Umit Project Presentation

Post on 26-May-2015

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What is Umit Project? Network Suite Umit

What is? Features (Profiles, Inventory, Topology, etc)

Overview of UmitWeb and UmitBluetooth UMPA PacketManipulator Future..?

Umit Project

Open Source Organization

Born in 2005

It was a project belong

Supported by Google Summer of Code between 2005 and 2009

Independent organization since 2007

What is it?

Network Tools Network Scanner

Network Mapper Nmap Interface Bluetooth Scanner Devices

Packet Manipulation/Sniffing Create Packets and inject packets in the network Sniffing Packets Graphical Interface

Network tools available

Umit Network Scanner


Umit Bluetooth Scanner



Umit Network Scanner

What is it?


A Nmap Security Scanner front-end Get all power provided by Nmap thought command line

Usability Graphical Interface

Easy for beginners

Useful for experts (Save, Load, Management scans)

Umit Porposes

Graphical View Output interaction much easier showing hosts,

services and other

Create Profiles using assistance of a Wizard Group and order scan results Compare two scans results

Allow administrators track new hosts or services appearing on network

Network Inventory Network graphical Mapping

Umit Network Scanner

Umit Scanning

One more than a scan at same time Each one in a Scan Tab Select a Profile for each Scan

Operating System Detect, Services Detection,Traceroute, etc

Show easy all hosts discovered thought Network

Show the services available on network Hosts using the services

Comparison - Diff

Compare two distinct scan results

Highlighting any difference Permit change highlighting colors, etc

Text Diff and Compare Mode

Comparison - Diff


Select Profiles Create new Profiles

Mix Nmap options

Manage profiles Wizard options

Novice and Expert

Customize Profile Add options from



Scheduler a scan to run in background Save scans to a directory Send the scans via email (thought an account

SMTP) Add scans to Umit Database

Network Inventory See graphical timeline Differences and changes Search engine on Inventory

Network Inventory

Umit Mapper – Network Topology

Visualization of the connections between host

on network

Network Radial Mapping

Topology designed thought –traceroute option

of Nmap

Exploration of network thought visualization

Fisheye visualization technique

Network Topology

Network Topology

Umit Plugins

Customize Umit Extend functionality of Umit

Plugins: Install Uninstall Enable A Umit Plugin is just a UMP file

Interact with core functions, menu, toolbar, scans tabs, etc.


And next is...

Umit Web

“UmitWeb is a simple Web Interface for the

Umit Network Security Suite. The project

goal is to make easier, faster, and less

complicated to run scans remotely. With just

a Web Browser and an Internet Connection,

you can connect to your local network, and

see how it is working."


Umit Bluetooth

Manufacture detection Detecting thought MAC address

Service Discover Scan Browsing the published services

Graphical Mapping of Device Graphical intuitive “logo” thought manufacture


Save/Load Scans UBT keep Manufacture information and SDP


Umit Bluetooth

Packets Manipulation/Sniffing




Umit Manipulations of Packets Art ;-) high-level

Object-oriented manipulation of layers/protocols

Low-level Manipulation on bits

the library LGPLv2 license can work without Umit (not-existing examples)

Python wrappers Front-ends

UMPA - features

pluggable protocols on each OSI layers extensions template system capturing packets and reaction on these packets generator possibility of building completely broken

packets XML and libpcap file format support ....


Graphical front-end

Network admins can forge custom packets

Sends them over network

Sniff a selected Interface

Edit Packets and create new packets sequence



Quick Scan Umit Scanner spotlight-style

ZION New method to discover operating systems

UMPA Sniffing, Async Scheduler, Template/Session


A manipulation Packets Framework Based on Plugins scheme

Bluetooth Sniffing thought a specific dongle


New plugins like (Message Sequence Chart,...) Integrate projects

NSE Facilitator Preferences Windows Exporting Modules Etc..

The Bourne Ultimate

Thank you for your attention

take the red pill
