Trust me, this isn’t about some famous Italian ...

Post on 11-Dec-2021

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Trust me, this isn’t about some famous Italian

Mathematician...although he is cool and he is Italian!

What does this have to do with trading?

Why am I here?

1. Present a POTENTIAL theory for PATTERNS in the market based on sacred geometry and music

2. Show PRECISE and REAL TIME examples to back up this theory

3. Answer a ton of questions

4. Make sure it’s more important for attendees to invest/trade in a way that works for THEM

5. Hide nothing, speak the absolute truth

6. Remove the ego …

Exodus 20:11 – for in six days the Lord

made the Heavens and the Earth

1. 24 hours in one day

2. 60 minutes in one hour

3. 60 seconds in 1 minute

4. 3600 seconds in one hour

5. 86,400 seconds in one day

6. 518, 400 seconds in the number of days of creation

Exodus 20:11 – for in 518,400 seconds the

Lord made the Heavens and the Earth

“…when He prepared the heavens, I was there; when He set a

compass upon the face of the depth...”

• Our organs of perception and the entire world are best understood as systems of pure pattern and geometric

structures of form and proportion.

• Geometry is the purest visible expression of number.

Proverbs 8:27

The ratio of the width/height for the Vesica Pisces is 1.732…or 265 / 153..or √3

“…Nature will reveal itself if we only look…”

• Every living body physically vibrates.

• All elemental or inanimate matter vibrates molecularly or atomically.

• Every vibrating body emits a SOUND.

• The study of SOUND, as the ancients knew, provides a key to understanding the universe

• Isn’t SOUND composed of PATTERNS of WAVES composed of amplitude, interval and frequency that can only be understood thru NUMBER?

Thomas Edison

“…Let none ignorant of geometry enter here…”

Entrance to Plato’s academy

• The frequency of a string is inversely proportional to the square root it’s length.

• Frequency is directly proportional to the square root of it’s tension.

• Musical Harmony comes when the ratio of frequencies consists of simple numbers.

• The ancients used 1-5, their square roots and the inverse of those square roots to contemplate and teach SACRED GEOMETRY

The Ratio’s …

Not one single ratio will “always” work BUT when

a BUNCH of them come together – it can be market magic

The Application of Advanced Pattern Recognition