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Trinity Steeple Notes

Announcements and Events: January 2018

Help Us Discern How to Focus and Strengthen Our Ministries

Significant changes in our world, our community and our congregation compel us to

listen anew for God’s direction and guidance as we move forward in mission. We

cannot only do things the way we have always done them, because both our gifts and

our challenges continue to evolve. A big part of discernment is prayerfully listening to

one another. What excites you? What is important to you? What should Trinity be

doing in ministry and mission? The Vestry invites you to join them and other members

as we begin this important process.

Sunday, January 14th, 9:45 AM in the auditorium -- Trinity's Vestry encourages all

members to attend a special Sunday Forum on 'Discernment' -- This Sunday will be the

first of a two-part discussion of Trinity's Present and Future. As a congregation, we

must wrestle with the question of how Trinity will best be able to serve our

congregation and community.

Part 1 will focus on some of the challenges and opportunities that face our

congregation, and we will be soliciting input from members on some of the most

important roles Trinity plays in our lives. We encourage a representative (or more!)

from each family, including our youth! Childcare will be provided during the session

for parents of younger children.

Sunday, January 28th, 9:45 AM in the auditorium -- The second part of our session on

Discernment. We will take input from the first meeting and (with input from

committees and professional staff), try to create a roadmap for Vestry to move forward

to focus and strengthen our programs. We encourage a representative (or more!) from

each family, including our youth! Childcare will be provided during the session for

parents of younger children.

See Steve Hofmann with any questions. We look forward to working with you!


Parish News

Poinsettias for Homebound Members

Thank you to all those who signed up to deliver a poinsettia plant

to a homebound Trinity member. If you have not already

delivered it, please pick up a plant after 11:00 worship today.

We Welcome New Members

On Sunday, January 7, we will welcome new members to our congregation. If you

have been worshiping regularly at Trinity and would like to join this community of

faith, please speak to Pastor Alan by January 3 to be received into membership.

Year End Giving

Thank you for your faithful support of the ministry God has

given us to share. Please remember that any gifts received

after December 31 will be reflected on your 2018 statement.

Those who would like their offerings recorded for 2017

should make their gift no later than Sunday, December 31.

Photo Directory Update

Thank you to everyone who participated in our photo directory sessions! Since we are

starting to layout the photo directory I ask that you login to the online gallery and pick

your favorite before January 15, after which the gallery will no longer be available for

favoriting or ordering. Online access to the gallery is at http:// If you need help with accessing the gallery please email

me at or look for me on Sunday. —Matt Mellen



2018 Offering Envelopes

Please remember to take your offering envelopes for

2018 (arranged alphabetically in the Narthex). Envelopes

have only been assigned to those who either used

envelopes in 2017 or who have indicated a desire to

receive them for 2018. Those who give electronically or by other means have been

given the opportunity to opt out of receiving regular envelopes. By picking up your

envelopes today (and those for family members who may be absent), you save Trinity

the expense of mailing them to your home. Thank you for your help.

Legacy Giving

Are you interested in helping to provide leadership

in the area of bequests and legacy giving? The

Stewardship Committee invites you to attend a

meeting with Yvonne Lembo of the ELCA Foundation on Tuesday, January 9 at 7:00

PM in the Auditorium. We will make plans together to educate our members about

this important way to support Trinity and leave behind a blessing of love and

faithfulness. Yvonne will also make a presentation to the entire congregation on

February 25 at the Sunday Forum.

Pledge Cards

If you have not yet submitted a pledge card for 2018, you may still do so in January

by placing it in the offering plate. Your pledge is reflected on your quarterly

statement of giving, which can help you track your commitment to Trinity.


Learning Ministries

Sunday Forum: Informative—Interesting—Inspirational

January 7, 21, and February 4 - The Year of Mark

In this 'year of Mark' of our 3-year lectionary cycle, we invite you to join us for a look at

the earliest and shortest of the gospels. Learn a bit about its original audience, the

"Messianic secret," speedy Jesus, and Mark's mysterious ending. We'll also see how

Mark was the foundation story for the gospels of Matthew and Luke. Although there

will be no quiz, Pastor Opalinski invites you to read the entire gospel before the first


January 14 and 28: Discernment Parts I and II (see page 1 for full description)

Pop and Popcorn Game Night at Trinity

Friday, January 19, 6:00 pm in the auditorium

Come and chase away the winter blues by sharing some fun and

fellowship. Bring a favorite game to play. This event is for all

ages to come together and enjoy time together!

ChAOS resumes on Sunday, January 21

Our confirmation program “Catechism And Other Stuff” will begin the winter semester

on Sunday, January 21 at 6:30 pm. ChAOS is a three—year program for youth in

grades 6-9.


Week of December 31—January 6

Sunday, December 31: Christmas 1—Lessons and Carols

No 8:30 AM Shared Deaf & Hearing Worship today.

No Christian Education Hour today.

11:00 AM: Holy Eucharist (Nave)

4:00 PM: Common Ground Worship (Auditorium)

Monday, January 1

Church office closed.

Tuesday, January 2

9:15 AM: Staff Meeting

Wednesday, January 3

No Bell Choir Rehearsal

No Trinity Choir Rehearsal

Thursday, January 4

No Bible Break today.

4:15 PM: Kindermusik (Nursery)

5:45 PM: Kindermusik (Nursery)

Friday, January 5

No scheduled Trinity events.

Saturday, January 6

11:00 AM: I Can Group (Trinity)


Week of January 7-13

Sunday, January 7: Baptism of Our Lord

8:30 AM: Shared Deaf & Hearing Worship (Chapel)

9:45 AM: Sunday Forum (Auditorium)

9:45 AM: Treble Choir (Bard House)

10:15 AM: Sunday School (Sunday School Rooms)

11:00 AM: Holy Eucharist with Reception of New Members (Nave)

12:15 PM: Mixed Ensemble Rehearsal (Bard House)

4:00 PM: Common Ground Worship (Auditorium)

Monday, January 8

10:00 AM: Program Staff Meeting

( Bard House)

6:00 PM: Executive Committee Mtg.

(Bard House)

7:00 PM: Vestry Meeting (Conference


Tuesday, January 9

9:15 AM: Staff Meeting

7:00 PM: Legacy Giving Presentation


Wednesday, January 10

6:30 PM: Bell Choir Rehearsal (Nave)

7:30 PM: Trinity Choir Rehearsal

(Bard House)

Thursday, January 11

10:00 AM: Bible Break (Conference Room)

10:30 AM: Deaf Senior Center (Auditorium)

4:15 PM: Kindermusik (Nursery)

5:45 PM: Kindermusik (Nursery)

Friday, January 12

No scheduled Trinity events.

Saturday, January 13

No scheduled Trinity events.


Week of January 14-20

Sunday, January 14: Epiphany 2

8:30 AM Shared Deaf & Hearing Worship (Chapel)

9:45 AM: Sunday Forum (Auditorium)

No Treble Choir today.

10:15 AM: Sunday School (Sunday School Rooms)

11:00 AM: Holy Eucharist (Nave)

4:00 PM: Common Ground Worship (Auditorium)

Monday, January 15

10:00 AM: Program Staff Meeting

(Bard House)

Tuesday, January 16

9:15 AM: Staff Meeting

Wednesday, January 17

6:30 PM: Bell Choir Rehearsal (Nave)

7:30 PM: Trinity Choir Rehearsal

(Bard House)

Thursday, January 18

10:00 AM: Bible Break (Conference Room)

11:00 AM: Worship & Music Committee

(Conference Room)

4:15 PM: Kindermusik (Nursery)

5:45 PM: Kindermusik (Nursery)

Friday, January 19

6:00 PM: Pop and Popcorn Game Night


Saturday, January 20

No scheduled Trinity events.


Week of January 21-27

Sunday, January 21: Epiphany 3

8:30 AM Shared Deaf & Hearing Worship (Chapel)

9:45 AM: Sunday Forum (Auditorium)

9:45 AM: Treble Choir (Bard House)

10:15 AM: Sunday School (Sunday School Rooms)

11:00 AM: Holy Eucharist (Nave)

12:15 PM: Mixed Ensemble Rehearsal (Bard House)

4:00 PM: Common Ground Worship (Auditorium)

6:30 PM: ChAOS Catechism Instruction (Auditorium)

Monday, January 22

10:00 AM: Program Staff Meeting

(Bard House)

Tuesday, January 23

9:15 AM: Staff Meeting

Wednesday, January 24

11:30 AM: Covenant Prayer Shawl


6:30 PM: Bell Choir Rehearsal

7:30 PM: Trinity Choir Rehearsal

(Bard House)

Thursday, January 25

10:00 AM: Bible Break (Conference Room)

4:00 PM: Property Committee Meeting

(Conference Room)

4:15 PM: Kindermusik (Nursery)

5:45 PM: Kindermusik (Nursery)

Friday, January 26

No scheduled Trinity events.

Saturday, January 27

No scheduled Trinity events.


January 7, 2018 January 14, 2018 January 21, 2018 January 28, 2018

Assisting Minister Marian Jameson Russ Diesinger Albert Pohl Hannah Seiple

Carillon Karen Eddinger Sandra Sittler Beth Welz Anita Dolak

Lector - 8:30 Dick Horst Sue Shellong Ellen Huyett Amy Young

Lector - 11:00 Tama McConnell Eric Rosenbaum Patti Anewalt Tom Anewalt

Right Aisle Janet Clemmer Annie Harlin Marian Jameson Amy Reinsel

Left Aisle Amy Bornhofen Pat McMahon Mike Faust Andrew Smith

Right Cupper Ed Coleman Suzy Evans Amy Norton-Ritz Bill Norton

Left Cupper Virginia Biniek Russ Grim Linda Motley Charlene Norton

Communion Servers

Pat Richter Steve Hofmann Brooke Rosenbaum Dan Smith

Ron Eddinger Josh Motley Sue Shellong Doris Strobel

Greeters Anita Dolak Robin Oberholtzer Dick Horst Russ Diesinger


Amy Reinsel Amy Reinsel Ann Harnish D. & S. Shellong

Ron Eddinger Linda Grim Russ Diesinger Harry Feinauer

Suzy Evans Nancy Everson Anita Dolak E. & M. Coleman

J. & P. Wasmuth Robin Oberholtzer Raye Watson

Barbara Auchenbach Virginia Rush Sue Shellong Susan Randazzo

Counting Team

Michael Faust Jeff Rush Dave Shellong Robin Oberholtzer

Ron Eddinger Steve Silverman Patti Anewalt Linda Motley

Pam Wasmuth Tom Anewalt

Jeff Wasmuth

Media Team

Matt Althouse Tom Hofmann Matt Mellen Tom Hofmann

Mark Hofmann Jennifer Smith Matt Althouse Jennifer Smith

Reagan Rosenbaum Amy Bornhofen D. Kelly-Buckley Quinn Crozier-


Jillian Rosenbaum Ben Zobian Reagan Rosenbaum Mark Hofmann

Jillian Rosenbaum Ben Zobian

Leaders in Liturgy: January 2018


Leaders in Liturgy

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Presiding and Preaching: Pr. Alan Wolkenhauer

Assisting Minister: Annie Harlin

Minister of Music: Karen S. Eddinger

Carillon: Karen Eddinger

Lector: Ann Harnish

Communion Assistants: Amy Reinsel (RA), Pam Wasmuth (LA), Suzy Evans (RC),

Ann Harnish (LC), and Doris Strobel and Jeff Wasmuth (servers)

Greeter: Harry Feinauer

Ushers: Dave & Sue Shellong and Nancy Everson

Counting Team: Mark Christy & Kelley Crozier, Albert & Susan Pohl, and Nancy


Media: TBD

Altar Guild: Janet Clemmer, Michael Faust, Linda Grim, Erica Hofmann, Allison

Huyett, Darryl Jeffries and Doris Strobel

We thank the Trinity staff for planning today’s worship.

Prepare for worship: The readings for next Sunday, Sunday, January 7, are Genesis 1:

1-5; Psalm 29; Acts 19:1-7; and Mark 1:4-11. The readings for Sunday, January 14, are

1 Samuel 3:1-20; Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18; 1 Corinthians 6:12-20; and John 1:43-51.


Sunday Notices

Sunday, December 31, 2017

(No broadcast sponsor today.)

Praying for our family members in Christ: This week our prayer petitions have a

different format for Lessons & Carols. Our regular prayers for Trinity households

resume next week for: Jack (Rodney) Gutekunst; R. Glenn Halteman; Catherine

Hannon; Annie & Ed Harlin; and Ann Harnish. Following week: Dick & Barbara

Hartman; Matthew Hayes; Wayne & Elsa Heintzelman; Ashley, Brian & Lennix Hess;

and Judith & Michal Hill.

Immediate prayer petitions: We pray for members and loved ones of Trinity who are

in need of healing: Martha Tobias, Al Beadencup, Joan Hinkle, Barb Auchenbach,

Nancy Nagle, Ed Harlin, Carl Seiple, Darryl Jeffries, Tom Shultz, and Mark Hinnershitz

(Mae Sunderland’s son-in-law).

Ongoing prayer requests for friends and members of Trinity:

Walter Schur, Geoff Eddinger, Don Hinkle, Cathy Beadencup, Elton

Richards, Jane LeVan, Ronald Gregory, the Sawyer family, Dorothy

Smith, Dorothea Fritz, Ronald Derr, Karen Nein and her mother,

Betty Rickenbach; Christina & Darrin (Pat McMahon’s daughter and

son-in-law), Dottie Peccaro (Russ Diesinger’s sister), Diana Curry

(mother of Matthew Hayes), Mark Kummerer (son of Larry

Kummerer), Sophie Schlageter (Berni Ilgen’s mother), Russell Richie, Judy (Pat

McMahon’s cousin), David Evans (Dick Evans’ brother), and Emily Mooney-Routté,

Jesse Routté, and Amani Routté (in Rwanda).


Broadcast Schedule

All of our programs listed below and more can be watched on Comcast

Channel 190 (in the Reading Hospital, Channel 80) or online at http:// or on our YouTube channel at


Sunday, December 31

6:00 PM: Shared Deaf & Hearing Worship

6:30 PM: Music from Trinity: Christmas Eve

Choral & Handbell Prelude

7:00 PM: Trinity Worship Service

Sundays in January

6:00 PM: Shared Deaf & Hearing Worship

6:30 PM: Music from Trinity: Marlin Kerchner, organ

7:00 PM: Trinity Worship Service

In case of bad weather….

Any changes in the Trinity Sunday worship schedule will be

shared on Channel 69 television and posted on the Trinity

Website. If you need to reach Pr. Alan in an emergency, his

cell phone number is (727) 543-3531.

Wednesdays in January

4:00 PM: Trinity Worship

5:00 PM: Shared Deaf & Hearing Worship

5:30 PM: First Friday: Alien Invasion

Trinity Lutheran Church

527 Washington Street, Reading, PA 19601 (610) 374.4861

A congregation of the Reading Lutheran Parish and West Berks Mission District