TWTRCON DC 09 TweetFunnel

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TWTRCON DC 09 Real-Time Business Tools presentation by TweetFunnel CEO Andreas Wilkens. TweetFunnel is a tool that enables team tweeting.


Twitter for Business | Washington DC | October 22, 2009

Official Network Sponsor


Twitter for Business | Washington DC | October 22, 2009

Official Network Sponsor

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Twitter for Business | Washington DC | October 22, 2009

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Twitter for Business | Washington DC | October 22, 2009

Official Network Sponsor

Real-Time Tools


• Andreas Wilkens, Co-Founder, TweetFunnel | @AndreasWilkens

TweetFunnel Confidential 5

OverviewOctober 22, 2009

Proprietary and confidentialTweetFunnel Confidential 6

TweetFunnel Overview Providing the platform for corporations and government

agencies to manage their social media presence globally

Corporate departments such as marketing, customer service, sales and HR can effectively manage their presence online

Providing the platform for corporations and Agencies need to control the flow of information to ensure that classified information is handled correctlyagencies to manage their social media presence globally

Cloud computing solution

Proprietary and confidentialTweetFunnel Confidential 7

For Twitter, Managed Presence Allows Multiple Users to Input to One Twitter Account

• Editorial control – approve, reject or edit tweets

• Mobile updates from the field

• Tweets can be queued for future delivery at specific time(s)

• Perfect for Corporate Marketing departments to ensure brand is correctly portrayed

• Perfect for Government Agencies to ensure information is reviewed and edited before being released

• Alerts for mentions so corporations can be proactive in engaging in conversations

• Assignment of tweets and tracking

• Analytics and statistics available

• Archiving of corporate tweets

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SampleTweetFunnel Customers – Add Your Name Today

Proprietary and confidential
