Uniforms in Classrooms Benefits and Concerns. Private Schools Charter Schools Public Schools.

Post on 18-Jan-2016

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Uniforms in Classrooms

Benefits and Concerns

http://www.flickr.com/photos/kingtyrone/2196405989/ Author: kingtyrone

For Example: Regina High School

White polo with “Regina” embroidered in royal blue on left

Plaid skirt with tartan pattern assigned to one’s class

White, navy blue, gray, or socks or knee highs

Saddle Shoes

http://www.flickr.com/photos/paul_a_hernandez/3320973033/Author: Paul A Hernandez

The 1990’s: A Uniforms Boost

President Clinton said during his 1996 State of the Union address:

"If it means teenagers will stop killing each other over designer jackets, then our public schools should be able to require students to wear school uniforms.”

Uniforms Promote



Learning before fashion


School Security

Positive Results

Crime Rates 91% 

School suspensions 90% 

Sex offenses 96% 

Incidents of vandalism 69% 


Freedom of expression

Restricts individuality

Costs of uniforms

Uniforms Today

States are hesitant to enforce uniforms

Small strides

Looking closer at the first amendment

The Supreme Court

http://www.flickr.com/photos/calista_wangtian/404905586/Author: Calista Wang

In Conclusion

Many pros and cons of uniforms

Schools are still adding rules to the dress codes or adopting uniforms altogether

From parochial schools to public schools
