TrumpetWeekly 2015-07-18

Post on 07-Aug-2018

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  • 8/20/2019 TrumpetWeekly 2015-07-18

    1/12Trumpet Weekly | July , 1

    JULY 17, 2015


    Greece Euro Crisis RevealsThat Germany Rules EuropeBy Stephen Flurry and Richard Palmer | July 16

    O , ,

    display o German agression since he end o World War .

    Germany, o course, has been ruling he eurozone or years.  Der

    Spiegel  even called Germany he new “Fourh Reich” earlier

    his year. Bu or he mos par, Germany has concealed is

    dominance behind a ig lea o consensus.

    Tha ended his week.

    Las Sunday, he voice o he Greek people was loud and clear:

    Greece would no submi o German hegemony. On Monday, Ger-

    many ignored he reerendum and unilaerally imposed is will

    on he Greek governmen. As noed by he EU Observer, “Monday,

    July 13, will go down in hisory as he day Greece los is indepen-

    dence afer 185 years o reedom, he day democracy died in he

    counry ha invened i ….”

    From he lef o he righ, he mainsream media now sees

    wha he Trumpe  has been warning abou or years. Greece is

    now a German colony. Here are some o he condiions Greece

    mus now submi o:

    • European Union officials have veo power over new Greek


    • The Greek governmen mus repeal laws he EU officials do

    no like.

    • €50 billion ($54.5 billion) worh o asses are o be aken

    rom Greece and given o an independen und. The und

    will hen sell hem off.

    • Greece mus reorm pension and ax laws in line wih wha

    EU officials wan.

    • The governmen mus commi o auomaic spending cus i

    i isn’ making enough money.

    I he bailou deal is implemened, i is Germany—no  T  H  O  M  A  S  Q  U  I  N  E /  F  L  I  C  K  R

    German and EU flags fly at the Reichstag in Berlin, Germany


  • 8/20/2019 TrumpetWeekly 2015-07-18

    2/12Trumpet Weekly | July , 2

    Greece—ha conrols Greece.

    Sraor’s George Friedman sums up he deal his way: “The

    specifics are less imporan han he ac ha Greece invoked is

    sovereign righ, and Germany responded by enorcing an agree-

    men ha compelled he Greeks o cede hose righs.”

    “I was no he governmen’s posiion ha roubled Germany

    he mos, bu he Greek reerendum,” he wries. He says Germany

    orced he Greek governmen o capiulae—calling i an “atack”

    on Greece’s naional sovereigny. “The Germans could no accom-modae he voe. They had o respond by demanding concessions

    on Greek sovereigny,” Friedman wroe.

    Wolgang Münchau wen so ar as o say ha Europe has

    “revered o he naionalis European power srugles o he 19h

    and early 20h cenury.” He wroe in Briain’s Financial Times 

    (emphasis added hroughou): “Bu i was no jus he brualiy

    ha sood ou, nor even he oal capiulaion o Greece. The

    maerial shi is ha Germany has ormally proposed an exi

    mechanism. … This was he real coup over he weekend: no only

    regime change in Greece, bu also regime change in he eurozone.

     … Any oher counry ha in uure migh challenge German eco-

    nomic orhodoxy will ace similar problems.”

    Germany’s rule exends ar beyond Greece. In many ways,he negoiaions las weekend were no abou Greece. Greece’s

    economy and deb are oo small o cause a real problem or Ger-

    many. Insead i is abou Spain, Porugal, Ialy, even France—he

    large EU economies ha could cause real problems or Germany.

    Greece ried o dey Germany, and Germany had o make an

    example o i. Now hese oher debor saes are much less likely

    o oppose he German will. I hey ry o sand up o Germany,

    hey know hey will suffer he same ae as Greece.

    In he aricle we quoed earlier, Friedman explains wha his

    means or Europe: “The Germans have long been visible as he

    conrolling eniy o he European Union. This ime, hey made

    no bones abou i. Nor did hey make any bones abou heir eroc-

    iy. In effec hey raised he banner o German primacy, Germannaional ineres, and German willingness o crush he opposi-

    ion. …

    “[I]n making hese moves, Germany crossed wo lines. The

    lesser line was ha France and Germany were no linked on deal-

    ing wih Greece, hough hey were no so ar apar as o be even

    close o a breach. The second, and more serious, line was ha he

    final negoiaion was an exercise o unilaeral German power.”

    As we have long prediced based on he sure word o Bible

    prophecy, his is headed or a smaller, more inegraed group

    o naions, by Germany. The naure o Europe is

    dramaically changing—and as!

    The world may be shocked by he harshness o German Chan

    cellor Angela Merkel over he weekend. Bu a lo o Germans

    wan her o be even sronger! On Tuesday, or example, German

    Finance Miniser Wolgang Schäuble publicly broke wih Merkel

    over he bailous or he firs ime over his crisis. He said Greece

    should have been o he euro.

    The Greek referendum has  in he hear ofEurope.

    For decades, his was he signaure prophecy repeaedly pro

    claimed by Herber W. Armsrong: he sevenh and final resur

    recion o he Holy Roman Empire—a 10-naion European super

    sae dominaed by Germany.

    The euro crisis is helping o bring all of his abou.

    Sixy years ago, no one could oresee Germany rising again and

    dominaing Europe—excep or Mr. Armsrong. Ten years ago

    no one could have envisioned Germany unilaerally and agres

    sively ransorming a ellow European power ino a vassal sae—

    excep or Mr. Armsrong’s successor, Gerald Flurry.

    In Augus 1950, Herber Armsrong prediced ha “he world

    will be sunned, dumbounded, o see Germany emerge suddenlyin a power never equaled by Hiler—by a union o 10 naions in

    Europe, probably including some a presen puppes o Russia—

    in a giganic Unied Saes o Europe. … Soon he ‘Unied Saes o

    Europe’ will emerge, wih Germany a is head.”

    Those “puppes o Russia” are now par o he EU! We don’ ye

    see he union o 10 naions—ha is coming—bu we see Germany

    clearly as Europe’s head.

    In his bookle Germany’s Conques of he Balkans, Mr. Flurry

    wroe, “I will no be long beore Europe is reunied as he Holy

    Roman Empire. I will be led very asserively by Germany.” Again

    oday we see ha leadership openly and asserively on he march

    In 2011, he wroe: “Germany has he economic migh and he

    poliical will o do wha i eels mus be done, and nobody elsedoes. Whoever conrols he money conrols he empire.”

    A he sar o his crisis, he warned, “How he Germans are

    dealing wih he economic crisis is ar rom democraic! Those

    naions ha can’ or won’ comply will be kicked ou o he Euro

    pean Union!”

    Tha is exacly  wha we have been winessing over he pas

    week. This, Mr. Flurry wroe, is one o he mos signiican

    momens ever in he hisory o Europe.

      Follow Sephen Flurry and Richard Palmer







  • 8/20/2019 TrumpetWeekly 2015-07-18

    3/12Trumpet Weekly | July , 3

     The Coronaion of Iran as King of he SouhStephen Flurry | July 15

    B , U S P B C

    spoke abou a hisoric deal he U.S. had jus made wih

    Norh Korea: “This is a good deal …. Norh Korea will reeze and

    hen dismanle is nuclear program. … The enire world will

    be saer .… The Unied Saes and inernaional inspecors willcareully monior Norh Korea o make sure i keeps is com-


    Eigh years laer, Norh Korea sunned he world by saying i

    had been secrely developing a nuclear weapons program since

    he lae 1990s. Today, Norh Korea is armed o he eeh.

    In he siuaion now unolding wih Iran, we are old i will be

    differen. I has been said ha yeserday’s deal will verifiably pre-

    ven Iran rom obaining a nuclear weapon.

    U.S. Presiden Barack Obama said on Tuesday ha “Iran will

    reduce is sockpile o enriched uranium by 98 percen, remove

    wo hirds o is insalled cenriuges—he machines necessary

    o produce highly enriched uranium—and sore hem under

    consan inernaional supervision.”We were old ha Iran would do all o his during he negoia-

    ions, which i didn’. And now ha he deal is done, we expec i

    o dismanle everyhing?

    In January, Presiden Obama said: “Our diplomacy is a work

    wih respec o Iran, where, or he firs ime in a decade, we’ve

    haled he progress o is nuclear program and reduced is sock-

    pile o nuclear maerial.”

    The realiy hough is ha under he Obama adminisraion’s

    wach, Iran acually increased is nuclear uel sockpiles by abou

    20 percen in he 18 monhs o negoiaions.

    Celebrate Good Times

    You can see why hey were cheering in Tehran yeserday!As Con Coughlin wroe, “You only had o look a he beaming

    smiles on he aces o he Iranian negoiaing eam o see who had

    emerged as he undispued winners.”

    Two years ago, he Iranians were desperae or some kind o

    deal. Today, hey are celebraing—and hey have good reason o!

    Afer he deal was announced, Iranian Presiden Hassan Rou-

    hani said, “Negoiaors have reached a good agreemen, and I

    announce o our people ha our prayers have come rue.”

    Here is wha he Iranians said, hrough he naion’s sae-con-

    rolled news agency, abou yeserday’s deal: “Rouhani said his

    counry has achieved all is our goals in he agreemen ….”

    Besides sancions relie, he Islamic Republic also ges he

    release o around $150 billion in rozen asses. And hink abou

    he inernaional legiimacy his gives Iran. Far rom pushing he

    mullahs ou o power, his agreemen only solidifies heir posi-

    ion. There will be no regime change.

    An American Surrender

    For he U.S., his represens a oal surrender! Go back and look

    a wha America said afer he 9/11 erroris atacks. A he ime,

    Presiden George W. Bush idenified Iran as one o hree naions

    in he “axis o evil,” and old Congress ha he war agains error-

    ism wouldn’ end “unil every erroris group o global reach has

    been ound, sopped and deeaed.”

    A he Trumpe, we said ha U.S.-led effor was doomed o ail

    rom he very beginning because America lacked he will o ace

    he problem head on.

    Analyss ofen called Iran he head o he erroris snake. BuAmerica chose o call is campaign he “War on Terror.” We chose

    o figh agains a batle acic, raher han agains radical Islam or

    he number one sae sponsor o errorism. This is why we wroe

    wihin weeks o he 9/11 caasrophe, ha he number one sae

    sponsor o errorism would no only survive America’s realiaory

    wrah, bu emerge rom he war “sronger han ever.”

    We wroe ha a he end o 2001! And oday, he Iranian

    head o he snake is ully inac and unquesionably sronger

    han ever.

    The Response From Israel

    They are celebraing his deal in Iran. Bu in he naion o Israel

    he reacion is he opposie.Prime Miniser Benjamin Neanyahu said: “The world is a

    much more dangerous place oday han i was yeserday. The

    leading inernaional powers have be our collecive uure in a

    deal wih a ormal sponsor o inernaional errorism. … In he

    coming decade, he deal will reward Iran, he erroris regime in

    Tehran, wih hundreds o billions o dollars. This cash bonanza

    will uel Iran’s errorism worldwide …. Amazingly, his bad deal

    does no require Iran o cease is agressive behavior in any way.”

    He’s righ. No even economic hardship has been able o dis

    suade he regime rom sponsoring errorism. Soon, i will be

    flooded wih cash. America has jus unleashed a monser! 

    The Big PictureWhen we consider he sobering implicaions o Tuesday’s deal, i

    is vial o view i in he conex o Bible prophecy. Daniel 11:40

    conains a key end-ime prophecy abou a ime in he very near

    uure: “And a he ime of he end shall he king o he souh push

    a him: and he king o he norh shall come agains him like a

    whirlwind, wih charios, and wih horsemen, and wih many

    ships; and he shall ener ino he counries, and shall overflow

    and pass over.”

    The Trumpe  idenified Iran as he prophesied “king o he

    souh” back in 1994. Iran is king. Now hink abou wha jus hap

    pened Tuesday!

    Since he end o World War , i is he U.S. ha has mainained

    securiy and order in he Middle Eas. For nearly 70 years, Amer

    ica has been he sronges orce or sabiliy in he Middle Eas.

    Bu yeserday, he U.S. effecively ceded conrol o he region

    o he number one sae sponsor o errorism! Yeserday, Amer

    ica coronaed Iran as king! Tha’s how he Bible labels his naion—

    he “king” o he souh.

    The Trumpe  has long explained ha he “king o he norh”

    discussed in Daniel 11:40 is he German-led European combine

    The Bible says Iran will agressively “push” a Europe. Germany

    will hen realiae orceully agains his Islamic push and hen

    ener ino Jerusalem.

  • 8/20/2019 TrumpetWeekly 2015-07-18

    4/12Trumpet Weekly | July , 4

    Iran’s patern has always been o provoke Europe and he Wes

    wih is pushy oreign policy.

    I is imporan ha “Israel” (a name ha reers o he Unied

    Saes in end-ime prophecies) isn’ even menioned in his Dan-

    iel 11:40 war! Sobering clues as o why ha is he case are every-

    where oday. For he pas several years, or example, America has

    been desperaely working o ge ou o he Middle Eas and o

    hand conrol over o he king o he souh.

    In 2009, afer Presiden Obama’s Cairo speech, Trumpe ediorin chie Gerald Flurry  said: “How much did America’s presiden

    help he erroris cause? Probably ar more han we imagine.” He

    wen on o explain ha he presiden’s speech would have a pow-

    erul impac on he flow o propheic evens. He wroe, “Presi-

    den Obama’s speech is a grea urning poin in his world. I is

    going o play a major role in erriying prophecies o your Bible

    being ulfilled.”

    Watch and Pray

    My aher recenly said ha he has never seen so many Bible

    prophecies being fulfilled his as! Time is shor.

    Jesus said, “Take ye heed, wach and pray: or ye know no

    when he ime is” (Mark 13:33).  Bring God ino your waching, in

    oher words. “Wach ye hereore: or ye know no when he mas

    er o he house comeh, a even, or a midnigh, or a he cock

    crowing, or in he morning: Les coming suddenly he find you

    sleeping” (verses 35-36). The word “wach” means o be awakeand be vigilan! I means o pay atenion and be acive.

    The pace o propheic evens marches on inexorably and wih

    ou delay. Mankind’s experimen wih sel-governmen is abou

    over. How do we know? Because he evens Jesus Himself  prophe

    sied o be a sign o he end o he age and His soon-coming reurn

    are now coming o pass—exacly as He said hey would.

    Follow Sephen Flurry

    How he Iranian Nuclear Agreemen Will Change Hisory Joel Hilliker | July 15


    sancions relie. This is a decisive momen, seting he course

    in he ime ahead or he Middle Eas and beyond.

    On Tuesday, i was announced ha he P5+1 naions reached a

    deal wih Iran regarding is nuclear program. I enaced, he deal

    will lif economic sancions agains Iran in exchange or conces-

    sions in is pursui o nuclear echnology.

    Many observers are describing his deal as hisoric. Tha is

    absoluely righ—bu mos people ail o undersand why. A ull

    appreciaion or is significance requires viewing evens rom heunique perspecive o how i fulfills biblical prophecy. 

    In a number o ways, his deal will accelerae evens in he Mid-

    dle Eas and ar beyond ha align exacly wih wha he Trumpe 

    has been anicipaing would happen based on he prophecies o

    he Bible.

    The mos imporan effec is ha i cemens Iran’s posiion as

    king o he Middle Eas. This is a propheically significan role

    ha he Trumpe  has believed or over wo decades ha Iran

    would ulfill. Probably nohing has highlighed he ruh o his

    analysis more han wha jus happened. You can read he proo

    behind his conclusion in our bookle The King of he Souh.

    Mos broadly, his deal pus Iran on a pah o have crushing

    sancions lifed and o ake is place in he global economy—even

    while i mainains is nuclear program.

    This agreemen sipulaes ha Iran can coninue o develop

    and improve advanced cenriuge machines ha can be used o

    uel reacors or bombs. Advanced cenriuges are unnecessary

    or peaceul nuclear power generaion, which Iran has repeaedly

    insised is he only purpose or is nuclear program. Such cenri-

    uges are only essenial i Iran wans o “sprin or a nuclear bomb.”

    This agreemen does no even address Iran’s inerconinenal

    ballisic missile program, anoher projec ha is useul only or

    he delivery o weapons o mass desrucion.

    Under his deal, or a limied ime, Iran is no allowed o enrich

    uranium. Those resricions gradually go away afer a prescribed

    number o years, as ew as eigh and as many as 15. This aspec o

    he deal belies he undamenal gamble underpinning he agree

    men: Essenially, he Unied Saes and hese oher naions hope

    ha by ha uure ime, he Iranian regime will have become so

    enmeshed in he global communiy, and ha he overwhelmingly

    youhul Iranian populaion will have grown o possess such a

    srong moderaing influence, ha all will be well.

    Pu anoher way, a he oundaion o his deal lies he noionha, in he end, Iran can be rused.

    When he announced he agreemen, Presiden Barack Obama

    said, “This deal is no buil on rus, i is buil on verificaion.” I is

    unclear exacly wha makes him so confiden in ouside naions

    verificaion abiliy, considering how much Iran has repeaedly

    deceived nuclear inspecors. Bu ha realiy aside, here is no

    denying he ac ha i is, in ac, ulimaely based on rus. The

    whole arrangemen is buil on aih ha over ime, given proper

    engagemen by and collaboraion wih oher naions, Iran will

    blossom ino a sabilizing orce wihin he Middle Eas.

    Now, however, wih his agreemen in place, he money is

    going o sar o flow ino Iran again.

    Soon, we will able o winess he resuls.

    This agreemen says sancions would “snap back” i Iran violaes

    is erms. This is almos cerainly impracical and hus unrue. As

    many analyss have noed, i ook enormous effor o convince he

    world o agree o he sancions o begin wih. I is ludicrous o hink

    ha Russia and China, or example—which have been so resisan

    o puniive measures agains Iran and so eager o find ways around

    hem—will reimpose hem once hey have been removed.

    Once Iran’s seized asses are released and he sancions sar

    o come off, once oil money again sars flowing ino Iran, wach

    wha happens.

  • 8/20/2019 TrumpetWeekly 2015-07-18

    5/12Trumpet Weekly | July , 5

    So wha will Iran do? Wha sor o behavior will we see wihin

    he coming 6 o 12 monhs?

    Considering how emphaically his underscores Iran’s domi-

    nance o he region, i seems ineviable ha all is nearious aciv-

    iy over he las 2½ decades o pursue ha dominance is going o

    sar ramping up.

    Wha will happen in Aghanisan? Wha will happen in Iraq?

    In boh o hese heaers Iran has invesed subsanial resources

    o omen rouble, o creae problems or he Wes, and o spreadis influence. Iraq in paricular is squarely in Iran’s sighs or

    somehing o a long-erm conques—as he Trumpe  has dili-

    genly racked, and as is revealed in biblical prophecy.

    Wha will happen wih Saudi Arabia and oher Arab saes?

    These naions, earul o an ascendan Iran, have been sridenly

    opposed o his nuclear agreemen—precisely because i is so

    clearly avorable o Iran. They insis ha whaever concessions

    Iran receives or is nuclear program, hey are eniled o receive

    as well. Even he negoiaion process appeared o be seting off an

    arms race hroughou he Middle Eas. This oo is an exremely

    dangerous consequence o wach or.

    More specifically rom a propheic sandpoin, he srengh-

    ening o Iran’s posiion is caalyzing an alliance among hese Arab naions. This is prophesied in he Bible, and i is increas-

    ingly aking shape as an ani-Iran alliance.

    Anoher criical naion o wach is Germany. The Trumpe 

    has orecas and racked Berlin’s response o Iran’s rise, and how,

    because o he U.S.’s policy o appeasemen and is broken will,

    Germany is preparing isel or wha i views as an ineviable con-

    ronaion wih Iran. Wha will happen wih Germany? Wach or

    i. Pay special atenion or i o become even more involved wih

    hose ani-Iranian Arab naions, which is also prophesied.

    Wha’s going o happen wih he Islamic Sae? This Islamis

    group’s barbaric anics have demanded a lo o atenion and

    aroused a lo o ear laely. By comparison, Tehran has emerged

    looking quie moderae and reasonable. I has even ound isel

    on he same side as he U.S. and he Wes in fighing he Islamic

    Sae. From Iran’s perspecive, his has served as a useul disrac

    ion during nuclear alks. Bu now ha a deal has been sruck

    and paricularly once Iran is flush wih cash and ar reer o do

    as i pleases, we could well see i rise up agains he Islamic Saeand deal wih i powerully and decisively, puting o res any con

    usion abou who rules he region.

    Wha will happen wih Israel? I has emerged as pracically

    he only naion unreservedly criical o his agreemen. This

    whole process o negoiaions has progressively lef Israel more

    vulnerable and isolaed han i has ever been. This deal exacer

    baes boh is isolaion and is vulnerabiliy. This oo is deeply sig

    nifican rom a propheic perspecive.

    Perhaps he mos earsome quesion o all is, wha will happen

    when Iran ges a nuclear weapon? 

    This deal was supposed o preven his. In realiy, i  guaran

    ees i—i is simply a mater o ime. The Trumpe has warned or

    years abou how he Bible’s descripion o he sequence o endime evens reveals i will be a radical Middle Eas power ha rig

    gers World War . I also reveals emphaically ha his war will

    be a nuclear war.

    This ruly was a hisoric deal. I is seting he course or he

    Mideas rom his poin orward—and or naions ar beyond

    ha region. Soon he whole world will recognize jus wha a deci

    sive momen in human hisory his agreemen really was.

    Follow Joel Hilliker

    ‘The Mos Robus and Inrusive Inspecions and Transparency Regime Ever Negoiaed’?Brent Nagtegaal | July 17


    I I, U S

    Presiden Barack Obama has repeaedly oued ha under he

    erms o he agreemen, Iran is now subjec o “he mos robus

    and inrusive inspecions and ransparency regime ever negoi-

    aed or any nuclear program in hisory.”

    Is i rue? The answer o ha quesion does much o deer-

    mine wheher his is a good deal or no.

    In Presiden Obama’s mind, here are wo possibiliies going

    orward afer his deal is raified.

    The firs is ha Iran will hold o is side o he agreemen:

    ha i will no urher enrich nuclear maerial, and i will

    reduce is sockpile a some locaions. In his airyland, Iran,

    driven by blissul economic success, will realize he error o 3½

    decades o Islamic revoluion and join he inernaional com-


    The second opion is ha Iran breaks he agreemen and

    increases producion o nuclear maerial or a bomb. In his

    insance, Presiden Obama believes ha he inernaional

    communiy will have more ime han i has righ now o orce

    ully sop he creaion o he bomb.

    Iniially, ha deal sounds good. Wha is here o lose?

    Knowledgeable observers realize ha he key o he presi

    den’s argumens ress on he inernaional communiy’s abiliy

    o deec wheher Iran is complying wih he agreemen.

    For a momen, le’s accep he idea ha he inernaional com

    muniy would, in ac, ac orceully i Iran is seen o be breaking

    he deal. Iran has agreed o allow monioring a is known nuclear

    aciliies a Naanz and Fordow.

    Bu wha abou uure secre aciliies? Wha happens on he

    off chance Iran ries somehing sly, cunning and deceiul—like

    coverly creaing oher nuclear aciliies elsewhere wihou le

    ing he world know? (I hisory is anyhing o go by, his is likely

    considering ha boh Naanz and Fordow were clandesine acil

    iies unil he Wesern inelligence communiy ound hem.)

    I one day he inelligence communiy happens o noice sus

    picious acions a he new sie, wha hen?

    I he deal did include he mos robus and inrusive inspec

    ions and ransparency regime ever negoiaed, surely scieniss

  • 8/20/2019 TrumpetWeekly 2015-07-18

    6/12Trumpet Weekly | July , 6

    rom he Inernaional Aomic Energy Agency () would have

    immediae access o he suspec sie o deermine wheher or no

    Iran, a known violaor o such agreemens, has broken he rules.

    Alas, his is no he case. Insead, a complex process o back

    and orh ges iniiaed in which I


    “Unorunaely, when you examine he deails, you discover

    ha he inspecion mechanism or undeclared miliary sies isacually jus a mirage,” said Yuval Seiniz, Israeli M.K. and Prime

    Miniser Benjamin Neanyahu’s poin man on Iran. “This is no

     jus a worhless inspecion mehod—i serves he Iranians. I’s

    backfiring. I’s counerproducive. I’s beter o have an agree-

    men wihou i,” Seiniz said.

    He said ha he ac ha he Iranians have so much ime will

    acually embolden hem o chea.

    Neanyahu also denounced he inspecion clauses. “Can you

    imagine giving a drug dealer 24 days’ noice beore you inspec

    he premises?” he asked. “Tha’s a lo o ime o flush a lo o meh

    down he oile.”

    Far rom being he mos robus and inrusive inspecions and

    ransparency regime ever negoiaed,  his agreemen doesn’

    allow scieniss o inrude anywhere.

    Bu insead o dealing wih a drug dealer, we are dealing wih

    a religiously moivaed rogue regime’s ques or a nuclear bomb

    whose desire has always been o use i!Far rom curbing Iran’s nuclear program, he deal has made i

    more difficul or he Wes o sop Iran’s pah o a bomb.

    The Iranians were sill building a bomb while under consan

    hrea o atack o is nuclear sies by he U.S. and Israel and while

    under economic sancions. How can anyone believe hey will no

    do so when hey are flooded wih cash and hey know hey have a

    monh o ac beore he world will do a hing?

    Follow Bren Nagegaal

    Much Worse Than MunichRick Richman, Commentary | July 15

    I N Y T 

    mid-Sepember 1938 hrough he firs week o Ocober 1938, i

    is apparen ha wha we are winessing oday is a virual replay

    o hose hree weeks—only worse.

    Two weeks beore he Sep. 30, 1938 Munich agreemen,

    Germany increased is demands, while promising (he Times 

    repored) “heary reciprocal cooperaion in he work o solv-

    ing oher problems incidenal o a wider European setlemen.”

    A week beore he agreemen, German “demands had become

    higher,” bu Hiler reassured Chamberlain ha hey were his

    “final” ones. A ew days beore he signing, Hiler appeared beore15,000 people in Berlin’s larges audiorium, where he “Sieg

    Heils” rom he audience “were heard around he globe, or Hi-

    ler had a world hook-up” on radio. Chamberlain sen a leter o

    Hiler saing ha Germany’s demands were unaccepable bu

    urged coninued negoiaions, because “orce produces no solu-

    ion.” By he end o he week, Chamberlain had acceped viru-

    ally all o Hiler’s demands. The Briish leader was, he Times 

    repored, “obviously exhaused and had resolved o make an end

    o he whole business.”

    As soon as he Munich capiulaion was signed, i was porrayed

    as a grea success. In he leters published in he Times in he firs

    week o Ocober, one finds 1) a leter sugesing ha “he ührer

    was finally swayed by he moderaes” around him and predicing a

    “more moderae” German policy “rom now on”; 2) a leter asser-

    ing he “gains” rom he Munich agreemen “ar ouweigh he sac-

    rifice” and ha Hiler would now “be required o make good his

    assurance ha he has no urher erriorial claims”; 3) a leter

    arguing Munich was “he greaes ribue” o Briain and France,

    since hey had exhibied “soliciude or heir civilians” by rejec-

    ing war; 4) a leter alleging ha he “umuluous cheers given o

    Mr. Chamberlain in Munich were no so much because he gave

    Sudeenland back o Germany as because he brough peace”;

    5) a leter urging readers no o concenrae on “bewailing wha

    Czechoslovakia los,” bu o ocus on “his ousanding deea o

    Hiler’s,” since i had been “proved beyond doub” ha Hiler now

    realized ha “power poliics does no work anymore.”

    On Oc. 9, 1938, he Times published is weekly “News o he

    Week in Review,” which observed ha a “new Europe began o

    emerge las week … as new alignmens appeared over he hori

    zon.” There was litle doub, he Times noed, ha Germany would

    soon dominae Easern Europe and he Balkans, bu i repored

    ha Briain saw he agreemen as he firs sep oward sabiliz

    ing he Coninen. The counries mos direcly affeced, however

    had “many doubs,” and made i clear ha in he uure “heywould depend less upon he bulwark o diplomacy han upon he

    srengh o heir arms.” The Times hen described wha had hap

    pened during he week:

    “Briain, [wih] he crisis over … kep aloo rom he evens in

    Czechoslovakia while he governmen deended is oreign policy

    in a ull-dress Parliamenary debae. From he sar, even hough

    some o he naion’s bes speakers were ranged agains Prime

    Miniser Neville Chamberlain, he oucome was never in doub.

    “Debae was opened by Alred Duff Cooper, ormer Firs Lord

    o he Admiraly, who resigned in proes agains he Chamber

    lain policy. ‘The prime miniser,’ he said ‘has believed in address

    ing Herr Hiler hrough he language o swee reasonableness. I

    have believed he was more open o he language o he mailed fis

    Because he could no ‘swallow’ he Munich agreemen, he had

    resigned. ‘I can sill,’ he old Parliamen, ‘walk abou he world

    wih my head erec.’

    “Winson Churchill atacked he Munich agreemen as an

    ‘unmiigaed deea’ or Briain and prophesied ha i would be

    bu ‘he biter orease o a biter cup which will be proffered o

    us year by year unless by a supreme recovery o moral healh and

    marial vigor we rise again and ake our sand or reedom as in

    olden imes.’

    “Prime Miniser Chamberlain and his supporers deended

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    wha had been done. Said Mr. Chamberlain: ‘The governmen

    deserves approval … or is conduc o affairs in his recen crisis

    which saved Czechoslovakia rom desrucion and Europe rom

    Armageddon.’ He insised ha negoiaions wih he dicaorships,

    ha agreemens wih hem, were he sole alernaive o war.” …

    Wha we are living hrough now is worse han Munich, no

    only because we are ignoring he lesson learned rom ha even

    … bu because even Chamberlain would be shocked a wha is

    ranspiring again.Chamberlain implemened wha was, a he ime, a main-

    sream heory o inernaional relaions—ha appeasing a dic-

    aorship wih respec o is colorable claims could limi is uli-

    mae aims. Bu a leas Chamberlain did no pay Hiler a huge

    amoun o money or signing he agreemen. A leas he did no

    finance Hiler’s regime a home and his plans abroad. A leas

    he did no publicly assure him he could be a “very successul

    regional power.” A leas he did no proceed wihou a parliamen-

    ary majoriy. A leas he did no adop a consiuionally sus-

    pec procedure enabling him o prevail wih a one-hird parisan

    minoriy. A leas he did no assure his ellow ciizens hey could

    res assured i was a good deal because i would have his name

    on i. A leas he did no negoiae a ime-limied agreemen andacknowledged i would pu Germany in a posiion o prevail a

    he end o he agreemen.

    In he pas wo weeks, Iran increased is demands while

    holding ou he possibiliy o a new era once he agreemen was

    signed. The “moderae” Iranian presiden marched wih huge

    crowds behind him holding signs reading “Deah o America” and

    “Deah o Israel,” wih he picures flashed hroughou he world

    wih he world hook-up o he Inerne. Afer an exhausing 17

    days o negoiaions, wih “deadlines” serially ignored by Iran and

    seriaim U.S. concessions escalaing as hey wen along, he presiden and secreary o sae made an end o he whole business by

    acceping virually all o Iran’s demands, while paving he pah

    oward is ulimae goal.

    In 1938, here was Winson Churchill’s propheic eloquence

    and Alred Duff Cooper’s principled resignaion, bu hey were

    insufficien o sop he biges disaser o he 20h cenury. In

    he Unied Saes 77 years laer, Congress will have no one week

    bu 60 days, o review wha is worse han Munich. I is more han

    enough ime o undersand he pending disaser. Bu because

    o he procedure he presiden has adoped, he quesion is no

    wha he majoriy o he Congress hinks bu wha one hird o i

    does. We are abou o find ou i here are any senaors and rep

    resenaives in oday’s Democraic Pary comparable o Churchillor Cooper.



    NATO’s Weakness Will Make Europe Sronger Richard Palmer | July 14

    N has suered a quarer o a cenury o exisenial angs.

    Aer all, wha does an alliance orged o deend he Wes

    agains Russia do once Russia has los? has los an enemy

    and is ye o ind a role.

    This dissonance is a he core o ’s weakness. And i was

    exposed in las monh’s Pew poll.

    The survey asked, “I Russia go ino a serious miliary con-

    flic wih one o is neighboring counries ha is our ally, do

    you hink our counry should or should no use miliary orce o

    deend ha counry.”

    Collecive deense is a he hear o , under is Aricle

    . Bu across Wesern Europe, a clear majoriy waned o aban-

    don is allies. In France, 53 percen said no o deending an ally,

    compared wih 47 percen who said yes. In Ialy, i was 51 percen

    agains o 40 percen in avor. Germany was he mos decisive,

    wih 58 percen saying hey should no deend a ally and

    only 38 percen saying hey should.

    The poll also showed ha Poland’s rus in he Unied Saes

    or deense has collapsed. Only 49 percen believe America will

    deend a ally. And no wonder. America had promised o 

    deend Ukraine, or example. Tha didn’ do Ukraine much good.

    Where is his leading? Paradoxically, o closer miliary coop

    eraion wihin Europe.

    Consider Poland’s siuaion. I knows i canno deea Russia

    in an all-ou war. To have a chance o survive or, even beter, o

    preven such a war, i knows i needs allies.

    Now, i you’re no sure your allies will honor a piece o paper

    hey’ve signed, how do you make sure hey’ll proec you? You

    hug hem closer. Invie hem ino your counry. Have hem build

    bases in your borders. Have your soldiers serve in heir armies

    Make i almos impossible or an enemy o atack you wihou

    atacking hem oo.

    This is exacly wha Poland is doing. A grea deal o ha reach

    ing ou is aimed a America. Bu here’s one more counry hey’re

    working hard o draw close o—Germany.

    This sraegy o drawing close o wavering allies is exacly wha

    we see wih ’s new Very High Readiness Join Task Force ()

    deployed or he firs ime in Poland las monh. Designed o deploy

    o any sae in 48 hours, i is ’s ases responding uni

    In is iniial configuraion i srongly involves Germany. The


    JULY 17

    HOW THE IRANIAN NUCLEAR DEAL WILL CHANGE THE WORLD | JUNE 15'Forged%20in%20Crises''Forged%20in%20Crises''Forged%20in%20Crises''Forged%20in%20Crises'

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    is buil around he German-Duch Army Corp. The Corp’s saff 

    make up he command unis o he new orce. The head o he

    Corp, L.-Gen. Volker Halbauer, is he head o he inerim . In

    ac, his inerim is essenially a rebranded German-Duch

    Corp wih a ew oher unis boled on. Even when i reaches is

    ull srengh o 5,000 soldiers, one fifh o hem will be German.

    Hisorically i’s an incredibly odd siuaion. The Germans

    have been pu in charge o a new blizkrieg orce and invied ino

    Poland.Tha’s a poen symbol o wha is going on here: Easern Europe

    ears Russia, doesn’ rus American guaranees or is allies,

    and so is orced ino close cooperaion wih Germany.

    This close inegraion goes beyond . The Duch Army has

    hree brigades. One is officially par o he German Army, and a

    second is on is way o joining. The Neherlands is signing he

    hear and core o is army over o Germany. Poland and Germany

    are beginning on a similar pah ogeher. Their wo navies closely

    cooperae and heir armies have swapped a baalion o pave he

    way or uure cooperaion—a Polish baalion is serving in he

    German Army and vice versa.

    Wach or he combinaion o a srong Russia and weak-willed

    U.S. o orce European saes o bind ogeher in exacly he wayhe Trumpe  has orecas or years. For more inormaion on

    Europe’s sraegy o creae a combined European army, read our

    aricle “Under Consrucion.” Follow Richard Palmer


    Russia and China Unie (Crimea)Gerald Flurry,

    The Key of David | July 17

    China has announced o he world ha i agrees wih Russia’s

    invasion o Crimea in Ukraine.

    Expanding he Empire: Russia Coninues Slow Advance Ino Georgian Terriory Jeremiah Jacques | July 17



    “properly respond” o Russia’s ongoing creeping occupaion

    o Georgian erriory.

    On July 10, Russian orces placed new “border” markers in sev-

    eral villages near Georgia’s cenral highway. This acion, accord-

    ing o Georgian officials, brough a new srip o Georgian erriory

    more han a mile wide under Russian conrol. The newly occu-

    pied erriory includes par o a major BP-operaed oil pipeline.

    “We’ve los mos o our fields,” said a armer rom Tsielubani,

    one o he villages affeced by he newly declared border. “The

    Russians said we are no longer allowed here.”

    The move is he laes in a series o Russian operaions, which

    analyss say are par o Moscow’s creeping annexaion o Souh

    Osseia and Abkhazia—boh breakaway Georgian errioriesRussia has occupied he wo erriories since 2008 afer a brie

    war wih Georgia. Now, Russia appears o be expanding he Geor

    gian erriories i holds.

    Georgia’s Foreign Minisry urged he inernaional commu

    niy o sand up agains hese Russian acions ha “violae un

    damenal principles o he inernaional law.” Georgia is seeking

    membership o he miliary alliance. I has no diplomaic

    relaions wih Moscow, and says one o is oreign policy aims is

    o avoid anagonizing Russia.

    Since Georgia lies on he ever deepening geopoliical aul line

    beween Russia and Europe, accomplishing his aim will no be

    easy. Follow Jeremiah Jacques

    Connecing he Empire: Russia Approves Consrucion of $4 Billion Bridge o CrimeaJeremiah Jacques | July 16

    T R J

    build a bridge connecing he Russian mainland o he

    Crimean Peninsula.

    Repors rom earlier his year said he 12-mile bridge will span

    he Kerch Srai hrough he Tuzla spi, which divides Russia’s

    Krasnodar region rom Crimea. The design will accommodae a

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    railway and our lanes o auomobile raffic. A an esimaed cos

    o $4 billion, i will be he mos expensive bridge Russia has ever

    buil. Compleion is expeced by December 2018.

    The Crimean Peninsula was Ukrainian erriory unil las March,

    when i was absorbed ino he Russian Federaion. The absorpion

    happened afer cover Russian orces had occupied governmen

    buildings in Crimea, and laer supervised a reerendum on wheher

    he people o he peninsula waned o join Russia or no. Moscow

    claims ha 96.8 percen voed in avor o union wih Russia.

    The bridge projec could allay concerns among some Wes

    erners who speculae ha Russia wans o annex regions o eas

    ern Ukraine in order o make a “land bridge” connecing Crimea

    o mainland Russia. Wih plans now approved o build an acual

    bridge over he waer, Russia would have a connecion o Crimea

    wihou needing o pry away oher erriories rom Ukraine.

    Follow Jeremiah Jacques

    Goodbye, Global Zero, and Hello, a More Dangerous World

    Breitbart | July 12

    A , U.S.R

    ing. … Unorunaely, Russia’s deeds over he pas year have

    dashed hese hopes, as highlighed by Presiden Obama’s nomi-

    nee or Chairman o he Join Chies, Gen. Joseph Dunord, in his

    confirmaion esimony: “I you wan o alk abou a naion ha

    could pose an exisenial hrea o he Unied Saes, I’d have o

    poin o Russia …. I you look a heir behavior, i’s nohing shor

    o alarming.”Russia’s creeping expansion borrows acics rom he Chinese.

    I inegraes paramiliary unis o produce a casus belli or iner-

    venion, convenional orce o coerce or hreaen is neighbors, and

    couner-inervenion measures o dissuade Wesern involvemen.

    An alarming developmen is ha Russia conemplaes he

    early use o small-yield, acical nuclear weapons and wihering

    cyberatacks o dissuade he Unied Saes and Europe. I is an

    effecive asymmeric play.

    I also direcly challenges he underpinnings o U.S. deer-

    rence. …

    Russian use o small-yield nuclear weapons as a war-fighing

    ool early in a conflic could limi U.S. or opions o reali-

    ae wih is arsenal o large-yield nuclear weapons. U.S. sraegicweapons were no buil or war fighing bu or deerrence. They

    were mean o be he ulimae reprisal weapon. …

    I begs he quesion wheher he deerrence logic o he U.S.

    large-yield nuclear arsenal remains credible. This has been a

    key underpinning o successul U.S. deerrence or 70 years. Bu

    i depended on he Russians believing he U.S. would use hese

    weapons when pressed.

    Persisen cyberatacks agains U.S. commercial neworks

    could no only devasae he U.S. economy bu also disrup U.S

    convenional miliary operaions ha depend on hese neworks

    I he U.S. is banking on convenional orce o deer Russian use

    o small-yield nuclear weapons, his vulnerabiliy is so atracive

    ha i could serve o incenivize a Russian atack. …

    While he idea o exchanging nuclear weapons is indeed hor

    rific, he unhinkable is quie hinkable or oher world lead

    ers. The naion and uure presidens deserve credible ools orespond. Abandoning he noion o a secure Unied Saes ree o

    nuclear weapons is a grea firs move. Only hen can we begin o

    hink abou and ruly undersand deerrence in a more danger

    ous world.

    “The Russia-China axis is no longer merely a forecas. It is here,

    and i is changing he world. The world now faces he mos

    serious crisis since World War II, and i is hanks in par o

     America’s broken will and mismanaged power. In heir book,

    Schoen and Kaylan argue ha ‘only a rebirh of American

    global leadership can couner he corrosive impac of his

    ani-democraic alliance, which may soon hreaen he peaceand securiy of he world.’ Such a rebirh won’ come abou

    by somehing as meaningless as ‘geting he GOP back in he

     Whie House.’ The naion’s illnesses are oo numerous and oo

    deep-rooed o be remedied by a opical balm of ha kind. Bu

    here is a soluion for America’s crisis in leadership, and for

    he increasing power, cooperaion and belligerence of he

    Russia-China axis. To undersand i, read Russia and China in

    Prophecy .” Trumpet, January 2015

    China Jus Revealed How Much Gold I’s Been Hoarding for he Firs Time Since 2009

    Business Insider | July 17

    B A T M C G

    Holdings Is Coming o an End” as a resul o China’s willing-

    ness o add he yuan o he ’s currency baske ,which

    would require he disclosure o China’s gold holding ahead o an

    meeing on composiion which may be held in Ocober.

    By way o background, he reason why everyone has been

    so ocused on Chinese official gold holdings is ha here has

    been no official updae o he gold invenory o he world’s big-

    ges naion, which have been fixed a 33.89 million ounces since

    April 2009, a litle over 1,000 ons. In oher words, he ’s gold

    invenory has been “unchanged” or over six years, which is in

    sark conras o he ravenous buying o physical gold China has

    been engaging in or he pas five years.

    As we urher noed in April, “wih China disclosing so litle

    abou is hoard, finding ou how much he cenral bank has in is

    vauls is o increasing ineres o raders. Confirmaion o biger

    holdings would signal he imporance o he meal as a reserve

    asse and boos marke senimen, TD Securiies’ Melek said.  A

    a ime when prices are languishing, he buying could give sup

    por, said Suki Cooper, direcor o commodiies a Barclays Plc

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    in New York.” …

    Well, he long-awaied momen has finally arrived and his

    morning, afer a six-year delay, China finally admited ha i had

    been misrepresening is gold holdings or a very long ime, when i

    announced ha is gold holdings had increased rom 38.89 million

    o 53.31 million roy ounces, a 57 percen increase “in one monh.” …

    China had o wai unil is sock marke was crashing o pres

    en he “sysemic sabiliy” bazooka: gold. …

    Japan’s Lower House Passes Bills o Give Miliary Freer Hand o Figh

    New York Times | July 16

    T J on Thursday ha would give he counry’s miliary limied

    powers o figh in oreign conflics or he firs ime since World

    War .

    The lawmakers aced despie broad public opposiion o he leg-

    islaion, which has se off Japan’s larges demonsraions since he

    afermah o he Fukushima nuclear acciden our years ago. …

    The bills represen a break rom he sricly deensive sance

    mainained by Japan in he decades since he war, under which i

    would figh only i direcly atacked. …

    [Japanese Prime Miniser Shinzo] Abe has presened he

    package as an unavoidable response o new hreas acing Japan,

    in paricular he growing miliary power o China. …

    China condemned passage o he bills, describing hem asa poenial hrea o peace in Asia and invoking he memory o

    Japan’s warime agression. …

    I i clears he remaining procedural hurdles, he legislaion is

    likely o ace challenges in he cours, bu o wha effec is uncerain. The Consiuion, writen by Japan’s American occupiers

    afer he war, saes ha “he Japanese people orever renounce

    war as a sovereign righ o he naion and he hrea or use o

    orce as means o setling inernaional dispues.” …

    Mr. Abe has long argued ha he Consiuion should be

    amended o remove is resricive aniwar provisions, bu chang

    ing he charer would require a naional reerendum ha he

    would probably lose. …

    “Japan’s shif away from pacifism and oward becoming a full-

    fledged miliary power has long been a focus of he Trumpet  as

     well as our forerunner, he Plain Truth. We have drawn aten-ion o he shif because we believe i will culminae in a violen

    conflic affecing millions, possibly even billions. … Japan’s

    march oward miliarizaion poins o a dark fuure.”

    Trumpet , August 2015

    Puin Rebuilds Russia’s Miliary While U.S. Sraegy Is All Over he Map

    Breaking Defense | July 13

    T P, R

    command) has enjoyed a rebirh wih he inusion o new,

    young blood ino he Russian Armed Forces’ senior ranks.

    Having reorganized Russia’s army, creaing mobile armoredbatle groups o 6,000 roops under generals o replace is aging

    and unwieldy division srucures, Puin is reequipping i wih

    new weapon sysems creaing new capabiliies in he process. …

    Puin has answered he key quesions in Russia’s naional

    miliary sraegy: Where do we figh? Whom do we figh? How

    do we figh? Russia will figh in Easern Europe o expand Rus-

    sia’s borders and in Norheas Asia o secure is conrol o eas-

    ern Siberia’s resources. Russia’s orces will figh as an inegraed

    orce srucure responsive o unified naional miliary command

    in Moscow.

    Meanwhile, America’s new Naional Miliary Sraegy ails

    o ask, le alone answer, he criical quesions or our naionaldeense. …

    In conras o Puin’s laser-like ocus on hese issues, Wash

    ingon is all over he map. In Asia, Washingon ignores he impac

    o China’s agressive posure in he Souh China Sea. … In he

    Middle Eas, Washingon seems unable o decide who is riends

    and enemies really are. … Building effecive miliary power akes

    ime, resources and imaginaion.

    Now is he ime o build or he uure. Puin ges i. Do we?

    ‘China Would Be he Bank and Russia Would Be he Big Gun’ in Cenral Asia

    Business Insider | July 15


    in Cenral Asia, wih China as he dominan economic

    power and Russia as he big securiy player.

    Or, as Alexander Gabuev, senior associae and he chair [or]

    Russia in he Asia-Pacific program a he Carnegie Moscow Cen-

    er, old Foreign Policy:  “China would be he bank and Russia

    would be he big gun.”

    China coninues o ake he lead in economic-power venures,

    including he Asian Inrasrucure Invesmen Bank and he

    poenial developmen bank (which Russia is finally warming

    up o). Addiionally, China has become he main moneylender in

    Cenral Asia: Is rade volume wih he region surpassed ha o

    Russia in 2009.

    A he same ime, Russia wans o keep is miliary bases and

    arms deals in Cenral Asia, along wih he Collecive Securiy

    Treay Organizaion, a securiy bloc o ormer Sovie counries.

    China “sees economics as power,” according o a repor by

    Sraor. “For Beijing, miliary migh ress on a srong economic

    base, and global power sems as much rom he abiliy o shape

    global markes as i does rom miliary orce.” …

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    Chatanooga Shooings: Four Marines and Gunman Dead in Rampage a Tennessee Miliary FaciliiesNBC News | July 17


    A  ary ceners in Chatanooga Thursday, killing our Marines,

    injuring a police officer and a Marine recruier, and criically

    injuring a Navy sailor, auhoriies said.

    The gunman was killed afer a shooou wih police a he sec-

    ond aciliy, auhoriies said. An auopsy is pending, and i is no

    clear wheher police killed him or he killed himsel.

    The gunman was idenified as Mohammed Youssu Abdulazeez,

    24. He was a nauralized U.S. ciizen rom Kuwai, a ederal offi

    cial said. …

    Auhoriies offered no immediae inormaion on a moiveBill Killian, he op ederal prosecuor or easern Tennessee

    said he atack was being invesigaed as an ac o domesic er


    The shooings began a around 10:45 a.m. and occurred over

    abou 30 minues and six miles apar, firs a a miliary recrui

    men saion and hen a a Navy and Marines reserve cener. A

    deense official said he gunman used an auomaic weapon. …

    Obama Wries Personal Leters o 46 Felons; No Conac wih Kahryn Seinle’s Family 

    Breitbart | July 13

    N K S murdered on San Francisco’s Pier 14 by an illegal alien and

    conviced elon who was released rom prison earlier his year,

    Presiden Barack Obama has ailed o conac he vicim’s am-

    ily or menion her in public. Ye Obama ook he ime o wrie

    (and release) 46 personal leters his monh o elons imprisoned

    or non-violen drug offenses whose senences he has commued.

    Like he 46 elons o whom Obama wroe, Juan Francisco

    Lopez-Sanchez had served ime or non-violen offenses, someo hem drug-relaed. Afer his arres, Lopez-Sanchez, who had

    been depored five imes o Mexico, conessed o shooing Seinle

    as she walked wih her amily a he popular ouris spo. …

    Criics have noed ha Obama was quick o reach ou o he

    amily o Michael Brown, who was killed while charging a police

    officer in Ferguson, Missouri, las year, enhancing Brown’s heroic

    saus o drive a poliical narraive. …

    Krauhammer on Iran Nuclear Deal: ‘This Is Quie Insane’

    Fox News | July 14

    C K S R nuclear agreemen wih Iran, saing ha “his is quie insane.”

    He saed ha even skepics o he deal were “shocked by he

    degree o he capiulaion.”

    Krauhammer assered ha “a arce” o he whole inspecion

    process is made by giving Iran up o 24 days o gran permission

    o inernaional inspecors.

    He added ha lifing he embargo on ballisic missiles and

    convenional arms is even worse, because Iran is going o use hebillions o dollars hey’re going o ge o provide weapons o all o

    heir allies around he region.

    “They are now going o be able o acquire he mos sophisi

    caed land-o-ship missiles o deny us, no our allies, he U.S

    Navy, conrol o he Persian Gul … which we have had or hal a

    cenury,” Krauhammer said. “This is quie insane.” …

    David Cameron Will Take Whaever Abuse he Eurocras Dish Ou

    Daniel Hannan, Capx | July 16


    you o join hem in an invesmen scheme. Suppose you poliely

    declined, only or hem o sar pesering you.

    “Lisen,” hey say, “i you don’ ge involved you’ll regre i or

    he res o your lie. In ac, i you insis on saying ou, you migh

    no be quie so welcome in his pub in uure.”

    You mull i over, and you’re jus no convinced. You wish hem

    well, bu i’s really no your kind o hing. “Well hen, sui your-

    sel,” hey reply coldly, urning back o heir pins.

    No long aferwards, heir invesmens go sour, and hey

    demand ha you bail hem ou. “Hang on,” you say. “How is his

    my problem?” “We’re no asking you, we’re elling you,” hey

    declare. “We’ve jus had a voe. You los. Hand over your walle.”

    Tha’s prety much how he EU is reaing Briain and he oher

    non-eurozone saes, insising ha hey pay o rescue a currency

    ha hey declined o join.

    The really ourageous hing is no so much he cash as he dis

    honesy. I mean, don’ ge me wrong, he cash maters …. This is

    as he French say, an imporan amoun o money.

    Bu even i i’s paid back promply, he EU has shown isel

    so unrusworhy, so unable o keep o a conrac, ha Briain’s

    coming renegoiaion mus be considered a wase o ime.

  • 8/20/2019 TrumpetWeekly 2015-07-18


    In 2010, he EU agreed ha he European Financial Sabiliy

    Mechanism, o which he UK had conribued, would no be used

    o bail ou he euro. Insead, a new po was creaed, filled only by

    saes wihin he single currency.

    David Cameron didn’ jus ge a genlemen’s agreemen; he go a

    binding, writen guaranee. Ye he momen ha guaranee became

    inconvenien, Jean-Claude Juncker and his ellow commissioners—

    o say nohing o he oher heads o governmen—ore i up.

    How can we deal wih an organizaion ha behaves hisway? Whaever we hink we have consened o, i can be alered

    whenever Brussels eels like i.

    Minisers are hoping o sell changes in Briain’s relaionship

    wih he EU o voers in a reerendum nex year. Bu voers can now

    see ha such changes won’ be worh he paper hey’re writen on. …

    The poin is ha, by officially proposing o acivae he und, in

    clear breach o all is commimens, he European Commission

    has shown isel o be an unreliable negoiaing parner. The cri

    icism ha Eurocras leveled agains Yannis Varouakis—ha you

    can’ deal wih someone who won’ sick o his word—appliesprecisely, rom a Briish poin o view, o hem. …

    Penagon Announces Plan Aimed a Lifing Transgender Ban in Miliary 

    Associated Press | July 13

    D S A C P

    ren regulaions banning ransgender individuals rom serv-

    ing in he miliary are oudaed, and anyone willing o serve he

    counry should be able o do so.

    Carer is creaing a working group o do a six-monh sudy on he

    impac o lifing he ban. Carer says he group will begin wih he

    presumpion ha ransgender people should be able o serve openly.The plan, which was firs repored by he Associaed Press,

    gives he services ime o work hrough quesions abou healh

    care, housing, physical sandards, uniorms and coss associaed

    wih he change. …

    Some o he key concerns involved in he repeal o he ban

    include wheher he miliary would conduc or pay or he medi

    cal coss, surgeries and oher reamen associaed wih any gen

    der ransiion, as well as which physical raining or esing san

    dards ransgender individuals would be required o mee during

    differen sages o heir ransiion.

    Officials said he miliary also wans ime o ackle quesions

    abou where ransgender roops would be housed, wha uniorms hey would wear, wha berhing hey would have on ships

    which bahrooms hey would use and wheher heir presence

    would affec he abiliy o small unis o work well ogeher. The

    miliary has deal wih many similar quesions as i inegraed

    he ranks by race, gender and sexual orienaion. …

    Looking Good, Pluo

    LA Times | July 17 WE TALKED ABOU T THIS

    N P,

    ha a journey o 9½ years and 3 billion miles o ge sor o

    close and no even sop would yield some grea pix. I did; inac, wha he New Horizons spacecraf sen back was a revela-

    ion. The flyby reurned images o owering icy mounains on he

    scale o he Rockies, unexpeced eaures on he leas undersood

    plane—dwar plane, really—in our solar sysem. No only were

    officials couning on he spacecraf he size o a grand piano

    geting o Pluo, hey were assuming hey could keep communi-

    caing wih i over ha disance—no mean ea, considering how

    ricky i can be o keep a mobile phone connecion on a car rip

    rom one end o own o he oher.

    ’s venure o he arhes reaches o he solar sysem

    is a credi o scienific perseverance and chance-aking. I’s

    a reminder ha while science and echnology have given us

    marvels o speed such as insan messaging, Insagramming and

    Neflix (OK, maybe no Neflix), hey have also given us exraor

    dinary discoveries ha required enormously lenghy invesmenso ime. Consider ha when New Horizons launched, in January

    2006, Barack Obama wasn’ ye running or presiden and Pluo

    was sill a ull-fledged plane. (I go downgraded laer ha year.) …

    Over ime, he inormaion gahered will no only each scien

    iss more abou Pluo bu may also yield insighs ino he begin

    nings o oher planes and o our solar sysem. …

    Space exploraion, manned and unmanned, ha akes us

    beyond he solar sysem will require even lenghier commi

    mens o ime and discipline. Bu i will enhance our knowledge

    o our universe and our world. And in his insance, i’s nice o

    see Pluo, nine years afer is demoion, rehabiliaed as a won

    drous objec.

     T W I N B R IE F

    Food stamp beneficiaries top 45 million for 48 straight

    months:  The number o people receiving ood samps has

    exceeded 45 million or 48 sraigh monhs, according o daa

    released by he Deparmen o Agriculure. The number o

    recipiens firs broke he 45 million mark in May 2011. I hi a record

    over 47 million in December 2012. Households on ood samps on

    average received a benefi o $256 per monh. When he ood samp

    program was firs iniiaed in 1969, i assised 2.8 million people.