Truth Talks: Apologetics · Truth Talks: Apologetics An Introduction Monday, July 15, 13. 2 Why...

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Truth Talks:Apologetics

An Introduction

Monday, July 15, 13


Why This Series?

The Benefits: Greater Confidence in What You Have Believed

Luke 1:3-4 Greater Confidence in Evangelism Greater Knowledge of God’s Word Greater Worship

Monday, July 15, 13A good question for us to ask, even right at the outset, is why this series? I mean, there are many things that we could be studying. There are sixty six books of the Bible for us to dig into, so why take a thirteen week sidetrack to talk about apologetics?Well, as we’ll soon see, although the practice of apologetics is aimed primarily at non-Christians, the study of apologetics can yield many benefits for Christians as well. The first of these is a greater confidence in what you have believed. Every so often, any of us can be prone to doubt. We may ask, “Did that really happen?” But an orderly account of the truths of Christianity and the supporting historical and logical evidence for them can give us greater certainty. That’s even why the book of Luke was written to Theophilus. In case he doubted the things he had been taught, Luke set everything down historically and accurately to show him that it was true. Similarly, as we begin to get into the arguments for Christianity, we’ll hopefully be strengthened in our confidence. Also, it might happen that some of us hold back from sharing the gospel with our coworkers or family members because we’re afraid they’ll ask a question that we don’t know how to answer. We might even sometimes fear that they can ask a question for which there is no answer. And because of these fears, we can feel paralyzed, longing for their salvation, but unable or unwilling to make that step into risky territory. But, once we’ve studied the common objections against Christianity and the arguments for it, hopefully we’ll be more confident to share.

In Apologetics, we’re defending the truths contained in God’s word. And before we can begin to defend them, we need to know what they are. But even past that, we need to be careful in our presentations never to go past what God’s word says, and certainly never to contradict it to make our views more acceptable. To make sure that we don’t go beyond bounds, we need to be constantly looking to God’s word to find where the limits are.

What we read about in the Bible is true! God did create the world. He did make mankind to have a special relationship with him. We have sinned and fallen away from God. We do deserve God’s righteous punishment in hell forever. Jesus did come to live a perfect life and die in our place so that if we believe in him, we can be saved. He will come again and judge the world. All of it is entirely true. And this is wonderful. This should move us to worship.

Objective for Meetings

Teach basic apologetics The differing methodologies/philosophies Cover the most common objections/questions

Evangelistic focus There is a difference between Apologetics and

Evangelism. Both are needed. Evangelism is more.

Devotional aspect These truths, after all, are glorious.

Monday, July 15, 13If at any point during any week you have a question, regardless of whether it seems extremely simple or unsolvably complex, go ahead and interrupt me and ask it, I want this to be interactive.

Objective for This Meeting


Monday, July 15, 13Our goal today is to do a general overview of what apologetics is and where we find it in the Bible.

Why So Apologetic?

“Apologetics” comes from the Greek “apologia” which means a defense made by use of words

It was a common term used to describe the justification for a worldview or a life. Plato’s Apology (apologia) can also be titled his

Defense of the Life of Socrates

Monday, July 15, 13

But Where’s it in the Bible?

The use of apologetics in a Christian sense derives from 1 Peter 3:15. (For reference and study, 3:13-16 is provided.)

Now who is there to harm you if you are zealous for what is good? But even if you should suffer for righteousness’ sake, you will be blessed. Have no fear of them, nor be troubled, but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense (apologia) to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, having a good conscience so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame.

Monday, July 15, 13Ask someone to read.Ask for what things we can find out about apologetics from this passage?

1 Peter 3:13-16

Apologetics is a part of setting Christ apart as Lord and as holy

It defends the hope of the Gospel (And you must have this hope!)

It is based on reason

It ought to be done with gentleness and respect.

There are opponents who wish to slander, denounce, and even harm the servants of Christ.

Monday, July 15, 13

So Can We Get a Definition?

Apologetics is the logical, humble defense of the truths of Christianity to those who neither believe nor understand them so that Christ may be set apart as holy and Lord.

The Action: logical, humble defense

The Subject: the truths of Christianity

The Audience: those who neither believe nor understand

The Purpose: that Christ might be set apart as holy and Lord

Monday, July 15, 13

What Apologetics Is: The Action

Logical, humble defense

Logical: Reason must be

used. Arguments will need

to be constructed and deconstructed.

Get rid of the faith/reason dichotomy.

Humble: You are no better than the

person with whom you are arguing. You are both sinners. We all are.

The only reason we have these truths is by the grace of God.

We don’t know everything. We can’t argue anyone into

believing. Only God can cause faith.

Being proud doesn’t make Christ look good.

Monday, July 15, 13

What Apologetics Is: The Action

Defense The Gospel is able (and is the only thing that is

able) to save. It is worth defending. We are charged to take down anything that stands

in the way of the Gospel (2 Cor. 10:4-6)

Monday, July 15, 13

What Apologetics Is: The Subject

The Truths of Christianity Or, to be a bit more accurate, the Doctrines of

Christianity (unfortunately, our understanding is incomplete, and we may have some things wrong)

Chiefly the Gospel Secondarily, the entire Christian worldview

Monday, July 15, 13

What Apologetics Is: The Audience

Those who neither believe nor understand They may be curious They may be hostile They don’t believe, and consequently are lost,

darkened, and dead. They inherently do not want to believe.

Monday, July 15, 13

What Apologetics Is: The Purpose

That Christ might be set apart as holy and Lord Not that we look clever. Not that we become smarter or a better debater Christ’s glory in His truths.

They do make sense, show them as such. They are true, show them as such. He is glorious, show Him as such.

Monday, July 15, 13

What Apologetics is Not

Evangelism This is the most important distinction to make The defense of the faith, especially the more

philosophical it gets, is not the same as evangelism.

You can take down all of their arguments, but it’s not the same as leading them to Christ.

You can provide all the historical evidence in the world, it’s still not the gospel in and of itself

Monday, July 15, 13


Apologetics and Evangelism should go hand in hand

Evangelism is the point, and Apologetics can be a route to getting there, especially for those who have sincere objections or questions.

Think of it as a way of getting rid of road blocks so you can drive the Gospel on through

Monday, July 15, 13


While Apologetics is primarily focused towards non-Christians, it can be helpful for you as well.

It can delve into deep levels of theology, such as: How is the atonement just? How can suffering exist with a good, all powerful

God? What is the point of everything?

Monday, July 15, 13

A Warning

There is a danger in the study of Apologetics Argumentativeness

Is your goal to win the argument, or is your goal to save souls?

Knowledge as such Go any farther?

Monday, July 15, 13

The Dilemma

The more you study Apologetics, the more you may want to learn philosophy. This can be a good thing I love philosophy.

But what is most important is that you know your Bible well. If you know the truth, you’ll see the problems in

the error. If you only know the error, you won’t know how

to fix it.

Monday, July 15, 13Learning is one of the most beneficial parts for yourself. You will be stretched to think about your faith, about truth.

Things to cover: science, other religions, classic dilemmas.

Know Your Bible Well

It’s what you’re defending.

It’s the source of all truth.

If you base your claims on anything else, you are on shaky ground.

Monday, July 15, 13



1. Biblical Basis for Apologetics/Intro to General Apologetics2. Reliability of Scripture3. Introduction: Evidential Apologetics (Focus on: The Resurrection)4. Focus on: Old Testament Tales5. Introduction: Classical Apologetics (Focus on: The Existence of God)6. Introduction: Presuppositional Apologetics (Focus on: Worldview)7. Epistemology: What is True?8. Ethics: What is Good?9. Naturalism v. Supernaturalism10.The Problem of Evil11.The Problem of Sovereignty/Free Will12. Exclusivity: Don’t All Roads Lead to the Same Place?13.Apologetics and the Real World

Monday, July 15, 13

Personal IntroductionIf there is time

Monday, July 15, 13

My Apologetic Presuppositions

Christianity is True

All other world-views are inherently false

Thereby all other world-views have (at least) a point where they are either: A.) Inconsistent within themselves B.) Inconsistent with reality C.) Usually both.

Monday, July 15, 13

My Apologetic Presuppositions

That does not mean other world-views are wholly wrong. We have to assume (and it’s Biblical!) that to an extent all

men have a certain framework in common. Also, different world-views will have preserved different

truths from others. For instance, Islam and Judaism know there is one God. Hinduism contains both the idea of the transcendence of

the Godhead and the immanence.

There are things that they have that are correct (a la general revelation), and these can be used to explain Christian concepts.

Monday, July 15, 13

My Apologetic Presuppositions

God gave us reason, so we should use it within the limits prescribed by the Bible.

Inferences are fallible, Scripture is not.

Monday, July 15, 13