True love 3

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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If we truly love a person we will be often thinking about his / her situation

feeling concerned about this person‘s wellbeing and hoping for the very best

When all people love one another with True Love then the flower

of peace and happiness

will blossom and fill the world with a beautiful fragrance

The core task which needs to be achieved

in historyis the

mending of broken relationshps so that we will see

the world of True Love we are longing for deep inside

All the difficult problems in the world can fundamentally

only be solved

by building True Love relationships

among people

In order to secure a bright future for humankind profound changes are needed in the realm of Heart

The most important reformation that is needed

is the transformation of our Hearts

from self- centredness to being

focused on other people‘s


You must love me I want changes

to give intomy Love

to you

Self-centred Lovemust be replaced by

Love concerned

about the wellbeing of others

The most meaningful task

is the recreation of Love

To live

for thesake of others is the original way of life

It is a fact that only a

revolution of

True Love

can save

today‘s world

The tradition that needs to be

established is the original way

of living for

the sake of others because it guarantees

the happiness of all people

The key to opening a bright future

lies in establishing the practice of

other-centeredness where the joy experienced by others is more important

for me than my own satisfaction

To perfect our ability to share

True Love

is the highest

quality we can develop in life

Only when we experience the realm of True Love

in the relationship between parent

and child, husband and wife, and among siblings

as caring brothers and sisters

will we find the ultimate fulfilment

Unless we develop a heartfelt sense for others we will not be able

to get rid of self-centred aspects

in our personality

Among the kings and queens

who have walked the earth

the most qualified ones are those who

have developed royal qualities in the realm

of loving their people

To become a king

or queen

of True Love

is possible for anybody who strives for excellence in this most precious area

On the foundation of loving

each other deeply

we will be able

to experience the joyous amazement

we are destined to feel as human beings

We need to find the original Love for

which we arelonging in the depth of our soul

Selfless parental

to establish a peaceful world

Love is the key