uncharacteristically lost, testimony from Alzheimers the ... and...of last year, I was told I had...

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Monthly Newsletter - October 2013Issue 188

the trumpet

Acts 2: 38 Repent and be baptised every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Psalm 91: 1, 4, 7He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.


Revival FellowshipBunbury, Western Australia

Pastor: Tim CopeTel: 9796 0889 Mob: 0422 470 850Email: tjcope@iinet.net.auWeb: http://www.bunburyrevivalfellowship.org.au

Eaton Family CentreCharterhouse Street, EatonSun 10:30 am, 1:45 pm, Wed 7:45 pm


Meeting Times:

Above: Susette Johnson came to the Lord in 1974. She is one of our Fellowship’s prime evangelists and never stops talking to people about the excitement of the Holy Spirit. Susette has talked to thousands of people over the years, including Pr Tim, who came to the Lord after Susette knocked on a door in Fremantle one Friday morning in April 1990.See Susette’s testimony inside.

Susette’s Testimony

Thelma Haese (wife of the late, loved and highly respected Pastor Rex Haese) turned 80 years of age in 2012. Adelaide folk had seen Thelma become uncharacteristically lost, easily confused and her bright smile often a blank expression. This is her wonderful 2012 healing testimony from Alzheimers Disease. She has written it down and the entire text is a direct copy of her own written words after she was recently healed. Thelma read out her testimony at two meetings with her usual quiet confidence. Friend Nancy Sinclair says, “it’s great having Thelma back. This represents a wonderful healing from our awesome God.”This is Thelma’s testimony in her own words:“I would really like to praise the Lord. I have walked with the Lord for over 40years. He has been very good to me, always. However around the middle of last year, I was told I had Alzheimer’s. This was not what I wanted to hear.I felt that I had put myself in a vulnerable position as I had also had an operation in May that year, so I was fighting these two major conditions at the same time and I felt it was unfair. I therefore tried to ignore the dementia.I would say “They say I have dementia” but I didn’t want

to talk about it at all really. Ithink I am right in saying that this is a disease that attacks the brain so it is a constantbattle. It certainly takes away your confidence and your joy if you let it. I determinednot to let it.Recently we had a Leadership Camp and around that time on a Wednesday night meeting,Pastor Deane Clee gave a talk on prayer and its

“I really can’t praise God enough for a great delivery from that dreadful sickness.”

importance to us, quoting the case of even Jesus spending time in prayer to his heavenly Father. Suddenly something clicked,and I knew that was what was needed.So, for the next few weeks I sought the Lord, at every opportunity. Then another few weeks later and I was in a queue waiting to get a ‘cuppa’ and a wonderful feeling came over me. Then others started to notice too and to say how much better I looked. At Easter Camp I felt wonderful. I really can’t praise God enough for a great delivery from that dreadful sickness.I would also at this time like to thank everybody for their prayers and support. They were much appreciated.”

Saved from Alzheimer’s - Thelma Haese, 81, Adelaide

Events in October

Rosters - Sunday School and Prayer Room

Testimony - Susette Johnson, Perth FellowshipDATE Sun 6 OctSat 12 OctFri 18 OctSat 19 OctSun 20 OctSat 27 Oct


10.30 am 11.00 am7.30 pm1.30 pm11.00 am10.30 am


Normal Sunday meeting at Eaton Family Centre / Camp on.Street outreach in Bunbury; meet in Paisley Square.Prayer night; Copes’ house, Australind.Doorknock in Glen Iris from Picton PS, Jeffrey Street.Pr Kevin Quirk visiting Bunbury for Sunday meetings.Possible street outreach in Donnybrook.


Sun 6 Oct

Sun 13 Oct

Sun 20 Oct

Sun 27 Oct

Sun 3 Nov













This is Susette’s testimony in her own words.

“Hi. My name is Susette Johnson.When I was 23 years old I knew life was going to be a huge disappointment to me and decided I didn’t want to just exist for 80 years and then go into the grave. I needed truth and adventure.I saved money in Darwin in 1974 to go overseas to see if Europe had discovered the meaning of life. A chap I met in Darwin and I discussed the topic of God and whether there was a God or not - neither of us had a clue!I went to see him in Queensland two months later and he surprised me with the statement: “I’ve found God.”He told me to go to talk to his friend on the beach. This person told me I could have an experience direct from God and live forever.Wow! If that were true, I wasn’t going to leave until I found out.I waited two long days till the meeting and in the first 10 minutes I called out to God, thinking, “If you are there, show me.”Immediately, a huge relief went through my body and I couldn’t speak. Suddenly, I burst out speaking a new language - I was so happy to know there really was a God after all, that there was eternal life, there was Truth, and that God was exciting.

So, all my dreams came true in five minutes!The other people there came over to me and opened up a Bible, which I had never read, and showed me Acts 2, verse 4, where all the disciples spoke in new tongues - that is what I was doing.I was just like all the disciples and I knew I would meet them all one day. I had always felt that guys had all the fun, but suddenly I knew that girls could have an exciting life in the Lord.It truly has been an exciting life.

I was baptised the following week. I was having a ball just going to meetings, reading the Bible, praying and talking to as many people as I could about my experience.God’s mind was un-searchable and to be able to talk to him face to face, as it were, in this new language, was just wonderful.I was healed of conjunctivitis the next day after prayer. I said to myself, “Let God be true and this condition a lie,” and I was instantly healed.I have also been instantly healed of sprained ankles, a lump in the eye, an infection and a burn.I usually get healed when I remember I am righteous and that the Bible says sickness can’t dwell in me.My greatest joy is seeing other people experience the reality of God as they are filled with the Holy Spirit the same way I was.I pray I stay focussed until the day the Lord returns.”

“Suddenly, I burst out speaking a new language. I was so happy to know there really was a God after all.”

Above: Some Perth folk who came to help out recently. Below: Josh and Sam hamming it up after the meeting.

Above: Susette with husband Ian