UniStar Wars

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Unisystem Star wars


Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

1 Star Wars, Chapter 1 v04-Introduction Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

Section 1: All Players

Chapter 1: Introduction

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

2 Star Wars, Chapter 1 v04-Introduction Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.


Star Wars, created by George Lucas, has captured

the imagination and attention of thousands if not

millions. Some fans love it at face value, enjoying the

epic struggle of the small forces of good fighting monolithic evil. Some fans love the special effects:

psychics wielding swords made of energy, laser guns,

rocket packs, and intense battles in space. And we pay

tribute to the things we love. The smallest children pick

up toys and dolls and replay their favorite parts of the

movies. Writers pick up a pen or start up a computer

and create original stories within the Star Wars galaxy.

And thanks to the evolution of technology, the most

cinematically inspired of us make actual videos and

clips that offer tribute to our favorite elements of Star

Wars. This work is a rich synthesis of all those

approaches, though probably with significantly fewer

cameras than the actors and fewer toys and costumes

than the children. Instead, this is a Role Playing Game.

Imagine a combination of a book, improvisational

theatre, and straight forward make believe. We seek to

create an exciting story worthy of retelling, to decide

what our characters do as we choose, and we do this in

a fantastic world of make believe.

The point of the game, at its core, is to have fun. It

would be pretentious and presumptuous to tell you what

fun is. Some of us might enjoy the competitive aspects of playing the game—perhaps we have the most fun by

having the most powerful character or maybe it’s not

about what happens within the game but outside where

we try to have the best descriptions or best ideas for the

approval of our fellows. Others might prefer working

together to craft a story worthy of retellings, even if it

happens to be a shaggy dog tale, as so many RPGers are

fond of telling. Still others, the writer included, have a

unique preference in that they take the most joy from

living the adventurous Star Wars life within the setting

as experienced vicariously through the game—often times, the story or competition takes a back seat to

simply having a world that makes sense.

However, this is a game and games have rules.

Because this game is indeed a game of make-believe,

these rules have provided you with the way to avoid the

“I hit you,” “No you didn’t!” arguments. The rules

provide the limits and much definition for the character

you choose to create, as well as the opportunity to

grow. They also provide guidelines to determine

precisely what your character can accomplish. But,

enough of the rules, there is plenty more space devoted to them in this book.

The classic movies, Episodes IV through VI, are an

epic tale of clear good against clear evil. The bungling

nature of the bad guys in a 70s movie notwithstanding,

it has all the elements of a simple story seen thousands

of times across human history. A young good guy faces

down a powerful authoritative bad guy and takes him

down through determination, spunk, and a generous

helping of luck. However, adding a clear understanding

of Episodes I through III paints a new picture, making the story one of the descent into corruption and ultimate

redemption thereby showing a greater tapestry than the

simple black and white heroism of the classic story.

The game presented in this book attempts to cover

the mechanical aspects of both perspectives. One can

run an epic adventure of clear black and white

opposition—yes, you can even play the bad guys but

that’s not generally advised. One could also run a more

personal game, telling the story of a small group of

people living in a huge galaxy of surprisingly cozy


Summary of Chapters Chapter One: Introduction provides a brief

overview of this book, the perspective of the writer, and

the conventions used within this volume.

Chapter Two: Setting offers a glimpse of the Star

Wars galaxy and the planets within it. You’ll see what

the writer thinks of the mechanics of the galaxy, the

worlds in it, and the peoples populating it.

Chapter Three: Roles illustrates the rules that will

define your character, your role, within the stories you

and your friends create. Chapter Four: Tools defines a great many toys

available in the Star Wars universe including

lightsabers, blasters, and battle armor. Although not an

exhaustive description of every single item available to

people in the Star Wars galaxy, it does present a healthy

cross section of useful items that players and characters

would love to toy with.

Chapter Five: Rules is a single chapter that covers

the core of Unisystem and how it is used for running

and playing Star Wars games. Although this text is

devoted to Star Wars, the rules of Unisystem are so

amazingly versatile that practically any game can be run using them.

Chapter Six: Organizations informs the reader of

some of the more powerful groups of the Star Wars

galaxy, the Jedi being prime among them, though other

organizations get some treatment. This section should

be read on a need-to-know basis. Fanboys aside, it’s not

really appropriate for your character to know as much

about Star Wars as you do, and it helps if you honestly

don’t know.

Chapter Seven: Inhumans offers a thorough list

of the other species in the Star Wars galaxy that are appropriate for adventurous characters. This section

should be read on a need-to-know basis, the briefest

information about the various player-suggested species

are in the Quality section.

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

3 Star Wars, Chapter 1 v04-Introduction Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

Chapter Eight: Powers describes the features of

Star Wars that brings it beyond the realm of the

mundane and well into the realm of the fantastic. The

Force gets an overhaul that stays true to Unisystem and

a certain cinematic versatility. Further, this section

describes the special powers available to droids (like C-3PO and HK-47), cyborgs (like General Grievous), and

powered armor (like that worn by Jango and Boba Fett).

This section is especially important to keep on a need-

to-know basis. Characters that don’t have Force Powers

really shouldn’t know much about the Force, and the

technical nature of the artificial powers isn’t

appropriate to anybody that’s not a gear head.

Chapter Nine: Chronicler has tips, pointers, and

ideas to assist Chroniclers in making fun and engaging

games. This section is not needed for players, only for


Chapter Ten: Bestiary details a small selection of choice Star Wars critters and inhumans not appropriate

for players, namely Hutts.

Appendix provides a very brief set of guidelines

for character generation, a glossary of terms, and a

decent index for quick reference.

{include Unisystem conventions, female for odd

chapters, male for even chapters}

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

4 Star Wars, Chapter 2 v01-Setting Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

Chapter 2: Setting

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

5 Star Wars, Chapter 2 v01-Setting Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.


George Lucas, the man responsible for conceiving

of Star Wars, made several simplistic worlds to

populate his galaxy. In fact, they are altogether too

simple. Entire forest worlds, city worlds, and desert worlds are not exactly believable. So, instead, it helps

to think of the galaxy itself as a world, and the worlds

in the galaxy as regions or locales in a world.

One can liken Tatooine to the Sahara Desert (in the

real world), and Coruscant to one of the major

population centers, like Beijing or London. In this way,

one can begin to see that the Star Wars galaxy is

actually a lot smaller than a real galaxy. Of course,

instead of highways and airplanes to travel between

regions, the Star Wars universe utilizes hyperdrive to

travel between planets.

[insert galactic borders]

[insert specific planet descriptions, and their lifespans]

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

6 Star Wars, Chapter 3 v23-Roles, nci Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

Chapter 3: Roles

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

7 Star Wars, Chapter 3 v23-Roles, nci Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.


Characters in the Star Wars galaxy, or at least in

the movies and books, are larger than life. Yet, at the

same time, the allure of the original trilogy – Episodes

IV through VI – was the simple struggle between good

and evil and the growth of the main character. To

mimic the scope of the movies, it behooves Players and Chroniclers to set up epic characters to partake in epic

struggles. However, the Star Wars universe can be far

more complex and of a smaller and more intimate scale.

Chroniclers and Players are encouraged to decide

what type of game they’re aiming for and build

characters accordingly. An epic struggle for the fate of

the galaxy calls for larger than life characters, often in

pitched battle against top enemies and hordes of

underlings. A game about the survival of a few young

Jedi and their friends during the Imperial Era requires a

different approach to characters. Fortunately, the rules

support both approaches. This chapter is aimed at making characters for

Players and Chroniclers alike. It provides four character

types, one of which is not entirely appropriate for

Players, and a means to expand the power of the basic


Building a Character

Players seeking to create a Star Wars character

should have some familiarity with the setting. Star

Wars is a very versatile setting, rich with opportunities

to roleplay a myriad of options. The Chronicler needs to

decide what the game is supposed to be. Playing Jedi

during the Imperial era can be a dark and gritty game of

survival against unfair odds. Just as easily, that same

game could be an epic struggle for the Cast to do their

part to help the Rebel Alliance achieve ultimate victory.

Chroniclers needs to be clear about this and players

should think hard on what type of character they wish to play, and how well that character should fit into the


It is the Chronicler’s responsibility to inform the

players of a specific starting location and the main

themes of the game she seeks to run. A game

concerning the survival of a crack team of Imperial

Officers behind enemy lines should not include an

Echani duelist and a Twi’lek dancer. In some cases, the

Chronicler may drastically limit options, like the crack

team of Imperial Officers being restricted to humans

with military training and the skills and qualities to suit that history. However, even with such tight restrictions,

players should not believe that they are being forced to

play copies of one another. Even within a certain

organization like the Imperial Army or the Jedi Order,

there is plenty of variety and options for a player to

create a unique and memorable character.

Character creation in Unisystem allows for a great

degree of flexibility and freedom, making the

preconception of a character all the more important to

drive choices during character creation. Still, the

staggering number of options may dumbfound some

players, and, for them, plenty of Chronicler assistance and a few pre-generated characters and concepts are


Elements of Characters The three elements of a character in Unisystem are

concept, organization, and type. The personality

concept gives the player ideas on the behavior and

thought processes of the Cast Member, as well as

guidelines for actually building and advancing her that

reflect said personality. The organization to which the

Cast Member belongs offers additional roleplaying and

character building guidelines, as well as providing in-game social benefits or drawbacks. Lastly, the character

type is the meat of the mechanical game aspect,

providing the points to actually cement personality and

organization, as well as further defining the character.

Taken together, these three elements make a complete

Cast Member in Unisystem—if even one of these

elements is missing, the character fails to actually be a

Cast Member.

Archetypes & Concepts

A character archetype is a ready-to-play character

complete with a personality. All that it needs is a name

and a player to jump right into the action. Players are

welcome to fine-tune the points of the archetype they

choose, allowing an even more distinctive character.

However, archetypes also help a player lacking

inspiration by jogging her imagination. Lastly, they can

also be used by the Chronicler as “stock” Supporting Cast, in case she needs some numbers quick.

A personality concept is a step back from a

character archetype; it is a particular personality type

with character building suggestions and pertinent

questions that help a player’s imagination to fill out the

character. It is useful if a player feels uncomfortable

with simply grabbing an archetype and merely needs a

bit of guidance to make a fun and believable character.

Actual Archetypes are provided in Chapter 6:


[reference Armageddon pg 40, WitchCraft pg 41]

Sample Character Concepts






Reluctant Hero

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

8 Star Wars, Chapter 3 v23-Roles, nci Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.


Seeker of Knowledge




Warrior Weird One

[reference WitchCraft. Pg 41~49]


In many cultures it is customary for a people to

identify themselves with a greater group of similar

people for safety, education, and companionship. These organizations are varied, some teach the secrets of the

Force while others are entirely mundane.

Being part of an organization is useful as it helps

inform decisions about character creation as well as

anchoring the character in the setting. The organizations

listed below are fairly open ended, allowing a generous

amount of individuality while still keeping a measure of

consistency between members. The descriptions are

brief and only include the most general information that

makes them appropriate for a group of “heroes.” A

more exhaustive description, as well as several more organizations, is presented in Chapter 6:


Jedi Order Description: The Jedi Order is an organization of

Force Sensitive people. They try to be the peacekeepers

and mediators of the galaxy, though they and their

rivals, the Sith, enter into vicious, galaxy changing

conflicts throughout history.

Attributes: High Per and Dex, usually high Will.

Qualities and Drawbacks: Honorable 2, Severe

Obligation (Jedi Order) Skills: Martial Arts and all sorts of investigatory

and social skills

Powers: The Jedi become the galaxy’s foremost

Force-using tradition, focusing mostly on the Light


Special Abilities: They may increase any single

Force Skill or Power by one level. Jedi get further

special bonuses the higher in rank they go within the

Jedi order.

Common Professions: As a rule, a Jedi is strictly a

Jedi. They are forbidden from becoming anything else, though that doesn’t prevent them from developing a

wide range of skills on their own.

Roleplaying the Jedi: I know more than you but

I’m going to try to be nice about it.

Freelancers Description: Freelancers are not an actual

organization, but a category of people who depend

mostly on themselves or a small group of fellows. They

often travel around looking for work, even that of

questionable legality and high risk if the pay is right.

Attributes: High Per and either Int or Dex (to

avoid or get out of trouble)

Qualities and Drawbacks: There is a lot of

variety amongst adventurous freelancers, but a large portion has drawbacks like Fear of Commitment and

qualities like Jack of All Trades.

Skills: They tend to have a variety of skills that

follow a similar scheme: skills that will get them into

trouble and then the skills that get them back out.

Powers: As a rule, freelancers are fairly

inconsistent about having any sort of powers. The more

successful warriors among them may acquire Powered

Armor, the less successful may end up with Cyberware.

Special Abilities: Good Luck 2.

Common Professions: They don’t usually get jobs

that keep them in one place for too long. Many of them work as gamblers, mercenaries, bounty hunters, or


Roleplaying the Freelancers: Han Solo, Lando

Calrissian, and Jango and Boba Fett are good examples.

Character Types There are four character types: Norms, Mundanes,

Powered, and Droids. Norms are merely normal people

and are often relegated to Supporting Cast, and more

often than not, they do not even really need to be built

using this system. Mundanes, despite their name, are

actually exceptional specimens of their species.

Powered are those characters that are exceptional

through cybernetics or talents in the Force. Lastly,

Droids are droids, mostly sentient robots.

None of the characters built using these point totals

should have any skill or skill-based power starting with more than 3 ranks and a specialization without

Chronicler approval

Norm A Norm is a normal person of the given species.

They are not exceptional in any way, and are easily

90% of the entire galactic population. Norms run the

gamut from most spectators in the pod-racing arenas to

the volunteer security forces of Naboo. By and large,

Norms must focus their learning in a particular field to

be any good at it. A Norm gets 12 points to buy Attributes, 3 points

to buy Qualities, and 20 points to buy Skills. Norms

may not start with the Force Sensitive or Cyberware


Mundane Mundanes are actually exceptional members of

their species and compose the majority of the known

Cast from the movies. Mundanes often find themselves

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

9 Star Wars, Chapter 3 v23-Roles, nci Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

in positions of power and responsibility, ranging from

bounty hunters (like Jango and Boba Fett) to multi-

talented space scoundrels (like Han Solo and Lando

Calrissian). All of the Clonetroopers are clones of

Jango Fett and are also Mundanes.

A Mundane gets 20 points to buy Attributes, 5 points to buy Qualities, and 25 points to buy Skills.

Mundanes may not start with Force Sensitive or

Cyberware qualities.

Powered Powered are the characters with supernatural

powers or artificial augmentations. The entire Jedi

population is Powered, as are cyborgs like General

Grievous. Those characters that are Force Sensitive are

more often than not adopted by the Jedi Order and find

themselves in positions of power and responsibility

similar to Mundanes. Cyborgs like General Grievous are exceptionally rare in the Star Wars universe but are

almost a match for the Force Users.

A Powered gets 15 points to buy Attributes, 5

points to buy Qualities, 25 points to buy Skills, and 5

points to buy Powers. Powered must start with Force

Sensitive or Cyberware qualities.

Droids Droids are machines with complex Artificial

Intelligence programming. In the Star Wars galaxy,

droids are considered property and play the role fairly well. They, like norms, focus on a particular field and

generally perform well, though they are consistently

believed to be unable to think creatively (R2-D2 is an

obvious exception).

A Droid gets 15 points to buy Attributes, 5 points

to buy Qualities, 20 points to buy Skills, and 10 points

to buy Powers. Droids must start with the Droid quality,

but may never get Force Sensitive.

Advanced Characters Not all games need start at the above point

allotments. In many cases, Players and Chroniclers might want to start their games with more powerful

characters. To reflect increasing power levels, a

Chronicler assigns additional character points in 15

point increments—1 of these points is used to buy

Attributes (up to 30 Attribute points), 14 are spent like

the points that are gained from taking Drawbacks.

Nature Bonus: This increase represents characters

that start inherently more powerful than other

characters. This is not the province of training, more of

natural talent. Wookiees, many droids, and even

innately powerful individuals like Yoda and Anakin Skywalker would have points assigned in this manner.

The points gained with this category are spent only on

Qualities (but not Training Qualities), Powers (but not

Force Skills), and as Drawback points to improve


Nurture Increment: This increase represents pre-

game character growth. This is not innate talent; it is

more indicative of life experience and training. The

points gained with this category are not to be spent on Racial Qualities or other qualities that must be acquired

at character generation. Furthermore, increase the

maximum skill level of a starting character by one

(starting at 3) for every Nurture Increment.

[reference and compare to Character Type in

WitchCraft, pg 50~51]

Qualities and Drawbacks There are three broad categories of Qualities.

Mundane Qualities are available to all characters and

are purchased with Quality points. Training Qualities

are available to all characters that meet the

prerequisites, but can be purchased with any

combination of Skill and Quality points. Lastly,

Powered/Supernatural Qualities are mostly available

only to Powered characters and are purchased with any

combination of Powered and Quality points.

Characters cannot gain more than 10 points from Drawbacks, no matter how many Drawbacks they opt

to take—increase this limit by 5 points for every 50

points beyond 100 that the character starts with (the

characters normally start with only 50 points).

[reference WitchCraft, pg 71~72]

Mundane Qualities This is a list of Mundane Qualities specific to the

Star Wars setting. Practically all the qualities presented

in other Unisystem books are available in the Star Wars


[reference WitchCraft, pg 72~83; Conspiracy X, pg 62~80]

Bothan 2-pt Racial Quality

Bothans are a species of anthropomorphs

characterized by fur and their cultural preference for

knowledge and influence. The average bothan stands

approximately 4’11” and weigh as much as a human of

similar size. Though they are morphologically similar

to humans their facial structures run the gamut from a

canine-feline-equine hybrid to that of a “furry human.” The bothan homeworld is called Bothawui, and their

native language is Bothese, where the written form is


Cerean 2-pt Racial Quality

The Cereans come from a purposefully low-tech

society on the planet Cerea in the Mid Rim. The

average member of cerean species is 6’6” tall and is

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

10 Star Wars, Chapter 3 v23-Roles, nci Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

characterized by her tall, tapered head. She is, in most

other respects, physiologically very similar to a human,

with the noted exception that cereans have larger brains

and two hearts. Cerean males have shorter lifespans

than females, living only 75% of a normal human or

female cerean lifespan.

Lightsaber 2- to 6-pt Social Quality

Prerequisites: Craft (lightsaber) 1+

You have created a lightsaber, combining very rare

crystals with advanced technology to create the weapon

that is most often associated with the Jedi Order. The

cost for this quality is value of the crystal in the

lightsaber: Kathracite-2, Relecite-3, Danite-4, Mephite-

5, and Pontite-6. Owning a lightstaff costs 1 extra

character point beyond the base price, as does owning a

matched pair of lightsabers. Pontite is an ultra rare form of the crystal that is

used in a lightsaber and should not be purchased during

character creation.

Ship [reference All Tomorrow’s Zombies, pg ?]

Training Qualities This is a list of Training Qualities available in the

Star Wars setting. The qualities relevant to a Star Wars

game are presented here. Of note is that the Jedi lightsaber forms have 3

levels, Padawan, Knight, and Master grades: only the

difference needs to be paid to acquire the next level if a

previous grade has already been purchased.

Expanded Training 1-pt Physical Training Quality

Prerequisites: Martial Arts 1 rank

Having learned the basics of your martial art, you

choose to study in the more expanded techniques

associated with the style. This is not creating a new

martial art, but instead exploring the esoteric techniques that are taught to the students driven to learn beyond the

basic lessons and techniques.

Some martial arts have expanded repertoires that

more thoroughly define them. This expanded set of

moves is often alternate weapons training or highly

specialized techniques. Sometimes, these expanded

moves are defined, and in that case, this quality grants

access to one category of such moves. If the expanded

moves are not already defined, this quality grants

access to at up to 5 new techniques that are justifiably

associated with the existing martial art. These new techniques are added to your supplemental techniques


Focused Training

1-pt Physical Training Quality

Prerequisites: Martial Arts 1 rank

You spent some extra time training and drilling a

specific supplemental technique in order to raise your

mastery of it to the best of your ability.

Choose a supplemental technique, that technique is now treated as a core technique. Tasks that fall within

the purview of that technique are performed with full

Martial Arts skill ranks. This quality cannot be taken

more than once per Martial Arts rank per martial arts


Form I: Shii-Cho: The Determination Form 1-, 4-, or 9-pt Physical Training Quality

Shii-Cho is an ancient form developed by the early

Jedi from existing sword styles to combat the

proliferation of blaster weapons. It is characterized by

simplicity in form and footwork, with sweeping swings and wide steps that are easy to learn. Further, in

keeping with the Jedi ideals, Shii-Cho also focuses

heavily on disarming an opponent rather than fatally

wounding him. Unfortunately, the strength of this

form’s simplicity cannot match the finesse and focused

power of the other dueling forms, Makashi and Djem


Padawan Grade (1-pt) Prerequisites: Martial Arts

(lightsaber) 1; Sense 1, Prescience

You get the following benefits and penalties: +1 to

all Parry Tasks, a further +2 to Parry Tasks against ranged weapons, and +2 to Disarm Tasks (or attacks

against the arms or attacking limbs of the opponent).

These bonuses only apply against a number of

opponents equal to your Perception score. You also get

a -2 penalty as the defender against a feint.

Knight Grade (4-pt) Prerequisites: Padawan

Grade Form I; Martial Arts (lightsaber) 3; Sense 2,

Control 1, Prescience, Telekinesis

You get the following benefits and penalties: +1 to

all Parry Tasks, a further +2 to Parry Tasks against

ranged weapons, +2 to Disarm Tasks (or attacks

against the attacking limbs of the opponent), +1 to Initiative, and your Multiple Action Penalty is reduced

to -1. You also get a -2 penalty as the defender against

a feint.

Form II: Makashi: The Contention Form

Padawan Grade 1-, 4-, or 9-pt Physical Training Quality

The Contention Form was developed strictly as a

lightsaber on lightsaber dueling style. It relies heavily

on finesse and extreme focus at all times. The footwork

is fairly linear with movement back and forth, combined with short thrusts and cuts using the wrist

and hand rather than the full arm. Defenses are based

on evasion and elegant parries. Makashi is favored for

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

11 Star Wars, Chapter 3 v23-Roles, nci Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

duelists and lightsaber fencers, but is only studied when

Jedi are in eras where such combat can be expected.

Padawan Grade (1-pt) Prerequisites: Dexterity 3,

Willpower 3; Martial Arts (lightsaber) 3

You get the following benefits and penalties:

against one single foe, you get +2 to melee Strike Tasks, +2 to melee Dodge or Parry Tasks, +2 to

opposed combat Tasks/Tests (as in trips, takedowns,

disarms, feints, grapples, etc.). Against all other foes,

you get -1 to all Strike Tasks, -1 to all Dodge and Parry

Tasks, and -1 to all opposed combat Tasks/Tests (as in

trips, takedowns, disarms, feints, grapples, etc.).

Against all opponents, you deal half as much damage

as you roll and get -2 to all Strength-based combat

Tasks/Tests, but your Multiple Action Penalty is

reduced to -1.

Knight Grade (4-pt) Prerequisites: Dexterity 3,

Willpower 3; Padawan Grade Form II, Situational Awareness; Martial Arts (lightsaber) 5; Sense 1,


You get the following benefits and penalties:

against a number of specified foes equal to your

Perception score, you get +2 to melee Strike Tasks, a

further +1 to feint tasks, +3 to melee Dodge and Parry

Tasks, +2 to opposed combat Tasks/Tests (as in trips,

takedowns, disarms, feints, grapples, etc.). Against all

other foes, you get -1 to all Strike Tasks, -1 to all Dodge

and Parry Tasks, and -1 to all opposed combat

Tasks/Tests (as in trips, takedowns, disarms, feints, grapples, etc.). Against all opponents, you deal half as

much damage as you roll and get -2 to all Strength-

based combat Tasks/Tests, but your Multiple Action

Penalty is reduced to -1 and you get +2 to Initiative.

Form III: Soresu: The Resilience Form

Padawan Grade 1-, 4-, or 9-pt Physical Training Quality

Soresu is referred to as the Jedi ideal as it focuses

entirely on defense to outlast an opponent while

keeping other options open. There is a conservation of

motion associated with this style, keeping the Jedi’s actions close to his body so as to expose as little as

possible to attack and to conserve energy. Furthermore,

a Soresu student embraces the flow of the Force,

allowing it to guide his defense and seek out

weaknesses in the opponent’s offense. Unfortunately,

while masters of this style tend to be nearly invincible,

they are also left wanting when opposing an enemy of

enough skill to not leave herself open.

Padawan Grade (1-pt) Prerequisites: Constitution

3, Perception 3; Martial Arts (lightsaber) 1; Sense 1,

Prescience You get the following benefits and penalties:

against a number of specified foes equal to your

Perception score, you get +2 to Dodge and Parry

Tasks, a further +3 to Parry Tasks against ranged

attacks, +1 to opposed combat Tasks/Tests (as in trips,

takedowns, disarms, feints, grapples, etc.). You also get

-2 to melee and thrown weapon Strike Tasks.

Knight Grade (4-pt) Prerequisites: Constitution 3,

Perception 3; Padawan Grade Form III, Resistance

(fatigue) 2; Martial Arts (lightsaber) 4; Control 2, Sense 3, Prescience, Telekinesis

You get the following benefits and penalties: +3 to

Dodge and Parry Tasks, a further +5 to Parry Tasks

against ranged attacks, +1 to opposed combat

Tasks/Tests (as in trips, takedowns, disarms, feints,

grapples, etc.), a further +2 to opposed combat

Tasks/Tests as the defender (as in trips, takedowns,

disarms, feints, grapples, etc.). You also get -2 to melee

and thrown weapon Strike Tasks.

9-pt Prerequisites: Constitution 4, Perception 3;

Knight Grade Form III, Resistance (fatigue) 3; Martial

Arts (lightsaber) 6; Sense 5, Control 4, Prescience, Telekinesis

You get the following benefits and penalties: +5 to

Dodge and Parry Tasks, a further +5 to Parry Tasks

against ranged attacks, +2 to opposed combat

Tasks/Tests (as in trips, takedowns, disarms, feints,

grapples, etc.), a further +3 to opposed combat

Tasks/Tests as the defender (as in trips, takedowns,

disarms, feints, grapples, etc.). You also get -2 to melee

and thrown weapon Strike Tasks and your Multiple

Action Penalty is reduced to -1.

Form IV: Ataru: The Aggression Form

Padawan Grade 1-, 4-, or 9-pt Physical Training Quality

By utilizing the full extent their Force abilities, an

Ataru practitioner becomes an acrobatic dancer beyond

anything humanly possible. The style involves

extremely acrobatic flips, spins, and jumps as well as

aggressive swings and lunges, all of which flow into

and from one another so that the Jedi seems to never

stop moving. The elements of this form make it

effective against one opponent and when under attack

from ranged weapons. The form is very demanding of both the natural abilities and Force abilities of the


Padawan Grade (1-pt) Prerequisites: Dexterity 4,

Perception 3; Acrobatics 3, Martial Arts 3; Control 2,


You get the following benefits and penalties: +1 to

the damage Multiplier for your melee attacks, +1 to

Strength based combat Tasks/Tests, +1 to Dodge Tasks,

+1 to Initiative, you may attempt a Dodge task against

incoming ranged attacks as if they were melee attacks

(you are automatically “dancing” and get no penalty for it).

Knight Grade (4-pt) Prerequisites: Dexterity 4,

Perception 3; Acrobatics 5, Martial Arts 5; Control 4,


Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

12 Star Wars, Chapter 3 v23-Roles, nci Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

You get the following benefits and penalties: +1 to

Strike Tasks, +1 to the damage Multiplier for your

melee attacks, +1 to Strength based combat

Tasks/Tests, +1 to Dodge Tasks, +1 to Initiative, you

may attempt a Dodge task against incoming ranged

attacks as if they were melee attacks (you are automatically “dancing” and get no penalty for it).

Your Multiple Action Penalty is reduced to -1.

Form V: Shien/Djem So: The Perseverance Form

Padawan Grade 1-, 4-, or 9-pt Physical Training Quality

This form was developed by Soresu masters who

were displeased with the lack of offensive capability

from their chosen form. It matured into two variants

due to separate demands but maintains very similar

style: powerful saber techniques and controlled and

aggressive footwork with the aim to press the assault and dominate the battle especially when outnumbered.

The classical form, Shien, was developed to combat

multiple blaster wielding opponents whereas the sister

form, Djem So, is a melee combat style focusing on

overpowering lightsaber opponents. In either case, this

style demands strength and precision and is effective

against many opponents, but a single skilled opponent

has a solid chance of getting past a Form V

practitioner’s defenses.

Padawan Grade (1-pt) Prerequisites: Strength 3,

Perception 3, Martial Arts (any style with lightsaber training) 1; for Djem-So: Control 1, Telekinesis; for

Shien: Sense 1, Prescience

You get the following benefits and penalties: +1 to

all Parry Tasks, +1 to Strength based combat

Tasks/Tests, +1 to the damage Multiplier for your

melee attacks. For Djem So, you get Riposte

(lightsaber) as a secondary move while using this form.

For Shien, you get Ballistic Reflection (lightsaber) as a

secondary move while using this form. For 1 additional

point, you may claim the benefits of both Djem So and

Shien simultaneously.

Knight Grade (4-pt) Prerequisites: Strength 4, Perception 3, Martial Arts (any style ; Padawan Grade

Form V; for Djem So: Control 3, Telekinesis; for Shien:

Sense 3, Prescience

You get the following benefits and penalties: +1 to

melee strike Tasks, +2 to all Parry Tasks, +2 to

Strength based combat Tasks/Tests, +1 to opposed

combat Tasks/Tests as the aggressor (as in trips,

takedowns, disarms, feints, grapples, etc.), +2 to the

damage Multiplier for your melee attacks. For Djem

So, you get Riposte (lightsaber) as a primary move

while using this form. For Shien, you get Ballistic Reflection (lightsaber) as a primary move while using

this form. For 2 additional points, you may claim the

benefits of both Djem So and Shien simultaneously.

Form VII: Juyo/Vapaad: The Ferocity Form

Padawan Grade 1-, 4-, or 9-pt Physical Training Quality

Juyo is viewed as the most demanding and brutal

form of lightsaber combat. It has open techniques but

purposefully lacks the flowing aspect of Ataru, instead seeming like a mismatched set of specific techniques.

Combining the broken steps of this form with the

ferocity of attack it espouses makes it wildly

unpredictable. Juyo demands much of the practitioner

in terms of emotion, control, and use of the Force to

make an unstoppable opponent. However, this

passionate approach wears on a Jedi’s calm, requiring

supreme willpower and self restraint to avoid falling

headlong into the Dark Side. A related style, invented

by Jedi Master Mace Windu is called Vapaad, but only

a few Jedi ever mastered it and all but Master Windu

slipped into the Dark Side. Padawan Grade (1-pt) Prerequisites: Dexterity 3,

Perception 3, Willpower 4; Martial Arts 3, Trance 1;

Control 2, Sense 2, Prescience, Telekinesis, Telepathy 2

You get the following benefits and penalties:

against a number of specified opponents equal to your

Sense level within range of your Telepathy Power, you

get +2 to melee Strike Tasks, +2 to melee Dodge and

Parry Tasks, +2 to opposed combat Tasks/Tests (as in

trips, takedowns, disarms, feints, grapples, etc.). You

get +2 to Parry Tasks against ranged attacks, and +1

to Initiative. Every time you assume this form, you gain 1 Dark Side point. Furthermore, for every time

increment equal to your Willpower in Turns spent in

this form and engaging in combat, you gain 1 Dark

Side point.

Knight Grade (4-pt) Prerequisites: Dexterity 3,

Perception 3, Willpower 4; Padawan Grade Forms I,

II, III, IV, and V; Martial Arts 5, Trance 3; Control 4,

Sense 5, Prescience, Telekinesis, Telepathy 2

You get the following benefits and penalties:

against a number of specified opponents equal to your

Sense level within range of your Telepathy Power, you

get +2 to melee Strike Tasks, +2 to melee Dodge and Parry Tasks, +2 to opposed combat Tasks/Tests (as in

trips, takedowns, disarms, feints, grapples, etc.). You

get +1 to all Strike Tasks, +1 to all Dodge and Parry

Tasks, +2 to Parry Tasks against ranged attacks, +2 to

Initiative, +1 to the damage Multiplier for your melee

attacks, +1 to Strength based combat Tasks/Tests. You

can reflect blaster bolts with extreme control: the Strike

Task result for the blaster reflect equals your Parry

Task result, less the attacker’s Strike Task. Every time

you assume this form, you gain 1 Dark Side point.

Furthermore, for every time increment equal to your Willpower in Turns spent in this form and engaging in

combat, you gain 1 Dark Side point.

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

13 Star Wars, Chapter 3 v23-Roles, nci Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

Jedi Combat Training 1-pt Physical Training Quality

Prerequisites: You must acquire Martial Arts (Jedi) 1

at the same time you take this quality.

You have been trained for combat by the Jedi

Order. They tutored you in the art of using a lightsaber in its most basic style, as well as trained you to focus on

certain aspects of combat in an attempt to help you


You learn Form I: Shii-Cho (1-pt).

Jedi Martial Arts has the following core moves:

Disarm, Hand Weapon (lightsaber), and Kick.

Jedi Martial Arts has the following supplemental

moves: Back Strike (lightsaber), Breakfall, Close Strike

(lightsaber), Disarm, Double Strike (lightsaber), Grab,

Sucker Punch, and Roll With Blow.

Jedi Martial Arts has the following expanded

techniques: Back Strike (lightstaff), Double Strike (lightstaff), and Hand Weapon (lightstaff).

Secret Training 3-pt Metaphysical Training Quality

Prerequisites: Martial Arts 5 ranks, special

Some of the most unique masters learn to integrate

techniques and powers that no others can match. These

masters have mastered their chosen style and

supernatural techniques to the degree that they are fit to

be combined into a cohesive whole. When the master

completes his secret training, he emerges a new and wholly dangerous opponent capable of combining

physical and metaphysical techniques into one fluid


The martial artist must possess 5 ranks in the

relevant style, as well as 5 ranks in a Force skill.

The martial artist selects up to 5 specific

applications within the realm of that Force skill, with

specificity befitting the martial arts techniques. Add

these applications to your supplemental techniques list;

they will be used as if they were martial arts


By way of example, a master with 5 levels in Alter wishing to integrate Telekinesis into his martial art

style would select 5 specific applications on par with

martial arts techniques. For instance, the applications

would be: a hard TK shove to throw them back from

him, a lifting effect to free the opponent from the

ground, a focused TK grip to pin a subject against a

wall, a technique that attempts to throw them to the

floor, and a last technique the technique to combine his

TK Strength with his personal Strength, and the

technique to use his TK strength to improve his speed.

These applications are treated as supplemental techniques and when used as such, follow all the rules

for supplemental techniques. Furthermore, all of these

techniques should be performed at melee or, at best,

spear range. Beyond that is strictly in the realm of Alter

and Telekinesis.

Special Training 2-pt Physical Training Quality

Prerequisites: Martial Arts 5 ranks, skill to be integrated at 5 ranks

You take the time to supplement the martial arts

style you know with other skills and techniques that

you’ve mastered.

Select a mundane combat skill with at least 5

ranks, redefine it with existing or newly developed

martial arts techniques (up to 4 individual techniques).

These new techniques are added to your supplemental

techniques list.

As an example, a character with a sword fighting

style can integrate up to 4 techniques derived from

Guns (small arms), like Shoot, Pistol Whip, and Draw. Teaching this modified style is done as normal, though

the teacher can specifically choose to not share specific


Powered Qualities This is a list of Powered Qualities specific to the

Star Wars setting. Practically all the qualities presented

in other Unisystem books are available in the Star Wars


[reference WitchCraft, pg 84~88; Age should be

forbidden, most others are inappropriate]

Attuned Lightsaber 2-pt Powered Quality

Prerequisites: Lightsaber quality, Force Sensitive,

Sense 1

You have handcrafted a lightsaber and selected

your own crystal as guided by your connection to the

Force. The lightsaber you created is specially attuned to

you, inexplicably making it follow your will. You get a

+2 to all Tasks or Tests performed with your attuned


In the rare case where you lose your lightsaber, or have it destroyed, you can re-attune yourself to a new

saber at the cost of permanently sacrificing 2 Force

Points or spending 1 experience point.

It costs 6 experience points to get this quality after

character creation. This quality replaces specialization

within the Hand Weapon (lightsaber or lightstaff) skill

or Martial Art Move.

Cybernetic Interface Port (CIP) 2-pt Powered Quality

Prerequisites: None, Mundanes may buy this as a Quality

You have a port that connects your brain or

datacore directly to computer systems. This lets you use

computers at the speed of thought as well as allowing

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

14 Star Wars, Chapter 3 v23-Roles, nci Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

you access to any virtual reality programs, like the

Matrix. On rare occasions, this feature is also made

wireless, in which case you can access anything that

allows wireless access—more frequently, a store

bought module can be connected to the port that offers

wireless capability. You can plug into CIP equipment, including most

computers, ships, and some weapons. You get a +2

bonus to all Tasks/Tests associated with software or

direct manipulation of hardware via software (like

System Operations (weapons) while on a large ship).

For wireless systems, you must be within 10 yards of

the receiver, and you can actually have people hack into

your mind or track your location due to your wireless

signal. In some cases, accessing certain systems or

performing certain actions requires having a CIP, in

which case you do not get the +2 bonus.

Cyberware 0-pt Powered Quality

Prerequisites: Adversary 2 OR Extreme Obligation

(corporation OR government) OR Resources +1

You have undergone heavy physical modifications

that integrate machinery and computer systems into

your organic body.

You may use Powered points as if they were

drawback points to increase your Attributes and, given

proper surgical procedure and software, you can

increase your attributes with XP until you reach your racial maximums. Electricity/ion damage is applied in

full to your Life Points and Power Capacity. You

consume 1 Power for every 2 hours of active wakeful

activity or 8 hours of dormant activity (similar to drug

induced sleep). You also have a Powercore built into

your system, it has a regenerating Power Capacity of


It should be noted that, as this quality is presented,

the cybernetic parts are inconspicuous and might

require some sort of intensive investigation to figure

out, or are too subtle to be immediately apparent, or

simply commonly accepted and not particularly unattractive. Chroniclers are within their rights to

demand that characters with many Cyberware parts

actually take negative Appearance or other drawbacks.

Droid 4-pt Powered Racial Quality

You are an artificially created, sentient,

anthropomorphic machine.

As a machine, you never tire; you have no

Endurance score, nor are you affected by nonlethal

attacks. In fact, although you register damage, you do not feel pain. As a synthetic sentience, you do not have

an Essence Pool, are restricted to those Powers specific

to Droids, and are affected by supernatural powers as if

you were an inanimate object. Normally, droid

programming does not include fear or any other

emotion—duplicating the Emotionless drawback and

Nerves of Steel quality—though this does not mean that

you lack programming to ensure your own survival. For

no additional cost, you can actually have the full suite

of human emotions and not come with Emotionless and Nerves of Steel.

The inorganic nature of your body renders it

amazingly resilient to sustaining damage as compared

to most organics. Damage Type Multipliers are

drastically different when applied to your “Life Points”:

plasma, electricity/ion and large scale energy damage

like fire or acid deal x2, slashing, blunt trauma or

explosive shells deal x1, piercing, concussion, and

energy deals 1/10th damage to your Damage Capacity.

Electricity/ion damage also applies against your Power

capacity. Your death threshold is -30, and you make

Survival Tests normally, but you are not rendered unconscious until you fail the Test, in which case you

are also destroyed.

You come with the Photographic Memory quality

as part of being a Robot. You may use Powered points

as if they were drawback points to increase your

Attributes and, given additional software and hardware

upgrades, you can increase your attributes with XP until

you reach your racial maximums (12 for each, except

Dexterity, which is limited to 8). You consume 1 Power

for every 2 hours of active wakeful activity or 8 hours

of dormant activity (similar to drug induced sleep), and it costs 2 Power to reactivate after going offline. You

come with 15 Power Capacity as per getting one level

in Battery Power.

Force Mastery 1-pt per level until level 5, then 3-pt per level thereafter

Powered Quality

Prerequisites: Force Sensitive

Some people are trained to use the Force within

them. Those that master the Force in this way have a

greater range of possibility for using their Force

Powers. Along with the ability to use one’s own personal Force, you also recover your own personal

Force at incredible rates.

You may “channel” up to your level in Force

Mastery from your Force in a single Turn. You may use

this energy to defend yourself (see Force Defense) or

improve the effects of your Force Powers (see Force

and Force Powers). You also recover lost or spent Force

at a rate of your Force Mastery level per minute.

Note: Force Sensitive characters that embrace the

Dark Side automatically gain Force Mastery at 3 times

their Willpower. However, they may not take any levels in this quality—meaning that they can only increase

their Force Mastery by directly increasing their

Willpower. Those that “fell” to the Dark Side lose

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

15 Star Wars, Chapter 3 v23-Roles, nci Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

access to this quality as gained during their Light Side


[reference and compare to Essence Channeling in

WitchCraft, pg 86]

Force Sensitive 5-pt Powered Quality

The Force is an ephemeral energy that binds and

flows through all of reality. In a way, it is like a placid

lake with invisible currents underneath the still surface.

When things happen that affect the Force, like

influential actions, powerful feelings, and the use of

Force powers, they cause a ripple. You are one of the

rare people, approximately one-tenth of a percent, in the

entire galaxy that is sensitive to the Force. Thanks to

your sensitivity, you are acutely aware of the constant

battle between the Light and Dark Sides and can learn

to manipulate the Force in miraculous ways. Most people that are sensitive to the Force are adopted into

the Jedi Order and taught in their millennia old


You can sense Force-rich areas and creatures or the

use of Force Powers with a Perception and Sense Task

(no penalty if you do not have Sense) much like hearing

some faint noise. You can also learn to manipulate the

Force by taking levels in the Force Skills and Powers.

[reference and compare to Gift in WitchCraft, pg 86]

Good Luck 1-pt/level Powered Quality

Good Luck is bought in levels, each level being

worth one point. Good Luck is used to represent those

lucky breaks characters get and often need to survive

the otherwise overwhelming odds they face. Good Luck

points are used in the manners listed below, and XP can

be spent in the same manner—if the Chronicler is using

XP types, the Nonspecific or “freebie” XP is spent first,

then the other XP types can be spent in any order the

player chooses.

Good Luck points usually are refilled between

sessions, but Chroniclers may find it appropriate to refill the pool during a long gaming session.

Chroniclers may also find that it becomes a practical

habit to give out XP for good roleplaying on the spot

since it can be used like Good Luck points and it serves

as a prompt reward for desirable behavior.

One point grants up to a +/- 2 modifier to Task or

Test. This modifier is increased to +/-3 if used before

the die is rolled. Multiple points can be spent in this

manner on a single Task or Test roll.

One point reduces incoming damage by half or

1d10x1, whichever is greater. Each additional point spent in this manner automatically defaults to

increasing the multiplier of the d10 roll.

Two points allow for a direct manipulation of a d10

roll. The actual die roll can be changed by 1 point in

any direction, so a natural 1 can be changed to a 2, or a

roll of 9 can be changed to 10. Spending three points

before the roll allows the change to be up to 2 points.

Four points allow for a re-roll of any set of dice.

The second result must be accepted. If the points are

spent before the roll, the player chooses which result to accept.

Eight points allows for a miraculous event. Almost

anything lies within the domain of this application; each

miraculous event should be tailored to the occasion and

verified with the GM.

One or more points allows a player to glean a hint

from the DM, or subtly alter the course of events in his

favor. More points allow for more overt hints and


Of note is that all of these effects are specific to the

character under the control of the player using them. In

order to apply these effects to other characters, the player must expend twice the listed amount.

[reference and compare to Good Luck in WitchCraft,

pg 86; Bad Luck remains unchanged]

Increased Force Pool 1-pt/level Powered Quality

Prerequisites: Force Sensitive

[reference Increased Essence Pool in WitchCraft, pg


Powered Armor Variable Powered Quality

Prerequisites: Adversary 2 OR Extreme Obligation

(corporation OR government) OR Resources +1;

Mundanes can buy this quality

You own a suit of armor with advanced integrated

systems that not only serve to defend you, but actually

supplement your abilities while also rendering it easier

to wear. Certain technology levels inform certain

changes to this quality: lower tech levels may require

that all features of the Powered Armor are purchased as

a single package while higher tech levels may actually

create entirely modular and incredibly versatile suits of armor.

The base cost of this quality is 1 pt. As part of this

quality, you select a suit of armor. Increase the value of

this quality by 1 point for every 10 pts of average AV

(round up if the ones digit is 6 or more). Reduce the

encumbrance stage of your armor by one step while it is

active (certain armors automatically impose

encumbrance, decrease that level by one step), they

keep the same encumbrance as normal while dormant,

or increase the encumbrance stage by one step if

offline. The suit comes with an integrated battery that provides you with 15 Power Capacity as if from a

single level of Battery Power. You consume 1 Power

for every 3 hours in the active state or 8 hours of low-

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

16 Star Wars, Chapter 3 v23-Roles, nci Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

power state (provides you with no benefits), bringing

the suit back online costs 1 Power.

It is important to note that the features of the armor

are included and those features that can easily be

purchased are not actually worth any character points

(beyond those required to get enough Resources to purchase them). The Powers that you acquire as part of

the Powered Armor are state-of-the-art and integrated

to function at top efficiency with the suit.

Skills This is a short list of skills relevant to and modified

for Star Wars. The skills presented in other Unisystem books are mostly available to Star Wars characters, and

certain Skills, like Occult Knowledge, are translated to

the Star Wars universe. A complete list of existing and

available skills is presented later.

Guns (type), Regular Combat The array of weapons in the Star Wars galaxy

offers a great many alternate “projectiles.” However,

the important point about the weapons is the way they

are wielded. A rifle that fires blaster bolts, bullets, or

ion pulses is used the same in all cases. The same is true of a handgun or even automatic turret.

The Guns skill is divided into 6 categories: small

arms, long arms, heavy arms, automatic small arms,

automatic long arms, and automatic heavy arms. Small

arms are pistols or small automatics that fire pistol

caliber projectiles. Long arms are rifles and require 2

hands to use, especially if they are capable of automatic

or burst fire. Heavy weapons include vehicular

weapons, extremely large man-portable weapons, and

ordnance weapons like rocket and grenade launchers.

The basic category covers single and semi-automatic

fire, whereas the automatic category covers full-auto and burst fire.

[reference and compare to Guns in WitchCraft, pg 93]

Martial Arts, Special Combat Learning a sophisticated fighting style that is more

than simply street-fighting and ad hoc attack and

defense attempts is represented by the Martial Arts

skill. The nature of martial arts, making an artistic and

effective combat style, often includes philosophical

elements as well. When learning a given style, the

character must take the associated prerequisite quality and the first level in the Martial Arts skill at the same

time. The prerequisite quality informs the options

available from the particular style. It provides a base

martial arts stance quality, three core techniques, a

collection of other supplemental techniques, and a list

of other stances that the style supports.

A martial arts stance is the basic collection of

footwork, mobility, and combat philosophy not easily

represented simply with a list of moves. It is

represented with a Physical Training Quality that gives

a collection of modifiers to various aspects of combat

including specific combat maneuvers, general attack

and defense, and even initiative. A character can

assume any stance he knows during any of his actions,

but can only use the martial arts techniques with an associated style while in that stance.

The martial arts techniques are exactly that,

specific techniques taught to help focus the efforts of

the martial artist to achieve the goals he has. Unlike a

generic skill like Brawling, a martial artist focuses on

specific moves instead of merely doing whatever might

work. Due to this focus, martial artists using trained

techniques generally prove to be more effective than a

similarly built brawler trying the same ones.

Core techniques are those martial arts techniques

that the student focused on as primary elements of

training. These are usually the most basic and oft practiced techniques and are reliable fall-back

measures. As such, tasks that are within the purview of

these techniques are resolved with the full Martial Arts

skill ranks.

Supplemental techniques are those martial arts

techniques that belong to the martial art in question but

were not the primary focus of training. They are often

esoteric or rarely applied techniques and are simply not

as practiced and memorized as core moves. As such,

tasks that are within the purview of supplemental

techniques are resolved as if the character had only half the Martial Arts skill ranks (round down).

Example: Mari Jeb is a Jedi guardian in the early

Old Republic that specializes in the study of martial

arts. She has 4 ranks in Martial Arts (Jedi), 3 ranks in

Martial Arts (Echani), and even studied enough to get 2

ranks in Martial Arts (Mandalorian military). She

learned the Jedi style first, all the way up to 4 ranks and

paid the Special skill cost. Then she started exploring

other martial arts, specifically the Echani and

Mandalorian styles, which she would purchase as if

they were Regular skills up until they reached 4

ranks— she only got 3 and 2, respectively. Mari opted to continue studying the Echani style, bringing it up to

4 ranks, still at the cost of a Regular skill. Now, her Jedi

and Echani styles are of equal level, whichever she

wants to improve first at this point would be improved

as a Special skill and the other would be improved as a

Regular skill.

[reference and compare to WitchCraft, pg 95; ideally

reference Conspiracy X, pg 165~168; weapon based

techniques are borrowed and extrapolated from

SunlessNick from the Eden Studios message boards.]

Medicine, Special Medical Medical science is mostly left to the precise hands

of droids and not only covers biology, diagnosis, and

treatment but also the science and art of cybernetic

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

17 Star Wars, Chapter 3 v23-Roles, nci Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

prosthesis. However, due to the varying nature of the

sentient species in the Star Wars galaxy, it is assumed

that the character focuses her Medicine skill on her own

race with a minor understanding of similar animals: a

human would focus on human medicine but have a

passable knowledge of similar mammalian bipeds but wouldn’t have the any real knowledge of how to treat a

Kel Dor or Trandoshan. Treating a member of the

relevant species is done normally with the appropriate

Task, treating a member of a species similar to the one

you focused on is done at a -2 to -4 penalty depending

on how close the species is, and treating a member of a

species well outside your study area is treated as an

unskilled attempt, carries a -6 to -10 penalty and the

doctor cannot get more than 2 Success levels, no matter

how high she rolls.

The use of this skill assumes the very basic of

doctors’ kits—a suture kit, scalpel, bandages, maybe forceps, and hopefully some sort of antiseptic. The

myriad of technological tools available to doctors in

most Star Wars worlds would offer either a bonus to the

relevant Tasks such as from a medkit or directly

increases/multiplies the damage healed from a single

treatment (synthflesh for a cut) or long term care (bacta

or kolto tanks can practically resurrect critically injured

people in weeks if not a couple days).

Note that this approach makes the Medicine skill

something of a type based Special skill. To clarify and

balance this effect, the highest ranking Medicine skill is purchased and improved as a Special skill and all others

are purchased and improved as Regular skills.

Improving a Medicine skill to such a point that it will

become the highest is also done as if the style in

question were a Special skill.

Example: Rena Kor is a devoted human doctor on

Coruscant and loves knowledge. She focused on human

medicine first, bringing it to 5 ranks in order to get

accredited. She also studied Kel Dor medicine up to 3

ranks. Human medicine was purchased as a Special

skill, but Kel Dor medicine was purchased as a Regular

skill because it was the second field she pursued. After an accident on the Kel Dor homeworld, she traveled

down to treat refugees there. After some experiences,

she could improve either Kel Dor or Human Medicine,

but Kel Dor Medicine would be improved as a Regular

skill until it reached 5 ranks and Human Medicine

would be improved as a Special skill as long as the

improvement would keep it higher ranked than Kel Dor


[reference and compare to Medicine in WitchCraft, pg


Piloting (type), Regular Vehicle This skill is divided into three categories: Small,

Medium, and Large. It covers the handling of the vessel

in a 3-dimensional environment as well as all systems

immediately pertinent to that function: most close range

sensor systems, small scale navigation, as well as some

minor diagnostics. It also covers knowledge of various

different ships within a given type.

Small ships require 1 crew member and somewhere

between 0 and 4 support personnel or passengers or a small amount of cargo space (less than a cubic ton).

This covers starfighters like TIE Fighters and X-Wings,

as well as small transport and courier ships. Most

systems included in these ships are simple enough to

not require the Systems Operations skills.

Medium ships require 2 or more crew members

and somewhere between 0 to 5 support personnel to be

considered fully manned and operational. These ships

also usually have a volume of no more than 1000 cubic

tons. Ships like the Millenium Falcon and Ebon Hawk

are Medium ships. Most systems included in these ships

are fairly simple, but most ships require at least one person with an appropriate Systems Operations skill.

Large ships require 4 or more crew members and

over 5 support personnel to be considered basically

operational and often have well over 1000 cubic tons of

volume. Capital class vessels, battleships of any sort,

Death Stars, and Star Destroyers are all considered

Large ships. The crew members must have Systems

Operations in various fields to properly inform the pilot

how to move and also include a captain to direct the

pilot’s actions.

[reference and compare to Piloting in WitchCraft, pg 96]

Systems Operations (type), Regular Vehicle This skill pertains to the operation of large systems

within ships and stations such as RADAR, sonar,

communications, navigation, and even weapon systems.

Most ships that can be piloted with the Pilot (small)

skill don’t require System Operations of any type.

[reference and compare to Conspiracy X, pg 111]

Powers Powers are purchased from the selections presented

in the Powers chapter using Powered points. This

includes Force Skills and Powers, as well as

Cybernetic, Droid, and Powered Armor Powers and


The Force There are three Force Skills that govern the use of

Force Powers: Alter, Control, and Sense. Each level in

one of these Force Skills costs 2 Powered points until

level 5, each level thereafter costs 5 Powered points.

Each level in one of these Force Skills also increases

your personal Force by 1.

There are eight Force Powers that represent the 8

facets of effects that can be created with the Force:

Clairvoyance, Energy Control, Heal, Kill, Mind Trick,

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

18 Star Wars, Chapter 3 v23-Roles, nci Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

Prescience, Telekinesis, and Telepathy. Each level in

one of these Force Powers costs 3 Powered points, the

cost does not increase after level 5. Each level in one of

these Force Powers also increases your personal Force

by 1.

Cyborgs, Droids, and Powered Armor There are a variety of aspects that can be purchased

for these artificially augmented characters. Each Power

or Vulnerability is valuated depending on its power or

severity and costs or credits the listed amount in

Powered points, respectively. However, the total cost of

Cybernetic and/or Powered Armor and all Powers

cannot be reduced below half through the acquisition of

Vulnerabilities, without specific Chronicler approval.

Details This step could also be considered the first step, as

it is an important and vital way in which to breathe life

into your character. You should take some time to

describe your character and her mannerisms, taking into

account all of her rules information. Things that are

immediately apparent should be pointed out in this

section, including height, eye, hair and skin color, as well as race, gender, age and apparent age.

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

19 Star Wars, Chapter 4 v13-Tools Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

Chapter 4: Tools

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

20 Star Wars, Chapter 4 v13-Tools Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.


The universe of Star Wars is full of strange and

fantastic technological marvels, lightsabers being prime

among them. Characters in the Star Wars universe

should have access to these fun and often destructive devices, as well as the opportunities to put them to use.

At the same time, having access to anything and

everything at a whim is not entirely appropriate for a

role-playing game, or even believable in most cases. As

such, players should purchase gear based on the credits

assigned them by their Resources quality level (often 0,

which is worth 15,000 credits). Note that this allotment

is meant to cover all of their property, including

vehicular transport (but not space ships) as well as

weapons and armor (but not lightsabers, powered

armor, or cybernetic parts). As part of the feel of a “space opera,” what Star

Wars can be considered, new technology is not

something that should be taking the forefront of the

game. Epic exceptions, like Death Stars, are not

unknown, and yet still serve more as a backdrop, color,

or setting for a more personal and epic adventure. Gear

that is unique to the Star Wars universe is presented


All equipment, including weapons, has basic

information. The most basic of which is the

encumbrance value. Weapons have damage ratings,

damage type, range, charge usage, capacity, credit value, etc.

Encumbrance Value (EV): The item’s

weight/bulk set into one value, the first listed value is

the weight in pounds, the second listed value is the

weight in kilograms.

Range: The ranges for ranged weapons are

expressed in 5 values measured in yards (meters):

point-blank, short, medium, long, and extreme.

Reach: The range at which a melee weapon can be

used. Reach 0 is up close and personal, appropriate for

bites, knees or shivs. Reach 4 is on par with pikes and whips. The other 3 grades are evenly spread between 0

and 4. Damage: The damage die and Multiplier are

presented here for all weapons.

Capacity/Charge Usage: The amount of uses

available to that weapon, either measured in bullets,

bolts or other physical measure (a number or range) or

the amount of energy consumed from a power pack (a


Cost: The value, in credits, of the item, given an

appropriate availability. This can be considered the

Galactic Republic average.

Gear {insert miscellaneous gear like plasma torches and

med kits}

Melee Weapons Tool users of every sort find it distressingly easy to

figure out ways to inflict physical damage on others.

Melee weapons are definitely personal weapons, as one

must actually engage a foe while close enough to look him in the face. As such, there are certain cultures/races

that relish these tools, namely Mandalorians,

Gamorreans, and the Sand People of Tatooine.

Two-Handed Weapons: Wielding a weapon in

two hands offers more power and a bit more control to

the wielder; often times, one must use two hands to

wield a weapon. In all cases, using both hands to wield

a weapon increases the Multiplier of the weapon by 1.

Slashing/Stabbing Weapons: Edged and pointed

weapons have a knack for cutting or piercing valuable

parts of an organic body. Edged weapons cut through

muscle, bone, organs, and blood vessels while pointed weapons pierce valuable internal organs. Damage that

makes it past the armor of an organic target is doubled

to reflect this.

Lightsabers: Lightsabers combine the destructive

power of lasers with that of slashing/stabbing weapons.

The crystal of a lightsaber determines the efficacy of

the laser aspect: they have AP and a bonus to the

Multiplier equal to the crystal value. The combination

of laser and slashing/stabbing damage makes it so that

damage that gets past the armor of an organic target is

tripled. Vibroweapons: All vibroweapons are

characterized by high frequency vibration generators,

powerful alloy blades, and specially cushioned handles.

The cyclic motion of the vibration generators duplicates

the effects of a jackhammer and a chainsaw

simultaneously, as well as making the weapon

dangerous simply to touch. The blades used in the

construction of a vibroweapon are necessarily of

excellent craftsmanship and get a +1 bonus to the

damage die. The vibration of an active vibroweapon

affords it AP 2 and increases the damage multiplier by

1. They are otherwise just slashing/stabbing weapons and double the damage that gets past the armor of an

organic target.

Cortosis Weave: Weapons designed for use

against lightsabers need some form of reinforcement,

and the super-rare fibrous crystal, Cortosis, is capable

of withstanding the lightsaber’s incredible destructive

power. When properly used in weapon construction, the

cortosis fibers are worked into the otherwise normal

weapon, rendering it able to withstand the fleeting

contact with a lightsaber involved in swordplay.

Nevertheless, cortosis is not completely invulnerable, and prolonged contact will even burn through a treated


Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

21 Star Wars, Chapter 4 v13-Tools Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

Force Pike: A force pike is a light ceremonial

weapon used either like a short spear or a fencing foil.

It has nothing to do with the Force, but it is a

deceptively powerful weapon – the head is an

electrically charged vibroblade. When set to stun, a

blow from the force pike forces a Difficult Constitution

Test (or Constitution and Control), failure stuns (paralyzes) the target for as long as the weapon stays in

contact with them, and an additional D6 Turns

thereafter (droids that fail this test actually power down

immediately, those that have the Vulcan Treatment get

a Simple Constitution Test). Getting hit multiple times

without a chance to recuperate increases the likelihood

of failure, every strike beyond the first without a 10 –

Constitution minute break (minimum 1 minute) applies

a cumulative -2 penalty to the Constitution Test.

However, if the weapon is set to lethal, every blow

from the force pike deals an additional D6x5(15) points

of electric damage as well as the above stunning effect. Each strike from a force pike consumes 5% of its power


Lightsaber/Lightstaff: The Adegan crystals most

commonly used in the construction of the lightsaber are

valued as such: Kathracite-2, Relecite-3, Danite-4,

Mephite-5, and Pontite-6. Continued exposure to a

lightsaber with intent to destroy something deals

lightsaber damage every second of application. Using a

lightsaber without proficiency defaults to Hand Weapon

(swords, clubs, or fencing) with a -4 penalty. Using a

lightstaff without proficiency defaults to Hand Weapon (staff) with a -6 penalty. If an unskilled user should get

a 5 or worse on his Strike or Parry Task, then he has hit

himself with the lightsaber (do not include his Dexterity

in the Multiplier).

Stun Baton: Stun batons are electrically charged

weapons used often for riot control. In addition to the

damage simply from getting hit by a really hard stick,

the victim is forced to make a Difficult Constitution

Test (or Constitution and Control), failure stuns

(paralyzes) the target for as long as the weapon stays in

contact with them, and an additional D6 Turns

thereafter. A user can opt to just poke someone with the

electrodes so as to get the stun effect without the bone

breaking aspect of clubbing someone. Getting hit

multiple times without time to recuperate increases the likelihood of failure, every strike beyond the first

without a 10 – Constitution minute break (minimum 1

minute) applies a cumulative -2 penalty to the

Constitution Test.

Vibroweapons: Vibroaxes are generally used for

industrial applications, but particularly brutish types

enjoy using them on people and property. Vibroblades

are dagger (D4+1) to machete (D6+1) length and often

are used as tools as well as for self defense.

Vibroswords are roughly a meter long and come in two

traditional forms – longsword (point of percussion) and

scimitar (slicing)—the only real difference between these weapons is the fighting style.

Ranged Weapons There are a fair amount of ranged weapons in the

Star Wars universe, and they are often very effective.

For the most part, they are guns that use various means

to ruin the day of the target. The advantage of ranged

weapons is clearly that the wielder need not be next to

the target and be in a position to feel the same kind of


Energy: All weapons that use this damage type are called blasters. This damage is actually laser based, the

action of nearly instantly vaporizing the hit location and

burning straight through. This is akin to being stabbed,

except for the part that the wound is automatically

open. And, even though the laser does not corkscrew,

ricochet or shatter as it passes through the body, the

vaporizing action is disturbingly akin to having an

Weapon (skill) Damage Type Reach EV Cost One-Handed Only Weapons Elbow (Brawling) D4x(S-1) Nonlethal 0 — — Head-butt (Brawling) D4xS Nonlethal 0 — — Kick (Brawling) D4x(S+1) Nonlethal 1 — — Knee (Brawling) D4xS Nonlethal 0 — — Punch (Brawling) D4xS Nonlethal 1 — —

Stun Baton (Club) D6xS, see text Blunt 1 4/2 One- or Two-Handed Weapons Force Pike (Fencing or Spear) (D6+1)x(S+1), see text Slashing or Stabbing 2~3 3/2 Lightsaber (Lightsaber) D8x(D+Crystal) Lightsaber 1~3 2/1 Special Vibroblade (Knife) (D4+1)x(S+1) Slashing or Stabbing 0~1 1/1 Vibrosword (Sword) (D8+1)x(S+1) Slashing or Stabbing 1~2 3/2

Two-Handed Only Weapons Lightstaff (Lightstaff) D8x(D+Crystal+1) Lightsaber 1~2 2/1 Special Vibroaxe (Axe) (D8+1)x(S+2) Slashing 2 6/3

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

22 Star Wars, Chapter 4 v13-Tools Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

explosion on the target’s insides. To reflect the

destructive ability of blasters and thusly lasers, these

weapons have AP 2 and all damage that gets past an

organic target’s armor is doubled.

Concussion: The weapons that use focused blasts

of sound or some other form of “raw” kinetic energy have a penchant for knocking people flying as well as

transferring energy very efficiently. However, they are

not particularly destructive to organics. To reflect this,

concussion weapons have AP 2, but only against

armors that are not completely sealed (armored flight

suits and most Powered Armors are sealed), but the

damage that gets past the armor is not modified. These

weapons do not function in a vacuum.

Ion: The weapons that use this type are meant for

use against droids and electronic systems. They fire

streams of highly energized (electrical) particles that

prove to be hugely detrimental to electronic systems. The nature of these particles also makes them effective

at transferring their destructive energy across

conductive media (AP 2), even better through metal

armors (AP 5). Organics hit by an ion weapon risk

temporary paralysis whereas electronic devices risk

destruction at worst, or complete but recoverable

disruption, detailed below. The DTM of the weapon

varies by target: entirely organic targets get DTM x1,

but the damage is entirely non-lethal; cybernetic targets get DTM x1 to Life Points, x2 to Power Capacity; and

robots get DTM x2 to Life Points and Power Capacity.

Plasma: Plasma is the unstable and highly

energetic state of superheated gas and is only used in

one weapon across the galaxy, the Wookiee Bowcaster.

The plasma itself behaves like an unpredictable liquid

that “dissolves” whatever it strikes, though it actually

vaporizes and melts the substance in question. Although

plasma is very effective against all manner of materials

with AP 3 and DTM x3, the energetic state makes

plasma ineffective against energy fields (AP 1/3, DTM

x1/3) and less effective against energized surfaces (AP 1, DTM x1).

Blaster Cannon: These guns are heavy and are

usually placed on tripods but special counterweights

can be attached to make them easier to wield.

Characters of Strength 6 or greater do not need the

counterweights. Also, blaster cannons are charged with

four energy packs, which drain equally (2% per pack). Blaster cannons fire in 5-shot bursts or autofire mode


Blasters: The listed values are industry standard,

there are many variations of the weapons listed above.

Disruptor Rifle: These guns ignore energy and ray

shields of all types. They can also be charged up (which

takes an entire Turn and consumes 20% of the power

pack). Charging up the shot doubles the damage

Multiplier and increases the DTM to x5. If this damage

is enough to kill/destroy the target (taking them to -10 LP or 0 DC), then they are disintegrated. Furthermore,

attempting to parry a disruptor beam is a risky

proposition: a cortosis weapon risks destruction and a

lightsaber risks shorting out (roll a D10, if it results in a

Weapon (skill) Damage Type Range Ammo ROF EV Cost

Small Arms Blaster Pistol D6x4 Energy 4/15/30/100/200+ .5% S 2/1 750 Blaster Pistol, heavy D6x6 Energy 4/15/30/100/200+ 3% S 2/1 1300 Concussion Gun D10x5 Concussion 5/13/40/65/100 5% 1 4/2 Ion Gun, light D4x4 Ion 10/30/50/100/200 3% 1 2/1 Automatic Small Arms Repeater, light D6x5 Energy 3/30/60/200/500+ 1% 5, A 10/5 600

Long Arms Blaster Rifle, hunting D8x5 Energy 15/75/250/1200/5000+ 4% 1 8/4 700 Blaster Rifle, sporting D6x5 Energy 10/50/150/600/2000+ 3% S 8/4 1200 Concussion Rifle D10x5 Concussion 10/26/80/130/200 8% 1 8/4 Disruptor Rifle D10x6 Energy 15/75/250/1200/5000+ 10% 1 10/5 2200 Ion Gun, heavy D4x6 Ion 10/30/50/100/200 5% 1 8/4 Bowcaster D10x6 Plasma 7/40/65/150/250 10~15 1 14/7

Automatic Long Arms Blaster Rifle, military issue D8x5 Energy 10/50/150/600/2000+ 2% S, 3 8/4 1600 Automatic Heavy Arms Blaster Cannon D10x8 Energy 10/50/150/600/2000+ 8% 5, A 22/11

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

23 Star Wars, Chapter 4 v13-Tools Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

1, the cortosis weapon is destroyed or the lightsaber is

shorted out for 10 minutes which can be further reduced

with an Intelligence and Craft (lightsaber) Task), this

effect is automatic if it was a charged shot.

Bowcaster: A character must take an action and

make a Simple Strength Test at -6 to ready a bowcaster for firing. This must be done each time the gun is fired.

This is the traditional weapon of the Wookiees, so it is

little wonder that it is so difficult to use. A character that gets 4+ SL in this Strength Test may fire in the

same action.

Armor Just as technology develops brave new means to

cause injury to life and limb, so too does it develop

ways to safeguard the combatants. The defense

technology evolved to meet the challenges of nasty new

weapons and the armor and protective measures

presented below are characteristic of the Star Wars


Battle Armor: Battle armor is composed of a

series of plates staged on a padded jumpsuit. The

lightest form is composed of a clamshell, helmet,

bracers and greaves. The heaviest form is comparable

to archaic full plate. Battle armor is fully sealed and

equipped with basic environment controls (mostly air

filters and cool fabrics). Of special note is that battle

armor is the most common incarnation of Powered


Flight Suits: These suits include life support systems for hostile environments. Although the lighter

design is not vacuum safe, the heavier armored flight

suits can support the wearer for 12 hours in hard

vacuum or any other hostile environment. In fact, both

are even slightly radiation proofed (100 rems).

Combat Suits: The combat suits are the generic

armor purchased for use by practically all military,

paramilitary, and even mercenary forces. The lightest of

them is merely a vest and a blast helmet, whereas the

serious combat jumpsuits include pockets and fairly

uniform full body protection. Of special note is the Jedi

Warmaster armor, unique to this armor is the

incorporation of a cortosis treatment (as per the Power,

and it costs character points to acquire Jedi Warmaster


Powered Armor: This is the top of the line battle

armors used by the most wealthy and serious

combatants. Owning a suit is a Powered Quality, but the character is then free to purchase modifications

befitting droids without actually becoming cybernetic.

The most well known suit of powered armor is Stormtrooper armor—this comes with the same

protections as medium battle armor, weak

environmental resistance (+2 to environment forced

Tests), imbedded comlinks, a heads-up display that

includes life support and weapon charge readout, as

well as low-light filters. Secondary augmentations

assist the wearer in his movements, making the armor

seem significantly lighter than it actually is. Power cells

imbedded in the armor allow for two days of

uninterrupted function.

Vehicles Transportation is a big deal in any setting, from

tauntauns and banthas to speeders and swoop bikes.

This section presents a small cross section of generic

vehicles. Later in this same section are the guidelines to

develop custom ships, as well as a few samples of

standard ships.

{insert vehicles here}

Ships {insert ship rules here} {insert sample ships here}

Armor AV EV Cost Battle Armor, light D8x4+14 (30) Medium Expensive

Battle Armor, heavy D10x4+30 (50) Heavy Preposterous

Battle Armor, medium D10x4+20 (40) Medium Very Expensive

Blast Vest D6x2+14 (20) Light Cheap

Combat Jumpsuit D8x3+13 (25) Medium Moderate

Flight Suit, regular D6x3+6 (15) Light Moderate Flight Suit, armored D8x3+13 (25) Medium Expensive

Jedi Warmaster Armor D6x2+9(15), see text None Priceless

Stormtrooper Armor D10x4+25 (45) Light (Heavy w/o power) Preposterous

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

24 Star Wars, Chapter 5 v10-Rules Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

Chapter 5: Rules

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

25 Star Wars, Chapter 5 v10-Rules Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

Introduction As a game using the Unisystem, the rules are the

same as in All Flesh Must Be Eaten, Armageddon, and

WitchCraft and are compatible with those games. The

rules presented in this chapter are expand upon existing

rules and add some complexity that may or may not be desired. As usual, Chroniclers are welcome to do away

with portions that they are uncomfortable or displeased


The Outcome Table [reference WitchCraft, pg 128~129, apply additions detailed below]

Opposed Tasks and Tests have the difference

between the character’s roll and her opponent’s roll

compared to the second range to determine actual

Success Level. Opposed Tasks and Tests won by the

passive character (the one who is resisting the action) have 1 plus the difference between her roll and her

opponent’s roll compared to the second range to

determine Success Levels. Remember, ties are usually

won by the passive or defending character.

Combat [reference WitchCraft, pg 132~138; material presented in this section is meant to precisely delineate steps]

Intentions The first step in running a combat is determining

the intentions of the combatants. Players must declare

what they want their characters to do, and the

Chronicler must also determine what the Supporting

Cast will attempt. However, the order in which these

intentions are declared is relevant. Fast acting and fast

witted characters have an advantage in combat, they

have the ability to make decisions faster than and in response to slower characters. As such, the order in

which intentions are declared is determined by adding a

character’s Dexterity and Intelligence together,

including any Initiative modifiers from Qualities,

Drawbacks, or circumstances. The character with the

lowest value declares first. Ties are not broken; Players

and the Chronicler must decide what the Cast is going

to do, then declare, though not necessarily

simultaneously. Characters with Fast Reaction Time

automatically declare last, though if more than one

character has that Quality, they determine the order of declaration relative to each other.

Once this order is determined, the Players and

Chronicler declare their actions. The Chronicler

determines whether an action or set of actions can be

performed in one Turn. She may also deign to remind

players of any risks or advantageous circumstances of

which the character would be aware. Chroniclers should

not be so merciless as to allow a Player’s ignorant and

dangerous decision “stand” if the character really

should know better, nor should she be so meddling that

she tries to coach every little action.

[compare to Intentions and Initiative in WitchCraft, pg

133; note the marked difference in detail and approach]

Performance This stage lumps together the resolution of Tasks

and Tests, the repercussions of those actions, and the

timing with which they are executed.

The first step in determining what happens is

figuring out who goes first. Generally, the person with

the highest Dexterity and other relevant Initiative

modifiers acts first. However, certain actions may

viably delay the actual performance of the intended

action. For instance, one character trying to throw a knife at another throwing a bolas at her is likely to

make her attack first, even if the bolas thrower is

otherwise slightly faster. Occasionally, an Opposed

Simple Dexterity Test may be used to determine who

actually executes their action first.

[reference and compare to Performance in WitchCraft,

pg 134~136]

Multiple Actions A character that wishes to perform many things

within the span of a single Turn will have an

Modifications to the Outcome Table +0~+2: First Level (Adequate) Combat: Decrease the damage roll by two before applying the Multiplier. If this would reduce the damage roll

to below 1, stop at 1 and apply the rest of the penalty to the Multiplier.

+3~+4: Second Level (Decent) Combat: Decrease the damage roll by one before applying the Multiplier. If this would reduce the damage roll

to below 1, apply the penalty to the Multiplier.

+5~+6: Third Level (Good)

+7~+8: Fourth Level (Very Good)

+9~+12: Fifth Level (Excellent)

21-23; +13~+15: Sixth Level (Extraordinary)

24+; +16 or higher; Further Levels (Mind-boggling): For every +3 to the total above 21 or +13, increase the

Success Level by one.

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

26 Star Wars, Chapter 5 v10-Rules Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

increasingly difficult time succeeding. In general, a

character is allotted one action every turn; in melee

combat, a character is allotted one active action (such as

an attack) and one defensive action. Every action

beyond the first allotment accrues a cumulative –2

penalty. Secondly, if a character should take more than 3 active actions (actions which she initiated, rather than

defensive actions), this penalty carries over onto the

next Turn until she pauses to collect herself, which

takes one Turn.

Another important thing to note is that even the

fastest characters can’t complete everything they

planned before someone slower even gets to initiate

their actions. As such, if a character wants to act

multiple times, the Chronicler must decide how many

actions fit into one instant—drawing a weapon while

running at a target can be done in the same instant, but

loading a gun and pistol whipping someone nearby cannot. To simulate this simultaneity, each character

attempts a single action before the next character in

initiative, once each character has completed one

action, the second actions in a single Turn are attempted

in the same order; each of these sets is called a Phase.

[reference and compare to Multiple Actions in

WitchCraft, pg 134; note the new Phase element]

Melee Combat Melee combat involves fighting within physical

reach of your opponent, likely with swords and fists. In melee combat, the characters with the higher Initiative

strike first. All characters may also attempt defensive

actions, usually to parry an incoming attack or simply

try to duck and weave to avoid it entirely.

Characters engaging in melee combat are allotted

one active action with which they may actively perform

an action that the Chronicler deems should take a

certain measure of attention. Such actions include

attacking or wrestling an opponent, as well as drawing

weapons, picking up important objects, and a multitude

of other actions like strapping on a shield or putting on

a helmet. Characters are also allotted one defensive action with which they may defend against or resist the

actions of another character. This action is usually

limited to parry and dodge attempts, though certain

abilities and special training bring up other options.

In the event of a tie between a melee Strike Task

and a Parry Task, a Weapon Lock has occurred. The

attacker and defender are locked together and unable to

break free without leaving an easy opening. When a

Weapon Lock occurs, the lock continues until the next

of the two character’s actions come up (often giving

allies an opportunity to get involved). To resolve the Weapon Lock, both characters must engage in an

Opposed Task between Strength and the relevant Skill

(the skill the attacker used and the skill the defender

used, with all the modifiers used to that attack and

defense when the tie resulted.) The victor of that

Opposed Test may break initiative order and take an

immediate action; if that action is an attack, the Strike

Task gets a bonus equal to the Success Levels on the

Opposed Task. Should the Opposed Task be a tie, the

lock continues. The Chronicler is entitled to determine the intentions of both sides before having the Opposed

Task, in this way giving consequences fitting the

chosen actions of both parties, depending on their

respective successes.

[reference and compare to Close Combat in

WitchCraft, pg 134~135; Conspiracy X, pg 163~165]

[insert melee combat example]

Ranged Combat Ranged combat is combat involving thrown or

launched weapons, usually with bows and javelins, but

some thaumaturgic effects are ranged in nature. The available options are greatly reduced in ranged combat,

generally the characters involved are restricted to

entirely defensive or offensive strategies. Characters are

allotted one action, they may use this action to make

attacks or try to dodge or take cover from attacks, but

not both.

Characters with the Acrobatics skill may attempt to

“dance,” all actions take a -2 penalty, but she may

attempt Dexterity and Acrobatics Tasks to avoid ranged

and melee attacks and also take active actions.

However, she still gets only one action. Characters with the Martial Arts skill can attempt to “parry” ranged

attacks that they can see with a Dexterity and Martial

Arts Task, thrown weapons have a -2 penalty, visible

projectiles like arrows have a -6 penalty, and faster-

than-the-eye weapons like ballistics and blasters have a

-10 penalty and requires a minimum roll on the D10 of

9. In this case, the character is assumed to be engaged

in melee combat and treats ranged attacks directed

against him as if they were melee attacks. Also, it

should be noted that the result against the projectile

depends on the martial art; a sword style would likely

destroy or deflect it, while an open or circular style might actually catch it.

[reference and compare to Ranged Combat in

WitchCraft 135~137; reference and compare to Shoot

and Dodge in “Cinematic Combat Rules” sidebar,

Armageddon, pg 132]

[insert ranged combat example]

Shield Use Shields are used both offensively and defensively

in combat. They can be used to deflect melee and

ranged attacks with equal efficacy. They can also be used to feint or even attack (some shields even have

spikes or blades to facilitate these uses). For defensive

applications, a Dexterity and Shield Use Task modified

by shield type is used as the Defensive Task. For

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

27 Star Wars, Chapter 5 v10-Rules Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

offensive applications, a Dexterity and Shield Use Task

without shield type modifier is used to attack (damage

is based on shield size and augmentations).

Using a shield to parry a ranged attack allows the

defender to continue to take active actions. Using a

shield to attack counts as an active action, but does not change the defensive applications.

[reference and compare to Dungeons & Zombies, pg ?]

Larger and Smaller Opponents Generally, the rules of Unisystem assume human

sized opponents. This works fantastically until we think

of the interactions of a human-scale longsword wielded

against a 50 ft long dragon; or when that same dragon’s

fangs are taken to the hapless human. Obviously, there

is a discrepancy, and these size rules attempt to mitigate


The size value impacts several aspects of the creature.

For creatures larger than humans, double the size

value and apply it as a penalty to Stealth and

Surveillance tasks that involve physically concealing

oneself. For creatures smaller than humans, double the

size value and apply it as a bonus to Stealth and

Surveillance tasks that involve physically concealing

oneself. Certain circumstances can mitigate these


The difference, plus 1, between the sizes of two

creatures is applied as a multiplier to damage before armor or weapon type modifiers for the larger creature

and as a divisor for the smaller creature. So, there is a

nasty squish factor when really big things are whaling

on really small things.

Double the difference between the sizes of two

creatures is applied as a penalty to the smaller

creature’s Parry Tasks. The difference between the

sizes is also applied as a penalty to the smaller

creature’s tasks to break a Weapon Lock.

[reference and compare to Terra Primate, pg ?; that

text only includes a Strike Task modifier]

[insert examples] [insert notes to Chroniclers that indicate how to make

damage and AV of large creatures balanced between

each other]

Martial Arts A martial art is a sophisticated system of physical,

mental, and combat training. The classic martial arts of

a society are often heavily stylized and incorporate

philosophical elements. The martial arts rules of

Unisystem are meant to represent the wide array of martial arts ranging from the brutal self-defense styles

like Krav Maga to competitive styles like Tae Kwon Do

to deadly battlefield martial arts like Jiu Jitsu.

To learn the Martial Art skill, the character must

train with someone who knows it. In addition to the

basic elements of combat, the character undergoes

physical and mental conditioning. Further, the

techniques of a given martial art often require specific

footwork. For example, where Greco-Roman wrestling

finds being flat on one’s back an abominable position,

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu welcomes it as a prime position.

Similarly, other styles require different footwork and body usage and this is represented with Training


In order to learn a Martial Art style, the character

must purchase the relevant Training Quality at the same

time she buys the first level of the Martial Art skill. The

Training Quality gives one starting form and a selection

of core and supplemental moves. This same procedure

is followed when a character wants to learn a new

Martial Art style, but the new Martial Art is purchased

as a Regular skill.

[reference and compare Martial Arts in Conspiracy X, pg 165~168; the point system is used, but not


Martial Arts Techniques The following is a list of specific martial arts

techniques that are purchased using the Combat Move

points gained from taking levels in Martial Arts. The

techniques listed below are modified versions of

existing techniques or new techniques taken from other


Combat Moves with the “(type)” designator refer to a weapon based move—you must select a type of

weapon to use with that move.

Specializing in a Martial Art is reflected by a certain

collection of moves to which the specialization might

apply, usually kicks, grapples, punches, or specific

weapon moves (i.e. sword moves or staff moves).

Back Strike (type): With your chosen weapon, your

combat arc expands to cover 360°, allowing you to attack and parry attacks from outside of your

comfortable 120° arc. Parry and Strike Tasks applied to opponents who

are not within a 120° arc in front of you use Dexterity and Back Strike (type) Tasks. Damage: as Strength –1.

Size Value

(relative to humans)

Size Category

(Example Creature) +4 Monstrous (Godzilla)

+3 Vast (Krayt Dragon)

+2 Huge (Rancor)

+1 Large (Horse)

+0 Human (Human) -1 Small (Jawa)

-2 Petite (housecat)

-3 Tiny (hamster)

-4 Minute (beetle)

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

28 Star Wars, Chapter 5 v10-Rules Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

Close Strike (type): You’ve learned to leverage

your chosen weapons to effectively combat foes well

within your normal threatening area.

You may use your chosen weapons when opponents

are closer than they should be, requiring some

Chronicler discretion. Damage: as Strength –1. Double Strike (type): You strike swiftly with two

devastatingly quick and nearly simultaneous attacks.

A double strike counts as two actions, one active and

one defensive. Both attacks must be resolved with

Dexterity and Double Strike (type) Tasks and both

attacks happen within a single phase. Damage: As


Draw-Cut (one-hand slashing type): You draw

your weapon and strike in one fluid and lightning fast

attack, twisting the sword during the slash thus adding

torque to already devastating cutting power.

You may draw a weapon and attack in the same phase. If you succeed at an Intelligence and Draw-Cut

Task opposed by your target’s Simple Perception Test

or Perception and Martial Arts Task, he may not

attempt a defensive action against this attack. On a

failed Strike Task, you must succeed at a Dexterity and

Martial Arts Task or become off balance. If you roll a 1

on your Strike Task, you must succeed at a Dexterity

and Martial Arts Task or fall prone. Damage: as

Strength +2.

Flip: You acrobatically leap to your feet even when

flat on your back. This move can be done using Acrobatics and

Dexterity Tasks.

Hand Weapon (Type): Your extensive martial arts

training with a particular type of weapon allows you to

make expert attacks that surpass those with more

mundane training.

Strike Tasks are made using this Combat Move add

damage benefits from Martial Arts levels. Damage: As


Low Strike (type): You use your weapon to sweep

your opponent’s legs out from under him, or to simply

hamstring him. You may attempt a Strike Task to either trip your

opponent or attack his legs (or tail if he has one)

without penalty. Damage: D6(3) for trip, as Strength for

leg attack.

Prescient Defense (Secret Technique: Prescience): You take advantage of your prescience in order to

execute superb defensive maneuvers with seemingly

superhuman speed. This technique is specifically

designed to defend the user against ranged attacks,

allowing the martial artist to parry incoming attacks by

taking advantage of their prescient abilities. This is a defensive technique, you treat ranged

attacks as melee attacks, be it semi-automatic, burst

fire, or automatic fire. Your Parry Task includes all of

the following: Dexterity, Martial Arts, Prescience Art

(Sense), and Prescience Strength levels, a +5 bonus

and the penalty associated with the speed of the weapon

(-2 for thrown weapons, -6 for projectiles like arrows,

and -10 for faster than perceivable weapons like bullets

and lasers). Further, when defending against attacks

that you cannot see, like bullets, lasers, and invisible opponents, you do not need to roll a minimum of 9 on

the die roll to succeed. Damage: None.

Riposte (type): You turn from defense to offense

instantly, launching a quick counterattack while your

opponent is still extended from their own attack.

After a successful parry attempt, you may react with

a Dexterity and Riposte Task with a bonus equal to

your parry attempt’s Success Levels. Damage: as


Snap Kick: You strike with a deceptively quick and

light kick with little ill effect.

You may attempt two snap kicks in a single phase before accruing multiple action penalties. On two

consecutive failed Strike Tasks, you must succeed at a

Dexterity and Martial Arts Task or become off balance.

If you roll a 1 on your Strike Task, you must succeed at

a Dexterity and Martial Arts Task or fall prone.

Damage: D4(2) x Strength.

Spin Strike (type): A spinning wind up before

striking with your weapon allows you to gather extra

energy for an especially damaging attack.

On a failed Strike Task, you must succeed at a

Dexterity and Martial Arts Task or become off balance. If you roll a 1 on your Strike Task, you must succeed at

a Dexterity and Martial Arts Task or fall prone.

Damage: As Strength +1.

Suplex: You grab onto your target and slam him

headfirst into the ground. This move is performed in

many different ways, but the effects are the same.

After a successful Grab, a successful Resisted Task

using your Strength and Suplex Task opposed by your

target’s Dexterity and Martial Arts Task allows you to

lift your opponent and slam his head into the ground.

You are both rendered prone. Damage: D6(3) x

Strength, doubled because of the location. Weapon Grapple: You use your weapon as

leverage in order to painfully pin your opponent.

As an active action, or after a successful Dodge or

parry Task, a successful Resisted Task using your

Dexterity and Weapon Grapple Task opposed by your

target’s Dexterity and Dodge or Dexterity and Martial

Arts Task allows you to damage your opponent’s arm

and render it useless as long as you maintain the lock.

The opponent can break free with a successful Resisted

Task using a Difficult Strength Test or Strength and

Martial Arts or Dexterity and Escapism Task opposed by your Strength and Weapon Grapple Task. Damage:

1 x (Strength +1).


Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

29 Star Wars, Chapter 5 v10-Rules Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

The table below presents the modified values for

character improvement costs and assumes that the

Chronicler is using the option categorized XP system. If

the Chronicler is not, then there is no need to be

concerned with the XP type requirements listed as all

XP is considered Non-Specific, which can be spent freely in any category.

[reference and compare to Character Improvement

Table in WitchCraft, pg 158]

Character Improvement Table Improvement Cost; XP type (C is Combat, M is Metaphysics, NC is Non-Combat, NS is Non-Specific)

Attribute Triple the value of the next level, minimum 9; C for physical, M for mental, NC for any

Good Luck 3 per level, NS only

Force Mastery 2 per level until level 5, 5 per level thereafter; M

Improved Force Pool 1 per 2 Force; M

Force Sensitive 10, in-game justification; M

Remove Drawback Double the original value, in-game justification; NS only

Force Powers 6 for level 1, 6 per level thereafter; M

Force Skills 5 for level 1, 5 per level until level 5, 8 per level therafter; M

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

30 Star Wars, Chapter 6 v05-Organizations Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

Section 2: Classified Information

Chapter 6: Organizations

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

31 Star Wars, Chapter 6 v05-Organizations Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.


In the Star Wars universe, there are a great many

organizations, some obvious, like the Jedi and Sith, and

some significantly less so, like the Dathomere Witches

and the ARC Troopers. This section describes the most

well known organizations in Star Wars, as well as

giving a few samples of the members and what it takes to be considered part of that organization.

Jedi Order “There is no emotion, there is peace.

“There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.

“There is no passion, there is serenity.

“There is no chaos, there is harmony.

“There is no death, there is the Force”

—Jedi Code

The first and best known organization of Star Wars

is the Jedi Order. This secular organization of philosophers and mystics is present in almost every

source material for the Star Wars universe. They are

characterized by a Zen-like existential philosophy that

heavily promotes mental calm and control as well as

their unique weapon, the lightsaber. They often find

themselves in positions of considerable power and

influence due to their elite training and supernatural


The Jedi Order is divided into four primary ranks.

Children that are learning the basics of Jedi philosophy

are called Younglings. Youths that have learned the basics of being a Jedi become apprentices to older and

more experienced Jedi, these youths are called

Padawans. The rank and file members of the Jedi order

are trouble shooters and spend much of their time

solving problems at the behest of the Order and

Republic, these ranking members are called Knights.

The top members of the Jedi Order have proven their

mastery over themselves and the Force by bringing a

Padawan to Knighthood and are known as Masters.

Jedi Youngling When a child is first identified as being sensitive to

the Force—tests are performed regularly within the

Republic—the Order requests the official adoption of

the child to be trained as a Jedi, which is actually a

prestigious boon to the family. Most children are taken

at around 4 years of age, before they can be

permanently influenced by the “unsophisticated” ideas

and behaviors of the mundane population. The

younglings are separated from their families and

contact is generally forbidden because the influence of

family on even the best trained children can be

dangerously powerful. Prerequisite Quality: Force Sensitive (5)

Restrictions: No Physical Disabilities, Impaired

Senses, or Mental Drawbacks worth 2 or more points

without Chronicler approval; you cannot have more

Dark Side points than you have Light Side points.

Benefits: Get a level in a single Force Power,

usually Telekinesis, Prescience, or Telepathy.

Jedi Padawan After years of training and education, usually

before age 13 for humans, a Youngling is selected to

become the apprentice of a Knight or Master and gains

the rank of Padawan. These young Jedi go on to learn

personal lessons about applying the Jedi code to secular

life. At this time, the Padawan is expected to be able to

create his own lightsaber, given the proper tools, and

also chooses a particular path within the Jedi Order:

Guardians are the soldiers of the Order, where the

Consulars are the diplomats. Prerequisite Qualities: Force Sensitive (5),

Honorable 2 (-2), Extreme Obligation (Jedi) (-2), Jedi

Combat Training (1), Status (Jedi Padawan) +1 (1)

Prerequisite Skills: Acrobatics* 2, Craft

(lightsaber) 1, Force Knowledge* 1, Humanities

(Philosophy [Jedi]) 3, Martial Arts* (Jedi) 2, Trance* 1,

at least three other skills with at least 2 ranks each (1

rank in the case of Special skills). Special skills are

marked with an asterisk.

Prerequisite Metaphysics: 1 level in each of Alter,

Control, and Sense; Prescience 1. Restrictions: No Physical Disabilities, Impaired

Senses, or Mental Drawbacks worth 2 or more points

without Chronicler approval; you cannot have more

Dark Side points than you have Light Side points.

Benefits: You possess a lightsaber with a blue or

green blade, choose one of the following: a relecite

lightsaber, 2 kathracite lightsabers, or a kathracite

lightstaff. You are also thoroughly educated in the

Light Side of the Force. You gain access to 3 Light Side

based Force applications at a starting level of 0 (which

means you need Force Mastery or a good number of

Success Levels to use them). {Totals to 35 pre-assigned points: 1 quality, 5 supernatural quality, 1 training

quality, 4 drawback, 21 skill, and 6 powered.}

Jedi Knight Once the Padawan’s master feels that the young

Jedi can no longer learn anything through

accompanying him, the Padawan is put to a series of

Trials. The Jedi Trials are unique character building

“tests” meant to direct a Padawan in the right direction.

The traditions listed here are of the old Jedi Order

before it was obliterated by Darth Sidious and Darth Vader. After successfully completing the Trials,

demonstrating knowledge of the Jedi Code and building

his own lightsaber, the Padawan gains the rank of

Knight. Most Jedi do not proceed past this rank and

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

32 Star Wars, Chapter 6 v05-Organizations Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

spend their lives in service to the Order and the


The Trial of Skill is a test of the Padawan’s

competence with the lightsaber and involves a test

against a skilled opponent or a manifestation of the dark

side. This is represented by the requisite ranks in Martial Arts and one Knight-grade Jedi Combat Form.

The Trial of Flesh tests the Padawan’s ability to

withstand and overcome extreme corporeal hardship

often in the form of extreme physical pain or hardship

or the loss of something to which they were attached.

This is represented by the requisite Constitution and

Willpower attributes.

The Trial of Courage requires that the Padawan

demonstrate clear courage often by fighting

courageously in battle, completing a particularly

dangerous mission, or defeating a clearly superior

opponent. This is represented in part by high Willpower and in part due to Nerves of Steel.

The Trial of the Spirit forces the Padawan to look

within himself and face his own shortcomings and

strengths without bias. The truth is often seen as a

difficult thing to bear and many Padawans have a

harrowing experience. This is represented in part by

high Willpower, Nerves of Steel, and Humanities

(Philosophy) with a specialty in the Jedi Code.

Prerequisite Attributes: All attributes should be 2,

with Constitution, Perception, and Willpower at 3.

Prerequisite Qualities: Extreme Obligation (Jedi) (-2), Force Sensitive (5), Honorable 2 (-2), Jedi Combat

Training (1), Lightsaber (5), Nerves of Steel (3), Status

(Jedi Knight) +3 (3), at least one Jedi Combat form at


Prerequisite Skills: Acrobatics* 4, Craft

(lightsaber) 3, Force Knowledge* 3, Humanities

(Philosophy [Jedi]) 5, Martial Arts* (Jedi) 5, Trance* 3,

at least three other skills with at least 2 ranks each (1

rank in the case of Special skills). Special skills are

marked with an asterisk.

Prerequisite Metaphysics: Alter 1, Control 2, Sense

3; 1 level in Clairvoyance, Precognition, Telekinesis. Restrictions: No Physical Disabilities, Impaired

Senses, or Mental Drawbacks worth 2 or more points

without Chronicler approval; you cannot have more

Dark Side points than you have Light Side points.

Benefits: You get 2 additional attribute points, 1

point into physical attributes (Strength, Dexterity, or

Constitution), and 1 point into mental attributes

(Intelligence, Perception, or Willpower).

Totals to a minimum of 95 pre-assigned points: 15

attribute, 11 quality, 5 supernatural quality, 4 training

quality, 4 drawback, 43 skill, 21 powered.

Jedi Master The elite of the Jedi Knights demonstrate profound

adherence to the Jedi Code as well as terrific judgment.

They demonstrate to the rest of the Jedi by taking on a

Padawan and training him to join the rank of Knight,

earning the title of Master for himself. They are the best

of the best. They sit with their brethren and decide the

course of action for the Order and its members.


Sith “Peace is a lie, there is only passion.

“Through passion, I gain strength.

“Through strength, I gain power.

“Through power, I gain victory.

“Through victory, my chains are broken.”

—Sith Code

{insert history of Sith race, Sith philosophy, Jedi

Schism, etc.}

{insert more of organizations}



Various Force Users

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

33 Star Wars, Chapter 7 v09-Inhumans Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

Chapter 7: Inhumans

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

34 Star Wars, Chapter 7 v09-Inhumans Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.


The Star Wars universe is populated by a wide

array of different species. Everyone knows about the

twi’leks and wookiees, among others. This chapter is

devoted to a brief exploration of the most well known

races and a treatment of the rarer species in the

universe. All Aliens speak their native language and Basic.

Humans are not so lucky, they start knowing only


[WARNING: The writer dislikes the racial bouquet in

Star Wars and that is apparent in the descriptive text.

It’s for personal reference and will be cleaned up

later… bit by bit, because it’s so hard to work with

something so stupid!]

Species Brief description of the stereotype followed by a

physical description

Society Describe their society, this is also a good place to

put their planets and native language.

Creating a Character X can be a built with the character type. Include

any notes.

Common Powers The following are features all possess.

Primary Attributes X get the following attribute adjustments; the racial

maximum is in parentheses.

Strength +0(6), Dexterity +0(6), Constitution

+0(6), Intelligence +0(6), Perception +0(6), Willpower


Secondary Attributes Life Points:

Endurance Points:

Force Pool:

Top Speed:

Armor Value:

Bothans Brief description of the stereotype followed by a

physical description

They value information and knowledge as a

commodity of great value. Obviously, this means that

they have to have good memory and doubtlessly are

quite intelligent. However, to assume that they are all

spies and attribute that feature to the race as a whole is

to pretty much completely and utterly eliminate any

ability for them to actually be spies. Instead, it should

be noted that bothans are actually the galactic

equivalent of the Italian guy who knows a guy who

knows a guy that can do what you want.

This point of interest means that, while the bothan

ideal is something of a broker and middleman, within their own world, individual bothans also must

demonstrate a skill of their own.

In keeping with my ideas of requiring evolution,

the precise species features of the bothans will be

explored later. This will probably include some sort of

intelligence increase, or an inherent photographic

memory. The interpersonal relations might actually

afford the bothans some sort of charisma. I’ll have to

look closer later.

Society Describe their society, this is also a good place to put their planets and native language.

Creating a Bothan Character Bothans can be a built with the Mundane or

Powered character type. Bothan is a Racial Quality

worth 2 points.

Common Bothan Powers The following are features all bothans possess.

Primary Attributes Bothans get the following attribute adjustments;

the racial maximum is in parentheses.

Strength +0(6), Dexterity +0(6), Constitution

+0(6), Intelligence +0(6), Perception +1(8), Willpower


Secondary Attributes Life Points: (S+C)x4+10

Endurance Points: (S+C+W)x3+5

Force Pool: sum of attributes

Top Speed: (D+C)x2

Armor Value: 0

Paranoia Due to their nature as well as to their lifelong

careers and society, bothans are encouraged to be

incredibly suspicious even of known and trusted

associates. The vast majority of bothans treat this as a

mild suspicion and make sure to have a few backup

plans to address any sort of betrayals or leaks. This

racial proclivity towards mild paranoia is otherwise the

same as the mental drawback, Mild Paranoia.

Cereans Brief description of the stereotype followed by a

physical description

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

35 Star Wars, Chapter 7 v09-Inhumans Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

Of note for this race is the “binary” nature of their

existence. Exactly what might induce a creature to

evolve into having two brains and hearts is totally

beyond me. Nevertheless, this is the case. Furthermore,

it should be noted that they are pacifistic and agrarian in

general. Having a larger brain might actually afford some

sort of benefit to the race as a whole. Again, extensive

interpersonal relations improve charisma as the people

learn to have better and better interpersonal relations.

Furthermore, the presence of a larger brain, assuming

intelligent application, has several repercussions.

Firstly, the cerean body is probably significantly more

delicate than the human body due to the presence of the

energy hungry brain. Furthermore, cerean childhood is

necessarily twice as long as humans.

There’s this crazy notion that having the two brains

allows the cereans to “balance both sides of a topic at the same time.” The fact is that doing that would likely

induce a psychotic dual personality. Instead, the cereans

would be innately prone to taking a lot of time to make

a decision as they weigh all sides of the argument.

Indeed, this would make the species fairly ponderous in

making a decision, but immensely quick and efficient in

its execution. This is actually very much like the

Japanese government: discussing a proposal into the

ground, spending possibly years trying to figure out

every little detail; once approved, the proposal passes

into the execution phase and is completed in record breaking time.

They seem to live a very comfortable life, so the

species shouldn’t be much in the way of innately


Society Describe their society, this is also a good place to

put their planets and native language.

Creating a Cerean Character Cereans can be a built with the Mundane or

Powered character type. Cerean is a Racial Quality worth 2 points.

Common Cerean Powers The following are features all Cereans possess.

Primary Attributes Cereans get the following attribute adjustments; the

racial maximum is in parentheses.

Strength -1(5), Dexterity +0(6), Constitution +0(6),

Intelligence +1(7), Perception +0(6), Willpower +1(7)

Secondary Attributes Life Points: (S+C)x4+10

Endurance Points: (S+C+W)x3+5

Force Pool: sum of attributes

Top Speed: (D+C)x2

Armor Value: 0

Weak Spot Due to the size of their head and have twin hearts,

hitting those vital points is much easier. Attackers aiming for either spot reduce the Strike penalties by 2


Duros Brief description of the stereotype followed by a

physical description

Aside from looking much like the typical grays of classic UFO-ology, this race is actually just a culture of

travelers. They are not unlike Portuguese sea-traders,

excepting that they ply the interstellar winds rather than

the sea. Their culture fosters good haggling and

interpersonal skills, decent combat preparedness, and an

unprecedented knowledge of navigation and ship use.

This actually makes the Duros the most likely to be

pilots, navigators, and explorers. Strange that they seem

to almost steal this role from humans.

There seems to be nothing beyond an innate

wanderlust, indicating that their civilization was always nomadic, or at least fostered a preference for mobility.

Society Describe their society, this is also a good place to

put their planets and native language.

Creating a Character Duros can be a built with the Mundane or Powered

character type. Duros is a Racial Quality worth 3


Common Powers The following are features all possess.

Primary Attributes Duros get the following attribute adjustments; the

racial maximums are in parentheses.

Strength -1(5), Dexterity +1(7), Constitution +0(6),

Intelligence +0(6), Perception +0(6), Willpower +0(6)

Secondary Attributes Life Points: (S+C)x4+10

Endurance Points: (S+C+W)x3+5 Force Pool: sum of attributes

Top Speed: (D+C)x2

Armor Value: 0

Charismatic Duros are remarkably personable, a feature they’ve

developed and refined over the centuries and millennia

of travels within their world and then finally between

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

36 Star Wars, Chapter 7 v09-Inhumans Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

the stars. All Duros start with the equivalent of

Charisma +1 but many are greater.

Spatial Understanding Duros have been nomadic long before they took to

the stars and have become experts in space. They have a powerful understanding of spatial relations, be it

across distances on land, the vast expanses between

stars, or the superheated space between starfighters.

This spatial acuity grants the duros +2 to all Navigation

and Piloting Tasks.

Wanderlust The nomadic lifestyle of the duros drives them

forever forward in search of something new and

interesting. Though easily capable of making fast

friends with open and friendly behavior, the duros

cannot help but become overcome by wanderlust. The strongest willed of them can stay in one area for a few

months but even they will be possessed of the desire to

explore some new area.

Gamorreans Brief description of the stereotype followed by a physical description

They are obviously just green pig people. In

keeping with pigs, they do not exactly foster a societal

development, and are always having the problem of

having to have the leader establish dominance. It’s a

mildly interesting idea that the males are practically

invariably warriors and the females do ALL other

aspects of their civilization. It’s possible that they are

even the strategic directors of the wars, but there seems

to be no indication of that particular detail.

As a species, they are all characterized by imposing

physicality. They seem to have physiques befitting a pig barely evolved into using hands and having barely

broken into intelligent existence. In fact, they seem to

be best categorized as behaving like the pig version of

Cro-Magnon man.

Furthermore, as they are largely unintelligent, they

should actually have built in instincts to govern their

behavior. Firstly, they are innately aggressive, having

some sort of anger issue that is actually part of the

individualistic nature. Secondly, they are also innately

cowardly: unless they perceive at least equal footing

with their opponent, they will quickly defer. Lastly, they seem to have a problem dealing with higher

technology, having an innate distaste for droids and

blasters, preferring the physicality of other devices.

Gamorreans seem to have no ability in the Force.

Conceivably, they might have mystics that display

some measure of Force ability, but as per the nature of

their race, they are practically invariably Dark Side.

There is also supposed to be no record Gamorreans

demonstrating any Force aptitude. If lizards and other

animals can have some sort of Force ability, the

Gamorreans should, too. They should, however, be

restricted to Control applications.

Gamorreans are sufficiently different from humans

to merit an actual racial quality. Their mouth and vocal

apparatus is insufficiently developed to articulate anything other than their native tongue. They seem to

be fatty animals, so they should be able to swim.

Society Describe their society, this is also a good place to

put their planets and native language.

Creating a Gamorrean Character Gamorreans can be a built with the Mundane

character type. Gamorrean is a Racial Quality worth 0


Common Gamorrean Powers The following are features all gamorreans possess.

Primary Attributes Gamorreans get the following attribute

adjustments; the racial maximums are in parentheses.

Strength +2(10), Dexterity +0(6), Constitution

+1(7), Intelligence -1(5), Perception +0(6), Willpower


Secondary Attributes Life Points: (S+C)x4+20

Endurance Points: (S+C+W)x3+10

Force Pool: sum of attributes

Top Speed: (D+C)x2

Armor Value: C

Aggressive Gamorreans are naturally inclined to exert their

dominance through verbal and physical displays against

all around them. Aside from being selfish bullies in

general, if they are over-stressed they will likely react

with violence or destructive behaviors. Further, this atavistic response to opposition imposes -1 to all social

Tasks, as the niceties of polite society are largely lost

on them.

Antisocial The porcine nature of the gamorreans lends itself

poorly to social interactions of any sort. They are

already aggressive beyond reason and ugly by

practically all standards, and somehow, even if one can

look past all that, they still come off as savage brutes

hardly worth an ounce of respect. Gamorreans simply have not evolved to be social animals, and it’s not

likely to happen any time soon. They start with the

equivalent of Charisma -1.

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

37 Star Wars, Chapter 7 v09-Inhumans Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

Appearance A green skinned, slobbering, pig faced brute is

definitely not a recipe for attractive creature by any

sensibilities except perhaps those of the Gamorreans.

With regard to all other creatures, they are treated as

having Attractiveness -1 and suffer a penalty to social Tasks if the target cares about their looks.

Powers Restriction Gamorreans are not big on technology and there is

no record of any of them ever demonstrating any sort of

Force sensitivity. They cannot become Force Sensitive

and none of them would consider getting Cyberware or

even try to get fitted for a suit of Powered Armor.

Vocal Disability Although the Gamorreans can learn to understand

other languages, they cannot actually articulate any language but their own squealing tongue.

Gungans Brief description of the stereotype followed by a

physical description

Ignoring the embarrassment that is Jar Jar, the gungans are floppy eared, billed, and able to hold their

breath for what looks to be 10 minutes per Constitution

level. Considering the amount of air required to keep

the brain active, it probably means that gungans are not

as intelligent as humans. However, they seem to also

have less in the way of instincts than other less

intelligent races.

As a culture, they seem to be simple

hunter/gatherers taking advantage of the rich bounty of

the sea. There’s a good chance that they have

submerged “farms” and fish corrals, if they are even

close to as smart as they could be. Though, the duration that they can hold their breath is too short to be any sort

of practical. Maybe it could be viewed as limited due to

the nature of their larger brains.

They obviously have some grasp of technology, as

they seem to be the only civilization in the entirety of

the galaxy that figured to use those damn energy shields

like body bunkers to defend against blasters.

They don’t seem to have any less will than a

human, though their civilization seems to be set earlier

in cultural time. They still value warriors and heavy

handed judges, as they do seem to claim a proud warrior tradition.

Their eye stalks seem to have no value except to

make them weird, and their ears likewise seem to have

no value except to make them look weird. Maybe they

can claim to have better hearing, except floppy ears are

not conducive to hearing, they’re conducive to releasing

heat. Beyond that, their eyes should probably be able to

be pulled back into their skulls like a shellfish or slug.

They also have legends of mystics, so obviously

there’s some force sensitivity going on there. However,

there are no gungan Jedi as they stayed largely hidden

from the galactic arena and thusly avoided any tests and


Society Describe their society, this is also a good place to

put their planets and native language.

Creating a Gungan Character Gungans can be a built with the Mundane or

Powered character type. Gungan is a Racial Quality

worth 3 points.

Common Gungan Powers The following are features all gungans possess.

Primary Attributes Gungans get the following attribute adjustments;

the racial maximum is in parentheses.

Strength +0(6), Dexterity +0(6), Constitution

+0(6), Intelligence -1(5), Perception +0(6), Willpower


Secondary Attributes Life Points: (S+C)x4+10

Endurance Points: (S+C+W)x3+5

Force Pool: sum of attributes Top Speed: (D+C)x2

Armor Value: 0

Environmental Vulnerability The natural environment of a gungan is the moist

air and cool lakes of the swamplands of Naboo. As

such, they are not at all fit for survival in any sort of

arid and warm environment. Gungans get -2 to resist

the environmental effects of any temperature extreme in

dry climates.

Honorable Tradition Gungans have a strong, if primitive, code of honor

to which they all tend to subscribe. Among the features

are valor in combat, respect for the rulers and superiors,

and a general distrust for outsiders and anyone that

doesn’t demonstrate this sense of honor or one like it.

Swimming Gungans are comfortable in entirely water

environments and can swim freely at half their land

speed. Further, they can hold their breath for an

impressive 10 minutes per Constitution level before risking drowning.

Starlight Vision

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

38 Star Wars, Chapter 7 v09-Inhumans Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

The eyes of a gungan are particularly sensitive to

light, allowing them to see clearly in even the lowest of

lit conditions as well as perfectly while submerged.

However, if they move suddenly from extremely dim to

much brighter light, they can be dazzled or temporarily

blinded by the shift.

Humans Brief description of the stereotype followed by a

physical description

Society Describe their society, this is also a good place to

put their planets and native language.

Creating a Human Character Humans can be a built with the Mundane or

Powered character type. Humans are the baseline race

for Star Wars and Unisystem and are the assumed

species when making a character.

Common Human Powers The following are features all humans possess.

Primary Attributes Humans get the following attribute adjustments;

the racial maximums are in parentheses. Strength +0(6), Dexterity +0(6), Constitution

+0(6), Intelligence +0(6), Perception +0(6), Willpower


Secondary Attributes Life Points: (S+C)x4+10

Endurance Points: (S+C+W)x3+5

Force Pool: sum of attributes

Top Speed: (D+C)x2

Armor Value: 0

Standard Humans are the standard by which all other races

are measured, as well as being the most ubiquitous race

across the galaxy.

Ithorians Brief description of the stereotype followed by a physical description

Ithorians are basically humans with a strangely

shaped head. Furthermore, they have no space for their

brain. They have a little knobby atop their curved head,

might contain their brain, but it shouldn’t be where they

contain their higher functions as the space is not even

close to humans, even children. Scaled up, however,

they might actually fit the bill.

The ithorian’s prime racial feature is that they have

mouths on either side of their necks that seem to be a

lot like the krill filtering mouths of whales. They are

connected to the same vocal cord and esophagus, so,

when they speak, they tend to simply vocalize and the

individual mouths articulate the words. When speaking

basic, both mouths tends to operate in synchronicity,

but their native language actually articulates two

different sounds simultaneously. Their native homeworld is a jungle, so they are

used to living in rich environments. It’s strange that

they would have a mouth like how they do. There also

seems to be absolutely no value to the evolution of that

strangely sloped wide neck and dual mouth structure.

No animal in existence has a dual mouth structure.

They do have precedent for Force sensitivity, and they

can apparently shout so loud that they resemble being

next to a jet engine. They don’t seem to have any other

features other than living in herds.

The d20 book claims that they are ponderous and

uncoordinated. If their brain is indeed at the base of their neck, which is also unprecedented in all non-insect

species, then it makes some sense why the ithorians

would spend a certain amount of time simply

“absorbing” whatever they behold.

Other than these few strange features, the ithorian

does not seem to have any features that truly

differentiate it from a human. As herd animals, they are

sociable. And, apparently, they have a strong Will,

which doesn’t really make much sense.

Society Describe their society, this is also a good place to

put their planets and native language.

Creating a Ithorian Character Ithorians can be a built with the Mundane or

Powered character type. Ithorian is a Racial Quality

worth 3 points.

Common Ithorian Powers The following are features all ithorians possess.

Primary Attributes Ithorians get the following attribute adjustments;

the racial maximum is in parentheses.

Strength +1(8), Dexterity -1(5), Constitution +1(7),

Intelligence +0(6), Perception +0(6), Willpower +1(7)

Secondary Attributes Life Points: (S+C)x4+10

Endurance Points: (S+C+W)x3+5

Force Pool: sum of attributes

Top Speed: (D+C)x2

Armor Value: 0

Charismatic The ithorians are a very social species and are

incredibly sensitive to the thoughts and feelings of their

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

39 Star Wars, Chapter 7 v09-Inhumans Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

brethren. Ithorians are very personable and their gentle

natures often strike others as trustworthy and endearing.

As such, ithorians start with Charisma +1.

Skill Requirement Due to the upbringing that all ithorians enjoy, they must learn to survive in the jungle. As such, all ithorian

characters are required to take two levels in Survival


Weak Spot As morbid as it may seem, the sloped neck and

head structure of the ithorian is a dangerous weak spot.

The penalty to hit an ithorian in the neck is reduced by

2 points.

Kel Dor Brief description of the stereotype followed by a

physical description

It seems that the Kel Dor have little to differentiate

themselves from humans except that they have a native

atmosphere that is a whole world different from ours, so

much so that our environment is toxic to them. When

off their homeworld or outside of specific areas, they are required to wear a breath mask and goggles. This

must mean that the membranes of their body are

susceptible to the corrosive nature of our environment,

but not so much to that of their homeworld.

Aside from that, and their apparent low-light

vision, Kel Dor are not truly that different from


Society Describe their society, this is also a good place to

put their planets and native language.

Creating a Kel Dor Character Kel Dor can be a built with the Mundane or

Powered character type. Kel Dor is a Racial Quality

worth 0 points.

Common Kel Dor Powers The following are features all kel dor possess.

Primary Attributes Kel dor get the following attribute adjustments; the

racial maximum is in parentheses. Strength +0(6), Dexterity +0(6), Constitution

+0(6), Intelligence +0(6), Perception +1(8), Willpower


Secondary Attributes Life Points: (S+C)x4+10

Endurance Points: (S+C+W)x3+5

Force Pool: sum of attributes

Top Speed: (D+C)x2

Armor Value: 0

Honorable Kel dor are trained from birth to follow a simple

and pure code of honor. They believe in swift and

simple justice, as well as helping those that need it and doing what is right for the sake of being right. All kel

dor start with Honorable 1.

Starlight Vision The eyes of the kel dor are remarkably sensitive to

light, allowing them to see perfectly in the lowest of lit

conditions. However, if they should suddenly be

brought from darkness to light, they risk being

temporarily blinded or dazzled.

Unique Atmosphere The kel dor homeworld has a very different atmosphere than what humans are used to. The

sensitive tissues and membranes of a kel dor must be

protected from the caustic human atmosphere. As such,

to function in the normal world, kel dor are forced to

wear goggles and a breath mask. Failure to do so feels

much like exposure to tear gas with death being the

ultimate result.

Miraluka Brief description of the stereotype followed by a

physical description

They are humans for all intents and purposes with a

few particular distinctions. They are blind (no eyes,

period) but they perceive the world like a spirit (in

terms of the Force). They are all Force Sensitive.

Society Describe their society, this is also a good place to put their planets and native language.

Creating a Miraluka Character Miraluka can be a built with the Powered character

type. Miraluka is a Racial Quality worth 6 points—

Miraluka characters do not purchase the Force Sensitive

quality, it is part of their racial quality.

Common Miraluka Powers The following are features all miraluka possess.

Primary Attributes Miraluka get the following attribute adjustments;

the racial maximum is in parentheses.

Strength +0(6), Dexterity +0(6), Constitution

+0(6), Intelligence +0(6), Perception +1(8), Willpower


Secondary Attributes Life Points: (S+C)x4+10

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

40 Star Wars, Chapter 7 v09-Inhumans Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

Endurance Points: (S+C+W)x3+5

Force Pool: sum of attributes +10

Top Speed: (D+C)x2

Armor Value: 0

Blind Miraluka do not have eyes, though they do have an

otherwise human face and physique. This peculiar

development prevents the Miraluka from actually

reading or even detecting most visual aspects. On the

other hand, their sensitivity to the Force often conveys

information that using a pair of eyes would otherwise


Force Sensitive All miraluka are sensitive to the currents and

disturbances in the Force. All miraluka start with Force

Sensitive and can thusly learn Force Powers and develop Force Mastery or even embrace the Dark Side.

Force Sight Despite not having eyes, they can sense the world

in terms of the Force rather than reflected light like

most other creatures. They have no problems with low

light or no light conditions as they can sense the Force

as it manifests in solid bodies like walls or other

creatures. In fact, they can see which way a person

leans in the battle of Light and Dark as well as notice

the slight alterations in the Force as someone lies.

Mon Calamari Brief description of the stereotype followed by a

physical description

This race of amphibians lives atop the oceans of

their watery world. Of note is that they are actually

amphibians, though they prefer to live above the water; they must keep their skin moist (like a frog); they have

large fish eyes on opposite sides of their heads,

indicating a prey animal; they have exceptionally large

skulls and brains that are conducive to a keenly logical


As a race, they apparently tend to be bleeding

hearts. Also, they are supposed to be awesome ship

engineers. The trick about them is that they are

incredibly focused: whatever they do, they do it to their

fullest ability. Be that seeking out their dreams, fighting

for a lost cause, or after being pressed into military service as a general.

Society Describe their society, this is also a good place to

put their planets and native language.

Creating a Mon Calamari Character

Mon calamari can be a built with the Mundane or

Powered character type. Mon calamari is a Racial

Quality worth 4 points.

Common Mon Calamari Powers The following are features all mon calamari possess.

Primary Attributes Mon calamari get the following attribute

adjustments; the racial maximum is in parentheses.

Strength +0(6), Dexterity -1(5), Constitution +0(6),

Intelligence +1(7), Perception +0(6), Willpower +0(6)

Secondary Attributes Life Points: (S+C)x4+10

Endurance Points: (S+C+W)x3+5

Force Pool: sum of attributes Top Speed: (D+C)x2

Armor Value: 0

Amphibious Can breathe water and air freely

Driven Much like Obsession, but they can change their


Environmental Vulnerability They can’t handle dry or arid environments of any


Natural Artiste All of them start with Artistic Talent

Situational Awareness Despite their innate focus and devotion to one

thing at a time, they are surprisingly aware of their


Quarren Brief description of the stereotype followed by a

physical description

The quarren are the sister race of amphibians that

lives below the waves in, oddly enough, air-tight cities

on the same world as the Mon Calamari. They are also

marked by a practically diametric opposition to the MCs. They tend to be pragmatists instead of dreamers,

staid instead of curious, etc. In effect, they are

isolationists so severe that they really don’t even like

each other’s company.

Aside from being amphibious jerks, the quarren

seem to have no further value.


Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

41 Star Wars, Chapter 7 v09-Inhumans Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

Describe their society, this is also a good place to

put their planets and native language.

Creating a Quarren Character Quarren can be a built with the Mundane or

Powered character type. Quarren is a Racial Quality worth 0 points.

Common Quarren Powers The following are features all quarren possess.

Primary Attributes Quarren get the following attribute adjustments;

the racial maximum is in parentheses.

Strength +0(6), Dexterity +0(6), Constitution

+0(6), Intelligence +0(6), Perception +0(6), Willpower


Secondary Attributes Life Points: (S+C)x4+10

Endurance Points: (S+C+W)x3+5

Force Pool: sum of attributes

Top Speed: (D+C)x2

Armor Value: 0

Amphibious They can breath water and air freely.

Antisocial They really aren’t any good with people, not even

each other. They have Charisma -1.

Appearance They are ugly by all standards, what with tentacles

and such. They have Attractiveness -1.

Arrogance They really hate change and are distrustful of

optimists and others in general. They are generally rude

and think of themselves as fine as they are. They have

Delusions of Grandeur 2.

Rodians Brief description of the stereotype followed by a

physical description

Rodians seem to have nothing of import to

differentiate themselves from humans. The most noteworthy differences are a domineering culture that

reveres combat, faceted bug eyes, and suction cups on

their finger tips. They are supposed to be innately faster

than humans, with better reaction time and

coordination, but not quite as mentally solid (‘cuz

humans are the poster boys of mental stability). They

are also supposed to be very perceptive.

They otherwise have no innate racial features to

make them even remotely special.

Society Describe their society, this is also a good place to

put their planets and native language.

Creating a Rodian Character Rodians can be a built with the Mundane or

Powered character type. Rodian is a Racial Quality

worth 1 point.

Common Rodian Powers The following are features all rodians possess.

Primary Attributes Rodians get the following attribute adjustments;

the racial maximum is in parentheses.

Strength +0(6), Dexterity +1(7), Constitution

+0(6), Intelligence -1(5), Perception +1(8), Willpower +0(6)

Secondary Attributes Life Points: (S+C)x4+10

Endurance Points: (S+C+W)x3+5

Force Pool: sum of attributes

Top Speed: (D+C)x2

Armor Value: 0

Aggressive Rodian instincts drive them to demonstrate superiority over others and will resort to violence as

their first response when stressed, frustrated, or

confronted. They can resist this urge with a Simple

Willpower test, but they probably won’t.

Sullustans Brief description of the stereotype followed by a physical description

These stout little guys are similar to the dwarves of

fantasy games, including the subterranean foundries.

However, they are apparently very friendly. Like every

other damn race in the galaxy.

Exactly why they are supposed to be quick but

physically unfit, considering that they live below

ground in an otherwise volcanic world is beyond me.

They are supposed to instantly know where they were

and how to return, but that is a little strange. They are

also equipped with darkvision, which should mean that they don’t have special hearing, but apparently they

have that, and are better climbers than other races—it

seems to me that they just use their hearing and hands

more than other races.

Society Describe their society, this is also a good place to

put their planets and native language.

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

42 Star Wars, Chapter 7 v09-Inhumans Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

Creating a Sullustan Character Sullustans can be a built with the Mundane or

Powered character type. Sullustan is a Racial Quality

worth 4 points.

Common Sullustan Powers The following are features all sullustans possess.

Primary Attributes Sullustans get the following attribute adjustments;

the racial maximum is in parentheses.

Strength -1(5), Dexterity +1(7), Constitution +1(7),

Intelligence +0(6), Perception +0(6), Willpower +0(6)

Secondary Attributes Life Points: (S+C)x4+10

Endurance Points: (S+C+W)x3+5

Force Pool: sum of attributes Top Speed: (D+C)x2

Armor Value: 0

Charismatic Sullustan society is very communal and has strong

familial and corporate influences. As such, sullustans

have become naturally sociable and readily invite

interaction. All sullustans start with Charisma +1.

Darkvision Sullustans can somehow see in complete and total darkness in a grayscale roughly indicating proximity

and texture out to 5 yards per Perception level.

Spatial Understanding This spatial acuity grants the duros +2 to all

Navigation and Piloting Tasks.

Trandoshans Brief description of the stereotype followed by a

physical description

These are supposed to be lizard men in the most

traditional sense: men that have reptilian features

including a big crocodilian head. A problem that

quickly becomes evident is that there is no explanation

of what exactly their homeworld is like.

Apparently, they have issues with being friendly,

but no Charisma penalty. They should have one, or

something similar to note that they think and operate on a different wavelength than most other critters. They

are strong and have scales that double as armor. Other

than that, they are just like humans, but with darkvision.

This will take some slight attention to make less stupid,

which of course means that I’m going to have to take

some artistic liberties.


Describe their society, this is also a good place to

put their planets and native language.

Creating a Trandoshan Character Trandoshans can be a built with the Mundane or

Powered character type. Trandoshan is a Racial Quality worth 6 points.

Common Trandoshan Powers The following are features all trandoshans possess.

Primary Attributes Trandoshans get the following attribute

adjustments; the racial maximum is in parentheses.

Strength +1(8), Dexterity +0(6), Constitution

+0(6), Intelligence +0(6), Perception +1(8), Willpower


Secondary Attributes Life Points: (S+C)x4+20

Endurance Points: (S+C+W)x3+10

Force Pool: sum of attributes

Top Speed: (D+C)x2

Armor Value: S+C

Aggressive They react with violence and domination to

stressors and confrontation regularly. They also have a

penchant for needing to compete with whoever’s in charge.

Darkvision Trandoshans can see in grayscale in total darkness

out to 10 yards per Perception level.

Twi’lek Brief description of the stereotype followed by a

physical description

Society Describe their society, this is also a good place to

put their planets and native language.

Creating a Twi’lek Character Twi’leks can be a built with the Mundane or

Powered character type. Twi’lek is a Racial Quality

worth 4 points.

Common Twi’lek Powers The following are features all Twi’leks possess.

Primary Attributes Twi’leks get the following attribute adjustments;

the racial maximum is in parentheses.

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

43 Star Wars, Chapter 7 v09-Inhumans Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

Strength +0(6), Dexterity +0(6), Constitution

+1(7), Intelligence +1(7), Perception +0(6), Willpower


Secondary Attributes Life Points: (S+C)x4+10 Endurance Points: (S+C+W)x3+5

Force Pool: sum of attributes

Top Speed: (D+C)x2

Armor Value: 0

Charismatic Twi’lek culture is complicated and rich so twi’leks

quickly learn to be talented liars and diplomats with

plastic smiles and deceptively deferential attitudes.

They all get Charisma +1.

Starlight Vision They can see in low-light conditions just fine,

except if they get exposed to sudden brighter light, they

risk being temporarily blinded or dazzled.

Wookiees Brief description of the stereotype followed by a physical description

These are exceptionally tall and relatively thin

furries. If anything, they seem to be the intelligent

evolution of some sort of bear. They have certain social

mores, and a notable social influence. They seem to be

big on honor and that sort of thing, as well as adapting

technology to their own uses with a brilliant synthesis

of natural and technological. They are almost Japanese

in their culture.

As for physiology, they are just big and strong.

Precedent has been set to indicate that they use their

sense of smell much more than humans. They are also incapable of articulating in other languages.

Society Describe their society, this is also a good place to

put their planets and native language.

Creating a Wookiee Character Wookiees can be a built with the Mundane or

Powered character type. Wookiee is a Racial Quality

worth 15 points.

Common Wookiee Powers The following are features wookiees all possess.

Primary Attributes Wookiees get the following attribute adjustments;

the racial maximum is in parentheses.

Strength +4(12), Dexterity +0(6), Constitution

+1(7), Intelligence -1(5), Perception +1(8), Willpower


Secondary Attributes Life Points: (S+C)x4+30

Endurance Points: (S+C+W)x3+15

Force Pool: sum of attributes

Top Speed: (D+C)x2 Armor Value: S+C

Accelerated Healing They recover LP and EP at twice the rate of


Alternate Senses They sense the world primarily through sight and

scent, rather than just sight like humans.

Environmental Resistance They get +2 to resist cold climates.

Honorable They have a code of honor, including the life debts.

Further, it is against wookiee law to use claws to attack

others in anger, to do so is to get yourself exiled from

all wookiee lands.

Legacy The legends about wookiees describe them as

large, violent, frighteningly powerful, and dumb. This

is the same as Legacy 2.

Natural Weapons They have sharp, bear-like claws. Due to culture,

they won’t use them as weapons. However, they are

practical tools. In addition to cutting and carving

objects, they also grant the wookiees +2 to Climb tasks.

Vocal Disability The wookiee speech structure is not conducive to

articulating any language other than their native


Rage +3 Strength, +2 Con, not affected by pain, only

falls unconscious upon death, the rage lasts until there

are no enemies left or 10 seconds per Constitution level,

whichever comes first, and once the rage ends, the

wookiee is reduced to 0 Endurance Points.

Zabrak Brief description of the stereotype followed by a

physical description

They hail from a harsh homeworld that made them

into the Star Wars equivalent of the Saudakar. The best

thing the rules provide them is a bonus to Fort and Will

saves, this is somehow fair compared to the other races.

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

44 Star Wars, Chapter 7 v09-Inhumans Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

Society Describe their society, this is also a good place to

put their planets and native language.

Creating a Zabrak Character Zabraks can be a built with the Mundane or Powered character type. Zabrak is a Racial Quality

worth 3 points.

Common Zabrak Powers The following are features all zabraks possess.

Primary Attributes Zabraks get the following attribute adjustments; the

racial maximum is in parentheses.

Strength +0(6), Dexterity +0(6), Constitution

+1(7), Intelligence +0(6), Perception +0(6), Willpower


Secondary Attributes Life Points: (S+C)x4+10

Endurance Points: (S+C+W)x3+5

Force Pool: sum of attributes

Top Speed: (D+C)x2

Armor Value: 0

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

45 Star Wars, Chapter 8 v15-Metaphysics Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

Chapter 8: Metaphysics

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

46 Star Wars, Chapter 8 v15-Metaphysics Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.


The galaxy of Star Wars is full of paranormal features.

Top among them is the Force, that ephemeral energy that

binds and surrounds everyone and everything. Those

sensitive to its currents can manipulate it to do their bidding. The second, less supernatural, feature is cybernetics—

replacing body parts with mechanical devices. Normally,

this is done exclusively as various forms of prosthesis;

cybernetic parts can and are used to entirely upgrade an

otherwise normal person.

The Force Although all creatures in the universe have the Force

within them, only a select few are sensitive enough to use it.

Within Republic controlled space, these Force Sensitive

people are often discovered at a very young age and taken

into the Jedi Order for training. There are other

organizations that utilize Force Sensitive people, but they

are not even close to the numbers and resources available to

the Jedi.

It is understood that the Force has a dual nature. The

Light Side is based on balance and serenity while the Dark

Side relies on passion and force. The Light Side is a difficult path to follow, and is the choice path of the Jedi. Its power

is nigh limitless, but its practitioners must always remain

calm and in control. The Dark Side, however, is deceptively

easy to slip into—its most notorious users are the Sith. It

offers a great deal of power very quickly, but relies heavily

on passionate action and thought which all too often

ultimately blinds and burns out the user.

The Light Side The Light Side is the path of serenity, balance, and

control. The users are most often Jedi, who serve as the

peacekeepers and bringers of justice throughout the galaxy.

Although the path is difficult, and exceedingly easy to slip from, the rewards are great. Jedi learn to live with the Force,

allowing it to flow and act through them, while

simultaneously using the Force to benefit the greater

balance. With time and practice, the Jedi continuously grow

in power until they become one with the Force. At this time,

they are a paragon of the Light Side.

Those that embrace the Light Side may take levels in

the Powered Quality, Force Mastery. They may grow

indefinitely in this aspect, potentially becoming almost

godlike in their power.

As Jedi follow the Light Side, they gain Light Side

points. Actions that adhere to the rules of the Jedi or the basic nature of the Light Side give the character a few Light

Side points (usually 1 to 4). Actions that require great focus

and an uncommon amount of self-control give even greater

allotments of Light Side points (usually 2 to 8). Light Side

points are compared to the character’s Willpower level;

every multiple of the Jedi’s Willpower after the first is

called a Light Side level. Early on, the Jedi suffers

drawbacks, juvenile restrictions created in response to a

strict code of conduct are the most common. As he

continues, he sheds some of these character flaws and grows

into a true Jedi. Sometimes a Jedi may lose self control and act out of

passion. Though frowned upon, it is not at all uncommon.

Light Side

Multiple of

Willpower Effects of being strong in the Light Side

2 Nothing

3 Take a 1-pt mental drawback, or worsen an existing drawback befitting the Light Side.

4 Increase your maximum Force by 5 points.

5 Nothing

6 Take another 1-pt mental drawback, or worsen an existing drawback befitting the Light Side.

7 Get +1 to all Sense Tasks.

8 Nothing

9 Take a third 1-pt mental drawback, or worsen an existing drawback befitting the Light Side.

10 Get +1 to all Control Tasks.

11 Nothing

12 Remove a 1-pt mental drawback, or reduce an existing drawback by one point.

13 Get another +1 to all Sense Tasks and increase your maximum Force by another 5 points.

14 Increase Willpower by 1 level, this does not reduce existing Light or Dark Side levels.

15 Remove another 1-pt mental drawback, or reduce an existing drawback by one point.

16 Get another +1 to all Control Tasks and increase your maximum Force by another 5 points.

17 Increase Constitution by 1 level.

18 Remove a third 1-pt mental drawback, or reduce an existing drawback by one point.

19 Increase your maximum Force by another 10 points.

20 Increase Willpower by one level, this does not reduce existing Light or Dark Side levels. Get

another +1 to all Control and Sense Tasks. Increase Force Mastery by 2 levels.

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

47 Star Wars, Chapter 8 v15-Metaphysics Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

To do so, however, gives the character Dark Side points,

depending on the gravity of the act while likewise costing

the character Light Side points. This is often referred to as

Calling on the Dark Side, and the Jedi may behave as

though he had Force Mastery levels equal to three times his

Willpower in addition to what it actually is. To truly embrace the Dark Side is an act of abominable betrayal,

doing so gives the character a great deal of Dark Side points

while costing the character the same in Light Side levels!

The Dark Side The Dark Side is the path of passion, power, and

dominance. It is deceptively easy to follow this path, as it

relies on the animal passions that are present in all creatures.

A great deal of power is gained dangerously quickly; it is

often quickly comparable to many of the more powerful Jedi

Knights. However, the Dark Side offers little growth, and

wears on the user over time. The dominance over themselves, others, and the Force are of paramount

importance to the Sith, the primary face of the Dark Side.

Despite all the evil that crops up within the ranks of those

that embrace the Dark Side, it is important to recognize that

the Dark Side is not itself evil. It is passion, and passion

blinds its users and wears on their bodies and minds so that

they do not function properly.

Those that embrace the Dark Side immediately gain

triple their Willpower level in Force Mastery Levels, but

may never buy levels in Force Mastery (with experience

points or character points). As a result, it is very difficult for

Sith to grow in this regard.

As a Sith follows the path of the Dark Side, he gains

Dark Side points. Basic acts of passionate motive, or

following the Sith Code give the character a small number

of Dark Side points (usually 1 to 4). Acts that display the character’s control over the Force, others, and himself

award the Sith with a greater number of Dark Side points

(usually 2 to 8). Dark Side points are compared to the

character’s Willpower level; every multiple of the Sith’s

Willpower after the first is called a Dark Side level. Early

on, the character gains impressive benefits with only minor

drawbacks—usually exacerbating the flaws of the Sith’s

primary passion. As the character follows the path of the

Dark Side, it gets progressively harder to master the Force

despite his great power and his drive grows even more

overwhelming and disruptive until all he knows is his

passion and the Force that he dominates. On truly rare occasions, a Sith may come upon a very

rare passion: remorse. He may choose to abandon the Dark

Side and attempt to step into the Light. Restoring a balance

thrown fantastically askew can award the character a great

deal of Light Side points while simultaneously reducing

Dark Side levels by the same numerical value. Even

consciously abandoning the Dark Side and deciding not to

use it anymore is an impressive act of self control and

balance and carries a smaller reward.

Dark Side

Multiple of

Willpower Effects of being strong in the Dark Side

2 Increase maximum Force by 5 points, but your nature as a practitioner of the Dark Side is apparent to

anyone with the powers to see such things.

3 Take a 1-pt mental drawback, or improve an existing drawback befitting the Dark Side. Your Force

channeling ability is now Willpower x2 per turn.

4 Increase your maximum for by another 5 points.

5 Get +1 to all Alter Tasks.

6 Take a 1-pt mental drawback, or improve an existing drawback befitting the Dark Side. Your Force

channeling ability is now Willpower x3 per turn.

7 You may now conceal your nature as a practitioner of the Dark Side by resisting scans with a Simple

Willpower Test.

8 Increase Willpower by 1 level, this does not reduce existing Light or Dark Side levels.

9 Take a 1-pt mental drawback, or improve an existing drawback befitting the Dark Side.

10 Increase one of Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution by 1 level, your appearance is altered to represent

this benefit.

11 The use of any Force power consumes 1 Force per Power Strength level in addition to any other costs.

12 Take a 1-pt mental drawback, or improve an existing drawback befitting the Dark Side.

13 Your Dark Side nature has become so powerful that you can no longer hide it no matter your efforts.

14 Take a 1-pt mental drawback, or improve an existing drawback befitting the Dark Side.

15 Take a 1-pt mental drawback, or improve an existing drawback befitting the Dark Side.

16 Get an additional +1 to all Alter Tasks.

17 Take a 1-pt mental drawback, or improve an existing drawback befitting the Dark Side.

18 Take a 1-pt mental drawback, or improve an existing drawback befitting the Dark Side.

19 The use of any Force power consumes 2 Force per Power Strength level in addition to any other costs.

20 You get a unique ability befitting your Dark Side passions, valued at around 8 Powered points.

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

48 Star Wars, Chapter 8 v15-Metaphysics Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

Using The Force

Using the Force is divided into two aspects. Force

Skills, which govern the methods of manipulating the Force,

and Force Powers, which are the effects that the Force may

take. Growing in power within the Force also further

empowers the user.

The Force user rolls his Tasks with the relevant

attribute and one of the Force Skills. The range and potency

of that application is determined by the Force Power. Also,

each level in any Force Skill or Power increases the user’s

Force by 1.

[reference and compare to The Sight in WitchCraft, pg


Force Mastery Normally, a person’s personal Force is fairly

inaccessible. Those that are Force Sensitive can learn to

manipulate their personal Force to augment their Force

Powers. This is represented by the Force Mastery quality.

The Force using organizations often educate and train their

members in this manner, teaching them to use raw personal

Force to augment their powers or even defend themselves.

A Force user can increase the Strength level of a Force

Power for a single use through Force Mastery. It costs 2 Force to increase the Strength of a Force Power by 1 for that

use. Skilled Force users can free up additional Force with

adequate Task rolls: every Success Level beyond 3 SL can

free 1 Force to increase the Strength level of the Force

Power being used. However, the amount of Force usable in

this manner is limited to the character’s Force Mastery level

and whatever Force was freed up from a high Task roll.

A Force user can also use their personal Force to defend

against Force Powers that directly affect him, in addition to

whatever other defense Tasks available. He attempts a

Difficult Willpower Test with a bonus equal to the amount

of Force expended. If the result equals or exceeds the activation Task of the offending power, the power is

completely negated. This can be done instantly, though the

defender is restricted to the amount of Force he can draw

out in a single Turn. One can also prepare for this situation,

a Force user aware that he is coming against Force using

opponents may decide that it is wise to have a large quantity

of Force drawn out for defensive purposes.

[reference and compare to Essence Channeling, Essence

and Seers, and Using Essence Defensively in WitchCraft, pg

195, 226, and 199, respectively]

Force Skills Alter allows the Force user to manipulate others and

his environment. Usually a purely offensive skill, Alter can

be used to assist others in the same way that Control can

protect the self, though never as a reaction.

Control allows the user to manipulate the self.

Depending on the powers known, the user can react

instantly to resist offensive powers or even to retain

consciousness under duress.

Sense allows the Force Sensitive character to detect

disturbances in the Force. It is used to detect Force wraiths

as well as to “see” large gatherings of the Force. Although

Sense tends to be a passive skill, an erudite user can apply it

for defensive powers.

Every Force skill costs 2 Powered points per level until level 5, and 5 Powered points per level thereafter (or 5

experience points and 8 experience points, respectively).

[reference and compare to The Sight, and specifically The

Effects of Art in WitchCraft, pg 225~226]

Force Powers Every Force power represents a sphere of influence of

Force use. The sheer potency of the effects created is

measured by the Strength level of the Force power. It does

not cost the Force user any Force to activate these powers

normally, but Force can be used to create more powerful

effects. Force effects that do not fall into the immediate

categories listed for these Force Powers are often

combinations of simultaneous or subsequent Power usage.

Every Force power costs 3 Powered points per level (or

6 experience points).

[reference and compare to The Sight, and specifically to

The Effects of Strength in WitchCraft, pg 225~226]

Clairvoyance Clairvoyance is the ability to project your sensory

awareness outside of your body in order to perceive events or objects outside of your natural sensory range. Like its

sister ability, Prescience, it has both active and passive

applications, but this particular ability is marked by its

distance, duration, and the fact that visions and viewings are

always received in real-time.

Using Clairvoyance Remote viewing is resolved predominantly with

Perception and Clairvoyance Art (Sense) Tasks. The three

primary uses are visions, where the psychic involuntarily

perceives events, viewings, where the psychic takes a glance

at another location, and projections, where the psychic sends her awareness out of her body to observe a location at


Visions are usually triggered by one of three conditions:

an emotionally charged event is transpiring; an event that

she can influence is transpiring, or an event that directly

affects her is happening. Note that all visions and viewings

are happening live and must be occurring within the spatial

range of the psychic. Many psychics feel that this power is

as much a bane as prescience, if not more, because the

events they perceive cannot be changed and instead must be

redirected or diverted. Many psychics feel helpless in the face of such events, especially those that are forced to watch

an event but could not actually influence its outcome. When

a vision would be triggered, the Chronicler calls for a

Perception and Clairvoyance Art (Sense) Task and the result

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

49 Star Wars, Chapter 8 v15-Metaphysics Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

determines the perspective, clarity, and duration of the

vision that the psychic receives (compare to the Prescience

Active Use table). On occasion, the psychic may realize

where a vision is going and won’t want to actually see the

result: terminating the vision requires a Willpower and

Clairvoyance Art (Control) Task where failure results in the

psychic taking a -4 to all actions while distracted by the still

going vision until it ends on its own. Viewings are performed when the psychic wishes to

actively view events outside of her normal sensory range but

still within the range determined by her Clairvoyance

Strength. The result of a Perception and Clairvoyance Art

(Sense) Task determines how long a single viewing can last

as well as the detail of the viewing, and unlike visions, the

viewing can be terminated at any time with no effort. She

must specify a location and a perspective for the viewing

and she is limited to these decisions for the duration of the

viewing. The psychic cannot perceive anything outside of

her ability, so she can’t see spirits or in the dark unless she

has a specific ability otherwise. Further, this perspective cannot be placed within an area that is protected from spirits

or through a barrier that hinders the flow of Essence, such as

inside a Ward or circle of salt.

Projections are a more difficult and taxing process

during which the psychic projects her awareness out of her

body. The psychic’s Willpower and Clairvoyance (Control)

Task determines how long she can stay in a projection

before it starts to take its toll on her and she must attempt a

new Task (compare to the Electrokinesis duration table,

spiritual fatigue results in D4 Essence damage per duration

period that cannot be regained until the projection ends). While projecting, she forms a psychic sensory entity that

moves like a spirit and can be detected by others with the

ability to detect spirits. She perceives reality from the

perspective of this external essence matrix as if she were in

its location, rather than where her body is. In fact, she is

mostly oblivious to her physical surroundings while

projecting and should really only use this effect when she is

in an otherwise safe location. She cannot use her projecting

matrix as a conduit for other powers, except those that are

sensory in nature (not even active Telepathy). It is quite

possible, and marginally uncomfortable, to have a vision while performing a projection.

This essence matrix functions much like any other spirit

entity, though it ties up 1 Essence per Willpower level and

is destroyed by inflicting that much Essence damage. It can

be detected by any means that detects spirits, but is so

negligible that most people familiar with supernatural

phenomena would dismiss it as a manifestation of the

weakest of spirit bodies, a psychic echo. Those familiar with

the psychic may recognize the essence signature and behave accordingly. This sensory body can travel up to 100 mph per

Willpower level and is unhindered by anything that does not

also hinder the flow of Essence or spirits. However, the

psychic’s range as determined by her Clairvoyance Strength

is still very relevant while projecting. She can comfortably

project out to 75% of her range and operate at her full

operational duration. At distances up to 125% of her range,

she halves her operational duration and gets a -1 to all

Tasks/Tests performed while projecting, up to 150% of her

range and she divides her operational duration by 5 and gets

-3 to all Tasks/Tests performed while projecting. Between

150% and the maximum of 200% of her range, her operational duration is divided by 10 and she gets -5 to all

Tasks/Tests performed while projecting. If a psychic spends

too much time projecting, either by projecting for a long

time or exceeding her limits, she can burn herself out. A

particularly devious Chronicler can conjure any number of

psychic repercussions for such a strain and is encouraged to

in some settings and can even allow the psychic to work

herself to death—though it is more appropriate to allow the

psychic to sustain extensive psychic damage up to burning

herself out completely rather than killing herself with this

power. A unique cross between projection and viewing allows

the psychic to maintain a subconscious viewing a nearby

location and will allow her to detect any changes to that

location. This viewing is limited by her Clairvoyance range

and predetermined perspective but is maintained much like

a projection, though she only loses 1 Essence per

operational cycle. To activate this effect, she must make a

Perception and Clairvoyance Art (Control) Task and, for as

long as she maintains the effect, she will become alerted to

any changes that occur as perceived from the chosen

perspective. These changes, however, are only experienced on a subconscious level and she will not get any details

beyond “something’s happening.”

Clairvoyance Strength Table

Strength Abilities

1 View at 1 yard for each level of Perception and Clairvoyance Strength.

2 View at 5 yards for each level of Perception and Clairvoyance Strength.

3 View at 50 yards for each level of Perception and Clairvoyance Strength.

5 View at 100 yards for each level of Perception and Clairvoyance Strength.

6 View at 500 yards for each level of Perception and Clairvoyance Strength.

8 View at 1 mile (1.5 kilometers) for each level of Perception and Clairvoyance Strength.

11 View at 50 miles (30 kilometers) for each level of Perception and Clairvoyance Strength.

15+ View at 100 miles (30 kilometers) for each level of Perception and Clairvoyance Strength.

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

50 Star Wars, Chapter 8 v15-Metaphysics Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

Chroniclers are encouraged to use this power like the

other sensory powers, Prescience and Telepathy. Each one

is a valuable and unique medium by which to provide useful

information and drive her story forward. Information

gathered with Clairvoyance happens in real time, much like

watching a live video feed of an event. This usually demands that the psychic acts quickly to affect the event. On

the other hand, unlike Prescience, the vision is usually only

limited by perspective and duration of the vision.

Chroniclers should provide meaningful and oftentimes

stressful perspectives that require that the psychic focus and

try to rebuild the events and surroundings so that she can

determine their exact location.

Using Clairvoyance Defensively A psychic can passively detect imminent and local

threats—like booby traps, assassins, or reckless drivers. The

Chronicler asks for a Perception and Clairvoyance Art (Sense) Task. Naturally, the Success Levels of the Task

guide the Chronicler as to how much information to share,

but even a failure gives the psychic the impression that

“something is up.”

She can conceal places and objects from metaphysical

remote viewing attempts with an Intelligence and

Clairvoyance Art (Alter) Task, which determines duration

like a projection. She can only conceal an area with a radius

of up to 1 yard per Willpower and Clairvoyance Strength

level but only so long as she is within that area. She can

instead conceal one specific object or person per Willpower level and only so long as it’s volume doesn’t exceed a

sphere of 1 yard per Willpower and Clairvoyance Strength

level. Maintaining the effect costs her 1 Essence per

duration period. Attempts to detect concealed places or

people must exceed her Task roll, failure indicating that the

viewer fails to perceive the concealed object or notice

anything within the concealed space. Furthermore, neither a

projection nor a projection’s senses can detect anything

within the area that she doesn’t want it to. Some Chroniclers

may feel that this effect requires the psychic to also know

Mindtrick or gestalt with someone who does in order to use

this particular effect and she is welcome to enforce that interpretation.

[reference and compare to Mindview in WitchCraft, pg


Energy Control Mindcurrent or Electrokinesis is the ability to

psychically manipulate electricity with many similarities to

and differences from Mindfire or Pyrokinesis. It is an oft

misunderstood power with great versatility and outright

astounding opportunity for use in a technologically rich

setting. The earliest seers figured out that they could create lightning bolts and harm or simply disable opponents with

that energy, some even figured out how to create their own

lodestones, if only for a short while. As human knowledge

of electricity expanded, so too did the understanding of the

true versatility of this power. Mindcurrent is a rarer power

than Mindfire, and is even harder to control—electricity

moves at the speed of light, well beyond a non-prescient

seer’s ability to even realize the danger before accidents or

disaster strikes.

Using Mindcurrent

The simplest application of this power is to electrocute

something by touching it. This requires a Willpower and

Mindcurrent Art Task; Dexterity or Intelligence and

Mindcurrent Art Tasks are required if this power is to be

used in combat. Due to the versatility of electricity, it can be

used to inflict lethal damage, or to simply disable a

subject—they get a Simple Constitution Test with a penalty

equal to half your Mindcurrent Strength (this is not opposed

by your Focus Task). Often times, damage from the

lightning results in organ failure, violent seizures (and

resulting trauma), and only light burns. This same application, when applied to many elements of a

technologically advanced and electrically dependant setting,

can be incredibly useful. The fast discharge of energy can be

used to disrupt electronics, jump start devices (like cars or

similar engines), or even scramble many of the

electromagnetic data storage devices in use. In truly

advanced settings, a particularly powerful seer could

conceivably provide enough power in a single discharge to

fuel such power-hungry devices as personal laser and

plasma weapons

Incomprehensible to the first seers is the utility of continuously electrocuting a subject. While this can result in

an effect much like holding a stun-gun to a person and

would be useful for interrogation, it clearly has its uses

powering electricity-reliant devices. The lower level seers

may only be able to provide power to a small device like a

personal flashlight or an RC car for a short while. The most

powerful seers can provide power to industrial warehouses

for hours on end. Simple or durable devices like industrial

machinery, cars, and military-grade devices are easy to

power and can tolerate the natural fluctuations of the

psychic. Delicate devices like most computer systems,

servers, and similar devices are not so durable and require the psychic pay special attention. Providing this sort of

power requires an Intelligence and Mindcurrent Art Task,

apply a -2 to -6 task when trying to power delicate electrical

components. Maintaining the power over time affects

people as per Mindcurrent Strength level, less 5.

Before the relationship between electricity and

magnetism was discovered or understood, some seers would

find that ferrous substances that they affected would

develop a magnetic charge. This can be done by accident (as

that is a side effect of being subjected to a large electrical

discharge) or on purpose (as psychic powers are also influenced by the intent of the seer). Some seers even found

that the magnetic fields they could create were impressively

powerful, as long as they concentrated. The maintained

magnetic field has an effective strength of 1 per

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

51 Star Wars, Chapter 8 v15-Metaphysics Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

Mindcurrent level, less 5 (for Strength 1 through 5, use the

1/10th the values of Strengths 1 through 5), with regards to

what the field can lift and with how much force.

Later psychic researchers have discovered a few

elements regarding the uniqueness of this particular power:

the basic function can be divided into two steps. First, the psychic creates a charge, using his own body and psychic

power as the storage unit. Then, he discharges the energy,

the psychic decides the rate, which is usually instantaneous,

but some have demonstrated enough self control to be

discharge the energy over extended periods of time and with

greater stability (many have noticeable spikes that make the

power unreliable for anything but the sturdiest of devices).

Other similarities have been noted, including remarkably

similar energy unit values between Mindfire and

Mindcurrent given similar seers of similar mental and

psychic strength—suggesting a possible link between the

two powers beyond the one demonstrated between all

psychic powers.

Using Mindcurrent Defensively

Showing another similarity to Mindfire, Mindcurrent

can be used to create a powerful field of energy around the

seer in a defensive shield. The field is centered on the seer and extends out to somewhere between 3 and 5 feet (it

fluctuates so wildly and quickly that it is generally assumed

to function out to 5 feet all the time). Energy based attacks

(like fire and plasma blasts or lightning and laser bolts, but

not spiritual energy like Soulfire) have the damage

multiplier reduced by the Mindcurrent Strength level—

reducing it to 0 or less results in the effect being completely

defused or creating a pocket of safety for the psychic. This

field also protects against entirely physical attacks,

providing an AV of 1 per Mindcurrent Strength level against

all objects, and an additional +2 against metallic objects

(steel swords and even lead bullets). [reference and

Energy Control Usage Table

Success Level Result

<-2 The power must be dismissed with a Willpower and Mindcurrent Art Task or it instantly discharges into the

subject at the highest level the seer can manage. (Compare to Fear Table in ConX, pg 161)

-1~-2 The power does not activate. (Compare to Fear Table in ConX, pg 161.)

1 Can maintain the power for 1 second per Willpower and Mindcurrent Strength level.

2 Can maintain the power for 5 seconds per Willpower and Mindcurrent Strength level.

3 Can maintain the power for 30 seconds per Willpower and Mindcurrent Strength level.

4 Can maintain the power for 1 minute per Willpower and Mindcurrent Strength level.

5 Can maintain the power for 5 minutes per Willpower and Mindcurrent Strength level.

6+ Can maintain the power for 30 minutes per Willpower and Mindcurrent Strength level.

Energy Control Strength Table

Strength Abilities

1 A small electromagnetic charge can be created on your person, it must be discharged through contact. Can

power a small device like a flashlight or RC car. It can be quickly discharged, in which case it can disrupt

sensitive or small electronics or even deal 1 point of damage and shock a person.

2 Discharging on a person deals D4 per Mindcurrent Strength. A slow discharge is enough to run most low-

consumption like computers and newer model televisions and a fast discharge is enough to totally scramble a

hard drive or jump start a car. Similarly, the charge in another object can be completely suppressed, cutting

power to most electronics or stalling a civilian vehicle.

3 The electric energy is enough to fuel the greediest household devices, including home shop tools and two hairdryers at one time! Nonlethal charges can now be maintained with enough intensity to incapacitate a living


4 Can arc out the electric charge with a range of 1 yard per Willpower and Mindcurrent Strength, dealing D6 per

Mindcurrent Strength level

5 Can create ball lightning that deals D4 per Mindcurrent Strength level and can strike targets with a range of 10

yards per Mindcurrent Strength level.

6 Can create an EMP with a radius of 1 yard per Mindcurrent Strength. Can concentrate to suppress electrical

activity within a single object within line of sight.

7 Can outright electrocute someone, causing D6 damage multiplied by Mindcurrent Strength level.


10 Can create an active electrical field covering an area with a 1 yd radius per Willpower level. Anyone and

anything in the area is electrocuted, taking D6 damage multiplied by Mindcurrent Strength level.

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

52 Star Wars, Chapter 8 v15-Metaphysics Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

compare to Mindfire in WitchCraft, pg 227]

Heal Biokinesis allows a psychic to induce spontaneous and rapid healing in an organic body. While not quite

instantaneous, it is wildly beyond anything most technology

and natural abilities can attain and can even induce recovery

beyond the ability of a natural body. The simplest

explanation is the cells of the patient are psychically

induced into a hyperactive and regenerative state and remain

so until the psychic breaks concentration. Wounds healed

bear no scars, but patients retain a resistance to diseases.

Rumors abound of psychics talented in this power that can

also perform feats that stretch well beyond the realm of

healing but there is precious few examples.

Using Biokinesis Healing trauma to a patient is resolved with a

Willpower and Biokinesis Art (Alter) Task and she must

maintain concentration and contact with her subject during

the healing process. After each unit of time spent healing,

the psychic must attempt a new Focus Task to determine the

subsequent amount of healing and how long it takes. This

process is repeated until a given wound is healed. If

concentration is broken, each separate attempt on a single

wound on a given patient within 24 hours gets a cumulative

-2 penalty. Chroniclers disinclined to track wounds separately may not require that she attempt a healing for

each individual wound, but the cumulative penalty for

separate attempts applies solely per patient without a

complete 24 hour respite. A wounded psychic can use

biokinesis on herself with a Willpower and Biokinesis Art

(Control) Task, but she must still maintain concentration while doing so. It is otherwise resolved as if she were

affecting any other patient.

Healing Life Point damage costs the subject that same

amount in Endurance Points as the psychic forces the patient

to use his own resources to heal the damage caused to his

body. Half of this damage is recovered through rest and the

other half is recovered only by eating food or otherwise

replenishing his natural reserves. The psychic cannot heal a

patient of more Life Points than he has Endurance Points

without giving the patient time to rest.

Healing Endurance Point damage caused by exhaustion (jogging for an hour) or trauma (getting beaten up) is done

in the amount of time determined by her Focus Task but

one-tenth of that (minimum 1) can only be recovered by

eating food or otherwise replenishing the subject’s natural

reserves. Thusly, a psychic could stay awake and active

almost indefinitely so long as she has enough to eat, and

could supply a patient with the same treatment.

It is important to realize that using biokinesis is a time

consuming and exhausting process, and psychic fatigue is

one of the primary factors that prevents a psychic from

using her abilities nonstop. Like using any other psychic

ability without adequate breaks, the psychic loses D4 Essence every 10 minutes.

Heal Strength Table

Strength Abilities

1 Can repair fresh wounds or refresh recent exhaustion. Heal 1 damage to Life or Endurance Points per

Mindheal Strength level per minute.

3 Can heal the effects of disease and poison to the point of initial infection, but cannot cure the disease/poison.

Healing rate is improved. Heal D4 damage per Mindheal Strength Level per minute.

6 Can bring the recently dead back to life assuming that they still have brain or heart activity or treatment

follows within moments (read, seconds) of lethal damage. Can even treat complex damage like nerve

damage. completely cure or remove externally caused diseases and poisons, remove their effects, and repair

critical wounds so long as all parts are present. Heal D6 per Mindheal Strength Level per minute.

8 Can completely cure or remove internally caused diseases and poisons. Heal D8 per Mindheal Strength Level per minute.

11 Can induce complete and total cellular regeneration. This stops the aging process in the psychic and allows

for the complete reconstruction of missing or ruined limbs and organs. Heal D10 per Mindheal Strength

Level per minute.

Biokinesis Use Table

SL Description

<1 The biokinetic attempt failed, there are no other repercussions.

1 The healing is performed over the course of 10 minutes.

2 The healing is performed over the course of 5 minutes.

3 The healing is performed over the course of 3 minutes.

4 The healing is performed over the course of 1 minutes.

5 The healing is performed over the course of 30 seconds.

6+ The healing is performed instantly.

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

53 Star Wars, Chapter 8 v15-Metaphysics Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

Exceptional psychics can do more than just repair

recent trauma to her patients. Depending on the Strength

Rating of a toxin or the Contagion Strength and Severity of

a disease, a psychic can treat, remove, or even entirely cure

herself or her patient. Starting at Biokinesis Strength 3, a

psychic can treat the effects of a toxin without having immediate relapse when she ceases concentration. Corrosive

and irritant toxins must still be removed or the effects will

relapse, and the Focus Task has a penalty equal to the

Strength Rating of the poison. Actually removing a toxin

psychically requires Biokinesis Strength 6.

Treating diseases is based on the Severity of the disease

and generally requires amount of time required to heal the

damage inflicted by the disease (healing this damage also

removes the associated non-damage penalties) but the

disease relapses unless the patient naturally recovers, the

ailment runs its course, or the psychic administers another

treatment. Completely curing a patient of a disease requires Biokinesis Strength 6, the Focus Task gets a penalty equal

to the Contagion Strength, and the time required is 10 times

longer than whatever was determined by the Focus Task. It

takes 11 rounds of treatment, +1 for Mild, +2 for Moderate,

+3 for Severe, and +5 for Terminal, less Biokinesis

Strength. This treatment also works for radiation sickness:

100~150 REMs does not require additional rounds of

treatment to be cured, but every higher category climbs

higher on the disease scale from Mild to Terminal. This

treatment can even treat mental patients who suffer from

physical brain trauma as well as people with crippling injuries—the point value of the disability is used as the

increase to the number of rounds of treatment required.

Terminally injured patients, or those that recently died

of a poison or disease, can be brought back to life by a

powerful psychic (Biokinesis Strength 6 or better) but she

must start treatment within the subject’s Constitution in

minutes. If the fatal injury is of an unrecoverable nature,

such as extreme brain trauma, she must begin treatment

immediately, within the subject’s Constitution in seconds.

After each round of treatment, the patient may attempt a

new Survival Test to regain life, with a new penalty based

on his most current Life Points. Furthermore, such treatment cannot be interrupted until life is restored or the patient will

stay dead and further efforts by the psychic fail unless she

can somehow improve her Biokinesis Strength either with

Essence Channeling or gestalting and resuming within a few

seconds. The most powerful psychic healers, those with

Biokinesis Strength 11 or greater, can take their sweet time

bringing the dead back to life, so long as there is organic

matter to rebuild and raw materials to fuel the growth

(usually requiring some sort of nutrient and glucose soup).

Though a soul that has left the body permanently only

returns 10% of the time (rolling a 10 on a D10), if that. The Chronicler is well within her rights to outright refuse to

allow a long dead body any chance of returning to life even

if the body is regenerated to otherwise full health, resulting

in a very recently dead corpse with no apparent cause of


Lastly, biokinesis can be used in manners not strictly

devoted to directly healing the sick or injured. A psychic

could attempt a Perception and Biokinesis Art (Sense) Task

in order to diagnose an ailment—the time it takes to get this diagnosis is the same it would take to complete one round of

biokinetic treatment—and then she can use her Success

Levels in that Task as her bonus to treat her patient with her

Biokinesis power or Medicine or First Aid skills. At

Biokinesis Strength 11, a psychic can conceivably start to

do amazing things more akin to shapeshifting or

unbelievably high tech bioengineering, though the

Intelligence and Biokinesis Art (Alter or Control) Tasks

should get a -10 penalty and the higher order applications

could rightfully demand dozens of treatments at 10 times

normal duration apiece.

Using Biokinesis Defensively Biokinesis can be used to defend against any

supernatural attack that affects the subject’s body, including

curses, Psychoapoptosis, and a myriad of other attacks with

a Willpower and Biokinesis Art (Control) Task. She can

resist poisons and diseases with a Constitution and

Biokinesis Art (Control) Task or Constitution and

Biokinesis Strength Test as they are administered, and

constant exposure can be resisted with a Willpower and

Biokinesis Art (Control) Task: use the duration table for

Electrokinesis for the latter effect. While in combat, the psychic can even use this power to absorb and instantly

regenerate damage as a defensive action (replacing dodge or

parry attempts) with an Intelligence and Biokinesis Art

(Control) Task and she effectively reduces incoming

damage after armor but before DTM by the amount she

would otherwise heal.

[reference and compare to Mindheal in WitchCraft, pg


Kill There is a power known only to the rarest of Force

users; by its nature, it is a Dark Side power: the ability to injure or even kill with a thought. Among those that know

of this power, there is further secret, rather than strike down

your target, you can drain their Force to feed your own.

Alter is the primary Force Skill for using Kill. An Alter

and Willpower Task activates the power, which the target

can resist with a Constitution and Willpower Test. If the

Force User wins, the target is stricken by the effects. If the

defender wins, he feels extreme discomfort, but is uninjured.

There is a certain empathy involved in using this power,

though. The user must succeed at a Control and Willpower

Task or suffer half the damage inflicted to his Endurance and Force, this Task has a -3 penalty if the subject died as a

result of this power.

Once your Kill Strength reaches 6, you can actually

siphon the life energies of your target into yourself. You

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

54 Star Wars, Chapter 8 v15-Metaphysics Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

inflict damage to the target and recover the same amount,

but the Kill Strength is reduced by 5 levels. So, if you have

Kill 7, and try to use this power to siphon away a target’s

life, you deal damage and heal yourself as if you had Kill 2.

However, when using this effect, there is no empathic

feedback so the user can drain people to his twisted heart’s


Control is used merely to resist the side effects of this power, as well as to resist the use of this power against your


There are no Sense applications of this power.

[reference and compare to Mindkill in WitchCraft, pg

230~231; note the removal of the “heart attack” and the

inclusion of draining instead of merely wounding]

Mindtrick Mindtrick, at its core, is the ability to psychically alter

the perceptions of a subject. It covers a wide array of

possibilities, and has been named Domination, Suggestion, The Voice, Telemagry, and False Sensory Input by

researchers and young psychics. Unlike its sister ability,

Telepathy, Mindtrick directly changes the mind of the

subject and is often considered a solely aggressive power.

Using Mindtrick At its most basic level, the psychic can attempt to force

the subject to embrace the words of the psychic as an

entirely good and reasonable idea that should be pursued

immediately for a limited time. The psychic must have line

of sight to the subject, and the subject must be able to hear

and understand (or at least to some extent infer) the psychic’s instruction. With a Mindtrick Art (Alter) and

Willpower Task, the subject will pursue the psychic’s

instructions to the best of his understanding and ability—

that’s right, they won’t try to avoid the intent in favor of the

letter unless they’re naturally predisposed toward such

duplicity. The duration of the influence is limited to the

psychic’s Mindtrick Task (see Electrokinesis duration, there

are no repercussions for failure), though she can get no more

Success Levels than her Mindtrick Strength. For those

powerful psychics that also have Telepathy, as long as they

can establish a psychic link with the subject, they can use

Mindtrick on them. They don’t even need to speak, only

issuing telepathic orders as necessary.

Expanding on altering the perceptions of the subject is

the realm of false sensory input. In order to use this aspect,

the psychic MUST have the Telepathy power (at least until

Mindtrick Strength 6) and the subject must be within range

of Telepathy in order for Mindtrick to affect them. With a Mindtrick Art (Alter) Task, the psychic can induce or

reduce the perceptions of the subject. For the purposes of

this power, the six senses are: visual, auditory, tactile,

olfactory, gustatory, and extra-sensory (the last is only

available at Mindtrick Strength 6 or greater). Again, the

duration of the psychic effect, at least until another

Mindtrick Task is required, is determined by the success

level of the Mindtrick Task prior and can achieve no more

success levels than the psychic’s Mindtrick Strength. The

applications of the illusory effects of Mindtrick are divided

into two categories: simple and complex illusions. Simple illusions are singular applications and usually

rely on intensity to fool the subject. A sudden pain in the

stomach, hearing something in the bushes, or a bright flash

in front of the subject’s face are all example of simple

illusions. They are singular experiences, though powerful

psychics can induce psychosomatic reactions and the subject

is welcome to interpret or explain the sensations however

they wish. The intensity of the illusion is based on

Mindtrick Strength, but the believability and thus the effects

are based on a Mindtrick Art (Alter) and Willpower Task.

There is a very wide array of possibilities, so the Chronicler

is encouraged to compare effects between the intentions of the psychic and similar existing effects. Simple illusions can

be used against a number of targets up to the psychic’s

Mindtrick Art (Alter) and Willpower levels, but all subjects

must be within range of the psychic’s Telepathic ability and

must be affected simultaneously.

Complex illusions are really only an option to psychics

with adequate Mindtrick Strength to affect multiple senses

simultaneously. They do not rely on intensity and can’t

stand up to scrutiny based on intensity. Such an illusion

usually requires the psychic to be able to establish a psychic

Kill Strength Table

Strength Abilities

1 Inflict 1 point of Life, Endurance, or Essence damage in any combination per Kill Strength level.

4 Inflict D4 points of Life, Endurance, or Essence damage in any Multiplier combination per Kill Strength


6 Inflict 1 point of Life, Endurance or Essence damage in any combination per Kill Strength level -5, gain

that same amount.

7 Inflict D6 points of Life, Endurance, or Essence damage in any Multiplier combination per Kill Strength level.

9 Inflict D4 points of Life, Endurance, or Essence damage in any Multiplier combination per Kill Strength

level, gain that same amount.

12+ Inflict D6 points of Life, Endurance, or Essence damage in any Multiplier combination per Kill Strength

level, gain that same amount.

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

55 Star Wars, Chapter 8 v15-Metaphysics Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

link to the subject (i.e. the subject is within Telepathy range)

and a Mindtrick Art and Intelligence Task. In addition to the

penalties for implausibility, the complexity of such an

illusion also applies a penalty from -0 for simple changes

like hiding or adding blemishes to a person to -10 for

creating a whole panorama of illusory reality. Complex illusions have the unique ability to mitigate the

implausibility penalty by allowing the psychic to somehow

make the illusion seem more likely. In point of fact, it is

quite possible for a psychic to use Mindtrick multiple times

in order to eventually establish some final illusory event that

would otherwise seem entirely implausible if it were just

attempted at the outset. Complex illusions can be used

against a number of targets up to the psychic’s Mindtrick

Art (Alter) and Willpower levels, but they must be affected

individually. Attempting to affect multiple targets

simultaneously imposes a cumulative -1 penalty for every

target beyond the first. At the highest levels of power, the psychic does not

need to establish a telepathic link to create an illusion,

instead imprinting his illusion on the Essence matrix of

reality. While demanding, the illusion can stay in place for

10 times as long as the psychic would otherwise be able to

establish if she attempted to specifically affect a mind. One

special caveat, the psychic cannot affect a very large area

with her illusion in this manner unless she is incredibly

powerful. The psychic’s illusion must operate within a

sphere with a radius determined by the Mindtrick Strength

table, the center of which can be determined by her at the time of creation so long as she is within the area.

If a subject believes an illusion but attempts to test it

somehow, the number of affected senses determines how

well it will stand up to scrutiny. For humans, the best senses

to affect are visual and tactile. In such a case, a subjective

test like hitting a wall would verify the existence of the

illusory wall. However, an objective test, like being shoved

into the wall, would disprove is because the mind lacks the

control to enforce its perceived reality. For the exceptionally

talented or well connected psychic, there are ways to combine other psychic abilities to improve veracity and

stand up to more objective tests. For example, a psychic

could use telekinesis to impose objective veracity to a wall

or Pyrokinesis to a light source so that it actually casts light.

While these particular powers could do this on their own,

using them in tandem with Mindtrick allows the psychic to

maintain them for as long as the illusion remains.

In all cases of Mindtrick, the subject can resist with a

Difficult Willpower Test (for orders) or Difficult Perception

Test (for illusions); these are Simple Tests for Gifted and

supernaturals. If the subject is aware that Mindtrick is being

used against him, he can resist with Simple Tests, Gifted and Supernaturals get an additional +3 bonus. Further, the

plausibility or appropriateness of the instruction or illusion

can affect the subject’s ability to resist. The modifier ranges

from -2 for something the subject wants to do or believe all

the way to +7 for something completely outlandish. For

orders and illusions requiring telepathy to create, a

successful defense allows the subject to realize that an

attempt was made (assuming he hadn’t already and has

some idea of the existence of such powers) and he remains

completely unaffected except perhaps on the merits of the

orders themselves. For illusions imprinted on reality, a successful defense reduces the intensity of the illusion to

such a level that it is obviously an illusion: walls become

nearly transparent, flames are slightly warm, ice is kind of

cool, and similarly drastic reductions.

Prescience Strength Table

Strength Abilities

1 Visions of the past can sense events back in time up to 1 day per Prescience Strength and Perception level.

Visions of the future can sense events up to 10 seconds per Prescience Strength and Perception level before

they occur.

2 Visions of the future can sense events up to 1 minute per Prescience Strength and Perception level before they


3 Visions of the past can sense events back in time up to 1 week per Prescience Strength and Perception level.

4 Visions of the future can sense events up to 1 day per Prescience Strength and Perception level before they


5 Visions of the past can sense events back in time up to 1 month per Prescience Strength and Perception level.

6 Visions of the future can sense events up to 1 week per Prescience Strength and Perception level before they occur. Temporal chess becomes an option to the psychic.*

7 Visions of the past can sense events back in time up to 1 year per Prescience Strength and Perception level.

8 Visions of the future can sense events up to 1 month per Prescience Strength and Perception level before they


9 Visions of the past can sense events back in time up to 1 decade per Prescience Strength and Perception level.

10 Visions of the future can sense events up to 1 year per Prescience Strength and Perception level before they


11+ Visions of the past can sense events back in time up to 1 century per Prescience Strength and Perception level.

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

56 Star Wars, Chapter 8 v15-Metaphysics Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

Using Mindtrick Defensively Mindtrick has the unique ability to be used on the

psychic in addition to others, allowing for something akin to

autohypnosis. At the most basic level, a Mindtrick Art

(Control) and Willpower Task can be used to resist any form of mind affecting or mind reading ability, including

Telepathy, Mindtrick, and other powers like Affect the

Psyche. It does not help against chemical agents, though,

including hallucinogens except perhaps to allow the psychic

to realize that she’s hallucinating, though it won’t reduce the

intensity of those hallucinations.

Mindtrick can also be used to alter the perceptions of

the psychic, allowing him to change pain to pleasure, bland

food to gourmet, or any range of other possibilities. The

psychic can attempt a Mindtrick Art (Control) and

Willpower Task to ignore pain, fatigue, or any number of

other unwanted sensations. In rare occasions, a psychic who is normally disinclined to perform some action, can order

herself to, thereby temporarily changing her own

perceptions and doing what needs to be done.

[reference and compare to Mindrule in WitchCraft, pg

231~232; and Telemagry in Terra Primate, pg ?]

Prescience Prescience is a bit of a misnomer, as this power allows

a psychic to view events of the past and future. This power

fits under the general term “anomalous cognition” but is

more appropriately “temporal cognition” as the visions operate primarily across time. This power is not a substitute

for clairvoyance, though it normally operates outside of

spatial concerns, it is more notable for its temporal

sensitivity. In fact, the ability to see the future and past gave

psychics the name “seer” and secured them a place as

influential wise-men and women.

Using Prescience Use of the Prescience power is predominantly resolved

with a Prescience Art (Sense) and Perception Task.

However, there are two primary uses: a vision that occurs

involuntarily, and a viewing where the psychic purposefully

attempts to pierce the veil of time.

Visions are usually triggered when one of three

conditions is fulfilled. The psychic is in contact with or in

close proximity to an object, person, or location connected

to an emotionally charged event; the event lies within her

ability to somehow influence; or the event directly pertains to her. The former is the most frequent trigger for visions of

the past, where the latter two are most frequent for visions

of the future, including the sometimes humorous abilities

that some psychics demonstrate. More importantly, and one

of the reasons psychics consider Prescience a bane, is that

the psychic usually only receives visions of an emotionally

charged nature, and crimes against person and property are

too common and often very emotionally charged. When

conditions arise that meet at least one of the three conditions

above and falls within the psychic’s temporal sensitivity as

determined by her Prescience Strength, a Chronicler should

ask for a Prescience Art (Sense) and Perception Task and compare the results to the Prescience Use Table to get an

idea of the vision the psychic received. The table above is

only a guideline though and Chroniclers should be sure to

provide as much information as the story demands.

Viewings are focused attempts to pierce the veil of time

to discern valuable information. As per visions, they are best

attempted if the psychic is in contact with a pertinent object

regarding an event. The psychic attempts a Prescience Art

(Sense) and Perception Task specifying whether his vision

is about the future or past and as long as the relevant event

lies within her temporal range, she triggers a vision. The details of the vision are defined by the limitations of her

Success Levels, and penalties of up to -8 should be applied

if the events she’s viewing have entirely unpredictable odds

(-8 is for odds of the 50/50 sort, where the psychic is risking

everything on a last ditch effort to save the day) or the

visions pertain to an object regularly involved in

emotionally charged events (like a psycho’s favorite murder

weapon). As usual, the Chronicler is encouraged to use the

Prescience Use Table only as a guideline if the needs of the

story demand more or less information.

At the highest levels of Prescience, where the psychic

can reach far into the future and use the information to make

Prescience Use Table

SL Description

<1 Something temporally relevant happened. There are no further details.

1 Emotive premonitions and snapshot imagery; past viewings are odd perspective, future visions are archetypal

or allegorical images or first-hand.

2 Imagery of the event in question is extended to a few seconds or one particular event.

3 Perspective of the event improves to that of a participant or witness.

4 Imagery of the event in question is extended to several minutes or a series of events. Future visions replace

archetypes with known participants and witnesses and some other real-world reference points.

5 Perspective of the event is ideal for information gathering, allowing a full view of the events as they take


6+ Crystal clear visions of past and future provide excellent information with minimal temporal and psychic


Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

57 Star Wars, Chapter 8 v15-Metaphysics Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

decisions to manipulate this future, he may attempt to

directly manipulate the strings of time to create a future of

his design. Such manipulations have an inherent and

immense value, though they are limited to the psychic’s

sphere of influence. Primarily, these viewings are centered

on the “what if” series of questions, so that she can go through decisions, situations, and explore the potential

results before they even occur. On the other hand, a psychic

with the ability to perceive and influence events across time

is not a singular freak of nature, which is where the analogy

to chess comes into play. Multiple psychics, each intent on

manipulating time to his own ends, can create a very

interesting dynamic, especially as time doesn’t change until

the psychics make their decisions. Each decisive event in a

sequence is viewed with a Prescience Art (Alter) and

Willpower Task, and events viewed in the order the

decisions are made. Doing this demands a great many

Prescience Tasks, and events with unreasonable odds still apply penalties.

Chroniclers are encouraged to play up the unpredictable

nature of the future, even when exposed to the psychic. This

can be done in numerous ways and only a few are presented

here. Visions showing multiple possibilities on separate

occasions help to reinforce the idea that the future is

mutable. Multiple visions with each successive vision filling

in more details, possibly including changes resulting from

actions take since the previous vision keeps characters

informed just enough to keep going without spoiling

important plot points. There is even the possibility of multiple visions seemingly showing multiple possibilities

but actually showing a sequence of events, not necessarily

in chronological order. Chroniclers should remember that

visions of the past can provide just as much information

about what is going to happen as visions directly about the

future. Prescient visions don’t necessarily come with a

timestamp either, so a psychic shouldn’t automatically know

I f the event she is seeing has already happened or is

going to happen and temporal echoes are always a welcome

addition to further aid the confusing nature of perception

outside of time. Lastly, Chroniclers should remember that a

psychic with prescience is a valuable tool for progressing the story and rich with opportunity to use and abuse.

Using Prescience Defensively Naturally, due to the nature of being the viewer across

time, a prescient psychic is incredibly difficult to surprise.

When she might be attacked, she gets the chance for a

Prescience Art (Sense) and Perception Task to be made

aware before it happens, up to the temporal limit as

determined by her Prescience Strength.

Once in combat or a similar situation where precise

timing becomes relevant, she can attempt to operate “ahead

of time” so that she seems to have super human reflexes.

Her Prescience Art (Control) and Intelligence Task allows her to figure out and sync up to the ideal future for a limited

time (compare to the Electrokinesis Duration Table). She

gets a +1 bonus per Success Level to all timing based

Tasks/Tests (usually Dexterity-based) up to her Prescience

Art (Sense) and Prescience Strength levels. She also reduces

the penalty associated with conditions that prevent her from

being adequately aware of proper timing by 1 per Success

Level. While she’s operating “ahead of time,” she doesn’t

need to get a 9 or higher on the D10 for Tasks/Tests

performed in darkness or otherwise involving imperceptible

timing (like parrying bullets). Lastly, she gets an additional

+5 to all defensive timing based Tasks/Tests (like dodging traffic or parrying bullets). If she fails at the Prescience

Task, she does not sync her movements with her predictions

and is instead overwhelmed and suffers a -4 penalty to all

actions for 10 seconds (two Turns).

[reference and compare to Mindtime in WitchCraft, pg


Telekinesis Telekinesis, also called psychokinesis, is the ability to

move matter as well as apply or manipulate kinetic energy

through force of will. It is one of the most commonly recognized phenomena, alongside Telepathy and Prescience,

and is rife with misunderstanding even amongst those

proficient in it.

Using Telekinesis Moving or lifting objects with telekinesis is done with

an Intelligence or Willpower and Telekinesis Art (Alter)

Task. In general, Willpower is used for tasks that would

otherwise use Strength if performed physically, such as

telekinetically kicking a door down or lifting a heavy object

that is beyond your comfortable telekinetic capacity.

Intelligence is used for tasks that would otherwise use Dexterity if performed physically, like telekinetically

throwing a knife at someone, disarming a bomb, or playing

the piano.

The lifting capacity of Telekinesis is based on

Telekinesis Strength which, in turn, directly correlates to the

Strength Primary Attribute. So, for example, at Telekinesis

Strength 2, the psychic can comfortably lift and maneuver

Telekinesis Strength Table

Strength Abilities

0 Telekinetic ability is just enough to amaze a mundane, but is otherwise limited to objects around 10 lbs.

1~5 Telekinetic ability is on par with normal human ability.

6~10 Telekinetic ability is comparable to powerful and large animals.

11+ Telekinetic ability rivals industrial equipment.

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

58 Star Wars, Chapter 8 v15-Metaphysics Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

100 lbs of matter at any one time. Telekinetically moved

objects travel at 10 mph per Telekinesis Strength level.

Throwing an object uses the range of the object or ranges

based on Telekinesis Strength, whichever is better: Point

Blank Range is Strength -2, Close Range is Strength,

Medium Range is Strength x2, Long Range is Strength x3, and Extreme Range is Strength x5. When throwing a heavy

object, subtract its weight from the capacity of the

Telekinesis Strength, compare this reduced capacity to the

Strength Table and use the Strength value that comes closest

to that capacity without exceeding it. Thrown objects deal

damage based on the hardness of the object (a vase isn’t

likely to deal more than D4, but a shotput could deal D8), as

well as the modified Strength after lifting it, with an

additional factor based on the size of the object. Attempting

to simply use Telekinesis to directly project force on a

subject deals 1 damage per Telekinesis Strength level, but

the erudite psychic can reduce his Telekinesis Strength level by 1 to deal D4, 2 to deal D6, or 3 to deal D8 damage per

modified Telekinesis Strength level; regardless of how

much damage dealt in this particular manner, it is always

Blunt and optionally nonlethal.

For example, Bishop Grant has found himself in the

unfortunate position of having to protect a location instead

of a mobile person or object. Instead of rushing out to wreak

havoc in melee, he opts to telekinetically throw a

motorcycle, weighing 650 lbs, at an attacker 25 yards away.

Bishop’s Telekinesis Strength is normally only 5, his

maximum lifting ability is 400 lbs and he might be able to aggressively shove the bike, but there’s no way he can

actually throw it. However, Bishop increases his Telekinesis

Strength to 12, allowing him to comfortably lift 2500

pounds. Subtracting the weight of the bike (650 lbs) from

his capacity and comparing that to the Strength Table makes

his effective Telekinesis Strength 10 (2500 – 650 = 1850

lbs.; the closest Strength that doesn’t exceed that capacity is

Strength 10 at 1250 lbs.). His ranges while throwing the

motorcycle are 8/10/20/30/50, so throwing the motorcycle at

an opponent 25 yards away gets a -1 penalty to the

Intelligence and Telekinesis Art (Alter) Task used for the

Strike Task at Long Range. Bishop’s racing bike is composed primarily of lightweight plastics and metal and is

a human sized object (a little on the big side, but not quite

Large), so it should deal D6x10 (his modified Strength).

More sophisticated uses of Telekinesis abound, the

following are all activated with an Intelligence and

Telekinesis Art (Control) Task and can be maintained for up

to 1 minute per Willpower level before requiring a new

Task and possibly some spiritual fatigue (Essence loss, if

the Chronicler feels it is appropriate). A psychic can attempt

to improve her own Strength or Speed by using

Telekinesis—an Intelligence and Telekinesis Art (Control) Task improves her Strength by her Telekinesis Strength

score but this doesn’t affect secondary attributes or her

Speed by +10 mph per Telekinesis Strength level (with a +1

to Dodge tasks for every +20 mph). She could try to sync

her actions with her thoughts, thusly improving Dexterity:

she gets +1 Dexterity for every Success Level in a

Intelligence and Telekinesis Art (Control) Task, but the

bonus cannot exceed her Telekinesis Art (Control) level. If

she feels so inclined, she could even perform a telekinetic

jump, which is little different than throwing herself at her destination with an Intelligence and Telekinesis Art

(Control) Task, adding her own Strength to her Telekinesis

Strength to determine the range (halve the values for vertical

jumps). She can even attempt to fly using Telekinesis, but

this requires that she be able to lift her own weight

comfortable (or she’ll maybe just float about for a bit).

Overt telekinetic powers include projecting a wave of

telekinetic energy at a subject to knock him down. The

effective range of such an attack is only 10 yards per

Willpower level and the width of the wave defaults to one

yard. The psychic can reduce her effective Telekinesis

Strength on a 1:1 basis to increase the width of the wave, or a 1:10 basis to increase the range of the wave. The psychic’s

Willpower and Telekinesis Art (Alter) Task knocks

everyone within the affected area back 1 yard per effective

Telekinesis Strength level (if this movement would force

them into a solid object, they take D6 x the number of yards

left to go). The default defense against this is a Dexterity

and Acrobatics Task or Strength and Dexterity Test, and this

only prevents the subjects from falling prone and taking D6


Many techniques that take the presence of a physical

body for granted don’t work particularly well with just telekinesis. For example, many grappling techniques depend

heavily on leverage and using telekinesis just isn’t likely to

provide the kind of force that actually being there can

(techniques deal half damage, if at all and carry a -4 penalty

to even deal that). However, techniques that apply torsion

(like neck breaking or arm twisting) are fully effective.

Many people, sometimes even psychics, mistakenly believe

that pinching internal organs is a walk in the park, but

without an intimate understanding of human biology

(Medicine or Sciences (biology)), anything more complex

than squeezing or striking an obvious weak point (such as

the throat, eyes, or groin) carries a -4 (for trying to squeeze the heart) to -10 penalty (for trying to telekinetically give

someone an aneurism) and even those techniques only deal

1 point of Blunt damage per Telekinesis Strength level,

though side effects are common.

The default defense against direct telekinetic

manipulation requires the target to try to hold on to or catch

hold of something, usually they must rely on a Simple or

Difficult Strength Test or a Strength and Climbing or

Brawling Task, with a penalty equal to the psychic’s

Telekinesis Strength level (sometimes they get no real

defense like in the case of a telekinetic chokehold). They can try Dexterity and Dodge Tasks against such applications

as the telekinetic wave or projected force attacks, but

mundanes automatically fail if the D10 comes up on

anything less than a 9 as they cannot actually see the attack

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

59 Star Wars, Chapter 8 v15-Metaphysics Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

and can only hope to be lucky enough to simply not be there

to be hit; Gifted characters can see or otherwise sense the

attack and can defend normally. Channelers of all stripes

have the option to use an Essence Defense and an Essence

Shield protects against direct telekinetic manipulation the

same as any other direct Essence-based attack, leaving them entirely unaffected if the psychic could not defeat the shield.

All applications of telekinesis can be penalized based

on the difficulty of determining how to carry out the action

in question. Firing a gun with telekinesis may be incredibly

easy, actually hitting someone while being unable to see

down the sights, rely on a laser sight, or be in direct contact

with the target is a whole other story and carries a -6 penalty

(if the Activation Task fails because of this, it results in a

miss, not a failure to use telekinesis). Trying to

telekinetically manipulate objects that the psychic is not

acutely aware of can carry between a -2 and -10 penalty

depending on the knowledge of the exact location and telekinetically groping about in the dark is a very sloppy

undertaking. Further, the size and weight of an object

negatively affects how the psychic actually handles it with

penalties ranging from -0 to -5 (specifically -0, -1, -2, -3,

and -5, with matching speed reductions of -0%, -10%, -20%,

-30%, and -50%), compare to the Encumbrance rules in

Armageddon, pg 122. Lastly, maintaining multiple

telekinetic effects at one time is demanding of the psychic’s

attention and carries a cumulative -1 penalty to further

Telekinesis Activation Tasks for every active effect: failing

an Activation Task requires that a second Task be rolled immediately at the current penalty where failure deactivates

all existing manifestations as the psychic loses concentration

and control (a generous Chronicler can allow for an

individual Task per active effect, where only those effects

with an associated failure are immediately ended).

Using Telekinesis Defensively Psychics can resist any other use of Telekinesis or

similar ability with a Willpower and Telekinesis Art

(Control) Task. Attacks can be telekinetically parried with a

Intelligence and Telekinesis Art (Control) Task, though

parrying ranged attacks carries all the same penalties associated with attempting to do so without a power.

Similarly, if the psychic can see an object, she can attempt

to telekinetically manipulate it and this is especially handy

for dealing with grenades and can replace her Dodge Task

with an Intelligence and Telekinesis Art (Alter) Task to

throw it away fast enough or even catch it out of the air

before it lands (particularly relevant with weapons like

Molotov cocktails) though the latter carries the penalty

associated with the speed of the attack.

An advanced and demanding application is the

telekinetic shield. By surrounding herself with a layer of telekinetic energy, the psychic can deflect or absorb

incoming attacks. A successful Willpower and Telekinesis

Art (Control) Task activates the telekinetic shield, and the

shield reduces the AP factor of incoming attacks by 1 per

Telekinesis Strength level until 1, then reduces the damage

multiplier by 1 per remaining Telekinesis Strength level.

This effect only works against matter (including

flamethrowers); against energy attacks, like lasers or

radiation, it only provides 2 AV per Telekinesis Strength

level. It is entirely ineffective against entirely Essence based attacks like Soulfire. While the telekinetic shield is active,

all further telekinesis effects are activated at a -3 penalty;

this replaces the normal -1 penalty associated with every

other activated effect.

[reference and compare to Mindhands in WitchCraft, pg

228~229; note the differences is personal augmentation, the

defensive TK bubble, and the side-effects of keeping multiple

applications active at one time]

Telepathy Telepathy is the ability to perceive and transmit

thoughts to another person without using the five classical senses. Psychic researchers have called in thought-

transference or a form of anomalous cognition. A telepath is

tuned into the thoughts of those around her, depending on

her ability, she can merely sense how people are feeling all

the way to “perceiving” what is going on in their minds in

real time. Applied telepathy allows for the telepath

communicating thought-to-thought with another or even

reaching into the depths of a mind and plucking out


Using Telepathy Passive telepathic awareness is always active and works

on all minds within the range determined by Telepathy

Strength. Add the psychic’s Telepathy Art (Sense) and

Perception levels and compare to the table above to

determine the details detected from all minds within the

area. This telepathic input is not unlike being in a crowded

room with everyone speaking simultaneously, so picking

out a particular mind’s output can prove difficult, requiring

a Telepathy Art (Sense) and Perception Task in order to

pinpoint a mind, often with a penalty based on the number

of minds in the area. Some psychics are disinclined to deal

with this and can choose to telepathically “cover their ears” in an effort to shut out the noise. For a psychic doing this,

her passive use sensitivity is Telepathy Art (Sense) and

Perception less her Telepathy Art (Control) and Willpower.

If the result is 0 or less, the psychic can completely shut out

the minds of others.

The two main active applications of Telepathy are for

extrasensory communication and mind-reading. In either

case, the complexity of the information that can be

transferred or extracted is determined by the Telepathy Task

Success Levels.

A psychic can establish a telepathic link to a subject for voluntary information transfer with a Telepathy Art (Alter)

and Willpower Task which determines the complexity of the

information that can be transferred as well as the duration of

the link before a new Telepathy Task is required (compare

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

60 Star Wars, Chapter 8 v15-Metaphysics Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

to the Electrokinesis table, though there are no repercussions

for failure). The subject must be within the range of the

psychic, as determined by her Telepathy Strength. While

this link is in place, the psychic and her subject can

communicate any subject matter within the realm of

capacity at the speed of thought. In all cases, both have the same thought at the same time. When attempting to convey

information beyond the quality of the connection,

participants must be careful to reduce the information to a

manageable level or it will either not make the transfer or be

forcibly reduced into only the bits and pieces that can make

the jump, potentially leading to miscommunication and out-

of-context information. A telepath can maintain a number of

voluntary links equal to his Willpower and Telepathy

Strength score: though each must be attempted separately.

Attempting to establish these links simultaneously results in

a cumulative -1 penalty for every mind beyond the first.

A more callous psychic can disregard the purported

privacy of her subject’s mind and just go in search of what

she wants or needs to know. Diving into a mind requires a

Telepathy Art (Alter) and Willpower Task, with success determining the maximum quality of the information

extracted. In order to extract this information, the subject

must either be actively thinking about it or the psychic must

specifically seek it out. Each level of quality requires a

minute to extract, so in the first minute, the psychic would

know how the subject feels about the information, the

second minute would reveal any surface thoughts about the

information, and in the third minute she would know about

any recent memories regarding the information and on until

Telepathy Passive Use Table

Art + Per Description

1~3 General emotional state (positive/negative, calm/energetic)

4~6 Specific emotional state (anger, lust, satisfaction, fear)

7~9 Basic thoughts (Short clips and phrases, the highlights of the thought processes)

10+ All surface thoughts (Entire sentences, pictures, real-time action intentions, etc.)

Telepathy Active Use Table

SL Description

1 Specific emotional state

2 All surface thoughts (entire sentences, pictures, intentions, emotional state, etc. but only in real time)

3 Can scan recent memories and “recall” them as if they were his own. This is framed in the form of one

“specific” and “simple” question answerable in a couple sentences or simple pictures. These memories are

reconstructed and risk mental contamination.

4 Can scan old memories and “recall” them as if they were his own. This is framed in the form of one

“specific” and “simple” question answerable in a couple sentences or simple pictures. These memories are reconstructed and risk mental contamination.

5 Can perfectly extract a recent memory, this is framed as a particular instance or chain of events that are

recalled as perfect sensory input rather than biased and reconstructed memory. Can instantly establish a

preliminary profile of the subject, including dominant psychological features and important memories.

6+ Can perfectly extract an old memory, this is framed as a particular instance or chain of events that are recalled

as perfect sensory input with separate emotional coloring rather than biased and reconstructed memory. Can

instantly establish a profile of the subject, including subtle psychological features, various relevant memories,

and subtle motivating factors.

Telepathy Strength Table

Strength Abilities

1 Telepathy 1 foot for each level of Perception and Telepathy Strength. Active use is restricted to physical


2 Telepathy 1 yard for each level of Perception and Telepathy Strength.

3 Telepathy 5 yards for each level of Perception and Telepathy Strength.

5 Telepathy 50 yards for each level of Perception and Telepathy Strength.

6 Telepathy 100 yards for each level of Perception and Telepathy Strength. Line of sight is no longer required

for active use on minds previously contacted.

8 Telepathy 300 yards for each level of Perception and Telepathy Strength.

11 Telepathy range increases to 1 mile (1.5 kilometers) for each level of Perception and Telepathy Strength.

15+ Telepathy range increases to 20 miles (30 kilometers) for each level of Perception and Telepathy Strength.

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

61 Star Wars, Chapter 8 v15-Metaphysics Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

she reaches her maximum quality limit or finds the perfect

sensory information from the subject’s mind.

There are a few drawbacks to using this application.

The first is that, while there is no technical time limit to

leave another’s mind, it is tiresome work, inflicting D4

Endurance damage to the psychic for every Willpower minutes without an equal resting time in between attempts.

The second is that diving into a mind is a risky proposition,

once inside a mind, it takes a second Telepathy Art

(Control) and Willpower Task to get out, if the psychic fails,

she’s trapped in the mind for another Willpower minutes

before she can attempt to get out again. Yet another is that

diving into a mind requires intense concentration; the

psychic gets her Telepathy Task success levels as a penalty

to all Perception-based Tasks/Tests outside of the subject’s

mind and being forcibly interrupted will end the session

instantly. Furthermore, a forced interruption demands the

extraction Task (Telepathy Art (Control) and Willpower), with failure resulting in D4 x (her Telepathy Art (Alter) and

Willpower Task – her Telepathy Art (Control) and

Willpower Task) Essence damage. As if that weren’t bad

enough, a psychic contacting a damaged psyche or

exploring an alien mind risks a psychic backlash (as per

Communion, WitchCraft pg. 211); this particular event can

occur even with a voluntary psychic link. For the subject of

this mind-reading, he re-experiences the memories and

thoughts as the psychic goes rooting about in his mind; he

precise repercussions of that being left to the nefarious

hands of the Chronicler. In all cases, a Mundane is largely unable to protect

himself. Against passive scans, he can only hope for a

cerebroredundogram or meditation; neither is a protection,

as they are just static that, in the case of the former measure,

can distract the psychic enough to stop. Against active

telepathy, the voluntary use application requires both parties

to willing project their thoughts. While the mundane can

choose to not send thoughts, he can’t stop the psychic from

sending thoughts to him. A mundane is largely helpless

against a psychic diving into his mind. Gifted and

supernaturals with mind-affecting or telepathic powers can

attempt to resist all forms of Telepathy. Essence shields automatically protect against passive scans and must be

overcome for active scans.

Lastly, a psychic with Telepathy Strength 4 or greater

can attempt a psychic scream into the mind of a close target

with a Telepathy (Alter) and Willpower Task. The range of

this psychic scream is limited to 2 yards per Willpower and

Telepathy Strength level and attempting to use it

automatically inflicts one point of Essence damage to the

psychic. The subject can resist with a Difficult Willpower

Test (+2 if the subject is Gifted or supernatural) or with any

other power that works against Telepathy, including Essence Defense. The psychic scream inflicts D4 points of

psychosomatic damage for every 4 levels of Telepathy

Strength and stuns the target for 1 second for every

comparative Success Level, leaving them unable to take any

actions for that time (in combat, a full Turn is assumed to be

5 seconds, so this is likely only going to interrupt the next

couple active actions). Further, the subject suffers a -4

penalty to all actions after the stunning duration for one

Turn (5 seconds) for every comparative Success Level.

Using Telepathy Defensively Firstly, a telepath choosing to close her mind can

reduce the effectiveness of other telepaths’ passive

sensitivity by her Telepathy Art (Control) and Willpower

(not a Task, just the sum), but only in regard to her own

mind. This can be likened to psychic stealth and is available

to most creatures that have innate telepathy as well (in those

cases, the reduction is double Willpower). The psychic can

also use a Telepathy Art (Control) and Willpower Task to

resist active telepathy or any supernatural mind-affecting

effect like another psychic with Mind Trick or the fear and

awe abilities of certain supernaturals. It doesn’t, however, work against narcotics or similar chemical mind-altering


{insert synthesized combination of Mindsight and Mindtalk


[reference and compare to Mindsight and MindTalk in

WitchCraft, pg 232~234]

Artificial Augmentations In a civilization as technologically advanced as those

presented in Star Wars, the idea of synthetic physical

modifications becomes viable. Certain ideas can be

combined with organics in the form of cybernetics, others

are the province of robots, more commonly called Droids,

and then there is the entirely external combination of

augmentations applied to armor.

Cybernetics Cybernetics, more accurately called bionics, is the science of combining organic and computer systems and is

used to refer to machine parts combined with organic

parts—the prosthetic hand replacement for Anakin and Luke

Skywalker is an example of the most basic cybernetics, the

entirely modified physiology of General Grievous is an

extreme example of cybernetics and closer to the purpose of

the rules presented here.

Cyborgs, as cybernetically augmented people are

called, are not assumed to be obvious. Their modifications

are often concealed under synthetic flesh or proper clothing.

Obvious parts can often be construed as frightening or ugly, and carry commensurate physical Vulnerabilities.

Robotics Robotics is the science of moving machines and most

often refers to the artificially intelligent devices called

Droids. The basic chassis of a droid is usually

anthropomorphic and supports further modifications similar

to cybernetics but without the need to worry about excessive

synthetics interfering with vital organics.

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

62 Star Wars, Chapter 8 v15-Metaphysics Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

Droids are only ever made in the image of people, they

never actually look like a full fledged person and could

never really pass as one. They are capable of learning and

are known to develop undesirable human-like personalities

and quirks that are often removed by wiping its memory so

that it resets to basic functionality.

Powered Armor Powered armor, also known as an exoskeleton, can be

likened to armor with internal robotics. It requires a certain

amount of bulk inherent but also augments the wearer and

mitigates its own weight. Further modifications allow for

additional capacities such as integrated weapons or similar


Powered armor, in Star Wars, is always made of some

sort of battle armor. These armors are difficult and

expensive to make, and are usually only acquired by the

wealthiest of people, or those with very wealthy patrons. The modifications to the armor are usually very similar to

cybernetics or droid aspects and often acquired in the same


Augmentation List Every power is a specific modification to the body of

the character in question. The augmentations available

include those that are similar to Drawbacks. Unlike regular

Drawbacks, the Vulnerabilities in this augmentation list do

not have a maximum of 10 pts. Instead, the Vulnerabilities

cannot reduce the final cost of all augmentations below half without specific GM permission—it is possible, though not

particularly appropriate in the Star Wars universe, to have

cybernetics used to purposely restrict or punish a person.

Active Life Support 2-pt Power

Prerequisites: Powered Armor

Your armor has an internal gel layer and automated

systems that automatically start treating you in the event of

armor penetration. The system automatically kicks in with

analgesics, stimulants, and additional treatment depending

on the wound, all to maintain optimal functionality. Your armor automatically attempts a First Aid Task on

you whenever you are wounded. The standard outfit has +8

to First Aid and has enough supplies to treat you 10 times

before the supplies need to be refilled, it will continue to

treat you but only has a +4 to First Aid once the supplies are


Airborne 5-pt Power

Prerequisites: Robot

You are designed to function entirely in flight. Whether this is some sort of repulsion technology, gravity

harnessing, or simply designed to accommodate

microgravity conditions is irrelevant, your natural means of

locomotion is entirely airborne.

You have a flight speed equal to double your normal

land speed. You move at this speed even in microgravity

conditions. You can freely use your limbs to do anything

that you would do if land-bound, possibly more.

Aquatic Treatment 2-pt Power

Prerequisites: Cyberware, Powered Armor, or Droid

You have been modified to function at full capacity

while in a liquid environment. This includes moving,

fighting, and perceiving in and around the environment.

Bioengineered and Nanotech characters undergo alterations

that make them similar to organic aquatic creatures: gills,

webbed limbs, sealed or modified ears, mucus coating, and

a second eyelid that functions like goggles. Cyberware,

Powered Armor, and Robot characters undergo alternate

modifications: the body is sealed or insulated against the

environment, air tanks and rebreathers keep the cyborgs and powered armor wearers breathing, all come with a special

coating that keeps them moving freely in water as well as

getting propulsion systems that keep them on par with their

normal movement abilities.

You swim at your normal land speed, and can see

underwater as if wearing goggles (lighting and murkiness

conditions apply). Cyberware alterations and Powered

Armor characters with innate scent based powers cannot use

them while underwater. Bioengineered, Nanotech, and

Robot characters can function indefinitely underwater.

Cyberware and Powered Armor characters consume 1 Power per hour of underwater activity.

Autonomous Point Defense System 6-pt Power

Prerequisites: Cyberware, Powered Armor, or Droid

You have sophisticated tracking and response systems

designed to deal with incoming ranged attacks. The

response system is autonomous and thoroughly integrated

into your body/chassis.

When you are targeted by a ranged attack that you are

aware of, you automatically attempt to Parry without even

requiring any thought on your part. The Parry Task is the same as always: Dex + Hand Weapon/Martial Arts, but

there is a modifier based on the attack’s propulsion method.

Manually thrown weapons like rocks and knives get +3,

manual or “slow” projectile weapons like slings and arrows

get –1, and ballistic or “fast” weapons like guns and lasers

get –5. Each of these Parry Tasks functions at your existing

MAP, but none of them gather a MAP for your other


It costs 5 Power per minute to use this power.

Battery Power 1-pt/level Power

Prerequisites: Cyberware, Powered Armor, or Droid

You have a built in battery that is designed to keep you

functional for a limited period of time without a constant

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

63 Star Wars, Chapter 8 v15-Metaphysics Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

external energy supply. During earlier technological eras,

this is the only power option available.

For every level in this Power, you gain a Power

Capacity of 15. However, this bonus does not recharge

without external power. It takes 3 Power and 1 minute to

recharge 1 Power to your battery if using the Powercore or some other source similarly categorized. Your Battery has

AV 40, DC 15, and called shots get a -4 to Strike Tasks. If

the Battery is reduced to DC 0, this Power Capacity is

reduced to 0. If it’s the only source of Power, you

automatically go offline.

Cloaking Device Variable Power

Prerequisites: Cyberware, Powered Armor, or Droid

You have an optical cloaking device built into your

body. The specific features of this power vary by the

existing technology level. At the early stages, only robots and powered armor can easily become camouflaged as the

technology only applies to the surface of the subject, forcing

cyborgs to go nude to take advantage of this power. Later

technology can advance the cloaking device to create a short

range optical field around your body, allowing you to wear

clothes and still remain camouflaged.

It costs 1 pt for every +1 to Stealth and Surveillance

Tasks, though the maximum bonus is +6. While you are

standing still or moving extremely slowly, it requires a

Notice + Perception (or Difficult Perception) with a penalty

equal to the bonus of this power to simply see you. It is also difficult to target you, so attackers get a penalty equal to

half your bonus to their Strike Tasks (round in the attacker’s

favor). This power costs 5 Power per minute to keep active.

Combat Speed 5-pt, 10-pt, 20-pt, or 35-pt Power

Prerequisites: Cyberware, Powered Armor, or Droid

With this power, you’ve been programmed to engage in

ultra-efficient combat. You can do more, faster, and with

greater efficacy than normal people can hope to do.

This power gives you the opportunity to take extra

physical actions in a single Combat Turn. These actions do not count for the Multiple Action Penalty, nor do they count

against the limit of 3 active actions per Turn. They are used

first, for any physical active or defensive actions, and you

are allowed to perform two actions simultaneously in a

single step. You get 1 extra action for 5 pts, 2 extra actions

for 10 pts, 3 extra actions for 20 pts, and the maximum of 4

extra actions for 35 pts.

It costs 1 Power per extra action per Turn to use this

power. In the case of Bioengineered and Nanotech

characters, this price is paid in Endurance Points.

Energy Shielding, Ablative Variable Power

Prerequisites: Cyberware, Powered Armor, or Robot

You have ablative energy shields integrated into your

chassis that protect you against damaging forces by direct

opposition. This technology is easy to make and use and

sees frequent application in many fields, especially combat.

The primary drawback of it is that, if the shield generator

sees too much use over a short time, it will collapse and leave the wearer unprotected.

It costs 1 character point for every 3 AV or 10 DC,

though the maximum number of points spent to acquire AV

is three times your Constitution. The shield protects against

a wide array of damaging effects that are directed at you,

including punches, kicks, swords, arrows, bullets, lasers,

even fluid weapons such as plasma, water, acid sprays and

even flamethrowers are deflected by this shielding.

Note that nonlethal damage deals with double AV and

deals only half damage to the DC, lethal damage from

bullets, explosives, melee attacks, etc. deals with normal

AV and DC, armor piercing weapons divide the AV and multiply damage to the DC by the AP factor, “fluid”

weapons like plasma, gasses, water or flamethrowers deal

with triple normal AV and deal 1/3rd damage to DC and do

not apply any AP (in the case of plasma). However, certain

actions can entirely bypass this shielding. As the shield does

not hinder your own movement, it will not protect against a

fall: the shield does attempt to soak the damage (and does

sustain damage as per the fall), but it does not stop or slow

you so you hit the ground and sustain damage to your

person anyway. It also won’t protect against slow moving

attacks like a knife pressed through the shield, or being exposed to dangerous (but not particularly energetic,

specifically plasma) fluids over time like being caught

inside of a cloud of toxic or corrosive gas or being

submerged in water or acid. When the DC is exhausted, the

shield collapses. The DC regenerates at a rate of 12 per

minute while online but only if it is not used for 10 seconds

(2 Turns) or 60 per minute while offline, you can pay five

times the Power maintenance cost (10 Power per minute,

instead of 2 Power) to regenerate DC at the offline rate

while online.

Ablative energy shielding costs 10 Power to activate,

but only costs 2 Power per minute thereafter. If the shield was overloaded and collapsed, it must wait until the DC is

fully regenerated until it can come back online.

Energy Shielding, Deflective Variable Power

Prerequisites: Cyberware, Powered Armor, or Robot

Deflective energy shielding is a unique form of

shielding that focuses less on direct opposition of forces and

more on redirection of energy. It is incredibly effective, but

is complicated technology that sees rare use.

It costs 2 points per level in this power. The shield automatically consumes 1 Power to reduce the damage die

size, damage die modifier, and 2 Power to reduce the AP

factor by one step, until it reaches D6 with AP 1, i.e. it costs

3 power to take an effect that has D8 as the damage die and

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

64 Star Wars, Chapter 8 v15-Metaphysics Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

AP 2 down to D6 with AP 1. From there, each level in this

Shield reduces the Damage Multiplier by 1. Nonlethal

attacks such as punches, kicks double the efficacy of the

shield, while fluid attacks such as flamethrowers and plasma

weapons triple the efficacy of the shield. Like the ablative

shielding, the deflective shielding can be bypassed with slow-moving attacks, falls, and prolonged exposure to fluids

or gasses.

It costs 5 Power to activate this shielding, and 1 Power

per 10 minutes thereafter to keep it online.

Energy Shielding, Passive Variable Power

Prerequisites: Cyberware, Powered Armor, or Robot

Passive energy shielding is very rare technology that

utilizes a combination of ablative and deflective shielding

technology. It maintains a constant low powered field that

reacts instantly to any application of force and has the unique ability to hinder and absorb the wearer’s action so as

to protect them even from the forces that other shields fail

against. In all cases, it can even activate itself when exposed

t-o dangerous fluids over time, creating a solid barrier that

makes an effective environmental shield. This versatility

comes at a steep price: when exposed to damaging effects,

the shield rapidly consumes Power.

The base cost of this shield is 2 points plus the damage

conversion rate, and it cannot be bypassed until it collapses.

It costs 1 additional character point for every 3 AV, though

the maximum number of points that can be spent to improve AV is limited to three times your Constitution or 18 for

Powered Armor. The shield automatically consumes 2

Power to reduce the AP factor of an incoming attack by 1

step until AP is reduced to 1. Damage is absorbed by

spending Power, and the “conversion” rate determines the

cost of this power: 1 point for 1 Power per 3 damage; 2

points for 1 Power per 5 damage; 3 points for 1 Power per 7


It costs 2 Power to bring the shield online, and 1 Power

every hour thereafter to keep it online.

Flight System 5-pt Power

Prerequisites: Cyberware, Powered Armor, or Robot

You have an advanced flight system integrated into

your body, and this is usually a jet or rocket pack. The

specifics of this flight system vary depending on the

technology level of the setting in which it is acquired.

However, they are usually fueled by their own system, or

use an existing power source. Later technologies might even

have some form of gravitic induction.

While this flight system is active, you can fly at a speed

equal to your Constitution x 20 mph. However, it costs 5 Power per minute of flight, making this impractical for long

distance flying.

Ghost in the Shell 5-pt Power

Prerequisites: Cyberware, Constitution 4

You have undergone such extensive cybernetic

modification that the only organic parts remaining in your

body is your nervous system. In effect, you have become a wetwired robot.

You gain all the features of being a robot, except that

you retain your emotions and instead of losing all Essence,

it is reduced by the sum of your Strength, Dexterity,

Constitution, and Perception (only Intelligence and

Willpower count for your Essence Pool). In addition to that,

your body is largely independent: only your brain, spine,

and powercore are weak spots. The rest of your body has a

Damage Capacity of 200: plasma, electricity/ion and large

scale energy damage like fire or acid deal x2, slashing or

explosive shells deal x1, piercing, blunt, concussion, and

energy deals 1/10th damage to your Damage Capacity. If you go offline for more than 3 minutes you die as your brain


Hardened Chassis 2-pt, 5-pt, 10-pt Power

Prerequisites: Cyberware and Integrated Armor, or

Powered Armor, or Droid

You have been treated to be resistant to most forms of

energy, namely temperature extremes and corrosives.

However, this treatment offers no protection against

electrical or ion attacks. The 2 point version reduces incoming energy (fire,

cold, laser, energy, plasma, etc.) damage by half. The 5

point version reduces it to 1/5th, and the 10 point version

reduces it to 1/10th.

Improved Powercore 1-pt/level Power

Prerequisites: Cyberware OR Internal Powercore and

Powered Armor or Droids

You have additional power generation and capacity

specifications for your Powercore.

Your rechargeable Power Capacity, as granted by your Powercore, is increased by 5.

Integrated Armor Variable Power

Prerequisites: Cyberware, or Droid

You have armor built into your body or chassis. This

can be sub-dermal plating or anything else you can think of.

This power is priced at 1 pt for 3 average AV. You are

free to assign yourself whatever dice values you please, but

the average AV should match what was purchased. You can

only spend a number of points in this quality equal to the sum of your Strength and double your Constitution.

Integrated armors are treated as if they matched the times

(no AP modifiers).

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

65 Star Wars, Chapter 8 v15-Metaphysics Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

Integrated Weapons Variable Power

Prerequisites: Cyberware, Powered Armor, or Droid

You have weapons built into your body or chassis,

normally replacing your hand and arm.

You can’t be disarmed of these weapons. Melee weapons are automatically assumed to be Slashing/Stabbing

weapons. The point valuations are presented below. Note

that in all cases, the available integrated ranged weapon

depends on the tech level of the provider. Early integrated

weapons might amount to one shot zip guns whereas later

weapons might be shoulder mounted plasma pistols.

Modifications to base integrated weapon; Cost

Retractable/allows limb usage (for arm mounted guns or

armblades, or even shoulder mounted weapons); +1

Blunt damage; -1 (minimum 0)

Melee with ranged capacity; +1 x Size

Melee with AP (1+x); +1:1

Melee with bonus damage (die roll or multiplier); +1:1

Self recharging ranged weapon (energy weapons only); +2

Power conversion weapon (energy weapons only; converts 1 Power into x shots); +1:3; +3:5; +5:7

Internal Powercore 2-pt Power

Prerequisites: Powered Armor, or Droid

You have a stable and self-charging powercore. This

device provides you with consistent power, usually in the

form of two powerful cells in a large containment chamber

in your chest.

Normal Droids and suits of Powered Armor have a

power consumption rate that is a constant drain on their batteries. An internal Powercore covers all the basic needs

for continued function by eliminating the power

consumption rate. Your Powercore has AV 40, DC 15, and

called shots get a –4 to the Strike Task. If your Powercore is

reduced to DC 0, you power supply is interrupted and you

automatically go offline. If you have Battery Power, you can

come back online shortly after, if not, then some outside

force has to provide you with power again. Lastly, the

Powercore must be replaced after 120 years of activity.

Iron Grip 2-pt Power

Prerequisites: Cyberware, Powered Armor, or Droid Your hand and arm structure is reinforced and

incredibly powerful.

Your grip functions as if you had Strength 10 (or +2 if

you already have Str 10 or greater). Your hand and arm do

not have any autonomous vibration.

Kill-Phrase 3-pt Vulnerability

Prerequisites: Cyberware, Powered Armor, or Robot

This is by no means a beneficial aspect of being a

cyborg or robot. Your creators have integrated a special

phrase, one that would be practically impossible to guess and is likely hardwired directly into your systems.

The Kill-Phrase is unknown to you, being that, if you

heard it, you’d self-destruct. It is also only known to a select

few persons, namely your doctor or creator, and high-level

directors. If you hear or read this kill-phrase, you die. The

precise effects of this death vary, though there often

involves a powercore or battery meltdown or supercharging

that ruins all your systems and renders you unsalvageable.

This could even create an explosion that destroys your body.

Leaping 3-pt/level Power

Prerequisites: Cyberware, Powered Armor, or Droid

You have the ability to easily jump distances far greater

than normal for your body. Normally, people can’t jump

much higher than a few feet or further than a few yards;

with this Power, you can jump a great deal farther.

Cyberware, Powered Armor, and Droid allows 3 levels.

Each level doubles the previous jumping measures. The first

level doubles the normal jumping measures, i.e. vertical

jumps can safely reach Strength x20 inches and broad jumps

safely reach Strength x2 yards. The second level quadruples

the normal jumping measures and the third level allows you to jump 8 times your normal distances.

Mental Supplement Systems Variable Power

Prerequisites: Cyberware or Droid

You have special supplemental systems integrated into

your datacore and processing centers that allow you to use

higher levels of power for highly improved processing

power. These involve more software than hardware.

Logic Upgrade: The systems integrated into your

brain/datacore are designed to facilitate logical processes by a huge degree, including collation and memory usage. This

upgrade costs 2 points for every +1 to Intelligence.

Sensory Upgrade: The systems integrated into your

brain/datacore and sensory systems take on more acute

Melee Weapons (automatically Slashing/Stabbing)

Size (value) Cost Damage

Small (1) 0 1d4xStr

Medium (2) 1 1d6xStr

Large (3) 2 1d8xStr

Huge (4) 3 1d10xStr

Ranged Weapons (modular depending on tech level)

Size (value) Cost Example

Small (1) 1 Zip-gun/derringer

Medium (2) 3 Up to desert eagle

Large (3) 5 Up to assault rifle

Huge (4) 7 Up to rocket launcher

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

66 Star Wars, Chapter 8 v15-Metaphysics Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

sensitivity and are matched with complex recognition and

comparison programs. This upgrade costs 2 points for every

+1 to Perception.

Sagacity Upgrade: The systems integrated into your

brain/datacore are carefully designed to maintain and

supplement clear focus and control in otherwise stressful situations. This upgrade costs 2 points for every +1 to


This power is categorized and valuated depending on

the upgrades. It costs 5 Power to activate one supplemental

system, and 2 more Power for every additional system also

activated, and that is enough power for 1 minute of nonstop


Multitasking 5-pt/level Power

Prerequisites: Droid

You have the amazing ability to perform several actions simultaneously. This can vary in application from handling

multiple computer applications like targeting and piloting,

or engaging in combat and using multiple limbs

independently or even controlling a drone while fighting

within an avatar.

Each level of this power offers you the ability to

perform additional activities that normally consume your

full attention simultaneously, up to your Intelligence in

activities. Combat is the only exception to the versatility of

this power: you can devote levels of this power to use

multiple limbs or integrated systems at 1 level per action per system per Turn, but the cost structure changes to

accommodate bonus actions. It uses 1 level to get one bonus

actions, 2 levels to get 2 bonus actions, 4 levels to get three

bonus actions, and 7 levels to get four bonus physical

combat actions.

Droids consume 1 Power per level of this power per


Optical Systems Variable Power

Prerequisites: varies

You have built in optical systems that go above and beyond what is normally available to you. In many cases,

these systems are normally available on the market, these

particular systems go above and beyond market versions

and often provide additional benefits.

Starlight Vision (1 pt): Your eyes adapt well to low-

light conditions, altering the effective condition by 1 step:

Poor Lighting is like normal lighting, Bad Lighting is like

Poor Lighting, but Total Darkness is unaltered. If you

suddenly move from Poor or Bad Lighting into Normal

Lighting can risk being blinded for 1d4 Turns, a Simple

Constitution Test avoids blindness, but you still suffer from colored spots and disorientation for the duration you would

have been blinded (-1 to all actions). Prerequisites: None.

Darkvision (2 pt): This is just like starlight vision,

except you adjust immediately to sudden changes in light,

going from dark to bright or vice versa without ill effect.

However, this does not protect you from weapons like

flashbangs. Prerequisites: Cyberware, Powered Armor, or


Thermal Vision (3 pt): You visually detect heat

signatures. The filters of your system offer a great deal of nighttime and darkness functionality, but the nature of this

system make you vulnerable to blinding from sudden high-

temperature exposure. In normal conditions, you can see out

to your Perception level x 10 yards. The precise details of

this vision can range from a gray or red scale, occasionally

with regular colors superimposed on the image, to a rainbow

scale with blue-black being cold and red-white being hot.

This optic system is often very effective against cloaking

devices but is less so in impaired media and all but useless

underwater. Prerequisites: Cyberware, Powered Armor, or


X-ray Vision (3-pt): You see in the high end electromagnetic spectrum out to your Perception level x 10

yards. This involves an additional X-ray source, and all

images are rendered in grayscale indicating density. You

can see through 3 ft of any material that is not as dense as or

denser than lead, which appears white. This optical system

is rarely able to detect cloaking systems but is ideal for

seeing through impaired media like smoke, fog, or murky

water. Viewing organics often appears like seeing a skeleton

in armor. Prerequisites: Cyberware, Powered Armor, or


EM Optics (3-pt): You have a unique sensory system that actually detects electromagnetic fields out to your

Perception level x 10 yards. It is similar to X-Ray vision,

except the focus is electrical activity like that found in

computers and even moving organic creatures (it rarely

applies to plants). Viewing organics is like looking at a

nervous system with a faint display of muscle tissue as it is

stimulated. Shielding and cloaking technology is entirely

obvious when using this system. Prerequisites: Cyberware,

Powered Armor, or Droid.

Physical Supplement Systems Variable Power Prerequisites: Cyberware, Powered Armor, or Robot

You have special supplemental systems integrated into

your body that provide increased faculties for practically all

physical function, however, they usually stay offline and the

Power consumption rate of having these supplemental

systems active is extremely high.

Precision Upgrade: The systems integrated into your

body supplement reaction time, precision, and “hand-eye”

coordination. This upgrade costs 2 pts for every +1 to

Dexterity. This upgrade applies to the Speed secondary

attribute. Power Upgrade: The systems integrated into your body

supplement physical power, allowing you to lift incredible

amounts or apply force far greater than normal. This

upgrade costs 1 pt for every +1 to Strength. This upgrade

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

67 Star Wars, Chapter 8 v15-Metaphysics Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

applies to the Life and Endurance Points secondary


Toughness Upgrade: The systems integrated into your

body are almost entirely redundant, they serve to duplicate

all other functions and preserve continued online

functionality. This upgrade costs 2 pts for every +1 to Constitution. This upgrade applies to the Life and

Endurance Points secondary attributes.

Speed Upgrade: The systems integrated into your body

are designed for the express purpose of facilitating your

movement rates. This upgrade costs 1 pt for every +5 mph

to Speed. For every +20 mph gained from this upgrade, you

also gain a +1 to Dodge Defense Tasks.

This power is categorized and valuated depending on

the upgrades. It costs 5 Power to activate one supplemental

system, and 2 more Power for every additional system also

activated, and that is enough power for 1 minute of nonstop


Ranged Weapon Defense System 2-pt/level Power

Prerequisites: Cyberware, Powered Armor, or Robot

You have fairly sophisticated tracking and response

systems designed to defend your person against incoming

ranged attacks. The response system is usually meant as a

supplement for the Autonomous Point Defense System, and

makes it easier to avoid or parry incoming ranged attacks.

For every level in this power, you get +3 to Defense

Tasks against ranged attacks. You can only get 5 levels in this power.

Redundant Systems 1-pt/level Power

Prerequisites: Cyberware or Robot

In order to safeguard your continued function, you have

additional systems inserted that duplicate the existing

systems as well as support other systems. The point of the

redundancies is to keep you functional even as you lose

otherwise vital parts. In the case of nanites and

bioengineered characters, this not only offers duplicate

organs, it also offers more efficient bodily function. Cyberware allows for 5 levels in this power, Droids can

take 10. For every level in this power, you get +10 LP and

+5 EP.

Repair Subroutines 1-pt, 3-pt, or 6-pt

Prerequisites: Droid

Robots normally do not heal damage, they must be

repaired. You have unique repair routines that will put you

back together if you take nonfatal damage.

For 1 pt, you recover 1 LP per Constitution level per day. For 3 pt, you recover 1 LP per Constitution per hour.

For 6 pt, you recover 1 LP per Constitution level per


Synthetic Qualities/Drawbacks Variable Power/Vulnerability

You have synthetic versions of normal Qualities or

Drawbacks. For instance, nerves and synapses can be

heightened or supplemented to duplicate Fast Reaction

Time, or special contingencies can be programmed to enforce Obligations. Cyborgs and Robots generally

automatically fail any chances to resist their Drawbacks.

Powered Armor is meant to augment the wearer and

shouldn’t include drawbacks of any sort except perhaps as

failsafes for the designers.

Each quality or drawback is valued the same as per

normal acquisition. Note that practically any drawback is

viable because it can be programmed into a cyborg’s or

robot’s datacore. Powered armor is less likely to support

most mental drawbacks unless it has remote access or its

own AI.

Target Assist 3-pt Power

Prerequisites: Powered Armor and Integrated Weapons OR

Cyberware and CIP OR Droid and CIP

Your ranged weapon, whether jacked in for cyborgs

and droids or built in for powered armor, has built in

rangefinders and processors that automatically integrate

with your systems for additional target identification and

targeting systems that greatly supplement your firing


Reduce the Strike Task modifiers by one stage at every range category. You get +1 to attack with the weapons. You

also get +3 to Aiming tasks. You also have default access to

the scope of the gun in question, as well as whatever optical

systems are included therein, though the perspective is still

from the camera.

Universal Weapons Software 8-pt Power

Prerequisites: Cyberware, Powered Armor, or Droid

You have weapons training software implanted directly

into your mind, or simply function through synthetic muscle

memory in the case of Powered Armor. You automatically have 3 ranks in each and every

weapon that your programmers could imagine. For most

humans, this involves every hand weapon, gun, artillery,

demolitions, ship based weapons, and even every martial

arts style that could be analyzed and included (this gives

you access to the moves, but you don’t get the damage

bonus from Martial Arts). If you get this power after you

already have specific combat training, the skill is either

upgraded to level 3, or you get +1 to the skill.

Vocabulator 5-pt Power

Prerquisites: Cyberware, Powered Armor, or Droid

You have a colossal database of languages, in fact, you

have every language that your programmers could possibly

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

68 Star Wars, Chapter 8 v15-Metaphysics Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

find stored in your datacore. You can speak, write, and even

understand social idioms of every language you’ve

encountered, as well as the ability to further expand your

knowledge through exposure to new languages.

You are considered to have 5 levels in every language

known to your programmers; this often includes a full suite of computer languages and other jargon. You can add a

previously unknown language to your datacore after 48 hrs

of translatable exposure and a Simple Intelligence Test.

Vulcan Treatment 2-pt, 5-pt, or 10-pt Power

Prerequisites: Cyberware, Powered Armor, or Droid

You have specially treated internal workings and

redundant systems that make you unusually resistant to

electrical and ion attacks.

The two point version reduces incoming electricity or

ion damage by half. The 5 point version reduces it to 1/5th, and the 10 point version reduces it to 1/10th.

Wall-Crawler 2-pt Power

Prerequisites: Cyberware, Powered Armor, or Droid

You are able to climb practically any surface while

moving and functioning as if on a normal horizontal surface.

Cyberware, Powered Armor, or Robot characters can

climb on anything that they can dig their claws into, which

is usually no tougher than granite, or any surface with hand-

or footholds. While climbing, you function entirely normally, including being able to dodge and make attacks.

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

69 Star Wars, Chapter 11 v01-Appendix Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

Section 3: Chroniclers Only

Chapter 9: Chronicler

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

70 Star Wars, Chapter 11 v01-Appendix Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.


So you want to be a Chronicler? Or maybe you’re

just curious about what goes into it. Regardless, prepare

yourself for a clear explanation that lays out the secrets

of running enjoyable tabletop games and will get

anyone started on the road to game-mastery.

The Basics You’re not going to make much progress without

at least something to take notes on. A few napkins at

the restaurant, a notepad and pencil, or even a laptop

are good. Next, while you can prepare stuff to your

heart’s content, it behooves you to find a few friends or

at least tolerable acquaintances interested in an evening of tabletop gaming. Take care introducing people to the

world of role-playing games as Dungeons and Dragons

has earned quite the stigma. It’s probably better to

associate tabletop games with boardgames and

improvisational theater. Obviously I’d prefer if you

used this text as your gaming tool and rules set, you can

opt to use any others.

Know Yourself It’s pretty obvious, but the first step to running an

enjoyable game is to know what you, as Chronicler, enjoy. For this, I suggest thinking in terms of GNS

Theory. The short version is simply that there are three

distinct facets of gaming that people enjoy. An astute

reader will note that, while these are omnipresent, they

also tend to be mutually exclusive.

The G stands for Gamism, where you take the most

pleasure from winning or coming out on top. This

doesn’t necessarily mean taking down other players, it

could be competition between each other for the best

description, most badass character, or even the best line

of the night. As a Chronicler, you should focus on

making fair challenges for your players. These should challenge the abilities of their characters and in some

cases even those of the players themselves.

The N stands for Narrativism, where the telling of

an awesome story is the most enjoyable facet of

tabletop gaming. You don’t so much care about the

“fairness” or even “plausibility” of the game so much

as if what happens is simply cool. Often times, the goal

is to make a story worthy of retelling—even if it is a

shaggy dog tale. As a Chronicler, you should start by

thinking of a good story with well defined characters

and goals and then think about how to play out the story. Leave some room for change, as your players are

co-writers and will have things to say and do about the

story as well.

The S stands for Simulationism, where the

experience of living in another world is what you enjoy

most. Whether the story is “fair” or “worthy of

retelling” isn’t nearly as important as plausibility. Now,

plausibility means that it makes sense given its own

assumptions—for Star Wars, the premises are:

everything is like the real world except there are

intelligent species that are not human, space opera

technology, and there is a metaphysical energy called the Force. The simulationist enjoys vicariously living in

such a world and tends to dislike it when people part

from the rules or insist on creating or arguing things

that don’t make sense within the universe.

As a Chronicler, your primary preference will

inform your game. Gamists often have competitive and

fast paced games where winning is everything and

dying is the ultimate failure. Narrativists tend to have

extended plotlines and advertise themselves as role-play

heavy gamers. Simulationists run games that can be

summed up with the phrase, “May you live in

interesting times.”

Know Your Enemy… I mean Players Take some time to get to know your players’ tastes,

personalities, and expectations. This does not solely

refer to their gaming preferences, either. Certain players

may not take well to fuzzy morality, others may find

themselves incapable of playing a certain personality or

find furry sentients (especially cat people) wildly

loathsome. As the Chronicler, you have the epic job of

creating an interesting and engaging story for your

group of friends. It is in your best interests to know them.

Player’s gaming tastes can be identified with GNS

labels but don’t be fooled by people that say they are a

little bit of everything. It turns out that everyone is a

little bit of everything, but are also a little bit more of

something in particular. Yours truly is a simulationist

through and through, but we are a rare breed. It may

take a few game sessions to really nail down where

your players’ interests lie, and you should put forth the

effort to find out. Once you do, you can tailor your

game to their tastes and everyone will have a better

time. Ideally, you and your players will all share the

same style. You can even go so far as to shoo off

players that don’t quite fit. More than likely, you’ll find

this to be much easier to write as advice than to actually

adhere to. In that case, it is up to you as the Chronicler

to figure out how to synthesize the player’s preferences

into a cohesive whole.

Know the Lay of the Land As the Chronicler, you are responsible for quite a

bit of information. You should know your players, have a working understanding of the Unisystem rules, the

setting of choice, your story and adventure, and a whole

mess of other things. You should also know the real-

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

71 Star Wars, Chapter 11 v01-Appendix Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

world aspects of where you choose to be playing: be it

at a friend’s place, a gaming store, or even online.

For the game, you should thoroughly know the

adventure you’re running. It’s more important to know

this than even the Unisystem rules themselves. Having

a clear understanding of the adventure allows you to also improvise when your players choose to do things

you hadn’t counted on. It also prevents you from

constantly checking those notes and unnecessarily

slowing the pace of the game. Beyond the adventure,

it’s a good idea to know the system you’re using—be it

Unisystem or some other system—as you are supposed

to be the final arbiter in any conflict and it is your

responsibility to do so according to the tastes of your

players and needs of the story.

As for the real world aspects of your gaming

location, you should make sure you have everything

you need at the ready. Be it a fistful of dice, various (ideally) healthful snacks, and your handy note-taking

materials, or the functions of the online program you’re

using, you should know where everything is and keep it

within ready access.

The Particulars

There is a lot that goes into running a game and

oftentimes an aspiring Chronicler has to learn these

lessons through the world’s most populous education

center: the School of Hard Knocks. This time, you get

to read the wisdoms of a rather experienced Chronicler.

Game Length Don’t confuse this with session length, the game

length is a measure of the entire game storyline. The

game length refers to the length of the overall

campaign. It could be the duration of a single adventure

(or story, chapter, episode, or whatever you want to call it) as is often the case with pick-up and convention

games, or it could be a whole epic from upstart punk-

brat to powerful elder. If it’s just the duration of a

single adventure, then you should be worried more

about the session length. If it’s longer, read on.

Game length can be measured in many ways. You

could choose to resolve a game in 16 sessions, possibly

because in that time you or some of your players may

be unable to show up any longer. You could choose to

resolve a game in 5 adventures. You might even decide

that the game ends once the characters become too powerful to challenge on a personal level without going

completely over the top… sometimes not even then.

Regardless, it’s a good idea to decide what length of

game you want in advance to keep the pacing at an

engaging level and inform the adventure decisions you

will be making.

Session Length

This is the length of a gaming session—the amount

of time you’ll be hanging with friends while playing the

game on a given day (or days for you marathoners).

Ideal length is determined by your preparedness (or

talent for improvisation) and a myriad of other aspects

including but not limited to everyone’s stamina, food supplies, errands, game store hours, or tomorrow’s

responsibilities. I have run sessions lasting over 8 hours

and others barely managing 2 hours. Most often,

though, a session lasts until you reach a good stopping

point or when you or your players start falling asleep.

In my experience, a solid gaming session lasts between

4 and 6 hours. After that, someone starts getting tired or

hungry and the quality starts to decline. When you

notice a decline in quality or a conspicuous rise in

unwanted behavior (such as silliness or reading other

books or just not paying attention), it’s a sign that you

should bring the game to a close. Don’t forget to include a break or two at the

halfway mark or after a particularly dramatic situation.

This allows for people to calm down, maybe take care

of a few errands, or grab a snack. Either way, it’s a

good chance to refresh before resuming.

Game Site Finding a good place to play through a session is of

paramount importance. Ideally, you’ll find a place that

has few interruptions, comfortable seating for everyone

involved, and no interruptions. You’re not terribly likely to get such a perfect place, so you’ll have to

make do. The most critically important aspect of a good

gaming site is comfort: you will quickly lose focus if

you’re constantly trying to get less uncomfortable and

squirrelly players are not focused players. Lighting and

air are also important; you generally want good and

bright light and fresh air to keep everyone sharp and


This is true even when you find yourself playing

online. Everyone involved should be comfortably in

front of their computers and paying attention. Further,

they should remember their manners. If someone needs to step away, they should indicate as much so that the

game doesn’t come to a screeching halt while everyone

is wondering where so-and-so went off to.

While you can’t necessarily police these aspects

whether online or in person, you should give serious

thought to them to help determine a good place to hold

a session.

Dice Conventions You don’t necessarily need dice to play the game.

You do, or at least should, need some way of randomly generating numbers: be it chips in a hat, a deck of cards

or a random number generator on a computer or

calculator. Ideally, everyone should have their own set

of devoted dice, especially for the relevant stuff that

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

72 Star Wars, Chapter 11 v01-Appendix Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

their character’s have and, for Unisystem, at least one

10-sided die. Naturally, if an online program has a dice

function, you don’t actually need the real thing.

For actual dice rolling, you should decide in

advance what happens in the case of flukes. Sometimes

a die ends up on a corner or precariously perched on a book. That die could be on a favorable number or an

unfavorable one. Either way, it should be unmercifully

rolled again. If you wanted a higher result, just

arbitrate, but don’t ruin the point of dice with such

maneuvers. You should keep a nice level area for ready

dice rolling where that sort of thing can’t happen in the

first place, but that’s not always possible and table

space real estate can be pretty valuable and in short


Character Sheets There are plenty of fancy character sheets out there with lots of flashy decoration and spots to put all sorts

of notes, but what you should really be looking for is

fast and intuitive reference material with plenty of

space for note taking. Your characters’ life points,

Force, and ammo will be fluctuating like mad and

having a set of dice to act as counters is great until a

friend misplaces his D10 and grabs yours. Lined or

graph paper is the best for this job, but any paper will

do. Sometimes even a spreadsheet program or an extra

page on a document serves the role well.

As the Chronicler, you should have a working knowledge of your player’s characters and ideally a

copy of their up-to-date character sheets. This tends to

be much easier when using computers, but there are

ways to deal with this, including you keeping all the

characters sheets for reference between games, keeping

a copy of each character sheet that can be updated as

characters change, or even making photocopies of

character sheets after every game (that’s going to waste

a lot of paper).

Player Absence It’s practically unavoidable, one day someone is going to be unable to make the game. You should

figure out how to handle this in advance so that you

have a clear plan for dealing with the situation. Some

people are comfortable with being in Chronicler control

during that time, some will accept if another player

takes up the reins, still others want to simply have their

characters be similarly absent when they are. None of

them appreciate when their character dies when they’re


Thoroughly writing up a detailed explanation of a

character’s actions in social and combat situations helps players and Chroniclers to handle the game when a

player is absent. Of course, you could skip all that and

decide that a player absence means the game is

cancelled that time, but if you have a frequently

delinquent player, you may have to excuse them from

the game or risk canceling the game entirely.

Game Pacing Pacing is a very important aspect of any game or

entertainment medium. As a Chronicler, you have to pay careful attention to how things are moving and

whether your players are comfortable with that pacing.

Player Punishments and Rewards You’re probably not the players’ parent, so you

should exercise some caution. Don’t punish a character

for a player’s misbehavior. Your final motion is always

to kick the player from the game (don’t actually kick

them). Generally, you should provide two or three

strikes. Disrupt the game in a totally un-cool manner

once and get a warning which should include that, if

there is a next time, it will also be the last time. Mind you, just because some people went off on a joking

tangent, derailed the game a bit, and frustrated you

doesn’t mean that nobody was having fun. Games are

supposed to be fun, enjoy it when funny stuff happens,

and don’t forget that you might be doing your job too

well and someone felt the need to break the tension.

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

73 Star Wars, Chapter 10 v01-Beastiary Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

Chapter 10: Beastiary

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

74 Star Wars, Chapter 10 v01-Beastiary Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.


Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

75 Star Wars, Chapter 11 v01-Appendix Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.

Chapter 11: Appendix

Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.com This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright Eden Studios, Inc.; and Star Wars, copyright of Lucas Arts or whoever.

It is not meant to infringe upon any of their exclusive rights.

76 Star Wars, Chapter 11 v01-Appendix Go to www.edenstudios.net/witchcraft/index.html to download the WitchCraft corebook that contains the Unisystem rules.
