Turkey Discovered - 14 Days go guide Istanbul. After a ... · • Airport arrival and departure...

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Turkey Discovered - 14 Daysgo guidedon't leave home without it

A World Of Discovery

Turkey Discovered - 14 Days updated on 13-10-2014

www.onthegotours.comUK020 7371 1113 info@onthegotours.com    AUS 1300 855 684 aus-info@onthegotours.com     NZ 0800 44 77 69     CAN 1 866 890 7038     USA 1 866 377 6147     SA 0800 982 686

This Go Guide has been compiled with care and good faith. It gives an accurate illustration of the proposed arrangements for this holiday. Circumstances beyond our control such as changes in local conditions, inclement weather or otherreasons could force us to make changes to this itinerary. This document does not form part of a contract between the traveller and on the go and their affiliates. Any costs shown are subject to change though are an accurate reflection ofcosts at time of writing. Please also note that visa requirements are subject to change and are the responsibility of the traveller and not that of on the go

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Discover Turkish treasures on a tripthat packs in Ottoman Istanbul, ancientruins, Gallipoli and the Aegean, fineMediterranean beaches, whirling dervishes,stunning Cappadocia and UNESCO ListedSafranbolu. This is ultimate Turkey, in twoamazing weeks!


Trip Highlights• Istanbul - old City, Hippodrome, Blue

Mosque, Hagia Sofia, Topkapi Palace andthe Grand Bazaar

• Gallipoli Peninsular - ANZAC Cove,Lone Pine and Chunuk Bair memorials,trenches and battlefields

• Troy - Trojan horse and ancient ruins• Aegean coast• Roman ruins of Ephesus and Pergamum• Pamukkale thermal pools and Roman

Hierapolis• Carpet weaving demonstration and

leather showroom• Fethiye, Koycegiz and Olu Deniza - lake,

Turtle Beach, mud baths and the beautifulBlue Lagoon

• Greek villages of Sirince and Kayakoy

• Marmaris, Saklikent Gorge, Antalya andthe ancient theatre of Aspendos

• Konya - Silk Road, ancient caravanseraisand Mevlana Whirling Dervish Museum

• Ankara - Ataturk's Mausoleum• Cappadocia - Uchisar Castle, fairy

chimneys and underground city• Safranbolu - UNESCO World Heritage

Listed town, Ottoman architecture andartisians

What's Included• 13 breakfasts and 8 hotel dinners• 12 nights 4 star hotels and special class

hotels, 1 night Otoman Mansion home -Safranbolu

• Airport arrival and departure transfers onday 1 and day 14

• Guided sightseeing - Istanbul, Gallipoli,Troy, Ruins of Ephesus, Pergamum,Sirince, Pamukkale, Hierapolis, Koycegiz,Kayakoy, Marmaris, Antalya, Konya,Cappadocia and Safranbolu

• Koycegiz lake cruise and mud baths• Wine tasting in Sirince• Saklikent Gorge - canyon walk and tubing

(optional)• Ferry crossing of the Dardenelles• Escorted by an English speaking, degree

qualified Turkish tour guide• All relevant transfers and transportation in

private, modern air-conditioned vehicles

What's Not Included• Tipping Kitty: $50 USD• Entrance Fees: $160-170 USD• Tip for your tour guide and driver. We

recommend you allow $3 - 5 USD perday, per traveller as a tip for your guideand $2 USD per day for your driver.Tipping your guide and driver is anentirely personal gesture.

• International flights and visa


Day 1 : IstanbulSaturday. Welcome to Turkey! Arrive Istanbulairport and included transfer to our hotel. Theremainder of the afternoon offers free time for youto relax or explore. At 8 o clock this evening ourtip filled welcome meeting takes place. A greatopportunity to meet your tour guide and travellingcompanions before our exciting 14 day adventuregets under way. Overnight - Istanbul

Day 2 : The Blue Mosque &Topkapi Palace

Istanbul. After a good night’s rest and breakfast,we meet all our tour group members (as somemay have arrived overnight) in the hotel lobby. Atthis point in time all entrance fees and your tipkitty will be collected. Shortly after we depart fora classic guided tour of the only city to span twocontinents. The Bosphorus stretches out in front ofthe old city known as Sultanahmet and is the straitof water that divides the continents of Europe andAsia, both of which the city of Istanbul straddles.Touring the heart of the Old City from where theByzantine and Ottoman Empires were ruled, we’llview some amazing sights. See the Blue Mosque(opening subject to prayer times) which faces theHagia Sofia and is famed for it’s blue Iznik tilesand unique 6 minarets and the ruinous Hippodrome– now a small park of sorts and once scene ofchariot races and political activities in Byzantinetimes and the Hagia Sofia Museum - constructed asa Basilica in the 6th century by Emperor Justinian.Just around the corner is the stunning TopkapiPalace where we spend time exploring the groundsand various museums contained within the Palace

go guideTurkey

don't leave home without it

Turkey Discovered - 14 Days updated on 13-10-2014

www.onthegotours.comUK020 7371 1113 info@onthegotours.com    AUS 1300 855 684 aus-info@onthegotours.com     NZ 0800 44 77 69     CAN 1 866 890 7038     USA 1 866 377 6147     SA 0800 982 686

This Go Guide has been compiled with care and good faith. It gives an accurate illustration of the proposed arrangements for this holiday. Circumstances beyond our control such as changes in local conditions, inclement weather or otherreasons could force us to make changes to this itinerary. This document does not form part of a contract between the traveller and on the go and their affiliates. Any costs shown are subject to change though are an accurate reflection ofcosts at time of writing. Please also note that visa requirements are subject to change and are the responsibility of the traveller and not that of on the go

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walls. Tonight is free for you to explore or simplyrelax at our hotel. Overnight - Istanbul (B)

Day 3 : Gallipoli - WW1battlefields

Istanbul – Gallipoli. Today, we travel tothe WW1battlefields of Gallipoli. Here, we’ll embark upon aguided tour of the region, once the site of fiercefighting and today almost hauntingly beautiful,with its wooded landscape dotted with understatedmemorials to the war dead.

Our guided tour of the region will take in sightssuch as ANZAC Cove, Lone Pine Australian WarMemorial and cemetery, Chunuk Bair New ZealandWar Memorial and cemetery, the Nek, Johnston’sJolly and the many fortified trenches still clearlyvisible amongst the scrub after all these years.Roughly 3 feet deep, the system of trenchesprovided much need safe cover for troops as theydesperately fought the enemy.

Crossing the Dardenelles by ferry (offeringpanoramic views of the entire Gallipoli Peninsular)we proceed to our hotel for a little rest andrelaxation. Overnight - Canakkale (B, D)

Day 4 : Troy & CoastalKusadasi

Gallipoli Region - Kusadasi. This morning we enjoya short guided tour of Troy! If you’ve seen themovie – ‘Troy’ or read the poet Homer’s – ‘TheIliad’ you’ll be familiar with Paris – Prince of Troy,his prized Helen and Hector – Prince of Troyon the Trojan side and Agamemnon and Achilles(he of the heel) on the Aechaean (Greek) side.The legend of the lost city of Troy and Homer’spoetry was bought alive by it’s rediscovery in 1863.Subsequent excavations revealed 9 ancient cities,one on top of the other, dating back to 3000 BC!We enjoy a tour of the ruins and bear witness to a

replica of the stoic Trojan wooden horse that as thestory goes, was filled to the gunnels with Aechaeansoldiers who helped sack Troy.

Driving further south to the ancient ruins ofPergamum, we’ll enjoy a guided tour. Home to oneof the steepest, vertigo - inducing amphitheatres inthe classical world, Pergamum was also famous forits asclepion (medical centre). See the Temple ofTrajan and of course the Library, which in its timewas said to rival the library in ancient Alexandria.We continue to Kusadasi on the Aegean Coast.Overnight - Kusadasi (B, D)

Day 5 : Ancient Ephesus &Greek Sirince

Kusadasi - Sirince. Today, we enjoy a guidedtour of the legendary Roman ruins of Ephesus.Positively the best preserved classical city inthe eastern Mediterranean, Ephesus, under theRomans, was a vast city with a population nearing250,000 and became the Roman Capital of AsiaMinor. It revelled in it's prosperity from commerceand visiting pilgrims who came to see the greatTemple of Artemis - one of the Seven AncientWonders. Exemplifying the finesse of Roman urbanlife, Ephesus boasts carefully restored elementsincluding a Great Theatre, Curetes Way, theTemple of Serapis and the Library of Celsus. Stopby the ancient public toilets and public brothel!

Carpet weaving has long traditions in Turkey andafter we stop to watch a demonstration of how theyare made before visiting the quaint Greek villageof Sirince peached mountainside within a valley ofvineyards and orchards. Overnight - Kusadasi (B,D)

Day 6 : Cotton Castles ofPamukkale

Kusadasi – Pamukkale – Marmaris. Meanderingthrough the sweeping plains and endless cottonfarms we arrive at the ruins of Roman Hieropolisand the hot springs of Pamakkule. Admire thissurreal landscape created by frequent earthquakesin the fault depression of the Menderes river basin.Marvel at the crystalline marble, quartzites andstalagtites, which shimmer in the sunlight. Therewill be time to paddle our feet as you walk theterraces or opt for a dip in the Thermal Bath House(at an additional cost). Later we stop at a leathermanufacturing house. Overnight - Marmaris (B, D)

Day 7 : Turtle Beach & FethiyeMarmaris - Koycegiz - Fethiye. Arriving at thelakeside town of Koycegiz, we embark upon a boatcruise to Turtle Beach and smother ourselves inmud at the local mud bath. We continue our journeyto Fethiye, a charming port town on Turkey’sTurquoise Coast, fringed by the Taurus Mountainswhere we'll spend the next two nights. Overnight- Fethiye (B, D)

Day 8 : Kayakoy & Oludeniz

Fethiye - Kayakoy Greek village - Oludeniz -Fethiye. After breakfast today we explore the quaintGreek village of Kayakoy. This afternoon we driveto Oludeniz, a popular resort town which is hometo the beautiful Blue Lagoon. Here you'll have theopportunity to enjoy a swim before travelling backto neighbouring Fethiye.Overnight - Fethiye (B)

Day 9 : Saklikent GorgeFethiye - Antalya. Today we visit the stunninglybeautiful Saklikent Gorge, Turkey’s longest anddeepest canyon, take a walk through nature, or justrelax and watch the world go by from the fig tree-shaded wooden platforms that overlook the river.Weaving our way through the Touros Mountains wearrive to Antalya visiting the Duden Waterfalls enroute. Overnight - Antalya (B, D)

go guideTurkey

don't leave home without it

Turkey Discovered - 14 Days updated on 13-10-2014

www.onthegotours.comUK020 7371 1113 info@onthegotours.com    AUS 1300 855 684 aus-info@onthegotours.com     NZ 0800 44 77 69     CAN 1 866 890 7038     USA 1 866 377 6147     SA 0800 982 686

This Go Guide has been compiled with care and good faith. It gives an accurate illustration of the proposed arrangements for this holiday. Circumstances beyond our control such as changes in local conditions, inclement weather or otherreasons could force us to make changes to this itinerary. This document does not form part of a contract between the traveller and on the go and their affiliates. Any costs shown are subject to change though are an accurate reflection ofcosts at time of writing. Please also note that visa requirements are subject to change and are the responsibility of the traveller and not that of on the go

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Day 10 : Whirling Dervishes

Antalya – Cappadocia. Early morning departurefor Konya, en route we visit the ancient theatreof Aspendos. Arriving at Konya, we tour themonastery of the Mevlana whirling dervishes andthe mausoleum of Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi. Afurther stop is made along the Silk Road at theSeljuk - a fine example of an ancient Silk Roadcaravanserai. Overnight - Cappadocia (B, D)

Day 11 : Underground Cities

Cappadocia. Today we tour the stunningCappadocia region - an extraordinary nationaltreasure. The utter improbability of the seeminglysurreal landscapes have to be seen to be believed,where whole troglodyte villages, subterraneanchurches and fortresses have been hewn from thesoft, porous, eerily eroded rock of Cappadocia. Thecrumbling legacy of persecuted Christians trying toescape the Muslim onslaught in 1st - 10th centuriesAD by effectively heading underground is one ofTurkey’s finest attractions.

A guided tour of the region includes the World– Heritage listed site of the Göreme Valley tosee stunning examples of rock-cut Byzantinechurches and chapels, Kaymaki Underground Cityand Uchisar Castle. Stopping on the outskirts ofGoreme Village we have the opportunity to seePigeon Valley where century’s old pigeon housesare carved into the surrounding cliffs, the pigeondroppings that litter the area have been used asfertilizer on crops for generations. Here you willalso have the opportunity to visit an Onyx shop,specialising in historic jewellery designs unique toTurkey and using local materials and craftsmen.For those not interested in shopping spend a littletime relaxing and grab a drink from the local cafe.An optional Turkish dinner and folklore evening isavailable tonight. Overnight - Cappadocia (B)

Day 12 : Safranbolu - OttomanRoyaltyCappadocia – Ankara - Safranbolu. Opt for an earlymorning hot air balloon flight over lunar landscape.Via Ankara and the mausoleum of Mustafa KemalAtaturk we arrive at the World Heritage Listedtown of Safranbolu. The town boasts many gracefulOttoman homes, once the residences of royaltyand artisan work shops crafting traditional Turkishwares. Tonight we stay in an Ottoman mansionhome. Overnight - Safranbolu (B, D)

Day 13 : The Grand Bazaar

Safranbolu - Istanbul. This morning we embark ona walking tour of the old town before returning toIstanbul with an afternoon visit to the Grand Bazaar.Overnight - Istanbul (B)

Day 14 : IstanbulFriday. We say goodbye to our new friends, our tourends after breakfast and onward departure transferto the airport.(B)

Please NoteTravellers on this tour will be a combination of thosebooking with On The Go Tours and Global Travel.The tour group will depart as one and all touringarrangements will be conducted together.


VisasFrom 10 April 2014 it is no longer possible to obtaina visa upon arrival. Travellers must apply for ane-visa online more than 24 hours prior to arrival.Please visit the Turkey e-visa website noted above.

Australian, British, Canadian, South Africans, Irishand USA passport holders can obtain a tourist e -visa online.

Costs are currently USD$60/ EURO 45 forAustralian and Canadian passport holders, USD$20/ EURO 15 for USA and Irish passports, andGBP10/EURO 15 for British passport holders. ForSouth African passport holders there is no charge .New Zealand passport holders currently do notrequire a visa for a stay not exceeding 3 months.

To arrange a Turkey e-visa online go to: https://www.evisa.gov.tr/en/apply/The form is easy to complete and will save you timeupon arrival.

Please ensure that your passport is valid for at least6 months from your date of arrival to Turkey. Pleasere-confirm all visa requirements with the Turkishembassy at least one month before travel. Visaprocurement and fees are subject to change andremains the responsibility of the traveller and notthat of On The Go Tours.

Entrance feesOn group tours entrance fees to tourist sites are notincluded in our tour price. All entry fees must bebudgeted by you. Entrance fee amounts do change,therefore upon arrival in Turkey your tour leader willoutline the exact total of your entrance fees andcollect this amount in Turkish Lira on day 2 of yourtour.

Tipping KittyIt is customary to tip in Turkey. At the start of yourtour we collect a small tipping kitty from all tourparticipants to cover tips en route (to be paid inTurkish Lira) This saves you the hassle of whenand how much to tip bellhops, luggage handlers,waiters, drivers, your airport representative andother support staff throughout your tour.

This tipping kitty does not include a tip for yourtour guide where we recommend an amount approxUSD$4-5 per day. Naturally though the amount isup to you - tipping is an entirely personal gesture.

ClimateTurkey is a destination that can be visitedyear round. Temperatures in Turkey during theNorthern Hemisphere summer are generally high,particularly during the summer months fromJune through September. April can spring upsurprising results. Days can be amazingly warm,though temperatures do drop at night, so packsome warmer clothes. Summer in Turkey forthe most part is hot and dry. For the beachworshipper, June through September is best,when you’ll enjoy glorious Mediterranean sun.Turkey is a lovely winter destination, the weatheris usually temperate, although from Decemberthrough to February you may enjoy a little snow inIstanbul, Anatolia or Cappadocia. Whatever monthyou consider, you’ll be rewarded with seasonalvariations that range from leaf-strewn autumns tosun-kissed summers.

Health RequirementsRecommendations - Tetanus and Polio, plusTyphoid and Hepatitis. Contact your localhealthcare provider for the most up to dateinformation.

CurrencyWe recommend you carry a mixture of cash and adebit/credit card. Turkish Lira (TRY) can be easilyobtained prior to departure (though there is no realneed to do so in advance) or upon arrival. ATMfacilities, banks and exchange booths are availablein all major cities and towns. Avoid changing thebulk of your money at the airport, the exchangerates are usually more favourable in the city.

go guideTurkey

don't leave home without it

Turkey Discovered - 14 Days updated on 13-10-2014

www.onthegotours.comUK020 7371 1113 info@onthegotours.com    AUS 1300 855 684 aus-info@onthegotours.com     NZ 0800 44 77 69     CAN 1 866 890 7038     USA 1 866 377 6147     SA 0800 982 686

This Go Guide has been compiled with care and good faith. It gives an accurate illustration of the proposed arrangements for this holiday. Circumstances beyond our control such as changes in local conditions, inclement weather or otherreasons could force us to make changes to this itinerary. This document does not form part of a contract between the traveller and on the go and their affiliates. Any costs shown are subject to change though are an accurate reflection ofcosts at time of writing. Please also note that visa requirements are subject to change and are the responsibility of the traveller and not that of on the go

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Credit cards are widely accepted in largerestaurants, hotels and shops. Although merchantsmay place a surcharge of up to 10% on creditcard purchases. Ensure you have sufficient fundsin cash before travelling outside major cities andtowns. Travellers cheques are hard to exchange,so best not to bring them.

Turkish Lira - abbreviated to TRY or TL.USD 1 = TRY 2.2GBP 1 = TRY 3.6EURO 1 = TRY 2.9AUD 1 = TRY 1.95

Time & VoltageTurkey is 2 hours ahead of GMT. Turkish voltage is230-240v AC. Turkish sockets are of the 3 round-pin variety, similar though not identical to Europeansockets. Greek sockets are of the 2 round-pinvariety. If taking a hairdryer or chargeable device,be sure to pack an adaptor.

Essential Packing• A small daypack for your day-to-day needs.• A photocopy of your passport data pages.• The voltage in Turkey is generally 220V

and outlets fit a two-pin European plug. Youshould pack a Universal Adaptor and checkthat it is suitable for Turkey.

• Spare camera batteries/memory card soyou can go snap happy.

• If you fancy a tipple, take advantage of DutyFree.

• Take out some TRY from the ATM facilitiesat the airport upon arrival.

• Buy a phrasebook and practice yourholiday Turkish.

• Keep a supply of small notes for localtransactions.

Pre-Tour Accom & ArrivalTransfersIf you would like to arrive into Turkey prior to yourtour or stay on longer, we can arrange pre orpost tour accommodation for you. Pre/post touraccommodation is located at the hotel your tourcommences/ends and is inclusive of breakfast.

If arriving on day 1 of a holiday or booking pre-touraccommodation with us on a tour or short stay thatincludes an airport arrival transfer (as indicated inthe 'What's Included' section of this Go Guide) wewill be at the airport (Ataturk or Sahiba Gokcen),ready to transfer you to your hotel.

If arriving prior to 8am on day 1 (essentially on aflight that arrives very, very early in the morning)you will need to purchase a night of pre-touraccommodation to save you waiting until standardhotel check in time, which is generally 2pm.

ARRIVING VIA ATATURK AIRPORTAs you enter the arrival hall in Ataturk Airportturn LEFT and walk along the concourse. Look tothe right, our representative will be waiting herebehind the barracade, displaying an on the go sign.Remember, the representative won’t know what

you look like, so it will be important to look out forour company sign, in order to facilitate rendezvous.

SABIHA GOKCEN AIRPORTIf arriving into Istanbul Sabiha Gokcen InternationalAirport, an additional 50km from the Istanbul citycentre. Please be timely in exiting customs and inmeeting our awaiting representative, who will beholding an on the go tours sign.

If your tour or sailing holiday does not include anarrival transfer you wil need to make your ownway to the tour start point. Details of the tour/sailing holiday start point can be found on your tourvoucher.

Departure TransfersWe offer the following complimentary departuretransfers: Aegean Explorer, Turkey Unplugged,Ottomans & Oil Wrestling & Remembrance Daytours - departure transfers at 11am and 1.30pmon the final day of your tour (day 8 for Turkey &Tutankhamen tour) to Ataturk International Airport.Turkey & Tutankhamen tour: on day 8 at 11am &9pm. Turkey Discovered: departure transfer on thefinal day of your tour at any time of day to AtaturkInternational Airport.

Christmas Turkey and Turkish Delight: departuretransfer on the final day of your tour at any time ofday to Ataturk or Sabiha Gokcen Airports. FlyingCarpet Crystal Coast: departure transfer on the finalday of your tour at any time of day to Izmir Airport.

Should you require a departure transfer at any othertime, this can be booked in advance or locally.

Site Opening TimesPopular sightseeing spot in Istanbul are closed onspecific days. Please plan your visit accordingly.Hagia Sofia - Closed MondaysTopkapi Palace - Closed TuesdaysGrand Bazaar - Closed SundaysBlue Mosque - Closed during all prayer timesDuring Ramadan (known as Ramazan in Turkey),some restaurants and shops (excluding thosecatering mainly for tourists) and attractions mayclose earlier, so scheduling may be slightly alteredto ensure featured attractions are visited.Ramazan Dates:28 June - 27 July 201418th June - 17th July 2015

ShoppingTurkey is a virtual Aladdin’s Cave. The GrandBazaar in Istanbul is cavernous and full of unusualand everyday objects. Known locally as KapaliCarsi – the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul’s Old Cityis a massive conglomeration of shops (some4000) divided into areas specialising in gold,carpets, leather, souvenirs and clothing. Turkishhandicrafts include a rich variety of textiles andembroideries, articles of copper, onyx and tile,mother-of-pearl, inlaid articles, leather and suedeproducts. Jewellery, carpets and kilims representtop buys at the bazaar.Opening hours: Mon - Saturday 0900 – 1900hrs(closed Sunday).

The Egyptian Spice Bazaar at Eminonu nearIstanbul is an easy continuance from the GrandBazaar or good start point before heading ontothe cavernous Grand Bazaar. Here, you canbuy a dizzying array of spices at a fraction ofthe cost you’d expect to pay back home. PineKernels, peppercorns, real Iranian saffron andother precious commodities are hawkered here atknockdown prices! Real Turkish delight is availableby the tonne as well. Why not the milk-basedTurkish delight studded with pistachios!Opening hours: 0900 – 1900hrs Monday – Sunday

Markets and bazaars abound in other towns,too. During your stay in Turkey, you may visita leather manufacturer and emporium. Althoughthe quality of some of the jackets and clothingoutstanding, the initially quoted prices can also berather outstanding. If you do fancy a particular item,haggle, even if you are in the confines of what looksto be a smart showroom.

Carpet BuyingTurkey is justly famous for its carpets and kilims (anapless woven rug) and you’ll be spoilt for choice.To ensure you get a good buy, spend time visitingseveral shops to compare price, pattern-type andquality. A good quality, long-lasting carpet shouldbe 100% wool. Check the quality of the weave forpossible holes. A wool carpet will have fine, frizzyfibres if you turn the carpet on its back. Cheapercarpets are made of cotton and most often thefringe will be, too. If you want a wool carpet and thefringe is of cotton, it’s likely the carpet won’t be awoollen one! The lies can be bigger than the fall ofOttoman Empire. Don’t make the mistake of buyinga cotton carpet at the price of a wool one! Manycarpets are made to look like antiques at prices tomatch. Set your budget, don’t be swayed (howevergood the complimentary mint tea or cool drink mighttaste), and bargain. And remember the caveat –‘Let the buyer beware’.

IMPORTANT: Any purchases made whilsttravelling are at your own discretion. Make sureyou are completely happy at the product you arepurchasing. on the go will not become involvedat any time, at a later date or once you returnhome should your purchase not live up to yourexpectations. Proceed with caution.