Understanding Permanent Life Insurance

Post on 13-Sep-2014

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Part 2 in a series of educational presentations about life insurance from author and speaker Tony Steuer. For planning tools and more answers to your questions about life insurance, go to his website at: www.lifeinsurancetoolbook.com.


What Is Permanent Life Insurance?



Created by the author of Questions & Answers on Life InsuranceTony Steuer, CLU, LA, CPFFE

By Tony Steuer, CLU, LA, CPFFE Visit: www.tonysteuer.com



By Tony Steuer, CLU, LA, CPFFE Visit: www.tonysteuer.com


• Author, Advocate and educator for insurance literacy

• Director of Financial Preparedness - United Policyholders

• Member: California Department of Insurance Curriculum Board

• Member: National Financial Educators Council Curriculum Advisory Board

By Tony Steuer, CLU, LA, CPFFE Visit: www.tonysteuer.com

It’s your money – monitor it, understand it, and know what you are getting for it.

All life insurance policies promise to pay an agreed sum of money to a beneficiary (or beneficiaries) upon the death of the insured person, as long as the policy is in-force (i.e. premiums have been paid on time). But, all life insurance policies are not the same.

By Tony Steuer, CLU, LA, CPFFE Visit: www.tonysteuer.com


Consumers who take a little time to research life insurance will increase their understanding and be better equipped to purchase a policy that meets their needs and their budget.


By Tony Steuer, CLU, LA, CPFFE Visit: www.tonysteuer.com

The policy you choose should meet your unique needs

ü To determine how much life insurance you need and which type of policy best serves your needs, answer the following 6 questions:

1. The amount of yearly income that would need to be replaced if the insured died;§ This is typically between 60% to 80% of the insured

person’s yearly income. Consider any lifestyle changes, and include current expenses such as mortgage/rent, groceries, clothing, utility bills, travel, transportation, childcare, etc.


By Tony Steuer, CLU, LA, CPFFE Visit: www.tonysteuer.com

Your unique needs, continued:

The length of time that this income would need to be replaced;

• Multiply the length of time with the amount of annual income needed from No. 1.

3. Administrator and tax expenses;• This can be approximately six months or 50% of the

higher wage earner’s annual salary, and helps to pay for final expenses such as advisor fees, filing estate taxes, etc.


By Tony Steuer, CLU, LA, CPFFE Visit: www.tonysteuer.com

Your Unique Needs, Continued:

4. Funeral expenses• The average cost is $10,000.

5. College expenses for surviving children;• The average costs (2009-2010):

*For one year of public: $60,850, *For one year of private: $182,540.

6. Mortgages, loans, and debts;• It may make sense to pay off these debts, depending

upon the survivor’s income.


By Tony Steuer, CLU, LA, CPFFE Visit: www.tonysteuer.com

Your unique needs, continued:

Now, consider the assets and other income available to help with expenses.

As your other assets grow, such as savings and retirement plans, your need for life insurance decreases.

For tools to help you plan, visit the Resources section of: www.tonysteuer.com/resources/


By Tony Steuer, CLU, LA, CPFFE Visit: www.tonysteuer.com

Term Insurance: The Basics

• Term insurance is purchased for a specific number of years.• The premiums are lower than those for permanent

insurance. (Some companies are now offering guaranteed level premiums for extended periods, from 10 to 30 years.)

• The policy expires without any value at the end of the term.

• Most term policies cannot be renewed after age 75.• It is temporary coverage intended to meet a short-term



By Tony Steuer, CLU, LA, CPFFE Visit: www.tonysteuer.com

Permanent Insurance: The Basics

• Permanent insurance provides coverage for the rest of your life - Coverage may stay in place to age 95 or greater.

• The benefits are different for each type of policy, however every policy has has a face amount that will be paid upon the death of the insured, or upon the policy’s maturity date.

• The benefits range with each policy, and can help to pay estate taxes, pay off a mortgage, pay for college expenses for surviving children, etc.


By Tony Steuer, CLU, LA, CPFFE Visit: www.tonysteuer.com

Permanent Insurance: The Basics

• Premium payments usually (but not always) remain the same each year.

• The premiums are usually much higher than those for term insurance.

• Premiums can stay level, and made more affordable when purchased early.

• Premiums can be discontinued later, under certain circumstances.


By Tony Steuer, CLU, LA, CPFFE Visit: www.tonysteuer.com

Permanent Insurance: The Basics

• The policy develops a cash value that is tax deferred. (Also called the cash surrender value.)

• A long-term commitment is needed from the buyer, since little or no cash value accumulates in the first few years (in most cases.)

• Access to the cash value is given through loans and withdrawals. Taking cash out will affect your policy, so understand the fees and interest that will be charged.


By Tony Steuer, CLU, LA, CPFFE Visit: www.tonysteuer.com

Permanent + Term

Combining the Two

Some companies offer a combination of term and permanent insurance using a rider, or

by giving you the ability to change types of insurance as time passes.


By Tony Steuer, CLU, LA, CPFFE Visit: www.tonysteuer.com

How Expenses Are Deducted


• Mortality charges (also known as cost of insurance): are deducted from your account balance. These charges are based on actuarial assumptions and these are adjusted periodically. Ask what to expect for the policy you are considering, and compare companies.

• Expense charges (EXP): are deducted from your premiums. These charges are affected by how well, or efficient, the company operates. These include underwriting expenses, overhead, and commissions. Find out what these are for the policy you are considering, and compare companies.

By Tony Steuer, CLU, LA, CPFFE Visit: www.tonysteuer.com

The Impact of Loans & Withdrawals

Loans or withdrawals can be taken out after you have accumulated cash value.

• A loan or withdrawal can affect the long-term performance of your policy.

• Borrowing from a policy can lead to its eventual lapse if the loan is not repaid.

• Fees and interest will usually be applied too, so make sure you understand the total affect this will have on your policy.

• To learn more review the article “Pitfalls of Policy Loans” at www.tonysteuer.com (media section) or review Questions #106-109 in “Questions and Answers on Life Insurance


By Tony Steuer, CLU, LA, CPFFE Visit: www.tonysteuer.com

+ Adding Value - Deducting Expenses

Step 1: “Water goes in” -- You pay premiums into your account, and the company adds interest (according to your policy’s rate). Step 2: The insurance company turns on the spigot, deducting the COI and EXP monthly, leaving the remainder value. Step 3: Subtract the policy’s surrender fees and that is your surrender value. Step 4: If there is not enough “water” left in the barrel, the policy will end (or lapse).


By Tony Steuer, CLU, LA, CPFFE Visit: www.tonysteuer.com

Types of Permanent Insurance

Below are some common types of permanent life insurance. Keep in mind, there are many variations of each type.

• Endowment• Whole Life (also called Ordinary and Straight)• Limited Pay• Adjustable Life• Adaptable Life• Universal Life• Joint (or Survivorship) Life• Variable Life• Variable Universal Life• Equity Indexed Universal Life


By Tony Steuer, CLU, LA, CPFFE Visit: www.tonysteuer.com

Is it time to review your policy?

As time passes and your life changes, review your life insurance policy and make sure it is still working for you.


By Tony Steuer, CLU, LA, CPFFE Visit: www.tonysteuer.com

Part 1: Permanent Life Insurance

To learn more about term life insurance

see Part 1 on the Life Insurance Toolbook

Slideshare channel.


By Tony Steuer, CLU, LA, CPFFE Visit: www.tonysteuer.com


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Additional thanks to MyStoryCatcher.com and ThreeLineMedia.com

By Tony Steuer, CLU, LA, CPFFE Visit: www.tonysteuer.com


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W W W. T O N Y S T E U E R . C O M


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