Tulips -Volume 03, Issue 19

Post on 23-Mar-2016

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Tulips -Volume 03, Issue 19






Life is


The window


PickZup Launch

Achiever’s Club

Improve your Life

Geek Niche

Taju Joseph


Shadrin Wassim

Sankar Aravind

Ways to distress your

Work day

The main highlight of the month was the successful launch of Pickzup. Pickzup is an online portal that provides you an unique opportunity to find the finest picks. It combines value-added online activity into a unique application. Pickzup brings you a host of benefits such as latest trends and product updates at your fingertips, instead of you searching for them. Also, it bring you an opportunity to earn. An array of added benefits are provided to the public users/ Pickzup members. To mention a few, earning free mobile recharge, discounted online shopping, games zone, contests and mobile number tracer.

At Pickzup opportunities only get bigger by the day.


Mothers often tell their children that they can be anything they want to

be. But when those words ring hallow, South African runner Oscar

Pistorius can provide ample evidence to the truth behind these

encouraging words.

Due to a birth defect, Pistorius had everything below his knee

amputated as an infant. At that point, Olympic track sprinter should have

been the first possible profession that was scratched off the list.

However, the 25-year-old has accomplished something previously

thought to be unimaginable by not only qualifying for the Olympics, but

competing at a remarkably high level as well.


Pistorius made his London debut on Saturday, marking the first time an

amputee has ever taken part in a track event, as noted by ESPN.com. He

finished the 400-meter race in 45.44 seconds and qualified for the


Carbon fiber blades allow him to run and have earned him the

nickname “Blade Runner.” However, these apparatuses have also caused

controversy during Pistorius‟ career.

The International Association of Athletics Federations came the

bewildering conclusion that Pistorius not having legs gave him an unfair

advantage and banned him from competing in the 2008 Games.

With the help of Jeffrey Kessler, who has represented the NFL and

NBA Players Associations, Pistorius appealed the ban and was given

back his right to compete in the Olympics

Pistorius‟ heart—not his prosthetics—has

allowed him to reach this stage in his track

career. He has earned every result, and he has

done so against impossible odds

While many athletes are breaking records,

Pistorius has made history in an entirely

different manner.

The Olympics may be full of human-interest

stories, but few have ever been this inspiring.

Pistorius‟ story defies logic and redefines the

limits of the human spirit. Regardless of his

results, Pistorius is already a great


Oscar Pistorius



1. Don't compare your life to

others'. You have no idea what their

journey is all about.

2. Don't have negative thoughts of

things you cannot control. Instead

invest your energy in the positive

present moment .

3. Don't over do; keep your limits

4. Don't take yourself so seriously;

no one else does

5. Don't waste your precious energy

on gossip

6. Dream more while you are


7. Envy is a waste of time. You

already have all you need.

8. Forget issues of the past. Don't

remind your partner of his/her

mistakes of the past. That will ruin

your present happiness.

9. Life is too short to waste time hat-

ing anyone. Don't hate others.

10. Make peace with your past so it

won't spoil the present

11. No one is in charge of your

happiness except you

12. Realize that life is a school and

you are here to learn. 6

7. Your job will not take care of

you when you are sick. Your family

a n d

6. Try to make at least three

people smile each day.

4. What other people think of you

is none of your business.

5. Each day give something good

to others.

3. Call your family often.

2. Forgive everyone for everything.

1. Spend time with people over

the age of 70 & under the age of



1. Put GOD first in anything and

everything that you think, say and


2. GOD heals everything

3. Do the right things

4. However good or bad a

situation is, it will change .

5. No matter how you feel, get up,

dress up and show up

9. The best is yet to come.

6. Get rid of anything that isn't

useful, beautiful or joyful

7. When you awake alive in the

morning, thank GOD for it

8. If you know GOD you will

always be happy. So, be happy.



How to Track if your Sent Email has been

Opened in Gmail

When you need to send important

information via an email to a person or

client, all you can do is send an email

and wait until the recipient has replied to

know that they have received and

opened the email you sent them.

With Microsoft Outlook, there is the „receipt‟ function which allows your

email recipient to send a notification telling you that they have read the

email. But even this requires an action from them. If they choose to ignore

it, you wouldn‟t know if they have received and read the email.

During times of urgency, this can be a source of distress for you.

There are many solutions for this but most

will require you to send an HTML type

email where a script will be placed in the

email itself. But now with RighInbox, you

can forget all that fancy HTML email

settings, and still be notified when a

person opens and reads your email.


RightInbox is a Chrome browser extension for Gmail that will allow you

to schedule the sending of an email, and now with the extra feature to

track when your email is opened.

Tracking An Email Read Status

It‟s very easy to start with, all you need is the Chrome browser, and the

RightInbox extension. Download and install.

After Installation is done, open your Gmail Inbox or refresh if it‟s

already opened. A notification will appear, click „Continue‟ and then

follow the instruction to allow it to access your Gmail.

Now to start tracking your next email, click on „Compose‟ button in your

Gmail Inbox.

In the compose area, you will see an additional „Track‟ button appear

inline with your „Send Now‟ button. To track this email, simply check the

„Track‟ button before you hit „Send Now‟.

That is all you need to do, a simple „check‟ will help you find out when

the email is opened. There is no script required and RightInbox will track

the delivery status even if your email content is just a simple plain-text.

Now when the email you sent is opened by the recipient, you will be

notified via email with a little more details, that includes the IP and


Ways to De-Stress Your Work Day

1 Get a Head Start

Leave home 30 minutes earlier than normal. Studies find that the less rushed you feel in the morning, the less stressed you'll be for the rest of the day.

Give Yourself Some


Most of us don‟t take enough time to praise ourselves for doing things well. So when you‟ve com-pleted an interim or long-term goal, tell yourself—out loud—what a good job you‟ve done. You‟ll get a burst of confidence that will go a long way towards helping you maintain your cool amid the workplace madness.

Close your office door or go sit in an empty conference room and think about what's stressing you out. Bring a sheet of paper and divide it into three columns: My Worry; Why It Worries Me; Worst Thing That Could Happen. Once you confront the worst-case scenario, and realize that it probably won't ever happen, you can get back to work with your worry load lightened.

Manage Your Email

With about 5.5 trillion emails sent each year, it's no wonder your inbox is overflowing. To keep from stressing out, cut down the amount of time you spend reading and sending emails. Don't waste a message acknowledging receipt of an email, and put responses in the subject when possible so you don't have to compose a new message. Finally, use the “rule of three”: if you‟ve gone back and forth on a topic three times and you‟re still confused or have questions, pick up the phone.

Socialize With


Suggest a once-a-week gathering with your co-workers where you can talk about a particular work issue. Use your collective brain to figure out how to do something better, enhance productivity, or improve relationships.



4 5 Schedule 10 Minutes of

“Worry Time”


6 Bring Snacks

Bring a spill-proof coffee cup filled with your favorite brew to the office, and have a bag of nonperishable snacks on hand (try protein bars, dried fruit and nuts, juice boxes, or pretzels). Going for more than a few hours without a snack can cause your blood sugar levels to drop, and you'll end up exacerbating stress. This way, even if you have to work through back-to-back meetings, you'll be able to grab some fuel.

7 Stretch

This is especially important if you have a sedentary job. Try lifting your legs up and stretching them for 30 seconds. This movement reduces the risk of blood clots that can result from sitting too long in one position. Another useful exercise is to put one arm behind your neck and stretch it by holding on to the elbow with the opposite arm. Switch sides and repeat.

8 Have a “Perspective


Stress can overpower you at times, but your troubles are smaller than they seem. To remind yourself of that, keep a picture in your office—the earth taken from space, a starry night or the ocean—and look at it whenever you feel overwhelmed. Amid countless stars and the timeless crashing of waves against the shore, how important is that deadline, really?

9 Plan Ahead

When work is challenging, devote some of your down time, like weekends and evenings, to making a to-do list for the next week. Make a list, place boxes next to each item, and tick off the boxes as you get things done. You‟ll avoid forgetting anything, you‟ll stay focused on the job, and it‟s very satisfying to tick off those boxes.


May you have all the joy your heart

can hold,

All the smiles a day can bring,

All the blessings a life can unfold,

May you get the World’s best

in everything.

Wishing u all