Unit 4 Christmas Spirit. Ⅰ.Teaching Aims Ⅰ.Teaching Aims Ⅱ. Teaching Contents Ⅱ. Teaching...

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Unit 4 Christmas Spirit

.Teaching AimsⅠ . Teaching ContentsⅡ Ⅲ. Teaching Time: Six class hours : Teaching Focal and difficult PointsⅣ

Ⅴ. Teaching Methods: Interactive Approach Cooperative Learning Ⅵ.Teaching Aids PowerPoint Blackboard Ⅶ.Teaching Procedure

Ⅰ.Teaching Aims

Section A: A Sailor’s Christmas Gift

1.  Let the students acquainted with some new words and good expressions:

on one’s way to, wretched, go wrong, trap, rent, break down,

irritable, shabby, joint, greasy, all by oneself, monotonously, miserable.

2.    Teach the writing skill: A theme-related writing

Ⅰ.Teaching Aims

Section B: Care of the Elderly: A Family Matter

1. Teach the reading skill: Reading for the Main Ideas in Paragraphs

2. Grammar review: Adjective

Ⅱ. Teaching Contents

Section A: A Sailor’s Christmas Gift Lead-in Pre-reading Activities Background Information Structure of the Text Language Points

Ⅱ. Teaching Contents

Section B: Our “Family” Reading skills Reading comprehension Language points

Ⅳ: Teaching Focal Points

Section A: A Sailor’s Christmas Gift

1.Sentence structure: how to analyze the structure of a sentence

2.Comprehension of the text 3.Grasp several CET-4 key words

Ⅳ: Teaching Focal and Difficult Points

Section B: Our “Family”

1. Ask students to retell the text 2. Review the grammar about


Text A

A Sailor’s Christmas Gift

1. Lead-in 2. Pre-reading Activities 3. Background Information 4. Work on Section A 5. Language Points

1. Lead-in

①Do you like Christmas? ②How much do you know about Christma

s? ③What would you do when Christmas is c


2. Pre-reading Activities

Task one: Focusing on the main idea Fill in the table below with information about the occupati

ons of each speaker and their opinions about christmas Speaker



Speaker 2: Jenny

Speaker 3: Karen

Occupation: Occupation: Occupation:

Christmas is mainly about____ _________

Christmas is mainly about_______________

Christmas is

mainly about _____


2. Pre-reading Activities Task two: Zooming in on the details. Listen to the recording again and fill in each of the blanks

according to what you have heard. 1. To Susan, Christmas has nothing to do with spending a lot

of money and .The two things she loves to do are: and sharing a home cooked meal with friends.

2. Jenny’s opinion about Christmas seems to be different from her children’s. her children regard Christmas as a time to be together and .But Jenny always prepares and gifts for the family.

3. For Karen, Christmas nowadays seems to be so much different from what it was in the past. She thinks Christmas is more about ,but this spirit seems to be lost in today’s _________.

2. Pre-reading Activities Answers: Task one: Focusing on the main idea



Speaker 2: Jenny

Speaker 3: Karen

Occupation: artist

Occupation: house wife

Occupation: social worker

Christmas is mainly about is mainly about spending time together with the people you like.

Christmas is mainly about having gifts and enough food and drink to the family members.

Christmas is

mainly about Christmas spirit—the element of giving.

Task two: Zooming in on the details 1. throwing big parties, watching a beautif

ul Christmas movie with someone special. 2. catch up on news and conversation, a l

ot of food and drink. 3. giving and caring, stressful society.

4. Work on Section A A) Structure of the Text ( a method of analyzing the text struct

ure is employed) Part 1 (Para. 1) My family and I had bad luck last year at

Christmas time when we were in France until we checked into a shabby hotel in Nice.

Part 2 (Paras. 2-5) The situation continued to go wrong in the hotel...

Part 3 (Paras. 6-22) Things began to get better and people began to feel happy and excited about the merry Christmas.

Part 4 (Para 23) The miserable evening in a dull restaurant ended up being the very best Christmas Eve we had ever experienced just because of a young sailor who had Christmas spirit in his soul.

4. Work on Section A

B) Raise some questions to make students grasp some detailed information in the text (question and answer method is used)

4. Work on Section A C) Questions and Answers Part 1 (Para. 1): Questions: 1.Where was the family last Christmas? 2.How long had they been on holiday? 3.What went wrong with the author and

his family at Christmas time last year? 4.How did they feel on Christmas?

Part 1 (Para. 1):

Answers: 1.They were in France, on their way from

Paris to Nice, to be precise. 2.For more than five days. 3.Quite a few things went wrong: Their

hotels were tourist traps. Their car broke down and they checked into a shabby hotel in Nice on Christmas Eve. They had had five bad days and felt very unhappy.

4.They did not feel in a festive mood at all..

4. Work on Section A Part 2 (Paras. 2-5): Questions: 1.Did the writer like the restaurant? Why did he still

bring his family in? 2.What did the other customers look like? 3.Why did the writer call his wife stupid? What had

happened? 4.What was the wife’s response and what did the s

ons do? 5.How did the writer feel at this time ? 6.What happened to the French boy? 7.What happened to the German couple?

Part 2 (Paras. 2-5): Answers: 1.The writer did not like the restaurant but still brought his

family in because he was to tired and unhappy to search for another one.

2.They were all eating in stony silence and looked miserable except for the American sailor.

3.He called her “stupid ” possibly because he thought if she had ordered the meal in English, the waiter might have given them what they wanted. He may have thought she was stupid to use a language she did not know well enough to order food.

4.The wife cried and the sons defended their mother. 5.He felt even worse. 6.His father slapped him for a minor fault and he started to

cry. 7.The German wife began to scold her husband.

4. Work on Section A Part 3 (Paras. 6-22): Questions: 1.Why was there a blast of cold air? 2.What did the flower woman look like? 3.The flower lady called the piano player “Joseph”.

What does that show? 4.Had the piano player got any money? How do yo

u know? 5.What did the American sailor do before he left? 6.What was the sailor’s response when the flower

woman tried to get change?

Part 3 (Paras. 6-22): Answers: 1.A flower woman opened the door and came in,

bringing to a blast of cold air.. 2 She was wearing a shabby raincoat which was

dripping with rain, and she was wearing a pair of wet and broken shoes..

3. It shows that she knew each other pretty well and probably she had been selling flowers for a long time in the area and the piano player performed regularly in the restaurant.

4. No. His tipping plate was empty. 5. He bought two flowers from the flower woman. 6. The sailor kissed the flower woman and told her it

was his Christmas present to her.

5. Language Points

For five wretched days everything had gone wrong.

wretched: adj. extremely bad or unpleasant eg:The house was in a wretched state. eg:I was shocked to see their wretched living co

nditions. 多么令人讨厌的天气! (= What wretched weather!)

5. Language Points

rent, hire & lease 这些动词均含“租,租用”之意。 rent 在英式英语中指较长时间租出或租入房屋、商店或


eg: We rented an apartment together. hire 多指短期租用。在英式英语中一般指租用车、船。

例如: eg: You can hire a car at the airport. lease 指按照租约租出或租用房屋、土地或其他不动产。

例如: I’m interested in leasing your cottage.

5. Language Points break down: 1) stop working 2) (of friendship, agreement, or process) cease to continue; collapse 3) change or remove something that prevents people from working

together and having a successful relationship with each other 4) be unable to stop one’s emotions when in a state of distress,

especially in public 5) separate something into smaller parts so that it is easier to be dealt

with or understood Directions: Match the above definitions with the sentences below. a) He showed us the whole dance, then broke it down so that we

could learn it more easily. b) The car broke down just north of Paris. c) It takes a long time to break down prejudices. d) Negotiations broke down after only two days. e) He broke down and cried. (Key: 1-b, 2-d, 3-c, 4-e, 5-a)

5. Language Points

Collocation: break away (from) 逃脱,逃离 break in 闯入 break off 突然结束,中断 break out 突然发生,爆发 break through 突破,有新的发现 break up 结束,断绝关系 Directions: Fill in the blanks with the above phrases. Change the form w

here necessary. 1) Thieves ______ and stole £ 10, 000 worth of computer equipment.

(= broke in) 2) The prisoner ______ the two policemen who were holding him. (= bro

ke away from) 3) What will happen to the children if Jim and Mary ______? (= break u

p) 4) The two countries ______ diplomatic relations with each other. (= bro

ke off) 5) Scientists hope to ______ soon for a cure for this kind of cancer. (= br

eak through) 6) I was still living in London when the war ______. (= broke out)

5. Language Points On Christmas Eve, when we checked into a s

habby hotel in Nice, there was no Christmas spirit in our hearts.

shabby: adj. untidy and in bad condition eg: Hugh’s jacket was old and shabby. eg: Fortunately, she met Jim, who offered her

a job in his rather shabby restaurant.

5. Language Points The boys defended her, I felt even worse. defend: vt. use arguments to protect something o

r someone from criticism, or to prove that something is right

eg: She was always defending her husband in front of their daughter.

eg: Students should be ready to explain and defend their views.

5. Language Points


(= How can you defend the killing of animals for scientific study?)

Pattern: defend sb. against/from sb./sth.

5. Language Points

slap: 1) vt. hit someone with the flat part of the hand eg: He slapped her across the face. eg: If you touch me again I’ll slap you. 2) n. a quick hit with the flat part of the hand eg: Julia gave Roy a slap on the cheek. Collocation: a slap in the face 侮辱,打击 a slap on the wrist 轻微的处罚,温和的警告 a slap on the back 表扬,赞许

5. Language Points

minor: adj. small and not very important or serious, especially when compared with other things

eg: I made minor alterations to the article. CF: minor, negligible & minimal 这些形容词均含“不重要的,次要的”之意。 minor 多指与别的比较后显得不重要,或指较少、较小。例

如: * The young actress was given a minor part in the new play. negligible 指数量小、不重要、微不足道或可忽略不计。例

如: * In buying a suit, a difference of ten cents in prices is negli

gible. minimal 指最少、最低或最小。例如: * The cost to taxpayers would be minimal.

5. Language Points franc: n. the standard unit of money in various co

untries, and used in France and Belgium before the euro

NB:Currencies of the World PRC Renminbi ,


CNY 1CNY=10 jiao ( 角 )1 jiao=10 fen ( 分 )

United Kingdom

Pound ,Sterling

GBP 1GBP=100 new pence ( 新便士 )

United States of America

U.S.Dollar USD 1USD=100 cents ( 分 )

Japan Japanese Yen

JPY 1JPY=100 sen ( 钱 )

Canada Canadian Dollar

CAD 1CAD=100 cents

5. Language Points Collocation: point the/a finger at somebody 指责 eg: I knew that they would point the finger at me. 我知道他

们会指责我的。 point the way forward 指明方向 eg: This new discovery points the way forward in the searc

h for a cure. 这一新发现为寻找治疗方法指明了方向。 point out 指出,指明 eg: I pointed out to him where I used to live. 我把我过去住

的地方指给他看。 point to 表明;指向 eg: All the evidence points to Randall as the murderer. 所


5. Language Points

lean: vi. slope or bend from an upright position She leant towards him and listened. He was leaning on the bridge, watching the boat

s go by. Collocation: lean on somebody 依赖,依靠 The couple lean on each other for support. 这对

夫妻互相依靠。 lean towards something 有……倾向

5. Language Points

permission: n. the act of allowing; consent; authorization

eg: Did he give you permission to take that? Collocation: ask/request/apply for permission 请求许可 give/grant permission 准许 get/obtain/receive permission 获得许可 have permission (to do something) 许可 refuse/deny (somebody) permission 不许 with/without (somebody’s) permission 经过许可 / 未经许可

5. Language Points Directions: Fill in the blanks with the above phrases. Change the form

where necessary. 1) You must ______ before taking any photographs inside

the church. (= ask permission) 2) They didn’t ______ cross the frontier. (= have permission

to) 3) Who ______ to leave class early? (= gave him

permission) 4) He ______ from his boss before talking to the press. (=

obtained permission) 5) We heard of the Council’s decision to ______ for the

development. (= refuse permission) 6) Pages should not be copied ______ the publisher. (=

without the permission of) 7) ______, I should like to visit Mrs. Thorne myself. (= With

your permission)

5. Language Points depart: v. leave, especially when starting a journey eg. Dorothy departed for Germany last week. CF: depart, leave, go & quit 这些动词均含“离开某处”之意。 depart 较正式,指经过周密考虑或郑重地离开,强调离开的起点。

例如: The train to Edinburgh will depart from platform 6 in five minutes. leave 强调出发地而不是目的地。例如: We’re leaving from the main station at six o’clock. go 是一般用词,指从所在地到其他地方去,着重目的地而非出发地。

例如: We are going to my parents’ from Christmas. quit 指离开令人烦恼的地方,或摆脱使人不快的人或事。例如: I’d had enough, so I quit my job.

5. Language Points enthusiasm: n. a strong feeling of interest and enjoyment a

bout something and an eagerness to be involved in it Collocation: with enthusiasm 热情(烈)地 great/much/considerable/enormous enthusiasm 巨大的热

情 little enthusiasm 没什么热情 lack of enthusiasm 缺乏热情 full of enthusiasm 充满热情 show (great/considerable) enthusiasm 显示出巨大的热情 lose enthusiasm 失去热情 fire somebody with enthusiasm 使……充满热情 generate enthusiasm 激发……的热情

5. Language Points dull: adj. not interesting or exciting eg: Life is never dull when Elizabeth is here. CF: dull, tedious, monotonous & dreary 这些形容词均表示“单调的,乏味的,厌烦的”之意。 dull 指缺乏鲜明、吸引力或情趣而显得乏味、沉闷。例如: The weekly meeting tends to be deadly dull. tedious 指文章、演讲、演出等冗长乏味或环境等单调、沉闷,

缺乏活力,使人感到不舒服。例如: Most of the students in the hall were put to sleep by the tedio

us lecture. monotonous 指没有变化、重复单调的。例如: He spoilt the poem by reading it in a monotonous voice. dreary 强调无趣味的、不活泼的事或思想状态。例如: Addressing envelopes is dreary work.

5. Language Points release: vt. let someone go free, after havin

g kept them somewhere eg: Police arrested several men, who were l

ater released. eg: The bears are eventually released into t

he wild. Pattern: release somebody from something eg: He was released from the hospital yeste


CF: release, free, liberate & discharge 这些动词均含“解放,释放”之意。 release 指放松限制、解除监禁或免除义务。例如: The hijackers released three of the hostages. free 指不再受任何限制、约束、阻碍和压迫,完全可按自己的意志行

事。例如: She freed the bird from its cage. liberate常指从束缚和压迫中解放出来,强调获得最终的解放,有时

可和 free换用。例如: The new government has liberated all political prisoners. discharge 强调把某人或某物从监禁、束缚中释放出来。例如: The judge discharged the prisoner.

Text B

Our “Family”

1. Ask students to finish reading Text B in ten minutes and answer the questions on Page 196.

2. Languages Points:

2. Language Points Para 2: ongoing: sth. that has been happening for q

uite a long time and seems likely to continue for some time in the future.

eg: He interrupted the ongoing discussion and announced a notice

request: an act of asking for sth., especially politely.

eg:: The president’s request for an increase in the defense budge was turned down.

2. Language Points Para 3: 1.My mind was racing with all sorts of ideas. Meaning: all kinds of possible problems were flas

hing through my mind. 我的脑海里满是疑问。 2.I waited for what seemed like an eternity for her

to answer. Meaning: The author was very anxious to know th

e answer, so the few seconds/minutes her daughter took to answer the question seemed very long, as if lasting forever.


2. Language Points Para 6: …, and when the school presented them with the s

chool supply list for all four grades they were overwhelmed.


overwhelm: (of feeling) to make (sb.) completely helpless, usually suddenly.

eg: Maggie felt completely overwhelmed when she heard the bad news about her husband.

2. Language Points Para 10: …but because she knew me from my work at the s

chool and involvement on the PTA board, she slipped a piece of paper into my hand…(para 10)

involvement: the state of being a apart of. eg: When she was promoted, she missed the day-t

o-day involvement with customers PTA: Parents-Teachers Association, an organizati

on at each school, which is meatn to offer parental support to the school and better cooperation beween parents and teachers.

slip: give sb. sth. quietly, secretly. eg: I slipped a note into her hand under the table.

2. Language Points Para 15 Nothing was underneath. Meaning: At Christmas, Christmas gifts are us

ually placed under the Christmas tree. Here, it means that the family was so poor that they had no Christmas gifts; therefore, nothing was under the tree.

underneath: under, below eg: The underneath part felt damp.

2. Language Points Para.20 She never told a soul at school what we di

d. Meaning: She kept the whole thing a secre

t. She never told anybody about what we had done for John’s family.


soul: a human being eg: She is a dear old soul.