UDL guidlines powerpoint

Post on 30-Jun-2015

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EDP 279

By Emily Peters

Universal Design

+What is Universal Design?

A product or design that meets the needs of a wide spectrum of potential users who can all have very different characteristics

How does it relate to teaching?

UD can be applied to curriculum, teaching, tutoring, learning centers

+UDL Guidelines

3 broad foundational principals:

1. Provide multiple means of representation How we present information to the learner?

2. Provide multiple means of action and expression How to ask learners to express what they know?

3. Provide multiple means of engagement How do we motivate and engage students?


Curriculum that works for all

+Multiple Means of Representation

1. Provide options of perception Develop more than one lesson plan on how to teach

students with different characteristics

2. Provide options of language and symbols Use different means of teaching

Ex. Images, digital, movies, books ELL students may need translations

3. Provide options for comprehension and processes Have multiple ways to explain and teach students so that

they are able to turn what you are saying into useful knowledge

1st guideline

+Multiple Means of Expression

1. Provide options for physical expression

Different activities and tasks students can preform to show that they have retained the knowledge you’ve taught them

2. Provide options for fluency of expression

Learner can express fluently what they know

3. Provide options for how learners can express progress

Students express in multiple ways Ex. Writing, drawing, performing an

experiment, speeches

2nd guideline

+Multiple Means of Engagement

1. provide options for recruiting interest Different activities, projects, tasks used to spark students


2. Provide options for sustaining student effort Hardest part How to keep students attention and keep them interested

in the learning process

3. Provide options for self regulation Sustain effort and will to learn on their own

3rd guideline

Most important of the 3 main principles


+Work Cited


