Triumph des willens

Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Fascism in Italy

Nazism in Germany

Affect of Nazism in Germany

Tune up for War: Spanish Civil War

Democracy in distress On winning side Lost 700k men, $15

billion Losses it cannot afford Does not get the

territory promised by allies prior to entering the war

Rich North/ vs poor South


Mussolini initially a socialist

By end of WWI forms fascist party

aggressive, anti-socialist Pugnacious nature seems

to be good choice for Italy in crisis 1922

Blackshirts – fascists paramilitaries – march on Rome late 1922

City occupied/premier resigns

King asks Mussolini to form new government – Il Duce

Statism Nationalism Militarism Changes laws to

benefit Fascist party Women Propaganda Rapprochement with

the Church

Adolf Hitler – Austrian background

Aspiring artist Grows up in Vienna

during time of Karl Luger

Joins German Army beginning of WWI

Gas victim, wins medal for bravery

National Socialist Workers Party (Nazis)

Initially fairly regional Ideology Der Führer Brownshirts - SA 1923 Beer Hall Putsch Imprisioned Mein Kampf

1932 Hitler for president, loses

Nazis win 37% of seats in Reichstag

Chancellor Reichstag Fire Third Reich

SA vs SS Night of the Long

Knives Concentration Camp –

Dachau Gestapo Goebbels and

propaganda Antisemitism

Eugenics – racial purity 1933 law on sterilization on

“hereditarily tainted” people Crackdown on mentally ill,

homosexuals, “degenerates,” physically disabled

Nuremberg Laws, 1935 Jews lose citizenship Not able to marry non Jews Have to wear yellow Star of

David 1938 Kristallnacht

1933 Hitler pulls out of League of Nations

1935 rearms Germany Conscription Luftwaffe Restarts Naval

program 1936 reoccupies the


1936, War breaks out in Spain, between Republican Government and Far Right military leaders

Francisco Franco – fascist, supported by Hitler and Mussolini Republican leaders supported by USSR Both sides pour in material Luftwaffe training grounds Guernica

1938 Anschluss GrossDeutchland!

Munich Conference Peace in our time

Pact of Steel Soviet German Non

Aggression pact