unexpected outcomes camera play

Post on 22-Mar-2016

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hand written effect typography


Front cover

location 6film 4#96

‘We have all found something beautiful or intruiging by chance’-anna gerber

‘The photograph becomes ‘surprising’ when we do not know why it has been taken’ -roland barthes

‘The photograph becomes ‘surprising’ when we do not know why it has been taken’ -roland barthes

location 1film 2#36

Unexpected outcomes is a project exploring the unintentional and chance

outcomes that film photography can offer. In order to unleash the possibilities

one must take themselves out of the process, stop focussing on composure

and actual outcome and allow the camera to work in a playful experimental

way. The project consisted of many different experiments, in total twenty films

were used which allowed me to collate a substantial amount of material and

to investigate many different and unexpected outcomes which one may come

across when photographing in such a mindset. This project aimed to explored

and highlight the ways in which chance can effect a process in a beneficial way.

It aims to open up our minds to something fresh, new and creative and

show the viewer something they are not use to. This project consisted of

photographs created from the process of chance which lead to outcomes of

an unexpected nature. This project aimed to embrace all different outcomes

regardless of how in focus or damaged they were, I wanted to show that

unpredictability and the unexpected, we can create when we work in such

a way as to take ourselves out of a process, can offer much more dynamic,

interesting and alternative results than if always try to control the process.

Rather than planning something let the possibilities of chance work to your

advantage, embrace the unknown welcome mistakes.

location 1film 3


location 4film 3#76

If we choose to use a film camera in a playful and experimental way, rather

than one frame per shoot, we can explore many different converging lines

within images. We encounter an element of surprise, the unexpected.

Unaware of what may happen and what result will come of it, this

adventurous approach allows you to capture photographs of what isn’t

actually there. This allows photographs to work much like our memory,

melting and converging lines of images together allowing for a tangible

image and a moving memory captured in one photograph.

We can explore chance by being creative with the negative itself before

development by investigating the chemical reactions that occur when

the film reacts with different types of substances and heat. Of course

you choose the effect which is applied and the time it is left to effect the

negative but inevitably you are out of the actual process as you cannot

really control exactly how it effects it. You are unaware of what has

happened to the film until it is developed.

Take yourself out of the process, stop thinking too much about what

you are taking a picture of and just shoot, see what happens. Inevitably

you do control the process to some extent but by not thinking too much

about the composure of the image can open up what you can achieve, it

explores possibilities of the unexpected and welcomes chance, mistakes

and accidents. This can end up working to your advantage, answers and

potential can be found in something you didn’t mean to create.

location 4film 3#69

location 2film 1#21

location 2film 1#23

location 4film 3#71

location 4film 3#88

location 2film 1


location 4film 2#41

location 4film 3#66

location 4film 3#68

location 5film 1#13

location 2film 1#24

location 1film 3#74

location 1film 2#37

location 4film 2#44

location 4film 2#47

location 7film 20#463

‘We have all found something beautiful or intruiging by chance’-anna gerber

location 3film 4#117

location 1film 2#35

location 4film 4#119

location 7film 20#459

459 472

location 7film 20#463

location 7film 20#472

location 5film 1#12

location 6film 3#85

location 6film 4#91

location 6film 3#86

location 4film 2#48

location 4film 3#79

location 4film 3#70

location 6film 3#87

‘We have all found something beautiful or intruiging by chance’-anna gerber

location 2film 1#22

location 2film 1#17

location 4film 4#120

location 4film 3#75

location 4film 3#76CHANGE

location 6film 4#111

location 4film 3#77

‘We have all found something beautiful or intruiging by chance’-anna gerber

‘The photograph becomes ‘surprising’ when we do not know why it has been taken’ -roland barthes

‘The photograph becomes ‘surprising’ when we do not know why it has been taken’ -roland barthes

location 6film 4

