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Post on 15-Jul-2020

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Diary Dates Tuesday 23rd Jan—

Mad Science


Wednesday 25th

Jan—World Religion


Friday 2nd Feb—Y5/6

Netball Tournament

Tuesday 27th &

Wednesday 28th



Issue 9



Article 29: Your right to become the best that you can be!

Our value for the month of November is Cooperation.

School Website

We now have a new school website:

Take a moment to click the link and have a look. There is still work

to be done, and improvements to be made. If you have time we

would appreciate your feedback. Go onto the ’Contact Us’ page,

scroll down to where it says “To give feedback on the website,

please click here”.

Click the link and

reply to three


We’ve put the work

in because we want

to improve the


between home and

school, so your

feedback really is

important to us.


Welcome back all! Hope-

fully everyone had a

lovely break with family

and friends and are now

raring to go.

This term is a crucial

term for learning. In the Autumn pupils can take time to settle,

then we have Christmas. This one is where the key progress can

happen— attendance is therefore crucial. Talk to the children

about their targets and what they’re doing to achieve them.

Governors The governors of the school came in on Thursday 18th to ’meet the staff’, it gave everyone the opportunity to discuss issues and progress. For any parents who aren’t sure, our Governors are listed on the school website. Chair of Governors is Kath Mattingly and the Vice Chair is Al Roberts. If you do have queries or concerns the points of call should be: 1st—Class Teacher; 2nd—Head Teacher; 3rd—Governors. Hopefully this ensure all issues are addressed and dealt with. There is currently a Parent Governor vacancy—further details to follow.

Reminders and Feedback

For the children’s safety, please don’t use

the drive between the hours of 8:15-9:00

and 3:00-3:40.

We know our school is a hassle for

dropping off and picking up, there is no

perfect solution.

However, we all

want the children

to be healthy, so

let’s all attempt to


from a bit further


STEM Week We need your help… We are having a STEM week in Bishopston Primary school on 14th May.

The STEM week focuses on Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. The children will have the opportunity to take part in various tasks that will develop their knowledge in one of the above areas and raise the profile of these important subjects.

We would also like to run a careers afternoon within the week where the children will have the opportunity to question adults who use or have used these subjects in their daily work.

So if your work involves or use to involve one of the above areas, we would love it if you could spare some time to come in and share your experiences with the children. The aim being for the children to see how important STEM is in the outside world and to see the various career opportunities that are available if they study a STEM subjects in school.

If you think you could help us with the STEM career afternoon please get in touch with Mrs Ellis (Reception teacher).

Curriculum Committee The Curriculum Committee is working hard on looking into ways to improve the curriculum, and the way in which we learn. We have discussed the positives and negatives of teaching strategies and learning opportunities that we have in school and are preparing to present our findings to the teaching staff. We have created our aims and vision statement for our committee and we are enjoying our meetings and having our voice and opinions heard and listened to. The Aims of the Curriculum Committee

To make learning fun and exciting but keeping standards high. To make sure children are comfortable in what they are learning To ensure teaching and learning strategies are interesting and engaging – e.g cooking,

geography etc... To ensure all pupils are confident learners for later on in life.

We worked in groups to come up with the aims of our committee. We worked in mixed year groups (4 big groups) We have started to think about writing a slogan/motto for our committee. Some ideas we already have:

Friendship in learning Every learning helps Fun for learning Fun makes learning soar/fly

Wish List After School Club have asked if people could donate

toys. We thought now might be a good time to ask—

you may need a post Christmas clear out!

If you see any good quality carpet, it would be great to

replace the carpet area in the Nursery (approx’ 12m²).

Great work on the new lights—you may have seen our

the picture on twitter. Thanks to Chris White and Graham Spanner for giving up their time

in the Christmas Holidays.

Attendance We’re on 96.4% - we’re still 0.4% above our target. Please don’t book holidays though during term time. This term we can help the pupils make great progress—but only if they’re here!!

This is our attendance this term (96.5%) overall.

Class prizes are in place for the class with the best attendance this half term.

This is our attendance from September (96.4%) overall.












Year 5/6 MrsGriffiths

Year 4/5 MissLeentfaar

Year 1/2 Mrs.Allchurch

Reception/Y1Mrs Ellis

Year 1 MrsBrewer/Mrs


Year 3 MrsThomas/Miss


Year 3/4 MrsBarrow

Year 5/6 MrWilliams








Year 5/6 MrsGriffiths

Year 4/5 MissLeentfaar

Year 1/2 Mrs.Allchurch

Reception/Y1Mrs Ellis

Year 1 MrsBrewer/Mrs


Year 3 MrsThomas/Miss


Year 3/4 MrsBarrow

Year 5/6 MrWilliams