u25a0THF, OATLY mSPATCH. JANDIDATE 3 FOR JUDißorf › lccn › sn84024738 › 1854... ·...

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\u25a0THF, OATLY mSPATCH...AwnW MORNINO. Afßlb 3

S WARCPON THE IRISH.One of the organs of the "Know Nothing

party, in the city of New York, attacks the

fri.h population of that city with a degree of

IrocUvami malignity which we

the future peacc and quietof ?Sfurious upon the Irish volunteeroZ? of New York; speaksof them contemp-

tuously as "paupers in wlform' ®" d pr!.nisoa that if the rumoredinvasion ofCanadahv the Irish occurs, the "Know hnothings

of New York will most gladly enlist underthe British flag, to exterminate the wretcheswho, but for theprotection of the laws, theyweuld annihilate now. being convinced that

their destruction would prove the triumph of

the Protestant faith.Such demonstrations as these, show that

there are elements at work in Northern soci-

ety, which portend a far more dangerous tx-

phn>ion than any which the South lias to fear.

That region of country seems the favoriteabode of fanaticism?now showing itselt in

a*ti slavery, anon in spirit-rappings; now in

Mormonism. and agaiu in persecution of in-

offensive foreigners, who are to be slaughter-ed, partly because they are Irishmen, andpartly because of theirreligious faith.

Now, if there is a race on the face of theearth, whom the American people ought tolove and protect, it is the Irish. From thebeginning of our struggle for national exis-tence to the present moment, they have beenour unchanging allies and fast friends. Nota battle-fieldof the revolution, of the Indianwars, of the late content, with England andMexico, which has not been stained by thered blood of Ireland's heroic sons in behalfof the star spangled banner. Not a navalaction which has not witnessed their gallantand uncalculating devotion to American lib-erty. They have been the pioneers in thatmighty march of peaceful enterprise, whichhas accomplished more for this country thanall the victories of war.

There is not a railroad or a canal in thewhole Union which has not been principallybuilt by Irish labor. As citizens, they haveshown themselves capable of appreciatingthe blessings of their lot in the New World.They have b«'en true as steel in their loyaltyto the land of their adoption, and, in all thesectional excitements, in many even ofour wisest native statesmen have forgottenthe dictates ofpatriotism and the love of theUnion, the Irish have stood, as one man, 011the side of the Constitution and the Laws, andni'v.er, for a single moment, sympathizedwith abolition, or wavered iiyhcir allegianceto the ltights or Union of the States. As arace of men, none have ever exhibited no-bler and more generous qualities. It will bohard to find a parallel in the annals ofhistoryto the self denying and friendswhich the Irish in this country have manitested to their relations at home. Poor labor-ers and hard working women have savedfrom their scanty wages, and transmitted toIreland an amount, making in the aggregatemoro than a million a year. It is such a peo-ple whom the "Know Nothings" of NewYork humanely desire to exterminate?thatNew York, whose public works and splendidmansions have all been constructed by Irishlabor.

It is true that these people generally pro-fess a religious faith from which we, as Pro-testants, dissent; but is this the age and thecouutry to putmen to death for theirreligiousopinions ? We know nothing of the creed towhich the "Know Nothings" belong; werather think that as thyy know nothing, theybdieve nothing. Certainly the Protestantsof this country have no sympathy with thepersecuting spirit which they manifest. Theday has long gone by when any christian de-nomination iu the civilized world would bnwilling to employ the instruments of tortureand death for the propagation of its own opi-nions and the overthrow of opposing views.It is impossible to imagine anything more inconflict with the genius of Christianity, anilmore thoroughly demonstrative of the malignity, hatred and uneharitableness ot humannature than the persecution of one set ofChristians by another set ofChristians on ac-count of some differences of religious opi-nion. TheDivine Saviour, 011 the Cross, in-voked God to forgive those who were cruci-fying him, but men, calling themselves Chrit-tianH, refuse to forgive oneanother. At thismoment, the Latins and the Greeks, eachbearingthe symbol of their eominon redemp-tion, are fighting like dogs for the possessionof the places which were made holy by thelife and death of a lining whose chief attri-butes are love, mercy and forgiveness.

The "Knew Nothings" of New York wouldexhibit such scenes in America. They woulddisgrace this free government, and the causeof Protestantism?identified as it is with re-ligions liberty?with the renewal of the bar-barities of the dark ages. Could they suc-ceed. could they accomplish their desire toexterminate the Irish of New York 011 ac-count of their religion, they would cover thename of America with infamy, and give toRoman Catholicism, 111 the profound and uni-versal sympathies of the whole country, astrength and vitality which it never beforepasaeast-d.

JULLIEN S CONCERT.The urk4t Jblmeh his first Concert

inRichmond to night. It will bo tliogreatestmusical demonstration ever heard in thisCity; and when we say this, we speak thatwe do know. Of course, everyman and wo-man who has the slightest taste for the di-vine art of music, will ut least make an ef-fort to hear the great compuuy of musicians\u25a0wayed and directed by the great m\sttk?

the greatest Director of the age. The per-formers are all eminent artists?distinguishedsolo players , and whatever they perform isrendered in perfection with all its effects. allthe conceits of the composer fully andgrandly brought out. Jiy way of interludesto tbe master pieces, some of the most deli-cious morceauz are given, one we remem-ber is the l'rima Donna Waltz, which ourplay-goers heard in Dr. Vkies' orchestra, andwhich we hope Ji'i.ufh will give them betore he leaves. Another thingwe Sctpeak is itbe "Katy lHd J'vUa.' That must b« con-ended, hy all mean*. And as we are in thehumor fur petitioning, we will add, Uipt wetrust tfKMI'KLf-ftOHX'a " Mid tvtnmer v\gki'*l>rtam" will not be omitted. That ire muttkeur.

m '? ? * ' ; i \u25a0*'


There are certain things tlm-t we have la-bored long to accomplish, deeming them furthe good of this city, and among them is tin*establishment of a Chamber of Commerce-

The Ihtkrksts or Richmond are morethan ever, in our opinion, in danger, andmore than ever is it now necessary that thewisest and most sagacious of our citizensshould confer and unite together in the di-recting and perfecting of that policy whichis essential to guard and protect them. Ifwe fold our arms and leave things to taketheir course, that course will most assuredlynot be for our good, unless as a mere inci-dental to the good of others. But there areother interests with their advocates in thefield, which, if not hostile to u.°, in truth, (aswe belieYe they are not) will yet, neverthe-less, from the narrow policy of those whofavor them, be made to take a hostile posi-tion towards us. We must therefore, also,go to work, and by a combined effort endea-vor to protect ourselves.

How is this union and combination to beeffected ? One of the most proper measuresfor this purpose is to establish a Chamberof Commerce, cr Board of Trade. Suchan institution would produce a combinationof the intelligence and information of thecommercial community?it would concen-trate the commercial sentiment of the city?and embody for action its energy and power.We should thus have the intelligence to per-ceive da.iger and the power to ward it oft.We should have the sagacity to discover inwhat way our trade and general interestscould be promoted, and the energy to carryout measures for that purpose.

We repeat, that never did we so muchneed harmony ofopinionand exertion amongour people?never were there such forciblereasons fur arousing the public spirit and ex-erting the public energies. Theorganizationof the Board of Trade would be an impor-tant step towards this harmony, this wakingup of our people, and we trust we shallhave it.

NEW WAR ENGINES.According toa Paris correspondent of the

Cincinnati Gazette, war is bring-ing to light, especially in England, somewou-derful inventions for the destruction of hu-man beings. The writer speaks of "a longeongreve gun, which glides along on the wa-ter in a straight line, till it strikes the vesselat which it is directed, when it thrusts intoits sides its iron head, containing two poundsof fulminating of mercury. Whenthe lire attains this reservoir, it explodes,blowing a hole in the vessel ten or twelvefeet in diameter, which it is impossible forthem to close up, as they do the round holesmade by cannon-balls."

It is believed that, even if the Russianfleets retire under the inapproachable for-tresses of Cronstadt and Sebastopol, theycannot be in safety from this gun, which car-ries to an immense distance and far beyondthe reach of any other gun. There are alsosub-marine boats, so perfected that they canreach and attach a burner to an enemy's shipwithout running the least danger; asphyxia-ting balls, which paralyze the erf w for several hours; burning explosive balls, which ex-plode invariably when they strike; (ire shipsof a n« w and terriblekind; balloons, intendedto canyinflammable materials, to scatterover towns, villages and fleets, when thewind favors such operations; and another in.vention, still more destructive than all therest, but of which the construction has notyet been made known, except to a verysmall number of persons. If these enginesare hot the inventions of the letter-writer'simagination, Old Nick and hispeople are like-ly to have an uncomfortable time of it.

A HAPPY CONCLUSION.' The termination of the Brockcnridgo andCutting quarrel in a grand dinner party is amuch more agreeablefinale, than an appealto arms. The man is a fool who would notrather carry a half pound of roast beef un-der his waistband than an ounce of lead, orwho would not rather be " shot in the neck"by a champagne bottle than to have his jugu-lar tapped by a small sword. The late I>r.Meucei,an eccentric Italian of some genius,who once delivered lectures in Richmondand other places on Physiognomy, was ac-customed, when discussing the inconsisten-cies of the world, to ejaculate, with greatemphasis, " Foonny mankind." That excla-mation, Meucci's foonny pronunciation, andthe incredibly ugly grimace with which heaccompanied the words, have fastened themindelibly upon our memory. We have wit-nessed many curious exhibitions of humannature, when Meucci's ejaculation has risenalmost involuntarily to our lips. There is aconsiderable mixture of greatness and folly,strength and weakness, virtue and vice, phy-sical courage and moral cowardice in the besthuman character. From the sublime to theridiculous, from afight to a trolic, there is butastep. "Foonny Mankind!''

learn that onSaturday last, a gre; tnumber of magnifying glasses, of extraordi-nary power, were employed to find the poeti-cal description of April, on the fourthof the Dispatch. That choice morceauxfromthe Evergreen was not to be discovered. Butdisappointments are not uncommon on the Istday of April?a fact which, being remember-ed, induced our friends to forego their re-searches.

Cvators Anecdote.?A ensa hue been on trial inCharleston for a few Jays past, In which was in-volved the statu* or route of four brothers, againstwhom tax executions liad been levied as free ne-groes?they claiming to bo Indians. The trial re-sulted in findingthat they were descendants of freeIndians, and therelnre not liable to capitation tax.la the courseof the ti ial, an allusion beine made tothe hair of the defendants. Uie Attorney General re-lated the following o«r«orious anecdote, which wecopy from the Charleston Courier:

An officer, during the revolutionary war, whoprided himself greatly on bis ueut, bad bwn or-dered to ewt oil the caudal ap,M-«,dage hy bis com-luander. This lie indignantlyrefused to do, saving"kt WtfUm die before kr wtuhlpart tritt, his i/unte "

He was thereupon arraigned before a Court Mar-tial tor his contumacy ; but the Court Military,nsthe Chancery Courts are too apt to do, but withbetter reason than the latter, postponed their deci-sion, Irom time to time, from a reluctance to givejudgment against the oft under. Tim result whsthat the officer died bofore his case hud been adju-dicated, having. under the influence of "therulingpassion, strongin death," first made bis wilt, df-reetiag' that he should be buried with Iris i/utut un-cut, and ttiat it xhouhl be protrudedthrough a hole,bored Id his coffin, to give the world " the oculardemonstration" that he had been linnally true tohis word, and had died with his <jneur on.

The Cumberland hotel, in Natbville, Teuu , Wasdestroyed by fire recently

LOCAL MATTERS.Mrr.Tis« os Btki> liiako.?Notwiffc-

?tanding the iuclemcncyof the weather last Satur-day, a goodly number of parsons ane-nMed at theMount Vcthuh Motel test Saturday night, to listento speeches from the various candidates for cityoffice*,

Alter the appointmentof ft. Tatk Wickkb, Esq.,to thechair, the assemblagewas invited into n largeroom in the Richmond nnd J'eteraburg Railroaddepot, where the organisation was speedily perfect-ed by the election of Mr. Alfred f,eweHeji as Secre-tary. Hie rhainnautheo, in hk peculiarly lucidaud energetic, manner, tfuted the object ofthe meet-ing, as well as the importantbearing it would haveon the approaching elections, and took his seat

Calls wet e instantlyinadefor "Lipeeomb," bat ashe bad usually "lead off" before the people, ut hissuifgeptiun, "White,""White," "White," was vocif-erously shouted, and the auditory refusing to re-ceive any excuse, old "Condign' mounted the ros-trum, and was continuouslycheered tar several se-conds.

Cant Whits, after making his bow, aa 1 announ-cing himself a candidate tor the cftico of llich Con-stable, proceeded to give a biographical sketch olhis life, commencing wi'h the war of 1?1£, when hereived a commission intheregular serviceas!,!; utenant, lie described his labors at reci ui! ng officerat Danville, his arduous duties in Canada, and onthe northern frontier, during which, he was lit twodrawn battles with the red coats. He alluded tothe fail'ireol the campaignin which hewis employ-ed,?his order toreturn to Virginia to get recruits,?his coiumfc-ion as Captain,?his repairing to themouth of the Rappahannock, where he enlfcledfourteen recruits, and wag taken with bilious andague and fever,?bis receipt of avoluu'ary furloughfrom Col. Sta.vahd. and the reduction ol thu armyfrom one hundred thousand, to five thousand at theclose ol the war. TheCaptain here took occasionto remark that up to the time of this spell ot sickness, he had never drunk apint of liquor in his life,nnd thatsince that spell he had not lost five daysfrom ill health.

The Captain, after the war, came to Richmond,and engaged in the building business, and pointedto a number of houses which now stood a* monu-ments of his industry. During the reign of mad-ness, about 1817 and 18, when the clink of the ham-mer ceased to be heard, and mechanism was at astand still, he was recommended as an officer ofpolice, by Chief Justice Marshall, Parson Blair, oldMr. Bootwright. and other?, to I)r. Adams, theChesterfield of Richmond, the first salaried Mayorof this city, an eminent physician and a gentlemanoi great learning, having been educated in Edin-burgh. He was selected over thirteen otbrr candi-dates, and commissioned by "that great man," (Dr.A) He served under "that gentleman" for sevenyears, and with others, by request, followed him tohis grave. He was recommissioneJ by the late Jo-seph Tate, and servedunder him twelve years. Athis death he wasrecommissioned by Win l.ainbert,and served nnder him thirteen years, without mur-muror complaint. Since then the mushrooms ot anight had arisen and attempted to villify and cuthim down. The minds of some of the members ofthe Council had been poisoned against him by menupon whom hecould put his fingers, aud that bodyhad reduced him from second to third officer, ta-king oil $j<) from hie annual salary, and therebydepriving his aged wife and three grandchildren ofthat much of their support. Having served thepeo-ple of Richmond faithfully for thirty odd years,with entire satisfaction, ho now appeared beforethereto receive their verdict on the slanders whichbad been heaped upon him. He next appealed tothe adopted citizens for their support, and aver-red that since 1840 no man had so little to do withpoli'icsashe had. He believed that he was com-petent to discharge the duties of the office if thepeople would elect him, and should feel grateful toall who would give him their support. The Cap-tain then referred to the present office which heheld ?thought he had good reasons lor not resign-ingit until lie saw whether he was to be elected toanother, and concluded by repeatingthe eulogy onPatrick Henry,of which he declared himself to bethe reputtd author, and stated that he tho.ight hewas capable of writingsuch a one.

'?I.ipseomb" "Lipscomb,"next resounded all overthe house, and as the crowd fell back to permitthe"champion of the people's rights" to pass to thestand, the air was fairly rent with cheers.

Martin MeredithLipscomb, Esq., regretted ex-tremely thathis competitors were not present tohear what he bad to say. They seemed ashamedtomeet the '-dear people" in their republican gath-erings?to take the working man by the hand, andto mix and minglewith the bone and sinew ot theland. [True, Martin?give it to them.] Not so withhimself. lie was a brick layer?he was one of thepeople and was proud to acknowledge them at alltimes and in all places. The approach of Springdid not add to his familiarity, and if elected heshould know thesoverigns as well then as now,[Good ?good?cried severalvoices.]

Mr. Lipscomb then alluded to the duties and res-ponsibilitiesof the office, and declared himself fullycompetent lor their discharge. He was in favor ofencouraging home manufactures and home dealer*,and if elected, would not no North to make his purchases. (Good, goit Martin?you're the man, wasshouted Irom the crowd.] Such as were sold inRichmond, were good enough for him, and hewould promise to epend the money that the dearpeople mightpay him, anions his constituents, andnot in the Northern cities. (Hurrah for Martin.]The mechanics and working men of Richmondwere his friends?they had never had one of theirclass in office, while lawyers, doctors and mer-chants had been represented, and he now calledupon them to come forward and giveliiin theirsupport, promising, if elected, to keep watch andward over the prisoners?never to suffer one ofthem to get out bythe door, anil if they broke thro'the wall, lie would repair the breach, without expt-nse to the city [Good again, shouted one of hishearers ]

Mr. L. continued his remarks for about twenlyminutes, which were rapturously received byhisadmiringauditory. He is neither very polished norflowery, but is armed with a gcod degree of motherwitand home made illustration which never fail toelicit applause from his multifarious auditors.

When Mr. Lipscomb had concluded, Messrs.Jones and Hicks appeared in turn upon the stand,and announced themselves us candidates for theoffice of Gauge*-. Having given the substance oftheir remarks on a former occasion, we deem ituseless to refer to them Other gentlemen,notcandidates, made brief addresses.

Mr. May announced that two meetings would beheld to-m<;ht. one at Goddin's Tavern in MonroeWard, and the other at John R. Blankenship's srorciu Rocketts. [What willMartin do ? He cannot visitboth.] The meeting theu adjourned.

The inimitable Lipscomb is covering him-self with glory in his nightlycampaigns. Tit- skillin stump-speakingis so improvedby practice that'like the Irishman at the Fair, he only prayaforanantagonist: "Will some body be plased to tred onthe tail of me coatf" Will some oneonly stand upand face Martin? ft would be only tobe dreadfullymauled; but then it would gratify Martin and re-lieve his overflowing anxiety for astruggle?his excess of wranglingantagonism. His soul's iu armsand eager for the I ray. In the absence of a moredirect hostility,he catches at the ravelled end of alateral issue and picks little llaws in quiet gentle,men's opinions and reasoning as does a mad bullthrust his horns into a red clay hank, or rub hit; fore-head against a tree, toexercise himself and indulgea L'rateful feeling derivedlrom a collision, howevergentle!

Warmed up to this pitch of combativenefS, wewould pity the man whoentered the lists againsthim. We had rather encounter any other man iuRichmond, were we a debater, than < ur friend Lips-comb ; and we are apprehensive,from the course oftilings thuslar. andfrom his well ascertained prowess, that he will be left to conduct the campaign fortin* cilice of Sergeant without the opportunityofindulging

"That stern joy which warriors failInfoemen worthyof their stee l ."Martin has stood up for almost eveiy < ffira fromCongressman down. He is a true patriot, and show*his readiness to serve the people in any capacity.It is not to he expected thattlie self-srcrificing spiritwhich he so patientlydisplaysis always to so unre-quited.

Mktp.opoi.itan Hh.l.?The proprietorof this popularestablishment has had tome import-ant improvements made to its inferior during thepast week, which will make it much more suitablefor a conccrthall than it has horetnlore been. Waunderstand that Mr. Mayodesignshaving the seatsraised much higher than they now are. so as togivethe entire audience a fair view of nilthatpassesunth<' stage, and that he contemplate*oilier changesol an important character to the building. Fromour knowledge ot him a* an enterprising gentk*man, we feel warranted in sayln? that no ex|ienaewill be spared to make Mrtrn/iolUan Hull all thatthe people ot Richmond can desire it to be, as aplace for public meetings, concerts, etc. Beingvery large, aud occupying a central position, itshould lie tnrgiß'id ral ying point for all attraction*of a public character.

Aprii. mado a gloomy 'lull clouds?ml aboweea. Saturday liltl- boya woroplaying llu-ir prank*, with bundle* and lettere, andnot t» £-w of tbe umuipiclou* were caught in tietraiw H<> artlullyBft tor tkmii. We euw nnold ladypick u|» a iu<itfr i>i iiaiit-f, ui.l pint-tut; ti iu tier banju-t ilfuvetl oil with«s much übi'iuttetu m tlniu-tiah" kail found h treasure, while the ibap# who hadpi t-p.ireil i». aeeined to enjoy tku "»ell wilk ieliuitedelight. Well, boyawill b« hoy*, make tin- mnutof llieiu. and at thuir *unny day* arc ol »hort duralion, lei tbem bavetbeir apurt, nmiUluibed, whileneither crime nor cruelty are indulged in.

ATTF.MPTr.n lIfOBJIDIARIRM?About 4o'clock yesterday triorniog # moat darinf attamptwaimade t" fire anrfbwatha realdrrieeol offleorGeorge W. 11.Ty Ifr, t* Jackcon street, near Jeffer-son, but fortnunlelyit discovered intime toprevent any scriou* dHinajpv The iuccii'liary litat of-feded id dlraocA intofliff fronf nateticut room,thrcuffh the window, but finding nothing in it of acombust able noiurivwent to this rear of the houseand fot into the back Waaemr nt, which ia used Inthe wintertime as a ftorage room. Here he kin-dled two tires outhefloor, plated a nurnberol emp-ty barrels nnd other combustable matter near eachburniitir pile, and then escaped. Mrs Tyler'a sis-ter was the first to discover the amok" and cive thealarm, a short time after 4 o'clock, when the familytrot up, went down, and with little troulde extin-eiiished thellauieg. From tracks seen nrctuml thehouse, it is generally believed that the incendiarywas a negro, who, uo doubt was prompted to theJe -d livpome baser white person.

Mr. Tyler is now cooDeeted wi'h'thc Police olthe city, nnd is one of its must active and vigilantmembers. Struigb-tforwarU, correct and impartialin the discharge of his duties, he mayhfcve madeenemies who are seeking retrenjroljy attemptingtoburfi his anil murder his inno-ent family inthe iii-jhttim<; but in the eyesof all riaht tbinkin7persons?men who like to seethe lawn promptlyexecuted?he is held in high esteem, b-rth as an of-ticer and as a man.

.Charged with Robbery?Our noticeof the robbery ol Mr. Thomas Binns, ou Wednes-day last, in Rocketts, published in the "Dispatch"ofSaturday, has lead to Hie arrest of Francis Fox-wkll, wbo is now in thecage, awaiting an exami-nation before the Mayor. Ilia reputed accomplicei" yet at large, but the police are on his tracks, andwill r.o doubt lay hands upon him in less than forty-eight hours. If the testimony in the esse is as clearas we have understood it wiil be, there is not ashadow of a doubt thai the accused will be convict-ed of felonyand sentenced to the State's prison.

Carrying Deadit Weapons.?W hatcan parents be thinking ott to permittheir boys, atthe age of tenand twelve years, to carry deadlyweapons? Last Saturday morninsr, while in theneighborhood of the Columbia Mills, we saw threelads, with pistols in their hands, ready to tire upona doa; who had dared to bark at them as they paas-

and were only prevented from doing so by theappearance ofa gentleman whoknew oneol them,and ordered them toput up their fire arms?»uchlicense may lcad|:o evil consequences.

Theatre. ?Mrs. Ward's Benefit.?We hope the theatre will be well filled to-night, onthe octasiou of Mrs. Ward's benelit. No memberof the company has contributed i<a much to the edi-ticntion of play-goers, during the season, as tiiis es-timable lady, and the present is a favorable oppor-tunity to show that her efforts have been appreeiafed. The beautiful play of "The Jewess" will bepresented, besides other attractions, not the leastamong which may be mentioned the Fireman'sAddress, which Mrs W.recites moat effectively.

Mayor's Court.?Ou Saturday last therewas not a tingle case before the Mayor?either cri-minal or civil?consequently vre have nothing tonotice in that line.

Su s p knbi o.v Clock ?Bartboleinew,Watchmaker and Jeweller on Governorstreet, inalways on the look out for improvementsin his lineof business, and when he sees an attractive "card,"one that will take with the people and add to thepopularity of his flourishing establishment,?he hasthe sagaei'y to adopt it, regardless ot cost. On alate visit to the North, to purchase stock, friend B.came across a suspension clock?a double lace, nev-er varying time-piece? one gotten up on u newplan, and having an extra hand to denote t'le geconds as they pass?and regardless of pri e, he re-solved that Governor street was the proper locationfor it, and forthwith it was trauiferred Irotn theciiyol Brotherly I.ove, to his own shoiv window,whereit now continues to move, and day,pointing unerringly the flight of time as it speedsalong. This clock is a sort of perpetual motion,and is so arranged that the action on its palatescauses the spring to vibrate, and the clock to swingto and fro, with as much regularity as the secondhand of a lever hounds from point to point. Weare uot familiar enough with this new time piece ofmechanism to describe it accurately, but it seemsto us, that its inventor has struck the true plan forconstructingan unvaryingregulator of time. Thosewho have not seen it can call ami do so, and iu themeantime they will havean opportunityol purcha-sing watches or jewellery at such prices as are notalways asked for the linest articles in tho market.

Qualifications for Councilman.?Thatour readers may understand what are the requiremerits of the City Charter to make a man eligiblefor the office ol City councilman, we ;;ivethe eigthsection ol tho Charter of the City ol Richmondwhich is in these words.

"At such election in a ward, nny white main citi-zen of the Commonwealth of the age ot twenty-oneyears,fwho resides. in such ward, and is qualilieil tovote in the city for members of the General Assem-bly, shall havea right to vote, and be tligible asmember of the Conrtril or of tho Court of flus-tin

The above section is so plain that no one canpossibly misunderstand it. To vote tor a geuth;-man residiug in one Ward torepresent another, istherefore nothingmore nor less than throwingawaya vote, ' It*

MARRIED,On the 29th March, by theRev. Dr Hnghart, Mr.HENRY A. NUNNALLY, oftbe R. V 1). K. R., to

Miss VIRGINIA A. FOSTER, of Amelia co., Va. *


EXCHANGE HOTEL ?C T Goolrick, B Oirard,Uof Va; J E Jones. Buckingham; M R Crenshaw,Chas City; Mrs W II Harrison, Amelia; L Hymai,I'ich'r.ond; C S Carring'on, Va; J B Smith. Nelson;j Higenbotl am, C Harris, New York; W Psnuill, BF Halsey, Petersburg; N Leid. Palis; C Hill, lady,child and svt. N C; I. C Shepherd. Norfolk; H Hudnail. Chesterfield; D Pulsip and lady. Boston; C EClark, New York; W N Berkley, Va; J H Taliaferro,Hanover; C B Ball. Loudoun; \V H Newbolt andlady. Miss Prescott, Miss Sargent ana Mi s Newbolt,Philadelphia:H Stewart, J B Bratton and lady, New-port.

COLUMBIAN HOTEL.?G H Southail, Amelia;Capt J Cars.in, Liverpool; E Scott, Powhatan; 1) TJones, Palask'; L R Roper, Petersburg; Capf R VVThweatt, N (ireeu, Chesterfield; T Cape, Va; T JPowell, J A Burrow, Geo Pile. Tenn; Sand WiliUuis,A A Walton, W A Puryeur, Buckingham;J M More,Tenn; W Ball, Mass; T Hodgson, Columbia; H SPlummer, Home; Jno Bra!*. Petersburg: l> Howson,T J Jones, WS A.'sop, A J Withers, P W Alsop Uof Va; A H Sheppard, Va; L Bennington,Alb. *


ARRIVED,Schr. Fearlrsa, Adams, A'takapas, sugar and moia*3es, tj Dunlop, Motieure & Co.Schr. C T.Smyth, Hopkins, New Orleans, sugar

and tnolass. s.Schr. Chieftain, Jones, Noif.jlkSchr. James Portei, Freeman, New York, ice, to

Griffin fc. TaylorSelif. Henry Read, Johnson, Norfolk, lumber.Schr. Falmouth, Decatur, Baliinore. mdseSchr. J. B. Barnes, Long, Boston, mdse., to Shields

it SomervilleSteamship Virginia, Teal, Philadelphia, mdse. aud

passenger*.Steamer Pocahontas, Jones, Baltimore, incise., toLudlam t Watson.Schr Delaware, Beckmore, Maine, ice, to Ward-

well t Badger.AT NEWPORT'S NEWS.

Brig Cleopatra, from New Orleans, bound to Rich-moud.

at iiAvciNf; point.Brig Alabama, from New Orleans, boatid to Rich*moud.

ARRIVED?Am n. 1._

Schr. Joseph Guest, Conklir., New York, ice, Griftin It. Taylor.

Bclir. H. K. Dunton, Dunton, Boston, ice, Giillin& Taylor.Schr. Chas. T. Ford, Hancock, Petersburg, 'umberE E. Dodlev.Schr. Washington Lafayette, Dobbins, ligh'.Schr. Jauie* T. Kiady. Ward New *ork, hay to M?owney, csr* to IKnvilln Railroad.

SAILED.Schr. C H. Boss, ??, to load down the riverforPhiladelphia.Sehr. Hanover, Whipple, New York, mdse , DCnrne.Schr. Judge Baker, Bogart, New York. coal. WinD Colquitt fc. Co . ,Bchr Camilla, Shaw, Philadelphia,coal. Win. D.Colquitt V. Co.Schr. Chericnke, Kirkmeyer, mdse.., Yorkriver.

JULLIEN S CONCERTS ?The mana-ger of these Concert* respectfully beg* to an-nounce to the public that the Dollar Tickets, withthe lew lemaiuing reserved acat* for U>-i.ight'*Cov«c-rt, can he had to day

The sale of tickets for the second Conceit willcnmmeue« to morrow at Uo'clock, at Mr. Ja*. Wood-house's Bookstore, where *rata can be \u25a0\u25a0?cured. Dotlar Ticket* ean also he purchased at Mr. f. H.Tsyior's Music store, aud at the Hall in the evening,

ap i?lt

B STORE FOR RENT.?The Storeat present occupied by the subscriber is fori ant. It U a most desirable location for a Family

Grocery, and being inunedste'v opposite the ftlcl*moud and Fiadcriakaburg Depot, caunuaods a goodcuuntiy ttadc sl*o. PuMt-sion givoii leiy boom

apS GEO I IfE»tl«0.

JANDIDATE 3 FOR OFFICE.ftir.r. First pAr.K.


3 P. Bi'l.rrf, 11. w. Pry,Tho» W MeCancn, P. R. Gratian.Dr. Chas. S. Mills.

ALDERMKM:Jas A. Coward in, ft Burton,Thna. Tyrer, Jas. K

.W. Hitter, H> 3~ uTothe Voters or Jeffrsok Ward.?-

The name of vsrious gentlemen havebeen soggestedto you ss suitable Topre.enta'ives 'n the CommaaCoiuicil?amongst tbt-m C. J. Sinton and K. MeAilam,

either of whom wonId m>ke most excellent ' ePT*"sentatives. Mr. Sinton will netserveif elected.McArUm could notserve if he were to r ,£c *!vvote in the Ward, ss ha «io*s not reside in the WW.

I therefore suggest tfce following "

may obtain your onaulinoUJ support, lliey ares°od «-» and true.

Jus. M Tulbott,JL O. Husk'.us, , P. H. Boiler,

gj 3?3 t *

Msuifos Waku 'ftclCT?

COUNCI.MKN. AJLOEaMSM.If. VV Kry, Thos. Tyrer,\V. O. Paine, Jm toward ci,

Juo. Jones. fl,^or"tmi. s. Mills, ? «*, K^"">T. w. McCanco. ft. M. Burton

Thesbove ticket wifl be supported bya lorgw num-ber of voters of Madison Ward.

op 3?lt* A "OTf.il.

CI.EHK OF THE I{tr»TlS«iS CotlßT. ?A 8(he nature of the duties connected with this officemay nor be generally understood by a great portionof the V jfer», I consider it mv duty. a. a citizen, to

call the attention of the people t.) the qualilicntionsneeesaurv. No man can properly perform Ihs dutiesof the office witliout leng experience?without a per-fect acquaintance with the routine of fh<- business,which is exceedingly varied nad complicated. Aclaim on the suffrages of the peoplecan be foundsdonly one complete knowledge of the business, aknowledge which no one possesses or can possess inthe same degree as Mr. Koai:RT Howard, whose ex-perience has extended through mst yrars, sndwhose abilities have recently received the commend-ation of theCourt, who appointed him to fill the va-cancy caused byhi* brother's resignation


MOND.?At the request of numerous friends, I re-spectfully announcemyself asa candidate for the of-fice of Oauger in tlia cityof Richmond, at the ensu-ing election, and I humblybeg your support. Andshonld it be jourpieature to elect me, it shall he mvpleasure to serve you lo the best of my knowledge

Bally! one anc all, forap 3?ll CHAS C. LIPSCOMB, Esa.Caniiiiiate fi>r Grain Measurer ?In

compliance with the request ot a nnmbei ot my fel-low citizens. I again offer as a candidate for the officeof GRAIN MEASURKR. Should it be the pleasureof the voters of Richmond to elec* me, I shall spareao painsor exertions to discharge the duties of theoffice with promptnessand fidelity.

ap ;i_3i* BEVERLY T WELLS.

Messrs. Ewtoks-Having Been my nameannounced in your paper of Saturday morning, asacandidate for CITY OAfTGER, with many thankstothe friends who have so gt neiously tendered metbeir support for tbis otfic**, I most respectfully, atthis time, beg leave te decline.

ap3 2t* E. W. TOMPKINS.

To the Voters of the City of Rich-mond.?In accordance with the wishes of manyfrieuds, and urged by a desire foj the office. I declaremyself acandidate t'or Sergeant of the City of Richmond, and promise if elected to give to its duties mybest energies.

Ep 3?3t* PETER W. GRUBBS.To the Voters of the City of Rich-

Monu.? 1 rnqpoctfullv oiier rnvs-'lf a candidate forlo the oflice of SL PKltf NTKNDENT

Of BTRKKTS-a P 33t* M. BATES. |

NT3W SPECIAL NOTICESLarge Sale ok Valuable Real Estate,

Si.aves, Tobacco Prksses, Fixtures, Sic ? ITheparticular attention of the puh'ic is respcctfnilycalled to the large sale of Ken! Estate, Slaves, To-bacco Presses, Fixtures, &c., belonging to Col. Sam.S. Myers, to take place on TUESDAY next, the 4thApril, IH.Vt coniuienciiir at 11 o'clock. The sale willbeginwith the Slaves. See advertisement for ter.ns,Sic.

After tho Rale of the Tobacco Fixtures, will besold several lots of pe fectly seasoned Poplar. Baf-tonwood and Cherry Plank, suitable for tobaccoboxes and a tirst-rate Steam Engine

mh 31-dtds GODO IN & At'I'KRSON, AHcts.Anniversary ok the Bible Society.?

The annual nieetiugof the Bible Society of Virginiawill be held at the Centenary (Methodist) Church,in Richmond, on TUESDAY evening, the 4th ofApril, at o'clock.

Addresses will be delivered by the Rev. George D.Cummins of this city, and the Rev. S. H. Co*, L». D.,ol New York.

AuxiliaryBible Societies are invited to send dele-gates to th» meeting. G. N JOHNSON,

op y?2t* Recording Secretary.We invite attention to the sale of Hand-

some Bit ii.»in« Lots, and improved property in theTown of Fulton and Port M*yo, to take place thisafternoon, commencing at 4 o'clock

ap 3 TAYLOR & WIL.LIAMS, Auctn.

HMO TIIE PUBLlC.?Believing tli at Drs.1- Bolton and Parker have nrraigned themselvesbefore the tribunal of public opinion, and as theynow refuse to sustain their position, it becomes myduty, in self-defence, to present an impartial reviewof thequibblingand evasion of the said Bolton andParker inshifting theirpositions; for they cannot bepermitted to make such an indiscriminate Essault onthe innocent,and then retire from the conflict, andenjoy secretly a malignant pleasure in the wrongstliey have done.

Th'scourse was intimated in my card of 3fitli-31stult,in case they declined my otter, which they have\u25a0lone. The whole will appear in the Dispatch onWednesday, the sth inst.

ap3?lt* GKORGF, H. JONES.XTOTICE ?The firm of B. & S. JONESi. * is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Thename of tho firm hereafter will be used by either oftheparties, only tor the purpose of closing their lutebusiness BURWKLL JONF.S,

SAMPSON JONES.April Ist, 18ilThe subscriber having rented the store,

corner of SRli and Main streets,occupied by B St SJones for the last 17 years, and having purchased aportion of their remaining stock of GROCERIES,among which may be found some very superior oldBRANDYand VViNES, which have been in thehouse of B. & S. Jones for the lust ten years, ha isnow lidding to bis stock a full supply of choice FA-MILY GROCERIES, and iuvites his friends and thefriends of the late concern of B. &. S Jones, to givehim a call; and proxiis-s that no pains, on hia part,shall be snared to give satisfaction.

One of the lateconcern can be always fuund at *heo'd s'aud, where he would be pleased to s«e hisfiiet ds. SAML. M. BAKER.Riuhmund,AprilIst, W54.

We most eheerfitlly recommend Mr. S.M. BAKER, who has been incur employment forthe iast si* years, to our old customers and friend*.BURWELL JONKS.

SAMPSON JONKS.April Ist, 1854. ap 3-fit*_

AKUAINS EXTRAORDINARY, inDress Silks and Dres* Goeils, liniug disposed of

daily by lliesubscriber*, who have a full assortmentof the abova good*, consisting of checked, p'nid.plain,striped ar.d broca.le Silks; rich printed and satina'rtp- ci Bareges and Tissues, aud solid colors of thesame; Ginghams, Lawns, Jaconets and Mus'ius, inthe; greatest variety. Their as«ortment iu WhiteGoods and French Noectft'wirk Embroideries excelsanything ia priceand variety, ever ottered by themA call from ail in want i* respectfully solicited.

J MiLLHISER Sc BRO ,ap 3 RIO Broad street.

DOGGE'IT & ANDERSON. Uptel-sterers and Paper Hangers, have now iu store

their Spring Stuck of French and America* PaperHangings, amongst which are some of the richestGold, Velvet and Silver Pnptrs for p-rlors. Also, avi-netal assortment of Floor and Table Oil Cloths,India and Cocoa Matting,Window Hh*d»s andBlinds,with a gem lal stuck of Curtaiu and I'pholsteringGrinds, all ot which will be sold on fair term*.

Paper Hanging and HpWsteriti.g attended to punc-tually in town orcouatiy. ap 3?'lm

T)LD DOMINION LINKTTWlfil FOR LYNCHBURG-Boat OLDNORTH fcTATE, Capt. Cameron, is now receiviugfreightfor Lyuchburg.a'd will leave on WEDNEB-- EUSTACE It APPLE YARD,ap 3 3t North aide Basic.

jmrrnti FO K LYNCIIIWRCj"?\u25a0EEE23SB Boat DESPATCH. Cant. Hawkins,i*now loadingaud will leave WEDNESDAY eve-ning.

ap 3 LEK & CO., on the Rails.

BFOK KENT?A desirable LosingROOM, at the cornerof llth street. over the(tore ot Knot*leafc Walfoid Apply to ua

ap 3 3t KNOWLKB k WALFOID.4 \HLEANiS MOLAiSSES, in wlude audVF half hhls , for sale by £. H. SKINKEft,

*P 3 Caryat.

RINDSTON E 8?Nova&6oti»Grindstones, ussoimd sues, for *al« by»P3 » H BKINKER. Caryat,

FAMILY AND BXTRA FLOUJKXriX am now leeeiviug the followlug bland* of tunenor Family aMI Bakei's ft (Mir: Gonito, Mt HblonMtCliiuj,Patrick aud Clio*'*, For tale by"P-* J. J ft*.




THIS EVENING. APRIL 3»,Being Uia 17"t b Ct'ncerl io the United R»at»*. (pri >rto hiadepnrtnrewith W» Orchent-a for the Northerncitlea and Knfnco In to felifii hla engagementIn London and Parti ) upon wh'ch ore**icmhe will b.»


CONDUCTOR M- JULLIEN.The following Programme wiil be praaentcd :

PART FIRST.Ov>r'«-e?"Maaar.iello." Auh«r.Quadrille?' Califorr.iau" JuliienSymphony?'"Tho Allegretto in B flat,

from theSyrapbonT in E" BeethovenGr*i>d Aria ?Krom "Liici* di La'niuer-

ijiowr," .' DonizettiM'LLE ANNA ZERR.

V*l«»?"La Prima Donna." Jollier.The Soioa and Cadenza* for Comet-*-Piaton, pei.formed by HKRR KOKNIO.Sjlo?Clarionet Waiiic

SIUNOR WUILLB.Quadrille National Juliien.

THE AMERICAN !"arranged with twen'v aol;>annd varlationa, perform-

ed by ttvciity of M. Jallien's Solo performer*.

PAHT 9KCOKD.Grand Operatic S< lection and fantasia.. Mayerb*erFrom the Opera of " Lea Huguenota," arranged by

Jullieo, with hi» celebrated SoloPerformer*.MM. LAVIGNE, 8 HUGHES AND BCHREURS

3 rag?"Where the Bee Sneka," from the playof he Tempeaf Arne

MAD'LLE ANNA /.ERR.Due?Two VUlina Moilenhauen

THE BROTHERS MOLLENHAUER.Polka?"The Sleigh Polka" JullieoSoloe Oboe?"Sonveniradea Montague*,"

with imitation of French Bagpipe* LavlgneM. LAVIGNE

Gallop?"The Target" JallienDetcriprive of a Grand field Day and Target Prac-


Ticket* to all part* of the Hall, 91 ; aecured seat'50c. extra.

Ushers will be ia attendance to (how parties totheir *eaf*.

Do-.r* open at 7: Concert fo commence at 8.Tickets to b« had at the Bookitore of Mr J\MKs

WOODHOUSE, where *eat* mav he secured ; alio,at the Music atore of Mr P. H. TAYLOR.


And Selection* from the ' PROPHET."apS

theatre!Farewell Benefit of Mi*. \V. WARD.MONDAY EVENING. April 3d, 18.54,

The Drama ofT II K J K W ESS.

Eleagan Mr Ward.Rarha"), (the Jewess) ....Mrs. Ward.DANCE ..Mis* M. PartingtonFIREMAN'S ADDRESS, in eo*tame....Mia War-'.


BOYH' CLOJ'HING ?I alwaysSR keep on hand the largest asoit .-erit of (Boys'iff and Children'* CLOTHING to bo found Litin* market,of my own make, which will to

it.ldat reasonable pries Those in waut will dt> w»llt.n {five me u call, as I keep the latest stylr » to fitBoys from sto 15 year# old ; and, when preferredwill make to order. M y stock now on hand embra-ces every article usually called for in my line of bus-nesa. (live me an early call.

WILLIAM IRA SMITH,(Late Smith it Marvin,)

ap 3 St No. 114 Main street.U S - MAIL LINE.?Str-an-

wip JAMESTOWN leave* TUESDAYAFTKRNOON at 4 w'clock for NEW VOKK, viaNORFOLK.Freight received to day (MONDAY.) at 12 o'clock,and op to the hour of 1 o'clock, P, M., TUESDAY,the 4tli iust.

Passengers are requested to be on beard before 4o'. locfc, P. M.

Ticke's and Bertha secured at our office, Bout l sideof the Bttsin.


MORNING next at 7o'clock. apt? 1L

\u25a0r STEAMER ISELVIDKKi:rtriTiirl . I'n'iii FOII BALTIMORE AND PHILADELPHIA.?Freight received to-day, (MONDAY )at 12o'clock, and up to the hour of I o'clock. P. M .TUESDAY, 4th in»t. for the atovn places.

Shippers to Philadelphia will liud thin route \u25a0 nch-ap and as expeditious a< hiiv other

ap3?2t LUDLAM & WATSON.ITOUSE FOR RENT-The lar*®brick Dwelling on Third street, between Main

and Franklin, recentlv occupied by Philip M. Tabh,E*o.. is f r rent. It has been lately tbormghly r< \u25a0

paired throughout, and is, therefore, in good condi-tion. Alia hed, arc a *>en house and a flower gul-den. together with other improvements and conve-niences, renderiig tharesidence a very de-irable onefor a large family. Re.nt #o,r ®j>-r annum.

ap 3 TOLER At COOK, Agents.

FOR SALE?A most excellentA y v Saddle and Harness HGRSE, yonng, *><unuand perfectly gentle. Apply to

DIBRELL St JOHNSON,mh 31?St* Near Shcckoe Warehouse.

FOR SALE?I elegant Rocka-way, the finest, in all respects, in thiscity, for sale low. A-l'ply at thi» office. Mb 34


VALLEY OF VIRGINIA, RICHMOND, tint St..One Door FroiS thf.Post Office.?Autiio*izm>Capital, $300,000.?This Company will take FIREand MARINE BISKS on as favornble terms as anyother Company of equal responsibility.


Samuel Marx, Cashier Bank of Virginia, Richmond.J A.Smith. do. Farmers' Bank of Vs., do.Joseph R. Anderson, Esq do.T. A. Tidball,President of the Bank of the Valley,

Winchester.Henry M. Brent.. Cashierof the Bank of theValley,

WinchesterJ.II Sherrard,Cashier of the Farmers' Bank, Win-chester.Hon. James M. Mrsen I*. S S., Winchester.U. W. KNOWLES wiil reeeive application* as

heretofore. mh 28 dim

CITY ELECTIONS.?In pursuance «.t"An act, revising and reducing into o»« act, tbe

provision* of th»Chaiter of the City of Richmond,"pmcM-d March 30th. IR-li, an election will held onWKDNKSUAV. the Hli of April, 18.M, for member*of the Council, member* of the Court of liu>tin«4, aMayor and other office raof said city.

1 n JF.tTBRsoN Ward?At the Kirai MarketIIon«e.In M tmsoN Warij?At the City HallAnu in Monroe Ward?At the houae on tiie

Soutli-weat corner of Broad and Kouahee atresia,n.l.a-dtdc WM. P. SHKPPARD. C. C R

PRIME GOSHEN BUTTEKand PINKAPPLE CIiKE.SE; annall lotof country ruled

Hatim, »iiiall tlw and verynupertor; also a iotof«u;n. rcm«d Hainj, ofthe belt brand*; likewise K«m BreaarPiece*, Middlings, and Shoulder*; Smoked Beef; HrefTohgae*; nuperior Lard in pail* and in bbla.; No. Ilarge Mnrkerel; Ti)ii;H' », Souuda and Codtifh; alio.Coffee* ofthe beat <iualiti>a; Kugara ofalla aupcrior aa»»rtmeul of the lineat Tea*; Loudon Pol-ler, in 'it. and pt bottle*; Pickles, by the barrel orgallon; Chocolate; Rice; London and American Mm-tard; Kiuid; Syrup; Mulacaee. and every oilier articlein the grocery line lor family u*e, for «ale be

T. W. TURPIN,mh 2) Im Main, between 7th ft»d Bth «ta.


APPLES. Kor aale byC. P. WORD,

Kir at corner above Unit-id Alalia Hotel,mh28?lw

GUANO.?We nrw m»w prepared tomake engagement* to deliver minima No I

PERUVIAN UUANO.intbe month ef July lies'.?Peraona withing to he I'arniahed, will p'eaau aend hitheir order* at once.


(MIEWING TOBACCO AND CIGAK.S,-/very cheap at wholeaale to the trade, byapl BENNETT h WEEKS-

-4 iILS, oIlsTuTEs ?2<» bbl«. rwfiwlLard Oil; 31 bblaTanner* nud Nealefoel, lWt>

gala.aperm, aolar and whale, tformlaby >

_*Pj BENNETT h BEERS. Uraxjtiat


mM> bbla. and J bbla., freeh from the ftpHof*BENNETT k BRI!*S,

?P * Drwggiat*

ANOTHKK BUrPXY^uaTntfMv*!XX anotheraupj.iy ol ihoae beeatifel Haiti Mautil-ia*. Mack, whilenod coloredL»ae Mauiitlaa de do. do.Ribbon end VelvetTiiwtukaf*Black ami c >Hd Faraaola, in great variety

81 piece* uo»o of thoae t'aat eoi'd Lawn*, at!»*« CHRISTIAN * LATHROP,

lah Mi,

>tt Main *»eet

1»KH JPATEITIC OLAHSKS, th«I. Toilet, all alzta, andao'iia vaij haud«m»e, »"»
