Unit 4: The First Global Age (1450-1770). 4A) Mesoamerican Civilizations.

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Unit 4: The First Global Age


4A) Mesoamerican Civilizations

… In the 1930s, Sylvanus G. Morley of Harvard, probably the most celebrated Mayanist of his day, espoused [argued for] what is still the best-known theory: The Maya collapsed because they overshot the carrying capacity of their environment. They exhausted their resource base, began to die of starvation and thirst, and fled their cities en masse, leaving them as silent warnings of the perils of ecological hubris [overconfidence].…

— Charles C. Mann, 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus

1. According to this passage, what was a major question Morley was trying to answer about the Mayas in the 1930s?

(1) Why did the Mayas abandon their cities?(2) What was the structure of the Maya governments?(3) How did religious beliefs affect the Maya economy?(4) Which neighboring city-state conquered the Mayas?

… In the 1930s, Sylvanus G. Morley of Harvard, probably the most celebrated Mayanist of his day, espoused [argued for] what is still the best-known theory: The Maya collapsed because they overshot the carrying capacity of their environment. They exhausted their resource base, began to die of starvation and thirst, and fled their cities en masse, leaving them as silent warnings of the perils of ecological hubris [overconfidence].…

— Charles C. Mann, 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus

1. According to this passage, what was a major question Morley was trying to answer about the Mayas in the 1930s?

(1) Why did the Mayas abandon their cities?(2) What was the structure of the Maya governments?(3) How did religious beliefs affect the Maya economy?(4) Which neighboring city-state conquered the Mayas?

2. One way the Incas adapted their environment was by

(1) building a network of roads through the mountains

(2) growing rice as a major agricultural product(3) establishing an encomienda system(4) creating floating gardens

2. One way the Incas adapted their environment was by

(1) building a network of roads through the mountains

(2) growing rice as a major agricultural product(3) establishing an encomienda system(4) creating floating gardens

3. Which situation was an immediate cause for the collapse of the Aztec civilization?

(1) disruption of overseas trade networks(2) conquest by foreigners(3) a series of crop failures (4) a lack of military training

3. Which situation was an immediate cause for the collapse of the Aztec civilization?

(1) disruption of overseas trade networks(2) conquest by foreigners(3) a series of crop failures (4) a lack of military training

… At Tenochtitlán, the Aztecs perfected an unusual method of farming. They built huge rafts, covered them with earth, and floated them on the lake. On these chinampas, or “floating islands,” they grew enough maize and vegetables to feed their expanding population comfortably. Eventually, roots from the tree rafts attached themselves to the bottom of the shallow lake to become permanent foundations for buildings.…

—Lois Athey

4. Which conclusion is best supported by the information in this passage?

(1) The Aztecs terraced the land.(2) Large plantations provided food for the markets.(3) The Aztecs were limited to subsistence farming.(4) Environmental adaptation aided economic development.

… At Tenochtitlán, the Aztecs perfected an unusual method of farming. They built huge rafts, covered them with earth, and floated them on the lake. On these chinampas, or “floating islands,” they grew enough maize and vegetables to feed their expanding population comfortably. Eventually, roots from the tree rafts attached themselves to the bottom of the shallow lake to become permanent foundations for buildings.…

—Lois Athey

4. Which conclusion is best supported by the information in this passage?

(1) The Aztecs terraced the land.(2) Large plantations provided food for the markets.(3) The Aztecs were limited to subsistence farming.(4) Environmental adaptation aided economic development.

5. Which factor most influenced the development of diverse cultures in pre-Columbian South America?

(1) trade agreements(2) geographic features(3) imported religious ideas(4) peasant revolts

5. Which factor most influenced the development of diverse cultures in pre-Columbian South America?

(1) trade agreements(2) geographic features(3) imported religious ideas(4) peasant revolts

6. One way in which the people of the Tibetan kingdom and the people of the Inca Empire are similar is that they

(1) developed coastal ports(2) adapted mountainous terrains(3) designed ships to conduct global trade(4) introduced camel caravans as their primary

form of transportation

6. One way in which the people of the Tibetan kingdom and the people of the Inca Empire are similar is that they

(1) developed coastal ports(2) adapted mountainous terrains(3) designed ships to conduct global trade(4) introduced camel caravans as their primary

form of transportation

7. Which statement best describes Aztec civilization at the time of the Encounter?

(1) Small groups of nomadic clans competed for food.

(2) Various ethnic groups had representation in a legislative body.

(3) Absence of a social class structure created unsettled living conditions.

(4) Advanced agricultural practices supported large urban centers.

7. Which statement best describes Aztec civilization at the time of the Encounter?

(1) Small groups of nomadic clans competed for food.

(2) Various ethnic groups had representation in a legislative body.

(3) Absence of a social class structure created unsettled living conditions.

(4) Advanced agricultural practices supported large urban centers.

4B) Ming Dynasty

8. The restoration of Chinese rule, the voyages of Zheng He, and the reintroduction of civil service examinations are all associated with the

(1) Ming dynasty (3) Songhai Empire(2) Abbassid dynasty (4) Delhi sultanate

8. The restoration of Chinese rule, the voyages of Zheng He, and the reintroduction of civil service examinations are all associated with the

(1) Ming dynasty (3) Songhai Empire(2) Abbassid dynasty (4) Delhi sultanate

9. The Ming dynasty under Emperor Yonglo (Zhu di) used Zheng He’s voyages to

(1) expand trade with Africa and Southeast Asia(2) explore North America and South America(3) obtain a military alliance with Russia(4) secure a border agreement with Mongolia

9. The Ming dynasty under Emperor Yonglo (Zhu di) used Zheng He’s voyages to

(1) expand trade with Africa and Southeast Asia(2) explore North America and South America(3) obtain a military alliance with Russia(4) secure a border agreement with Mongolia

10. Korea has frequently served as a cultural bridge between

(1) Cambodia and Vietnam(2) Russia and India(3) Thailand and Indonesia(4) China and Japan

10. Korea has frequently served as a cultural bridge between

(1) Cambodia and Vietnam(2) Russia and India(3) Thailand and Indonesia(4) China and Japan

11. One role Korea had in the development of East Asia was

(1) protecting China from a Japanese invasion along China’s western frontier

(2) challenging Japan for control of Southeast Asian islands

(3) allying itself with the Vietnamese to conquer China

(4) passing cultural ideas from China to Japan

11. One role Korea had in the development of East Asia was

(1) protecting China from a Japanese invasion along China’s western frontier

(2) challenging Japan for control of Southeast Asian islands

(3) allying itself with the Vietnamese to conquer China

(4) passing cultural ideas from China to Japan

12. During the Ming dynasty, why did China enjoy a favorable balance of trade with Europe?

(1) The Ming dynasty imported numerous manufactured goods from Europe.

(2) China exported large quantities of opium to European traders.

(3) Chinese silk continued to be in high demand in Europe.

(4) The Ming dynasty paid tribute to European traders.

12. During the Ming dynasty, why did China enjoy a favorable balance of trade with Europe?

(1) The Ming dynasty imported numerous manufactured goods from Europe.

(2) China exported large quantities of opium to European traders.

(3) Chinese silk continued to be in high demand in Europe.

(4) The Ming dynasty paid tribute to European traders.

13. One way in which the Ming dynasty in the early 1400s and the Spanish monarchy in the late 1400s are similar is that both governments

(1) promoted religious diversity(2) encouraged democratic reforms(3) emphasized equal rights for women(4) supported the expansion of overseas trade

13. One way in which the Ming dynasty in the early 1400s and the Spanish monarchy in the late 1400s are similar is that both governments

(1) promoted religious diversity(2) encouraged democratic reforms(3) emphasized equal rights for women(4) supported the expansion of overseas trade

4C) The Ottoman Empire

14. Which factor most contributed to the cultural diversity of the Ottoman Empire?

(1) legal system based on the Qur’an (Koran)(2) central location spanning Europe, Africa, and

Asia(3) alliances with the Russians and Hapsburgs(4) reliance on colonies in the Americas

14. Which factor most contributed to the cultural diversity of the Ottoman Empire?

(1) legal system based on the Qur’an (Koran)(2) central location spanning Europe, Africa, and

Asia(3) alliances with the Russians and Hapsburgs(4) reliance on colonies in the Americas

15. For which achievement is Suleiman the Magnificent best known?

(1) building the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem(2) spreading Christianity into the Balkan

Peninsula(3) conquering the Russian capital of Moscow(4) uniting the Ottoman Empire under an

efficient government structure

15. For which achievement is Suleiman the Magnificent best known?

(1) building the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem(2) spreading Christianity into the Balkan

Peninsula(3) conquering the Russian capital of Moscow(4) uniting the Ottoman Empire under an

efficient government structure

16. The location of the Ottoman Empire had an impact on the

(1) trade between Europe and Asia(2) conquest of Spain by the Muslims(3) spread of Buddhism into Southeast Asia(4) decline in the Atlantic slave trade

16. The location of the Ottoman Empire had an impact on the

(1) trade between Europe and Asia(2) conquest of Spain by the Muslims(3) spread of Buddhism into Southeast Asia(4) decline in the Atlantic slave trade

• Captured the city of Constantinople in 1453• Benefited from rich trade along the

Mediterranean Sea• Ruled by Suleiman the Lawgiver

17. Which empire best fits these descriptions?

(1) Roman (3) Mongol(2) Ottoman (4) Songhai

• Captured the city of Constantinople in 1453• Benefited from rich trade along the

Mediterranean Sea• Ruled by Suleiman the Lawgiver

17. Which empire best fits these descriptions?

(1) Roman (3) Mongol(2) Ottoman (4) Songhai

18. Which event marked the rise in power of the Ottoman Empire in 1453?

(1) birth of Muhammad(2) conquest of Constantinople(3) siege of Vienna(4) death of Saladin

18. Which event marked the rise in power of the Ottoman Empire in 1453?

(1) birth of Muhammad(2) conquest of Constantinople(3) siege of Vienna(4) death of Saladin

19. One similarity in the policies of Louis XIV and of Suleiman the Magnificent is that both leaders

(1) expanded their empires in the Americas(2) encouraged the growth of democracy(3) increased the power of their central

governments(4) abolished the bureaucracy

19. One similarity in the policies of Louis XIV and of Suleiman the Magnificent is that both leaders

(1) expanded their empires in the Americas(2) encouraged the growth of democracy(3) increased the power of their central

governments(4) abolished the bureaucracy

4D) The Age of Exploration

20. Which technological development enabled European navigators to determine their location during the Age of Exploration?

(1) lateen sail (3) cross bow(2) astrolabe (4) caravel

20. Which technological development enabled European navigators to determine their location during the Age of Exploration?

(1) lateen sail (3) cross bow(2) astrolabe (4) caravel

21. One way in which the Atlantic slave trade and the Jewish diaspora are similar is that both

(1) forced people to migrate(2) encouraged the growth of secularism(3) created conditions leading to the Encounter(4) resulted from the fall of Constantinople

21. One way in which the Atlantic slave trade and the Jewish diaspora are similar is that both

(1) forced people to migrate(2) encouraged the growth of secularism(3) created conditions leading to the Encounter(4) resulted from the fall of Constantinople

22. What was a result of the efforts of Prince Henry of Portugal, Christopher Columbus, and Ferdinand Magellan?

(1) The importance of Mediterranean trade routes was established.

(2) The modern concept of universal human rights was promoted.

(3) The European view of the physical world was transformed.

(4) An understanding of the benefits of cultural diversity was encouraged

22. What was a result of the efforts of Prince Henry of Portugal, Christopher Columbus, and Ferdinand Magellan?

(1) The importance of Mediterranean trade routes was established.

(2) The modern concept of universal human rights was promoted.

(3) The European view of the physical world was transformed.

(4) An understanding of the benefits of cultural diversity was encouraged

23. Why is the year 1492 considered a turning point in history?

(1) The Spanish established an exchange between Europe and the Americas.

(2) The Ming dynasty launched expeditions to the east coast of Africa.

(3) Muslim Arab armies succeeded in conquering Egypt and Syria.

(4) The British established control over new territories in India.

23. Why is the year 1492 considered a turning point in history?

(1) The Spanish established an exchange between Europe and the Americas.

(2) The Ming dynasty launched expeditions to the east coast of Africa.

(3) Muslim Arab armies succeeded in conquering Egypt and Syria.

(4) The British established control over new territories in India.

24. Which country is responsible for the extensive colonial use of the encomienda labor system?

(1) England (3) the Netherlands(2) France (4) Spain

24. Which country is responsible for the extensive colonial use of the encomienda labor system?

(1) England (3) the Netherlands(2) France (4) Spain

25. One reason Spain sponsored the first voyage of Columbus to the west was to

(1) find a more direct trade route to Asia(2) obtain military technology(3) make contact with the Empire of Benin(4) trade in established ports in the Americas

25. One reason Spain sponsored the first voyage of Columbus to the west was to

(1) find a more direct trade route to Asia(2) obtain military technology(3) make contact with the Empire of Benin(4) trade in established ports in the Americas

26. In the late 1400s and early 1500s, what was a major reason for the European voyages of exploration?

(1) introduction of Enlightenment ideas(2) desire to control Constantinople(3) rapid industrialization(4) need for alternate trade routes

26. In the late 1400s and early 1500s, what was a major reason for the European voyages of exploration?

(1) introduction of Enlightenment ideas(2) desire to control Constantinople(3) rapid industrialization(4) need for alternate trade routes

27. What was one effect of the Columbian exchange on European society?

(1) Migration to the Americas declined.(2) Horses were acquired for the first time.(3) The population increased with the

introduction of new foods.(4) The Christian Church was divided into Roman

Catholic and Orthodox.

27. What was one effect of the Columbian exchange on European society?

(1) Migration to the Americas declined.(2) Horses were acquired for the first time.(3) The population increased with the

introduction of new foods.(4) The Christian Church was divided into Roman

Catholic and Orthodox.

28. During the first Global Age (A.D. 1450–1770), European countries obtained both a source of raw materials and a reliable market for their finished goods by developing

(1) the policy of mercantilism(2) laissez-faire principles(3) trade cooperatives(4) forts along the Silk Roads

28. During the first Global Age (A.D. 1450–1770), European countries obtained both a source of raw materials and a reliable market for their finished goods by developing

(1) the policy of mercantilism(2) laissez-faire principles(3) trade cooperatives(4) forts along the Silk Roads

29. The Encounter occurred as a result of European explorers crossing the

(1) Atlantic Ocean(2) Sahara Desert(3) Andes Mountains(4) Mediterranean Sea

29. The Encounter occurred as a result of European explorers crossing the

(1) Atlantic Ocean(2) Sahara Desert(3) Andes Mountains(4) Mediterranean Sea

30. In colonial Spanish America, which system was developed by the Spanish to support plantation agriculture?

(1) barter (3) domestic(2) encomienda (4) guild

30. In colonial Spanish America, which system was developed by the Spanish to support plantation agriculture?

(1) barter (3) domestic(2) encomienda (4) guild

31. Why is Catholicism a major religion practiced in Latin America?

(1) Spain conquered and colonized much of Latin America.

(2) Disputes over international boundaries within Latin America were settled by the pope.

(3) The traditional beliefs of Africans were incorporated into the cultures of Latin America.

(4) The Church provided Latin America with a strong central government.

31. Why is Catholicism a major religion practiced in Latin America?

(1) Spain conquered and colonized much of Latin America.

(2) Disputes over international boundaries within Latin America were settled by the pope.

(3) The traditional beliefs of Africans were incorporated into the cultures of Latin America.

(4) The Church provided Latin America with a strong central government.

32. In the traditional Hindu caste system and in the social hierarchy of colonial Latin America, the status of a person was usually determined by

(1) education (3) birth(2) wealth (4) power

32. In the traditional Hindu caste system and in the social hierarchy of colonial Latin America, the status of a person was usually determined by

(1) education (3) birth(2) wealth (4) power

33. The Columbian exchange is most closely associated with the beginnings of

(1) mercantilism (3) mass production(2) humanism (4) scientific socialism

33. The Columbian exchange is most closely associated with the beginnings of

(1) mercantilism (3) mass production(2) humanism (4) scientific socialism

34. The encomienda system, the latifundia form of land ownership, and the office of viceroy are all closely associated with

(1) Spanish rule in Latin America(2) pre-Columbian practices of Native Americans(3) attempts to halt the drug trade in South

America(4) reduction of trade barriers in the Western


34. The encomienda system, the latifundia form of land ownership, and the office of viceroy are all closely associated with

(1) Spanish rule in Latin America(2) pre-Columbian practices of Native Americans(3) attempts to halt the drug trade in South

America(4) reduction of trade barriers in the Western


35. The Spanish encomienda system in the Americas resulted in

(1) the strengthening of indigenous cultures(2) political independence for the colonies(3) the exploitation of natives(4) religious freedom for the majority of


35. The Spanish encomienda system in the Americas resulted in

(1) the strengthening of indigenous cultures(2) political independence for the colonies(3) the exploitation of natives(4) religious freedom for the majority of


36. Which region’s colonial class structure included peninsulares, creoles, and mestizos?

(1) western Europe (3) East Asia(2) sub-Saharan Africa (4) Latin America

36. Which region’s colonial class structure included peninsulares, creoles, and mestizos?

(1) western Europe (3) East Asia(2) sub-Saharan Africa (4) Latin America

37. The combined usage of the caravel, compass, and astrolabe in the late 1400s helped bring about the

(1) migration of the Bantu(2) exploration of the Americas(3) introduction of Buddhism to East Asia(4) voyages of Zheng He

37. The combined usage of the caravel, compass, and astrolabe in the late 1400s helped bring about the

(1) migration of the Bantu(2) exploration of the Americas(3) introduction of Buddhism to East Asia(4) voyages of Zheng He

4E) Absolutism

38. Which form of government is associated with the reigns of Suleiman the Magnificent, Akbar the Great, and Peter the Great?

(1) constitutional monarchy(2) direct democracy(3) theocracy(4) absolute monarchy

38. Which form of government is associated with the reigns of Suleiman the Magnificent, Akbar the Great, and Peter the Great?

(1) constitutional monarchy(2) direct democracy(3) theocracy(4) absolute monarchy

39. Oliver Cromwell led the Puritan Revolution in England in response to the

(1) passage of the Bill of Rights(2) autocratic rule of the king(3) implementation of mercantilism(4) defeat of the Spanish Armada

39. Oliver Cromwell led the Puritan Revolution in England in response to the

(1) passage of the Bill of Rights(2) autocratic rule of the king(3) implementation of mercantilism(4) defeat of the Spanish Armada

40. Akbar the Great, Suleiman the Magnificent, and Louis XIV are all rulers associated with

(1) natural rights (3) religious toleration(2) filial piety (4) absolutism

40. Akbar the Great, Suleiman the Magnificent, and Louis XIV are all rulers associated with

(1) natural rights (3) religious toleration(2) filial piety (4) absolutism

41. What was a major effect of the Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights on Great Britain?

(1) The power of the monarch was limited.(2) Ireland revolted against the monarchy.(3) Parliament was abolished.(4) A renewed interest in Greek and Roman

culture developed.

41. What was a major effect of the Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights on Great Britain?

(1) The power of the monarch was limited.(2) Ireland revolted against the monarchy.(3) Parliament was abolished.(4) A renewed interest in Greek and Roman

culture developed.

42. Which issue was a cause of the French Revolution?

(1) ineffective rule of Napoleon Bonaparte(2) nationalization of the Church(3) outrage over the use of the guillotine by the

Committee of Public Safety(4) demand of the Third Estate for more political


42. Which issue was a cause of the French Revolution?

(1) ineffective rule of Napoleon Bonaparte(2) nationalization of the Church(3) outrage over the use of the guillotine by the

Committee of Public Safety(4) demand of the Third Estate for more political


43. Which institution became stronger and limited the monarchy in order to end absolutism in England?

(1) banks (3) universities(2) Parliament (4) Anglican Church

43. Which institution became stronger and limited the monarchy in order to end absolutism in England?

(1) banks (3) universities(2) Parliament (4) Anglican Church

44. One similarity between the Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights is that both documents

(1) set up a two-party political system(2) placed limits on the power of the monarch(3) established the right to inherit the throne (4) guaranteed equal rights for all citizens

44. One similarity between the Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights is that both documents

(1) set up a two-party political system(2) placed limits on the power of the monarch(3) established the right to inherit the throne (4) guaranteed equal rights for all citizens

45. The rule of Akbar the Great is important because he

(1) admired legalism and emphasized oppression(2) recognized natural laws and supported

democracy(3) accepted diversity and practiced religious

toleration(4) supported equality and outlawed the caste


45. The rule of Akbar the Great is important because he

(1) admired legalism and emphasized oppression(2) recognized natural laws and supported

democracy(3) accepted diversity and practiced religious

toleration(4) supported equality and outlawed the caste


46. One way in which the reigns of Peter the Great and Catherine the Great are similar is that both leaders

(1) promoted the emancipation of serfs(2) strengthened the role of the Duma and

centralized royal power(3) shared their power with the Russian Orthodox

Church(4) pursued a policy of westernization and


46. One way in which the reigns of Peter the Great and Catherine the Great are similar is that both leaders

(1) promoted the emancipation of serfs(2) strengthened the role of the Duma and

centralized royal power(3) shared their power with the Russian Orthodox

Church(4) pursued a policy of westernization and


47. One way in which Akbar the Great, Suleiman the Magnificent, and Philip II are similar is that they

(1) attempted to colonize the Americas (2) supported democratic reforms in their

countries(3) tried to make Christianity the dominant

religion of Asia(4) controlled large empires at the height of

their power

47. One way in which Akbar the Great, Suleiman the Magnificent, and Philip II are similar is that they

(1) attempted to colonize the Americas (2) supported democratic reforms in their

countries(3) tried to make Christianity the dominant

religion of Asia(4) controlled large empires at the height of

their power

48. The primary purpose of the Magna Carta (1215) was to

(1) limit the power of King John(2) install Oliver Cromwell as dictator(3) justify the Glorious Revolution(4) charter the British East India Company

48. The primary purpose of the Magna Carta (1215) was to

(1) limit the power of King John(2) install Oliver Cromwell as dictator(3) justify the Glorious Revolution(4) charter the British East India Company

49. What was a key characteristic of an absolute monarchy in the 16th and 17th centuries?

(1) centralized governmental authority(2) increased political rights for peasants and

serfs(3) freedom of religion(4) a system of checks and balances

49. What was a key characteristic of an absolute monarchy in the 16th and 17th centuries?

(1) centralized governmental authority(2) increased political rights for peasants and

serfs(3) freedom of religion(4) a system of checks and balances

50. The signing of the Magna Carta in 1215 and the Glorious Revolution in 1688 were key events in English history because they resulted in

(1) creating alliances with France(2) defeating Protestant nobles(3) limiting the power of the monarchy(4) annexing territory

50. The signing of the Magna Carta in 1215 and the Glorious Revolution in 1688 were key events in English history because they resulted in

(1) creating alliances with France(2) defeating Protestant nobles(3) limiting the power of the monarchy(4) annexing territory

51. One way in which Akbar the Great, Ivan the Terrible, and Louis XIV are similar is that they were all

(1) theocratic rulers (3) absolute rulers(2) elected leaders (4) enlightened despots

51. One way in which Akbar the Great, Ivan the Terrible, and Louis XIV are similar is that they were all

(1) theocratic rulers (3) absolute rulers(2) elected leaders (4) enlightened despots

52. What happened in Russia as a result of actions taken by Peter the Great?

(1) Russia was weakened by French invasions.(2) Catholicism was adopted as the state

religion.(3) The Duma was reformed and the serfs were

freed.(4) Russia borrowed Western ideas and

expanded its territories.

52. What happened in Russia as a result of actions taken by Peter the Great?

(1) Russia was weakened by French invasions.(2) Catholicism was adopted as the state

religion.(3) The Duma was reformed and the serfs were

freed.(4) Russia borrowed Western ideas and

expanded its territories.

53. Which heading best completes the partial outline on British history below?

I. ________________________________A. Magna CartaB. Glorious RevolutionC. Bill of Rights

(1) Rise of Absolutism(2) Beginning of Socialism(3) Challenges to Papal Power(4) Evolution of Parliamentary Democracy

53. Which heading best completes the partial outline on British history below?

I. ________________________________A. Magna CartaB. Glorious RevolutionC. Bill of Rights

(1) Rise of Absolutism(2) Beginning of Socialism(3) Challenges to Papal Power(4) Evolution of Parliamentary Democracy

54. One similarity in the rule of Akbar the Great and the rule of Elizabeth I is that both leaders implemented policies that encouraged

(1) compulsory education(2) military disarmament (3) voter participation(4) religious toleration

54. One similarity in the rule of Akbar the Great and the rule of Elizabeth I is that both leaders implemented policies that encouraged

(1) compulsory education(2) military disarmament (3) voter participation(4) religious toleration

55. In England, the key principles of the Magna Carta were fundamental to the development and growth of

(1) democracy (3) absolutism(2) theocracy (4) communism

55. In England, the key principles of the Magna Carta were fundamental to the development and growth of

(1) democracy (3) absolutism(2) theocracy (4) communism