Tutorial Blogspot

Post on 14-May-2015

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blogger tutorial


Tutorial: How to create a blog using the Blogger platform

How to create a blog?

• There are different blog platforms: wordpress, blogger, blogia, movable type,...

• Blogger is very easy, so that’s why we have chosen to start with it.

• https://www.blogger.com/start

If you already have an account in google, follow this step

If not, click here to go to the next step

You have to give a personal email account

Choose a password (something easy to remember)

Choose the name (your own name?) with which you will sign your posts

Write down this security word

Accept the terms by clicking here and then go on to the next page

We have to choose a name for the blog, something simple and easy to remember. That name can be changed in the future.We also have to choose a name for the URL address (which cannot be modified) We have to check the availability

Then we choose a template we like. This is something we can modify whenever we want. Select one and continue. We can now start publishing posts

How to write a post

Give it a title

Write down the text

How to add a picture

Add picture

Look for the picture in your computer or the internet

Choose the layout you prefer and the size

Upload the pic

How to add hyperlinks

After writing some of the text, select the word or phrase you want to be hyperlinked

Then you click the hyperlink icon

Then we only have to copy the address (URL) we want to link

When we finish writing our post, we click PUBLISH POST to publish it or we can click SAVE NOW to save it and publish it afterwards

We can add labels to our post. This is useful when we have many posts concerning different topics, and we want to have them somehow classified.

How to add a youtube (or other video site) video, slide presentation, etc, to our post

We copy the embed code and we paste it in the post

How to organize the elements in our blog: to add and organize elements on one side of our blog. We click LAYOUT and we add new elements or organize the ones already there.

Different elements or gadgets we can add to our blog. Some of them are already there when we create our blog

Settings: very simple.

How to add other elements to our blog

• Nowadays, a big amount of gadgets in the internet: slide presentations, maps, radio, music, games, calendars, clocks, ...

• To insert them in our blog: we register in the website (when asked to)

• We copy the embed code and paste it in our post or our blog element