh at 352.2332.

TBC Membership Class The next TBC Membership class will be on Sunday, November 9, at 9:45am in the

Library. Please attend this class if you are interested in learning more about TBC, or are ready to join the church. Call the church office at 372.2421, if you are interested in attending.

Wednesday Night Break

Wednesday Night Dinner, Kingdom Kids, Planted, and Equip University will end on November 19. All regular Wednesday activities will resume on Wednesday, January 7, 2015.

November Menu 5 - Oven Fried Chicken, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Green Beans, Rolls, & Banana Pudding 12 - Baked Potatoes, Chili, Salad, & Cookies 19 - Spaghetti & Meat Sauce, Mixed Vegetables, Garlic Toast, & Dessert

Thanksgiving Holiday Schedule Changes Wednesday, November 26, TBC Office and ROC will close

at noon. No evening activities are scheduled. Thursday and Friday, November 27 and 28, TBC Office and ROC will be closed for Thanksgiving. Saturday, November 29, the ROC will be closed. Sunday, November 30, Sunday School and

late service only (11:00am) no afternoon or evening activities are scheduled.

2014 March for Missions Imagine joining the Author of all history in

One Sacred Effort During the holiday season, TBC focuses on our missions

offerings for the entire year. Those offerings are Lottie Moon International Christmas Offering, Annie Armstrong Easter Offering, and Mary Hill Davis Offering for Texas Missions.

This year on Sunday, December 14, we will March for Missions

in both of our morning worship services. As we celebrate God’s grace in Christ, families will have the opportunity to

bring their offerings forward. We will accept offerings throughout the holiday season; however, we encourage you

to join the church in an act of solidarity to show your commitment for missions and the gospel. Please begin praying that God will give you a heart of sacrifice and

generosity to help reach the world for Jesus.

Disciple Now 2014 Fall is here! That means it’s time for pumpkins, changing leaves, and football. It also means it’s almost time

for Disciple Now weekend! This is our annual fall retreat for our student ministry which takes place November 21-23. Students stay in the homes of church members for Bible study, small groups, games

and fellowship. We also participate in group activities and worship times together. I am very excited about our study this year: Life on Mission by David Platt.

Our worship this year will be led by the Garrett Wooten Band.

This weekend would not be possible if it weren’t for our adult volunteers who help to make it a success. This is where we need YOU! There are primarily five ways that you can serve:

1)Pray. Pray that God would work in the hearts of the students who will be participating during the weekend. Pray that God’s Word would be taught clearly and the gospel would be articulated.

Pray that lives would be changed. Pray that our students would see the call on their lives to live on mission with God.

2) Drivers. We need drivers who are willing to help with a much anticipated ―citywide‖ scavenger hunt on Saturday, November 22. This takes place after lunch and usually lasts 2-3 hours.

You will be driving students around town helping to find various clues. 3) Host homes. We cannot have Disciple Now without homes in which our students will be staying.

Please consider opening up your home to a group of our students for the weekend. 4) Food. We need volunteers who would be willing to help provide food for our students over the

weekend. Teenagers need food—lots of it. 5) Scholarships. Many of our students have a difficult time paying for the weekend or have

multiple siblings in the home which can make it very pricey for families. Would you be willing to pay the $35 for a student to participate?

I hope you will consider serving our church in some way over the weekend. I trust God is going to do life-changing, transforming things in the lives of our students. Please pray with me.

Please contact me at the church office if you have any questions about how you can serve. You can call me at 372.2421 or email me at

Kids’ Country Christmas

Friday, December 5 6:00 - 10:00pm

RSVP by Wednesday, December 3

Cost is $5 per child

PreSchool Praize Celebration PreSchool Praize choirs will sing at their

annual celebration night Sunday, November 23, at 4:15pm in the ROC

Auditorium. Family and friends are invited to come to this special time of celebration.

All PreSchool Praize choirs will still meet at 6:00pm.

What is Angel Tree? Angel Tree is a ministry opportunity to share the love of Christ by

meeting the physical and spiritual needs of children who have a parent in prison. This is

a way for our church to ―minister to the least of these‖ (Matthew 25:40), while we

pray for the spiritual needs of these families.

This year, TBC will receive the names of children whose parent(s) are incarcerated.

We will work to connect the parent in prison with their children by supplying two gifts for each child. The children will receive a

toy (or fun gift) and a clothing gift on behalf of their incarcerated parent. These gifts will be handed out at an Angel Tree party that

TBC will host for these families in December. As we present the gospel to these

families, it is our hope that they will see the love of Christ through the

community of believers we have here at Trinity Baptist Church.

TBC’s Angel Tree will be set up on

Sunday morning, November 2. Prayerfully consider taking one or more

Angels. The goal is to have all Angels chosen by Sunday, November 9.

Each gift should range between $15 to $25. Please bring your wrapped gifts and place them under the trees located outside the

Music Suite or to the church office by Sunday, December 7.

How can you help? Pray for the children

and their families that God would shed His grace on them. Pray for Sunday,

November 2, that every Angel on the tree would be taken. Thank you for being a

special part of this ministry in sharing the gospel to the children of Angle Tree.

Wycliffe Bible Translators The History: In the summer of 1917 William Cameron Townsend took a break from his college studies to sell Spanish Bibles in Guatemala. He soon realized that the majority of Guatemalans were descendants of the Mayan Indians and didn’t speak or read Spanish. Several Cakchiquel Indians expressed their concern that the Scriptures were available in Spanish but not in their language.

Conversations like this and the urging of the Holy Spirit convinced Townsend to learn the Cakchiquel language and translate the New Testament for these people so that they could have it in a language they understood clearly—their own. Thus, he and his wife went to live among the Cakchiquel Indians in Guatemala and began translation work. Ten years later the Cakchiquel NT was finished and eventually Wycliffe Bible Translators was formed. In 1990, the leaders of Wycliffe realized that at the current speed, it would be at least 2150 before a Bible translation could be started for every language that needed one.

Wycliffe believes the Bible is God’s word to man, and every person has a right to it in their own language.

Wycliffe works in Africa, the Americas, Europe, and the Pacific in everything from Bible translation to communications, health services, operations, transportation, and more.

Rachel Fike, a member of TBC, has felt the call to this ministry and will begin working with Wycliffe in September 2015. This will be a 2 year commitment as a Language Program Intern. She plans to go to Papua New Guinea (PNG) and some of the areas she will be involved with are: Hike to villages of new language groups and research needs for Scripture Prep work for translating Assist in workshops for Oral Bible Storytelling Mentor the national partners Assist in consult-checking of stories Communicate with participants in the translation project(s) Assist in translation Prepare literacy materials

How can you help? Prayer Financial Support - Rachael will need to raise between $1800—3200 a month for the 2 years she is

abroad and will also need to take some linguistic classes at the Summer Institute of Linguistics in North Dakota which will cost between $2850—$3315.

The Facts of Bible Translation: Almost 7,000 languages are known to be in use today. More than 500 languages have the complete translated Bible. Nearly 1,300 languages have access to the New Testament and some portions of Scripture in their

language. Nearly 2,200 languages across 131 countries have active translation and linguistic development work

happening right now. More than 1,800 languages still need a Bible translation project to begin About 180 million people need Bible translation to begin in their language.

The Plan: To do everything they can to see a Bible translation program in progress in every language still needing one by 2025. For more information go to

November Birthdays

November 1 Evan Bingham

November 2 Sue Daniel

Kathy Hyatt Casey King

November 3 Betton Davis Ginger Hazle

November 4 Jessica Brock

Shelly Holcomb Margaret Raleigh

November 5 Janine Burleyson Shailee Harrold Kenzie Morris

Ana Pertl

November 6 Louisa Dolly

November 7 Kaiden Hogue Geary Mahan

November 8 Linda Murphy Robert Silva

November 9 Karen Brown

Jim Cook Mary Crist

Abram Murphy Marty Taber

November 10 Cheri Griffith

November 11 Ashlyn Blackhurst

Arthur Garner Aiden Morgan Karyn Pierce

November 12 Frank Novak

Jennifer Silhan

November 13 John Kyle Joe Ream

November 14 Heather Handley

Eli Murphy

November 15 Denise Houser

Robert Ricci

November 16 Midge Cornelius

Brad Jones

November 17 Debbie Armstrong

Gary Baker

November 18 Neil Barbaro

Sandie Walser Morgan Williams

November 19

November 20 Dorothy Armstrong

Susan Barnes Geneva Cooper Shirley Gibbons

Helen Rich Carey Skinner

Tobi Wells

November 21 Jean Taylor

November 22 Tomasine Bryant

Marion Fike

November 23 Averi Raleigh

Lou Ann Seabourn

November 24

November 25 Bill McLaughlin Evelyn Mosley

November 26 Kelani Burleyson

November 27 Judy Boyles

November 28

November 29 Sue Barrett

Kendra Burleyson Akili Harrold Neil Packard

Kim Shepherd

November 30 Beth Anne Topper

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

See Regular Sunday

Schedule Below

See Regular Wednesday

Schedule Below

1 Student Ministry to

Western Bowl 7:00pm

2 Angel Tree Emphasis

Deacons Meeting (ROC-9) 3:30pm



Mother’s Day Out 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM

Trinity Quilters (W-200) 9:30am - 12:00pm

TLUSA/AHG (ROC) 6:30-8:00pm


Women’s Bible Study (Parlor) 9:30 - 11:30am


Mother’s Day Out 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM

Women’s Bible Study (Parlor) 7:00 - 9:00pm

7 Men Stepping Up

(Parlor) 6:00am

8 TBC Worship Choir Power Rehearsal

(Music Suite) 9:00am - 12:00pm


TBC Membership Class (Library) 9:45am

The Haven Class Fellowship Luncheon

(Parlor) 12:00pm



Mother’s Day Out 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM

Trinity Quilters (W-200) 9:30am - 12:00pm

TLUSA/AHG (ROC) 6:30-8:00pm


Women’s Bible Study (Parlor) 9:30 - 11:30am

13 Mother’s Day Out

8:30 AM - 2:30 PM

Women’s Bible Study (Parlor) 7:00 - 9:00pm

14 Men Stepping Up

(Parlor) 6:00am


16 March for Missions Emphasis Begins



Mother’s Day Out 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM

Trinity Quilters (W-200) 9:30am - 12:00pm

TLUSA/AHG (ROC) 6:30-8:00pm


Women’s Bible Study (ROC Auditorium)

9:30 - 11:30am

Staff Sponsored Senior Adult Luncheon

(Parlor) 11:30am

20 Mother’s Day Out

8:30 AM - 2:30 PM

Women’s Bible Study (Parlor) 7:00 - 9:00pm

21 Men Stepping Up

(Parlor) 6:00am


23 Thanksgiving Ingathering in Both Morning Services

PreSchool Praize Celebration

(ROC Auditorium) 4:15pm

Final Small Groups


Senior Adult Game Night (Parlor)

6:00 - 9:00pm


Mother’s Day Out 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM

Trinity Quilters (W-200) 9:30am - 12:00pm

TLUSA/AHG (ROC) 6:30-8:00pm


Church Office & ROC Close at 12:00pm

27 Church Office & ROC

Closed for Thanksgiving

28 Church Office & ROC

Closed for Thanksgiving Holiday

29 ROC Closed for

Thanksgiving Holiday

30 No 8:30 Worship Sunday School at

9:45am Late Morning Worship

Only at 11:00am

No Afternoon or Evening Activities

November 2014

Sunday Schedule Morning Worship 8:30 and 11:00am

Sunday School 9:45am Small Groups 5:00 - 7:00pm Foundations 5:00 - 7:00pm

Kidz R.O.C.K. 5:00 - 7:00pm PreSchool Praize 6:00 - 7:00pm

Wednesday Schedule Senior Adult Discipleship (W-100) 10:00am

Fellowship Dinner 5:30pm ROC Open for Students 6:00pm

Kingdom Kids 6:30pm Equip University 6:30pm

Student Ministry/Planted 7:00pm TBC Worship Choir Rehearsal

(Music Suite) 7:30pm

Disciple Now 21-23

1601 I-40 West

Amarillo, TX 79109


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TBC Ministry Staff Nate Magloughlin, Senior Pastor Derek Hall, Discipleship Pastor

Troy McConnell, Music and Worship Pastor Joshua York, Student Pastor

Tara Cruse, Children’s Director

Welcome New Members Kenneth and Barbara Morris

Monica Applegate