UGANDA– UNHCR KIRYANDONGO FIELD UNIT BI ......Microsoft Word - RMF bi-weekly Sitrep...

Post on 18-Jun-2020

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¡ Routine OPD, IPD, Maternity, EPI, other Health Care Delivery services

Laboratory  services  at  Panyadoli  Health  Center  III-­‐  File  Photo









 United  Nations  High  Commissioner  for  Refugees  (UNHCR)  –  



§ Operational Context

On January 10th Real Medicine Foundation RMF signed a tripartite agreement with UNHCR and the Government of Uganda to implement a health programme aimed at addressing two goals of emergency operations and care and maintenance of refugees and asylum seekers in Kiryandongo Refugee Settlement through the delivery of quality health care services.

How many health facilities are there? How many staff? Which partners? UNHCR?

A total of three (03) health facilities; Panyadoli Health Center III, Panyadoli Hills Health Center II and Reception Centre Clinic are directly being supported by UNHCR. Also, there has been significant numbers of PoC accessing services at Nyakadot Health Centre II as some of the Refugees have sought to settle at Bweyale trading centre. Nyakadot H/C is located in the host community. § How many consultations were carried out this week?

§ Consultations during the reporting period were 2009 (1,216 at Panyadoli H/C III, 338 at Panyandoli Hills HC II and 455 at Nyakadot HCII)

§ Referrals Ø A total of 27 referrals were supported; 10 nationals and 17 refugees (18 to Kiryandongo district referral

hospital, 5 to Gulu Regional hospital, 1 to Lacor and 3 to Mulago national referral hospital)

§ Main gaps? Solutions

§ Reproductive Health

How many ANC consultations? Break down of refugees /nationals? Which partners? UNHCR?

Ø 434 ANC(56 refugees and 378 nationals) consultations were registered during the reporting

period at this includes (Panyadoli H/C III 302, Panyadoli HCII 64 and Nyakadote HCII 68) Ø 107 Maternity ward (26 Refugees, 81 Nationals) Admissions were registered at Maternity ward during

the reporting period at Panyadoli Health center III for both ante-natal and antenatal services.

Ø A total of 92 (16 Refugees, 76 Nationals) deliveries were carried out by skilled health workers at Panyadoli Health Center III 67, Panyadoli HCII 9 and Nyakadote HCII 16.

§ Is this figure included in the number of consultations above under ‘Health”? Ø Yes

§ Other notable activities? Ø A total of 921 (Male 428, Female 493) new arrivals were screened and registered at Reception

Centre during the reporting period. Ø A total of 289 (Maternity ward 107, Male ward 45, Female ward 56, Paediatric ward 79

and Nutritional ward 2) complicated cases of admission were made in the inpatient department. Ø Death 5 (4 refugees and 1 national) Major causes are HIV, Pneumonia, and Malaria Ø Nutritional Unit; Supplementary feeding 55 and Outpatient therapeutic Care 24


 United  Nations  High  Commissioner  for  Refugees  (UNHCR)  –  


Ø A total of 18 persons were enrolled to the ART clinic

Ø Children immunized (Static) 286 Male 148, Female 138

Ø A total of 1250 children were given vitamin A (602) and deworming(648) at PHCIII and reception center

How many vaccinations? Which vaccine? Breakdown of refugees/nationals

Ø A total of 908 < 5 were vaccinated and this includes; 286 Panyadoli Health Centre III, 505 at

Reception centre, 45 at Panyadoli HCII and 72 at Nyakadote Health Centre II during the week with BCG, Polio, DPT and Measles vaccines.

Ø 1 Integrated outreaches was held, in Cluster MR; 25 were tested for HIV and no one turned positive