Tulsa Race Massacre 1921

Post on 17-Apr-2022

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A Difficult and Necessary Conversation about the George Floyd Tragedy

Presented byRobert Delaleu, Director of Multicultural Affairsand the Multicultural Student Center

Tulsa Race Massacre 1921

G.I. Bill Discrimination 1940s

Emmett Till 1955

Little Rock Nine 1957

Selma March 1965 THIS …...

…..Turned into THIS Selma March "Bloody Sunday"

Watts Riot 1965

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Assassination 1968

Boston Busing Desegragation Protest 1976

The Anti-Drug Abuse Act "War on Drugs" 1986

Central Park 5 1989

Rodney King Riots 1992

Violent Crime Control and

Law Enforcement

Act 1994Lifetime Likelihood of Imprisonment

for U.S. Residents Born in 2001

Increase of Stop and Frisk in NYC 2000s

Trayvon Martin

Sandra Bland

Michael Brown

Tamir Rice

Freddie Gray

Eric Garner

Philando Castile

Botham Jean

Breonna Taylor

Aumaud Arbery

George Floyd

Illegally selling water without a permit "Permit Patty"

Oakland cookout "BBQ Becky"

Amy Cooper calls police on Christian Cooper bird watching in Central Park
