Twitter as (Teacher) Liberation Technology

Post on 04-Dec-2014

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The Twitter social networking tool used as a liberation technology for teachers.


The Global Education Learning Community:

Twitter as Liberation Technology

Ira David Socol College of Education Michigan State University

Open University 2005:DEEP Impact:

An Investigation of the Use of Information and Communication

Technologies for Teacher Education in the Global SouthLeach, J., Ahmed, A., Makalima, S., and Power, T.

SMS Messaging for teacherprofessional development:-lowered isolation-improved self-assessed practice-improved teacher retention -provided increased global contact for students

Twitter as a teacher network,both real time and asynchronouswith minimal tech requirements

Foucault: power “only exists in action” (1996).

Twitter creates a “transaction space” for the action which

otherwise may not exist.

Creating a space in which teachers can use their own

power, without the transaction space limitations of their culture

and/or nation.

Teacher Tweets

Aussie educators in my twitter network, can you chime in

please? @--- @--- and who else?

With words of caution from @--- - European Commission considers #web #accessibility legislation:

Just Posted: "Teaching, Testing and Counseling" Sigh.

I feel sad after parents ask me how to make things all better.

They're trying so hard and I wish I had all the answers.

Here is my parent permission letter so far. Can't bring myself

to ask permission yet. Any suggestions? Thanks!

What would happen if you took a fish into space, would it float out

of the water? Please help us with the answer because we

don't know! (JG)

Question: Any other gay educators out there?

to what degree does nsw need associative advocasy accross

sectors vs focus on skill/resources.

[1] Light bulb! What if I gave an assignment in class and each student was the expert on one

problem and they couldn't ask me for help. They HAD

[2] to ask the student in charge of that problem. I know this is a very common teaching strategy but I

normally hate it and this way excites me.

Students in tears over HSC 'nightmare'

[Gotta love standardised testing

special needs eighth graders all very far behind-no progress last

two years- any ideas?

Can I write "Dear parent, your son has greatly improved on

things not considered important by the school report system"?

Can anyone skype class to class? American math to


Hmmm, thinking Skype portable will help me get students access

to Skype where they are not allowed to install it

Need IWB resources en Francais – world history


Can you explain TTS to me? Where can I get it?

Arguments for unblocking SM? meeting with head tomorrow

dm me your email and I’ll send you that lesson plan

@--- pointed one of my students your way the other day. He's

looking for ipod touch implemention/apps.

Contributing to the MindMeister map on strengths and

weaknesses of various mind mapping applications-

Looking for South American classrooms to link up with – age

12-13 or so

None of our computers have Firefox. Can we get it in

South Africa?

Want my FE students to vote for student council the way they do

in Ireland. Ireland school for swap?

he doesn’t recognize letters at all. 16 and very smart, but…
