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KANPUR, Dec 19:

Stepping up attack onOpposition, Prime MinisterNarendra Modi today alleged thatParliament was not allowed tofunction as rival parties were tryingto defend the dishonest and wererunning away from a debate onissues like graft and simultaneouspolls to Lok Sabha and Assemblies.

He also hailed the efforts ofthe Election Commission to getrid of black money from elec-toral system and said the BJPwelcomes it.

Addressing BJP's 'parivartanrally' here, he also said that somepoliticians had tried to "provoke"people standing in ATM queues,but their designs did not succeedas the common man was patientand understood that larger interestof the country was at stake.

"Our agenda is to fight for acountry free of corruption andblack money. But their agenda isto close (disrupt) Parliament...Iam puzzled," Modi said, daysafter the winter session ended in

a washout due to the standoffover demonetisation.

He said he given a sugges-tion at an all-party meeting con-vened before the Winter sessionof Parliament that a debateshould be held on simultaneouselections to Lok Sabha and StateAssemblies and donations topolitical parties.

"But Parliament was notallowed to function for a month asthe opposition parties were notinterested in a discussion on the twoissues," the Prime Minister said.

He said "earlier, the opposi-tion would disrupt Parliament asthey wanted to expose the corruptand bring out scams. But thistime, Parliament was disrupted asopposition wanted to defend thedishonest and hence were runningaway from debate."

Singling out Congress, he saidits leaders have often claimed thatlate Rajiv Gandhi brought com-puter and mobile phone to thecommon man in India.

"But now when I say mobilephone can be used as a bank,they say the poor people do nothave cell phone...They said peo-ple do not have bank accounts.Now they claim poor went to thebank, but there was nomoney...They are spreadinglies," the Prime Minister said.

He said Congress has alwaysshied away from being account-able to the people and recalled asaying about then AICCTreasurer Sitaram Kesri to drivehome the point.

"Na khata, na bahi, jo Kesrikahe wahi sahi (neither accountsnor ledgers, only thing that mat-ters is what is said by Kesri)," hesaid.

Modi told the gathering thatthe decision to demonetise Rs1000 and Rs 500 currency noteshas shown that there are twosides in the country -- one con-

sisting of a "handful" of peoplewho have been defending thosewho exploit the middle classand snatch the right of the poor

and the other comprising ofthose who are fighting corrup-tion and the scourge of blackmoney. (PTI)



UNIVERSITY OF KASHMIROffice of the Dean College Development Council

B.Ed Admission Notification (Session 2016-18)In anticipation of grant of assent by the Chancellor, On-Line Application forms areinvited from the desirous candidates for admission to two years B.Ed programme,session 2016-18 in Private B.Ed Colleges affiliated with the University of Kashmir,Srinagar. The candidates should have qualified Bachelor’s Degree (10+2+3 pattern)with 45% (General) and 40% (Reserved Category) marks in any discipline from theUniversity of Kashmir or any other recognized as equivalent thereto by the Universityof Kashmir. The Graduate teachers under 10+2+2 scheme with minimum two yearsteaching experience in Government/Government-recognized Private schools are alsoeligible to apply for the Admission.B.Ed ProgrammeImportant Dates

Availability of On-line forms From December 20, 2016Last date of submission of On-line January 10, 2017Application formsProcessing of application forms and issuanceof admission list of selected candidates provided Within 20 days timedocuments are in orderStart of Class Work Ist Week of March, 2017For detailed notification please visit our website www.kashmiruniversity.net/www.kashmiruniversity.ac.in

Sd/-Prof. (Mrs) Nilofer Khan

Dean, College Development CouncilNo.F(B.Ed. Pvt. Colleges-16)CDC/KU/16Dated: December 17, 2016

‘Oppn trying to defend dishonest’Want India free of corruption, blackmoney: Modi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressing the ‘parivartanmaha rally’ in Kanpur on Monday.(UNI)

No exploitation ofanthem: MHA

NEW DELHI, Dec 19:

The Centre has asked allstates to ensure that there is nocommercial exploitation ordramatisation of nationalanthem and all movie halls mustshow national flag on the screenwhile the Anthem is beingplayed.

In a communication to ChiefSecretaries of all States andUnion Territories, the HomeMinistry said there shall be nocommercial exploitation to givefinancial advantage or any kindof benefit.

"To elaborate, the nationalanthem should not be utilisedby which the person involvedwith it either directly or indi-rectly shall have any commer-cial benefit or any other bene-fit,"the communication said.

The Home Ministry saidthere shall not be dramatisationof the national anthem and itshould not be included as a partof any variety show. It isbecause when the nationalanthem is sung or played it isimperative on the part of everyone present to show due respectand honour.

"To think of a dramatisedexhibition of the nationalanthem is absolutely inconceiv-able," it said.

The communication said allcinema halls in the country shallplay the national anthem beforethe feature film starts and allpresent in the hall are obliged tostand up to show respect to thenational anthem.(PTI)

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