Tropical R ain F orest

Post on 24-Feb-2016

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Tropical R ain F orest. Done By: Mariam Al-Khalifa & Samara Nait Class: 6D Science Date: 30/1/11 Sunday. Definition. Tropical rain forest: A rain forest in a tropical area. Our Biome. World map: Tropical rain forest:. Tropical rain forest plants and animals. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Tropical Rain ForestDone By: Mariam Al-Khalifa & Samara Nait

Class: 6D ScienceDate: 30/1/11 Sunday

DefinitionTropical rain forest: A rain forest in a tropical area

Our BiomeWorld map: Tropical rain forest:

Tropical rain forest plants and animals

In the tropical rain forest there are a lot of different creatures living there. Some of them are the red eyed frog, anaconda snake, jaguar, butterflies, parrots and some of the plants are barks, lianas, drip tips, buttresses, epiphytes, mangroves and so much more. The frogs have lots of places to live in like the rivers or the parrots have trees where they can live and also the plants it would rain consistently.

Are you understanding???!!!!! -_-

Human effectsHumans affect the tropical rainforest because they chop down the trees that animals and other creatures live in. They chopped down the trees that block the sunlight, which increases the temperature. They take minerals, flowers, and other things to make foods and medicines. People also kill animals to get food and when they do this they ruin the food chain. For example if they killed a snake no more frogs can live and eat more grass, plants and pretty soon they'll be no more grass and plants. Grass and plants is a main source of oxygen. If they cut down trees along humans and animals would die.

Why are they being done?

People cut down trees because they make paper out of the wood. But sometimes people over cut the trees. People take minerals and flowers to make medicine to cure sick people. But some animals eat some of the minerals and flowers. People kill some animals to eat them but there more animals you kill the more you affect the food chain.

Tropical rain forest animals

Good & Bad ThingsI think those things are good and bad. For animals cutting down tress, polluting and killing animals to eat is bad. But for humans its good and bad because we need the plants and trees to breath, but we also need the trees so we can have paper to use for school or jobs. Killing the animals is good thing for humans because we can eat their meat and wear their skin or fur.
