Types of Technical Definitions

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Types of Technical Definitions

In this lecture, I explain: Three types of technical definitions:

Parenthetical Sentence Extended

1 2013 © Karen L. Thompson, University of Idaho

Technical Definitions Answer the Question


What is X?

Although they may use description, the emphasis is on answering this question.

Three types of technical definitions.


Parenthetical: definition is within parentheses in a sentence. (least explicit)

Sentence: definition names and categorizes X. (more explicit)

Extended: definition is developed or “extended” for a specific purpose to clarify what is X? (most explicit)

Parenthetical definition example 1.


Although blight resistance has been identified in both Kabuli (large, white seeded) and Desi (small, dark seeded) chickpeas, resistance is usually associated with small seed size.

The parentheses answer the question what is X? In this case, Kabuli and Desi seeds have these characteristics.

The parentheses also cue readers that the writer will not be defining Kabuli and Desi again.

Parenthetical definitions example 2.


Winter dormancy in black bears (Ursus americanus) is likely an adaptation to predictable seasonal food shortages.

The writer places the scientific term for black bears in parentheses (the Latin name) because black bear is not used universally.

In this case, the writer wants to be certain readers know black bear in this technical document will always mean this specific species of bear.

The writer might have chosen to use the Latin terminology throughout the article, but likely made the choice to use black bears to make the article more accessible to readers.

Parenthetical definition example 3.


The required gravel equivalent (GE) for the estimated traffic loading and sub grade conditions is 575 millimeters. Our recommendations are to provide a minimum GE of 660 millimeters because . . .

In many cases, parenthetical definitions are used to establish that an acronym will be used in what follows.

Sentence Definitions


Typically, use this formula:

Term + Class/Category + Features/Details

Aschoyta rabiei (term)is a fungus (class or category)that causes severe chickpea blight. (details)

Sentence Definition in a Paragraph


In 1983, Aschoyta rabiei, a fungus that causes severe chickpea blight, was discovered near Pullman, Washington. Because this fungus has a very limited capacity to survive on other hosts, it was most likely introduced on chickpea seed imported from outside the region.

Notice how the formula version of the sentence definition from the prior slide is altered slightly to incorporate it into the first sentence.

Using Technical Definitions to Set Research Context


Whirling disease is a parasitic infection responsible for dramatic declines in wild trout populations in several Western rivers. Infected fish often exhibit darkened tails (blacktail), skeletal deformities in the head and spine, and swim in a tail-chasing or whirling type motion from which the disease gets its name.

These two sentences set the context for a research study. These sentences describe how the fish look and behave when infected by the parasite, but this descriptive information serves to answer the question “what is x?”

Extended Definition: Example 1


A Protected Membrane Roof (PMR) system uses styrofoam insulation to shield and protect a roof’s waterproof membrane unlike a traditional roof system that does not cover the membrane. . . . . writer could then extend the technical definition by providing more details that compare and contrast this new system with a more traditional one.

Sentence Definition in a Paragraph


The California condor (Gymnogyps californianus) is a member of the Ciconiidae family commonly known as the American vultures. At one time condors were included in the Cathartidae family in the order Falconiformes. Recently, however, taxonomists have concluded that vultures are more closely related to storks and have thus placed condors in a new taxonomic structure including them with the order Ciconiiformes (ITIS 2006). . . . writer could extend the technical definition by providing a history of how the classification family of this animal has changed over time.

Extended Technical Definitions


Often begin with a sentence definition.

They are then developed or extended using a variety of rhetorical moves (see next slide for a list of these).

What move(s) you use will be governed by audience, problem, and placement choices (the context).

Sometimes a long report could be considered an extended technical definition --- defining the extent and severity of a problem.

For your extended technical definition, write about 500 words.

Extended Definitions may use one or more of these moves to “extend” the definition.


Define Term Types. Categorize different types that belong to the terminology you are defining and describe each type.

Compare and Contrast. Show how the subject is like/unlike something.

Cause/Effect. Analyze and explain causes and effects.

Negation. Describe what something is not (or its limitations).

Examples and Analogies. Provide clear-cut and familiar examples and analogies to help readers.

Historical Context. Provide focused historical background information to help readers understand how something developed over time.

Incorporating Visuals


Visuals work with narrative to help readers. You are not required to use visuals in the extended technical definition, but you may want to use one or more.

Visuals can support a definition. For example, a photo of a wolf compared to a photo of a coyote would help readers follow a definition of the wolf or vice versa.

Visuals help readers comprehend more complex material in a definition, such as a diagram, concept map, or part of mechanism. Just be certain the aim is to answer: what is X? or what is the state or condition of X?