UFO Encounter 265

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ufO encounter 1bimonthly journal of ufO research queensland


265april/may 2012

47th year of publication

this issue:alien technology explained?

ufO encounter2

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ufO encounterissue 265

april/may 2012

bimonthly journal of

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alien technologyexplained.......................................8

alan’s story...............................6

It's a very sobering feeling to be up in space and realize that one's safety factor wasdetermined by the lowest bidder on a government contract. - Alan Shepard

In the history of great whoopsies, thisone has to be right up there.NASA have admitted that the Curiosityrover’s expedition to Mars may bejeopardised – that Curiosity may, in fact,jeopardise the future of the planet Marsitself.Say what?It seems that a drill bit, designed to drillthrough Martian rock, may have beenslipped into Curiosity’s toolbox withoutundergoing the appropriate de-contamination procedures.In fact, NASA knows the drill bit didn’tgo through the appropriate de-contamination process.So what happened?One of the technicians on the project,fearing for the safety of Curiosity’s toolsduring the extreme landing it wouldendure, decided to slip in an extra drillbit, just in case. Without washing it.Without, apparently, even washing hishands. Consequently, the bit – andevery other tool in the case – is nowcontaminated with bacteria.What does that mean for the Marsmission? It means that, even shouldCuriosity find life on Mars, unless thatlife is bigger than a microbe, then NASAhas no way of knowing if that life formwas indigenous to the planet or if itrode in from Earth on a drill bit.More worryingly, it also means thatNASA is concerned what may happenshould the drill bit puncture through arock and actually find a body of water.The microbes on the bit will enter thewater and procreate and multiply andmaybe even evolve. Another planet fullof humans? Good grief!So what is NASA doing about this?Rather than simply not open the box,they’re spending their time hopingagainst hope that they don’t comeacross any water. Given the nature ofthe mission, part of which was indeedto look for water, that’s a bit of a self-defeating wish. And given that NASAis also looking for life, with the currentcontamination situation, finding it willnow be meaningless. In fact, anythingthey might find will be tainted by errorand misjudgement and, from ourperspective, misinformation.Seems to me that the Curiosity missionis doomed before it begins…..

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marcH-June 2012Carrara, March 8 2012, 1.30pmOn the 8th March 2012 at approximately1.30pm I was hanging washing on theline in my backyard when I heard a veryhigh-pitched, although soft, sound inthe sky for about three minutes. Ilooked to where I heard the soundcoming from overhead, but I could notsee anything except a weird distortionof light in the clear blue sky. I wasstaring at it when there was a suddenloud noise and then nothing more.

There were no other sounds around. Itwas a very quiet afternoon. It seemedweird to me but perhaps you can makesomething of it.

Port Douglas, April 3 2012, 2.30amA friend and I witnessed a dancing lightin the sky between the hours of 2:30amand 3:15am this morning 3rd April. Wewere sitting on a beach at Port DouglasQld. I looked into the clear night sky aswe were talking about the moondisappearing behind the mountainswhen I noticed far off, high in thedistance, a silver blue twinkling starwhich I hadn’t noticed there earlier inthe night.

As I lit up a smoke I saw the light slowlymove from side to side across the sky. Ipointed the light out to my friend, andas we both zoned in on the light it startedmoving at a unbelievably fast speed, soerratic yet with no effort at all. As wediscussed what it could be we noticedanother light blinking in another part ofthe sky. We believed that this secondobject would have been an aircraft. Theunidentified light had seemed to havestopped. We settled back down into thesand and continued talking, then thelight started moving again, almost

seeming like it was splitting into two andback into one again. We watched thisshow for 45 minutes or so before packingup and leaving the beach as the earlymorning cold had settled in.

It’s not the first time I have seen lightsin the night sky. But this time I was notalone. It was awesome to experience thiswith another person.... It made the carride home very interesting.

North Brisbane, Friday April 21 2012, 1.26amI awoke when my wife went to thebathroom, and as I was lying in beddeciding whether to go myself, I lookedout of the bedroom and noticed aflickering orange light through the leavesof a tree in the back yard. I got out ofbed and went to the window and saw twolarge lights travelling in tandem, comingslowly across from the north. The lightswere large in comparison to normalaircraft lighting and there was no strobelighting. The lights were steady andmoving slowly. Because of light cloudcover it was difficult to determine height.I called my wife to come and see. Weboth couldn’t understand what it couldbe. It was not helicopters, because ofthe size of the lights and the consistencyof distance between them. They did notseem to lose or gain any height duringthis time, which was about four minutes,before moving around to the western skyand gradually becoming lost in cloud. Thepositioning of the lights became verticalthe further west it travelled and seemedto indicate a single object.

The colour was exactly the same on bothlights. Movement could be seen on thevery outside rim of the light. The lightshape was more squarish than round. Ilooked at the bedside light during thesighting and it read 1.26am. I ran

downstairs to the backyard to see if Icould get a video on my camera, but wasunable. I have absolutely no idea what itwas. There was no noise, before, duringor after the sighting, and as I was runningdown the stairs to the back garden, mywife said the object appeared to stopand change direction. I also saw thechange of flight path, but not the halt. Icouldn’t go back to sleep so I thought Iwould record what we had seen while itwas fresh.

Toowoomba, April 20 2012, 8.15pmMy husband and I have been watching alight for 15 minutes. It has not movedand is a bright light with orange, red andblue lights flashing around it. It is in thenorth eastern sky. We live inToowoomba, Queensland.

Casino (NSW), June 3 2012, 7.00pmStanding outside in South Casino facingnorth, myself and two friends witnessedtwo lights the colour of fire in the sky.One was above the other light, about 50metres above. They seemed to bemoving south and we put it down tobeing helicopters until both objectsseemed to turn east behind a very smallcloud and totally disappeared. We hadnot been drinking.

Amberley, June 9 2012, 8.10amThis morning near Amberley (9/06/12)while watching the setting moon at8.10am through my telescope, I noticedtwo identical streaks of cloud parting inwhat appeared to be a perfect arc. Thesecond (thinner) cloud parted from eastmoving in a westerly direction about fiveminutes after I noticed the first arcabove me. There was no wind at thetime but I assumed the clouds were highin altitude.

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Paradise Point, June 29 2012, 12.40pmI saw a UFO today around 12:40pm atParadise Point Queensland. At first itlooked like a plane with light reflectingoff it, but it was hovering for a fewseconds than vanished. This is thesecond time I’ve seen this.

Brisbane, June 29 2012, 2.45amI saw something strange while drivinghome from a friend’s house at 2:45am6/4/2012, and thought I’d let you know.The object was appearing to hover, ithad three lights — one red, one white,and a blue light that was blinking. I wroteit off at first as an airplane until Iwatched it. It seemed to hover for aboutthree minutes, remaining stationary,then it moved very quickly inland, takingonly two minutes to clear a large distancein a linear fashion. It kept lower thanthe domestic or international flights I’veseen. I did a quick check to see if therewere any flights due to depart or arriveat the Brisbane airport, bothinternational or domestic, and there wasone scheduled flight to leave at 2:30which would have made the timingcorrect, but just to make sure I doublechecked and the flight was still boardingat the terminal. I tried to get a snapshotbut it was blurred out by a streetlightunfortunately. As far as trajectory, theobject headed in a northwest direction,and as an estimate I’d say it would haveflown over or close by Crows Nest or Esk.

Broadbeach, 1980 (reported June 2012)After reading about the recent sightingson the Gold Coast area in the Gold CoastSun newspaper, I am drawn to sharemine and my husband’s experience somany years ago, which happened overBroadbeach. While completely unrelatedto these recent sightings, and 22 yearsago, it still seems like yesterday andgives us chills when describing it toothers.

We were looking out the window of theBroadbeach house and noticed whatlooked like a falling star coming downeast over the direction of the ocean. Thisball of light did not die out like a fallingstar would — instead the brilliance of thelight got stronger and we thought it wasa plane turning. However, this thingactually stopped in mid-air. Literallystopped. A second or two later the ballgot very bright and a second objectcame out of the original shape.

These objects started moving almostlike they were dancing in mid-air, goingup down and around each other. Withinthe next few seconds they starting doingan aerial display, and then together theytook off with phenomenal speed out ofsight. We ran outside as fast as we could

but they had already vanished. We wereso stunned we were trying to debunkwhat we had just seen.There were no clouds in the sky -- nobeams of light coming from the ground.There were no planes around -- definitelynot ones that could do that speed. Thatwas an insane speed. The colour was ayellowish glow.This occurred around midnight aroundthe 22nd of December. It was mybirthday -- we had not been partying andwere not drinking at all.

Roma, September 19, 1998 (reported July 2012)It was late at night, around 1.00am, andI was staying at a friend’s houseovernight. Myself and two others weresitting outside stargazing when we sawwhat we thought was a satellite passingoverhead. It was a bright white light thatwas only slightly brighter than the starsaround us. However, its movementssoon became erratic — it suddenlyzoomed at a right-angle to its originalheading and appeared to come closer(it got brighter and slightly larger). Itthen changed direction again and beganzipping back and forth in the sky,changing direction at random andmoving way too fast to be a plane andexecuting turns which no plane couldpossibly do — especially given how faraway the object looked. It never gotbrighter or larger then Venus looks inthe sky, and most of the time it wasonly a little brighter then the other starsaround it. However it did appear tocome closer before zipping further awayagain. It covered a huge amount ofspace in the sky and continued itsmovements for at least 20 minutesbefore it suddenly executed anotherimpressive turn and shot across the sky,vanishing into the distance. My friendsand I were rather spooked by it and atthe time were too scared to call forothers while it was above us. Eventhough it was incredibly faraway, there was somethingquite frighting about it.

Kingaroy 1977 (reported July2012)I am not sure of the date now,but when I was 15 years old Iwas driving home from the townbasketball court with my mum, whenshe saw a large glowing white ball comedown from the left hand side of thewindshield and pointed it out to me. Thefirst thing she said was it was a star,but it was too big to be a star, and itwas moving.I jumped out of the car and ran downthe road to the school were I saw it had

gone. When I got there, the object wasstationary over the school basketballcourt and had changed its colour from aglowing white ball to orange and yellow.It was shaped like a top.I stood there for three or four minutesjust watching it. It was about 10 metresoff the ground, and it was about 10metres wide and 20 metres high andabsolutely silent. I ran home to get acamera, but when I got there the Polaroidwas out of film.I ran back to the school, which was 300metres away, and the object was on themove. That’s when I realised that it hadchanged to a glowing white ball while itwas on the move. It was orange to yellowwhen stationary, showing the full shapeof it, with what I made out to be blacklights around the centre bulge, and whitewhen it was moving.I ran back to tell Dad and get him to followit in the car. We went down to the schooloval and saw it heading out towards thedump road, so we followed it out for about5 kilometres. It stopped out near a houseand went down behind it. We waited forawhile, and when it came back up itseemed to be getting bigger, as if it washeading our way.At this point I got scared and got Dad toget out of there. He must have beenscared too because I remember him doing100 miles an hour back into town, Iwatched back a lot and the UFO seemedto be getting bigger and closer, but I lostsight of it when we arrived back intotown.

Diagram ofobject seenover Kingaroyin 1977.Artworkcourtesy ofthe witness.

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ALAN’S STORY1996: TWEED HEADS, Nth NSWBack in 1996, a mate and I (Alan)witnessed an object far away on thehorizon to the east across the sea. It was acloudy, warm night as the moonlightfiltered through the spaces between theclouds. As we watched this thing slidingacross the sky, seemingly under the baseof the clouds and above the waters, itappeared to be flickering on and off fromdarkness to bright lights over its surfaces.When I had first sighted it way out as just aflicker, I could see that its trajectory wasmaking an arc towards where we werestanding at the edge of the local (TweedHeads, northern NSW, Australia) JackEvans Boat Harbour. This was, andbecame, an encounter of dynamicproportions for me...

I have a lengthy background as an Artisan.A good bit of my work experiences wasspent as a worksite inspector with‘Bechtel,’ the largest constructioncompany in the world. In fact, George Bushthe elder is its CEO and is in charge of re-building much of Iraq’s destruction today.

My mate and I were stunned and almost

speechless as this thing (UFO) came all theway up to us, within just 50 metres andonly 10 metres above the water’s surfaceof the Boat-Harbour. It silently slid by ourvery eyes to fly straight through all thehigh-rise buildings of Greenmount(Coolangatta), as if matter didn’t exist.

In all my technological experiences, alongwith our modem knowledge of laser-beamlight sciences, and other relatedinvestigations, I have pieced together thefollowing interpretive observations of thisUFO encounter.

I sought to develop a fuller knowledge ofthis UFO thing because to me it was a veryreal fact, particularly in the sense that Iwas able to compare notes (for yearsafterwards) with my mate and fellowwitness as we shared this same sightingexperience.

The UFO was as black as the ace of spades- inside and out. It was also transparent,as it has an inside/outside appearancemuch like that of a see-through jelly-fish.And yet it is solid and takes its colors fromwithin its own core-structure. Here it is

like the florescence-creatures of the deep,deep depths of the dark seas; and like anoctopus it can change its cloak to look likeanything it wishes to emulate. Thus it canconfuse any viewer(s) of its true identityvery easily by changing its coloration andform to appear to be part of thebackground scene that surrounds it. Thisallows it to be both everything andnothing. It is able to reflect the light of anyphysical source over its surfaces as itmakes its numerous global visits.

At night it is black like a shadow and caneasily hide in the darkness; and in the dayit shines super mirror bright to blind oureyes -- yet it is detectable to the trainedeye by the way it reflects the angles ofdifferent rays of light. I knew thisimmediately when I first saw it, but therewas so much going on in its liquid-liketranslucent make-up that one can easilybe distracted and lose one’s focus. Ofcourse, as an Artisan, I could take theimages of this experience into my personalstudio, which is my inner sanctuary, andcontemplate the sense of what I had andwas still seeing... “Seeing is believing”,

Object seen in 1996,as drawn by Alan

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which was the “title-heading” re the UFOstories re Channel 9, TV Documentary(AUS) 17th April, 2005, in which many ofthe viewer’s descriptions aligned withwhat my mate and I witnessed in 1996. 1have drawn it many times over the yearsand, more recently, I completed apainting/etching of it, which was displayedat the Murwillumbah Regional Art Galleryin their Dec-Jan 2004/5 art prize exhibition,from which I received many peoplesenquiries on the matter.

More recently, I have been able to discerna bigger picture of this UFO. It flew straightthrough the bases of the high-rise buildingsas if matter really didn’t exist. Thatcapacity had me stumped until I cameacross more recent findings regarding thenature and properties of light.

This UFO is not a craft, nor did it have littlegreen men inside it. It is a living entity,about 175 metres diameter, like two plateson top of each other and about five buildingstories high. Massive, yet absolutely silentin its seemingly endless configurations.

It is cloaked in something like the laserprism of light, and my proposal holds thatits body-cloak is composed of the primal-dark-light matter from its dimension of thedeep darkness of the edge of the void; thatinstant of time after the moment(creation) of the big bang.

In summary then, this UFO is likened tolooking at the black coke in a soft drinkbottle. Clear “glass-pattemed” surfaceslook black because its transparency allows

above: Depiction of the size and locationof the object.

below left: Depictions of variousconfigurations of the object.

below right: This painting is of anotherobject that Alan saw from his front room,looking out over the water (TweedRiver). The sighting was very brief, someseconds, and was only seen as painted -there was no firm outline and it washeading due East.

you to see both the blackness and colorson the inside reflected on the under-sideof its outer.

At the same time its outside surfaces(cloak) reflects the light of the sun, moonor stars filtered through the screen of thebackground things surrounding it, so it canchange its surface caricature and henceseem to rapidly disappear. It can shape-shift into forms that will confuse anyviewer(s).

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Very few people would argue, thesedays, that we are alone – thatmankind is the only higher ordersentient life-form inhabiting theimmensity of the Cosmos. Evenscientists have begun,begrudgingly, to admit that theEarth being an isolated oasis ofintelligence in a Universe otherwisedevoid of advanced civilizations ishighly unlikely.

Where scientists and ordinarypeople part company, however, ison the issue of visitation. Is ET, forwhatever reason, coming here tocheck in on us? Ordinary people seethe mounting evidence - often withtheir own eyes – they read thereports, watch the videos andgenerally accept that there is‘something going on’ that they arenot being told about. Scientists, onthe other hand, have a severeimpediment when it comes toaccepting the presence of alienspacecraft in our benighted skies.Their model of physical realityemphatically precludes thefeasibility of interstellar travel. If ETis, therefore, coming here to visitthen everything they think theyknow will be proven wrong.

So who is in error? Are the everincreasing numbers of witnesses tostrange aerial phenomenamistaken? Or is it the scientists withtheir, perhaps, fatally flawed theorieswho are missing the point?

The simple fact of the matter is that,if you have seen something strangein the sky or you believe that thetestimony of witnesses and theburgeoning amount ofphotographic/video evidence to becredible, then you are also going tohave to accept that our scientists:our arbiters of truth, are leading usaway from – and not toward – anunderstanding of realitywhichallows for travel between starsystems.

That is what I am going to attemptto provide for the reader here: anunderstanding of reality that allowsfor interstellar travel. The weirdthing about travelling to the stars,however, is the fact that – in order toachieve it – we have to cut out theactual ‘travelling’ bit.

Interested? Read on.

First of all I’m going to have a lookat what conventional wisdom hasto say about the totality of energy/matter within the Cosmos. The firstlaw of thermodynamics tells us thatenergy must be conserved - that itcan be neither created nordestroyed. Now all of the energy(along with all of the matter) that, atpresent, comprises our Universewas created – we have been told –in one blinding flash of creation: theBig Bang. There is, however, aproblem with the Big Bang theory. Itwas originally conceived as anexplanation for why the Cosmos isexpanding. The galaxies are allmoving apart, it was argued,because – originally - the total massof the Universe was wrapped upwithin an infinitely small, infinitelydense singularity. Fourteen billionyears ago the singularity explodedand the expansion began. Thisexpansion, it was then thought,would eventually be slowed downand then reversed by gravity. This isnot happening. The expansion ofthe Universe is still acceleratingexponentially. To account for thisthe theorists have postulated theconcept of ‘dark energy’. Now if darkenergy is driving the acceleratingexpansion we have to ask thequestion: for how long has it beendoing so? If the answer to this isfourteen billion years then the BigBang need never have happened.Further to this an acceleratingexpansion would require, withevery passing nanosecond, moreand more – ie, newly created – dark

energy which directly contravenesthe conservation law. So theconventional wisdom has got itseriously wrong and needs to bedispensed with.

Now new theories, as a rule, usuallypropose new laws to explaindifferent aspects of physical reality. Iam going to take an old law: theZeroth law, and apply it in a way thatwas never intended by its originalproponents. The Zeroth law is a sortof prequel to the laws ofthermodynamics written after thefact – it goes like this: energy willalways flow from a hot reservoir to acold reservoir. Another way toexpress this would be to say that ahot body in a cold medium willradiate heat until the body and themedium reach thermal equilibrium.Yet another way to describe this law– the way most relevant to myversion of events – goes like this: allquantum entities and systems existat their lowest possible groundstate (their lowest possible energylevel) and, after being disturbed(raised to a higher energy level) bysome outside force or agency, willalways return to that ground state.

(NB there are exceptions to this that– along with other related material -I will not, for the sake of brevity, begoing into here. For a full expositionof my theory please follow the linkto ‘Quantum Reality’ provided at theend of this article. PD)

All of this is not just esoteric mumbojumbo – it does have practicalapplications in the real world. Take,for instance, an old fashioned lightbulb. When electricity (a stream ofelectrons: our ‘outside force oragency’) flows along the nichromewire in the bulb the electrons giveup (transfer) some of their energy tothe sub-atomic particles (quantumentities) that comprise the atoms/molecules (quantum systems) that,in turn, comprise the wire. These

alien technologyPeter DunnEXPLAINED

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particles now exist at a raised energylevel. To return to the ground statethe particles have to get rid of thisexcess energy. They achieve this byemitting photons (quanta ofelectromagnetic radiation), in theform of heat/light, and the bulbglows.

Now that we are all au fait with theZeroth law (my apologies to thoseof you who were already familiar withit) we can now apply it in a way thathas never been considered before –we can now apply it to the Universeas whole – as a single quantumsystem.

What we now need to decide is whatconstitutes the ultimate - zeroenergy - ground state of the Cosmos.I’ll put that another way. What is thediametric opposite of existence? Theanswer is, of course, non-existence.Now most people would perceive astate of non-existence be a void: abig, black empty space. This is wrong.Absolute nothingness means thatnot even space exists.

There is also the argument that –because it possesses no properties– absolute nothingness cannot, inany way, affect matters within space-time and so should not be broughtinto the equation. This is also wrong(please bear with me here).

An understanding of how what I amgoing to term non-space interactswith space-time is crucial, for it willallow us to put together a model ofreality that coherently explains allphenomena and brings together allforces to unite them under oneoverarching principle.

What I am going to do now is ask thereader to consider a rather novelconcept. Does nonpropertiesequate, necessarily, with noproperties? Non-space is a ‘place’that is, to our minds, virtuallyimpossible to visualize. Nonethelesswe can, with confidence, safelyassume that it is totally lacking anyform of dimensionality – that it isspatially and temporally non-dimensional. The fact that non-space possesses these non-properties means that it is infinite inextent (size and distance nowbecome meaningless) and duration(time cannot now pass – nor is itrestricted to moving in only onedirection).

So how does the world we knowinteract with this other reality? Toestablish this we must first of all take

a familiar truism and stand it on itshead. We all know that natureabhors a vacuum – in non-spaceterminology this becomes: natureabhors a volume. What to us is solid,possesses presence and mass, innon-space becomes a void, avacuity that cannot be tolerated.These raised energy regions needto be filled up, dissipated ordisplaced by non-space if it is toreinstate its former symmetry.

I will expand on this concept furtherby taking us back to the beginning– to the first ever event. TheUniverse began with thespontaneous appearance of asingle particle. Now for anything toexist there must first be provided aspace within which it can reside.This tells us what that first particlewas: it was a particle of space-time -or sparticle. Its appearance wasgenerated by the merest ofvibrations, a ripple or murmur – ashadowy, symmetry breaking eventwhich caused non-space tobecome rucked up and folded in onitself. Nonspace had, in effect,become quantified.

‘Faster than instantaneous.’ Thisphrase describes the speed withwhich non-space reacted to thesparticle’s presence. Remember, innon-space, Time’s arrow has nomeaning. So much so that the

appearance of the sparticle and thereaction to it becomeindistinguishable, they bothbecome the same event.

Before we take a closer look at thenew arrival please note that muchof what I am going to say about thestructure and behavior of sparticlesalso holds true for materialparticles and photons: as all threeentities conform to a single cosmicparadigm.

What we must first decide withregard to quantum entities(sparticles, particles, photons) is arethey, indeed, particles or are theywaves? Now to prevent us fromgetting bogged down in the now-you-see-me-now-you-don’t worldof duality and the uncertaintyprinciple I’m simply going todescribe the physical reality of (inthis case) a sparticle and thenexplain why it is the way it is.Sparticles are closed waveforms. Ifyou had a microscope powerfulenough to examine one closelywhat you would see is a tinydoughnut shaped object. This,however, is not the totality of thesparticle. The doughnut shape thatyou are looking at only representswhat I have called the focal localityof the sparticle: this is where thegreater part of the sparticle’s massis concentrated – or focused - at

Level 1 - Non-spaceThe downspiralling forceoriginates here

Level 2 - Space-TimeHere Space is smooth andcontinuous

Level 3 - The SparticlelevelHere Space becomeschaotic and discontinous

Level 4 - Non-spaceThe upscaling forceoriginates here


ufO encounter10

that particular moment in time. Thetotality of the sparticle actuallyextends outward to infinity.Remember size is immaterial – oursparticle is, also, actuallycomposed of non-space, and non-space itself equates with theinfinite void.

Before we can understand theforces that both create and dictatethe behaviour of sparticles andother quantum entities, we firstneed to know where these forcesoriginate from.

Look at figure 1. It is essentially ascale diagram with items towardthe top representing objects in themacro-cosmic Universe whilstitems toward the bottom representtheir microcosmic counterparts.

You will see that levels 1 and 4 areboth labeled non-space. Level 1represents the ‘space’ that theUniverse is, right now, expandinginto. Level 4 represents the ‘spacewithin’ – the ‘space’ below thequantum threshold. They both are,of course, the same place but it willbe easier for us if we treat them asseparate regions with space-time(level 2) sandwichedin between.

Now I want you to look at level 3 –the sparticle level. Sparticlesprovide the fabric from whichspace is made. As such they arealso present at level 2 but here,where space-time appears smoothand continuous, they are too smallto be made out as individualentities. So we’ll stick with level 3.

We already know that the

primordial sparticle constitutedsomething that was made,spontaneously, out of nothing – thequestion now is what happenedthereafter? How did that singlesparticle become the Cosmos? Ithink we’re going to need anotherdiagram here.

Figure 2 is a two dimensionaldepiction of a three dimensionalreality. It consists of a double spiral(3D images of which are beyond mydrawing abilities) with two arrowsthat indicate directional flow. Whatyou are looking at here is arepresentation of what I calloppositional forces. These are theforces that both act upon, andconstitute, quantum entities. This ishow it works. The inward flowingspiral represents the downscalingforce. It begins its journey at level 1of figure 1 and comes spiralinginward to a point that is only themerest fraction above the quantumthreshold. Here – at the boundaryof levels 3 and 4 - it collides headon with the contra-rotatingupscaling force spiraling upwardand outward: via a zero point, fromlevel 4. It is at this juncture: whereoppositional forces collide, thatnon-space backs up and becomesfolded in against itself (non-spacecannot displace itself with itself )that the locality is created.

Now imagine removing one ofthese forces to leave the otheracting in isolation. Remove the up-scaling force, and the down-scalingforce would crush the locality outof existence. Remove the down-

scaling force, and the up-scalingforce would dissipate the localityuntil it evaporated altogether.Remember the Zeroth law? Here it isin action at the most fundamental oflevels.

So is it the case that the sparticleforms as a result of the action ofoppositional forces, or that theopposing matrices form as areaction to the presence of thesparticle? Both statements are true.Again I will remind you that in non-space Time cannot pass – nor is itlinear. In non-space it’s perfectlyallowable for a reaction to occurbefore the action that provoked it –and for cause and effect to becomeconcurrent events.

(A short digression. One of theaspects of quantum theory that agreat many struggle to grasp isuncertainty. The uncertaintyprinciple basically says that aquantum entity exists in all possiblequantum states until it is actuallyobserved – then all possible states[which are real states] collapse tobecome one [the observed] state.

With the non-space theory thisbecomes much more logical. Inspace-time terms a quantum entitywill occupy many different quantumstates at different points throughoutit’s lifetime. In non-space terms therecan be no linear succession ofdifferent quantum states – the entitymust occupy all possible states atthe same time.)

Now we can return to our singularsparticle and examine its spherical,spiral structure. We already knowthat non-space cannot displaceitself, so how do oppositional forcesaccommodate each other as theytraverse the Cosmos travelling inopposite directions? Simple – theyturn aside and slide over and underone another – they adopt angularmomentum which causes thesparticle to rotate.

Oppositional forces also haveanother – incalculable - effect onsparticles: they force them toproliferate. Sparticles, it must beremembered, are discrete space-time quanta. As such the amount ofmass that they possess approachesas near to nil as it is possible to getand still exist. This makes them proneto distortion and disruption – theysplit very easily. Contra-rotatingoppositional forces attack thelocality of a sparticle from within and


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without causing a shearing effectthat tears them apart. This processdoes not, however, produce twoentities with only half the mass ofthe original sparticle. It producestwo entities with the same mass.This is made possible by twoabsolutes: a sparticle’s masscannot be reduced – to have lessmass would equate with non-existence; sparticles are alsocomposed of an infinite resource:non-space. So they proliferateexponentially and our originalsparticle became two, then four,then eight, then... Who needs darkenergy?

OK. We now have a volume ofempty space with which to work.The next required step will be topopulate that space with entitiesand systems. How do we go aboutthis? Do we now need some newmethod that will enable us tofurnish our blank canvas with starsystems and galaxies? Of coursenot. We stick with the same modusoperandi: the process powered by

oppositional forces is all that weneed.

To get where we need to go we mustfirst of all understand themechanism by which objects inspace can exist in that space. It’s notjust a case of chucking them in thereand hoping for the best. There hasto be a mechanism. This is it: Objectsin space can exist in space because– ultimately – they are made ofspace. Sparticles are the ultimate,indivisible (when you split one youdon’t get something else) sub-components of all things. They arethe lowest common denominator.They are the glue which holds it alltogether.

So how do we make a particle out ofsparticles? Another diagram wouldserve us well here.

Figure 3 represents a quantumentity. To serve our purpose herewe’ll call that entity a sparticle. Lookclosely at the red arrows – theyrepresent the down-scaling forceentering the central locality of oursparticle at points A,B,C and D. Theyellow arrows represent the up-scaling force emanating from thelocality at points E,F,G and H. Nowlook at points A, B, G and H. Here thearrows indicate that the applicationof the down-scaling force agrees –directionally – with the applicationof the up-scaling force. Thesecombined, uni-directional, forceswould now have a tendency to twistthe locality inside out were it not forthe counterbalancing forcesapplied at points C, D, E and F. This

arrangement, the balancing act,only works, however, when theentity is isolated. In the real worldthis is never the case. So this twistingmotion or inversional (new word)rotation equips our sparticle withthe ability to reach out and affect itsenvironment.

Figure 4 depicts one way in whichan entity can influence another.What we are are looking at here istwo sparticles that have cometogether at close range. Theirapproach was close enough for adown-scaling matrix to formcentered on the aggregate mass ofthe pair. The double headed arrowrepresents the up-scaling force fromthe sparticle on the left in phase withthe downscaling force of that on theright. The outcome of this will be themerging of the two entities - with theone on the left unraveling(inversionally rotating) itself into theentity on the right – to create a newparticle (possibly a quark).

Before we leave our coalescingsparticles I would like the reader tonote, well, the action of our entity onthe left. It destroyed itself in fullcompliance with – and to the letterof – the Zeroth law.

Here we have witnessed the forcesof dissipation and displacementcreate something out of that whichthey sought to destroy. Thisillustrates, perfectly, the bizarrenature of being. The innatetendency of the Cosmos to return toits original ground state is actuallyperpetuating its presence withinnon-space. World without end.

Let us now look at how at howoppositional forces dictate thebehavior of the particles that theycreate.

Figure 5 represents another kind ofinteraction between particles. In thisinstance we’ll use electrons as ourexample. Electrons repel each otherat close range, however, they are still– usually – found in pairs. We’llexamine this relationship. Take notethat the electron on the right is




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depicted larger than the one on theleft. This is to signify that it occupiesa higher energy state. More energyequates with more oppositionalforce so the right hand particleseeks to remedy the situation by offloading mass into its left handcounterpart. This, of course, leaves asituation where the left handparticle now carries the excess. Sothe process begins again only thistime in reverse. This is repeated overand over again with the excessbaggage constantly oscillatingbetween the two. It is this need tooff load mass/energy – even if onlyfor a fleeting instant – that forms thebasis of all relationships betweenparticles: the relationships thatenable quantum entities tocooperate in theconstruction of thebasic quantum system - the atom.

At the atomic level we see structureemerging for the first time. Onceagain it is oppositional forces thatare responsible. The down-scalingforce is now pushing individualparticles together to form the basisof the quantum system. The up-scaling force contributes bymaintaining the spatialrelationships between, andtherefore the discrete individualityof, all the entities that comprise thesystem. Energy level stability ismaintained throughout by theprocess described in the precedingparagraph. When oppositionalforces act together in this manner Irefer to it, collectively, asaggregating behaviour.

Aggregating behaviour can be

likened to shovelling snow – youclear it away from some areas whilstpiling it up in others. Oppositionalforces do much the same, the up-scaling force clears mass away andcreates space whilst the down-scaling force piles it up to formconcentrations.

The construction of molecules fromatoms follows the same pattern, onlynow oppositional forces haveconvenient, pre-packed, discreteamounts of mass in the form ofelectrons, with which to cementmolecular structures together.

And so it goes up the scale. From thetiniest things, like the cells that make

up our bodies – to the immensityof galactic super-clusters.Oppositional forces are, then,universal. They replace all of theforces associated with the oldmodel of reality, including gravity.Near the beginning of this article Ipromised you something that theold model could not – I promisedyou a model of reality that wouldenable us to emulate ET and travelacross the vastness of interstellarspace. I will now hold good to thatpromise.

The normal way to get from pointA to point B is to traverse thedistance in between. You can dothis on foot, in a car or aboard atrain. Over longer distances youmight want to fly. When it comes tointerstellar distances, however,things aren’t so simple. To get fromhere (point A) to our nearest stellarneighbour, Alpha Centauri (pointB), we would need to travel at aspeed of 186.000 miles per secondfor four and a half years. Hardlypracticable – even if we could travelat the speed of light, which wecannot.

How, then, do we get around thisimpasse? Simple – we take a shortcut through nonspace. You willremember that non-space isspatially and temporallydimensionless. Therefore if we canaccess this ‘space’ we can use it tojump from any point within space-time to any other point in space-



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time, regardless of the distancesinvolved.

This how we go about it.

To gain access to non-space we willneed to exploit an aspect ofparticulate behaviour that wehaven’t yet covered. So far we havelooked at the way in which particlesexchange mass/energy with oneanother. Now we need to examinethe behaviour of isolated particlesthat do not have, within theirimmediate vicinity, a target particlewith which to conduct theexchange.

Isolated particles are still driven: byoppositional forces, to shedenergy. However the only mediumavailable to them that they cantransfer energy to is empty space.How, then, does a particle – in thissituation - expend energy? It takesthe line of least resistance. Itsinversional rotation becomespolarized (see figure 6) – with thedown-scaling force entering theparticle on one side and the up-scaling force exiting on the other –so it begins to move. Oppositionalforces are now propelling theparticle through spacetime. Anunderstanding of this process, atthe most fundamental of levels, isessential to achieving our goal.

Figure 7 also depicts a polarizedquantum particle. It is not here,however, depicted at the space-time level (level 2 figure 1) – it isdepicted at the sparticle level (level3 figure 1). This is an illustration ofthe mechanism employed to

propel an entity (photons behave inexactly the same way) throughspace-time: I call the processingestion. The down-scaling force(vortex) acts to draw in sparticles onone side of the particle whilst the up-scaling force (vortex) expels them onthe other. Polarized particles simplypropel themselves through space inthe same way as a turbofan enginepropels an aircraft through the air.

How, then, can we exploit thisprocess to access non-space andsend a man to the stars?

First – to establish exactly what it isthat we are trying to achieve - I’mgoing to ask a question. When anaircraft flies through the atmosphereit deflects the oncoming airstreamaround itself. When a spacecrafttravels through space-time, is theoncoming space deflected aroundthe craft?

It must be remembered that space ismade of sparticles which possessvirtually no mass. Furthermore,sparticles have less mass thanneutrinos, billions of which arezipping straight through the Earth,right now, with barely a pause. Addto this the fact that the craft can onlyexist within space-time because it is,ultimately, made of space/sparticlesand we have our answer. Whentraveling through space – space,going in the opposite direction –flows straight through thespacecraft. This is what we mustprevent from happening. Let meintroduce you to space rippingtechnology.

Figure 8 depicts a spacecraftequipped with the technology thatenables it to rip space apart and sodirectly access non-space.

This is how it works: the spacecrafthas the ability to generate a field ofquantum particles (a plasma field)around itself. The field is held inelectromagnetic stasis relative tothe craft which means that, shouldthe field begin to move, the craftmoves along with it. Thoseoperating the craft turn a dial andenergy is pumped into the fieldwhich accelerates the inversionalrotation of all the individualparticles within it. A switch is thenthrown and all the particlesbecome polarized along a singleaxis. Space-time is now beingprocessed through the field – notthe spacecraft. The craft disappearsfrom space-time altogether. It nolonger exists within space-time – itnow resides in non-space. Bingo.

A craft equipped with space rippingtechnology would possess many ofthe capabilities and characteristicsthat have been attributed to UFOsby witnesses. Here’s just a few.

It could disappear or (dependenton the intensity of the plasma field)become semitransparent (aswitnessed during the Phoenixincident).

Light passing through the fieldwould be distorted – the heatshimmer effect (also reported atPhoenix).

It could accelerate and manoeuvrein way that would kill the occupantsof a normal craft (being isolatedfrom space-time means that it isalso isolated from the laws ofphysics: especially the inertial laws,that apply).

Interaction between the plasmafield and our atmosphere mightwell produce sparks, smoke or‘dripping molten metal’ (asreported at the Rendelsham Forestincident) effects.

Now that I have outlined how it willbe possible, one day, for us to get‘out there’: across the Cosmos - weare left with the question – have I,in any way, described how ETmanages to come here?

Over to you.


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ufO encounter14

Imagine John Wayne riding his trusty steedover a rocky ridge and finding, litteredacross the desert in front of him, a crashedextraterrestrial spacecraft and the bodies ofits non-human occupants. This scenario ofthe Wild West meeting the far future maynot be as far-fetched as some people think,according to Noe Torres and John LeMay,authors of newly-released The RealCowboys & Aliens: UFO Encounters of theOld West, 2nd Edition. The book featuresover 30 illustrations by award-winningartists Neil Riebe, Shane Olive, and JaredOlive, and is now available atRoswellBooks.com and all major onlinebook retailers.“After the Steven Spielberg movie Cowboys& Aliens was announced in 2010, wethought it would be interesting to look atactual UFO cases from the 1800s,” Torressaid. “While the movie is an enjoyable workof fiction, clearly it has little or no basis inreality, and we wanted our book to presentactual, documented cases of UFOs in theOld West.”Hundreds of UFO sightings were reportedthroughout North America in the 19thcentury, as documented in numerousnewspaper articles and books of that timeperiod. Farmers, cowboys, ranchers, andothers reported seeing strange signs andwonders in the sky, and occasionally, theyalso claimed to meet beings that wereclearly not human.The first edition of their book was praised bycritics and was wildly successful among bothschool-age children and adults. A review inNew Mexico’s major daily newspaper, theAlbuquerque Journal, proclaimed, “Hey,Hollywood. If you’re going to make a big-budget movie about extraterrestrial contactwith Wild West cowpunchers, can’t you atleast try to get it right?Of course spacemen explored our planet inthe days of saddle-sore lawmen and swingingsaloon doors. But it wasn’t the cartoonishpicture of evil planetary invaders, completewith hideous teeth and slimy handsemanating from their reptilian bellies that isportrayed in this Hollywood blockbuster….The Real Cowboys & Aliens: UFOEncounters of the Old West, sets the recordstraight, using information gathered fromyellowed newspaper clippings from the 1800sto tell of numerous close encounters betweenfarmers and cowboys on the range andmysterious visitors in flight.” (AlbuquerqueJournal, Aug. 18, 2011, Page A1).

REAL COWBOYSMEET REAL ALIENSIN NEW BOOK BY UFO RESEARCHERSYes, there were UFO sightings by cowboys, ranchers, and others in the “Old West.”Perhaps not as dramatic as Hollywood’s version, these true-life UFO cases of the1800s are nonetheless every bit as interesting, according to a newly-released book.

“We were, of course, extremely gratified atthe praise we received for our first edition,”Torres said, “So a year later, we decided togo back in and improve a few things aboutthe first edition and essentially create a‘director’s cut’ of the book with someadditional content and illustrations. We also

got one of the most talented artists we’veever worked with, Joe Calkins, to create anew artistic concept for our front cover. Theresult is dramatic, depicting a Wild Westshowdown between an Old West gunslingerand an extraterrestrial. Looking at the cover,you get the overwhelming feeling thatsomething is about to happen and that itwon’t be pleasant for the humans.”Calkins also did the cover art for several ofTorres’ previous books, including UltimateGuide to the Roswell UFO Crash, Aliens inthe Forest, and Russia’s Roswell Incident.Calkins, who resides in Woodburn, Oregon,displays samples of his art on his Web siteCerberusArt.com.“After the Spielberg movie was announced,we thought it important for people to knowthat these types of UFO encounters really didhappen in the 1800s,” co-author LeMay said,“In reality, there exist many newspaper andmagazine accounts from the 1800s telling ofstrange sightings from America’s cowboyera.” A native of Roswell, New Mexico,

LeMay has authored several books about thehistory of New Mexico and is vice-presidentof the board of directors for the HistoricalSociety for Southeast New Mexico (HSSNM).“It seems likely that UFOs were quitecommon in the 1800s,” Torres added, “Wehave found hundreds of newspaper andmagazine accounts about people seeingstrange objects and lights in the sky. We havealso found articles that mention face-to-faceencounters with creatures that seemedhuman but were clearly not.”Torres, a state section director in Texas for theMutual UFO network (MUFON), said, “Whatis especially interesting about these historicUFO sightings is that they took place beforeairplanes were invented and before flight ofany kind was common. Although hot airballoons had been around since the 1700s, itwas closer to 1900 before balloon airshipsbecame widely known.” Torres has writtenseveral books about historic UFO cases.Torres and LeMay said that after researchingmany UFO sightings from 1800s, they pickedthe most interesting cases to include in thebook. Torres said, “We’ve included manybizarre stories, such as the one about a beingfrom outer space whose spaceship crashedin North Texas and whose body was buriedin a lonely Texas cemetery where it may stillremain today. You will also read about a flyingmonster shot by two cowboys outside ofTombstone, Arizona. There is also a taleabout an underwater UFO that came up tothe surface and nearly electrocuted two men.Another story tells of a mysterious ‘airship’that lassoed a calf and then flew off into thesky with it. You will also hear the tale of astrange flying beast that terrorized a smallMidwest town. Did these strange encountersreally happen as recorded, or were they theproducts of overworked imaginations? We’llthe readers decide for themselves.”Torres and LeMay have spoken at manyschools about their book since the firstedition was released early in 2011. “Originallywe targeted this book at middle school andhigh school students,” LeMay said. “We hadno idea it would be so popular among adults.We’ve received some really good reviews,although people sometimes comment aboutthe reading level of the book, not realizingthat it was primarily intended for a youngeraudience. We wanted kids who saw theSpielberg movie to know that there really wereUFO sightings back in the Old West.”The 126-page paperback book is nowavailable for $12.95 at http://www.RoswellBooks.com and at all majoronline book sellers.

ufO encounter 15


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female sounding alien who spoke in anunintelligible cat-like language.The mystery object suddenly burst ontoflight monitors over the remote Russiandiamond capital of Yakutsk. It was shownflying at a speed of slightly over 6000 mph,and rapidly changing direction in the earlymorning sky, it is claimed.The UFO was logged at a height of 64, 895feet above sea level and appeared tointerfere with aviation frequencies. Onfootage posted on You Tube, an air trafficcontroller made clear he sought to make

contact with the UFO, and the Russianaviation workers are heard in the controltower trying to make contact with the ship.Radar shows the UFO moving rapidlythrough the skies while surrounding planesin the air travel much slower.'I kept hearing some female voice, as if awoman was saying mioaw-mioaw all thetime,' the air traffic controller told the pilotof a passing Aeroflot flight. Hiscommunication to the Russian plane weredisrupted by interference from the UFO,it was claimed. The air traffic control monitor automaticallydesignated the UFO as '00000' because itdid not have a flight number.The footage was first posted last monthbut it is unclear when it was taken. A shotof the airport did not appear to show anysnow which is normal for eight months ayear in Yakutsk, where the temperature lastnight was minus 36C. At one point the UFOis showing moving away from Yakutsk atgreat speed before turning and headingback towards the city.There was no comment from airportofficials on the alleged UFO

RED RAIN IN INDIARED RAIN IN INDIARED RAIN IN INDIARED RAIN IN INDIARED RAIN IN INDIAMAMAMAMAMAY HAY HAY HAY HAY HAVE ALIENVE ALIENVE ALIENVE ALIENVE ALIENORIGINORIGINORIGINORIGINORIGINhttp://www.theepochtimes.com/n2/science/red-rain-in-india-may-have-alien-origin-275252.htmlA rare shower of red rain fell for about 15minutes in the city of Kannur, Kerala, India,

The UFO as it appearedon Russian radar

ufO encounter16

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early on June 28.Local residents wereperturbed, but this isnot the first time thestate hase x p e r i e n c e dcolored rain.

This strange phenomenon was firstrecorded in Kerala a few hours after ameteor airburst in July 2001, when a spacerock exploded in the atmosphere. Morethan 120 such rain showers were reportedthat year, including yellow, green, and blackones.Astrobiologist Godfrey Louis, pro vice-chancellor at nearby Cochin University ofScience and Technology (CUSAT), hasstudied samples of red rainwater in 2001and discovered strange properties,including autofluorescence-light that isnaturally emitted by cell structures likemitochondria [below].Scientific analysis showed the striking redcoloration is due to microscopic particlesresembling biological cells, possiblyoriginating from comet fragments. Louisbelieves these cells could be extra-terrestrial because existing theories alreadyhypothesize that comets may have a hotwater core with chemical nutrients able tosupport microbial growth. "Such cometscan break into fragments as they near thesun during their travel along highlyelliptical orbits," he told The Epoch Timesvia email. "These fragments can remain in

orbit and later can enter Earth's atmosphereperiodically."According to Louis, red particles in theatmosphere from a fragmented meteorprobably seeded the red rain clouds."There can be roughly of the order of 100million cells in one litter of red rain water,"he said. "The red rain can appear like blackcoffee if the concentration of the cellsincreases in the rain water."These "alien" cells resemble normal cells,but lack conventional biological moleculeslike DNA, and are expected to have differentbiochemistry. "Unlike other biological cells,these red rain microbes can withstand veryhigh temperatures," Louis explained. "It ispossible to culture them at temperatures ashigh as 300 degrees centigrade [572degrees Fahrenheit]."Even the toughest known heat-lovingbacteria on Earth cannot withstand the samehot conditions as the red cells. "Currentlyknown conventional hyper-thermophilicmicrobes do not survive culturing beyond122 degrees centigrade [252 degreesFahrenheit]."Louis has also studied yellow rain, and saysit contains some unknown dissolvedmaterials but no red cells. "Yellow rain andred rain are related as both show an unusualcharacteristic: autofluorescence," he said. "Itis inferred that the materials dissolved in theyellow rain are the biological byproductsof these micro-organisms."Researchers are attempting to identify themolecular components in the red cells andto provide more insights into coloured rain.

WHAT IS THEWHAT IS THEWHAT IS THEWHAT IS THEWHAT IS THEMYSTERY OBJECTMYSTERY OBJECTMYSTERY OBJECTMYSTERY OBJECTMYSTERY OBJECTON MARS?ON MARS?ON MARS?ON MARS?ON MARS?http://au.news.yahoo.com/technology/news/article/-/14503542/what-is-the-mystery-object-on-mars/A mysterious blotch that appeared alongthe horizon in a photo from the surface ofMars stirred speculation about what it mightbe, as two hours later it was gone.One image from the Curiosity rover as it

landed on the fourth planet from the sunshowed a "faint but distinctive" image onthe horizon, the Los Angeles Times reported.However, a subsequent batch of images sentfrom the unmanned rover two hours latershowed no trace of the blotch.One theory put forth by space enthusiastsin the L.A. Times story is that Curiosity hadsomehow snapped a photo of part of thespacecraft that escorted the rover throughthe Martian atmosphere crash-landing adistance away. But to capture that image"would be an insane coincidence," oneengineer told the newspaper. Others saymore feasible possibilities would be simplydirt on the lens, or maybe a dust deviltwisting far in the distance.

But as more images start to pour into NASA,more is being learned about the rover'spinpoint landing.In what some are dubbing the "crimescene" photo of the landing zone taken byanother satellite, Curiosity is seen on theground along with pieces of the spacecraftthat broke apart as planned on the way tothe surface. The photo reveals the heatshield that protected the rover as it enteredthe atmosphere and the parachute thathelped ease the vehicle onto Mars. Alsoseen are parts of the "sky crane," thespacecraft that carried the rover to theplanet, the article noted.Could the sky crane crashing be theblotch? From another L.A. Times story: "Thecrime scene photo showed that the skycrane had crash-landed, as designed,about 2,000 feet away and in the samedirection that Curiosity's camera waspointed when it snapped the first photoshowing the blotch. The new satellite photoalso showed that the sky crane, when itcrash-landed, kicked up a violent wave ofdirt that had scarred the surface of Mars."Curiosity mission manager Michael Watkinstold the Times if it were the case, "it wouldbe incredibly cool. ... A crazy, serendipitousthing."As the Curiosity rover readies to begin thescientific discovery part of the mission,maybe more interesting things will berevealed.

CURIOSITY COULDCURIOSITY COULDCURIOSITY COULDCURIOSITY COULDCURIOSITY COULDBE CARRYINGBE CARRYINGBE CARRYINGBE CARRYINGBE CARRYINGEARTH BACTERIA,EARTH BACTERIA,EARTH BACTERIA,EARTH BACTERIA,EARTH BACTERIA,THREATENINGTHREATENINGTHREATENINGTHREATENINGTHREATENINGSEARCH FOR MARSSEARCH FOR MARSSEARCH FOR MARSSEARCH FOR MARSSEARCH FOR MARSLIFELIFELIFELIFELIFEhttp://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/2012-09/11/curiosity-bacteria-marsWhen searching for life on another world,the most fundamental precaution that anyspace agency needs to take with anyprobe or rover is to ensure it doesn't carryEarth microbes. However, if reports are tobe believed, NASA may have screwed up-- and is hoping that it doesn't find anywater when it drills into the Martian soil.According to the Los Angeles Times, thepossible contamination occurred sixmonths before the rover's launch inNovember 2011. Curiosity's drillbits weredesigned to be stored in a sealed box,separate from the drill mechanism --however, a NASA engineer worried that arough landing might make assembling thedrill on Mars impossible (and thusrendering one of the rover's mostimportant tools impotent), and opened thesealed unit to install one drill bit as a kind ofbackup. This happened without consultingNASA's team dedicated to avoidingcontaminating Mars with Earth bacteria.Worried scientists at NASA now estimatethat there may be as many as 250,000bacterial spores that could have survivedboth the journey to Mars and the landing.If Curiosity drills into the ground and strikeswater, the NASA team will have to assess

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UFO, Conspiracy, Alternate History,Meditation, Tarot and lots more!

the risk of continuing knowing that theycould have permanently seeded life ontoMars. That might mean never knowing forsure whether life was ever indigenous tothe Red Planet.The Gale Crater (which Curiosity iscurrently trundling across) was chosen forits extreme dryness, and the engineersapparently opened the sealed box as partof a "calculated risk" -- the worry beingthat a useless drill arm was a far biggerlikelihood than finding water in Gale thatcould be contaminated.Even if Curiosity has been contaminated,it might seem strange to think that anythingalive could survive the solar radiation-suffused vacuum of space -- except manythings have managed to survive bothspace and Mars-like conditions. Famously,tardigrades (or "water bears") have beenable to survive up to ten days unprotectedexposure to space, while lichen hassurvived in space for over a year and halfin an experiment that leant some credenceto the panspermia hypothesis. There arealso several groups around the worldinvestigating bacteria which couldtheoretically survive on Mars and, ifnecessary, help terraform the planet tomake it habitable for humans.Considering Curiosity's mission isscheduled to last for two years, NASAscientists will be hoping they don't comeacross any Martian puddles -- it would bea huge shame to have to carry around auseless drill for two years, knowing howmuch effort it took to get it to anotherworld, and knowing what it couldpotentially teach us.

NASA'S VONASA'S VONASA'S VONASA'S VONASA'S VOYYYYYAGERAGERAGERAGERAGER'DANCING ON EDGE''DANCING ON EDGE''DANCING ON EDGE''DANCING ON EDGE''DANCING ON EDGE'OF SOLAR SYSTEMOF SOLAR SYSTEMOF SOLAR SYSTEMOF SOLAR SYSTEMOF SOLAR SYSTEMhttp://www.cosmosmagazine.com/news/5959/nasas-voyager-dancing-edge-solar-systemNASA's Voyager 1, launched in 1977, isnearing the edge of the Solar System andmay already be "dancing on the edge" ofouter space, according to scientists

behind the project. In a lecture marking theapproaching 35th anniversary of theVoyager project, Ed Stone said it could be"days, months or years" before it finally breaksinto interstellar space.Earlier this year a surge in a key indicatorfuelled hopes that the craft was nearing theso-called heliopause, which marks theboundary between our Solar System andouter space. Scientists were intrigued in Mayby an increase in cosmic rays hitting thespacecraft, which for decades has snappedimages of the Earth and other planets in theSolar System as it has made its long journeyinto outer space. But measurements sincethen have fluctuated up and down,indicating that, while the craft is near to theedge, it may still not get there for some time."The question is, how much further is it to theheliopause?" Stone asked rhetorically at thelecture at the headquarters of the JetPropulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena,California. "We don't know … whether we'redancing along the edge of a new regionwhich is connected to the outside," addedStone, a Voyager project scientist from theCalifornia Institute of Technology in Pasadena.Noting that Voyager 1 moves a billion milesevery three years, he said: "It's hard to imaginethat it's going to be too much longer, but Ican't tell you if it's days, months or years. Ireally can't tell you."But he underlined how important a milestoneit will be. "Crossing into interstellar space -that will be a historic moment when the firstobject launched from Earth finally leaves thebubble," he said.

NASA has describedVoyager 1 - now 11billion miles (18billion kilometres)away from the Sun -and its companionVoyager 2 as "thetwo most distant active representativesof humanity and its desire to explore."The scientists controlling Voyager 1 -whose 1970s technology means it hasonly a 100,000th of the computermemory of an 8 gigabyte iPod Nano -decided to turn off its cameras after itpassed Neptune in 1989, to preservepower. Assuming the craft continues tofunction normally, they will have to startturning off other on-board instrumentsfrom 2020, and it is expected to run out ofpower completely in 2025, said Stone.

BRITISH CIVILBRITISH CIVILBRITISH CIVILBRITISH CIVILBRITISH CIVILAVIATIONAVIATIONAVIATIONAVIATIONAVIATIONAUTHORITYAUTHORITYAUTHORITYAUTHORITYAUTHORITYINTERESTED ININTERESTED ININTERESTED ININTERESTED ININTERESTED INPILPILPILPILPILOTS' UFOOTS' UFOOTS' UFOOTS' UFOOTS' UFOSIGHTINGSSIGHTINGSSIGHTINGSSIGHTINGSSIGHTINGShttp://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/08/28/ufo-sightings-british-civil-aviation-authority_n_1832289.html?utm_hp_ref=mostpopularDespite the fact the UK's Ministry ofDefense officially ended its UFOinvestigations in 2009, it appears that theBritish Civil Aviation Authority decided --unbeknownst to the public -- to continuecollecting reports that involved UFOs withpossible flight safety issues."They were only interested in sightingsthat definitely had a bearing on aircraft orflight safety, and were no longerinterested in reports from the public,who'd seen things in the sky and reportedthem to the Civil Aviation Authority," saidDavid Clarke, the official UK NationalArchives consultant and a journalismlecturer at Sheffield Hallam University.Clarke told the Huffington Post that theCivil Aviation Authority -- a differentgovernment department from the MoD -

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- kept separate records of UFO cases, "notonly by the aircrew, themselves, but alsoanything unusual that was seen by air trafficcontrollers on the ground at airports."Through the filing of Freedom ofInformation requests, Clarke found that theRoyal Air Force specifically requested anyUFO reports submitted to the Departmentof Transport would no longer be forwardedto the MoD.The RAF specifically states that "membersof the public who make such reports arenot encouraged to believe an investigationwill take place."It's now known that British air trafficcontrollers have been receiving UFOreports on almost a regular basis. Speakingon the BBC Radio's "Today" programme, onAug. 17, Richard Deakin, the head of theUK's National Air Traffic Control Services,was asked if he or his staff had ever beenunable to identify a flying object."Well, occasionally, there are objects thatare identified that don't conform to normaltraffic patterns -- not just from the UK pointof view, but from around the world," Deakinresponded. "I have to say it's not somethingthat occupies a huge amount of my time."Deakin added that these sightings occur"typically around one a month."If that's true, then Clarke's calculations ofhow many actual UFO sightings werewritten up as Mandatory OccurrenceReports, or MORS, was substantially higher."As far as MOR reports that I got from usingthe Freedom of Information, fromDecember 2004 to October 2010, theiractual database listed 10 instances of UFOsor unidentified aircraft," said Clarke. "Now[Deakin] is saying they get a report everymonth," he added. "If that was the case, I'dexpect it to be 80 in that six-year period,not 10. So, my question is: Where did allthe others go?"This comes on the heels of the Ministry ofDefense's ruling that all UFO investigationsin the UK have come to an end. Accordingto the MoD's website:The MoD has no opinion on the existenceor otherwise of extra-terrestrial life.However, In over fifty years, no UFO reporthas revealed any evidence of a potentialthreat to the United Kingdom. The MoDhas no specific capability for identifyingthe nature of such sightings. There is nodefence benefit in such investigation.

Furthermore, responding to reported UFOsightings diverts MoD resources from tasksthat are relevant to defence.UK pilots have reported a number of chillingnear-misses with UFOs. One incidentinvolved David Hastings, a British pilotpictured below, who, along with his co-pilot,David Paterson, was flying a CessnaSkymaster plane over the Mojave Desert inAmerica on Sept. 9, 1985."We were sitting there enjoying the sunshinewhen we both suddenly saw this speck outon the horizon at our 12 o'clock position,"Hastings told HuffPost. "This speck suddenlygrew extremely quickly until we saw thishuge shadow go over the top of us," herecounted. "But the most amazing thing aboutit was there was no noise and absolutely nomovement or turbulence at all. We looked ateach other, saying, 'What the hell was that?'"At that point, both pilots felt that somethingwas in the air off the port (left) side of theirplane, but they couldn't see anything there.They agreed that they were able to sensesomething moving outside.Hastings walked to the back of the plane,grabbed his camera and returned to thecockpit where he snapped two pictures outthe window. All he was able to see in thecamera viewfinder was the left wing of theplane and the ground below. It was only afterthey returned to San Francisco and got thepictures developed that they knew they'dencountered something extraordinary."One picture showed what we expected tosee -- the aircraft wing and the ground," saidHastings. "But in the second one, there wasthis [cigar-shaped] thing. We were bothconvinced that it was not a manmade object.Several pilots have seen UFOs in England, soit didn't surprise me, but I was surprised thatwe actually got a picture of it."Hastings recalls that, although he wasn'tfrightened by the object, he was mostlyconcerned about the initial encounter withit and the possibility of a mid-air collision. Nohoax was ever determined in this case, whichremains unexplained to this day.Why do aviation officials avoid talking aboutUFOs? In the UK, Clarke suggests it'ssomething that could result in bad publicity."Don't forget, this is a commercial operationand the aircrew are very reluctant to file areport because the airline companies don'twant them answering questions about thingsthat aren't part of the corporate image."

THE ASTRONAUT'STHE ASTRONAUT'STHE ASTRONAUT'STHE ASTRONAUT'STHE ASTRONAUT'SDOCTOR: ADOCTOR: ADOCTOR: ADOCTOR: ADOCTOR: ATOASTER-SIZEDTOASTER-SIZEDTOASTER-SIZEDTOASTER-SIZEDTOASTER-SIZED'MIRACLE BOX''MIRACLE BOX''MIRACLE BOX''MIRACLE BOX''MIRACLE BOX'http://www.smartplanet.com/blog/smart-takes/the-astronauts-doctor-a-toaster-sized-8216miracle-box/28635The astronaut's 'miracle box', the Microflow,is a box that can detect "everything frominfections, to stress, blood cells and cancermarkers," and is being tested on board theInternational Space Station (ISS).Developed by the Quebec-basedNational Optics Institute External (INO), itmay not be the impressive size of theCuriosity Mars rover, but NASA claims thatthe 10kg box is able to detect a number ofailments in only ten minutes.The Microflow is a miniature version of aflow cytometer - a device which is usedto diagnose medical conditions - which isusually not portable and weigh severalhundred pounds. The machine uses fiber-optic technology to detect cell markers,blood cells and biological matter througha liquid sample within only ten minutes. Itis hoped that the Microflow could be aportable solution which offers real-timemedical diagnosis for astronauts, those inrural communities and where medicalequipment is not often available.Weighing in at less than 22lb (10kg), thedevice takes up about the same amountof space as a toaster.In conjunction with NASA, the CanadianSpace Agency (CSA) will be running apilot project on the ISS. However, due tothe weightlessness of space, the CSA firsthad to develop a method to prevent fluidtest samples from becoming unfocused.As a result, the designers - led by Dr OzzyMermut from INO and Dr Luchino Cohenfrom the CSA - built Microflow to tacklethis issue. The stream of liquid whichcontains test particles doesn't loose focuswithout gravity, and afterwards, data is sentvia a USB key for later study.The machine will be put through its pacesduring astronaut Chris Hadfield's six monthmission on the ISS.

ufO encounter 19

publipublipublipublipubliccccc meetings meetings meetings meetings meetingsPublic Meetings are held on the last Friday of every month[except December] at 7.30pm sharp.

Kenmore Library, Meeting Room 3Kenmore Library, Meeting Room 3Kenmore Library, Meeting Room 3Kenmore Library, Meeting Room 3Kenmore Library, Meeting Room 3Kenmore Village Shopping Centre9 Brookfield Road, Kenmore [see map below]Please use elevator for meeting room entry.

Admission is $7.00 for members and$10.00 for non-members.

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For further enquiries call 07 3376 1780or email info@uforq.asn.auinfo@uforq.asn.auinfo@uforq.asn.auinfo@uforq.asn.auinfo@uforq.asn.au

The Library now has over 500 books, videos and DVDs on its shelves, with newadditions being made all the time - which makes it the largest UFO library in theSouthern Hemisphere! Members are able to borrow books, periodicals, dvds, videos,audiotapes and other items on a monthly basis. Items are available to borrow andreturn at Public Meetings.


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Membership with UFO Research Queensland Inc costs $35.00 annually for membership[$45.00 AUD for International members]. Membership entitles you to benefits such asdiscounts on meeting entry, Library membership, and sees six issues of UFO EncounterUFO EncounterUFO EncounterUFO EncounterUFO Encounterdelivered to your door. Cheques and money orders should be made payable to ‘UFOResearch Queensland Inc’ and mailed to UFO Research Queensland Inc, PO Box15222, City East, Queensland, 4002. Overseas applications should be made byInternational Money Order or bank drafts in Australian dollars.

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phone: 07 3376 1780



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sightings hOtlinesBrisbane - Martin Gottschall (07) 3376 1780

Gympie - Roma Ravn (07) 5486 4458Gold Coast - Peter Matic 0418 750 180

Toowoomba - Andrew & Lisa Pearson-Webb (07) 4638 1997Stanthorpe - Carol Watson 0403 918 336Tully - Claire Noble (07) 4068 1538

Cairns - Andrew Brimacombe 0431 543 025or email - info@uforq.asn.au

affiliatesaffiliatesaffiliatesaffiliatesaffiliatesuforq ipswich [qld]

Public Meetings are held at the Ipswich Trades Hall on the first Friday of the month, 7.30pm

gympie ufo andparanormal research [qld]

contact: Roma Ravn; (0754) 864 458 or Carlo Riva, (0754) 852 116Public Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of every month at the

Community Centreplace, 24 Lawrence St, Gympie, 7.30pm

ufohsar - ufo hotlineand abduction researchgympie [qld]

contact: Carlo Riva; (0754) 852 116

gold coast [qld]contact: Peter Matic , 0418 750 180email: pcmatic@bigpond.net.au

stanthorpe [qld]contact: Carol Watson; Stanthorpe Skies, 0403 918 336email: carolynannwatson@gmail.com

toowoomba [qld]contact: Andrew & Lisa Pearson-Webb, 07 4696 9035 / 0419332752,

email: andrewgwebb@bigpond.com

cairns [qld]contact: Andrew Brimacombe, 0431 543 025,

email: alecbacp@yahoo.com.au

consciousness developmentand research group [qld]

contact: Kay McCullock ND, CDRG and CSETI Working Group; 0429 641 222email: cdrg.contact@gmail.com

blue mountainsufo research group [nsw]

contact: Rex Gilroy; (02) 4782 3441; email: randhgilroy@optusnet.com.auwebsite: http://www.mysteriousaustralia.com/rexufo/australian-ufos-mainpage.html

cosmic connections [sa]contact: Kevin Robb; 0406362340; email: Kevin@australiancosmicconnection.com.auwebsite: http://australiancosmicconnection.com.au/

www.uforq.asn.au email: info@uforq.asn.au

-ufO research queensland inc