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50 ways that twitter (and other social media tools) will help your business


50 ways to use Twitter (and other social media) for your business

Or…Marketing: the new way

What’s ahead for online and your site 2009/2010?

Chris Hall IDM

Part One: Introduction

Online 2009/2010: through a crystal ball?

Web 2.0

• Web 1.0 Web 2.0• DoubleClick Google AdSense/display ads• Ofoto Flickr• Napster• Britannica Online Wikipedia• personal websites blogging• domain name speculation search engine optimization• publishing participation/engagement

Part One: Introduction

A clear shift of - ‘who’s in control!’

It’s all with the site user/visitor

• RSS (really simple syndication)• Social media – twitter/facebook/linkedIn/flickr etc• Blog (diaries and communication)• Personalisation of content• Control of content to visitor –


Part One: Introduction

What’s next online – social media

What is social media?

The answer is here >

A clear shift of - ‘who’s in control!’

Part One: Introduction

A clear shift of - ‘who’s in control!’

• Sharing - Social Networks… more later

As an example we’re all familiar and how the control started to change :

• Email alerts and newsletters1. auto send from websites etc2. visitors choose what they receive

• Everything is now more ‘two-way’ than ‘one-way’ communication

Part One: Introduction

A clear shift of - ‘who’s in control!’

Part One: Introduction

A clear shift of - ‘who’s in control!’

Part One: Introduction

A clear shift of - ‘who’s in control!’

Part One: Introduction

A clear shift of - ‘who’s in control!’

Part One: Introduction

A clear shift of - ‘who’s in control!’

Part One: Introduction

What’s next online - Google Wave

• Google wave• A web based service, designed to merge e-

mail, instant messaging, wiki, and social networking.

Part two: The Future (for some of us)

Part two: The Future (for some of us)

What’s next online: Open source – ‘collaboration’


•Google documents

•Chrome operating System

•Web site development

Why should we join the revolution?

The facts on

Social Media!!

2.1: Social Media Explained

Things to consider when building your social networks

• Determined and Clear About Your Goals

One has to be clear about the purpose of the network.

There’s a huge crowd in every social media site: some joining it for fun, some as an outlet while some are looking for business ventures.

Be clear of your objectives before reaching out so you’ll have a clear idea on the ample time and effort spent in network building.

2.1 Social Media Explained

Things to consider when building your social networks

• Identify Your Potential Audiences

Identify your potential audiences within a social network, whether it’s a forum or a particular chat room.

Gain access and start contributing in frequency and quality.

2.1 Social Media Explained

Things to consider when building your social networks

Be Distinctive & Noticeable

The idea of being you, and no one else!

Representing your own, unique brand and your site, be outspoken but with respect; share an experience or an insightful comment on a post you just came across.

Initiate a conversation or ask a question if you’re not sure about the answer.

Don’t be quiet in a network unless you wish to be buried and never be found.

2.1 Social Media Explained

Things to consider when building your social networks

Patience & Forget About Number’s Game

10 social media sites (1 hour/day) = 6 minutes per site

A quick drop of ‘visit my blog’, ‘I’m updating my post’ or ‘Just got back from work’ won’t excite people. Not to mention sometimes you tend to spend longer at a site and lost

track of time. What if it affects your work quality, or causes procrastinations?

3 social media sites (1 hour/day) = 20 minutes per site

• Have in depth conversations with your peers. Do you know a person better by following their updates and respond accordingly? Definitely.

2.1 Social Media Explained

Things to consider when building your social networks

Quality Posts & Return Favors

If you’re a blogger, writing killer blog posts is the best way to grab attention.

Learn to be the authority within your niche.

Providing quality presentations while active in replying comments.

Continue the blog networking elsewhere by repaying visits or supporting your commentators on other social networks.

2.1 Social Media Explained

50 ways to get the most out of social media

1. Add social bookmark links to your most important web pages or blog posts to encourage and improve sharing


3.0 50 ways

2. Build a blog

Blog: A blog (a contraction of the term "weblog") is a type of website, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary,

descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video

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3. If you have any video then make sure it’s on YouTube

3.0 50 ways

5. Use twitter to give your company a personality

3.0 50 ways

6. Experiment with flickr and YouTube groups to build attention for specific events

Youtube: adventourers UK


3.0 50 ways

7. Start a group in Facebook or LinkedIn relating to the space where your customers do business

3.0 50 ways

8. Educate and inform your audience.

Make people feel equipped and informed because of you

3.0 50 ways

9. Start an RSS Reader and Find 10 Blogs


By using a Technorati or Google BlogSearch you can find 10 blogs that are industry “blog leaders” in your dedicated profession.

By following and commenting on the blogs you will start to engage other


3.0 50 ways

10. Join industry and topic groups related to your business and career on sites like (

3.0 50 ways

11. Participate in chats – engage!!!

• This will encourage followers of others in the conversation to add you to their following [if relevant you can then add the

same person to yours]

• search on twitter for conversation or subjects

3.0 50 ways

12. Ask questions ???

(on all social media sites) (groups)

3.0 50 ways

13. Promote your social media presence through all marketing channels

• Email

• Web

• Business card

• Advertising & promotional material etc

3.0 50 ways

14. Track conversations mentioning your brand [twitter]

( CarphoneWarehouse )

3.0 50 ways

15. Spread your tweets throughout the day

It’s always primetime on Twitter

3.0 50 ways

16. Find experts to invite as a guest blogger or speaker at an event

3.0 50 ways

17. Form alliances & partnerships: Find bloggers, podcasters and social media experts you admire and ask for opinions on

your social media projects

3.0 50 ways

18. Don’t be afraid to fail! Be ready to apologise! Admit mistakes!

• Popular Mistakes

- direct sales

- rudeness

- whinge about employer or brand

3.0 50 ways


19. Work with your marketing plan, not against it!

On & Off line together • Email marketing• PR• Advertising• Direct mail/promotion• Events/seminars/exhibitions

…and many more

3.0 50 ways

20. Always be yourself and not your company!

People follow people not objects or intangibles YES NO

3.0 50 ways

21. Join LinkedIn and look to add all people you know (

• Huge networking potential• Renew old contacts

• Find new leads• Excellent way to spread goodwill

• Provoke reaction/debate/engagement

NB: 80% of online recruitment is now done through Linkedin

3.0 50 ways

22. Use third party tools to increase relevant following and followers:

•  you can find followers based on keywords in their Bios

• Mr Tweet -

3.0 50 ways

23. Don’t follow people just to get them to follow back. Follow people that you want based on your criteria

Set this criteria from the beginning and base biography on it.

@chrish10 = online marketing, web site developments, SEO, social networking and its

growth and loves sport (especially football/soccer), films, and beer

3.0 50 ways

24. The four basics to get more followers:

1) add a good photo

2) add a good Biography

3) add your web address

4) make some tweets (every day if possible)

3.0 50 ways

25. Read twitter’s own…

3.0 50 ways

26. Use

to monitor your keywords on Twitter

• Brand• Company• Subject • person

3.0 50 ways

27. Have fun!

• Show the real you

• Throw in other areas of interest about yourself or business [sport, family (no personal details), funny stories, pics, videos etc)

3.0 50 ways

28. Be open to collaboration.

You may have run your small-to-mid sized business for years by yourself but social media is built on the art of collaboration.

People will be giving their opinions on a daily basis and it is in your best interest to take those opinions with stride.

Collaborate and join in on discussions surrounding ideas related to your industry and your life.

3.0 50 ways

29. Work out your position or social media type?

a) Self-oriented users are those who extend their presence online, building audiences and posting content. Experts, pundits, and those sometimes called “creators” are self-oriented users

3.0 50 ways

29. Work out your position or social media type?

b) Other-oriented users are those who start with the conversations and contributions of others. Where the self-oriented user talks about him or herself (expresses him or herself), the other-oriented user responds, replies, or comments. What he or she reads and finds interesting provides a springboard for conversation

3.0 50 ways

29. Work out your position or social media type?

c) Relationally-oriented users gets involved in social activities. They see what’s going on between other users, and may be drawn to these more social interactions. Involvement puts these users in relation to other users, with all the dramatic and nuanced activity this can result in.

…but you can be all types

3.0 50 ways

30. Use web site grader to understand the technical quality of your web site and its score.


3.0 50 ways

31. Write About Personal Experience.

• Write about the way you see life • Write about the way you experience your business on a daily

basis• Talk about how you are helping people• Talk about how you are solving the problems on a daily basis• Use Twitter. Use Facebook• Tell stories on your blog• People engage in stories - they connect with stories

3.0 50 ways

32. Remember Quality vs. Quantity

100 extremely engage readers are infinitely better than 4000 quasi engaged readers.

Quality allows you to truly form relationships with the people you are dealing with on a daily basis.

You can build your base anyway you like but make sure you always come

back to quality over quantity

3.0 50 ways


• It’s worth repeating: Do Not Hard Sell• Concentrate on listening to the people who are investing in your

writing and social media presence• Nobody cares about your 50% sale - They care about the person• Personality rules and if you want to act like a used-car sales

man… go work at one

3.0 50 ways

34. Share photos (Twitpic makes it easy) of conferences, travel,

products and other interesting finds

3.0 50 ways

35. Do ‘re tweet’ other people’s messages if you found them useful

& they are useful to your followers

Guide to re-tweeting

3.0 50 ways

36. Set up a facebook business account or fan page


• Install applications like twitter , blog feeds

• Post business relevant information

• Connect with business colleagues, clients, prospects, target audience

3.0 50 ways

37. If possible. obtain a Facebook vanity URL so that people can find you easily

• Add your Facebook URL to your email signature and any marketing collateral (business cards, etc.) so prospects can learn more about you

• Post business updates on your wall. Focus on business activities, such as “Working with ABC Company on web site redesign.”

• Share useful articles and links to presentation and valuable resources that interest customers and prospects on your wall, to establish credibility

3.0 50 ways

38. Combine Facebook with other social media tools like Twitter and LinkedIn

For example, when someone asks question on Twitter, you can respond in detail in a blog post and link to it from


3.0 50 ways

39. Use Facebook Connect to add social networking features to your web site

3.0 50 ways

40. Start a group or fan page for product, brand or business. Unless you or your business is already a household name, a group is

usually the better choice

3.0 50 ways

41. Join network, industry and alumni groups related to your business

Then use search to find groups and fan pages related to your

business by industry, location and career

3.0 50 ways

42. Fill out your profile in LinkedIn to obtain as much trust as possible

Improve your connect-ability on LinkedIn

Most new users put only their current company in their profile

By doing so, they severely limit their ability to connect with people

You should fill out your profile like it’s an executive bio, so include past companies,

education, affiliations, and activities

Reminder: What is Linked In?

3.0 50 ways

43. Answer questions in Questions and Answers: show expertise without a hint of self-promotion

Ask questions in Questions and Answers to get a feel for what

customers and prospects want or think

3.0 50 ways

44. Grow your network by joining industry and alumni groups related to your business

Then engage in debate, discussion and contact

3.0 50 ways

45. LinkedIn Research

Gauge the health of a company

Search for people who have worked for a company and try to establish turnover of staff etc

3.0 50 ways

46. Enhance your search engine results with LinkedIn

In addition to your name, you can also promote your blog or website to search engines like Google and Yahoo!

Your LinkedIn profile allows you to publicise websites

If you’re linking to your personal blog, include your name or descriptive terms in the link, and voila! instant search-engine optimization for your site

(To make this work, be sure your public profile setting is set to “Full View”)

3.0 50 ways

47. Optimize your LinkedIn profile with appropriate keywords to be

found easily by clients

A success story

3.0 50 ways

49. PR 2009/2010 style

Use the new social media PR to help promote your brand(s) and your company

Demo version

3.0 50 ways

50. Add me to your social networks and communities


Facebook – Chris Hall (or member of Social Media Marketers Knowledge Share Community)

3.0 50 ways

The rules of social media engagement

1. Join in, engage and offer to help:

People do not want to be sold, spammed or overwhelmed with tweets of little value. Think

before you tweet. Ask, will this add value? Will this help someone?

4.0 Some rules

2. Listen. Really? I thought Twitter is where I get to talk and tell people stuff

- Use the Favorites to save things you are listening to and might want to talk about later.

- Try to read your tweet-stream in batches rather than watching

your Tweetdeck (twitter stream) all day.

4.0 Some rules

3. Get engaged. Start conversations

If someone in your stream asks a question? Reply. Share your knowledge

If someone is looking for help? Offer your help or make an introduction to someone who can.

Like what someone said? Tell them. Re-tweet.

Introduce yourself to others and ask your own questions. Engage.

4.0 Some rules

4.    Give Thanks. Who doesn’t like to get thanked?

When people Re-Tweet something you said, thank them.

For easy follow-up, use Tweetdeck or set up an RSS feed with your Twitter username.

4.0 Some rules

5.    Be generous, it’s contagious.

Is there such a thing as twarma (Twitter Karma)? I do know that when I give on Twitter (contacts, valuable information, encouragement) it seems to come back.

Give away your network and knowledge. You’ll be remembered.

Share what you find. Highlight others.

4.0 Some rules

6.    Go beyond Twitter

Click on links in personal profiles

Read and comment on their blogs

Friend them on FB or LinkedIn (and others)

Organize a Tweet-up or face-to-face meeting when the time is right.

4.0 Some rules

Final Note

• ••

• Twitter success story: (dell)

• Online ramblings: • Robert’s blog:

• Email: or

Thank you

…any questions?