TUC-4 User's manual - Roland Websitesupport.rolanddga.com/Docs/Documents/departments...WARNING Be...

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Thank you very much for purchasing this product.• To ensure correct and safe usage with a full understanding of this product's performance, please be sure

to read through this manual completely and store it in a safe location.• When purchasing, please ensure that the stamp and address of your authorized Roland DG Corporation

dealer, as well as the date of purchase, are filled in on the Warranty and please store this Warranty in safe place.

• Unauthorized copying or transferal, in whole or in part, of this manual is prohibited.• The specifications of this product and the contents of this operation manual are subject to change with-

out notice.• The documentation and the product have been prepared and tested as much as possible. If you find any

misprint or error, please inform us.• Roland DG Corporation assumes no responsibility for any direct or indirect loss or damage that may occur

through use of this product, regardless of any failure to perform on the part of this product.• Roland DG Corporation assumes no responsibility for any direct or indirect loss or damage that may occur

with respect to any article made using this product.


User's Manual

Automatic Media take-up unit

For Canada



Responsible Party : Roland DGA CorporationAddress : 15363 Barranca Parkway Irvine, CA 92618 U.S.A.Telephone : 949-727-2100Type of Equipment : Printer Accessory (Take up controller)Model Name : TUC-4

NOTE:This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Op-eration of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.

This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

FCC CAUTIONChanges or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

Use only I/O cables that have been designed and manufactured specifically for this device.

For the USA

WARNINGOperation of this equipment in a residential environment could cause radio interference.

For EU Countries

Manufacturer:ROLAND DG CORPORATION1-6-4 Shinmiyakoda, Kita-ku, Hamamatsu-shi, Shizuoka-ken, 431-2103 JAPAN

For EU Countries

The importer in the EU: Roland DG Europe Holdings B.V. Prof. J.H. Bavincklaan 2, 1183 AT, Amstelveen, The Netherlands

WARNING:This product can expose you to chemicals including lead, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information go to www.P65Warnings.ca.gov.

For California





铅(Pb) 汞(Hg) 镉(Cd) 六价铬






印刷电路板 × ○ × ○ ○ ○

头部 × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

壳体、底架 × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

电源 × ○ × ○ ○ ○

其他(电缆、附件等) × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

○:表示该有毒有害物质在该部件所有均质材料中的含量均在 GB/T26572-2011 标准规定的限量要求以下。

×:表示该有毒有害物质至少在该部件的某一均质材料中的含量超出 GB/T26572-2011 标准规定的限量要求。







This product must be disposed of separately at your local waste recycling center. Do not dispose of in household waste bin.

Bitte führen Sie dieses Produkt separat Ihrer örtlichen Entsorgungsstelle zu. Bitte nicht mit dem normalen Hausmüll entsorgen.

Ne jetez pas le produit avec vos ordures ménagères. Portez-le dans un centre recyclage des déchets.

Questo prodotto deve essere smaltito negli appositi contenitori per la raccolta differenziata, non buttare nel cestino dei rifiuti casalinghi.

Este producto debe devolverse al centro de reciclaje más cercano a su domicilio para su correcta eliminación. No lo tire a la basura.

Deite fora separadamente este produto no seu centro de reciclagem local. Não o deite fora no seu caixote do lixo.

Lever dit product in bij een lokaal afvalverzamelpunt. NIET met normaal huishoudelijk afval afvoeren.

Dette Produkt skal smides særskilt væk på den lokale affalds- og genbrugsstation. Må ikke smides ud sammen med almindeligt husholdningsaffald.

Tätä tuotetta ei saa hävittää normaalien talousjätteiden mukana, vaan se on toimitettava ongelmajätteiden keräilypisteeseen hävitettäväksi.

Produkten måste kasseras separat på din lokala återvinningscentral. Släng inte produkten tillsammans med hushållssoporna.

Μην πετάξετε το αντικείμενο αυτό στο καλάθι των απορριμμάτων. Αφαιρέστε τις μπαταρίες και προσκομίστε το στο τοπικό κέντρο ανακύκλωσης.

For China

For EU Countries



Company names and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.

http://www.rolanddg.com/Copyright © 2019 Roland DG Corporation

Contents ......................................................................................................... 3 To Ensure Safe Use ......................................................................................... 4 Pour utiliser en toute sécurité ....................................................................... 9Important Notes on Handling and Use ......................................................... 161. Introduction ............................................................................................. 17

Features of This Machine .......................................................................................... 17Main Compatible Models .......................................................................................... 17Selecting the Take-up Method ................................................................................... 17Part Names and Functions ......................................................................................... 18

2. Checking the Package Contents ............................................................... 193. Assembly and Installation ........................................................................ 21

Read This before Starting Work ................................................................................. 21Assembly and Installation .......................................................................................... 21

4. Operation ................................................................................................ 34Notes to Follow ......................................................................................................... 34Notes to Follow When "TU" Is Selected .................................................................... 34Length Setting When "TU2" Is Selected ..................................................................... 34About Test Print ......................................................................................................... 35About the Paper Tube ................................................................................................ 35 How to Load Media .................................................................................................. 36To Take Up Media Manually ...................................................................................... 41How to Remove Taken-up Media .............................................................................. 42

5. What to Do If ........................................................................................... 43The Take-up Unit Doesn't Take Up Media.................................................................. 43Media Take-up Is Not Straight ................................................................................... 43

6. Appendix ................................................................................................. 44Locations of the Power Rating and Serial Number Labels .........................................44Specifications ............................................................................................................. 44


Improper handling or operation of this machine may result in injury or damage to property. Points that must be observed to prevent such injury or damage are described as follows.

About WARNING and CAUTION Notices


Used for instructions intended to alert the user to the risk of death or severe injury should the unit be used improperly.


Used for instructions intended to alert the user to the risk of injury or material damage should the unit be used improperly.

*Material damage refers to damage or other adverse effects caused with respect to the home and all its furnishings as well as to domestic animals or pets.

About the Symbols

The symbol alerts the user to important instructions or warnings.The specific meaning of the symbol is determined by the design contained within the symbol.The symbol at left means "danger of electrical shock."

The symbol alerts the user to items that must never be carried out (are forbid-den).The specific meaning of the symbol is determined by the design contained within the symbol.The symbol at left means the unit must never be disassembled.

The symbol alerts the user to things that must be carried out.The specific meaning of the symbol is determined by the design contained within the symbol.The symbol at left means the power-cord plug must be unplugged from the outlet.

To Ensure Safe Use



Be sure to follow the operation proce-dures described in the user's manual. Never allow anyone unfamiliar with the usage or handling of the machine to touch it.Incorrect usage or handling may lead to an accident.

Keep children away from the machine.The machine includes areas and compo-nents that pose a hazard to children and may result in injury, blindness, choking, or other serious accidents.

Never operate the machine while tired or after ingesting alcohol or any medication.Operation requires unimpaired judgment. Operating with impaired judgment may result in an accident.

Always unplug the power cord when attaching or removing parts and optional parts and when performing cleaning or maintenance that does not require the ma-chine to be connected to a power source.Attempting such operations while the machine is connected to a power source may result in injury or electrical shock.

Never attempt to disassemble, repair, or modify the machine.Doing so may result in fire, electrical shock, or injury. Entrust repairs to a trained service technician.


Exercise caution to avoid being pinched or becoming caught.Inadvertent contact with certain areas may cause the hand or fingers to be pinched or become caught. Use care when performing operations.

Never attempt operation while wearing a necktie, necklace, loose clothing, or gloves. Bind long hair securely.Such items may become caught in the machine, resulting in injury.

Conduct operations in a clean, brightly lit location.Working in a location that is dark or cluttered may lead to an accident, such as becoming caught in the machine as the result of an inadvertent stumble.

Never climb or lean on the machine.The machine is not made to support a person. Climbing or leaning on the machine may dislodge components and cause a slip or fall, resulting in injury.

Incorrect operation may cause injury


Handling roll media is an operation that must be performed by two persons or more, and care must be taken to pre-vent the dropping of the roll media.Attempting to lift heavy media in a man-ner that taxes your strength may cause physical injury. Also, if dropped, such items may cause injury.

When storing roll media, implement adequate safety measures to ensure that the stored media will not roll, fall, or topple over.Users may be pinned under the media and suffer serious injury.


Unloading and emplacement are op-erations that must be performed by 2 persons or more. Tasks that require undue effort when performed by a small number of per-sons may result in physical injury. Also, if dropped, such items may cause injury.

This is a heavy machine

To Ensure Safe Use



Connect to an electrical outlet that complies with this machine's ratings (for voltage, frequency, and current).Incorrect voltage or insufficient current may cause fire or electrical shock.


Never use outside or in any location where exposure to water or high humidity may occur. Do not touch the power cord, plug, or electrical outlet with wet hands.Doing so may result in fire or electrical shock.

Never allow any foreign object to get inside. Never expose the machine to liquid spills. Inserting objects such as coins or matches or allowing beverages to be spilled into the ventilation ports may result in fire or electrical shock. If anything gets inside, immediately disconnect the power cord and contact your authorized Roland DG Corporation dealer.

Never place any flammable object nearby. Never use a combustible aerosol spray near-by. Never use in any location where gases can accumulate. Combustion or explosion could occur.

Never use the machine for any purpose for which it is not intended, or use the machine in an excessive manner that exceeds its capacity.Doing so may result in injury or fire.

Do not use with any power supply other than the dedicated AC adapter.Use with any other power supply may lead to fire or electrical shock.


If the machine will not be used for a long period, disconnect the power cord.This prevents an accident caused by un-expected electric leakage or unintentional start of the machine.

Handle the power cord, plug, and electrical outlet correctly and with care. Never use any article that is damaged.Using a damaged article may result in fire or electrical shock.

When using an extension cord or power strip, use one that adequately satisfies the machine's ratings (for voltage, fre-quency, and current).Use of multiple electrical loads on a single electrical outlet or of a lengthy extension cord may cause fire.

Position so that the power plug is within immediate reach at all times. This is to enable quick disconnection of the power plug in the event of an emergency. Install the machine next to an electrical outlet. Also, provide enough empty space to allow immediate access to the electrical outlet.

If sparking, smoke, burning odor, unusu-al sounds, or abnormal operation occur, immediately unplug the power cord. Never use if any component is damaged. Continuing to use the machine may result in fire, electrical shock, or injury. Contact your authorized Roland DG Corporation dealer.

Do not use the supplied power cord and AC adapter with any other product.

For accessories (optional and consum-able items, power cord, and the like), use only genuine articles compatible with this machine.Incompatible items may lead to an acci-dent.

Danger of electrical short, electrical shock, or fire

To Ensure Safe Use


Danger of electrical short, electrical shock, or fire

Never place any object on top or subject to damage. Never allow to get wet.

Never bend or twist with excessive force. Never make hot.

Never pull with excessive force. Dust may cause fire.

Never bundle, bind, or roll up.

To Ensure Safe Use


Warning Labels

A warning labels are affixed to the machine to make areas of danger immediately clear. The mean-ings of these labels are as follows. Be sure to heed their warnings. Also, never remove the labels or allow them to become dirty.

Caution: Pinching HazardBe careful to prevent fingers from being pinched when handling the dancer roller.

To Ensure Safe Use


La manipulation ou l'utilisation inadéquates de cet appareil peuvent causer des blessures oudes dommages matériels. Les précautions à prendre pour prévenir les blessures ou les dommages sont décrites ci-dessous.

Avis sur les avertissements


Utilisé pour avertir l'utilisateur d'un risque de décès ou de blessure grave en cas de mau-vaise utilisation de l'appareil.


Utilisé pour avertir l'utilisateur d'un risque de blessure ou de dommage matériel en cas de mauvaise utilisation de l'appareil.* Par dommage matériel, il est entendu dommage ou tout autre effet indésirable sur la maison, tous les meubles et même les animaux domestiques.

À propos des symboles

Le symbole attire l'attention de l'utilisateur sur les instructions importantes ou les aver-tissements. Le sens précis du symbole est déterminé par le dessin à l'intérieur du triangle. Le symbole à gauche signifie "danger d'électrocution."

Le symbole avertit l'utilisateur de ce qu'il ne doit pas faire, ce qui est interdit. La chose spécifique à ne pas faire est indiquée par le dessin à l'intérieur du cercle. Le symbole à gauche signifie que l'appareil ne doit jamais être démonté.

Le symbole prévient l'utilisateur sur ce qu'il doit faire. La chose spécifique à faire est in-diquée par le dessin à l'intérieur du cercle. Le symbole à gauche signifie que le fil électrique doit être débranché de la prise.

Pour utiliser en toute sécurité


Une utilisation incorrecte peut causer des blessures


S’assurer de suivre les procédures d’utilisation décrites dans la documentation. Ne jamais permettre à quiconque ne connaît pas le fonctionnement ou la manutention de l’appareil de le toucher.L’utilisation ou la manutention incorrectes peuvent causer un accident.

Garder les enfants loin de l’appareil.L’appareil comporte des zones et des composants qui présentent un danger pour les enfants et qui pourraient causer des blessures, la cécité, la suffocation ou d’autres accidents graves.

Ne jamais faire fonctionner l’appareil après avoir consommé de l’alcool ou des médicaments, ou dans un état de fatigue.L’utilisation de l’appareil exige un jugement sansfaille. L’utilisation avec les facultés affaiblies pourrait entraîner un accident.

Toujours débrancher le câble d’alimentation lors de la fixation ou du retrait de pièces et de pièces en option et du nettoyage ou des travaux d’entretien qui n’exigent pas un branchement de l’appareil à une source d’alimentation.Tenter ces opérations pendant que l’appareil est branché à une source d’alimentation peut causer des blessures ou un choc électrique.

Ne jamais tenter de démonter, de réparer ou de modifier l’appareil.Le non-respect de cette consigne risque de provoquer un incendie, un choc électrique ou des blessures. Confier les réparations à un technicien ayant la formation requise.


Faire preuve de prudence pour éviter l’écrasement ou le coincement.La main ou les doigts peuvent être écrasés ou coincés s’ils entrent en contact avec certaines surfaces par inadvertance. Faire preuve de prudence pendant l’utilisation de l’appareil.

Ne jamais faire fonctionner l’appareil si on porte une cravate, un collier ou des vêtements amples. Bien attacher les cheveux longs.Ces vêtements ou ces objets peuvent être coincés dans l’appareil, ce qui causerait des blessures.

Utiliser l’appareil dans un endroit propre et bien éclairé.Travailler dans un endroit sombre ou encombré peut causer un accident; l’utilisateur risque, par exemple, de trébucher malencontreusement et d’être coincé par une partie de l’appareil.

Ne jamais grimper ni s’appuyer sur la machine.La machine n’est pas conçue pour supporter le poids d’une personne. Grimper ou s’appuyer sur la machine peut déplacer des éléments et causer un faux pas ou une chute, ce qui causerait des blessures.

Pour utiliser en toute sécurité


Cet appareil est lourd.


La manutention du support en rouleau doit être faite par deux personnes ou plus et il faut prendre des précautions pour éviter les chutes.Tenter de soulever des objets trop lourds peut causer des blessures.

Prendre les mesures de sécurité adéquates pour l’entreposage des rouleaux de support pour s’assurer qu’ils ne rouleront pas, ne tomberont pas et ne se renverseront pas.Il y a risque d’être écrasé par le support et de subir des blessures graves.


Le déchargement et la mise en place doivent être faits par au moins deux personnes.Les tâches qui exigent un effort trop grand si elles sont exécutées par un petit nombre de personnes peuvent être cause de blessures.La chute d’articles très lourds peut aussi causer des blessures.

Pour utiliser en toute sécurité


Risque de décharge ou de choc électrique, d’électrocution ou d’incendie


Brancher à une prise électrique conforme aux caractéristiques de cet appareil (tension, fréquence et courant).Une tension incorrecte ou un courant insuffisant peuvent causer un incendie ou un choc électrique.


Ne jamais utiliser à l’extérieur ni à un endroit où l’appareil risque d’être exposé à de l’eau ou à une humidité élevée. Ne pas toucher le câble d’alimentation, la fiche ou la prise électrique avec des mains mouillées.Le non-respect de cette consigne risque de provoquer un incendie ou un choc électrique.

Ne jamais insérer d’objet étranger dans l’appareil. Ne jamais exposer l’appareil aux déversements de liquides.L’insertion d’objets comme des pièces de monnaie ou des allumettes ou le déversement de liquides dans les orifices de ventilation peuvent causer un incendie ou un choc électrique. Si un objet ou du liquide s’infiltre dans l’appareil, débrancher immédiatement le câble d’alimentation et communiquer avec le représentant Roland DG Corporation autorisé.


Ne jamais placer d’objet inflammable à proximité de l’appareil. Ne jamais utiliser de produit inflammable en aérosol à proximité de l’appareil. Ne jamais utiliser l’appareil dans un endroit où des gaz peuvent s’accumuler.Une combustion ou une explosion pourraient se produire.

Ne jamais utiliser l'appareil à des fins autres que celles pour lesquelles il est conçu. Ne jamais l'utiliser de manière abusive ou excessive.Le non-respect de cette consigne peut causer des blessures ou un incendie.

Ne pas utiliser une source d’alimentation autre que celle fournie par l’adaptateur en c.a. dédié.L’utilisation de l’appareil avec une autre source d’alimentation peut entraîner un incendie ou un choc électrique.

Si l’appareil doit rester inutilisé pendantune longue période, débrancher le câbled’alimentation.Cela peut prévenir les accidents en cas defuite de courant ou de démarrage accidentel.

Manipuler le câble d’alimentation, la fiche et la prise électrique correctement et avec soin.Ne jamais utiliser un article endommagé, car cela pourrait causer un incendie ou un choc électrique.

Si une rallonge ou une bande d’alimentation électrique sont utilisées, s’assurer qu’elles correspondent aux caractéristiques de l’appareil (tension, fréquence et courant).L’utilisation de plusieurs charges électriques sur une prise unique ou une longue rallonge peut causer un incendie.

Pour utiliser en toute sécurité



Placer l’appareil de façon à ce que la fiche soit facile d’accès en tout temps.Ainsi, l’appareil pourra être débranché rapidement en cas d’urgence. Installer l’appareil près d’une prise électrique. En outre, prévoir suffisamment d’espace pour que la prise électrique soit facile d’accès.

S’il se produit des étincelles, de la fumée, une odeur de brûlé, un bruit inhabituel ou un fonctionnement anormal, débrancher immédiatement le câble d’alimentation. Ne jamais utiliser si un composant est endommagé.Continuer à utiliser l'appareil peut causer un incendie, un choc électrique ou des blessures. Communiquer avec le représentant Roland DG Corporation autorisé.


Ne pas utiliser le cordon électrique ni l’adaptateur en c.a. fournis avec d’autres produits.

Utiliser uniquement des accessoires d'origine (accessoires en option, articles consommables, câble d'alimentation et autres articles semblables), compatibles avec l'appareil.Les articles incompatibles risquent de causer des accidents.

Pour utiliser en toute sécurité


Risque de décharge ou de choc électrique, d’électrocution ou d’incendie

Ne jamais déposer aucun objet sur le câble, sur la fiche ou sur la prise car c ela risque de les endommager.

Ne jamais laisser l’eau toucher le câble, la fiche ou la prise.

Ne jamais plier ni tordre le câble avec une force excessive.

Ne jamais chauffer le câble, la fiche ou la prise.

Ne jamais tirer sur le câble ou la fiche avec une force excessive.

La poussière peut causer un incendie.

Ne jamais plier ni enrouler le câble.

Pour utiliser en toute sécurité


Vignettes d’avertissementDes vignettes d’avertissement sont apposées pour qu’il soit facile de repérer les zones dangereuses. La signification des vignettes est donnée ci-dessous. Respecter les avertissements. Ne jamais retirer les vignettes et ne pas les laisser s’encrasser.

Attention : Risque de pincementVeillez à ne pas laisser vos doigts se faire pincer lors de l’utilisation du rouleau de tension.

Pour utiliser en toute sécurité


Important Notes on Handling and Use

This machine is a precision device. To ensure the full performance of this machine, be sure to ob-serve the following important points. Failure to observe them may not only result in loss of perfor-mance, but may also cause malfunction or breakdown.

This machine is a precision device.

• Handle the machine carefully, and never subject it to impacts or excessive force.• Never cover the ventilation holes with cloth, tape, or anything else.


1. Introduction

Features of This Machine• This is a take-up unit for Roland DG Corporation large format printers.• It enables automatic take-up of the media during printing. This allows for lengthy printing and unat-

tended operation at night to be accomplished efficiently.• The maximum weight for usable media is 40 kg (88.2 lb.). Stable take-up is possible even for heavy

media (If the printer's usable media weight is less than 40 kg (88.2 lb.), media weighing more than this cannot be used).

• The amount of tension when taking up can be selected depending on the properties of the media. With more resilient media such as PVC, you can take up with a little slack. This will reduce the feed difference between the left and right sides of the media. With less resilient media such as tarpaulin, you can take up slightly stronger.

Main Compatible Models• TrueVIS series (VG-640/540, VG2-640/540, etc.)

* The VG-640 and VG-540 are planned to be compatible as of July 2019. For details, contact your authorized Roland DG Corporation dealer.

Selecting the Take-up MethodInstalling this machine will cause the printer menu list, etc. to change as follows.It is possible to select the take-up method ("TU" or "TU2") on the "SETUP SHEET" screen.


Select the take-up method to match the output method.

Take-up method Output method Explanation


Printing only* However, the case in which

the media is pulled back after printing in order to print on the media again is excluded.

Take-up is performed at the same time as output. The work can be completed in less time than is required with the "TU2" setting. Howev-er, this setting causes an error to occur during output performed with cutting operations, so this setting cannot be used in this situation.* When pulling back the media after printing in

order to print on the media again, select the "TU2" setting.


Cutting only, printing and cut-ting, cropping and cutting* However, the case in which

the media is pulled back after printing in order to print on the media again is included.

No take-up is performed until the output of the piece of data is finished. When the output is finished, the length of media that was output is pulled back and is then taken up. The work time is longer than that for the "TU" setting, but this setting can be used to perform take-up even for output performed with cutting operations.


Part Names and Functions

Back of the machine

1 3






6 7

No. Name Function overview

1 Arm This is used when securing the loaded paper tube.

2 End cap This is used when loading the paper tube for take-up.

3 Dancer roller This keeps the media tension constant.

4 Control box This controls the media take-up.

5 MODE switch Select either [STANDARD] to loosely take up the media or [TEN-SION] to stretch the media while taking it up.

6 AUTO switch This changes the direction of rotation when automatically tak-ing up while printing.

7 MANUAL switch Use this when you want to manually operate the take-up unit.

8 Printer connector This connects the included printer connection cable.

9 AC adapter jack This connects the included dedicated AC adapter.

About the Notation Used in This Manual

In this document, the keys and lights on the printer unit operation panel are indicated as shown below.

Part Name Details Notation in this manual

Cursor keysUse these to select settings for menu items, to move the media, and for other such operations.

[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

SETUP SETUP light The light turns on when media has been loaded correctly. [SETUP]

ENTER ENTER key Use this for such tasks as enabling setting values. [ENTER]

BASE BASE POINT lightThe light turns on when the base point (the output-start location) has been set.



1. Introduction

The following enclosed items are divided into two packages. Make sure they are all present and accounted for.

Control Box (TUC-4)

Arm (1) Slider stay (left) (1) Slider stay (right) (1) Mounting bracket A (2)

Mounting bracket B (2)

Mounting bracket C (1)

Mounting bracket D (1)

Mounting bracket E (2)

Hexagonal wrench (small) (1)

Bolt with washer (small) (6)

Bolt (small) (6) Printerconnection cable (1)


Cable clamp(small) (2), (large) (1)

AC adapter (1)Power cord (1)

2. Checking the Package Contents


Rails & Accessories (TU4-64/54)

Dancer roller (1) Rail slider (1)

Paper tube (1) Hexagonal wrench (large) (1)

Bolt with washer (large) (14) User's Manual (this document) (1)

Washer (3) Bolt (large) (4)


2. Checking the Package Contents

Read This before Starting Work• Perform work after installing the printer to be used in the desired location.• Perform work in a level, stable, and flat location.• Performing work near the printer to which this machine will be attached is recommended.

WARNING Neverinstallthemachineoutsideorinanylocationwhereexposuretowaterorhigh humidity may occur.Current leakage may cause electrical shock or fire.

WARNING Neverinstallthemachineclosetoanyflammableobjectorinagas-filledloca-tion.Combustion or explosion could occur.

WARNING Installthemachineinaclean,brightlylitlocation.Working in a location that is dark or cluttered may lead to an accident, such as becoming caught in the machine as the result of an inadvertent stumble.

WARNING Positionthemachinesothatthepowerplugiswithinimmediatereachatalltimes.This is to enable quick disconnection of the power plug in the event of an emer-gency. Install the machine next to an electrical outlet. Also, provide enough empty space to allow immediate access to the electrical outlet.

Assembly and Installation

CAUTION Unloadingandplacementareoperationsthatmustbeperformedbytwoper-sons or more.Tasks that require undue effort when performed by a small number of persons may result in physical injury. Also, if dropped, such items may cause injury.

1. Assemblethetake-upunit.

A Installthearmtotherailsliderandfixitwiththeretainingscrews.

Orient so that this side facestowardtheback.


Rail slider


Rail slider

3. Assembly and Installation


B Placetherightsliderstayandtheleftsliderstayapartfromeachother.


C Placetherailsliderontopoftherightandleftsliderstays,andthenfixtherailsliderinplace.Align the rail slider slit with the left slider stay protrusion, and then fix the rail slider in place us-ing the bolts with washers (large), right slider stay first followed by left slider stay.









3. Assembly and Installation

D InstallmountingbracketAandfullytightentheboltswithwashers(large)connectingthe rail slider and the right slider stay.



2. Fixtheassembledtake-upunittotheprinterstand.

A Makesuretheprinterstandscrewsarenotloose.If they are loose, tighten them once again.

B Placethetake-upunitonthestand.



3. Assembly and Installation


1 Insertaboltwithwasher(large)fromthebottomintotheholeontherightstandleg.


There are two holes, but only insert the bolt in the hole on the stand post side.

2 Placethetake-upunitonthestand.


3. Assembly and Installation

3 Setthefixinglocationforthetake-upunit.• Aligntheboltwithwasher(large)insertedinstep(1)withtheholeintheright

slider stay.


Whenitisdifficulttoaligntheboltwithwasher(large)withtheholeintherightsliderstayAdjusting the right slider stay and the stand leg to positions where their inside faces are pointed at each other brings the hole in the right slider stay close to the position of the bolt with washer (large) and thereby makes it easy to align these parts.

Stand leg

Slider stay (right)



3. Assembly and Installation

• Placetherightsliderstayandtheleftsliderstayapproximately10mm(0.4in.)awayfromthestandlegs.

Printer side

Leaveapproximately10mm(0.4in.)fromthestand legs.

C Fixtherightsliderstayandleftsliderstaytothestandlegs.


* The VG-640 is used for the printer in the figures.




1 WhilepushingmountingbracketCagainstthecaster,temporarilytightentheboltswithwashers(small).







3. Assembly and Installation

2 FixmountingbracketBinplaceusingthebolts.

Elongated hole




MountingbracketB MountingbracketB





Bolt(small) Boltwithwasher(small)


3 Firmlypushthetake-upunitagainstthestand.Push the right slider stay and left slider stay against the stand legs.Also push mounting bracket B against the caster.

Stand leg Stand leg








3. Assembly and Installation

4 WhilepushingmountingbracketCagainstthecaster,fullytightentheboltswithwashers(small).






5 TemporarilytightenmountingbracketsCandDwiththebolts.Printerunitleftside Printer unit right side



Hexagonalwrench(small) Hexagonalwrench(small)


Bolt (small)

Bolt (small)






3. Assembly and Installation

6 Whilepushingtherightsliderstayandleftsliderstayagainstthestand,fullytightentheboltsholdingtheminplace.







3. Assembly and Installation

1 Temporarilytightentheboltswithwashers(large)andtheadditionalwashersinorder,startingwiththerightsliderstay.




Slider stay (left)

Slider stay (right)


Stand leg




Stand leg

2 Fullytightentheboltsinorder,startingwiththerightsliderstay.Sliderstay(left) Sliderstay(right)


3. Assembly and Installation

3 Fixthetake-upunittothestandusingmountingbracketE.


Stand leg




Slider stay (right)


Stand leg



Slider stay (left)



D Install the dancer roller.

1 Temporarilytightentheboltsinorder,startingwiththerightsliderstay.Dancerroller





2 Fullytightentheboltsinorder,startingwiththerightsliderstay.


3. Assembly and Installation

3. Affixthelargeandsmallcableclampstothepositionsshowninthefigure.





3. Assembly and Installation

4. Connectthecable.

WARNING Connecttoanelectricaloutletthatcomplieswiththismachine'sratings(forvoltage,frequency,andcurrent).Incorrect voltage or insufficient current may cause fire or electrical shock.

WARNING DonotuseapowersupplywitharatingotherthanthatdisplayedontheACadapter.Use with any other power supply may lead to fire or electrical shock.

WARNING DonotuseanACadapterorpowercordotherthanthosesupplied.Use with any other power supply may lead to fire or electrical shock.

A Inserttheprinterconnectioncableintotheprinterconnector,andconnectwiththeprinter.Bundle the excess cable with a cable clamp (large).

B PlacetheACadapterinthelocationshowninthefigure,andconnectittotheACadapterjack.

C Connectthepowercord.Fix the power cord in place with a cable clamp (small).

PlacetheACadapterinsidetheright slider stay.

Printer side

APrinter connector




Powercord Electrical outlet



PrinterfrontA Printer connector


3. Assembly and Installation

Notes to FollowWhen using this machine, be sure to comply with the conditions shown below. Failure to do so may lead to errors occurring, the output stopping at unexpected times, and the output work being ob-structed.

Do not perform operations that pull the media with excessive force.

When this machine is used, a tension for taking up the media is applied, so it is necessary to avoid operations that pull the media with excessive force.

• Do not operate the MANUAL switch on the take-up unit leaving the loading lever pulled (lowered).• Do not feed the media reversely by pressing the [ ] cursor key.

Turn off the automatic cut-off function for the media.

If the media is cut off, take-up will be interrupted at that point. If you use the software RIP or a similar method to set the automatic cut-off function, take-up may be interrupted at an unexpected point. We recommend that you turn off the automatic cut-off function.

Notes to Follow When "TU" Is SelectedThere are a number of notes to follow in order to ensure that the media is not pulled with excessive force when "TU" is selected from the printer menu list. Failure to do so may lead to errors occurring, the output stopping at unexpected times, and the output work being obstructed.

" P.17 “Selecting the Take-up Method”

* This section only applies to printers that are equipped with a cutting function.

• Do not carry out output performed with cutting (cutting only, printing and cutting, and cropping and cutting).

• When sending media forward with the [ ] cursor key, set the base point.• Set the [PREFEED] menu item to "DISABLE."• If there is the [FEED FOR DRY] menu item, set it to "DISABLE."

Length Setting When "TU2" Is SelectedWhen "TU2" is selected in the printer menu list, no take-up is performed until the output of the piece of data is finished. Therefore, if the length to be output at one time is large, the media may touch the work floor and become soiled. To avoid soiling the media by touching the floor, output in approximately 300 mm (11.8 in.) increments.

" P.17 “Selecting the Take-up Method”Use the software RIP function to output limiting the length.This section describes "how to output by limiting the length" using VersaWorks. For information on the detailed usage of VersaWorks, refer to the VersaWorks user's manual.

4. Operation



A Open the "Queue Properties" window (or "Job Settings" window). Select the input folder.

B Click .

C Select "CustomCUT" from [Size] under "Media Settings."

D Set "H."

"Queue Properties" screen (The setting item and the method in the "Job Setting" window are the same as this procedure.)



About Test Print• Take-up is not performed during test print.

When the test print is finished, the length of media that was output is pulled back and is then taken up.

• To make continuous test prints, be sure to print in the "FEED" orientation.Normally, when making continuous test prints, it is possible to select a print orientation of "FEED" or "SCAN." However, when using this machine, be sure to print in the "FEED" orientation.

About the Paper Tube

Use the included paper tube.

The paper tube included is specifically for this machine. If a different tube is used, the media may not be taken up because the roll may fail to engage.

Paper tubes are components that wear out.

Paper tubes are components that wear out. Although replacement timing will vary depending on use, watch the condition of the paper tube and replace at an appropriate time so that the media can be taken up in good working order. Contact your authorized Roland DG Corporation dealer or visit our website (http://rolanddg.com/) if replacement items are needed.


4. Operation

How to Load Media

CAUTION Load the roll media correctly.Otherwise the media may fall and cause injury.

CAUTION The roll media weighs about 40 kg (88.2 lb.). To avoid injury, handle the roll media with care.

CAUTION Never load roll media that weighs more than 40 kg (88.2 lb.).The machine may fail to withstand the weight and tip over or cause the media to fall.

CAUTION Do not touch the dancer roller needlessly.The media take-up unit and feeder may move suddenly, which may result in in-jury.

1. Load the paper tube.

A Lower the dancer roller toward the rear.

Dancer roller

B Loosen the arm retaining screw.Loosen the screw to a point where the arm can be moved to the left and right.

Arm retaining screw


4. Operation

C Install the paper tube to the end cap and fix the arm.

1 Fit the paper tube securely onto the right stand leg side end cap.

2 Push the arm side end cap against the paper tube and fit it securely.

3 Fix the arm in place with the arm retaining screw.Tighten the screw while pulling this part forward and pushing it from above.

Fit on securely


Fit on securely

End cap

Paper tube

Paper tube


• Do not overtighten the arm retaining screw.Overtightening may make it difficult to remove the arm.

• Use the paper tube that is included with the roll.If a different tube is used, the media may not be taken up because the roll may fail to engage.

2. Pass the media through the printer.

A Check that the printer's loading lever is in the up position.

B Switch on the printer's sub power.

C Check that the following menu items on the printer have been set to "DISABLE."• [PREFEED]• [FEED FOR DRY]

" For details on how to check and change the settings, refer to the instruction manual for your printer.


4. Operation

D Press [MENU] then [ ] to return to the setup screen.


E Press [ ] or [ ] to select the take-up method. " P.17 “Selecting the Take-up Method”

F Load the roll media onto the printer and lower the loading lever. " For details on how to load, refer to the instruction manual for your printer.

G Check the loading status of the media.• The media is loaded straight.• All areas of the media are taut.If the media has slack or is bent, raise the loading lever and load once again.

H Press [ENTER].

3. Secure the media on the paper tube (core).

A Make sure the screen in the figure is displayed.


B Press [ ] to feed out the media until the tip of the media reaches the paper tube.Check that the media is fed out straight.If the media is not feeding straight, perform the loading operation once again.Media is fed out 10 mm (0.4 in.) each time you press [ ]. Holding down the key lets you feed out paper continuously.


4. Operation

C Attach the center and both ends of the media to the paper tube (core) using adhesive tape (three locations in total).

1 While pulling the media so that it does not sag, secure the center of the media.

2 While pulling the media from the center toward the outer edges, and fix the left and right edges.

Take-up with outward curl

Adhesive tapePaper tube

Take-up with inward curl

Adhesive tapePaper tube

D Press [ENTER].The media is fed out and the screen shown in the figure appears.TILT DANCERROLLER TO FRONT


4. Operation

E Lower the dancer roller toward the front.Check that all areas of the media are taut.

F Press [ENTER].The screen shown in the figure appears.CHECK TAKE-UP SETTING

4. Take up the media.

A Set the AUTO switch on the take-up unit.

Take-up with outward curl

Take-up with inward curl


When no media is loaded, lower the dancer roller all the way to the back.


4. Operation

B Select the mode to match the media to be used.Select either [STANDARD] or [TENSION] using the MODE switch.

Mode Applicable media Explanation

STANDARD PVC etc. The media is taken up with some slack. This is suited to stiff or slippery media.

TENSION Tarpaulin, etc.The media is stretched and taken up. This is suited to weak media and media that does not slip easily.

C Press [ENTER].The screen shown in the figure appears.W1200mm   

This completes the setup of the media.


When take-up starts, take care that the leading edge of the media does not get folded or bent.

To Take Up Media ManuallyIt is possible to manually take-up the media by pressing the MANUAL switch.However, do not operate the MANUAL switch on the take-up unit leaving the loading lever pulled (lowered).If the media is pulled with excessive force, the protection function will activate and cause an er-ror.

Take-up with outward curl

Take-up with inward curl


4. Operation

How to Remove Taken-up Media

CAUTION Have two or more people available when removing (handling) the taken up media.Otherwise the media may fall and cause injury.


A Cut off the media.For details on how to cut off, refer to the instruction manual included with each printer.

B Support the paper tube from below so that it does not fall.

C Loosen the arm retaining screw and move the arm.


If the arm retaining screw is loosened and the arm still does not move, the arm may have dug into the rail slider. Moving the arm back and forth will free it from being stuck and it will become movable once again.

D Pull the paper tube from the end cap.

Arm retaining screw





4. Operation

The Take-up Unit Doesn't Take Up Media

Are the power cord and AC adapter properly connected?

Securely connect them so that they are not plugged in loosely and will not come loose.

Is the AUTO switch set to [OFF]? Set the AUTO switch in accordance with the take-up direction.

Is the AUTO switch direction properly set?

Make sure the direction of the AUTO switch matches the take-up direction of the media.

Is the media automatic cut-off function active?

Take-up will be interrupted if the media is cut off. Set the computer (software RIP) side so that the printer will not automatically cut off. For information on the automatic cut-off settings, refer to the documentation for the software RIP.

Is the paper tube loaded prop-erly?

Fit the paper tube securely onto the end cap. If it is not properly attached, the media may not be taken because the paper roll may fail to engage.

P.36 “Load the paper tube.”

Is the paper tube bent? If the paper tube is bent, the media cannot be taken up properly.

Is the paper tube used the one that is included?

Use the paper tube that is included with the roll. If a dif-ferent roll is used, the media may not be taken because the roll may fail to engage.

P.35 “About the Paper Tube”

Have the media take-up direc-tion and the AUTO switch of the TUC been set correctly?

Cancel printing, check the AUTO switch setting, and then reload the media once more starting from the beginning.

P.36 “How to Load Media”

Media Take-up Is Not Straight

Is the media loaded correctly?

Remove the media, and reload the media once more starting from the beginning.

P.36 “How to Load Media”

5. What to Do If


Locations of the Power Rating and Serial Number Labels

Serial numberThis number is required when you seek mainte-nance, servicing, or support.Never peel off the label.

Power ratingUse an electrical outlet that meets the requirements for voltage, frequency, and amper-age given here.


TUC-4Rails & accessories TU4-64 TU4-54Acceptable media widths 1,625 mm (64 in.) or less 1,371 mm (54 in.) or lessAcceptable media weights Maximum 40 kg (88.2 lb.) (*)

Weight (total of right slider stay, rail, and accessories) 21 kg (46.3 lb.) 19 kg (41.9 lb.)

Power re-quirements

Dedicated AC adapter AC 100 to 240 V ± 10% 50/60 HzMachine 19 VDC 2.1 A

Power consumption Approx. 20 W Acoustic noise level Approx. 64 dB (A) or less

Environment Temperature: 5 to 40°C (41 to 104°F), Humidity: 20 to 80% RH (no condensation)

(*) The weight of the media that can actually be used depends on the conditions of the media that can be used with the printer.

6. Appendix