Twitter + LinkedIn Agency Training

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Branding Yourself + MMI Agency as Thought Leaders using Social MediaNovember 2015

We want to empower YOU to become social media advocates for MMI Agency.

the opportunity.

We want to leverage content — in combination with your expertise and

MMI Agency’s existing resources — to brand MMIers as thought leaders.

why it matters.

Advocacy creates… • Brand awareness • Demand for our services • Recruitment opportunities

How many of you have Googled a client or contact after a business meeting?

We want to be discovered.

And own search in social networks for MMI.

the payoff.

• Reinforce brand reputation for innovative offerings, client-first solutions, and top-tier talent

• Build positive awareness and eventually, relationships, among potential clients.

• Leverage continuous engagement to uncover relevant industry insights and opportunities for clients

For MMI Agency:


AwarenessInsights &


• Identify your personal differentiators, and document them for long-term career success

• Improve your job performance by immersing yourself in industry news, events, and updates

• Build mutually-beneficial relationships with key contacts, including fellow thought leaders

For You:

twitter 101

It's a platform wherein users share their thoughts, news, information and jokes in 140 characters of text or less. Twitter makes global communication cheap and measurable. Profiles are (usually) public — anyone in the world can see what you write, unless you elect to make your profile private. Users "follow" each other in order to keep tabs on and converse with specific people.

terms to know.

Terms to know.

Tweet: A 140-character message.

Retweet (RT): Re-sharing or giving credit to someone else's tweet.

Feed: The stream of tweets you see on your homepage. It's comprised of updates from users you follow.

Handle: Your username.

Terms to know.

Mention (@): A way to reference another user by his username in a tweet (e.g. @mashable). Users are notified when @mentioned. It's a way to conduct discussions with other users in a public realm.

Direct Message (DM): A private, 140-character message between two people. You can decide whether to accept a Direct Message from any Twitter user, or only from users you are following. You may only DM a user who follows you.

Hashtag (#): A way to denote a topic of conversation or participate in a larger linked discussion (e.g. #AmericanIdol, #Obama). A hashtag is a discovery tool that allows others to find your tweets, based on topics. You can also click on a hashtag to see all the tweets that mention it in real time — even from people you don't follow.

The entire Twitter Glossary:

Three Steps

Optimize Engage Promote

first, optimize

Sign up. In order to engage, you must first introduce yourself. You will create a handle that is essentially your address or calling card on Twitter. This is how people will interact with you and include you in conversations.

Optimize your profile. Your profile picture, header and bio should reflect who you are. You should use your actual picture and real name. Include keywords!

extra points: Add @mmiagency to your bio.

Customize your profile.


then, engage

Find Your Tweeps.

Places to look: • find friends • friends’ lists • twitter suggestions

MMI intranet: http://


• RT and reply to industry thought leaders • Get involved in timely and relevant conversations • Keep your voice consistent


Retweet: Two options

Active versus Passive.

finally, promote

• Schedule content in advance: Hootsuite! • Add handle to email signatures, business

cards, and company bios • Cross promote on social media profile

and posts • Search for relevant hashtags and engage

in conversation • Set up notifications for people you want

to continually engage with • Like and comment on your connections’


Multiply Your Reach

linkedin 101

LinkedIn is a huge database of professionals. It is the place to find other and be found by potential clients, colleagues and more. You can engage with other users, acquire and share expertise, and position yourself as a thought leader in the industry.

Three Steps

Optimize Engage Promote

first, optimize

• Create a vanity URL • Find an engaging background • Ensure your profile is public • Add links with custom anchor text • Consider including contact info

Start with “Quick Wins”

• Write a strategic headline & summary • Incorporate keywords • Showcase work and involvement • Use symbols and bullets • Focus on what you can do for others

Surpass “All Star” Status

Industry and location

Current position

Two previous positions

Education information

Three skills

Fifty connections

• Demonstrate credibility by securing powerful recommendations

• List relevant skills, and enhance search ability through endorsements

• Understand the difference between the two.

• Tip: Reorder Skills so most pertinent skills are at the top

Leverage Your Network

then, engage

• Follow industry thought leaders • Learn what is timely and relevant • Develop your unique viewpoint • Share it with key audiences

Find Your Niche

Get Creative

• Curate third-party content • Share MMI content • Post professional updates • Provide value • Write long-form LinkedIn posts

• Vet and streamline existing groups • Find relevant and active groups • Respond strategically to questions • Start and participate in discussions • Commit to ongoing engagement • Coordinate with group managers • Promote your favorite groups • Create your own sub groups

Leverage Groups

Grow your reach with long-form posts

• Hone in on specific topics • Explore top posts to look for

inspiration • Re-publish content from print

sources • Stand out with an interesting title

and image • Tip: “How-to” posts and listicles

tend to perform well

Extra credit! Profile sections• Projects • Publications • Slideshare presentations • Tip: Reorder sections so most

pertinent info is on top

(Give and Get) Recommendations

• Make your ask personable. • Be the first to send a

recommendation. • Keep confidentiality in mind.

Formula for a great recommendation: 1. Start with a knockout line 2. Describe your relationship 3. Share a standout trait 4. Add a touch of personality 5. End with your solid recommendation


finally, promote

• Add to email signatures, business cards, and company bios

• Cross promote on social media profile and posts

• Search for relevant opportunities to share content with groups

• Earmark specific people for delivery (directly or with targeting)

• Like and comment on your connections’ posts

Multiply Your Reach

Advocacy for MMI.

• Follow MMI Agency • Watch for emails from marketing,

share content! • Doing something cool? Tag MMI! • Engage with thought leaders on

LinkedIn and Twitter. • Follow trends and stay up to date

on industry news. • GET PUBLISHED! :) :) :) :)

How you can help.

Thank you!!