Uhr the Acupressure

Post on 14-Apr-2015

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Illustrative guide to acupressure points for health and wellness.



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This report features the acupressure facelift from The Underground Health

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Brought to you by Think-Outside-the-Book Publishing, LLC


“FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH” ............................................................................. 4

THE HISTORY OF ACUPUNCTURE ............................................................. 6

THE ACUPUNCTURE FACE LIFT TECHNIQUE ............................................ 9

ADDITIONAL TIPS ..................................................................................... 12

GET YOUR DAILY DOSE OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS ............................. 13

Brought to you by Think-Outside-the-Book Publishing, LLC


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“Fountain of Youth”

Since the dawn of civilization, men and women have searched for the proverbial

Fountain of Youth. Now and again, the press unveils a new technology, cream, pill,

potion, gadget or elixir as the fountain of youth or a rejuvenation miracle but all in all

the fountain of youth has been elusive.

Some of the telltale signs of aging are most apparent on

the skin, particularly the skin on the face and

neck. Rejuvenating, firming and uplifting the skin on

the face and neck gives the appearance of youth. In

today's modern times, this is accomplished largely by

means of cosmetic surgery, drugs, hormones or

application of cosmetic preparations. Facelifts are both

costly and invasive, and come with their attendant


However, one can now experience the youthifying

effects of a facelift without surgery, drugs, hormones or


The ancient Chinese have always known how to

rejuvenate the skin and the whole body system by

working with nature instead of against it. Most people who are not familiar with the

principles of acupuncture, generally regarded as a form of therapy, are not aware that it

is also a technique of beautifying the physical body.

Day-to-day living, including the exposure to the elements, pollution, devitalized food,

insufficient sleep and stress contribute to fatigued skin. When the skin and its

underlying tissues are fatigued, line and wrinkles appear prematurely and tend to make

you look older than you are.


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To counteract these normal ravages of aging, nature has provided us with an intrinsic

rejuvenation system that can be activated simply by cooperating and working with

nature instead of against it. It is the ancient Chinese healing science of acupuncture,

which can also be called the virtual "Fountain of Youth." This rejuvenation system

has been in use for thousands of years, and acts as a veritable "tune-up" to a tired,

abused and imbalanced system.

Although the cosmetic uses of acupuncture have only recently received attention, by

virtue of the increasing number of celebrities who have started using it as a way to

eliminate wrinkles, bags, and sagging skin of the cheeks and jaws, acupuncture has

actually been used in beauty applications for as long as science has been in existence.


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The History of Acupuncture

The origins of acupuncture date back almost 6000 years. Historians report that

during ancient wars, when stones and arrows were the only weapons, many soldiers

wounded on the battlefield reported that symptoms of disease from which they suffered

for years miraculously vanished. The physicians were puzzled because they could find

no connection between the patients' war injuries and the ensuing recovery of health.

After centuries of meticulous study and observation, it was found that certain illnesses

could actually be cured by piercing or striking specific points on the surface of the

body. The ancient Japanese and Chinese discovered that specific points on our body's

outer skin and surface are directly connected to all the vital internal organs.

For instance, pain suffered from injuries could be relieved by massaging certain points

on the body surface. Through painstaking observation, the ancient Orientals devised a

system of body points which respond to stimulation or sedation by transmitting an

impulse to each vital organ inside the body. Initially, stimulation was accomplished by

using fingers, then stones, arrows, fishbones, bamboo slips, and later needles made of

gold, copper and steel.

The Nei Ching (also called The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine) is

regarded as the earliest written material on the subject of acupuncture. It is believed to

have been written sometime between 2697-2596 B.C. The Nei Ching featured a

comprehensive method of acupuncture therapy that became the foundation of all later

developments of acupuncture.

The word acupuncture was derived from the Latin words "acus" (meaning needle) and

puncture (meaning puncturing). Although the science of acupuncture primarily utilizes

the method of pricking the skin with needles, it also embraces the entire body of


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knowledge that recognizes any manipulation of the acupuncture points to achieve

balance of energy in the body.

The study of acupuncture focuses primarily on achieving a balance of energy

within the body. Energy circulates in the body through tiny pathways called meridians,

which are invisible to the human eye. Through these minute pathways, every part and

every cell of the body is provided with what the Chinese call chi (more commonly

referred to as energy or the life force that is necessary to sustain life).

When there is an equitable distribution of energy in the body, balance and

optimum health exists. When there is an excess amount or an insufficient amount of

energy in any part of the body, then disease or illness manifest themselves in that part of

the body.

Presently, there are 700 to 800 acupuncture points mentioned in modern acupuncture

textbooks. They are located on the meridians. In the most simplistic sense, the basic

philosophy of acupuncture is based on the stimulation or sedation of these points in

order to balance the energy in the organs to which the points correspond.

Of the 700-800 acupuncture points in the body, the 24 that are located on the face and

neck will be the focal point of our discussion. Years of fatigue and abuse bring about the

external manifestations of aging on the skin, the underlying cause of which is an

imbalance of energy. Through the proper stimulation of the acupuncture points on the

face and neck, the skin will repair and restore itself to the smooth, firm and glowing look

of youth.

There are an increasing number of doctors who are trained in cosmetic acupuncture,

including nonsurgical acupuncture facelifts and facial rejuvenation

techniques. However, not everyone has the finances or the inclination to undergo

acupuncture treatments which involve the insertion of acupuncture needles into the



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Proceeding on the premise that the application of pressure on the acupuncture

points (as opposed to the insertion of needles) produces a similar kind of stimulation

and rejuvenation effect on the skin, the acupressure facelift was born!

Since the philosophies of acupuncture and acupressure are the same, the only difference

worth mentioning is that with acupressure, there are no needles. While an acupuncture

facelift requires a skilled doctor with 3-10 years of training, the acupressure facelift can

be easily learned and self-administered by anyone.

Furthermore, the acupressure facelift costs nothing ... does not require a visit to a clinic

... and does not involve the physical and psychological trauma of the needles. The

results derived from the acupressure facelift are similar to the results of

acupuncture. However, this technique is presented not as a replacement for

acupuncture done by a trained doctor, but merely as an alternative.

If you have a little determination and are willing to exert a little effort, it is now possible

for you to look younger -- and gradually remove wrinkles from your face, firm and

tone your skin, restore your youthful glow and radiance, and rejuvenate your

facial muscles, thereby making you look 10 to 20 years younger. If you are still

young, you can use this acupressure technique to maintain your youthful appearance

and prevent the onset of premature aging.





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The Acupressure Facelift Technique

There are many acupressure points on the face. For the purpose of doing the

acupressure facelift technique, you need to concern yourself only with the ones indicated

in the illustration below.

When to Practice the


Practice the acupressure

facelift technique once a

day. Anytime of the day is

fine, but do avoid

practicing when you are

exhausted or after a heavy


Duration of Practice:

While you are

familiarizing yourself with

the location of the

acupressure points, it may

take you about 20-25

minutes to practice the

technique, but when you

are able to locate the points automatically, you will be able to reduce your practice time

to about 15 minutes.


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Locating the Points:

Locating the acupressure points is essential since accuracy is the most important

factor in the efficacy of this technique. The effect of the stimulation is magnified the

more accurately you locate the acupressure points. Look at the illustration above to

determine the approximate location of the pressure points.

To verify the accuracy of the location, probe around with your fingers -- the right spot is

more sensitive to pressure than the surrounding area.

Fingertip Pressure:

Use the fingertip to stimulate each acupressure point. To determine which finger

to use for which acupressure point, just use whichever feels comfortable and fits

right. For instance, you may wish to use your thumb turned upside down to manipulate

the area between the eyebrows; or the little fingers to work on the point just below the


How to Do the Acupressure Technique:

Pressure the point with your fingertip in a small, circular clockwise movement for

30 seconds. You may simultaneously press points that are located symmetrically

opposite from each other.

For example, press the point at the outer corner of your right eye with your right

forefinger at the same time that you are pressing the point at the outer corner of your

left eye with your left forefinger, for 30 seconds. This also reduces the amount of time it

takes to do the whole routine.

When pressing, apply a medium pressure, i.e., not too deep as to cause pain or

discomfort, and not too light as to risk not stimulating the point sufficiently. (Note: If

the points become painful after pressing, use less pressure the next time or refrain from


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doing the acupressure technique altogether until the pain subsides. If you feel nothing

after pressing, you might want to gradually increase the pressure the next time. You

should be able to feel that the points have been manipulated, but there should be no


After doing the acupressure technique, slap your face lightly several times. This

will stimulate and tighten the muscles of your face. Then, rub your hands together

vigorously for 20 to 30 seconds until you feel the warm energy in your palms.

Then, lay your hands on your face for a few seconds and feel the energy being absorbed

by your face.

Next, move your hands in a circular upward and outward, light rubbing motion (starting

from the chin, going up to the nose, to the forehead, and then out to the temples, the

cheeks and the lower jaw for one cycle).

Do this rapidly for a total of 30 cycles. This will give your face an additional boost of

rejuvenating energy.

Lastly, do the same to the neck area. Slap your neck area lightly several times. Then, rub

your hands together vigorously for 20 to 30 seconds until you feel the warm energy in

your palms.

Then, lay your hands on your neck for a few seconds and feel the energy being absorbed

by your neck for a few seconds and feel the energy being absorbed by your neck.

Next, move your hands in an upward, light rubbing motion (starting from the base of

the neck, going up to the underside of the chin and jawline for one cycle). Do this rapidly

for a total of 30 cycles. This will give your neck an additional boost of rejuvenating



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Additional Tips

“Crows-feet" and wrinkles around the eyes can be diminished or even eliminated

by applying acupressure particularly on the points located on the outer corners of the

eyes and directly beneath the eyes.

This can be done as often as convenient, and the acupressure can be sustained for 1-2

minutes for maximum results.

Massaging around the eyes in the direction

indicated in the diagram below will firm and tone

the entire area around the eyes. This is completely

opposite to the eye rubbing motion that people

habitually use upon awakening, which causes the

muscles to droop.

Disclaimer: The entire contents of this e-mail are based upon the research and opinions of the publisher,

unless otherwise noted. The information in this e-mail is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship

with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice.

It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience

of the author. You are encouraged to make your own health care decisions based upon your research

and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

The information in this e-mail is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


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