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a teenagers magazine


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Interview with Victoria Sepciu !


...nah..just on the Earth

what about veggie food?

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Movies- pag 4-5

Our Body-pag 8-9

“Parental guidance”-paag

10-11Quizzes - pag 12-17

Tattoos- pag 18-21

“Crazy genes: - pag 22-28

Interview - pag 29-31

Vegetarian Diet - pag

Music -pag


Travveling - pag 46-49


Education is a life long process- pag 52-55

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MoviesGoing to cinema is an usual activity for all teenagers. We don’t skip a month without going to cinema or a week with-out watching at least 3 or 4 movies. After the movie we say things like : “I didn’t liked the movie/actor/place/subject!” “They could have made a better scene !“ “ X (actor) was so hot!”. If the film was boring or bad is the fault of the ac-tors, if it was a good one it was thanks to the actors. Behind what you see, behind the scenes is a well organized team that makes the movie. If it wasn’t for them you wouldn’t have watched that film .First of all you should think about the director. He is the one that gives life to the story. The movie is his imagination. Directors turn a script into a movie. They are responsible for the quality of the final product and its success. In most cases, di-rectors work on films far longer than any

actor, technician, or editor, from the first day of brainstorming to the final release. They determine all the particulars of how scenes are to be shot, from visual require-ments to the placement of the actors and the appropriateness of the script. Direc-tors cast actors who can bring their vision to the screen. A director guides the actors to a greater understanding of their char-acters and encourages them to perform at a high level. After the film has been shot, editorial skills are important. Direc-tors must have a good feel for pacing and structure and must know how to inte-grate and cut scenes so they fit. Here are some great directors that turned a simple script into your favourite movie: Stanley Kubrick (A Clockwork Orange), Francis Ford Coppola ( Dracula 1992), Steven Spielberg (Jurasic Park), David Fincher ( Fightclub), Peter Jackson( LOTR), Tim Burton(Edward Scissorhands)

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By Breten Ana

“You jump , I jump ,remmeber?”

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Another important character is the film editor. Film editors assemble footage of feature films, television shows, documen-taries, and industrials into a seamless end product. They manipulate plot, score, sound, and graphics to refine the over-all story into a continuous and enjoyable whole. In the same way directors use cer-tain actors they appreciate over and over again, they also use film editors they know and are comfortable with. Martin Scorcese, Spike Lee, and Robert Wise are a few of the directors who work with the same edi-tors over and over again. Like most indus-tries, the film industry has embraced new technology. Assistant editors must now have strong computer skills to work in the industry. Long hours and significant isola-tion while editing can make even the most positive-minded film editor question the career choice. So it’s not that easy.

The Next important person in making a movie is the producers. The producer is responsible for turning creative ideas into practical or marketable concepts. They are also the person(s) who get studios to finance projects. In most cases, the producer is in charge of bringing the production together, bringing in the creative elements and taking care of the numerous and frequent problems that may occur with film development and production. For those that actively produce, this can mean any number of activities including but not limited to: hiring the writer to write the original screenplay, selling the script to a stu-dio, signing the major actors, doing the budget, hiring the crew, and making sure the set gets made on time. Spme of the greatest film producers are: Ethan Coen, Joel Coen, Samuel Goldwyn. Page 7

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OUR BODY: THE UNIVERSE WITHIN is a fascinating, artful and educational exhibit consisting of actual human bodies and organs. Appropriate for all ages, this exhibit literally goes “under the skin”, revealing the myster-ies of the human anatomy. The bodies, specimens and organs have been preserved using a process known as polymer impregnation. OUR BODY: THE UNIVERSE WITHIN allows you the insight to the inside: giving one a true look at the inner workings of the extraordinary human body.

As you enter the exhibit, you will have the opportunity to examine the human body as a whole. Continuing throughout the exhibit, you will journey through each of the body’s major systems allowing you to see first hand how they function and relate to other systems.


This educational and scholarly exhibition is made possible by the unique method to preserve the bodies; often referred to as “polymer impregna-tion” or “plastination,” a process that replaces the body’s water and fat with reactive plastics. Polymer preservation is a relatively new method of preservation whereby the bodily fluids are replaced by liquid and is then hardened to create a solid, durable anatomic specimen that will last indefinitely.The process leaves even the finest, most delicate tissue structures virtu-ally intact, down to the microscopic level, making the process invaluable for medical study. The organs are actually IDENTICAL to their pre-pres-

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By Chiotan Maria

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Parental Guidance

Grandparents: Artie and Diane Decker (Billy Crystal&Bette Midler)Parents: Phil and Alice Sim-mons (Marisa Tomei & Tom Everett)Kids:Harper, Turner and Bark-er SimmonsDirector:Andy FickmanGenre:comedyGrade:7,80Due to Alice’s work she has to appeal her parents in order to babysit her kids. Old school Artie &Diane Decker agree to visit Atlanta to look after their 3 grandchil-dren: Harper a perfectionist, teenage girl(who is a little ma-ture for her age), Turner a shy, stammering boy and Barker the youngest child.While Diane is full of enthu-siasm about this Artie is quite sceptical and doesn’t like the ideea.The new way of rising kids of Alice & Phil will collide with Artie& Diane’s old methods of

tough rules, lots of love and old fashioned games.The grandpar-ents will learn how to become more flexible in taking deci-sions and to take in considera-tion the children’s wishes. The 3 kids have a busy schedule of out-of-school programes. Artie and Diane decide to remind them how is to be a kid and how to deal with their prob-lems. Harper is very tense for a violin audition, her grandmother tells her to have some fun and not to worry about that, later Harp-er realises she doesn’t want to audition.Turner has speech clases due to a stutler but with the help of his grandfather, he overcomes this.By the end of the week Artie&Diane are more than just the other grandparents and the family is more united.Parental Guidance shows us again that there is no handbook to teach you how to be a good parent.

By Mirea Madalina

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Parental Guidance shows us again that there is no handbook to teach you how to be a good parent.This “job” requires you to be a good listener for kids to have lots of patience, and why not to be a kid again.In this film the gap between gen-erations is stressed by the rela-tions parent-child, grandparent-grandchild.The2 grandparents have to assume the roles of par-ents for 1 week, during this pe-riod they realise that the 21cen-tury kids’ problems aren’t quite different although their first attempt to confrunt children’s behaviours fails. When they un-derstand their problems then they are able to give them good advices and they help them to solve any trouble.The movie is an easy comedy that you can watch it with your

family. It has some cliches and at some points is quite predict-able , but what I like the most is that the accent is put on the par-ents’ different methods and not on children’s mischieves.It’s a relaxing film that makes you to think about how deep is the “gap” between you and your parents.Parental Guidance has an un-expectable moving ending that makes you to keep the last scene somewhere in your hart.

Quizzes1. Are you Atime-waster?1 When it’s the weekend, how long do you lie in bed in the morning thinking ’I must get up’?

A a few seconds onlyB less than an hourC more than an hour

2 After school, when do you start yourk homework?A as soon as you get homeB after you’ve had something to eatC after you’ve had something to eat, phoned a friend, watched tv...

3 If you’re meeting a friend and he or she is half an hour late, how do you react?A you feel very impatientB you feel slightly impatientC you don’t mind at all

4 When there’s some music on, what do you normally do?A listen and do another activity at the same timeB listen and think about other things tooC just sit and listen

Add up your points

a=1 point b=2 points c=3 points

4-6 points: You don’t waste much time, do you? You’ll probably be successful, but remember to enjoy life as well!

7-9 points: You sometimes waste time, but in general, you get things done. As long as you keep this bal-ance, you’ll be fine.

10-12 points: Oh dear! You spend too much time doing nothing. It’s amazing that you found the time to

By Mirea Madalina & Tomescu Tudor

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2. Are you sleep de-prived?

Answer this questions and find out.

1. How long does it usually take you to fall asleep at night?A less than 5 minutes B more than five minutes

2 .How many hours do you usually sleep?A fewer than 7 b 7-8 c more than 8

3. Did you use to sleep....?A more than now B the same amount C less than now

4. How do you feel about the amount you sleep?A I’m quite happy with it.B I probably don’t sleep enough, but I’m used to it. It’s no problem.C I defenitely need to sleep more. I usually feel tired.

5 .If you don’t sleep enough at night during the week, what do you do?A I take short naps during the day.B I sleep late at the week-end.C I don’t do anything. You get used to not sleeping enough.D I just get more and more tired.

6 .How do you usually feel during the morning?

AWide awake and energic.B Awake and able to concentrate, but not at my best.C Half asleep and not able to concentrate well.

7 .How often do you have a nap on a weekday?A Never. I don’t need one.B Always. It’s the only way I can get though the day.C When I need one. I always wake up refreshed.D I’d love to, but I never get the chance.

8 Do you ever find it difficult to keep awake...? (Circle all the ones which ap-ply to you.)

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8 Do you ever find it difficult to keep awake...? (Circle all the ones which apply to you.)A at work or in classB on the sofa in the eveningC in the cinemaD on your way to school-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Read the results of the questionnaire and calculate your score. The high-er your score the more sleep deprived you are. The maximum is 14.1 a0 b12 a1 b0 c03 a1 b0 c04 a0 b1 c25 a0 b1 c2 d26 a0 b1 c27 a0 b1 c0 d18 1 point for each one you circle------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A man and his son are in a serious car ac-cident. The man dies and the son is taken to the hospital. When he gets there, the surgeon sees the boys and says: ‚I can’t op-erate on this boy. He’s my son!’ How can this be?

Are you a time-waster?

3.Learning stylesDifferent people lear in different ways. Answer YES or NO to the questions anf find out the best way for YOU to study.

1 Do you use your hands a lot when you speak?2 Do you enjoy taking objects apart and repairing them, e.g. your bike?3 Do you find it easier to remember people’s names than their faces?4 Do you find it easier to remember people’s faces than their names?5 Do you enjoy discussions and hearing other people’s views?6 Do you like role-play and acting things out?7 Do you find it easy to follow a map?8 Do you often talk or sing quietly to yourself while you are working?9 Do you look at the pictures in magazines before deciding what to read?Circle the questions with ‚yes’ answers. When you have found out which group contains the most ‚yes’ answers - A, B or C – read the advice below.

A 1 2 6B 3 5 8C 4 7 9A: You learn best by doing practical things. When you study, try rewriting information in your own words. Helping other people with theur work might also be a good way for you to learn.B: You learn best by listening. Try making a tape of things you have to learn, and then listen to it. Discussing work with your friends might also help you to learn.C: You learn best by seeing. Try usimg coloured pens when you make notes. Pictures and dia-grams might also help you to learn more easily.

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Tattoos-A sign of rebellion or of stupidity?

What makes you want to get a tattoo? Would it be because of a dear person’s loss, a marking ex-perience, a sign of love or because of an impulse, a will to be out of ordinary?Normal people usually have something in mind when they go and get a tattoo or make the draw-ing themselves. Also, normal people think of a purpose of a tattoo and know to risks of making one. But what about those people who just saw something “nice”, lost a bet, want to impress oth-ers…and I can go on like this forever because the reasons to get a “fail tattoo” are many!

By Breten Ana & Istrate Iulia

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A good reason to have a tattoo is to like the message, that is if it has one, and to feel good with it. Of course, as it can be seen anywhere, a loss affects that much a person, they have to keep that person’s memo-ry forever and decide to have a tattoo. Maybe, this person is still alive but it changed your life in better, maybe it is a character, maybe it is your “idol”, or maybe it is your pet best friend. This is a good thing till one point when you rush toward any salon with a picture in your hand and make the drawing so big and in a completely unnecessary place. Why don’t people write their names on the shoulder, maybe even in another language to seem cool, and that is a reason to keep its message for yourself only, because no one understands what the tat-too says. Why do they have to make a big one all over their back or on the hand, just to impress others with their “love” for that creature. Let’s face it: people who do this are mostly impulsive and crazy for atten-tion and would do anything to be different, therefore they are danger-ous. Though, there are ones that really cared and have a good reason to have a big face on their arm forever and they don’t look stupid ei-ther.

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“Crazy” genesI’ve always had this ..let’s say ‘preference ‘for dan-

ger and adventure and it seemed pretty normal to me to feel this way even if my mother didn’t see it as I did. After my brother grew up so that I could play with him , I realised that he wasn’t the same

as me , that he didn’t like to do the stuff enjoyed , that he was keen of those things I considered “

boring”. Years passed and I began to wonder if there was

something wrong with me … I eventually under-stood that people were different and had differ-

ent personalities because of their genes but some weeks ago I finally got a proper answer.As I sup-

posed , the genes were the problem.

By Chiotan Maria

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There is a mutation that pops up frequent-

ly in such discussions: a variant of a gene called DRD4, which helps con-trol dopamine, a chemi-cal brain messenger important in learning and reward. Research-ers have repeatedly tied the variant, known as DRD4-7R and carried by roughly 20 percent of all humans, to curiosity

and restlessness. People who carry this variant gene, Moyzis said, seem to be more motivated to pursue social, intellectual and physical activities. The variant is also linked to attention-deficit/hyper-activity disorder and addictive and risky be-haviors .The first large genetic study to do so, led by Chuansheng Chen of the University of California, Irvine in 1999, found 7R more common in present-day migratory cultures than

in settled ones.

<<people with the DRD4-7R gene are more likely to be game for a laugh, for a dare, for anything new and stimulating “to alter

dopamine levels to affect mood”>> says Catherine Mayer in her article on http://healthland.time.com

Moreover , in 2011 , a study managed to find out that 7R, along with another vari-

ant named 2R, tends to be found more fre-quently than you would expect by chance in

populations whose ancestors migrated longer distances after they moved out of Africa.. Another study shows that 7R peers are

stronger and better fed that those who don’t have it.

According to Eisenberg “this gene is likely to be involved in impulsivity, reward anticipation and addiction”. By studying adult men of the Ariaal of Kenya, some of whom still live as nomads while others have recently settled, the research team investigated whether this association would have the same implications in different environments. In the 1830s in the deep forests of Quebec, Canada, a restless popula-tion of pioneers began a lengthy, risky experiment. Quebec City, built by the French by the St. Lawrence River, was growing fast. To the north, along the Saguenay River, stretched a vast, nearly untouched forest. This rich but brutal country soon attracted loggers and young farming families with a taste for work, risk, and opportunity. Up the valley they went, building one small village after another, creating a wave of settle-ment moving up the Saguenay. From a biologist’s point of view, such a migratory wave can concentrate not just particular types of people on its frothy front edge; it can also concentrate and aid the expansion of

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any genes that may encourage those people to migrate.Sometimes a gene rides such a wave passively, more or less by ac-cident—the gene just happens to be common in the leading migra-tors, so it becomes common in the communities they establish. For instance, if genes for curly hair had been especially common in the Eu-ropeans who first started spreading across North America, curly hair would have become more common in North America as those settlers spread across the continent. The gene doesn’t necessarily bestow an advantage; it just becomes more common because so many people in the front edge have it and then reproduce.So , the 7R variant isn’t rare ( 2R-8.8% of people , 4R- 65.1% , 7R- 19,2% , 6.9% others) but it has to be new , as Alan R. Rogers says . He also says that at 7Rpeers the the frequency of ADHD is twice higher than at non-7Rpeers .

“We have speculated that the same traits that may be selected for in individuals with a DRD4 7R allele

also may predispose behav-iors that are deemed in-appropriate in the typical classroom setting and hence diagnosed as ADHD. In this environmental-mis-match hypothesis (Hart-man 1993; Jensen et al. 1997), the DRD4 7R subset of individuals di-agnosed with ADHD is assumed to have a differ-ent, evolutionarily success-ful behavioral strategy, rather than a disorder. It is also possible, however, that DRD4 7R, although selected for in human pop-ulations, could have delete-rious effects when combined with genetic variants in

other genes.” (Wang et al. 2004)

Who does this mutation appear and why? Alan thinks that it had been favoured by the natural selection.

Much of this variation is the result of length and of SNP changes in a 48-bp tandem repeat (VNTR) in exon 3, encoding the third intracellular loop of this D2-like receptor. Elsewhere, we were showed by DNA rese-quencing/haplotyping of 600 DRD4 VNTRs, which represented a world-wide population sample, that the origin of most haplotype variants could be explained by simple one-step recombination/mutation events (Ding et al. 2002). In contrast, the 7R allele is not related simply to the other common alleles, differing by >6 recombinations/mutations.

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A diagrammatic model for DRD4 variant selection. DRD4 2R, 4R, and 7R protein variants are shown diagrammatically, aligned on a scale of relative efficiency for cAMP reduction. These values were calculated from the data of Asghari et al. (1995), normalized to 4R=1.0. Haplo-type nomenclature (i.e., 1-2-3-4) appears as proposed elsewhere (Ding et al. 2002). The unusual derivation of the 7R allele from the ancestral 4R allele (∼40,000–50,000 years ago) and its increase in prevalence are indicated by red to turquoise arrows. The subsequent derivation of the 2R allele from a 7R/4R recombination is indicated by turquoise to blue arrows.

A Lesson of Life in 25 Minutes

1.What have determined you to choose the career of teacher?

I actually haven’t thought at a speciffic profesion I have

coosen something that I likebut I haven’t something clear in my mind or a plan.

Normally people think of a profession for insctance

: a loyer or a doctor and then they have to study

at certains faculties or to follow certains courses.I’m

interesed in filology , for-eign languages, the things

that are linked in gener-ally to art and romanic

worldand then I decided to learn the most beautiful

language at the moment which was French and after

I discovered Spanish. At the moment there weren’t possibilities to study Spanish and I thought

to learn it later but Iwas too enthusiastic and I started to learn it on my own although everybody was telling me that I won’t find a job . After I have finished my studies I have

choosen this profession not random because during the faculty a teacher asked me to give

some hours at a school where was initiated some kind of a pilot project. They wantwed to see if Spanish can be taughtaside French

or English. I was very curious so I accepted after this experience I realised that I like to transmit not only my knowledge about lan-

guage but also culture, art and everything that is conected to it.

2.Which is your favourite country?Things have changed a little but i really love

Italy and Portugal equaly and other beauti-ful countries are Spain and France. These are the countries that I like the most because as I told you I’m passioned about the romanic

culture for me is wonderful and I’m im-

By Mirea Madalina

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-pressed about the landscapes. The Toscana region from Italy is one of the most amasing land-scapes that I ever seen .

3. How was the first class that you performed? I was shocked to see so many persons I mean children(about 40) , although they were little .The moment I entered the classroomand I saw 40 pairs of eyes looking at me I realised it would be hard, not only for me but also for them. It is quite difficult to say something in order to keep their attention because they were 2’nd grade pupils and the chances to say something that may appear interest-ing to them were law. It is not easy to explain a fact to someone and to make him\her to understand, so I have to explain on their language and to determine them to learn.

4.Are you a dreamer or a realist person? (laughing) It is dangerous for me to answer this ques-tion because you are my students, but I can say that I’m not a realist person.

5.What is your favourite movie or book ?Wow, there are so many that I can’t name one because it will be unfair for the others. I move from type to type according to the my mood: I can read a detective novel after that a filosofic one.Now I read “Calaul Dragostei” it is a collection of ten stories which the author has confrunted because he is a therapist and I can say that I was impressed by the 5 th story. It presents a difficult situation in which he has to determine someone to quit the ilusion that made his life beautiful.I was impressed by the simple way he expresses that every human being needs an ilusion in order to give his life a meaning . Sometimes we can find us in this situation maybe not such a dramatic one.6. Imagine that you are on an island, wich objects you would tacke with you?Well , definitely I’d tacke books that I didn’t read as many as possible but I wouldn’t tacke the Bible . My music discsand that will be all because other things you can tacke are memories and I’m not planing to make my staying easyer there.

7 . Describe us a perfect day for you.There are 2 variants:First I’m home , I wacke up, I drink my coffe I sit in my favourite armchair of good quality and I read listen to music or I speack with one of the important persons to me. Or I’d travell somewhere in Europe.

8.What type of music do you like?I like many types of music and some actual artists, but the music that I consider valuable is the one from the 70’s and 80’s.

9.Do you find yourself in the type on nowadays student?Yes. Although is a little surprising for you I have every year students that have something com-mon with my personality and is a little scary and fascinant to discover that we have same interests

and ideeas.I can say that is surprising and very plesant !

10.Can you tell us you tell us your favourite quote?“I’m the son of my actions”- It’s extremely optimistic and imply all that ‘s the most important I mean you can do anything and become what you want to because you are your own master.

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Vegetarian diet

What is a vegetarian? Well, some people would say “ An idiot”, oth-ers “ a freak” and other people would say “normal” or “heroes”. Why so many opinions? Vegetar-ian diet is a very disputed subject, most doctors say that is good to be a vegetarian, but there are a few nutritionists that disagree.

By Tomescu Tudor

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The reasons of becoming a vegetar-ian are very different. Most veggies are animal lovers, con-fessing they couldn’t stand the idea of kill-ing animals to feed themselves. There are more than 2 millions animals slaugh-tered every day just in UK.The problem isn’t the death itself, but the way they are treated and killed. They are neglect-ed, mutilated, genetically manipulat-ed, put on drug regimens that cause chronic pain and crippling, trans-ported through all weather extremes, and killed in gruesome and violent ways, they are usually left to bleed to death.Beside the life of animals , you should think about your health. A hundred years ago eating meat might be a good thing for your health, or at least not that nocive. Now we don’t eat animal flesh, we eat chemicals. Ani-mals grow so fast that their legs can’t

sustain their weight. Some of the chickens in the facories die because

of starvation or diseases and they are left there until the liv-ing chickens are taken to slaughter,so the chick-ens you eat have stayed next to corpses for at least a few weeks.That is a great source of bacteria and vi-ruses. Cows and pigs have untreated

wounds and some of them have cancerous lesions and yet they are

killed for food.Animals that make it out of factory after a few months of torture , have to endure extreme weather conditions. Some of them die on their way to slaughter and finish up as your dinne. Sur-prised tahat you are eating dead bodeis?Plant-based diets help protect us from heart disease, diabe-tes, obesity, strokes, and sev-

eral types of cancer. Vegans also tend to have stronger immune systems

and, on average, live 10 years longer than meat-eaters do. Vegetarian di-ets offer lower levels of saturated fat, cholesterol and animal protein, and higher levels of carbohydrates, fibre, magnesium, potassium, folate, and antioxidants such as vitamins C and E and phytochemicals. The consump-tion of meat can cause a transmission of a number of diseases from animals to humans.[100] The connection between infected animal and hu-man illness is well established in the case of salmonella. Scientists begun

to suspect that there is a connection between animal meat and human cancer, birth defects, mutations, and many other diseases. 20% of all cows are afflicted with a variety of cancer known as bovine leuke-mia virus. Studies have increasingly linked BLV with HTLV-1, the first human retrovirus dis-covered to cause cancer. Scientists have found that a bovine immuno-deficiency virus , the equivalent of the AIDS

virus in cows, can also infect human cells.

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In general, vegetarian di-ets provide relatively large amounts of cereals, pulses, nuts, fruits and vegetables. In terms of nutrients, vegetar-ian diets are usually rich in carbohydrates, n-6 fatty acids, dietary fibre, carotenoids, folic acid, vitamin C, vitamin E and Mg, and relatively low in pro-tein, saturated fat, long-chain n-3 fatty acids, retinol, vitamin B(12) and Zn. Eating vegeta-bles and fruits will make you feel better . You will have more energy and be less stressed.You will discover amazing things about your body, you will start feeling sick when smelling fast food or any kind of unhealthy food and you will get thinner.There are a few religions that sustain vegetarianism in one way or another: Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism. Maybe you are not a religious person so what about vegetarian celebrities. The most intelligent people in the world adopted vegetarianism, for example Albert Einstein, Confucius, Sir Isaac Newton, Leonardo Da Vinci, Srinivasa Ramanujan, Nikola Tesla, Thomas Edison. Your favorite actor or singer may be a veggie too : Adam Young, Alicia Silverstone, Andy Hurley, Anna Paquin, Anthony Kiedis, Bill & Tom Kaulitz, Paul Mccartney, Joan Jett and many others.

“Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian

diet.” Albert Einstein

“Until we stop harming all other livin

beings, we are still savages.”-Thomas Edison

“On general principles the raising of cat-tle as a means of providing food is objec-tionable. It is certainly preferable to raise vegetables, and I think, therefore, that veg-etarianism is a commendable departure from the established barbarian habit. That we can subsist on plant food and perform our work even to advantage is not a theory but a well-demonstrated fact. Many races living almost exclusively on vegetables are

of superior physique and strength. There is no doubt that some plant food, such as oat-meal, is more economical than meat, and superior to it in regard to both mechani-cal and mental performance. Such food, moreover, taxes our digestive organs decid-edly less, and in making us more contented and sociable, produces an amount of good difficult to estimate. In view of these facts every effort should be made to stop the wan-ton, cruel slaughter of animals, which must be destructive to our morals.”- Nikola Tesla

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Heavy metal history

Every concert is an experi-ence that you’ll always remember. Some people are luckier and wit-

ness something that the entire world will remember . Last year I went to

a metal festival where one of the bands, Moltley Crue, threw blood

on the audience, but this wasn’t the fact that made that concert special. Dimmu Borgir, a black metal band,

had a great time on the stage and they said they enjoyed the Romanian

audience, but they left without one of their guitars . No, they didn’t give it to one of their fans. It was stolen . As a fact, no bands want to come at

that festival , so the 2013 edition was cancelled.

There are more concerts that will be remembered over the years . I’d like

to tell you about some of them .1.The Who –“ Hell’s gate”

The Who are an English rock band formed in 1964. They became known for energetic live performances which often included instrument destruction.

It was December 3rd, 1979, and 18.500 fans had gathered outside the

Coliseum in Cincinnati. The con-cert was general admission, meaning that the best seats in the house were

first come, first serve and already more people had gathered than the

venue could hold.When the gate was opened the crowd rushed inside kill-ing 11 people in the chaos. The band were not told of the deaths until after

the show. Roger Daltrey wanted to cancel the rest of the tour. It was Pete

Townshend who urged the group to push forward, saying that “if we

don’t play tomorrow, we’ll never play again.”

2.Guns and roses and Me-tallica –“ Late as always”

The concert in 1992 was the dream of a lot of metalheads.GNR and Me-

tallica were helding a concert to-gether . Unfortunately the frontmen

of Metallica , James Hetfield was severely burned in an incident with pyrotechnics so they had to cut off

their performance. Axl Rose further disappointed the audience by show-

ing up late and then leaving an hour, saying he had problems with his voice. After such a concert the crowd got mad and started rioting, smashing sta-

dium windows and setting fires. There were no deaths or major injuries.

By Breten Ana

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3.Damageplan- “Concert turns into an action movie”After Pantera broke up, brothers Vinnie and “Dimebag” Abbot formed Damageplan, a heavy metal band which also used the Pantera-style groove metal sound.On December 8, 2004,in Ohio, Dimebag Darell, the guitarist, was shot on-stage . The gunman, Nathan Gale, shot Dimebag three times in the head, the third shot killed him instantly. Gale continued shooting, killing three others and wounding seven other people. Gale fired fifteen shots, stopping to reload once and remaining silent through-out the shooting.Jeff Thompson, the band’s head of security, was killed tackling Gale. Audience member Nathan Bray was killed while trying to perform CPR on Abbott and Thompson. It was rumored that one crowd member leapt in front of the gunman, saving the lives of several band members. The drum technician, John “Kat” Brooks, was shot three times as he attempted to get the gun away from Gale, but was overpowered and tak-en hostage in a headlock position. Tour manager Chris Paluska was also injured.Seven police officers came in the front entrance, and moved toward the stage. Officer James Niggemeyer came in through the back door, behind the stage. Gale only saw the officers in front of the stage; he didn’t see Officer Niggemeyer. He approached Gale from the opposite side of the stage to avoid hitting the hostage and fired a single shot , striking Gale in the face with eight of the nine buckshot pellets, killing him instantly. Gale was found to have had 35 rounds of ammunition remaining.Nurse and audience member Mindy Reece, went to the aid of Abbott, and she and another fan administered CPR until paramedics arrived, but were unable to revive him and he was pronounced dead at the scene.

4.Bring me the horizont –“Skaters “Bring Me The Horizon frontman Oli Sykes was attacked onstage during the band’s show in Salt Lake City while on a headlining U.S. tour.Oli stopped the concert because he saw a kid falling down in the mosh pit.Some fans,skaters, were annoyed by the vocalist’s decision. Oli became angry when bottles were thrown onstage in the direction of the band members and toldthe bullies to leave or come onstage and address him personally. Some crowd members ac-cepted his offer and attacked the vocalist.

5.Ozzy Osbourne bites off a bat’s headThe Prince of Darkness said the notorious incident - during a per-formance on his ‘Night of the Liv-ing Dead’ tour in the ‘70s - was an accident because he didn’t think the bat was real.He confessed: “A fan threw it on stage and I thought it was a toy. It must have been stunned by the lights because it looked dead when I picked it up. I put it in my mouth as a joke. Its wings started flapping and I ripped it out of my mouth but its head came off!”7.Zakk Wylde –“ Bloody hands”Zakk Wylde is on e of the best

guitarist, he played with Ozzy and Black Label Society. In 2008 , before the concert with Ozzy in Sao Paulo, he got really annoyed and punched a wall. His ring ripped of the skin of his fingers, exposing the bones and muscles. He went on the stage with his injured hand and played guitar the entire show, he chose not to cancel the show and endure the pain.He is a hero for all metal-heads.

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FriendshipsHumans are social creatures , they aren’t designed for living alone so

, they might “broke” if they find themselves all alone. Hopefully ,

they don’t stay too much all alone , they socialise and make friends ,

eventually. There are many types of friends but we will talk about those that teenagers have and how or why

they lose them . •

by everybody

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• Firstly,let’sdefinethosefriend-shipsafterwhatWikipediasays:

Buddy (friendship)a friend or a partner for a particular activity. Males, and sometimes females, introduce a same-sex friend as their “buddy”, or a circle of friends as “bud-dies”. Buddies are also acquaintances that one has during certain events. It also refers to a close friend.Communal friendshipa friendship in which the friends gather often to provide encouragement and emotional support in times of great need. This type of friendship tends to last only when opposing parties fulfill the expectations of support for the rela-tionship. Friends are predetermined; friendship takes place between men and women who possess an intellectual and emotional affinity for each other. But com-radeship – that ecstatic bliss that comes with belonging to the crowd in war-time – is within our reach. We can all have comrades. . Best friend (or close friend)someone who shares ex-tremely strong interpersonal ties with as a friend.

• TeenagersDuring this period of life , people need friends more than ever. We , teenagers, go through a lot of changes and we need support and friends to survive them well. Keep-ing friends near it’s a tricky job and it doesn’t always go as we wish .

We lose and make new friends , it’s a circle with different names , isn’t it? However , we always think that making new friends is good , but how good exactly? We manage to get a whole grup of friends and some new peo-ple arrive in the near area . They seem nice and you think that adding them to the group would be a great idea, the more , the better. You try to be frirend with them and spend a lot of time with them but unin-tentionally leave your group alone . Some of them may come and befriend with the new buddy too and so , they also leave the rest alone . At that mo-ment , your group is broken and your friends aren’t there anymore. What do we do in this situation ? Get panicked , in most cases. This is just one way to ruin your friendship. Most of my friendships were destroyed by jokes. Yeah, let’s say that you have 2 best friends. Two of you decide to play a prank to the third.You think it’s funny but he will usually get really mad. The best thing you can do it’s to apologize, so you can save the bond between you, otherwise you will lose your buddy forever. Have you ever felt forever alone ? Sometimes, your best friend starts

meeting someone, while you are still single. If they ask you to go out with them , I’m sure you’ll say : “ No. It will be awkward.” Well, it’s wrong ….you two will become distant and maybe you will stop going out together or even stop talking to each other. Go out with them , it will be fun….don’t think that they will kiss all day long. Another perfect way to ruin a friendship is gossip. You accidentally say something bad about your friend and it’s over , or you hear something bad about him and decide he is a horrible person that doesn’t deserve you as a friend. Another way gossip can hurt: find out that your best friend likes you. You will feel bad , annoyed , angry, embarrassed and you’ll try to avoid him.

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Travelling to ...

...Cook Islands and to...


By Tomescu Tudor

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Scattered over a vast expanse of empty ocean the size of Western Europe, the tiny Cook Islands is a castaway’s dream come true. If you’ve ever fantasised about escaping to a remote desert island, far from the hustle and hum of the modern world, then look no further than these 15 fascinating islands, where you’ll find a thousand years of Polynesian culture sitting side by side with some of the most spectacular natural scenery in the South Pacific. The jewel in the crown is Rarotonga, the largest island - a bewitch-ing blend of craggy mountains, dense jungle and glorious bone-white beaches - but you really need to get out and explore some of the other islands as well. The hook-shaped atoll of Aitutaki, the second most visited by tourists, sits at the top of one of the world’s largest coral lagoons, packed with giant clams and technicolour tropical fish, and ringed by smaller uninhabited islets, known as motu, around its outer edges. Then there’s the small, rocky island of ‘Atiu, with its limestone caves, coffee plantations and bush-beer drinking; the makatea islands of Mau’ke, Mitiaro and Mangaia, where traditional village life still predominates; and the far-flung black pearl fields of Penrhyn and Manihiki, which most visitors never get the chance to see.But don’t plan on doing too much. Time, like most other things in the Cook Islands, has a mind of its own. Days roll by with the island tides: one morning you’ll be exploring taro plantations, swimming in underground caves and dancing till dawn with the locals, and the next, a plane will be waiting to take you home. Make the most of it while you can - paradise is a pretty tough place to find.


Aitutaki is most famous for its magnificent coral lagoon, a highlight of any visit to the Cook Islands, and undoubtedly one of the most memo-rable sights in the South Pacific. Flying over the island from Rarotonga

is an unforgettable experience; the vast lagoon spreads out below in a shining disc of jade-greens, turquoises and indigo blues, studded with 15 tiny islets and bright banks of orange coral just beneath the ocean's

surface. It's easy to see why Aitutaki is the second-most visited island in the Cooks, and unsurprisingly for most people the lagoon is the major

draw. Snorkelling trips and boat cruises to the deserted motu (islet) are both popular activities, and there are plenty of soft, sandy beaches to

seek out - but the island's rural back-roads are also well worth exploring, with many intriguing marae (sacred meeting ground) and some beauti-

ful coral-walled churches to discover.

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Dare to mske hope happen!

Close your eyes and let the darkness envelop you.

Inhale slowly and watch as tiny specks of light find their way peppering your view. Slowly, at first, then faster and faster, imagine

yourself spinning, spin-ning like you’ve never

spun before, not even as a child in the park, not in the rollercoaster, spin like

your life depended on it and maybe, just maybe, if

you put enough heart into it, you’ll see. You’ll see the

Milky Way, the myriad of silver stars, the gaseous planets breathing heavily in their millennial slumber like petals to a dazzling orb, a ball of flame that

pumps life and light into the distance. Now, open your eyes and start analyzing the world around you: the sky goes

darker and darker under the pressure of industry, the water flows heavily blurred by pollution, the ice liquefies in flashes like fondue in the melting pot, the Earth roars tongue less, waiting for release, waiting to revive… But where

is the light? We are living in the age of speed, when tolerance has become

ignorance, because time and money are two of the most desired things on Earth and the real relevant values were last seen in days of yore, when people were embracing the world differently. Is there any hope for a better world? Is

there just a utopia? Since ages the matter of mentality has involved a deliri-ous fact which represented the crucial issue in the worldwide development

among every society, religion, state, family and even every single human be-ing. Having the right to choose symbolizes the opportunity of developing a

way of thinking and also a priceless gift that can change the world. Now, is the humanity ready to take action, before all comes to its end?

The answer lies in your hands, either whether you choose to get involved be-cause you care or you continue to build the so-called wisdom of darkness.

Volunteering depicts one of the simplest ways of releasing this earth from its deepest scars, not only by involving in environmental issues, but also in heal-

ing others’ pain, in order to create the world you are dreaming of. Acting in the name of good may not offer you financial background, but it will defi-

nitely ensure you the place where you harmoniously can live your life, with-out any worry of destruction. Furthermore, volunteering represents the basis for the future of humanity. Thus, you should start thinking of tomorrow and use your kindness to create the world that can be seen and touched by every creature. Choosing to volunteer is a liberty, choosing to be human is a hope.

Yours. And make it happen.

It is said that life is a journey, a meandering road that takes us across turbu-lent rivers and snow-covered mountains, a shuttle gliding along the Milky

Way. And thus, shouldn’t we embrace the gift we have been given and take in the wonders of the world in order to create a better living?

By Istrate Iulia

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I use to go jogging around the lake of a park. I have been doing it for thousands of times, but it is only now that I start to question myself. Why have I never stopped before the end line?

Or at least why have I never felt the need to stop? Why do I always circle it clock-wise? Is it vital to keep in mind the obsta-

cles I have overcome so far? There are a lot of questions pop-ping into my mind while reflecting upon the education process

in my life.

To begin with, jogging around the whole lake has always been a challenge for me, a test of determination and self-con-

trol. What is more, all the times I do it I feel the strange and powerful effect it has upon my state of mind. In other words,

I feel that the situation is totally in my hands and I am flexible enough to adjust it to any new change. Even more intriguing is

the fact that this learning process concerns only my person. Furthermore, after all the time I go jogging (clock-wise) I man-aged to gather pieces of information I would probably need the

next time. I’ve created unconsciously a learning situation, be-cause I learn each moment whether to avoid or to recreate the moment that just passed. For instance, I have to avoid the log I once faced, I have to breathe rhythmically twice when I feel fatigued or I never have to

glance at the ducks on the lake- they are like mermaids- once you get en-chanted you loose any skill you acquired. In other words, it is vital to focus

on the purpose and, as much as possible, keep a firm one.

Also, it is worth mentioning that this learning process I have implic-itly got myself involved in would be useless without training. That is to say,

I cannot keep track of every emotion I experienced over time, but I know after I have drawn up my conclusions and applied them whether they were

Education is a life long processBy Istrate Iulia

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constructive or not, whether to make a theory out of them or not. Moreover, there arises the question of which the external part is, meaning who assumes the responsibility of teaching. The immediate response would be I, as I am the one who verifies the information and puts it into practice. Nevertheless, tracing back the process, I think that it is the lake, the route in itself that trig-gers it all. I depicted, indeed, a learning situation, thus the importance of having or creating the context in which the learning should take place. As far as I am concerned, I tried to create or at least analyse one of my learn-ing contexts and I narrowed it down to a tangible element. Nonetheless, I retraced the stages from end to beginning, as us peo-ple are more likely to look for results rather than for the process in itself. To sum up, self education, assimilating the social bound types (the formal, moral, civil one etc.) is a back bone of our existence. Re-ferring to the case mentioned above, it is the sports education that triggered my learning process.Thus, I dare say life is jogging around a lake, as we always settle lakes to circle. Still, as Walt Whitman said:“I charge that there would be no theory or school foundet out of me”.

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