Twitter Follower Personality Types

Post on 01-Dec-2014

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Twitter Follower Personality Types


Twitter Follower Personality Types

The gold-digger

Little to no interest in a relationship, the gold-digger is only motivated by chasing gold, in this case their number of followers.

The Chatterbox

I don't know where they find the time! The Chatterbox will update you on every detail of their life and happily chat.

The Tribal Elder

These people lead and are revered by their #tribes, they share their knowledge, listen to their followers and are re-tweeted often

The Tribal Member

These people are active in their particular #tribal communities. They gather round one or two Tribal Elders and actively participate in the


The Lurker

Often new to Twitter, The Lurker sits in the background watching intently. The Lurker will happily consume and hoard information but

will not contribute to the discussion.

The Sniper

Close relation to the Lurker, but armed with a rifle to shoot down unsuspecting Tweeters and Bloggers with a deadly word or line.

The Sock Puppet

Wolves in sheep's clothing, the sock puppet is a corporate PR masquerading as one of the Tribe

The High-Fiver

Prolific Re-Tweeters, High-Fivers are relentlessly positive distributors of information. They will typically Re-Tweet adding "Great post" or "Nice".

The Spammer

Typically robotic, life is a numbers game to drive sales. Annoy 100,000 people in the hope that a few relent and say yes.

The Show Pony

Takes particular pleasure in self-congratulatory tweets. "Heading off to have tea with the Queen. Pls RT"

The Celebrity

The name says it all!

The Spoof

Faux accounts are all the rage. After Twitter’s clampdown, normally proceeded by “Fake” or “not”