Twitter for small business

Post on 29-Oct-2014

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Presentation given to Navan Chamber on Twitter for Small Business by David Browne of BEe Advertised


Twitter for Small Business

A Social Networking site for communicating or micro-blogging

A “tweet” is a short message of 140 Characters or less

Users “follow” other users, once users follow you, your tweets will appear on their homepage

Direct Messages can also be sent to users privately

Users use hashtags(#) to allow people find similar topics and tweets such as #navan or #irishbiz

What is Twitter

Twitter is good for connecting and networking with other users who share your interest, job skills, geographical area and business products.

Users can get instant results on what is being communicated about your business, staff or products.

Twitter is a constant source of ideas, resources and support

Customers often tweet for customer and technical support

It is an instant line of communication

Why Twitter is good for business

Branding Hiring Traffic Building Professional

Networking Publicity News Feedback

Peer Relationships

Competitive Tracking

Search Engine Optimisation

Mobile Visability

Uses of Twitter for Business

1. Your username should be you brand name such as @beeadvertised

2. Start following people that you would like to follow you back such as followers of the Local Chamber of Commerce

3. Share knowledge, become an authority.4. Keep your tweets interesting or informative5. Give compliments on twitter to other businesses eg if your in a

restaurant who are on twitter, tweet them to say you had a nice meal,

6. Generate some interaction with people who you are following.7. Don’t get too controversial on twitter while using your business

account, remember you are representing your business.8. Use Twitter to drive traffic to your website9. Tweet links to websites which will engage your followers.10. Include current trending keywords in your tweets

10 Twitter Tips

A hashtag groups tweets on a particular subject. When you add a ‘#’ in front of a word it automatically creates a link

One of the most popular hashtags in Ireland is the #vinb which creates conversations relating to the Vincent Browne TV show.


Tweet: A single twitter message of 140 Characters or less

Profile: Your twitter persona, including contact info and 160 character profile

Follower: Unilateral relationship in which a person chooses to receive all of your tweets

Tweetstream: The flow of tweets from people you follow

Public timeline: The globally visible Twitter Stream @reply : Public Response to a single user that is shown

on both users public timeline Retweet: Twitter message forwarded to another

members followers

Twitter Terminology

Direct Message : Private tweet equivalent to an email

Block: Prevent a user from following you Tweetup: Meeting organised via twitter List: Group of tweeters Favourite : Saved Tweet Geotag : Optional geographical location

More Terminology

Facebook Trends

Facebook trends help a user discover what users are tweeting about on twitter at a given time will allow users to join in conversations and become noticed.

Trends taken from Sunday 16/02/2014

They allow you reach a specific target audience

They allow you monitor your reputation They allow better customer service They allow you promote special events or

contests They help you find relevant twitter chats

Why use hashtags

Every Wednesday night between 9-11pm twitter comes alive with Irish entrepreneurs discussing business and their industry. It’s virtual business networking.

It is a form of virtual/social business networking

The attending business spend the evening networking from the comfort of their own desk or sofa!

Networking on Twitter#irishbizparty

One of the key elements of a tweet is being able to generate traffic to your website from it however with only 140 characters in a tweet it is important that links be short.

In order for tweets to be kept short URL’s need to be shortened using a URL shortener.

Introducing (live demo)

Creating links