Understand How Quality is Measured in Sports Development

Post on 28-Nov-2014

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Understand How Quality Is Measured In Sports

Development Domenic Hughes 12JL

Quality in Sports Development

• Aim of this brief is to show you ways that we should measure quality within our organisation.

• In particular as part of this Centre’s preparation for delivering sports development programmes and signing up for an award scheme.

• Quality should be our approach to meeting customer needs, within a budget and in the most sustainable way.

• Standards of performance are usually laid down by national organisations and also building the best features we can towards accepted standards.

• Most schemes try to measure quality in the hope that quality can continue to improve.

• A quality system or scheme encourages this process of assessment , so that providers aim to continuously improve their services. This is important for us in our development.

• We can use a range of measures to assess ourselves for quality purposes or use independent assessors.

• This allows us to measure quality and our effectiveness of our provision.

• It is important to use measures that are as objective as possible and provides us with a true picture of our position and delivery of services.

Two Types of Quality System

• The schemes I will be discussing are:

• Quests

• Club mark


• This is a national quality system that can be used for assessing the management of sport development.

• This is an industry standard developed by Sport England .

• This is aimed at sports development units in local authorities, governing bodies etc.

• As mentioned earlier sports development organisations can use either self assessment or improvement programmes.

• Or an organisation can use independent external assessment in order to achieve an award.

• The administration of the scheme is dealt with by an independent consultancy so that it is fair.

• It operates as a grading system.

• Scores include:• Score of above 60 per cent is needed to

be registered.• To achieve highly commended you need a

score between 75% and 84%,• To achieve an excellent score you need to

achieve 85% and above.

• Assessment is based on:

• Objectives and targets for achieving them.

• Timekeeping, workmanship and coaching.

• Quality of Equipment

• Techniques used in problem-solving.

• Culture within an organisation – eg. Elements of pride, professionalism and standards.


• Quest/NBS is managed on behalf of Sport England by Right Directions in partnership with Leisure-net Solutions.

• They are responsible for all assessment arrangements, training and promotion of Quest.

2 Models

• There are two models that Quest use for certain teams.

• For example :

• Facility Management – provides an activity for customers , public , private and trust for voluntary sector.

• Sports Development – facilitates participation in an activity.


• Was introduced in 2002 by Sport England.

• It’s a cross sport quality award for clubs with junior sections .

• It demonstrates to people how you can get the best out of fitness schemes. It shows our customers that the Clubs are


• For example :

• Active – to get the best out of young people.

• Accessible – everyone having a sporting chance.

• Accredited – This is the Sport England mark of high quality.


• The main aim of Clubmark is to provide better opportunities for children and young people and also more opportunities to participate in sport in their local communities.

• The award shows that this scheme is safe, effective and child friendly.


• This scheme applies across a wide range of sports .

• It is promoted all over the country to quickly recognize a club that is committed to providing a quality experience.


• It sets standards out such as :

• The care of young people – eg. Child protection

• Quality coaching and competition

• Club management

• Sports equity and ethics

Advantages of Quality Schemes

The advantages of the schemes are:

-You can compare how they work and what can be achieved with others in the UK.

-It is a benchmarking tool.

-It helps to achieve funds for sport development.

-Quality systems should benefit all those involved in the scheme.

• Recognition of a quality reward will raise profile of club and result in good press reports and bring in business. The schemes “logo” creates a good reputation.


• A quality schemes will not solve all of our working practice problems. We must look at:

• Overall cost of introducing scheme.

• Staff issues.

• Staff motivation issues in ensuring there are no mistakes.

• Staff need to be creative and flexible and

• Systems of delivery need to be implemented.

• New ideas and improvements are expected without any reward.

• Confidence needs to be built so that staff are not afraid to speak up.

• Familiar working practices may have to change.

• Full staff involvement needs to be implemented from top to bottom.

• Need to look at cost of introducing system.

• Time involved in training staff.

Therefore it is essential that if we are to participate in one of the schemes we must all work together in making it a success. This will be in the best interest of staff, the participants/customers and the Centre.

The aim of the scheme will be to improve performance and continue developing.