Unit 1 ch 1 3

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Warmup 8/30 Has the discovery of America

been beneficial or harmful to the human race?

Explain in at least 3-5 sentences.

Pre-Contact Americas,

Discovery & Colonializatio


Ms. JosephsonWoodrow Wilson Senior High School

AP US History

What is the significance of 1492?

Discovery or holocaust? Uninhabited land or

50+ million people?

Greater positives than negatives?

Introduction of slave trade to new continent.

Utopia (1518) Sir Thomas More

Ideal society where crime, inustice don’t exist

Hold all in common, scorn wealth but—slave labor?

Essential Question

What causes people to leave their

homes & explore new lands?

Causes of Exploration Wealth (spices, jewels, drugs, textiles, gold)


Religious motives


For Countries French = Forest, Fish and Firs (3 F’s)

Spanish = Gold, God and Glory (3 G’s)

Aiming for Asia & “found” America

Caravel & Portuguese exploration (Prince Henry the Navigator)

Competition between European powers

Empires Spain

Amerigo Vespucci – America named after him (mistake on map)

Treaty of Tordesillas = Line of Demarcation

Pope Alexander VI divided new places

Spain gets all but Brazil to west of line

Portugal gets Africa

Vasco de Balboa –Isthmus of Panama to find Pacific Ocean

Juan Ponce de Leon- Florida & Fountain of Youth

Hernan Cortes-Aztec Empire-1519

Ferdinand Magellan—Circumnavigates the globe

Pizarro—Inca Empire-1530s

Hernando de Soto—Mississippi River looking for cities of gold

Francisco de Coronado—Grand Canyon (1539-1542) for gold

7 Cities myth made up by Indians to avoid conversion/death

Empires English


Sir Francis Drake &his ‘Sea Dogs’—Voyage around the globe—1577—why?

Sir Walter Raleigh—Roanoke Island—1585—The Lost Colony

Why so late to the party?

French Giovanni de Verrezano—Carolinas to Nova Scotia (1524)

Jacques Cartier—St. Lawrence River (1524)

Samuel de Champlain—Quebec founded 1608

All looking for Northwest Passage

Empires Dutch

Henry Hudson (Dutch East India Company)—New Amsterdam aka New York

Fort Amsterdam (1614)

New Amsterdam on Governors Island (1625)

The Black Legend 16th Century—House of Habsburgs (Spain, Austria,

Italy, Holland, New World) Protestant rebellions presentation of Spain as evil

destructors of entire race of Indians,

Bartolome de las Casas solution = importation of African slaves

Staple crops: Sugar, coffee, rice, indigo

Gives English “ideological sanction” to sieze ships, raid Spanish colonial cities & destroy Catholic hold over the New World

Spanish Armada destroyed (1588) => no longer able to stop the English from entering the New World

First Permanent North American

Settlements England—1607—Jamestown

France—1608—Quebec—Fish & furs

Dutch—1614—Albany/New Amsterdam—Fish & furs

Sweden—1638—Deleware Valley—Fish & furs

Spain—1749 (Laredo)—1769 (California)—Gold &livestock, Mestizos

Essential Questions

Why does one group succeed at

colonization and another does not?

Reasons England Won

+++Surplus population (enclosure & debt = English poor seek escape)

Indentured servitude

Religious persecution

Large variety in form of settlement/trades

Balanced sex ratio

Jamestown Virginia Company of


Algonquian Indians—30,000—Powhatan Confederacy

Food = greatest source of conflict Residents =


Unwilling to work

More interested in GOLD

Jamestown Fort

Captain John Smith The Right Man for the

Job? Farmer’s son &

military adventurer

President of Jamestown 1608-1609

Encouraged trading & calm interactions with Powhatan


Adoption ceremony?

Marriage to John Rolfe

Chesapeake Bay

Do you see any geographic or environmental problems?

English Migration: 1610-1660

Jamestown Colonization Pattern: 1620-1660

Large plantations (>100acres)

Spread > 5miles apart

See any problems there?

High Mortality Rates The “Starving Time”:

1607: 104 colonists

By spring, 1608: 38 survived

1609: 300 more immigrants

By spring, 1610: 60 survived

1610 – 1624: 10,000 immigrants

1624 population: 1,200

Adult life expectancy: 40 years

Death of children before age 5: 80%

Anglo-Powhatan Wars 1610-1614 First Anglo-

Powhatan War De La Warr Raided

villages, burned houses, took supplies, burned cornfields.

1614-1622-Peace sealed by Wolfe/Pochahontas

1622—Great Powhatan Uprising

1646—Indians defeated & removed from land

Essential Questions

How does the purpose or cause of a colony’s founding affect its ensuing


John Rolfe & Economic Success

Virginia’s gold & silver


1618 — Virginia produces 20,000 pounds of tobacco.

1622- Virginia produces 60,000 pounds of tobacco.

1627 — Virginia produces 500,000 pounds of tobacco.

1629 — Virginia produces 1,500,000 pounds of tobacco.

Tobacco Prices: 1618-1710

Why such a steep decline?

But who did all the work?

Headright System: Each Virginian got 50

acres for each person whose passage they paid.

Indenture Contract: 5-7 years.

Promised “freedom dues” [land, £]

Forbidden to marry.

1610-1614: only 1 in 10 outlived their indentured contracts!

Indentured Contract, 1746

In-Class Activity

What was it like to be an indentured servant in Virginia?

The Child of Tobacco Tobacco’s effect on Virginia’s economy:

Vital role in putting VA on a firm economic footing.

Ruinous to soil when continuously planted.

Chained VA’s economy to a single crop.

Tobacco promoted the use of the plantation system. Need for cheap, abundant labor.

Why was 1619 a pivotal year for the

Chesapeake settlement?

Growing Political Power

The House of Burgesses established in 1619 & began to assume the role of the House of Commons in England Control over finances, militia, etc.

By the end of the 17c, Virginia House of Burgesses was able to initiate legislation.

A Council appointed by royal governor Mainly leading planters.

Functions like House of Lords.

High death rates ensured rapid turnover of members.

Virginia Becomes a Royal Colony

James I grew hostile to Virginia He hated tobacco.

He distrusted the House of Burgesses which he called a seminary of sedition.

1624- he revoked the charter of the bankrupt VA Company. Thus, VA became a royal colony, under the

king’s direct control!

SlaveryEnglish Tobacco Label

First Africans arrived in Jamestown in 1619. Their status was

not clear-- perhaps slaves, perhaps indentured servants.

Slavery not that important until the end of the 17c.

The Atlantic Slave Trade

Good Traded w/Africa for Slaves

The Middle Passage

Essential QuestionHow did slavery and

indentured servitude diverge?

Was slavery an economic institution or a racial institution?

Early Colonial Slavery Beginning in 1662-- “Slave Codes”

Made blacks [and their children] property, or chattel for life of white masters.

In some colonies, it was a crime to teach a slave to read or write.

Conversion to Christianity did not qualify the slave for freedom.

Frustrated Free White Men

Late 1600 -- large numbers of young, poor, discontented men in the Chesapeake area. Little access to land or women for marriage.

1670 --The Virginia Assembly disenfranchised most landless men!

Nathaniel Bacon’s Rebellion: 1676

Led 1,000 Virginians in a rebellion against Governor Berkeley Rebels resented Berkeley’s close relations with


Berkeley monopolized the fur trade with the Indians in the area.

Berkley refused to retaliate for Indian attacks on frontier settlements.


William Berkeley

Nathaniel Bacon

Bacon’s Rebellion Rebels attacked Indians, whether they were

friendly or not to whites.

Governor Berkeley driven from Jamestown.

Rebels burned the capital & went on a rampage of plunder

Bacon suddenly died of fever.

Berkeley brutally crushed the rebellion and hanged 20 rebels.

Results of Bacon’s Rebellion

It exposed resentments between inland frontiersmen and landless former servants against gentry on coastal plantations. Socio-economic class differences/clashes

between rural and urban communities would continue throughout American history.

Upper class planters searched for laborers less likely to rebel -- BLACK SLAVES!!

The Settlement of Maryland

A royal charter was granted to George Calvert, Lord Baltimore, 1632

A proprietary colony created in 1634

Heathier location than Jamestown

Tobacco is to be main crop

Plan was to govern as an absentee owner in a feudal relationship (tracts of land granted to his Catholic relatives.

A Haven for Catholics Colonists only willing to come to MD if they received


Colonists = Catholic land barons surrounded by mostly Protestant small farmers Conflict between the two led to Lord Baltimore’s loss

of proprietary rights at the end of the 17th century

Late 1600s—slave import begins

Baltimore allowed high degree of freedom of worship to prevent repeat of persecution of Cahtholics by Protestants Protestants feel threatened

Maryland Toleration Act of 1649

Maryland Tolerations Act of 1649 Supported by Catholics in MD

Guaranteed toleration to all CHRISTIANS

Decreed death to those who denied the divinity of Jesus (like Jews, atheists, etc.)

In a way—less tolerant than before the law was passed!

British Colonial Settlements by 1660