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    •Gene Pitney • Meet a •Cilia Black Marmalade #f(IJIJg/ WINWOOD JOINS BAKER,


  • 2

    the charts

    Campbell polisl,es Country

    GLf::nt c~::,eE;rL •I•" !:un~t;; phase " which pop pundits promise WIii IWHP us b)' this Hfflmer. His current releue Jim Webb's counlry.navoured "Wichita Une-man " enten the NME Chart a l No 30 1h 11 week.

    m;;'.fc ch11"a1:1:.~! c"'t:: "v':,:1~~~~1, ·• Th,y're n111 1uckin1 ll rl 1ht ciff the cnh 1ny mnr,. It '• mall:ln t lmp ■ ct

    hec:auH ll'I lllll e arth)' m l lHII I. u 11rlc• a nd 1hln11 thll happi:n 10 ,veryday peopl t .


    ::~• ~~-~ P~fl~e·•on'!1 11~~~1t ~h: banjo and a rhythm 1ul11r l1n·1 ·• e1:1un1ry," 11'1 Juit bad blue 1r1u . The new Nuntry IOI.ind la much amoothtr.''

    _ Cam pbell WH born In Dell1h1,

    fh:1:v1:n11~ 0:r 1~~Jv~h~~f1J'r~~• 1 1 11 ' ~;.:~ct~~,§l~h~~1~.'!':r11~!, s£~t a nd the P1p11. In 1ff7, h e made ·• Gentle On Ny Wind ," follo•td

    i~~~~fs.~11~h•~~y :i:~ T~':1:u!h~e~rr:! Tt'co1n lllon In lh t' U.S . ■ nd four • Crammy " ■ w■rd, - be■ Unr both

    Sin atra ■ nd Elvl1 .

    1h!'1tf·s~~~~;; 1

    ~~!11b~r.i~~~:t' 0:~~!

    ■p■rtmtnl bloe:ka, pl aya 101t with Bob Hopt a nd onct droYt h i• own 1old C■dlllac. H\1 wldt coun1ry boy 1mllt' I• no• lrlctd Wllh lhrtt thuuund dollar■ worlh gf tlppt d le■lb , JAN NIS ■ET .

    NEW MUSICAL EXPJU!SS On 5ale, Friday, week ending Fe6ruary 8, 1969

    As more groups split we 're getting nearer to

    AGE OF SUPERGROUPS CONSIDER a group with the following line-up : Eric

    Clapton, Steve Winwood, Graham Nash, Alan Price. Or alternatively : Jimi Hendrix , Jeremy Spencer, Bobby Elliott, Ian Anderson. Unorthodox certainly, but maybe not as unlikely as it seems. (See centre pages!)

    Thll, ., any rale, is the dlrec:• 1ion in which Klu.11 Voormann of Manfred Mann is t h inking. And he sees It as a d eflnlle th ing of the not-10- far•di11ant•fo1ure . e:n:,i;~t f,0e:?minb:u!~~~• . ~~d m~~•~ h t 'lUCnl IOW■rdl lh t t nd of '68 a nd now Into 'ti Ind the lnte re■ t betn1 ah own In " Jammln1." K l ■ ul leela

    :::~nth:u~~~e 11:,:.!~~dl ~o~r:r°t!:I~ ~ th e hi1 th lna:: .

    A 511Yln1ky a lbum w■a pl aylng 11 I 11ntertd Klau1'1 llny C:Gll111e Jun off ll1mp1tu d Hea th . Bee:■ ute of 111 ■ I l l!, It 11 (tU ll lnt 11 nd w■rm 11 nd bl!CII URt' fl l K I IU I' ■ h andi work, modern .

    Afttr • 1h grl d l1e:our1e on !he meri ts 111 S traYln■ky , Bach and

    ~r~!~~lin Kli0us :i"aty On~uh!~e r~:,:.~tu: : mu1IC:11n1 HW fll .

    " You could hne • crnup c• lled lhe Plumb Which wnuld d o l!flne:ut1 ■nd n■mH would turn up tn play," h e m111e d . " Nubndy wnuld knnw Whu WH 1olnc I ll appear. bul 11 would 11way11 be blJC n1me1 and they would 1ell nut."

    H, went on : " I don't think ptopl1 1h111 ld hllH 1.9 pl11y with the Ahll troi,pt •II the tlhl t . tn N11nfnd N,n n, w, .,. •II lndlYldual, .

    " I know Manfrtd hH hundred• of lhl n11 ID do, Mite HUii hll

    ::;:i~~-~!~l~:~~:~r p:!~:c1,i;"~1~:~ w1n1 to do ■ nd Tom hH some thln11

    r:1111-~n1:::i1t=~·111.e:: :1;J:e~i!~•1:~

    1he time. "ll wu my ldH, I ... that

    1varyon1 h•d other ln ternts •nd I

    ~~:~e~'wJ! -:::'!o~~,!!'~i;, ~n~·~i.: •I lh• mom1nt but I 1uppo11 •• 1h11/ do H Afflt' IOOntr or lalar.

    n;~/:'n~ t n 1 •~oifi~ toe~~t:::ne forw,: pl 1yl n1 Ju11 lhe 1■ mt II bt fore, aul umatlc■ll y. Tht re waa no difference, evuy1hln1 1ound t'd th e ume, ■ o I pul II forwa rd lh■ t we have 1hl1bre■t.''

    KIIUI 1111;) t ■lh In term, or I N ■n lred Mann album on which each

    Set members will be thing of the past

    says Manfred KLAUS VOORMANN

    lhrn '~!Z! :r~~eo!,hr~1.:u.J::~:~ \~~ 11 concerned only with d1111c:a and free,form pl 1y1n1. It 1hould be polnlld out that h e holdl firm

    ~~~nlo;!P on .;~:it' e•,1; :~:i~)' or1t~:i played by Man fred Mann.

    " I d on't like • J,'01 On The Run · much," he admllled. " 11 aoundl too much like • Mlahty Qutnn .'

    " I don ' t 11kt lo see 1roup1 !Mini promoted bll Jo•t because of • r.:::~.~ h! f at!~::. }~•~:ul~11~~~ tt~•,:: to know more ■ bou t mutlc, but I :~~ : ~ ~::!'.f, mind II they do~'I, lhey

    Al J le lt, which In Klau1 '1 home 11 1 1lmplt' m atter ol 111ndlns up ■nd

    ~~~/;lc1\~~ ' r;:,tt d°::{n:e J'nol~~edh~! ntl1hboun• front 1■rd en .

    .. They' re butldln1 a wall ," hi Hid wllh a wry 1m\11 "and !hey uhd me II I wanled on11, but l 'YI! 111n enuu1h In Germany,"

  • o n !Ul le, Friday, week ending February 8, 1969 NEW MUSICAL EXPRESS 3


    St8vie champions · the. under· ·dogs

    I WOULD like you to take a deep breath and listen to a few words from an 18-years -old pop star: " The

    confusion existing among the young generation today springs from a lack of encouragement. Consider all the great men of our day who came from underprivileged homes , and you will find someone in their past who lent inspira tion and e,1couragement at a time when they were needed most during their adolescent years."

    l hl' words cam e rrom S te vie r;==========;i w11nd c• r- und w hol I'd like 10 know

    :~ISCW~~~e ~~ne: ·i~~n~~

    1htnj!S like "Yeah, J:NS I " and wh,m I'm No. I rm ~onna buy

    ,n 'nuse ror m e muvve r, man?" 11 uem1 1hat Sllve It nol only

    ,1 , up, ,b song 11yll1t with nwmNn 11•• his . Ll'Wlilbam t,,:~~·:t,.~:~~:~!r0~~i~•"T:]!; CHllf ABC ( 13). Brliltol Coltlon Hall 114) .

    aANDWAC.ON ; Jhnchuter PrlnctP

    1!~~a~~~![:l:~;1: ,~~~•~~! NOODT ■LUU ; Sou1h1mp1on Unl-

    Vll'Ulty (I), London Cold•mllh eoue,, cu,.


    s~:o~1~ou~H:e~b ~ 1~n~fn1~:b T~~ Fnm ,:eb I lor ••• •Nil

    F ■E.ODI IE AN D THE DRUN IU.J; Cardlll' Tllo'•·

    HUNAN'S HERMITS; Sloc:l"por1 Poco Poc:o.

    SIMON DUPREE and the big sound

    Esroken Hearted Pirates Parh,µhone R5757

    Re-issue of their big single

    Can't Satisfy Stateside 552139

    MARVIN GAYE No. 1 I~ the U.S.A .

    I Heard It Through The Grapevine

    T amld Motown TMG686

    r WILLIAM BEL~ I Forgot To Be

    Your Lover

    l. sro, 110 ~

    r-Mr ACKER BILK1 C~RLA THOM~S I Like What You're Doing

    When I'm Away To Me C o lumbia 088SJ7 Sia• 112

    Arrlrl 11t In th U.I , f,t, 7U THE GIUATHT lt(COIIOING OIIGANISATK>N tN Jtlf WOftLO

  • 4 NEW MUSICAL EXPRJ!SS On .. le, Friday, week endlna February 8, 1969

    NICK LOGAN•s pen-portrait rereals

    1 I

    i CANNID HEAT plc:l11r•d durln9 lh,lr , .. , trip to ■ lltlTAIN (I. 1- r ,) -Hl:NlltY Y■STIN ■. AL WILSON ,



    LI BERTY Records took their time releasing Canned Heat', "Coing Up Country," follow-up to "On The Road

    Again," and hankly I had thought that the heat had gone cold and tflat this colourful bunch of characters would e nd up as another one-hit wonder.

    Stein~ t hem In the NME Chart aga in l11 l wttk mull prove aome-thln1, however, and In my mind it's thll the cool blues voca ls of Al WIison are rea lly creeping under the akin of 1hc Brlllsh reCOrd buylna public. It 's • voice like no o ther In the Thirty .. . wei rd, 1llky and Southern.

    The d lmculty I• tha t llh Scaffold, Cannendon clu b 1ppe1r1nce on their lul vblt. there Wl'!l'e 1ome membcfll o l lhl' 1udlence •ho fou nd their bl,:: 1M1u nd too mueh lo 11te.

    " Ow, bulc concept," ■ob told mo

    :~:::. : :.,:~;~ ~~-~-:::~rn•'°,..ri':~ pc,p or anything 11111 th11.

    " We Jull 1111:e Ind love lhe mu11t-W'l' pl1y. e nd U 11·1 popular 1hen wow. are Wt' hippy. II not - I'm loO try. Wt''Ve nev .. , ptelll'ndrd ID be whu Wt' 1rtn ·1 .

    Turned on •• t t l'fflt'mber I JOI lntt'rHltd In

    our mu1tc becau,e • bout lhret' ye1r1

    :rt"t 'u:1,t~: .. ':r~~!":,~Won~11:r!:'r~: Soulh i nd lhey re1lly turned me on .

    " When WC ,col J lltlcd WI! hid 1

    11~~!~ ~~~u1~1~:1ct:!;:.,, ~hrrp:~~~~e~t~ UHd tu p\1y In bc l! r bu1 1nd ploectt.

    1~nd b~ur P~::i:• "1r it~ rrhi•r\lor Heu;,;~ Wou ld you bd\i•vr th.- 11111' n ame Lllfl)'f'll t' Lute?! •• ■ob 1p1111t w ith anat and undl1-

    9ulsed 1dmlr1Uon If ■rll/1h b/1111

    ::::; t:\"u,::r.:~ ; :::. n::~r J::: pl1y1 pl1no 1n two trach of tht

    :_r:,u{it~~~com lna Lf' , which k

    Yl~~lJr:~h:'?i~et~1~.:"u:~. ~~1111':;

    •no:her blues c11uk onto the r"'°ra player In hi• holtl room , c101ln1 hh l'1el, 1nd lyln1 b1rll H ht' 1pollt " A real n ice KU)' , A 1rut ll ltnl MarYe llou1 . ··

    C•~~~e H:~"t.:!11~~b:tj!c1f:~~P;,; 1eehnlc1I trlct• i nd ml1e1 on 1h .. 1r r eeurd1 ,

    " Twe n1y )'ell'II 110." llld Bob.

    ;~:eo:~: 'i~!~tt 11~d l~~-:f ~-~'~:,r.~· Now 11 '1 poulble 10 record 11 traeb ind 1upe rlmpo1e lhem over. The••~ we ftel 11, why not UICI •II lhb

    !~1crh!.0 'J~~~~• :rr.~:ur,,i::~::: .

    Breaking " 11 '1 all , qu..-.llon ol brutlni:

    down prejudice - llh !ht' othl' r prejud\tt we encciuntl'r , which " 1h11 only Ne1ro11 c1n pl1y blut'I.

    "The,. htYI bt.lft MIO)' .c:c11k,n1

    :r..~~ b!~"d' ~ .. ~l':.~1-:~ ;,d1 :~1!! ,,~~•n•~i:!1f...,':'1~pu.'.~d1:-rt~~1~I=~•~ And that' ■ wtlat "'IIIH ,._w IHI 900d ln1ld1 ,"

    Promoter Arthur Howe1 h1 cur

    ~t:a'? ,:or~ ~fe 01~ p~~7: ,~or vf.i~n~: Brlt1ln In lltt' M1y. bu 1 unfortun1te

    ~-y~ =!u!': ~rr ,::: ;;:~~.;h~:1i : rommhrnent1 In lht' Sllll!I .

    They .,., hl1hl)' rffpe.cll'd in lh• U.S. , Ind otuin l'Ume 11 the rttel vm end of rl'Ylew1 11111' lhe onr m " Downbl'al " m1u11ln111 which 1pnk• ol 1h11m bt>lnr .. thnruu1hly tonva lllnl with lht' nurnerou1 ■ tyli ll h Vltllltln n~ ol th" po11wa r bhll'~ Idiom." ind h11,ln11 " a n 1lmt1) ~~:;:P,•t.-dlc llm.wlt!d111• of 111 .II •

    ... ,~ - bu, I alll l lhlnll lhl')'f

  • or sa le, Friday, week ending February 8, 1969

    Early tete-a-tete

    with Gordon Coxhill QAVID FROST may have initia ted working breakfasts ,

    but Gene Pi tney must run him a close second. It was coffee, cro issa nts and chat at 10 am in his room in t he Westbury Hotel, which might be better named Home from Home fo r Exiled Americans.

    r..,n,, fipo rtin,; a few ,; rey hairs, ,u.,Juccd me lo hl1 wife, Lynne, ho •~ accompanying him o n this

    "lf'I, und young 10n Tod who h1 I Ill the huhfol s laKe,

    l._11 111, Wit$ tlflhtly a nnoyt•d with I ,,. , h,•t'II UKl' ht• h11d fo r,iunen th ••

    111,_ lh1• lr ~t'tnnd • •cddlnR 11,- ,~.,ry JI 111·11~ unfor11lve11blt'" agr eed

    ••~1w1h1\ly III only a frw d11y11 ,,! Irr ilnl{l n~ 11 \ the Mldl'm

    •I In Ca nnt•II, I charlt' rcd • 1 ,,nd Wt• 1111lh•d IIJ San Rt·mu lo th,- pn,•• t who marril'd Uli'. n,.,r ~hould have r cmlndl"d mt•," • din• 1" JIIY, but I ' ll J"ay ii a ll """· tha, purpoJI• o l C1•nc'1 vl• II

    ,, ,umua l rnur 11f Britain, flu~ •~ ,ioln jl 111 ~ a h-nglhy

    hl' told mt• " Af1 ..- r tht• lou r ,

    .i:,t":,\~ ~;~r:;~bre~"'f.m 7 ' do11~: ,ff! ;1 1 Balh•y and Mlddl t•JI• l~h ll nd lht' h ' mlghl br ,.,. , 11· ,·rk ,u, m,•w ha,n • rill'," " rou' II se, 11 frw mt1re ,roll • ~ lhan 11.1011 1," I IUJfli:t'll tl"d ,

    'M OA BR IC:CS (Horb11ry, Yorks) : I ,., 10,1 ft'ld lht lrlbUh• to Buddy

    I •Ill INMF. l'tib, I) and I reel I " lo 11!II ynu Wha l I lhlnk of

    -~•· l~~-~-i- : ~n·1!~· ,lckenNS ..

    h~ve been by lhe goo which h~•a, n 1urnr d out for ten year,

    ·,udlnl( this man , He h H Men l'

    -~ ~•h &1u1~:,no~~~~I •::· any dlfftr■nt

    to lhl •• , , •• fa,•• I' m CDl'IUrn1d," conllnued Ctn, . "Last time •• IIYlrillld nln11y. four perc:enl ~•pH• lty, 11nd Wirt lht only 100, ID m11k1 illl}' 1110111}' ,"

    WIii a ny 11lni;:lr be r..J i,11l1cd durlnl, r.rna, '11 111ay~

    " No." h 1• n·plit•d . " I t11Jpl• tn do ■ome rrrc11dlng whlll" I 'm her• I'm Ju11 kl•cpln& my ftnjfr r ll r rOHl'd I r;in 11\'I a 11!udlo,

    m:·.~t h,~,V~ ... ~~~ f~"A~~~/~~ - ;~i,c~ht( day I arr lvt'd hnm,• 11fh•r my l u 1 Yil ll ht•rt•, I WH Ill .

    -~~ I ,~:d d~~~•~1fut':i .. 1~e 1111 htd ,-~~1r

    Edited by TONY BROMLEY Uvo:d 1hcrt• for a ye11r a nd I 11rtt thal reco rd• are mu OH lblr reaSGn for lhl• cnuld be 1he far1 that 11nl' ca nno1 hl ll'n to tt't'Ord1 In 1hll! J"torl'$ and there• for..-, i hupa nt'Cd mu pay out for t'IPl"n ■ IVII! boolM .

    ~ -. THE

    AlliO, m m y s turrs .-em 11 ln opcn up lo a:l&hl t'l'n houra nch day and know lhf')' will 11rll morr. All a lbum, are " fac1ory auled" and you 11110w lhe)' h ll vr nnl been pl •yed bc- lnrll 11 nd ,,mnquenll)' no \ 1cra tchcrl or da m111(rd when you buy 111cm. .;;;.;;;;;;;;:=::=:=:::==::, To&~~:fa hh•:r,: 11::1111nny•a~f ~~:,1:rf,; thl' ye.i r and It 1er:m 111 me

    ANNABIL ASTON (London NW.I} : I round J e thro Tull '• t

    :~\:., 1;.~r~U~t'~•rd~~ul~I .r:::01~•._, r~•~ wide eyl"d 1md thlnklnc how lurly I WH lo bc- able 10 srr 1h11 wnrld .

    " 1! '11 not lltc 1ha l any more, whrn lht• custom■ man a l Ulndon Alrpor1

    Hl,lio'. lllj C'Stu~t;, ho.:.!!'' !~In~; • U· tlt1m1 11 1 hHgonooutof th11Durl119 , bu l 1101 th1 p1rformln9 . I Iowa being on 1~91, and ghdng m1 but .

    " In cabarf'I ll '11 JU III lh1• ~amt·, l'ICl'pl ll:ilk 11 l011nnr1•lh1tnon ont'• nlghll•r1, ,

    Not pluuu•11 11 .. :od i:;:.' t {:":i~~irn ::;l1l.n~1::11~'.111: n1~ ho• · wond..-rful I thlnll you r pull"'-ma n H t'. Thal ill JI.O mN"hllnlrJI and phunl' )' ,

    "Lui lime In Batlt•y, I had lht·-t· papenprlnlrd,1aylni1fyou,uo1to a5k Mr Pllney a qur1llon, JUII •rill· II on the paper . I 'd read lht'll' through in lh1• dr r1111l n 1t room t>c lon• I went on. and p irk 0 111 llw lk•11.

    .. Tht• on,• lhlll Jl lkks In my mind 11kt1d ml' If I " '1111 l ra,t• l)l't " ' ' 'l'fl 11 t·r rt 11l n 1Jm1• each uf1rrnuu11 durin i; !hi' Wl't'k. And ir I Will>, th1• lady lhoughl w,• rnuld jfel lll l(t•lhl'f,

    " I 1huugh1 ii w111 quilt· fu'ln y, "u I r rlld it out , With ht•r n~m1·. It wai; un ly then Iha! f HW 111 1h11 bull1,m, ' ph.-1151' don' I n •ad 1h11' 1101 bt'!;'IIUM' my hu1b11nd I• hi,n• wllh mt• tnnhthl .'

    ,,1~p~:t•!r':'n~•y1a~fe0f~·~t. r:;~~::~' .. a

    lla\' mg to hurry bll nJO) I havln1t a makoMhlll pop nl'l•ork? Thi' BBC' 1'waY• J lrh·r• fo r profcuion11ll~m Rubin Srotl.

    r~r/~1;]rt,:~~::;;~~:!~ ~;d~-~r;d Tht' 11111w1·r lie• In pr..-uuri· on tht·

    ~1~1~r f~rr"':'ti._,1huenfo~?1!:'h1;~e-~l:r:,1;

    accrp l~ mnnl"f from pop mu1lcl11nli I bul dews nothln1t for them lo rl"l um . 11, bf' tranl"d on by lhc publk and thr pop muslr indu1\ry•

    MIKI MIKI is a highly talented young man. He must be because in the now-famous auditions held to select the Monkees, he came right through to the last half-dozen or so! Bur, although long experienced as a group artist, MIKI looks like achieving fame and fortune as a solo singer. His new record "DEAR AUNTIE MARY" c/w "A P iece of Heaven" (RCA 1782) is going great 6uns. If you haven't he:, rd it yet, don't worry-they'll :JI be playing it soon!

    THEARCHIES THE ARCIIlES-thar amazing cartoon-character group-haven't yet become widely known in Britain . Soon, however, their TV show nught be networked, and then, as they say in the States, it'll be "everything's Archie"! Their music's already been noted by an ever-growing number of fans, and here's a new release that'll please each and every one of 'em-"FEELIN' SO GOOD" c/w "Love Light" (RCA 1787).

    With their debut disc just released, THE ILLUSIVE DREAM. They write all their own material, including the new single-"THE ELECTRIC GARDEN" c/w "Back Again" (RCA 1791). And, they've got a terrific stage act! Look out for them.

    Golden-voiced CLODAGH RODGERS makes a very welcome reappearance onto the record scene this week. Her new release, "COME BACK AND SHAKE ME" c/w "I'm A Fantasy" (RCA 1792) has all the charm and quality that have made Clodagh the international favourite she is. Another strong C'Jntender for the charts.



  • 6


    t Surround Yourself With Sorrow (Parlophone) WRITTEN by the Eurovision-winning team ot Bill Mar-

    tin and Phil Coulter, this isn ' t as gloomy as the title implies. On the contrary , it 's a punch-packed up-tempo number, w ith a storming beat and fiery , all -happening Mike Vickers accompa niment.

    Cilla Black', lu sty snlo is BUDDY HOLLY : Lo111 1, Strang• suppon ed by enthu siAst ic chirp- (Na~!~dL'CI ,n Rud d>• 11 o11y•, r1 , 1 In inH fro m n g irl group, and 1,u 1hl11 had 1hc rhythm •ecllon there's a repel ilive chorus which 11dd1!d In 1n.- 11udln11 1 rcw weclui rapid ly grows on you. ~~:~:i n; c 11~h~ ~;i;i~l, ~~~~~c:~~1~~~

    Do n' t th ink 1his Is nne u f C i11 11 's wer~ duhbt•d nn rt'rcnlly. be,; t dlsr s, hecuuse It does nol y011 know lh t 1J.DnA, of c:011r1-1t

    ~=~:d 1:i~s. 1~:t~~! n~~~l~-al!m~:~ w-:u: ~~ .. ~Sh s ~~1~0;.,1h:r:::~:Y\ cm conte nl w e've come to ex pe ct fro m frum buylnJi 1h 11, bt't'aui;c- 11 '1 r cpre• Marlin a1,d L n u lle r . Rut TV CX · Jtn•• llve 11 1 •nmennt wtm•• had an pn,i 1,r t cou ld \\ e ll carry it. ln llu 1•nn: nn p,,p Jnr 12 yun

    Otis' 'iWy Girl" one of his best

    NEW MUSICAL EXPRESS On sa le, Friday, week endln,t February 8, H,M

    Bedrocks beading for 'dirty' /,it

    * The Lovedene Cirls (Columbia) QH, very shrewd, you Bedrockli! Following the success of

    " Lily The Pink", the boy, have taken anothe r (and even dirtier) rugby song, deaned up the words and trans-formed it -into a catchy and rousing pop 1in1-•long.


    The t itle may not. be familiar to y 011, but I'm s u re you'll re-COAnise the melody-and you' ll soon he sin~ing It at every party or pub you visit.


    MATURITY A GIANT step forward towards maturity and durability by the Love Affair. This is a totally different sound from the group's previous single - a powerful ba llad with a solid beat, intense ly and movingly solot!d by Steve Ellis.

    And he benefits from an imAglnallve stringy backing, which arranger Keith Mansfield has brought to the fore, lo the exclusion or the familiar bus y bra ss s ection.

    s till a s trong eno ua h beat for

  • On sa le, Friday. week ending February 8, J969 NEW MUSICAL EXPRESS

    IIIJOP3D (WNk endlng Wednesday, February S, 1969)

    ALBATROSS .. ..... .... .... .... .. .Fleetwood Moc (Blue Horizon) 4 BLACKBERRY WAY ......... .......... . Move (Regol Zonophone) 3 FOR ONO: IN MY LIFE .. ... ... Stevie Wonder (Tomlo Motown) 2 4 OB·LA•DI OB·LA·DA .••.• ....... .. ..•• .••..• .•• . Marmolode (CBS/

    FOX ON THE RUN .• ..... ..•.••..•..• . Monlred Monn (Fontono) 6 SOMETHING'S HAPPENING .... .. Hermon's Hermits (Columbia) 7 YOU GOT SOUL .•. ... ...••••.• .... .Johnny Na,h (Mojor Minor)

    PRIVATE NUMBE~ ...... ... ... Williom Bell & Judy Cloy(Stox1 11 12 DANCING IN THE STREET

    Martha & the Vondellos (Tomlo Motown) TO LOVE SOMEBODY .•. .... ..........••..... Nino Simone (RCA) 3 10 HALF AS NICE .. ... •.. .......•• .•. .. Amen Corner (Immediate) 2 11

    16 12 PLEASE DON 'T GO ... ... ......•..•.•.. Donold Peers (Columbia/ l 12 24 13 l'M GONNA MAKE YOU LOVE ME ......•...• . Diano Ross & the

    Sup,emes & the Temptations (Tomlo Motown) 2 13 11 14 STOP HER ON SIGHT .•.....•..... ... .... Edwin Storr (Polydor) B 11 9 IS LILY THE PINK .. ....... ... ... .... ... .... Scaffold (Porlophone) 13 1 ll 16 I GUESS I'll ALWAYS LOVE YOU

    Isley Brothers (Tomlo Motown1 4 ll 10 17 BUILD ME UP BUTTERCUP ....•....•....•....• Foundotions (Pye) 11 2

    I PICK A ROSE FOR MY ~OSE .. Morv Johnson {Tomlo Motown) 3 18 PEOPLE..... ............ . ... .•..•...•.•..••. Tymes (CBS) 2 19 WHERE DO YOU GO TO ... ... ... Peter Sorstedt (United Artists/ 1 20 Q~ICK JOEY SMALL

    Kosenetz•Kotz Singing Orchestral Circus (Buddoh) 9 21 LOVE STORY ..... .......... . ... .. ..... .Jethro Tull (Island) 4 22 MOVE IN A LITTLE CLOSER BABY .....•.. Harmony Gross (RCA) 1 23 THE WAY IT USED TO BE ..•. Engelbert Humperdinck (Decca) 1 23 LOVE CHILD .... Diono Ross & the Supremes (Tomlo Motown1 11 11 MRS. ROBIN\OW (EP) ... .•... .....•.• Simon & Garfunkel (CBS) 1 26 SABiE DANCE ..• ...•... .•.•..... love Sculpture (Porlophone) 10 6 HEY JUDE.. ......... . .. .......... Wilson Pickett (Atlontiq 3 24 SOUL SISTER, BROWN SiiGAR .......... \om & Dove (Atlantic) 2 29 WICHITA LINEMAN ...........• .......... Glen Campbell (Em~er) 1 30


    (Tomlo Motown) THE BEATLES .•• .•...... . . .. .... .. .... ..... (Apple) 10 THE BEST OF THE SEEKERS ....•..••. (Columbia) 12 THE GRADUATE .•••... .•.• ..... ........•.•..• Soundtrack (CBS) 12 YELLOW SUBMARINE •.. .............•..••.•..... Beatles (Apple) 3 SOUNC OF MUSIC. .•.•.•.... .•........ .. .. ... Soundtrack (RCA / 99 THE WORLD OF VAL DOONICAN .... ... .. ...•...•.•. .•.. .. (Oecco) BEGGARS' BANQUET .....•.•.••. ... .. ... Rolling Stones (De«o) HAIR ..• .•.. .. ....... ••.•... ... .... .•.••.•. london Cost (Polydor) FELICIANO .. ....•..•.••..... .....•...•.. ... .Jose Feliciano (RCA) 11 LOVE CHILD .... Diono Ross & the Supremes (Tomlo Motown) 2 11

    HOLLIES' GREATEST HITS .•..... .. .. .. .. .. ........... (Porlophone) 24 1. HELP YOURSELF .... ... ....•..... ... ...... .•.. Tom Jones (Decca) B 6 BEST OF NAT KING COLE •...... . ..•...•.•.•• ..• ..... ... . (Capitol) 2 11 MOTOWN CHARTBUSTERS VOL. 2

    15 YEARS AGO T•p Ten lt$4 WHk end ing Peb 5 l l OH NEIH PAPA, Eddlll!

    C1ht.r t CColumblel 2 2 BLOWIH' WILD, Funlllr

    Laine 1Phll lpl) J J CLOUD LUCKY SRVl!N,

    Guy 111111!:hfll (PhJllp1) l • THAT'S AMO.I!, Dun

    1111er11n fCapltoU • s IIAGS TO II ICH U, David

    Whllftrld ( Dtttll) l • TH I HAPPY WANDE II R• ,

    Obulllrthen Children·• Choir fParlophone)


    • I :c:.ns~E~u ~~~r•oi:,~:~tt,. Laine fPhlllpl)

    I t SWEDISH RHAPSODY , 11111n1ovanl (Orcul

    4 U CHICKA ■DO M. Guy Ml!• r hrll IPhlllp1)

    Various Artists (Ta:nla Motown) 1 IS

    The Sandpipers Spanish Album

    AML 128 (M) AMLS 126 (S)

    Claudine Longet Colours

    AML 929 (M) AMLS 929 (S)

    Lee Michaels Recital

    AMLS 928 (S)

    Oi1tribu1ed by Pye Reco~s (»Jes) Ltd .• A.T.V. House Great Cumbert1nd PlKe LOl'ldcH, W . I. I

  • 8 On sale, Friday, week ending Feb ruary 8, 1969

    New Musical Ezprass


    RAY CHARLES ls to undertake a nin e-day Brlllsh tour In early autumn. Aecom•

    panled by his own orchestra and the Raclet.s, he will play concerts In major venues and-subJttt to a pproval by the Mu1lclan1 Union - wUI alq all.r ln a TV spec.Jal. The tour ls btlna promoted by the Harold Davison Oraan lsatlon whlch ls also settloa ute_ visits

    ~.~~r°!►, ' T';:.:_e~,!~0 (~=t,e/ ~t Odobtr 12) and the American Folk. Blues &

    Go/~1M~~:T.zi~~~~e'; ~~~v~~: Ji!fi lo Brita in neltt month, and dates now conflrmed

    ;i:yafi:::i~'l11 .f,j!h(at•~u~~~~~~d 7~fflp~e"1Z) Bi rml na ha m Town Hall (10), B■■lldon Arti Cenue (1 1). Keele University ( 12), Croydon Falrfleld tfa ll (1 3), Southamp1on Unlveraity (1 4), Manchea:ler Free Trade Hall (15), Bri1to l Colston Hall (1 6), York University (1 7) and Bradford Unlvenlly (10).

    lh'! +::, 0:l~~~e~1.i~!~~1':!~~~ :!u:1~ A::1~Ml~~~f and Woody Herman lour !April 2S•May II) - for wht, h ,ompl .. tc IUncrarln have alrudy be-en re-purlNI In lhe NM£ - and the Jiml Hendrl1 Bl • iwricnrt' '1 Nn1•.-rt : I London Royal Al ber! Hal l on Tund1y, rcbruuy 18_

    C-&-W FESTIVAL NETS BIG NAMES L JN:~~l~ rn ' Con!~~tlo: a:irn:::mbf:.: 1~~~1; Poo l on Saturday, April $, II now nearing comple1lon. 11 Includes Jeannie C. RIiey,

    ~1!7 ; :;~~on,~ ~~e~n~!~ ~:r'11J.n~~~!!~~ t"::i"1! tt:~ 1b!v1~1s~1:~,:~11a: 'i,:T'A~~ :ady ~"!~'[ J1111~e •;~111!~":,~!~e~:.■,f:es Lin the show, which 11 compered by Wa lly Why lon, Murray Kuh arid D1vkf AUen.

    Anulhn IUidin1 c••·,. arll!!ot v11111n1 Brl1a1n 1, Ruck 011H·n\, Ill hit will llu In roneC' rl l al Ll\•'C' r • P"U I tmplfl• Ufarrh " and l.llndon Palladlum .,, Guuar1t1 ChC"I Alktnl b bl'1n1 1e1 Jor a ll'n• day f!nll • h mur In May All tht':!l{' l'•· ·• u•n tUrl'■ i'r,• tw1n1 prnmnlrd by J.l {' rvyn Conn .

    Chambers Bros due U ·! ·1s1::u~r1~!~pin ~~r~h~:rbe:!nt:: ~lh:~ TV. Afl er a ltn-day Europun tour-focludln1 d ales In Bru11el1, Stockholm, Am1 lerdam,

    !"::fveen~:9t!t.'!rJ: :~a:'!~l 21. ~. ~:.~~~n': day (22), the a roup gue111 in BBC• l '1 "L&ilu Show." It 11 a lso booked for a concert a t London Roundhouse o n Marc:h 29 acmmr,anled

    :;,,-& lhae wh~~~,f.~' t ~o'r:on~i~er~ :!k~nd~t l~; ,urren lly belna lined up. * POPLINERS * K JN;ah~•;:n~ •;i!e~:;:~~r:'hlie ft:1!~Jn:n1:~ sbow-buslnu1 t h arltp 50Cet:r match: h t had to cantrt rtto rdtnr 1n11on, plannC"d for 1h11 weell • £1tn dale for .... ,.11011 11 lh1borou1h Public: Hall nH1 Monday CIOJ . • Llltuu_. cabarct Wt'l'lr at Balle, V1rl1ly Club from Marth 2 • ~~~~~:~:~;; ;r:t:lr~li~-: ~:rr:r, ~l~~;ur~ ~::a~

    1rl1:r.a 1t!'{ed10r:r 0t~·:;c:0~~0':, ~~~~~ .~i


    LIBERACE flew into London on Tuesday to begin work on an ATV series of hour-long specials for world-wide screening. There will be a minimum of ten shows - and, in this country, they are

    expected to be screened on Sunday nights in the sprine followine the Tom Jones series. Engelbert Humperdinck, Dusty Springfield, Cliff Richard, Anita Harris and Shani Wallis are among fir~t guest bookings for the Liberace specials, which are being filmed at Boreham Wood Studios, Elstree.

    JERRY LEE IN TOM'S SHOW ~~ Mann, Ryan, Move, Quo dates .~

    The flrat show is to be re-

    ~~~~e~.S~~~~e:~n;~~~fey ~,~ man ituestln/i' Dusty Springfield

    ~8io~err[1~~m~te ar101l~wf~: week - and this will probably be the first or the shows to be tnnsmitted in Britain. Likely .screening t ime 1.s mid-May.

    JE~:!e~E~.1;!:,.1; ~sra•:se 1::et~ ~~s;n ~e~~ 0~~ TJ3~;n!~0•J~r ~ ;~~~~- ~~:~ ~:;.; Anita Harri• 11 booked for the

    Jones, Manfred Mann and the Jncredlble String Band have been added to the guest 11st for C~:',,W :1~~=~d 0=11~:bJ~ai/~.~~: the Julie Felix series. A host of new bookJngs-lncludlng the Move, the Troggs, Long John 26 recordlna . Datea have not yet Saldry and Duane Eddy - nas been announced for Granada~1V's "Discoth~." Also set been aet ror Engelbert ind Shani

    r:rto"::r~ aanuoeU:e:':lt1:1'!.:Ce :ri:: l~e~:':Fr:,~arry Ryan and Status Quo. 5 O'Connor ~:1i ~m,::~niii1~~e.n ~~~~; J erry ~ e Lewis will be principal ------- -------------~

    a uest lt■ r In the Tom J one:1 special w hich ATV netwo rks o n Sunday, March 30. Other bookinp fo r the fi rst nine 1how1 In 1h11 series were fully reported in Jut week'a NME.

    ,~:t~. ~r:=.;~;~:,. ~:!~~:.J:r: Olhtr 11•• bookl1111 lncludt Jack .Jon ... a11d lhl llr■wb1 (22) , r.:it';•d(!"•!ic,h1!1 a8.:1°·1~i 1dlllon , ... 111rl111 th• nvnlon of :::~ t!".:a~~m ll~prln1n.,d 1, pvt L■ IN I llne, up lor Cnn1d1·1 .. D11·

    nithtque" n rlu 1, the ll oH. U~:• :~G;' v°u~~~

    U tl : Duane

    ·n~~ ,.,


    DUSTY Sprln11fi•ld bee n bookC'd for an lmponant caba rel IHIOn al New York's famed Copacab■n• - t: er fin1 at this , enue. She mes to Amer ka In u rly May for a month•IOn.l 1 1.■ y , hair of whkh will be devoted 10 her Cop1 soson. The re mainder of her

    :~11~ 1:i

    111cG~er! :C~tro':.~,~

    lhe Sta te~. l t 15 not ye1 cleu when

    Duti ly wlll comm en ce work on n ew HBC. I ser ies, but le .seems probable 1he will film two o r three 1how1 befo re her U.S. trip Dnd complete the. , e. malnd er aft tt hitr return in June. Dully ■110 plans to pl1y British concert datu towards the •nd ot lhe year, following hs li te s ummer cabH et sea-50n a t lhe Ta lk Of The To wn.



    Allen Klein to help Beatles

    L 0~!n A~~~:: :r~. 11!~1~1fi'0.:1~0 w~:~~nn~~ ,f~•~s.,1:h ~~~:eo!~ :~o~J;o_ie Ji~~c!:w ~1~fhbet~io~':.fn1~11:~f l~~!n::eo:~w~~f a:::in:h:!


    rl ' "i~y w~~~:~ ~? ~~~~r~ ~

    0i:d~~l~s: ;,~

    1!edsu,~daln1~I~ - ---------, corJ!lel1rr~r,.: ~:1~f r 1 11r.dlobe1 n1

    dlrtcltd and prod 11eed by Mark t:dwud1 or Eyemarlt PUm1. Thret bl1•n1mc IUHII ■ r e btlll l IP•

    ~~:~~~e~ li:,,:rr:~1~r11th!n't1: ,Ir~ C:"oon:~~~d "::•nTsoml'~1: •::n1~1 w\~ Bril1ln and on 1he Conunu1

    A1cn1 Danny Betnh llle1 10 America In late March to ■ et up a U.S tour for the 1roup. lh : WIii talle I C'Opy of lhc lllm •Uh him, Wilh • view lo lr1ntml11lon In the S111n

    le1,1J representation to be secured for lhe 13 LS E SIUd• ent1 who hive hid writ.I lefVl'd ll tt :tlnsl lhcm. ~le Townshend of the Who has Invit ed the Small Faces and 1evna l other I C:11 10 appear In the show - bi.·t, as we t:~~ed for nre11, 1he rema lnd~r of th e blll 11 not ut.

    info on this The last TURTLES single was a bouncy bit o f fun . and had a very good run in the charts The new one. 'You show ed ms : ,s a comple1e change of mood. and in my opinion should do even belier chart -wise The muo 1s full o f moody organ and sl1d1ng s1nngs, and moves into a gen1le and ms1s• Ian! melody h's a sub tle blend of vocal and ms1rum~n1al harmony. and all very warm and lovely Tho number ,s HLU 10251 on the London label

    •ranee lrom May JI e Adatuonal cxbarut •N•lt ·or Herma•'• Harmlts 11 Birmln1h1m C1vend11h ='• I'~~~, o'!·hn' nP~/,e:t:'a1~n:,~.::, 1~1!i ..ondon Joyal Alber! HIii on February 24 has beC"n llnttlled. 1nd will no• take plac:o at I later dale

    Leapy Lee hu 1l1nod th ree Don• c111cr mu1ld1n1 H hl1 permanent b1c1t1n1 1roup. They an lead JJUUar· llt Val Talbot, b111111 J ohnny Dodd1 and drummer Peie Thornlon (former• Jy or Due Berr1'1 Crul1cr1J

    Watch o u because tht one. 'Fade mid -tempo guitar breq l It's on Dec1

    45 rptnrKOl'dl O TM Dec.Q RtcOfd Company l1mi1td o,cc• t!OUH Allier! Fmba

  • NEW MUSl~At. ttXP~ESS


    Th 1 SQUIRES hav1 brOktn IWI)' lram Tom Jon n, attar 1l9ht Jl&n ■I hll bacldnt ,,.wp, 111 ord1r to HO 111tcu1 •• an ,u,actkln In th1lr -n right, Thay haH bHn •1ned by MCA Atd rd1, and lhtlr first plo 1ln9l1 " Gamn P.opl1 ,ray" - p,.d11ud by Tom's manager, Gonion MIiii - 11 nlH•d n1•1 •Hk. Commtr0.1d Tom : " 11'1 a complet1ly 1mlcabl1 parting, and It

    . comH about b1cauu I am now u1111 bl1 t.o II H th1m for more than lhrH mi>ntha e.try ,. .. ,, du1 to th1 nuurt of my cemm ltmants," Our plc:tur1 1how1 (11rt lo right si..nd lng ) n1wc:o'"er MIKE ff■VENS who hH J111t joined thl 1re11p •• Yl'!CIIIII , V£Rf40N HOPKINS and CHRIS SLADE, with

    91LL PAAklHSIN IUl1d In frOftl.

    Mac's 'Albatross' notches a million

    wo~~:~'r~o:o.•~l~~o~'i:~~~1~~~ :~~~: ,;/::~~ •~;;k :h!~:c~:: 1lon - h■ve now passed 1hr mi llion mark IO qualifying the 1roup tor

    d,i~!~to~;;n~:i'e•:.d- cc!:eer ~~~l!~sh~~rt~~~ =~~ :;~,;!"!~aJ1i e:Jf~: orchestrH - Including Mantoun\, Roberto Mann and the London Pops OrcheslrL

    Al e1clu slvrly rcpurtrd m 1;i,1 NM£, Mat' begins ii linl l\11 conccrl tour wllh B. B Kw~ ~t London Roy ■ I Albert Hall on AJml 22. Add! linn■ I d11t'~ now H'l Jf

  • 10 NEW MUSICAL l!XPRESS On sale, Friday, week ending February 8, 1969


    l..nd 1ln1u .HluutJ J•ll•.,.n. 23, lrom Pklrlda, drlvH lhh, lour-man po•t'rhouR unit 10 ltiUI hd&hb, •• Ult')' p it)' and ,n1eorla1n with vultd lt'mpn'd

    ~i,v1r'. •l~-~~r::t'~IIP«J~•l rlmab~~ ~~,.~ o~11'Hc!~r::~:~ 1~:~,u~:: hu... 11 nd with It tr\! t'IC•l'n Dlhl't pul.111tln1 trub A bit

    [~!;1"!~;1~11 n~n~hcpla~ou:u1 T!f1~ lh,: v.rv,• fl f Ta"'la and Jt•I hlYl' lhdr own 11)'11' Oth ■ r t ltlu: Wh a n Lav, Hu

    GG,1a Away, Stonad Soul Picnic, I Wl•h II Wauld Rain, Yo11 ■ ltw Your CHI A'ld LUI Yo ur FHI, TOIi , PHpla C.t To •• Fnt, Clrl From H1rl1m, Ara ,-,u Re,tll y For This?, I Ain 't LJht', D!.,n ' t Ltl It In , ■aby Hall t Your Own SwHI Music:.

    ·• •• 1'10 FA UITCUN CO.: GOODY GOODY GUN DJtoi,s C•1.1ddi1h, 20lGUI )

    Thll r.lrahthl •fnrward bubblegum rnl"lr.l'r~ art• ill II ilaaln and II I• rl'fNMihlnl[ 10 hear IKl mC" un, u1mplki1lrd happy lun("'J il,Cilln 1hc:lr m1.1•Ick Thi, b a Tony


    1fnJe~d:,~cl~: .r:h~~j;• R~~-

    /1 quick IQ 111tow 11111 ht''I loal nnnt' " ' hl1 famuu. \'l't'II I J))'rllll'C'hnl1'1,

    In !his lively rhythmic ballad , h1 '1 1rta ltd t.o an enHIOplng b1d1ln9 a nd voc:al gro11p.

    ACC'Cp1i11bh•, 1,ut ,, .. ralht!r an ordinary a.0111:, and hi! nr,•rt• much lilronircr 11lmmlcll m111t•ri11 I U he'1 KIJlllfl h• rcei~h•r aJacn a ftt"r 111 111 1t•n11th1t1 l11p11•

    Recommended MOYING FINCEII : lliK l1 t,r And

    lft1he r IMerl'llryl Ont' or l'lub• l1nd'1 IIVoun tf' ~roup• wllh a M"Ort1lin1 loc- lap pcr. Splflll!d aolo voc.-11 , a111c-tln~ br1u, or1an, ve, h111nt"n l chan llnic and ii drlvln1 bea t malr.c ll sound !Ille lh l! Found■ • Uon1

    YOUNC BLOOD : Thi! Conl(nulnc Slory Of 8UnJl: il lOW 8111 fPye) . If you l'OUldfl'I affo rd lht' 8t"at1es• d t1 ubl r-L1•, llt're'a; llnnther nf 1hc lfill'kl l'IIH•n"d II a 11n,1.- And a lparll llnic vcuion II II loo,

    EARTH OP'EIIA : Am.-rlcan Ea,rle

    FP!~;:~;~;~i~::~r£n1!~r~I~ nl ch•nx-ln11 mnod~ Ind ll!mpos-but wllh In undelyln11 h ■ rd r •• A~



    !~l~~1'!.' ~~l•:~~1,i On)' 1frl l'Ul1 I B11t"h


    11r11ch Unld numhi•r , •h1· ;mfumalln lly iwund• lllr..- Uhinn1• wa,wirll' And Ayi.hra II nn t••reptirln l,IIHn,r ml' lodk numh1·r, wllh a ra,1 hm,aa 1101t11 lr mpu

    WIEDGWOODS: {' luurlv IC11h11nbta) Wrl ltt•n by J>i.ul Nh nur1 and 111 S1•1•lr.r.-r Hrun• Wu11dlt•y, 11111 h, a snappy 1Ud lyrir,.lly dl'llt.'riplh1• numtK- r in lht• lnlll •bl·at ldh,n1, Ap Pf'llllmat humonh•J - LIii llk r lh,• ~••ell••r•. 11,, 1 .. mun· lnrn·ful

    !:,:~~f.:~lt!i~~{~' t;f,11~!a1 IMd and In c:omplele rontrill t lley Girl t ll ry HO)') r ea lly rorhoul ,

    MELANIE •oRH TO •E (•11ddah, 20>01'} 11 a yuu nir lady who •Ina, In ii 11ra1111e. arre1tln1 Wil)', .. If 1hr nn ' t qu l1t, re• mem ber l he word• fur l he 1un~ at llmta). Shl' wrule moll of lh,• a.un gi. a nd 11 a 1ar1 o r

    ~.~:~::r.f:.0•c~~~::1~~~~; •::;I; II• Saylnr Hi l l'rll)'t"fll lnr a nother trlll"II ln1t•r e•t1ni: ll lbnm


    llil ;uted III way-ou1 d11•11,. d•• ·

    :.1r~·:,•r:~!nf:>~l':dd~~~~ rn1111

    r.!~r don, lht·n w,•nt In lhl' Sll h•t. 1111 "llllll'rll - ,.,,m 11lrl11 11nd lwn mt•n - 1111d h1•r1• ill lhdr hr• I I. P. Full u f Wt·lrd 111undi. • nd ra 1h,•r 11tr ■ i11l11 lnrw11 rd ilnd

    ~~~t i lh~!"f1'.~l~a. •i, ~~::h •:..~ on lh1• 111.-cvc. C.rah a;m Nuh prod11ced the. LI'. lil' hlt-h l'f

    ~~1\~~;ll lit• '::~m~~~11iind ?~~~·;.'h nl b11i,:plp1•11, Ion

    NAN RIWILATION (i,y, . NSi,L llZJS} are a fou r ,man 1 roup who produf'e pJl"nly or Instru-men ta l tound ror IO le•. and add IKl ffl ll lllnlly voca l 10und1. I Hll rd lhe punch)' Pll)'in1 on piano, nrran , 1ul1ar, harp, drum,. pt"rc1111lon, and th l' Idea or lleepln1 1he lnltru• mrnlal rnOrt" o r lea, at ral11ht . whlle dl1tor1ln1 the voeals. ■r• l'Grdt'd a l Sw1nlC!a'1 Lan111nd Hot,rl a nd In P)' II Studio,. Wnnh a ll1h•n , All 1nclla writ• 1r n within 1h.- 1 rnup, mosu , by Ro111r LNnard.

    SHAKIY YICk (~J't, NSi,L 1127')

    e1:r.1n!0-~~:t .~'J'0 ,; • .,:i~,c!

    IKI Und (roin Crallam Ykhry. TIIII LP ..... r t"mrdt"d ll\lr a t Mother'• Club, Blrmln1h1m. Th11y prnduec • nltt d eep In• 1trumin1al IOund, like ea rly

    ~rI:!i:~::~if!!~n~b:r~tI~~ Lan111m1n , 11111d a thro111y ban IOund lrnm Nlg •I Tltkltr, Prom l, ln11 .

    ASSOCIATION cwarntr, 17U}

    r!:~1 n": wr~~-'~cf:1h

    t"fh l' •11

    ~01k Id iom The llel (l'I IH,c'ltll l lht"l r

    ~~ rr;~~~!1n!111

    :,;• 1r!'":•n 1J n1 !-~

    J~•; !~u"Jr, •~:}n~:"~j, h:1~~~ 1·on1r1111 11 nd pr1>of nl lh t' v,r, lill llllly 11( lh t' 1dni:Jn1111mup

    CODD VALUE Two o r Dtc:c:a'1 THe WORLD OF

    t~L~~- rsi~•d 11:1 ~:· e~1r1fctr o~~~ 11!~~/~1'• Ar'1~l'l~~:i:.,n•~~•~'J· t.~~c:.: A l.llllt' l,nvtt i.nd MAX BYCRAYES ISPA 111 nlh- r ln11 Tullp11 t•ru,n Am~1t•rd111n , Con-t. ld ~· r Your11•1f , Yl>U Nt•cd ll ano, :.nd It', A Sin Tu T,•ll A Lit• 111°~:f ~':::mdo: ·!1,b~~1' Arch 1h,· ~tiRr~

    11·~r;·r ,~~t:t ~:,·:r,._ 1.-~

    Tony Halc:h, •ob Nlll tr, Lendon "•P• Orc: llntra 1mnn11 n 1her11, and So11nd1 Orchu 1,1l, \.'1•r1 tuu,•· ful .


  • 110 sa le, Friday, week ending February 8, 1969 NEW MUSICAL EXPRESS II


    Rosy future for Peter S.

    111r n d that U ont peuun Wlnll'd 111 ltavc they lhould clH 111 mnnlht wrlnen notice lo the olh t'U. The re wc,re nner any wrlHen n,n tra cb helWHn UI .

    ' 'JudlUI felt that t hl w1n t1d to dav1loph•r-nyolu, l 1uppo111h1 fitt t In t0m1 way llmlted within lhl aroup, end 1h1 aav, her noUu so w, kn ew •I• month• before that 1h1 w11 l11vlna.''

    But nowadays it goes almost unnoticed Thb , ltn.1c-e pulnled out. J:IYt' !ht'

    rrmaln1na: three Um, 1n re•lht nll and malll' their nwn dcc11Lon1. Al n happened, lhe 1pli1 111nll plare and nnw Athol !1 in Au.iraha cn,nper lna: hi• 11wn TV ,how and ft r uce is wrl!ln1t " down 11ndcr."

    " I went bltll to Au1trall1 and met a fri end of "'In•, David Jonph, a nd h11v1n tua lly b1um1 my m1n191r," IC1llh went on . " I um, bull to Lor1don lo worll, m1lnly b1uu11 of the popula tlon dlff1r1nu bttwun Au1lr■ ll1 Ind England.''

    A recurdlll l tcmlract with Phlllps WH ne1n1l1 ted 1r1d lht'n lhf' t ubj l'cl

    ~e 1h;;n~e ~~•m:


    11 r ~~~~•d ~-'~~ ,:~•~ 1revlewed 1111 wcd1) .

    " It WII lt'DI In th r Set'lll'n In Glu1r,w l'hih lHn month• 110 by a CilUWl'li■ n Ullt"d Rnnnle Dunlop.

    bu! I netier 11w 11 Wht'n I w1nt tn Phlllpit, l'addy f lemmln11 came up Wllh II a111:aln , plut lwn olhl' ra. We w■n l ed lu dft lhref' numbar• 11 lht• •eulon a nyway"

    One of •h1t 11 lhe r n11 m her1 w■• " Santa Marl" " which ll ■ rl )' WIide 11 nd Ronnll' Sroll wrott 111 th l'rf' m,

    t~~nQ~11 ~hneJ' J':t:0r1n':~~,nl?!. u~~: Therl' And 1!¥1't)'Wh ere." Thf' WIid t'• Sr otl number enn1u1lly heu mc 1hr " ll"tldt"

    Harmony catch up on Sandie

    ff1GH on the ll1t of peopl e


    th~H N::ri:::1i this wttk, will be none other than Sa ndie Shaw.

    " Wt' bll'kcd her 111·hen 1he WH ~1111 S■ndr■ Cundrlch," Ton)' Rivut,

    :::: . 5: r ?,u&r ~~~=~ . •:: "!~~~IIT~~! Rl•tn • nd !ht, CUlawa)'• ■ I Thal

    ~:,:~r dl~~!~1r'l'

    we rou\dn'I llnd !i1 ndlt". She Wll '° nervou1 shl' burtil ou l tr)'l n .11: , and h id 5nml'whert,.

    " Hut al !ht ncond hou•"• l hl' WllJ S rH I. Tht, Roull'lll'S were,

    ~oi~chir~a:'.• IC~·h:~: w,:~~nbal~ •:~ !>IUll'd for Sandif' , and WI' gut 1tf l llehlnd ."

    Hut m,w, it 's lhc turn ut lliirmony Gr■H a nd lht'l r hlrtnOO)' opu11 , ·· Muv'l" In A Liltlt• Cluu• r . Baby "

    Surprised HARMONY GRASS (I. to r .) : TONY F•RGUSON, KINNY 111:OWI, TONY

    .. I th ink •h•n "'· S"llers br•II• up, th• otdar pa911l1 tho,,9hl of It .. IMlnt I M n w I d11t1hter," K•llll U1•1t91'1t . " Th•r hetd UII SHlten Ylf")' dMel)'.''

    Apa rt fr om 1 11 hit

    i~~~: \i:"~;"~}~:~r done up - U 1uth make o l Cir •Ill p l':rmll IUCh I phr11e - a nd h 11 plant for the o ther three. One , he polntrd ou1, b 1 heane currenll)' r t1td ln1 In NHtden llotpllal!

    Ue It alto thlnt;lnc 1bou1 • return trip 10 Stamford Brld1 t to tee Chtlll'I pl&)'. He WU I retu,11~ 111ltltor lhtre one,, upon I time wlt.b Bruce Woodle, hll bl'en AWOL or 11te.

    he•• !rd -~rlh11 ■• t8n'!ii~~e~~u~~ :~; hue htard .he war er)' • up Tlle Cherr ies.' ,:,111en·t JOU? Oh! You

    ~c;!!.~r ~~~:~11 J!:nt~~? .:J:,~.~artr.~: 11round! Ah. thll'I s.z.u. , No, 1 l h (nll I 'll 10 lo C h tlll'I, II ICtUnds ll l !!r." ■AOWN a nd TONY MARSHALL.

    ~u·; /~•i~y T::~e r;rJ~~~· co.~\~n:wi't~~ r;::::::::::::::::::::===========================, 10 harmony ■ nd melodic &luff , f'o r

    t~~:t! .~~:Jl~~n;:1~.~~" 11:!!d11~,t~df:t "Thcrt• I~ no rult thlt 11 roupli

    muH only pll)' II UI 11nd nut beat num bt•n. •·

    Al !he CUIMWM)'li, lh t' 1ruup Wt' fl' i.15:nrd up by Bri • n EpJIPhl, not 0111••• but 1wln•' RELEASED FEBRUARY 7th

    Paul Ryan's nevvsong

    for BARRY RYAN

    Love Is Love /v\GM 1464


  • ll ,'lf:W MUSICAi , EXPRESS On ule, Friday, week ending February 8, 1969

    DEAN -FORD: HE'S THE QUIET DEAN FORD Is a quiet, almost mouselike" person off. stage. Yet en, he tears into his songs and belt!i them ov~r, moving around and jumping about. He even rush£.:. into the audience at tlmes and risks being mobbed by the screaming girls In Britain, and adoring males In Israel (where the boys are the ones who make shows of admira.

    TORNADO lion).

    So you coul d sum him up as the quiet tornado - quie t off-stage and a tornado or action on-st.age.

    Dean 11 1 1houghtful lad, who doesn't say much unless he has so mething lo say. Or maybe lhe reason for hls lack of c;pnversa-t ion Is that he ri ps the hell ou t or his 11olce durlni perform• ances and leaves himseU hoarse next day.

    Dean like, to do as many things as he can and do them we ll. He is a keen lahle tennis pla~r. bul If he play1 1omeone belier 1han he Is he wlll 11sk how a certain 1hot Is done.

    Ti~; :i~II pf:;c~~~ll l~an:bl:e:~ make that 1hot. It's the ume

    ~':x!'~t ,s~:1:::k ~e l~~~!rn:0:1~ the time,

    anr:~o~~o /~~~-wh~111~R ~r:1~: can aet hi s mouth round du rfni; a show a nd wh•t he can't. He

    r.enned the lyric or a Muma• ade A•slde, " I See The Rain," 10 which Ju nior put the music. fl WIS a hit in Holland hul jusl railed hert.

    He's a lso a home.boy still, dul na everything he can for his mother and 19-year-ald sister, who live in Coatbridge, where he was born. He look1 forward 10 dates In Scotland 10 he ca n visi t them, He doesn't talk about his father.

    o ~a n 11 tar ted slngl n~ via 1hc c hurch " We h, d lou l dlnl'U In 1hc Whlffh:I Parl1h l'hu rch hi ll

    ~~~hll~I i~~i vnbc~~: b:i~~ !.11~~~"1 asked If I c11uld 1ln1 11nmc and they sald 'nkay.' I' d bten 11l ng· Ing 1l nl't• 1J lnn g 111 I t·a n re mem, ::~s: •;~,..11m{ w'!:;'~~t lclla mr I

    " I 1ort of llhd sing ing lo an..,.dlenca a nda,.-meotthe ,~.~I !h;::!/111 11:!~r:,, •~ think w1 c•ll•d 011r111tv" th,

    !:~:b:~1i'i11:":n:o;oto~~1:a;: ~

    tor o,, whol, 9r1111p. " Aflcr thll. I u ng In many

    i:roups around ab11ul 1md fell I

    ~!~u r~~"~11~l a~t! --:.n~~rdh. w:~ r • ~~o1w\•tdby

    811~~~o~n~ 1i1~i~;:

    lord1 1111w m e 1lnglni,: !here and

    ~~~1 ~ eel J~n/:!~" . ~:c~i1 r~M~; Hn1.

    " I ha d lef t ,chool , 1 1.; a nd got a Job u II jun ior rust drrk, 1hen Han elt'C trkla n'a m 11 le, but l dld n'tllke tha tbcca u•c llhurt my h11 nd11, Attrr a WC1'k I l(IIVt'

    A1e: 21. . Born: 6.9.48 In Coalbrldae, Nr.

    Gll.s1ow. Po1ltlon In 1roup: Lnd 1ln1er.

    lyrlclal (lo Junior Campbell'•

    Pe~'tf!~(y: Only member In aroup who ha, name other th■n hit own. Real n ame II Thom11 McAleese.

    U\let: Fl■ I In Holloway, Lon• don.

    ~t ~frl1cr1

    frta~ !~~1~::i,n';'~ ~rk: • nd stu ck 1hat lnr almo11 lhree

    t!~~! rd1 C~~:el~ ix:o:~~nlt':.~ I wa1 111."

    In Pf!~o'Jri'•:~dll~nr~ :~i~ 11 .. ~! were tn hii;h • plrll J, of roune. and nevt•r worried mueh aboul 1hln11 In thn•c day, . w,·r, nnt Ml ca refree now bccause we haVt' rupon1lbll tl lr11 11kt' lollowlna a No. t hil. " lie arh1nt'd ha ppily abtlul 1h11.

    ~ GHA Y i,avite.~ you '°7 ~ ~ GRAHAM KNIGHT: BIRD

    SICDND CIT . , . of Their First Sensational Single.

    Special Release

    D I DRIAM Of DllYN'


    ,t ..



    LOVER GRAHAM KNIGHT was a restless clerk and ambitious bass player when he answered an advertisement in the Glasgow u Evening Citizen" for a bass guita rist needed by a recording group. That was in December. 1964.

    " I went to an audition in a YMCA Hall and was conrron -t ed by Junior, Pa t , Dean a nd Raymond Duffy, who was the drummer the n . I'd been play. ing ro r a yea r a nd a ha lf with

    ~~d ~=~~~:5h~~ fts~in:!k~~ up, I wan ted a new g roup," he told me.

    " I was a Hollies fan at the time and as th e Vampi res had modelled themselves on the Hollles. it was na tura l for my

    }h~~11f~st tt1e ~t11~~r~ !~n;! quite II few o thers 11 1 the au,Si-tlon anti I didn't th ink I'd gel in, but I managed somehw."

    " He was th e hest of a bad

    ~t•~• .!a~1 li~~e;i~~i':1 t~!":f,~~I,

    S~hool b1111d Gr11ham lan11rcd thl1 j ibe and

    ~ehn~d"~j,;~~ 1~•1~! =~h:~nl ~Z1nrd - lt umpel lln

  • I

    o sale, Friday, week endlna Ftbrulry 8, 1• NEW MUSICAL EXPRESS .. TJ,e knotkers make Donald Peers sad

    l )ONALD PEERS' achice to any out-of-the-charh artilt who thinks he ', at the end of his tether is to .. tie I knot in the rope aMI han1 on.'' And it's advice that works -- he was a 3,000 fan letter a wffl ,tar in the 40t . .. almost forcotten in the 501 . . and this week an MME Chart star at No 12 in the list with his romantic ballad Please Don' t Co." So I know it', uncool to luwe anythinc to do with the Donald Peers-

    Engelbert scene, man, l,ut in Donald', use I'm on hi, side. (Writes ALAN SMITH) Li ke hi, style or not, why

    ~ould n' t he have II much right

    , be In the Top 30 aa anyone BUT NOT BE CAUSE \~~ ~~t p:ttll!~~ his records ti's an Immature pop fan who

    ,.·;n:r,e~•or~.~,: ~~.:::r:.·r: OF WHAT THEY'RE ,nr charts boaey. There• enouah ,10Jer11nce In the world without

    r cpilllna over lnt.o music. S.a:n Den■ ld, ••d •••• rltltt: .. Tit•

    ~::. ~ !:;-: .. ·:-· .. ·-::":~-:: :: SAYING ABOUT HIM ~i1ow uer7NdJ' .. ltaon a t.k et Urie ~:::· Jy :•-;...~~ .. ::: .. ;:-i:-~ ,,, ,., , thla ctiar1 awCCN,t: 111.u C9Me • llltl • whlclt ,....., a .. 11 .... _ I

    ~:~ur:•11;:, t.::,:;.•-::.::..cir:-a1~": , .,,, 1bout me 11-. l ' ffl I••••••• my

    ~~•dcl:."~ ~he:.: a!;~':J :: rndy, a11d•a • ... f/1 ,.. ...

    " Whll I reel I• that the bullneu, u a bullntu, II 1uch I {'flat bull•

    :::~e~h~lt~~II; ~r=rld~l~l'bel>lrr~ Jhl' rln1.

    Not against

    A warm welcome for Apple's James Taylor T"Eae~:!'"~:; T::.:-.::~.~•~ •::a~Yl!.dl~ warm nceptJon.

    Jam11 11 the rou: 1ln1er who r h11n t• poient 19n p he compo1n him&e.11, lie hu al• appl'ared 1t the •• Nl1ht Owl " Jn New Yort and orten rommutn bet.,Hen then and Ulndon . On hJnd IHI Thuuday wu Pete r Aaher, who ln lrodu"'9 Jamn to lhe people at App l!'. • Th• ■nth •• .,. a rrln d b■ c:11: In llollywuod fl"Oll'I a Horth• wu le rn tour tht1 Wfft to lape " Kraft Nu l le: Hall," before IHY• Ins for a ftY1

  • 14 NE.W MUSICAL &l

  • , ,11 sa le, Friday, week ending February 8, 1969 NF.W MUSICAL EXPRESS


    JOH NNY HOWARD ::•~ BAND RABIN AGENCY ~~~~~1~ 11; ~~ N\1~i•H1J~i;fttr,1 Cot(UI

    STAPLETON-LIFTON ARTISTES & MUSIC LTD. Bands • Orchestras Cabaret Armies • M~J;'•

    CLAYMAN AGENCY :~•t~~Gt.1,•;;~~.•~ ,.""' TOP GROUPS' BA ND S' SOLt RE PRE SEN lATIO N





    ~UHDAY 7 00 NMI (dlMM\dt. t ,00 h11I 111~!1 ~o..,. 10.00 J .,_.,, S,Hllt . 11 00 SOufMI Su,...,, 12.00 Dolcl Cllrlt1la 11 SIio•.

    MO NDAY 7 JO Tony Pr ince. t .00 Du• J•""'"• 10 JO , .... 1 lurne u . 12 .00 Ii, Alll'I frn• ..,111 1.00 Noel U111ofM11 Sbow.


    THUUOAY 7 .JO Ton, ,,111a1. t .00 D• ... J•l'IMII. 1 O JO Paul l u rneU. n: .oo IU AIIII Frn• 11111'1 . 1 .00 Noel (dfflOIIIIU Sllow.

    fltlDAY 7 .Jo 10111' ,,1"'•· ■.oo On• J•1u ... 11 10 JO Plul ■ 11•11•tt. 12.00 lb Ahn f rH• 111111 . 1.00 TII • Lit• SIio• J .oo No.I [11-fMII Sllow.

    7 . JO 1 .. , PrLIKo . 1 .00 Do• JtllM II. SATUltOAY 10.JO Paul l imMlt. 12.00 IU A.Ian frff- 7 .JO Tolly Prlll

  • 16




    21 oouu.1.11: mm. w.c.2 Ol-U.UM

    f'OR hit parade consistency in Britain, Manfred Mann Joining same league as Beatles, Rolling Stones and Hollies . . . Pro.-

    ducer of forthcoming Scott Walker BBC-lV series-JohnnJe Ste-wart . . . For American market, ~xpect Lawrence Welk cover Vf'rsion or current Fletlwood Mac hit .

    Rather lau,hable: idea of

    ~~~k i!'t!'i":haJ:!~~nli~~/'~~~= Cher to Atlantic ... According to Harold Davison. no money s~~l~~f,\C:•~ . Ryan to tour

    Big drop for Scaffold th is week ... What became of Peter Sar-11N11 •, e lder hrother Edtn Kane?

    . . . Al Jut, your Alley Cat pleased to welcome Glen CampbeJI in Top 30 ..

    Ynur Alley Cat forecasts chart t ntry for Marvin Gaye and Tammi TerTll!ll's new release .

    MARRIAGE LINES W E certainly s tarted aome-lhlna 1111 week with our ~:::c~l:d;~ ma~~t;:::t;~:;d i~'~: :!!ne n=dlh:v! n·re:!f;:d:r~~i1l we hope you will find enjoy•

    ab~ME News Editor Derek Johnson offers the followlnK: If April S1evens muried BIiiy May she'd be April May . . . If fanny Cradock married Vince

    ~: t h

    ~e be~=~=rckHllloia"rr·1iJ Simon Dee, d ivorcll!d him and ma rried Dave Dee she'd be Dfl: Dee Dee Dee! . . . If Jeri Southern married Tom Jones they'd hf, Tom and Jeri . , . If Yoko Ono married Perry Como, divorced hi,n and married Son ny Bono she'd be Yoko Como Bono,

    An unnamed reader fr om "lt! rlin Way, Sheffi eld,_ sugge1l1: If Brend• l ee marned Petet Tork she'd h8 Sm•II Tork . .. If Mery Hopkin married Brian

    Wilton · she'd be Mrt. Mary Wilson ... And Ir LIUIII! Eva marr ied Kll! nn ll! th Mori! she'd be A. LIUIII! More . .

    From Dorll!en H)'_de of London W .12: H Cilia lHack married Brian Poole she'd be Cllla Blackpoole . .. If Nina Simone married S imon Du she'd be Nina Simone Dee . . . And if Arel ha Franklin married Fra nk Saul she'd be Aretha Scul . . .

    Finally another batch from

    ~o::r1:J1eko Sunday

    II . Hat l11 kcm OYC Slu1rt 's Sund• mornln1 spot wordll

    12. R11dl r, ' butler " 14 . In n11"e not an ol

    deeJ11 •1 II . Sf'e 'l8 atTOII 17. and 21 ac,o,qi, De,

    ~JI:, K"), of I ftll produee:r 12 •ord1

    20. Jimmy's formul ror tbe houtewlfr

    U . Addition - ol th radio II U• nl11 t kind

    24. see 21 • '"ron 11. Useful If )'OU'V

    one 10 llllen ,rl1 20. 21 and U aCf'0.1 1

    Eury Wttkday lh It 10 2 •ho•

    :11 . DteJaya ml1hl Ml1 t~ from a 1Hppt ~2. Bro1dca, t al ha

    P•li l lhC' hour 11!.Ytr

    '" Answers next week and here is last week's solutiGn



    KfHSINGTON TOWN HAil 7.30 and 9.15 5/ - at door

    FAIRFIELD, CROYDON Bo lf Ofl ice CJl-688 9291 SUN. 16 FEB. 7.45 p.m.

    t o, lheS.0..and!M -o,11 1n lM oal fo,.,i, llf'-"' IN CONCUT

    TYRANNOSAURUS REX John P .. I, Vyto, S•r•II• {, ;tar) and friend,

    A M .. 1~ ,.. r ... . ,. , 1, , •. u , .. u , .. 101 •. 11.