Unearthing Buried Treasure in ACQ_DMANF_DC2015

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Unearthing Buried Treasures

Jann Schultz

Finding Gold in AcquisitionSetting Goals

Multi Channel Donors

Higher Value Donors

Drive Efficiencies in

Direct Mail

A goal is a dream with a deadline.— Napoleon Hill

Getting on TrackHaving the tough discussions

Investment in new channels

Testing and Development


Internal Expectations

and Alignment

Rethink Tried and True

Longstanding costly

control package


on holiday

Getting on TrackHaving the tough discussions

Getting on TrackHaving the tough discussions

List Rental and Exchange

House file fatigue

Aggressive rental goals

No offsetting benefit

of exchange

First StopDirect Mail Seasonal Testing

Expand Mailing

Optimize Scheduling

Lower Risk


Audience Segmentation

Higher Value Segments

Significant Difference

Growth Opportunity

Second Stop

Gender TestingMales represent….

Higher gifts (+$5)

Half our mail quantity

More responsive than

females to high end

leverage offers (+27%)

Beat control (+58%)

True SenseTrue Sense


Gender TestingNext Steps

Further package and ask segmentation

List Optimization and Testing

Resuscitate marginal

Retest deleted

New large out-of-

market lists

Third StopRadio

Define and develop offer

Gather resource

Build relationships

Develop integrated

digital campaign

RadioThe Results

Higher value donors ($118 avg. gift)

99% new donors

Males, conservative, 45-54

Multi Channel (60% online,

40% phone)

Major donors

Peer to peer potential

RadioNext Steps

New Offer

Integrate mobile

Test sustainer offer

Integrated conversion


Fourth Stop Digital

Ramp Up Online Efforts

Inform online and offline

Refine Strategies

Improve Email


Optimize Search

Integrate Social

Facebook Retargeting Ad


Facebook Retargeting

Lapsed Emergency Responders

Email Non Responders

Direct Mail Responders

Emergency Relief

Optimization of Search and Landing Page


14% increase in Search CTR

5% increase in repeat visitors

Positive ROI with Facebook ads

Second star to the right and straight on till morning.

Thank you!

Jann Schultz



Senior Director, Integrated Fundraising and Communications

Project HOPE

Unearthing Buried Treasures



Jann (Erickson) Schultz