Trinity Church Honley newsletter May 2015

Post on 21-Jul-2016

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The monthly publication of Trinity Church (Methodist/URC), Honley, West Yorkshire, UK







Newsletter suggested price 30p or £3 p.a. (Free to visitors)

Trinity Church (Methodist-URC) Moorbottom Honley


May 2015

Election Egg by Margaret Sheppard. More decorated Easter eggs on page 7

2 Trinity Church Honley Newsletter May 2015

Trinity Church May 2015 SERVICES

Date 3 10 17 24 31

Time 1030 1030 1030 1030 0930


Terry Frost Philip

McSweeney * Keith Kitson Rev Tim Moore Rev Tim Moore

Vestibule Stewards

Martin Hirst Caroline Page

Eileen & Peter Marshall

David Redfearn Ronnie Moncur

Keith Knutton Karen Stannard

Roger & Marina Woodhead

Church Stewards

Glenys Pallister Pat Waite

Bob & Jane Armitage

Margaret Armitage Penny Winterbottom

Hilary Turner Carolynne Roberts

Margaret Sheppard Pam Redfearn

Junior Church

Margaret Sheppard Wendy Peach

Rachael Brook Di Harris Margaret Sheppard Wendy Peach

Rachael Brook

Flowers Marina Woodhead Jean Barker Martin & Alison Booth Audrey Sales Flower Fund

Coffee:Margaret Armitage+

Pam Redfearn Linda Craven

Barbara Leach Ann Hirst

Audrey Hawkswell Sylvia Hallas

Jean Wood Linda Craven

Rachel Boothroyd Joyce Draper

Day Date Events in May

Weds 6 Church Meeting. The Arthurs’ Room at 2 pm. Church Meeting. The Arthurs’ Room at 2 pm.

Tuesday 12 Tea & Cakes, provided by the Women’s Fellowship. 2.30—4.00pm. Donations, plus cake slice sale 60p

H’firth Methodist Leisure Group. Meet at Brockholes Methodists at 11am for a walk, picnic lunch and talk

Sunday 17 Trinity / Civic Society walk. ‘Bluebell walk’; led by Val. Meet at 2.15 at Trinity Church.

Events coming up in following months

Saturday June 6th is Honley Community Festival- Street Market in Church Street, Fun in People’s Park

Junior Church Trinity has a Junior Church which takes place during the

latter part of the service.

During Easter the activities included a beautiful scroll which told the Easter story and we made hot cross buns which we shared with the con-gregation. The children also produced some very

imaginatively decorated Easter eggs.

Now that the Easter holidays are over, our Junior Church will be looking forward to celebrating more Christian festivals. I hope you will feel like joining us in

our ‘decorated potato’ display when Harvest Festival arrives!

The nine stars in the box puzzle

Can you join all the stars using only four straight lines and not tak-

ing your pencil off the paper?

Read Tim’s message opposite, and you should get some help. If

all else fails, see page 10

Drumming Up Support for Fairtrade!

On World Fairtrade Day Saturday 9th May something

exciting heads to Holmfirth. The Festival of Folk and fairandfunky are joining forces and “Drumming up Support for Fairtrade” with family workshops, musi-

cians, stalls and exhibitions.

Taking place in Holmfirth Market the event will see

the launch of a very special “Cotton on to Fairtrade”

exhibition from Holme Valley Fairtrade.

Come along and see a collection of celebrity signed Fairtrade cotton bags including Patrick Stewart and Annie Lennox. Raffle tickets will be on sale giving you

the chance to own one of the bags.

Alongside the exhibition a host of stalls will fill the marketplace and a drop-in fairandfunky SCRAPtastic workshop invites people of all ages to create marvel-lous musical instruments out of junk! These can then be taken around the festival to join in the festivities-

you may even find yourself with an audience.

Throughout the day artistes from the festival will be popping in to perform – singers, dancers and drum-mers are all lined up to entertain; many of whom will

be inviting event goers to join in!

Methodists have long seen political engagement as part of their Christian discipleship. Christians are to be found voting for, campaigning for and even standing for almost every political party.

*My roots are in the Baptist church, but after marrying San-

dra in 1999 I joined her in worshipping at Parkwood Methodist

Church, Longwood. My life is surrounded by

beautiful women (what a blessed man I am) as

I have two stepdaughters and three step


I work for a company called ISS, travelling up

and down the train line from Todmorden to

Marsden, keeping the stations clean and tidy.

I qualified as a Local Preacher in May 2013.

Trinity Church Honley Newsletter May 2015 3

Our Minister-September Pioneer

Contact Rev Tim Moore on mobile: 07837 128611 or email:

I have been asked to say some-

thing about my new role in Sep-

tember and to explain what

‘Pioneering’ is, so here goes…

The Methodists have recently pub-

lished a booklet which attempts to

describe what Pioeering means.

They say that

‘A pioneer is someone who cre-

ates new opportunities for people

to encounter and respond to

God’s love that extend beyond

traditional church services’*

As you can see this is a broad defi-

nition which means that pioneering

is difficult to pin down (which in

my case is a good thing).

As I was thinking about this I be-

gan to meet people who were suf-

fering from depression or anxiety

or just so stressed that living a

‘normal’ life was an uphill strug-

gle. The shock for me was that

there are so many people suffering

this way.

So I am going into partnership

with the NHS which is doing

some pioneering of its own.

Together we are going to offer

spiritual practices to help with low

to moderate depression, or anxiety,

or stress. We will do this in the

first instance by offering

‘Mindfulness’ courses and then to

continue those courses in whatever

spiritual ways might be useful.

‘Mindfulness’ is a way of not let-

ting the past or the future domi-

nate all your thinking.

Instead the idea is to be aware of

the present moment and to realize

just how special ‘now’ is. It

sounds very simple (which it is)

but it takes time and practice to

perfect what has become an art.

For those who have tried it, many

say ‘it has saved my life’.

The follow-on sessions will at first

be based on the old fashioned ways

of monastic living but

updated for the 21st

century. The groups

which form after the

Mindfulness sessions

can continue with

Mindfulness but to-

gether we can work

out what other practices can help

with our daily living.

I am hoping that the old ways of

a rhythm of life, set times in the

day to stop and pray, and mu-

tual support will further peoples’


The exciting thing about all of this

is that as each week begins some-

thing new comes up and all the

partners already involved seem to

be encouraged and supported.

Who is it for? Well, it’s for any-

one and everyone.

The aim is to work with people

who wouldn’t normally go to

church but I am also aware that

many of us who come to church

each Sunday would benefit and

enjoy joining me on this pioneer


If you would like to know more,

please get in touch. After Septem-

ber I am happy to visit churches or

groups to explain in more detail.


(*This may help you solve the

nine-stars puzzle– or see page 10)

A Messy Business

Trinity shares Messy Church with St Marys– and you might be wondering

what it’s all about.

The first Messy Church began in 2004 when a group at St Wilfrid’s near Ply-mouth were frustrated because they were hardly reaching any children in the local community with God’s story. They wanted to help families grow together in their walk of faith and not see Christianity as something you grow out of once you get to secondary


Messy Church is a form of church for children and adults together that in-

volves creativity, celebration and hos-pitality. Primarily aimed at non-church people it aims to introduce Jesus and give an opportunity to encounter and

grow closer to


Messy Church meets at a time that suits people who don’t usually

go to church, so not Sunday mornings! It includes a welcome; a long period of ‘creativity time’ to explore the biblical theme by getting messy; a short cele-bration time involving story, prayer, song and games; followed by a sit-

down meal together at tables.

All of these activities include all ages; adults and children. It is a fun way of doing church and the people who gather at Messy Church become a

congregation themselves.

In Honley the three churches, St. Mary’s, Elim and Trinity, share Messy Church. It is held on the last Saturday of each month, 3.30 to 5.30 pm. The one in May is on the 30th at St Mary’s. Come along and see for yourself what goes on – but also mention this to any families you know. All are welcome – but children need to bring an adult with


Bev Playle: 01484 320 918

4 Trinity Church Honley Newsletter May 2015

Middle East crisis grows

Number of displaced

Syrians and Iraqis is

now equivalent to the

population of London

The present turmoil in the Middle East has produced the worst refu-gee crisis since the end of the Sec-ond World War – but in spite of the huge numbers involved, we are in

danger of forgetting all about them.

That's the view of Jeremy Moodey, CEO of Embrace the Middle East, a Christian charity tackling poverty and injustice in the Middle East. Writing in his blog, Moody explains: “The Reuters news agency sug-gests that the number of displaced Syrians and Iraqis is now equivalent

to the population of London

Embrace is asking for funds to sup-port local Christians throughout the Middle East to provide food, health-care and education to refugees of all faiths and backgrounds trying to rebuild shattered homes and lives. The recent deaths of two Syrian babies from cold in a Lebanese bor-der town highlights the appalling conditions faced by hundreds of


Moodey believes that, despite the desperate situation for the 20 million refugees struggling to survive in the Middle East today, there are signs

of hope.

“The region’s small Christian com-munities are responding to the needs of refugees with a generosity of spirit and an abundance of com-passion which is humbling, espe-

cially when one considers all the other pressures on Middle East Christians,” he said. “The Anglican Diocese’s Refuge Egypt project in Cairo, the Middle East Council of Churches' work among refugees in Gaza and the West Bank and the assistance offered by Lebanese Baptists and Catholics to Syrian refugees – these are just some of the incredible projects deserving of

our help.”

Embrace the Middle East, formerly BibleLands, is an inter-denominational Christian charity

which was formed 160 years ago.

Embrace works with some 50 local project partners in the lands of the Bible, primarily Israel, Palestine,

Lebanon, Egypt and Syria.

The questions came as afters- The Meat & Potato Pie Lunch and Quiz.

This event, organised on March 22nd by the Activities Committee, was originally going to be a New Year social in January. Giving much thought to this, the committee decided, taking ‘one consideration with another’- weather, dark night, elderly people, coughs and colds etc. that a mid-day event later in the year

would probably be appreciated more.

This idea proved to be correct; we had a good number of people there, who congregated in the upper room following the morning service and coffee. A lunch of meat and potato pie, or vegetarian option, with peas and gravy, was on the menu, followed by tea or coffee

and assorted biscuits.

The general opinion was that the lunch was very enjoyable which seemed to be, backed-up by the fact that there was nothing at all left! The meal was then followed by a quiz, for which we would like to express our grateful thanks to Jennifer Armitage and Pat Bex for

organising it – Well done!

So we had a good time; good food and good company,

what more can one ask?

Coming – further events. Tuesday 28th July at 2.30pm – Beetle Drive with Tea

and Cakes. Sunday 20th Sept – Harvest Lunch.

Activities Committee: Karen Stannard, Ann Hirst, Carolynne Roberts, Maureen Burley, Jennifer Armitage, Pat Bex, Jean Wood, Margaret

Armitage, Jacki and Deborah Fawcett and Linda Craven.

Trinity/Civic Society Walk – Sunday 22nd March

Present: Four Cravens and two other walkers. One

Craven (Linda) was the leader. Weather: Sunny, but cool. Destination: Honley to Brockholes (return) via Far

Banks, Smithy Place, Rightox Road, Marry Carry, Marsh Platts, Gyn Lane, Eastgate, Honley. Summary: Good walking weather, pleasant com-pany. Time – 2¼ hours. (Short and succinct!-Ed)

Lent Lunches

This year the Lent Lunches raised a total of £600.00 for Honley Aid in Sickness.

Thank you to all who made soup, served and sup-ported the lunches .Sylvia Hallas,

From 10-16 May, churches all over Britain and Ireland will come together to pray, campaign and raise money

to improve the lives of people less fortunate than we. Every year, 100,000 volunteers taking part in house-to-

house collections for Christian Aid. This fantastic witness is a chance to take the mission of the church into your community.

C.A.R.T. Charity Concert Saturday 16th May

at 7-30pm in aid of CART (Christian African Relief Trust) at St Stephen’s Church, Lindley, starring the award-winning Lindley Junior School Choir and The Pennine Singers. Call 01484 461800 for tick-

ets. Bikes for Africa: CART is given lots of

bikes and bike parts, all serviced and repaired prior to shipping to

Africa. Adult ones often go to teachers, medical staff and other professionals whose work in-

volves rural travel. Children’s ones frequently are shared between whole groups of kids at orphan-ages. They are ever valued and always needed!

Trinity Church Honley Newsletter May 2015 5


Hospital chart bloomers

These are said to be from hospital discharge notes…

The editor was himself in hospital last month but was

discharged probably with a note like one of these:

~ The patient refused autopsy.

~ The patient has no previous history of suicide.

~ Patient has left white blood cells at another hospital.

~ Patient has chest pain if she lies on her left side for

over a year.

~ On the second day the knee was better and on the

third day it disappeared.

~ The patient has been depressed since she began see-

ing me in 1998.

~ Discharge status: Alive but without permission.

~ He is numb from his toes down.

~ Occasional, constant, infrequent headaches.

~ Patient has two teenage children, but no other ab-


Remember this on Trinity Sunday…...

“Tell me how it is that in this room there are three

candles and but one light, and I will explain to you

the mode of the divine existence”. - John Wesley

And some non-medical ones

supposed to be from a catholic elementary school test

~ In the first book of the bible, guinessis, god got tired

of creating the world, so he took the Sabbath off.

~ Lots wife was a pillar of salt during the day, but

a ball of fire during the night.

~ The jews were a proud people and througout his-

tory they had trouble with unsympathetic genitals.

~ Moses led the jews to the red sea where they made

unleavened bread, which is bread without any ingre-


~ The egyptians were all drowned in the dessert. Af-

terwards, Moses went up to mount cyanide to get the

ten commandments.

~ The first commandment was when eve told adam to

eat the apple.

~ The seventh commandment is thou shalt not admit


~ The greatest miricle in the bible is when joshua told

his son to stand still and he obeyed him

~ David was a Hebrew king who was skilled at playing

the liar. He fought the finkelsteins, a race of people

who lived in biblical times.

This cartoon originally appeared in the Church Times and is taken from ‘The Dave Walker Guide to the Church’,


6 Trinity Church Honley Newsletter May 2015

Women's Fellowship The AGM

We held our last meeting of this season on Tuesday 24 March. consisted of a short AGM and then a quiz followed by afternoon tea with hot cross buns both of which were thoroughly enjoyed

by everyone.

Joyce Draper thanked Marion and Ann for organizing the speak-ers for this year's interesting programme and she also thanked Margaret Sheppard for agreeing to carrying on next year, as

Marion and Ann are stepping down.

We shall be holding some tea and cakes afternoons during the summer and look forward to seeing everyone then. The dates

are 12th May, 9th June and 18th August

Many thanks to everyone for their continued support.

Marion Bainbridge and Ann Hirst


The Gideons and the new Money

Mite Collections

There are many people in Britain and elsewhere in the world who have never seen a Bible and may be uncertain what it is. The aim of the Gide-ons is to give them the opportunity to read it for themselves and to dis-cover God in a personal


The Gideons place Bibles in many areas including hotels, hospitals, prisons, student accommodation (except in Huddersfield), care homes and medical centres. Each year they present personal copies of the New Testament and psalms to children in many British secondary schools, and to

university and college students.

Keeping the work of the Gideons in our prayers is one way of supporting them. We can also support their work by donations. Over the years the folks at Honley Trinity have collected loose change in plastic tubes known as Mite Phials on behalf of the Gideons which goes towards the cost of providing the bibles they distribute. The

latest collection (April) amounted to £35

Last November John & Sharon Blaymire of the Gideons led a Sunday Service at Trinity and we got to know the updates of the

work of the Gide-ons and their chal-


They introduced us to their newly designed Money Mite. It is now a cardboard tube, with a bigger slot to put your money in. Now you can put in coins and notes of any size and thickness!Please continue to

show your support to this worthwhile work.

Maureen Burley is the Trinity Mite Phial Co-ordinator. See her if you would like to have one of these new Money Mites, but she is happy to take a donation in any form, even in a plastic bag, Every little helps! All donations will be sent to the


Luscious Lunch The Overseas Mission Group is planning a summer Luscious

Lunch party, to be held on Sunday 31st May at 12 noon.

The delicious menu will include a welcoming “mocktail” drink, nibbles, a chicken dish (veggie alternative as well) and a suitably

naughty sweet.

We very much look forward to your company. Our special guest speaker is our very own Tim Moore – and it will also be an op-

portunity for us to spend time together.

Tickets will be available from 3rd May at £10 per person – book

early to avoid disappointment!

OMG group- Glenys Pallister, Pam Redfearn, Margaret

Sheppard, Pat Waite and Jane Armitage.

Key to Eggshibition Easter Eggs, next pageKey to Eggshibition Easter Eggs, next pageKey to Eggshibition Easter Eggs, next pageKey to Eggshibition Easter Eggs, next page

1. Freggs, by Alexandra 2. Eggstraterrestrial 3. The Farmyard, by Alistair 4. by Iona Howard, age 2¾ 5 Jesus, by Abigail 6. by Lucy Wilby

7. by Marjorie Woodhead 8. Egg first, by Anon 9. by Katie 3J 10. by Lily 11. Campsite, by the Cubs 12. Sheep, by Deborah Fawcett

On getting older: When I was a child I thought a midday nap was a punish-

ment… now, as a grown up, it just feels like a short holiday.

The biggest lie I tell myself is… “I don’t need to write that

down, I’ll remember it”.

I don’t have grey hair. I just have ‘wisdom highlights’.

If God wanted me to touch my toes, he would’ve put them

on my knees.

Of course I may talk to myself- I need expert advice.

At my age “Getting lucky” means walking into a room and

remembering what I came in for.

Last year I joined a support group for procrastinators but

we haven’t met yet.

Trinity Church Honley Newsletter May 2015 7

Easter Eggshibition (key to the makers on previous page)






6 7


8 10




8 Trinity Church Honley Newsletter May 2015

Wordsearch / Letters

Letters to the EditorLetters to the EditorLetters to the EditorLetters to the Editor mail- 27 Moorside Rd, Honley, HD9 6HR



THE DATE on your letters.

May Wordsearch

This month the Church celebrates the Ascension of Jesus, the sending of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, and the

fact that our God is a Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

After the Resurrection, Jesus was seen on the road to Emmaus and by the Sea of Galilee. 40 days after Easter Jesus ascended into heaven; his work on earth was done. The disciples returned to Jerusalem, and on the fateful morning of Pentecost, there was suddenly the sound as of a mighty rushing wind. Tongues of flame flickered on their heads, and they began to praise God in many

tongues – to the astonishment of those who heard them.

That morning the Holy Spirit came to indwell all those who believed in Jesus: the Church was born. And so we

have a triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.




There’s a word in the list below which is not in the square but hidden elsewhere in the newsletter.

Gadgets for God No.256: "Here I Stand" socks

Martin Luther was very probably wearing socks

just like these when he delivered his defiant "Here I

stand, I can do no other" speech before Emperor

Charles V. His Mum would have made sure of it:

"You're not going to see the Emperor without your

best socks on."

Which is why it's so appropriate that the town of Wittenberg, where Luther lived, is now selling the

Luther Sock, complete with his "Here I stand"

speech, which he probably never made, spoilsport

scholars say. The Luthersocke: yours for just 7 Eu-


Thanks be unto Lori Erickson of the Spiritual Trav-

els blog for the sock alert and photo.

From Helen Amster, Sandstone Close, 14 March

Many thanks to Sylvia for the pretty spring flowers

from Church on 9th March; a lovely bouquet of yellow

tulips and purple hyacinths, bringing colour and fra-

grance to my room. Altogether much appreciated.

♣ From Barbara Leach, Chesterton Drive, 12 April

I would like to say thank you to Trinity Church for

the very nice flowers which I received while I have not

been well. Thank you.

Tree Time

What did the tree do when the bank closed?

It opened a new branch!

Submitted by Dorothy Allport:

Trinity Church Honley Newsletter May 2015 9


Booking a room at Trinity Church

The Upper Room

9.5m x 7m.Capacity 60 seated. Kitchen facilities. Access

by stairs, not suitable for wheelchairs. £38.50 per 4 hr session

The Arthurs’ Room

Ground floor room size 9m x

5.5m. Capacity 30 seated.

Facilities for refreshments.

Access for disabled.

£38.50-£44.00 per 4 hr session.

If you know of an organisation

looking for a space please

recommend Trinity Church. Good

for birthday parties, meetings, rehearsal rooms etc.

Contact Karen Stannard 01484 664648.

For weddings, baptisms, funerals, etc

contact Rev Tim Moore 01484 608913

Great for parties!

Regular room bookings at Trinity

Playgroup- Mon, Tues, Weds, Thurs, Fri (morning)

Contact- Carolynn Roberts 661024

Toddlers Group Tuesday morning

Contact- Deborah Fawcett 663966

Drama Groups- Friday evening, Saturday morning

Contact- Natalie Haigh 617468 / 07840800601

Brownies- Wednesday evening

Contact- Ann Dove 665669

Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research group– every

3rd Tuesday from Sept 16th at 8pm.

Contact Val Akroyd 662852

Honley Library Tel 222340

Foodbank– Wednesdays 2—4 pm

Story time for the under 5s- 2.30 pm Friday afternoons in

term time. Stories and craft activity. Come on in!

BITS – introduction to using a computer

Getting started with IT – 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of month

stating at 10 am. Please book in advance.

‘Bookchat’ Tuesday 7th April (& 2nd June) Free informal

discussion 2—3 pm with refreshments available.

U3A Reading Group Tuesday 12 May starts 1.45 pm

Honley library book group– Every 2nd

Wednesday of the month at 10.30. Pick

up the choice of the month in advance.

Family history- help and expert advice

Every 2nd Weds of month 2 – 4pm

Knit and natter. Every Monday 2.00 to

3.30pm. With free refreshments.

‘Friends of Honley Library’ group. contact Pat Thomp-

son on 661541.

Brockholes Methodist Church We invite you to partake of our soup n' roll lunches every alternate Wednesday 11.45 to 1.oo---- that’s that’s that’s that’s

13th and 27th of May13th and 27th of May13th and 27th of May13th and 27th of May. Bring your friends!

The Tour de Yorkshire, offspring of last

year’s Tour de France, comes near Honley

on Sunday May 3rd

. It’s Stage 3, which

comes into Holmfirth via New Mill road,

then out up the Greenfield Road to the Ford Inn- the ‘Cote

de Holmfirth’, 2.9 km up a 5.5% hill to the amazing altitude

of 322 m. Then it turns right into Thick Hollins Road to

Meltham after which it’s on its long 167 km ride to Leeds.

Huddersfield Methodist Mission Computing and

Training Facility (CAT) 3-15 Lord Street, Huddersfield


Open Access /Drop-in Each Monday 10 to 12 noon,

starting Monday 13"" April. Learn essential computer

skills. £5 per two hrs

Build Your Own Computer {Cost £5.00 per two hour

session) Each Tuesday S.30 pm to 7.30 pm. Starting S"1 May, for 8 weeks. No registration needed - just come on the day. Building a working computer from scratch; memory, mother board, hard disk, central

processing unit, etc, and making it work.

Also is anyone interested in a ‘Learn My Way’ City &

Guilds computer basics course? Only £20 for the 9

hour course and assessment.

Contact Roy Squires :Tel 01484 323 132

or email

British Legion needs a poppy person

Debbie Westlake, the British Legion Community Fundraiser for West York-shire is looking for someone to replace Stephen and Elizabeth Kay who have done a wonderful job over the last few

years but have moved away.

She needs someone to help send out the poppies and collection tins to local stores and then collect them and

count and bank the money.

The Kays are happy to come back to help but first Debbie must find a local Poppy Appeal Organiser to co-ordinate the collection. Contact her on 07880 780

207 email

Kirkwood Hospice sells used postage stamps to raise money for its work. There's a box for the stamps in the vestibule. As always, please leave As always, please leave As always, please leave As always, please leave a good margin all a good margin all a good margin all a good margin all round round round round . . . . (Colin Hill)




June Newsletter

Will be available on Sunday May 31st (DV)

Contributions to Vera Stanley or John Murray

by Sunday May 17th

Photocopier Ann Hirst Assemblers

Joan Vevers & Ann Hirst

Taylor’s Foodstore Fairtrade May Crossword

This puzzle is sponsored by Taylor’s Foodstore Meltham

Road, Honley, a local store which supports local charities. The winner will get a voucher to take to Tony Washington at the store

and get a big block of Cadbury’s Fairtrade Milk Chocolate!

The back page

April Solution. Across: 1, Cosmic. 4, Thomas. 8, In his. 9,

Delaiah. 10, Falwell. 11, Water. 12, Recovered. 17, Sidon.

19, Radiant. 21, Centaur. 22, Broil. 23, Eleven. 24, Prison.

Down: 1, Cliffs. 2, Scholar. 3, Issue. 5, Holy war. 6, Moist.

7, Sphere. 9, Deliverer. 13, Candace. 14, Deacons. 15,

Psyche. 16, Stolen. 18, Dance. 20, Debar.

The winner is Helen Howell, Bridgnorth, by email. Other

entries from Gwyneth Loane, Alison Booth, & Sylvia Hallas. Send your entries for this month - cut out, printed-out, or email a list of answers, to the editor by May 17th

SOME TRINITY CHURCH CONTACTS From outside Huddersfield prefix UK area code 01484

For a full list of all the officers and contacts see the website-

Secretary Jane Armitage, 26 Lower Hall, Healey House, Netherton, HD4 7DG 665990

Treasurer Hilary Turner, Rydal Mount, Mearhouse, New Mill, HD9 7EX 684704

Pastoral Team Sylvia Hallas / Pam Redfearn / Joyce Draper 662929

Room Bookings / Activities Cttee Karen Stannard, 6a Marsh Gardens, Honley HD9 6AF 664648

Email addresses Secretary:, Newsletter:

Newsletter (Editor) John Murray, 27 Moorside Road, Honley HD9 6HR.

(Coordinator) Vera Stanley, 46 Stoney Lane, Honley HD9 6DY. 662635


Minister: Rev Tim Moore, 6a Marsh Lane, Shepley, Huddersfield HD8 8AE. Tel 608913 / 07837 128611



or tel no


1 ‘Therefore let us — passing judgment on one another’ (Romans

14:13) (4)

3 ‘I — — these persons here present’ (marriage service) (4,4)

9 According to a prearranged timetable (Numbers 28:3) (7)

10 Group of eight (5)

11 The cell into which the Philippian jailer put Paul and Silas (Acts

16:24) (5)

12 — Taylor, pioneer missionary to China (6)

14 Otherwise known as the Eucharist, Breaking of

Bread, the Lord’s Table (4,9)

17 ‘So that after I have preached to others, I — will not

be disqualified for the prize’ (1 Corinthians 9:27) (6)

19 Attend to (3,2)

22 Approximately (Acts 4:4) (5)

23 Tea rite (anag.) it’ll add up (7)

24 Rule of sovereign (8)

25 Test (anag.) as you were (4)


1 The name of the street where Judas lived in Damascus and where

Saul of Tarsus stayed (Acts 9:11) (8)

2 ‘The playing of the merry — , sweet singing in the choir’ (5)

4 ‘We have been saying that — — was credited to him as

righteous’ (Romans 4:9) (8,5)

5 Dr Martyn — Jones, famous for his ministry at Westminster

Chapel (5)

6 Port at which Paul landed on his way to Rome (Acts 28:13) (7)

7 Observe (Ruth 3:4) (4)

8 Minister of religion (6)

13 ‘I am — of this man’s blood. It is your responsibility’ (Matthew

27:24) (8)

15 ‘Greater love has no one than this, that he — — his life for his

friends’ (John 15:13) (3,4)

16 Archbishop who calculated that the world began in 4004 BC (6)

18 ‘No one can — the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and

the Spirit’ (John 3:5) (5)

20 Establish by law (5)

21 Product of Gilead noted for healing properties (Jeremiah 46:11) (4)

Our Minister is the Rev Tim Moore

He also looks after the Methodist chapels in

Shepley, Gatehead and Brockholes.

Contact details below.

The 9 star state (from pages 2 and 3) It’s necessary to ex-pand your thinking ‘OUTSIDE the box’; not restricting your activities to just those within the church but venturing in to the world be-yond our walls.