Unit 2: Ministry of Christ NT2.3 Temptation of Jesus · 2019-12-31 · This is the third lesson in...

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NT2.3 Temptation of Jesus © Beverly Wilson 2019

Unit 2: Ministry of Christ

NT2.3 Temptation of Jesus Scripture: Matthew 4:1-11

Lesson Goal: After his baptism Jesus went into the wilderness where he was tempted by Satan. In this lesson we will learn how Jesus resisted temptation by remembering and obeying God's Word. We will learn some ways to remember to obey God when we are tempted to do wrong things.

Introduction: This is the third lesson in Unit 2: The Life and Ministry of Christ. The life and ministry of Jesus is told to us in the first four books of the New Testament. After his baptism Jesus went into the wilderness where he was tempted by Satan. In this lesson we will learn how Jesus resisted temptation by remembering and obeying God's Word. This story is found in the book of Matthew. Matthew is one of the Gospels in the New Testament. The word Gospel means the "Good News about Jesus." The Gospels tell the life and ministry of Jesus while He was here on earth. Let's say the names of the gospels--Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Attention Getter: Have you ever seen this catalog before? Yes, it is the Toys R Us Christmas toy book. The store sends this book to everyone just before Christmas. Have you ever gotten one in the mail? You have probably gone through the book and picked out your favorite toys and told your parents what you wanted for Christmas. Right? In the catalog you might find a baby doll that you think is really neat? The catalog has lots of different kinds of dolls--American Girl dolls, Baby Alive, Beanie Babies, Dora dolls and of course lots of Barbie dolls. Or perhaps you would like a set of Star Wars Lego's? Do you know why the store sends out those books? They want to sell their toys! That is called advertising. Advertising is a way to "tempt" us or make us want to buy something or do something. The word "temptation" is also used to describe times when we have opportunities to do wrong or when others try to convince us to do wrong. It is not wrong to be tempted to disobey or do wrong things but it is wrong to give in to the temptation. What are some things that you might have been tempted to do? Maybe you have been tempted to eat a cookie when your parents have told you "No! You must wait until after dinner." Or maybe you have been tempted to cheat on a test at school by looking on someone else's paper. Perhaps you have wanted to take a toy that belonged to your friend and you were tempted to take it! Have you ever wondered why you have "wanted to do things that are wrong?" In this lesson we are going to talk about some ways to remember to obey God when we are tempted to do wrong things. We will see how Jesus overcame temptation.

Opening Prayer: "Father, please give us a desire in our hearts to learn and memorize Your Word. We want it to be tucked away inside our hearts for those times when Satan tempts us to sin. Then give us the strength we need to say “No” to sin. Help us to make wise choices as we live our daily lives. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen

Memory Verse: Our memory verse is Matthew 26:41 “Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak.”


NT2.3 Temptation of Jesus © Beverly Wilson 2019

Lesson Video: http://youtu.be/EYyeL-Fp1Lw Let's think about an important question. How do we know which behaviors are right and which things are wrong? Who decides what is right or wrong? For example, your parents decide what is right and wrong in your home. But even they too have to use some kind of standard to decide what they will do. The teachers and principal decide what the rules will be at school but they often have to answer to the school board or to the community for why they make certain rules. Who do you think determines the unwritten rules of your friends? For example, do you think it is always wrong to lie? The Bible contains the truth about right and wrong because it contains God's words. It contains "absolute truth." It tells us that certain behaviors are always wrong. God gave us these laws to help us, not to make life difficult. They teach us about the best way to live our lives. But sometimes we just don't want to do what is right. That is because we naturally do not always do good! How many of you can quote verses from God's Word? Can you say John 3:16? For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. It is important to memorize God's Word because God's enemy, the Devil, tempts us to do wrong. The devil wants us to trust in ourselves or others to satisfy our needs. What can we do when the devil tempts us? If the Jesus is your Savior then God can use His Word to help you resist temptation. God wants us to trust Him to meet our needs! Have you ever wondered who the devil is? Well, at the beginning of time God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit lived in heaven. The angels who lived in heaven served them. They continually sang praises to God. Heaven was a beautiful perfect and happy place. One angel, called Lucifer, was especially beautiful. His name means “carrier of light”. He must have been glittery and reflecting God’s light. He was second in command to God. But Lucifer was such a show off – he wanted God’s job. Other angels sided with Lucifer. They tried to take God's place in heaven. This sin of pride could not stay in heaven. It would have spoiled the perfect place. God had to say “You must leave because you will bring sin into this place!” So God threw out Lucifer and his gang of bad angels out of heaven. They fell down to earth. Lucifer who was not beautiful and shining any more was now called Satan or The devil. God made a place of punishment for Lucifer. The Bible name for this is Hell. It is sometimes called the lake of fire. Satan must have been angry, knowing that he would end up in the awful place of punishment. Satan certainly would not have wanted to go to hell alone. So he made a plan. Satan would trick men and women and boys and girls into doing wrong. Then they would have to go to the place of punishment too. The Bible name for this trick of Satan is “temptation”. To be tempted means that we are tested by Satan to see if we will obey God or not. Satan started with the first man and woman, Adam and Eve. He appeared to Eve in the garden as a serpent and tempted her to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Eve disobeyed God and then got Adam to sin also. Sin is choosing to do what God says not to do! Then their children did wrong… and theirs.. and so on. That is how all the bad things came in to the world – the hurt, upset, unfairness and worry. Satan tempted people and they fell for it! Jesus knew that people did not deserve to go to heaven, because of their sin. But God loved them and wanted to make a way possible for them to enter into heaven. He wanted people to be forgiven. Otherwise, everyone who had sinned and that is everyone would have to go to the place of punishment with Satan. But God had a plan. He would send His Son Jesus to earth and He would take the punishment we deserve. Then those who believe in Him would not need to go to the place of punishment but could go to heaven when they died. Satan did not like this plan one bit!! So he thought something like this: “I will trick Jesus into doing wrong. If He sins, then He will have to be punished too. He will not be able to take the punishment of


NT2.3 Temptation of Jesus © Beverly Wilson 2019

other people, because He Himself will deserve to be punished. So everyone will have to go to the Place of Punishment after all!” Satan or the Devil really wanted Jesus to disobey God the Father. Because Jesus was God's Son, it was impossible for him to sin. But Jesus had to go through this test to prove that He was really God. When Jesus was baptized, God had spoken from heaven. He said, "This is my Son whom I love; with him I am very pleased." Both God the Father and God the Holy Spirit were giving their approval to God the Son--three in One. This was God's sign that Jesus was God's Son. Before Jesus could begin His earthly ministry He had to show Satan that He was stronger and more powerful than He was. So Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. The wilderness was a lonely place where there was no food only rocks and dry bushes. Jesus went to this place to pray and prepare for his ministry. To do this Jesus fasted or went without food for forty days and forty nights so he could spend more time with God. After forty days without eating Jesus was very hungry and tired and lonely. The tempter or Satan came to Him and said, "If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread." Now Jesus could have performed that miracle but turning the stones into bread would be wrong because it would be SELFISH. Jesus knew that if he did that it would be using His power as God to serve himself and that would be wrong. Jesus used God’s Word to tell Satan “No.” He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’” You see, God’s Word tells us what is right and wrong. Jesus believed God’s Word and quoted it to Satan. Jesus resisted Satan’s temptation! Then the devil took Him to Jerusalem and set Him on the highest point of the temple. "If you are the Son of God," he said, "throw yourself down. For it is written: "He will command His angels concerning you, and they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone." Satan was trying to get Jesus to not obey God and do His own thing! If Jesus had jumped off the temple He would have been misusing His power--just to impress people to believe in him. It was a temptation to "Show off!" But Jesus used God’s word again, like a sword against Satan. Jesus said to him, “It is written again, ‘You shall not tempt the Lord your God.’” Then Satan took Jesus to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. "All this I will give you," he said, "if you will bow down and worship me." In a very powerful way Jesus said to him, "Away from me, Satan! For it is written: "Worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only." This was the third time Jesus had said “No” to Satan. Each time He used the Word of God just like a soldier uses a sword in battle. God’s Word has the power to keep you from sin. Because he was defeated the devil left Jesus. Then, behold, angels came and ministered to Jesus. Jesus was victorious and had won the battle. God sent angels to help and strengthen Jesus after His struggle against evil. Did you know that it was necessary for Jesus to be tempted by the Devil? He did it so that he could really know what it is like when we are tempted or tested by Satan. Jesus is our example. He showed us how it is possible for the Holy Spirit to give us the power to choose the right and godly thing to do. We can resist Satan just like Jesus did! Did you know that the Devil will tempt you, too? Satan hates God and he hates God’s children. He tempts us by trying to cause us to sin. It is not sin to be tempted, but it is sin to give in to the wrong things Satan wants us to do. When he was tempted Jesus used scripture as a sword to fight against Satan's attacks. In medieval times swords were used by soldiers to protect themselves. The good news is that we can use God’s Word to help us resist temptations. Resisting Satan means to say “No” to sin and make godly choices.


NT2.3 Temptation of Jesus © Beverly Wilson 2019

The Bible is our sword of protection. It tells us the truth about what is right and wrong. We can trust it to help us in times of temptation. Let's see how this works. I am going to name a temptation. Then you will tell me what you should say to Satan. "No!" Then I will tell you a verse in the Bible that will stop Satan. If Satan tempts you go get angry and have a fight with someone, what will you say? NO Colossians 3:8 You must rid yourselves of all such things as anger, rage, malice... If Satan tempts you to be mean and say ugly things to someone who has not been nice to you, what will you say? NO Romans 12:17 "Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful that you do right." If Satan tempts you to disobey your parents, what will you say? NO Ephesians 6:1 says "Children obey your parents." If Satan tempts you to lie about someone to get them in trouble, what will you say? NO Zechariah 8:16 says, "Speak the truth to each other, and do not plot evil against your neighbor." If Satan wants you to steal, what will you say? NO Exodus 20:15 You shall not steal. If Satan tries to get you to swear, what will you say? NO Exodus 20: 7 You shall not take the name of the Lord you god in vain." God will give you the strength to say “No” to Satan for every test or problem you have. That is why we should learn as much as we can about the Bible. Satan is real. He is out to cause us to sin. Jesus won the victory and He will give you the victory, too. Remember: say NO to Satan!

Review Questions: “Temptation Game” Preparation: You will need index cards and a gift bag or basket in which to place them. Procedure: Print the following questions on individual cards and place the cards into a gift bag labeled "temptation" on the outside. Add at least 3 or 4 cards that say: "Gave into temptation" and place them in the bag with the questions. Divide your class into three or more groups. (If your class is small you can just have individuals play the game.) Say: "One person from your group (or one individual) will select a card from the gift bag. Your group must answer the question correctly. If the words, "Gave into Temptation" appear on the card, then your group (that individual) is out of the game until we start again. Let's see which group (individual) can remain in the game the longest." Invite the first group (or person) to select a card. Have that individual or group answer the question. Continue for all groups or individual until you have one group remaining. Replace the "Gave into Temptation" card back into the bag after it is drawn.

1. What four books tell about the life and ministry of Jesus? (The Gospels--Matthew, Mark, Luke,

and John tell about the life and ministry of Jesus.) 2. After Jesus was baptized, the Holy Spirit led Him out into the desert wilderness. What

happened to Jesus there? (For 40 days Satan came and tempted Jesus to sin.) 3. Why did Satan want Jesus to sin? (Satan wanted Jesus to sin because this would disqualify

Him as a sinless Savior.)


NT2.3 Temptation of Jesus © Beverly Wilson 2019

4. What was the first temptation that Satan tried to trick Jesus with? (He wanted Jesus to turn the stones into bread. That was wrong because it would have been for selfish reasons.)

5. What verse did Jesus use to tell Satan this was wrong? (Man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.)

6. What was the second temptation that Satan tried to trick Jesus with? (Satan took Jesus to the highest point of the temple and tempted Him to prove that He was God by throwing Himself down.)

7. What verse did Jesus use to tell Satan that this was wrong? (You shall not tempt the Lord your God.)

8. What was the third temptation that Satan tried to trick Jesus with? (Satan took Him to the highest mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the earth and tried to get Jesus to bow down and worship Him.)

9. What verse did Jesus use to tell Satan that this third temptation was wrong? (You shall worship the Lord your God and only Him you should serve.)

10. What would have happened if Jesus had followed Satan? (If Jesus would have had sin of His own, He would not have been able to take the punishment for our sins.)

11. Why was Jesus able to overcome the temptations? (Jesus did not sin because He is God, and He is perfect.)

12. Why does the devil tempt you to sin? (To ruin my friendship with Jesus and make me feel as if God doesn’t love me.)

13. How did Jesus overcome each of Satan’s temptation? (When Satan tempted Him to sin, Jesus quoted Scripture.)

14. Name three sins children your age might be tempted to do. (Examples of sins include stealing, making fun of or being mean to someone, disobeying parents, and lying.)

15. What is one way you can overcome Satan’s temptations to make you sin? (We can overcome temptations by: prayer, quoting Bible verses, saying “No” to what is wrong, etc.)

Bible Memory Verse Activity: “Hiding God's Word”

Our Memory verse is Matthew 26:41 “Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak.” Help the children locate the verse in the Bible. Repeat the verse together several times. Say: “This verse is telling us that we need to pray every day for God to help us not to yield to Satan's temptation.” Write the verse on the dry erase board or chalkboard. Have the children read the verse out loud together. Erase one word and replace it with a blank line. Have the children say the verse again reciting the erased word from memory. Continue to erase the words from the memory verse until all are gone and the students are reciting the verse from memory. Explain to the children how easy Bible memorization can be. Share with them a time in your life when you were tempted and the Word of God protected you from sin.

Group Learning Activity: “Sin” (Grades K-3) Purpose: The purpose of this activity is to help students understand what it means to be tempted and what it means to do wrong--sin. Preparation: You will need shaving cream, two bowls and towels. Procedure: Put the shaving cream, 2 bowls and towels on a table in front of the group. Squirt the shaving cream into one bowl. Let each person squirt a little into his/her hands. Now rub hands together. Compare the dirty cream with the "pure" cream in the bowl. Share how "sin" makes us dirty on the inside. Explain that only Jesus can remove the dirt on the inside when we believe in Him and trust Him with our lives.


NT2.3 Temptation of Jesus © Beverly Wilson 2019

Bring a clear glass, water and dirt. Pour the clean water into the glass. Now add the dirt. Ask the kids if they can get the dirt completely out of the water. Share how we are the same way when we sin; we become dirty on the inside. We, by ourselves can never make ourselves clean again. Jesus is the only One who can clean us of our sin.

Group Learning Activity: “Spinning the Egg” (Grades 3-5) Purpose: The purpose of this activity is to understand how important it is to resist temptation and keep our hearts tender toward God. Preparation: You will need one hardboiled egg and one uncooked egg. Procedure: Bring one hardboiled egg and one uncooked egg to class. Have students try to spin both of them. Say: "Let's see which of these eggs are harder to spin." (It is much easier to spin the hardboiled egg.) "These eggs are like our heart. Let's break open the eggs and see how they are different." (One is hard and the other is uncooked.) Say: "When we say no to God over and over, our hearts become "hard" toward God. Then Satan can spin us around much easier! He "spins the truth" to make us believe a lie. Then we are more easily persuaded by his temptations. Let's not let our hearts become hard toward God. We can learn to obey Him and then Satan will not get his way with us!"

Group Learning Activity: “The Word of Truth” (Grades 2-5) Purpose: The purpose of this activity is to demonstrate how memorizing God's Word helps us overcome temptation. Preparation: Make a shield by preparing a flat rectangular corrugated cardboard piece about 30" x 36." Cover the edges of the cardboard with masking tape to give a smooth finish. Label the cardboard "Word of Truth" in large letters with a red marker. Ball up some socks--at least two or three per student in your class. Say: "Today we are going to see how Satan attacks us with temptations. We are going to let all these balled up socks represent temptations. I need a volunteer to be the person Satan is tempting." Procedure: Have the volunteer child try to cross the room while the others throw the socks at him or her. Then give the student the cardboard "Word of Truth" to use as a shield. Have the student walk across the room again using the shield to ward off any attacks of temptation. Say: "It is much easier to get across the room without being hit by temptation when we are carrying the Word of Truth, isn't it? Did you know that when you memorize God's Word it is like this shield? It helps us when temptation comes. But you won't have that shield unless you hid God's Word in your heart. That is why we work on memorizing scripture."


NT2.3 Temptation of Jesus © Beverly Wilson 2019

Group Learning Activity: “Simon Says” (Grades K-3) Purpose: To compare the game of “Simon Says” to learning to obey God’s Word. Say: "How many of you know how to play the game "Simon Says?" If Simon says to do something, you do it, but if Simon doesn't say to do it, you don't do it. Are you ready to play? Good, let's play.” Procedure: Play the game of “Simon Says.” Say: “Simon says, "Raise your hand." Simon says, "Raise your other hand." "Okay, put your hands down." Uh-oh! I caught some of you on that one, didn't I? Did Simon say, "Put your hands down." No! Well, let's try again. Say: “Simon says, "Put your hands down." Simon says, "Flap your elbows." Simon says, "Clap your hands." Touch your nose. Ooops! I caught some of you again. Let's try one more time. Simon says, "Touch your nose." Pull your ear! Good! I didn't trick you that time. You are catching on to the game now.” Say: “In the game of Simon Says, you do what Simon says to do, but in real life you should do what the Bible tells you to do. Did you know that Satan will try to trick you into doing what he wants you to do? “The Bible says, "Thou shalt not steal," but if you go to the store to buy something and the cashier gives you too much money back, Satan will try to get you to keep it. He will say, "That isn't stealing," but if we take something that doesn't belong to us, it is stealing, isn't it? “The Bible says, "Love your enemies," but when someone does something to hurt you, Satan will say, "Hurt them back, after all, they hurt you first." “The Bible says, "Thou shalt not lie," but when you accidentally break your mother's vase and she asks if you know how it got broken, Satan will say, "Don't tell the truth. If you tell the truth, it will just get you into more trouble." Say: “Did you know that Satan even tried to get Jesus to do things that were wrong? When he did, do you know what Jesus did? Jesus answered him with Scripture. That is a good way to defeat Satan, isn't it? Just read the Bible and do what it tells you to do -- not what Satan tells you to do!"

Group Learning Activity Group: “Temptation Obstacle Course” (Grades 3-5) Purpose: This game will help your students actively review how Satan tempted Jesus and how the angels took care of Jesus. Preparation: You will need one large pan of sand; one medium-sized rock that the students can easily carry; one small step stool, one table, and one adhesive bandage for each child. Procedure: Set up an obstacle course as described in the following instructions. As the teacher you are to walk through the obstacles as an example of what the students are to try to do by themselves. Go through each stage explaining that part of the story that the stage represents. Say: "First you will walk through this pan of sand, just as Jesus walked through the desert. Next, you'll pick up the stone, like the one Satan tried to get Jesus to turn into bread. Carry it around this circle and put it back where you found it. Then bend down and crawl under the table to remind you that Satan tried to get Jesus to bend down and worship him. Next, stand on the step stool and jump off, to remind you that Satan tried to get Jesus to jump off the highest point of the Temple. Finally unwrap a bandage and place it on yourself, to remind you that the angels came and cared for Jesus after he was tempted."


NT2.3 Temptation of Jesus © Beverly Wilson 2019

Have the children go through the obstacle course, resetting it for each child as needed. After playing this game, ask your students to sit down in groups of three or four and discuss. Say: “How does it feel to know that even though Satan tempted Jesus, Jesus never gave in? (It is reassuring and helps us realize that if Jesus went through temptation, He understands how it feels for us. Because Jesus overcame temptation by using scripture and relying on the truth of God, it helps us know that we too have a tool to help us be faithful to God. God has promised in His Word that he will not allow Satan to give us more temptation than we can endure. He also promises to give us a way of escape if we will ask Him.) Say: “What is one way that Satan tempts you? (Satan can tempt kids to disobey their parents, not tell the truth, be unkind to others, get angry with our brothers and sisters, try to cheat on our homework or on tests, etc.) Say: “What can you do to resist Satan's temptation? (Resisting temptation is through knowing and obeying God’s Word. We should study and read God’s Word and memorize scripture. We should consistently pray and attend church so others can encourage us and we can learn more about the Bible. We should have a willing heart that wants to obey God. We should ask God to give us strength through His Holy Spirit to help us when we are faced with temptations.)

Group Learning Activity: “Sword Drills” (Grades 3-5) Preparation: You will need Bibles, pencils and spiritual journals. Say: "In this lesson we learned that Jesus used scripture to help him overcome temptation. God’s Word is like a sharp sword. It cuts through the temptations of Satan. We are going to look at some scriptures that teach us the power of God’s Word.”

Procedure: Conduct a “Sword Drill.” Have students look up the following passages of scripture and read aloud. Use these verses to teach the students how to find Bible verses. All students must begin with Bible closed. Call out a Scripture reference and the first student to find it will read the verse to the rest of the class. You may want to direct attention to the Contents page in the front of their Bibles to help them locate hard-to-find books.

Hebrews 4:12 “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” The Word of God is not simply a collection of words from God. It is the way God talks to us. It is living, life-changing and dynamic as it works in us. It helps us understand what is good and evil. We must not just listen to God’s Word but let it change our lives. John 14:6 “Jesus said to him, I am the Way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” God’s Word tells us how one truly gets to heaven. It is only through Jesus not ourselves. Romans 5:8 “but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us,” God’s Word tells us that God loves us so much that He sent His son Jesus to die for our sins. Psalm 119:11 “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sink against you.” The Word of God helps us see sin in our lives and helps us get rid of it. Psalm 32:8 “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;” God’s Word will guide us in making the right decisions.

Have students write a summary of what they have learned in their spiritual journals.


NT2.3 Temptation of Jesus © Beverly Wilson 2019

Group Learning Activity: “Temptation Pantomime” (Grades 3-5) Preparation: You will need slips of paper and a basket. For this activity the teacher should write a temptation on little pieces of paper and place them in a basket. Examples of temptations: being sassy; watching the wrong TV show; eating a cookie when told not to; going to the wrong place; hitting someone; getting angry with siblings; cheating on a test. Procedure: Divide the class into two teams. Each team takes turns having one member draw a piece of paper from the basket. The person is to pantomime the temptation to his/her team for them to guess. If the pantomime is guessed, then the team shouts, "Say No! to temptation!" Then the other team has a member draw a temptation to guess. The team with the most correct guesses wins. Say: “How does it feel to face temptation? (Temptation can feel exciting at first and look very attractive but we should not be deceived about it. After we yield to temptation then we often suffer feelings of guilt. With every sin there are also other consequences such as hurting ourselves or others. The consequences of disobeying God are much greater than the immediate joy we may experience.) Say: “Because temptation is sometimes difficult to resist how does knowing that Jesus faced and overcame temptation help us? It is helps us realize that if Jesus went through temptation, He understands how it feels for us. Because Jesus overcame temptation by using scripture and relying on the truth of God, it helps us know that we too have a tool to help us be faithful to God. God has promised in His Word that he will not allow Satan to give us more temptation than we can endure. He also promises to give us a way of escape if we will ask Him.) Say: “What is one way that Satan tempts you? (Satan can tempt kids to disobey their parents, not tell the truth, be unkind to others, get angry with our brothers and sisters, try to cheat on our homework or on tests, etc.) Say: “What can you do to resist Satan's temptation? (Resisting temptation is through knowing and obeying God’s Word. We should study and read God’s Word and memorize scripture. We should consistently pray and attend church so others can encourage us and we can learn more about the Bible. We should have a willing heart that wants to obey God. We should ask God to give us strength through His Holy Spirit to help us when we are faced with temptations.)

Group Learning Activity: “Battling Sin” Game (Grades 2-5) Preparation: You will need a cardboard sword for each child. You will need cardboard tubes, duct tape, and scissors to make the swords. You will also need a large supply of newspaper or recycled paper to make crumpled balls of “temptation.” Procedure: Each child will need to make a cardboard sword to play this game. (These swords can be prepared by the teacher ahead of time or students can make their own.) Cardboard Swords: You will need to use duct tape to secure two paper towel rolls together (end to end). Optional: Use large drapery fabric tubes. Or you can use empty wrapping paper rolls by themselves. You need one "sword" for each child. Game Area: Use masking tape to make a line down the middle of the room. This line will separate the floor into two battlefields, one for each team. Also, use masking tape to mark off a home base corner for each team. Form two teams. Give each child a "sword" made out of the paper towel rolls. Allow several minutes for the kids to decorate their swords


NT2.3 Temptation of Jesus © Beverly Wilson 2019

using the colored markers. Say: “In this lesson we learned that Jesus resisted the temptation of Satan. The devil also tempts us to do wrong. Jesus overcame temptation by quoting scripture. The truth of the Bible is our sword. What are some sins or temptations that kids your age you might face? (Have the children call out some sins or temptations they face each day. For example, stealing, cussing, being a bully, disobeying parents, etc. As they do, throw the small balls of crumpled recycled paper onto the floor, making sure the balls are on both sides of the battlefield.) Give the following rules of the game: • The object is to move any "sin balls" from your side of the battlefield to the other team's side. • You must stand at home base in the "READY" position until you hear the word, "GO!" • You must stay on your side of the battlefield and not cross the centerline. • You must use only your sword to move the sin balls to the other side. • You must stop when the leader calls out, "STOP!" • You must use your sword wisely or it may break in half. After saying, "GO," give the children a few minutes then yell "STOP!" Count the number of "sin balls" on each side and pronounce the winning team of that round. Then have everyone return to the "READY" position, and play another round. Say: "This game shows us how sin attacks. Sin is always around us. We are faced with temptation every day. They never seem to go away. We can combat these evil things when we use our swords wisely. But what good is a dull sword? We must keep our swords sharp to be ready for battle. How do we keep our swords sharp? (To keep our swords sharp we need to read our Bible and let the Word of God become part of our lives) Group Learning Activity: “Chart Choices” (Grades 3-5) Preparation: You will need twelve sheets of cardstock or chart paper and some colored marking pens. Procedure: On twelve sheets of cardstock print the following questions: (Be sure to separate the choices so students have room to write their names.)

Would you rather go to the lake .......... or visit a sick friend? Would you rather watch a movie ..........or read a book?

Would you rather eat spinach eat broccoli?

Would you rather invite someone you know to your birthday party or not invite someone you know to your birthday party?

Would you rather obey your parents and clean your room or not obey your parents and not clean your room?

Would you rather stand up for what is right ..........or allow your friends to tell you what you should do.

Would you rather make fun of someone.......or stand up for someone when others are making fun of her?

Would you rather play computer games ..........or ride your bike?

Would you rather finish your homework as soon as you get home ....or finish your homework after dinner?

Would you rather give your allowance to help another family in need.......or use your money to buy another video game?

Would you rather save your money until you can afford a new game DVD or steal the video DVD game?

Would you rather play ball on Sunday instead of attending worship or attend worship? Hang the chart questions around the room.


NT2.3 Temptation of Jesus © Beverly Wilson 2019

Say, "Around the room are twelve "Would you rather" choices. Write your name under the choice that you would make on each page." Assist students as needed. Gather the children together. Say, "How did you decide which choice you would make? Were you tempted to mark what you wanted to do instead of what you should do? Why?" Summarize the choice results. Explain that to tempt is to try to get a person to make a wrong choice or take an action that displeases God and is against His Word. You can also use the temptation discussion questions from “Temptation Pantomime” activity to help students understand how to understand and resist temptations. "Let's Learn how we can deal with the temptations we face." Be sure to follow this activity with the Life Application exercise.

Group Learning Activity: Hunting or Fishing Object Lesson (Grades K-5) Preparation: Invite a man in your church who is a hunter or fisherman to come to your class and talk about their duck decoys, fishing lures, or hunting snares. Compare these objects to Satan's traps and snares. For example: A fishing barrel net can be used in the following way. The opening at one end is very large and the smell of bait entices the fish into the net. The net then has two funnels into which the fish enter, but cannot go back out. Actually there is one small way out of the net, but the fish are trying every other way to get out once they are caught in the net. This is a wonderful illustration how Satan entices us into sin. It doesn't look threatening and the bait is so attractive. Once we are caught in the net of sin though, there is only one way out - that is Jesus. We can try other ways, but there is only one out of sin's trap. For example: A hunting snare can be very effective. The danger is that they blend in with the natural surroundings. A snare captures an animal as he's going about his normal activities. It won't kill the animal, but it will bind its leg and leave it helpless. Satan can hide snares among the normal surroundings of our everyday life too. We can be caught unsuspecting if we're not careful to keep our spiritual eyes open and be on alert. It's important for us to listen to those that watch out for us like our parents or teachers. Also, we need to read and study the Bible because it warns us about Satan's snares and teaches us how to avoid being caught in them. 1 Peter 5:8: "Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." For example: A duck decoy is made to look just like a real duck. The hunter places it in the water, splashes the water to make it move, and then uses a duck call to make the sounds of a duck. Ducks follow a leader. As they hear what they think to be a duck calling to them, they follow. As they come closer, they get in grave danger because they're following a "fake" duck. Who are we following? There are many voices that call for our attention and want us to follow them. There are our peers (others our own age), television programs, movies, etc. We need to be careful who we follow. The one we should be following is Jesus. He's the "real deal" not a decoy! In Luke 21:8 Jesus says: " He replied: "Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am he,' and, 'The time is near.' Do not follow them."


NT2.3 Temptation of Jesus © Beverly Wilson 2019

Craft Learning Activity: Say NO to Sin! (Grades K-3) Say: "Jesus obeyed God when He said "No!" to sin. Today we are going to make a paper plate face that shows us saying "No!" to sin." Preparation: You will need paper plates; construction paper (red, brown, blue, yellow); glue; tape; and large craft stick or paint stir stick. Optional is to make a pattern for the eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. Procedure: Distribute supplies to students. Have children cut ears, nose and hair out of brown construction paper. Cut the eyes out of the blue construction paper. Cut the lips out of the red construction paper. Optional: Use colored yarn strings for hair. You can also use wiggly eyes for fun. Tape the craft stick or paint stir stick onto the paper plate to make a handle. Glue all parts of the face and hair onto the paper plate.

Craft Learning Activity: “Swords” (Grades 2-5) Preparation: You will need the following supplies to make the swords: cardboard, scissors, paint or aluminum foil. Use the sword pattern template below to print on cardstock or cut out of heavy cardboard. You can extend the blade of the sword to make it longer if you wish. Say: “Let’s read Hebrews 4:12 “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” This verse compares the Bible to a sword. Jesus used Scriptures as His “sword” to fight against Satan’s attacks. We are going to make swords to remind us that the Word of God is our sword to use against temptation.” Procedure: Have the students cut the swords out of cardboard. They may paint them or cover them with aluminum foil. Talk about how swords were used in medieval times for protection against enemies. The swords the students make will remind them that the Word of God is for their protection, and for a weapon against Satan. To carry this idea further, use the sword as a memorization tool. Let the students attach fake gems to their swords for each Scripture verse they memorize. Keep the swords for use throughout the unit. After completing the sword, have students write a short prayer asking God to help them defeat temptation.

Craft Learning Activity: “Temptation Mural” (Grades 3-5) Preparation: You will need scissors, glue, colored marking pens, and a stack of old magazines or pictures from the newspaper. You will also need a long roll of poster paper to make a wall mural. Say: "What does it mean to be tempted? (To be tempted means that we are tested by Satan to see if we will obey God or not.) Temptation is not a sin but when we yield to temptation and do what God says is wrong then it is a sin." Share some experiences from your life and what it means to do wrong. Procedure: Have the students look through the magazines and newspaper and find pictures or articles that show people that were tempted and what decisions they made. Talk about alternatives to their decisions. Use the illustrations, pictures or articles to make a large mural. Glue the examples to a large sheet or roll of poster paper. Title the mural "Temptations To Do Wrong". Use the mural as a point of discussion for students to practically understand what temptations they may face.


NT2.3 Temptation of Jesus © Beverly Wilson 2019

Craft Learning Activity: “Bread Refrigerator Magnets” (Grades 2-5) Say: "Jesus refused to give in to the devil's temptations. Today we are going to make a bread magnet to go on our refrigerator at home. This magnet will help us to remember the verse Jesus used to resist temptation and how we are to obey the Lord." Preparation: You will need magnets (usually round with peel and stick backing); white foam; brown construction paper; yellow cardstock; markers; and scissors. Procedure: Using the template below draw bread like shape on the white foam and cut it out. Place the foam on the brown construction paper and trace around it. Cut out the "crust" slightly larger than the white foam bread. Then glue the brown paper and white foam onto the yellow or other color cardstock. Write the verse "Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord" around the bread. Cut around the verse. Make dots on the white foam to look more like a piece of bread. Attach a magnet to the top back of the yellow (or other color) cardstock. Discuss how we are to resist temptation. Use discussion questions from “Temptation Pantomime” activity.

Craft Learning Activity: "I Love Jesus" Poster (Grades K-2) Preparation: You will need white poster board and red construction paper for each child. Other supplies include scissors, glue, and marking pens. Procedure: Give each child a section of a white poster board and a big red construction paper heart to glue onto their poster. Children can write the words "I" before the big heart and JESUS after the heart. In different letters or a different color, children can trace or write I'll Do What Jesus Says... or I Will Obey. So this poster will say I (heart/love) Jesus! I Will Obey! Students can write phrases or draw figures of themselves obeying God by reading their Bible, obeying parents, praying, etc. around the edges of the poster. This can also be made into a book mark or door hanger.

Craft Learning Activity: “Homemade Stickers” (Grades 2-5) Preparation: For this activity you will need the following: heavyweight paper, scissors, markers, paint brushes, measuring teaspoon, powdered flavored gelatin mix, boiling water, mixing bowl, Ziplocs bags (1 per child). Print the Sticker Template page below on heavy cardstock. Say: "What did the devil tempt Jesus to do?" (Turn stones into bread; To jump from the Temple so the angels would catch Him; To bow down and worship Satan) What did Jesus say to Satan? (No!) What are some temptations that kids face? (Disobey parents, lie, cheat, steal, swear, etc.) With God's help we can say no to temptation. It is easy to know this but not easy to do sometimes. Let's make some stickers to remind us to stand up against temptation." Procedure: On a large sheet of heavyweight paper print the template below or draw some conversation bubbles and street signs. In each space write: Follow Jesus' Example; No to Temptation; Trust God; Remember--Jesus Said No to Temptation; Say Yes to God and No to


NT2.3 Temptation of Jesus © Beverly Wilson 2019

Temptation. Use some blank bubbles for students to create their own stickers. Have students color the stickers. Mix the Sticker Paste by dissolving 2 tsp. of gelatin in 5 tsp of boiling water. Use brushes to apply a thin coat of sticker past to the back of the "sticker page." Say: "Use the brushes to paint a thin coat of sticker mixture to the back of your stickers. When you want to attach the stickers to something, lick the back to activate the glue. Allow the stickers to air dry. Place in Zip lock bags to store. To conclude the activity say, "Pray for courage to withstand temptation."

Life Application Challenge: “Five Fingers” Procedure: Have the children hold up one hand. Use the fingers on the hand to remember five ways God helps us when we are tempted. Point to a finger as you give each idea.

Point to the thumb and say, “Know what Jesus wants you to do.” Tell the children how to know what Jesus wants them to do. Say: “First, you must know God’s Word. You should read the Bible and learn Bible verses. These verses will help you make the right choice, just as they helped Jesus.”

Point to the first finger and say: “Ask God to help you make right choices. Spend time each day praying to God. Ask Him to help you do what is right.”

Point to the second finger and say: “Ask other Christians to help you. It is important to talk to other Christians when you are tempted to do wrong. Other Christians can pray for you. They can tell you what helps them to do right.”

Point to the third finger and say: “Tell the devil to go away. Remember, Jesus told the devil to go away. Do not listen to temptation.”

Point to the fourth finger and say: “Stay away from people, places, and things that make you want to do wrong. Stay away from people who try to get you to do wrong things. Stay away from places where you should not go and away from things you should not do.”

Practice saying the five points using your fingers. Have the children point to each finger as you talk about it. Tell the children to let others know how God is helping them. Say, "When you let others know how God is helping you, it helps them."


NT2.3 Temptation of Jesus © Beverly Wilson 2019

Temptation of Jesus

Matthew 26:41 “Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation.

The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak."


NT2.3 Temptation of Jesus © Beverly Wilson 2019


NT2.3 Temptation of Jesus © Beverly Wilson 2019


NT2.3 Temptation of Jesus © Beverly Wilson 2019


NT2.3 Temptation of Jesus © Beverly Wilson 2019


NT2.3 Temptation of Jesus © Beverly Wilson 2019


NT2.3 Temptation of Jesus © Beverly Wilson 2019


NT2.3 Temptation of Jesus © Beverly Wilson 2019

Bread Magnet