TV Advertising TV ads Characteristics of good ads Production checklist –Info from

Post on 31-Mar-2015

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TV Advertising

• TV ads

• Characteristics of good ads

• Production checklist– Info from Characteristics of a successful TV commercial


TV Ads

• Speak to target market– Personally– Research

• Connects to product

• Entertain (or not turn off) everyone else

• Expensive – must produce results proportionately greater

TV Ads - Examples

►Budweiser, Kepel&Mata, Argentina

►Volkswagen, DDB, London ►Barclaycard, BBH, London

Ads from Best Ads on TV []

Characteristics of Good Ads – #1

• Memorable – stands out– “Imprint” on the brain – images, music

• Offbeat humour

• Not annoying

• Clearly communicates – Client/product – What it wants you to do

Characteristics of Good Ads – #2

• Stimulating - visually and verbally

• Connects to product– Without overshadowing

• Shows restraint – moderation

• Lifestyle > product ... cool

• Cool is subtle, not obvious

From the “Core Demographic”

Woman, homemaker, 30s with children, works part-time, does most of the buying for the family:

• Don't make the viewer feel bad about herself.• State your prices.• Don't use misogynistic ads to appeal to men.• Make it all about the product. • Don't try to play on the viewer's emotions.

Are these points consistent with the others?

TV Production Checklist

Target market – match TV show Define your message – few words Benefits & features – show and tell Good honest story - touch audience Funny is difficult but the best are funny Storyboards Spend $$ on production